Happy birthday to a young girl. Beautiful congratulations to a young girl in verse. Happy birthday greetings to a girl you know

I wish that youth and beauty do not fade, remaining with you forever. Conquer any heights, strive to build a successful career, be loved and desired, strong and cheerful. Happy birthday! Let your stunning appearance cause everyone's admiration and envy!

Always be stunning and irresistible. Let your mood always remain spring, regardless of the time of year. I wish to realize myself, find a calling, use every opportunity to achieve my goals. Happy birthday! Always be under the protection of your guardian angel!

Be attentive, positive and impetuous in order to succeed in everything in life. May you be able to realize yourself in your favorite activity; life brings only pleasant surprises and opens up new horizons. Happy birthday! I wish you a lot of interesting, good and beautiful things, be happy!

Let all the girls envy your stunning appearance, and let the guys go crazy at first sight. But don’t waste your time on trifles, trying to find that one and only love that happens only once in a lifetime. Happy birthday! Live brightly, cheerfully, beautifully, forgetting boredom and routine forever.

Happy birthday! Let your heart always rejoice in life, and let your soul be open to new and exciting adventures! Easily achieve what you want, never tire of striving for victories, achieve everything you wanted. I wish every moment to be rich and unique. Always believe in yourself.

May all your dreams, one after another, come true. I wish that fate is filled with romance, poetry and light, and that youth lasts forever. I want harmony, beauty and style to reign in my soul. Let happiness, music and fun be your companions. Happy birthday! Never be discouraged!

I wish you to be the most fantastic, sunny and happy! Let there be many wonderful prospects, let the positivity continue, let luck follow on your heels, stay young. Happy birthday!

May everyone appreciate, love and understand you. Always be on top, have many fans so that you can choose only the best and most worthy from them. Let them carry you in their arms, let the stars send you luck, and let the rivers carry away sadness. Happy birthday!

May joy overwhelm you, your soul sing, and your beauty only become greater. I wish you to be delighted as often as possible, your heart to skip a beat from pleasant compliments, and all-encompassing and true love to come to you. Happy birthday!

I wish your figure to be stunning, your soul to be kind, and your thoughts to be brilliant. Let no failures come your way, let beauty conquer the world, and let generosity know no bounds. Happy birthday!

Congratulations to a Young Girl in Prose

Congratulations! Happy this great day. Be slim and beautiful, let your smile warm and give happiness to those around you. I wish you all the best in your beautiful young life. I never cease to admire you and your kindness. Let joy and happiness come your way, because you deserve it more than anyone.

Let your dreams and desires smile at you. Remain the happiest on this planet. Let time not be an obstacle to your youth, and let harmony always reign in the family. And on your birthday, you will be the best, and your loved one will always support you.

May your beautiful eyes always shine with happiness. And your heart always beats joyfully from love. May everything in your life be wonderful, without grief and adversity. Let it be light, warm and clear, don’t be discouraged and don’t give up, always go forward.

Happy birthday, my dear! Remain as beautiful and loved. Don’t look back, believe in miracles as much as you always have. You make this world brighter, and you deserve great happiness.

On this wonderful day you were born, on this day you gave happiness to your parents. Let all adversity pass you by, and happiness keep pace with you. I wish you to find the love that you have been waiting for for so long.

Believe in your strength, remain as positive and crazy beautiful. Don't regret the past, and all your wishes will definitely come true. Let your pure beauty conquer this world just as you conquer men with it. Your wisdom has no limits and you deserve the same love without limits. Happy birthday dear!

On this very special and delightful day you were born. The most tender girl of angelic beauty, whose kindness has no boundaries. May your days be full of happiness, bright and joyful events, because you deserve all this more than anyone. Happy birthday, may your dreams come true.

Happy Birthday! You are a wonderful person and the sweetest young girl. Your beauty is dazzling, and your life should be just as dazzlingly beautiful. You are everyone's dream girl, stylish and bright. May there be no troubles in your life, may every day make you happy and bring you happiness.

You are an excellent beauty, fashionista, open and the most honest girl I have ever met. I have never met such a real, cheerful girl, your parents are lucky to have such a sweet daughter. Happy birthday to you! Stay as chic, cheerful, and be happy.

Where there is a birthday, there are always dreams. I wish you joy, and that in your eyes there is a spark of passion and love for life. Laugh more often because your laughter is amazing. I wish you many years, true friends, success in all your endeavors, true love, and true female happiness. Happy birthday!

I want to wish you that your youth lasts forever. May your beauty conquer men, and your intelligence allow you to achieve a lot. Be graceful, attractive, charming and stylish. Happy birthday, best day of the year!

You are a girl who can make this world kinder and more beautiful. You are like a star that can shine beautifully. I want no weather and no circumstances to affect your mood, and the desire to live allows you to achieve great results in life.

I wish you that your lips are honeyed. Let your look be shining. Be the star at any party. May you be greeted with joy in any company. Never get sick and keep the bar. Happy birth to this wonderful world!

Let your life resemble a blooming garden. Let men give you not only flowers, but also attention. I want to wish you to smile more often and be in a good mood. Always be sweet, gentle and charming. May good things happen to you. Happy birthday to you!

I wish you to travel more on the day you are born. May you be able to see the world and get more new emotions. May your loved ones never get sick. I wish you prosperity, peace of mind and good friends nearby.

You remind me of a rose. I want you to continue to bloom magnificently, delight your family and friends with your successes and receive compliments and gifts more often. May everything work out for you. And there will never be a reason for grief and worry. Happy birthday!

I wish you to become incredibly rich. Let wealth be not only money, but also friends, communication, and health. Let the sun warm you in the summer, and let the winter snow allow you to enjoy New Year's miracles. Appreciate every moment of life, happy birth to you!

I wish you never to lose confidence in yourself. May all your dreams come true. I wish you to meet good people on your life path and enjoy the holiday. Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday. You are perfection, you are sweet and charming, you are cheerful and active. Let nothing stand in your way of life. I wish you prosperity, love, strength and confidence. All the best to you. Congratulations!

On this day I want to wish you to maintain your health. Be irreplaceable and superior. Be stylish and fashionable and always try to develop and become prettier every day. Let the most beautiful words sound on this day, and let your actions speak for themselves!

Maybe you don't like your birthday. But you have no reason to be upset or worried. Everything is ahead of you. You look great and always try to treat everyone positively. Good luck to you, good health and good luck!

Congratulations on your birth. I wish you to relax by the sea, go on excursions, and communicate more. Let your circle of acquaintances and friends expand, and let love become your driving force. Happy birthday to you!

Let life be a continuous holiday. May the world be more beautiful for you. I wish you great health, strength, energy and beauty. Love to you and a strong family. Happy birthday to you! Please accept my sincere congratulations!

Let the clouds not affect your mood. Let the sun shine on your soul and there will be spring. Let a loving man always be there. I wish you a life of love and prosperity. I wish you happiness and success. Happy birthday!

I wish that a ship of fortune will come for you. I wish you to swim to the shores of success and swim in luck. I wish you a beautiful life, and most importantly, an easy and carefree one. I love and respect you! Happy birthday! Let your beauty amaze everyone around you and let pleasant congratulations ring out for you!

Happy birthday greetings to a young girl in prose

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Other congratulations

  • Happy birthday greetings to husband

    On your birthday, I want to tell you that I am happy to walk along the path of life with you. With you, any difficulties can be easily overcome, with you I feel warm in bad weather, with you my life is beautiful and charming.

    To you, birthday fisherman, I want to wish: firstly, never come home without a catch, secondly, be sure to catch a goldfish, and thirdly, have loyal friends and associates nearby

Let the day be full of surprises,
Pleasant meetings, beautiful words.
After all, a birthday is the occasion
Feel the love fully.
You are young, fresh, beautiful...
Fall in love, laugh, inspire!
Be positive and happy.
And never be discouraged!

Usually on a day this big
Which is called Birthday
Friends with an open mind
Congratulations are coming to you.
So let life be pure,
And let every day be brighter
And for the beauty of life
I came to you as a gift!

Sweet, gentle, bright, pure,
May this day when you were born,
Radiant happiness will smile on you,
Troubles and sorrows will pass.
May it never, never end
Your faith in the coming of spring,
May all your dreams and hopes come true.
Fairy tales and dreams come true...

May life always be fun!
Let spring bloom in your soul,
Let luck not pass you by,
Let your life be a fairy tale,
And love shines beautifully in her!

A beautiful girl like you
What can you wish for your birthday?
Smiles, tenderness, love and warmth.
And bloom stronger every day!

Let your eyes always shine
From the happiness of an unquenchable fire,
May a happy star illuminate your path.
Once again, happy birthday to you!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a young girl in verse

Happy birthday to you!
As always, you are the most beautiful of all.
Be happy, I wish you love
Tender, pure, for thousands of years.

May you never have to be sad
Light up the world with your smile.
And let your heart beat to the beat of the music,
Don't lose your faith in your dream.

May fortune fulfill your wishes,
Let things go smoothly
Let all your efforts not be in vain,
And manage to reach your goal.

Your birthday cake is so big
And there are still so few candles on it,
And that means living for you under the sun, under the moon
Another hundred years - the cuckoo said so.
And I will say: all these hundred years
May you be full of joy and happiness,
And may once upon a time be a hundred lights
They will light up merrily on the hundredth cake.

A lush bow over your head,
Like a flower in bloom...
Eh! What's wrong with you?
Holiday Birthday?
Happiness sparkles shine
In a rainbow of fun...
Always be among the guys
A spring flower!

Happy birthday!
I wish you health, success and happiness,
Let the world smile like a clear sun,
May your every day be the most wonderful,
May happiness always stand in your way,
Let your smile give people joy!

Be cheerful and lovely
Be beautiful and wonderful
So that you please everyone,
So that success awaits you in life:
Both in work and in study,
And in the personal firmament,
So that all children's dreams
Come true in an instant, as you say.
In general, I wish a lot
Happy birthday.
Stay beautiful
Cute, fabulous and cool.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy this bright and wonderful day!
I wish you sunshine in your soul,
Joy, fun full house!

Like today, always be beautiful!
Caress to you, tenderness, love!
So that in life, bright and happy,
All your dreams have come true!

You eat and the stars melt,
Like kisses on the lips
Look, the heavens are playing
In your divine eyes.
You walk and all your movements
All actions and all traits
So full of feeling and expression,
So full of wondrous simplicity!
Fate gave you to me, dear,
And I don’t know a better gift!

We wish you much, much happiness,
We want you to be young in life
The road you took
It did not become a narrow path.
We wish you more love
Huge, pure, like a tear
And to smile more often
Your happy eyes!

Today is an ordinary day.
There was morning in it, there will be evening.
But this clear, bright day
Marked by fate for you!
And many years have passed since then
How your cry soared above the ground,
And he immediately notified everyone that
That a person was born.
And so, today, on your holiday
We sincerely congratulate you,
Good health to you,
And we wish you personal happiness!

Today is your birthday,
It doesn’t matter how many times it hit.
So be forever young
After all, life is given to us only once!
We won't worry about it,
That birthdays add years to us,
After all, the main thing is to be able to live them like that,
So that there is no room for regret.
We wish you a life full to the brim,
So that there is no bad weather in the soul,
In short, without further ado, -
Great human happiness!

Congratulate a young girl on her birthday beautifully in verse

May this day be beautiful, clear,
May happiness never pass you by.
Let the mood be wonderful
Let your wishes always come true!

May this day greet you with a smile
Cruel fate will not upset you
Let the one to whom your smile shines
He will love you once and for all.

Let the flowers and sunshine of May
They will be there all year round.
Happy Birthday, dear!
A bright life, without worries.
Without illnesses, tears, worries
Morning, evening, always
To be in a good mood
Even when it's cloudy.

Happy birthday
I wish you happiness and joy!
So that your health is strong
Yes, everything was going well in business
And more often in life it’s sweet
Everything happened as in dreams!

Congratulations to you, dear
We want to glorify a little,
And wash your new frontier,
And reveal secret feelings!
All your features are good,
Although it looks stern.
Anyone will forgive you for this,
For the charm of the most tender soul,
For friendship, the desire to help.
For your devotion, your loyalty.
Are you capable of overcoming everything?
And survive in an unequal battle!

May your wishes come true!
Let your secret dreams
They will find worthy recognition
Delicate features will soften!

I am vulnerable to the soullessness of others,
Unique with her soul,
Believe my premonitions -
Fate favors such people!

Happy birthday to a sweet and beautiful girl! I wish you a spring mood, lightness and warmth. May your eyes always shine with the sun. I wish you happiness, health, and fulfillment in your favorite activity. Always be positive and kind, attentive and impetuous. Smile, beauty, there are still many interesting things ahead!

Happy birthday to a charming girl, smart and beautiful. I wish that goals are achieved, wishes come true, dreams come true, guys fall in love, the heart rejoices in life, and the soul is inspired by happiness.

Happy birthday to a wonderful girl. I wish you to laugh from your heart, smile sincerely, always hope only for the good, constantly strive for your ideals, never give up on your cherished dreams, take the best from your life and always keep the bar high for splendor and beauty.

I wish you happiness in this big world, may there always be a smile on your face, may your dearest and closest people always be nearby. Be always happy.

The most beautiful girl in the world, congratulations on your holiday! You are super with us, you are magnificent, and everyone admires you! May your every day be unusual, eventful, positive and interesting! May your dreams come true one after another!

Happy birthday greetings to a young girl

It is my pleasure to congratulate you on your birthday! This is your day, and everything in this world today is just for you! All the best to you both at home and at work! I wish you to always remain as feminine, attractive and cheerful!

Dear birthday girl, happy birthday to you! I wish you a bright, present and rosy future. May your life be filled with light, music, poetry and romance. Let everything that is good in this world come to you and double, and let everything bad go away forever. May style, beauty and harmony be your eternal companions, along with happiness and love. Happy birthday!

If there is an ideal in the world, then it is embodied in our birthday girl. An ideal wife, mother, daughter, an ideal colleague and friend, and finally, just an ideal woman. Today we wish you a happy birthday! We wish you happiness and love, wealth in your soul and prosperity in your wallet, good luck and inspiration! Always be where you want, and only with those you want to be with. Live easily and joyfully. Happy birthday!

You give me your affection and warmth, tenderness, love, support, and understanding! You are the most amazing girl in the world! I fell in love with you irrevocably! And today is the most wonderful holiday of the year - your birthday! Dear, I cordially congratulate you on this! May everything be fine with you!

Happy birthday and wish you in alphabetical order: Aristocratic outfit, Pep, Delight in life, Grand events, Dynamic relationships, Raccoon coat, Pearl necklace, Golden husband, Ideal mother-in-law, Career growth, Hot love, Cooler car, Unforgettable pleasures, Hugs tender, Victories in disputes, Balance in the soul, Smart son, Talented daughter, Good luck in business, Enchanting holiday, Less hassle, More flowers, Royal bearing, Wonderful mood, Gorgeous gifts, Energetic friends, Personal jeweler and Yacht at sea!

Our dear beauty! On your birthday, we want to sincerely congratulate you and wish you all the best and most magical things that can happen in life. May your path in life be pleasant and easy, meet only those people who will bring love, peace and warmth into your life. We ask you to remain as blooming and charming always!

Hello, dear young lady! I hasten to congratulate you on turning eighteen again. I wish you unlimited harmony in life. Fulfillment of any and every dream you have. Let there be only a cloudless sky above your head. I wish you simple feminine happiness! And so that grief and bad weather never touch your clear eyes, glowing with happiness.

Congratulations to a kind, sincere, magnificent woman on her birthday. We wish you to flutter like a butterfly, bloom like a rose in spring, shine like the sun. Let your family and friends please you with care, understanding, warmth and respect. You are beautiful, elegant, always irresistible.

Happy Birthday, Queen of Kindness! I wish this year to be full of pleasures, surprises, falling in love, bright meetings, travel, shopping, tenderness, romance and good news! Become even more beautiful, even kinder, even smarter, richer, more useful, more interesting and happier! And I wish you a wonderful celebration of your birthday!

I wish you only one thing, but the main thing: be happy! This concept is very capacious and includes everything that is necessary in life! Don’t regret anything and always look forward with optimism and a smile! Happy birthday!

Congratulate a young girl on her birthday in prose

May everything be as you dream today - the weather outside will be beautiful and you will be in a wonderful mood! May everything that your guests wish for you today come true, and may your life be filled with light, happiness and kindness! Let the congratulations and toasts never cease, and let the best words sound in your honor! Let there be many smiles, sunshine, warmth and joy in life, and let happiness always live in the house!

We all wish you, our dear, to remain as sunny and clear, so that your life is like a kind, happy and interesting fairy tale. Harmony, love and harmony to you! And may you always have enough time for yourself, beloved!

To you, young as a spring morning, woman, I wish you showers of stars in the sky, joy in your soul, and to take credit for a bright summer day! I wish you to simply exist, not to rush, but to see all the colors of day and night, and create a bright and cloudless picture of your own life! May miracles happen in your life all the time, and may all changes be only for the better!

Happy Birthday! I wish you health, mutual love, joy, good luck in all your endeavors, positive emotions, true friends, bright, unforgettable meetings, long life, prosperity, energy and always a good mood! Be happy, dear!

Happy Birthday! I wish that your life will always be beautiful, filled with hope and prosperity, the smiles of friends, the delight of fans and the loyalty of loved ones, dreams and the ease of their fulfillment! I also wish you extraordinary luck, dizziness from success, intoxication from happiness and love!

Youth is the most wonderful period in the life of any person, and it is especially valuable for a girl. This is the time when everything has to be perfect down to the smallest detail. Knowing this, try to choose exactly the kind of happy birthday greetings for a young girl that will please the birthday girl on her personal holiday. Giving a gift and congratulating a young girl is a great way to bring her joy on her birthday. Congratulations and wishes will be the most sincere and kind if you put your soul into them.

Happy Birthday dear!
This spring time
Stay forever young
Pure, tender, young.

May good luck accompany you
And love burns in the eyes
Lots of joy to boot
And success in all your endeavors.

Youth is the time of unearthly dreams and desires,
The whole world seems beautiful, and all the rules have been forgotten,
You're flying above the clouds with your wings spread wide,
And strive for your goal, making every effort!
Young, beautiful, everyone is standing around you,
They congratulate you on your birthday and look at you with admiration!

Happy birthday to a wonderful girl. I wish you to laugh from your heart, smile sincerely, always hope only for the good, constantly strive for your ideals, never give up on your cherished dreams, take the best from your life and always keep the bar high for splendor and beauty.

Rosy cheeks, soft voice,
A kind smile, a painted temple.
The most beautiful, the time is approaching,
The most exciting, warm game.
Somewhere along the alley, in the light of the lanterns,
That boy walks around, who is your destiny
It may happen one day - wait for that moment.
It will bloom like a cherry, soon your life.
I wish that, pure as crystal,
This wonderful moment has come quickly!

Honey, happy birthday.
You, like a star, shine
And happy moments
Don't let go of yourself.

Let them stay longer
To live in your tender heart.
Let there be more attention
To treasure it!

You are at the dawn of life, you have everything ahead,
And the future is seen only in bright colors.
May there be no storms or rains on the way,
Let life be like a good fairy tale.

So young, naive and kind,
You are worthy of love and admiration.
Happy holiday, beauty, to you,
Happy wonderful birthday!

Young, slim, smart, beautiful,
At times modest, and at times playful,
On this birthday, bright wishes,
Super mood and greetings!

May your cherished dreams certainly come true,
Bad troubles will soon be forgotten!
All to you, beauty, always be happy,
Do what you like, be loved by everyone!

You have just entered the road of life,
And your first steps are easy.
And I want to wish you on your birthday,
May your days go by with ease.

So that the years flash by in succession,
And you were still just as good.
So that happiness does not leave you,
So that the soul is forever young.

Dream, smile, change outfits,
Read magazines and keep up everywhere,
Live colorfully, I wish you luck -
That's how I congratulate you on your birthday!
And the main thing I want to wish is -
Suddenly meet true love!

You are smart, young, beautiful
And beautiful - no doubt!
We want you to find
An answer to any question.

On your wonderful birthday
You are incomparable, my dear,
Youth is a joyful time,
May you always live like this.

You flutter in the skies like a swallow,
Viburnum color in lush hair,
You breathe youth and spring,
And a sweet smile with you!

Happy birthday, warmest congratulations,
I wish you to enjoy life,
And love, cherish love,
It's interesting to live your life!

Fly on dates, melting with happiness,
And hugging your beloved so tightly,
So that the whole world envy you,
That there is no one happier in the world!

May all your dreams be on your birthday,
Like a click, they will come true!
To make you happier
I wish you to smile more often!

May there be many flowers
Gifts, sweet compliments,
Only pleasant, kind words
And wonderful moments!

Let the heart sing songs
About how beautiful your life is,
May only joy await you
And the ray of luck shines clearly!

You're still so young
And your soul blooms!
Day by day you only become more beautiful,
And today you will become older -
Birthday has arrived
Gave you joy!
Let your eyes laugh
Let them fall in love with you;
It's like you stepped out of a fairy tale,
I beckon with my beauty!

This is how youth shines in you,
Hope, energy, enthusiasm!
Everything is still ahead in your destiny,
Which runs in a living pattern.

Your birthday is like one flower
In the bouquet of life bright and wonderful,
May the path through life be wide,
He will be happy and interesting!

Friends gathered at the club today,
Celebrate your birthday again!
Youth is a wonderful time
You are wonderful today, honestly!

Surrounded by cute friends,
You stand out with your smile
You can't put your finger in your mouth,
This would be a fatal mistake.

Stay as crazy as you are
Joyful, a little carefree!
To fill your days with happiness,
The sadness was random, fleeting!

Celebrating birthday
There is no need to count the years.
You're so young
Don't rush to become more mature.

Stretch your palms towards the sun,
Smile at the wind and the stars.
The heart beats to the rhythm of the dance,
There is a great life ahead.

If you want to be happy,
Try to be her.
I always wish you
To be loved and to love.

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday to you, nymph.
I wish you beauty, happiness,
Fantastic luck.

Let the fans crowd
Stones also give furs,
I wish for an oligarch
Choose to be the groom.

Let the smile decorate
Your sweet face,
I wish, darling,
May you be lucky in everything.

Happy Birthday,
Be as beautiful as you are now!
And a kind, bright smile,
Always make us happy!

Nature wildly celebrates your birth,
And we, of course, are together with her.
We wish you that with great pleasure
You walked through life as if in a song, like in a movie.

May your every day be bright and beautiful,
Let everything work out like in a fairy tale, okay
Let the meaning of events be only kind and clear,
And your path will be smooth, like delicate silk.

Happy birthday! My wonderful one, I wish you to receive a bouquet of joy and a box of happiness as a gift today, to celebrate in an atmosphere of love, beauty and incredible tenderness! And let your heart be intoxicated by such a set all year long!

I wish you bright and tender flowers,
And let the sun shine in winter,
And the light of the star will be boundless,
We wish to always be like this.

I wish you happiness, adventures,
So that the days are filled with them,
Wonderful, fabulous moments,
So that everyone remains in memory,
And let it be in beautiful harmony
Your days and nights pass,
And may luck not forget
Do whatever you want!

Let the stars shine in your eyes,
Let happiness sparkle like champagne,
May tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on your heart.
Let this day be like the song of a nightingale,
Bad weather will erase all the gloomy days.
May your life be like the May dawn
Brings love and happiness every day!

With all my heart without verbosity
Wish You happiness and health.
Be sweet and beautiful
And, of course, happy!

Happy Birthday to You,
May there be happiness for years to come,
All dreams come true,
And every day in great love!
Enormous wealth
So that no one forgets you,
And my soul was warm,
The rest doesn't matter!

Accept my wishes on this holiday,
He added another year, the prankster,
But this is not a reason for sadness at all,
The men all look after you the same way.

Let your eyes shine carelessly with happiness,
Let life be light and bright, like in a fairy tale,
I wish you to be beautiful, tender, happy,
Love and always be the most loved!

Dear, I want to congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you to bloom like a rose
And smell the fragrance, spread out all the petals,
Find harmony and happiness in your soul!

Let it shine brightly and colorfully
Yours is a star in this world,
Let luck notice you
And may there always be happiness.

Everything on this day is for you. From dawn
Magic accompanies you.
Everything on this day is yours. And star bouquets
They burn in honor of your birthday.

Let time have no power over you,
And become, in spite of the calendars,
Younger from year to year and more beautiful,
Keeping love's cherished warmth!

Happy birthday! Today we wish you to dissolve in the holiday and forget about work and women’s household trifles. Become breathtakingly beautiful, stunningly fashionable, young like spring and happy like a child!

Congratulations and wish you warm days,
Passionate, tender and tearless nights.
Let them bloom for you, the only one
Gardens are in the souls of people who are waiting at home.

Congratulations on your holiday - birthday. May you be presented with only desired gifts on this day, and may the words of congratulations be the most beautiful, romantic and sublime!

You were sent to us by an angel from Heaven,
And your birth is a miracle of miracles.
Be always caressed by happiness and fate,
You brought so much joy into the world!

Please accept my congratulations
They were given with a light heart.
Luck will be your friend
After all, people need friends in life.

You are beautiful like a bright morning
Your birthday is a holiday for everyone,
Be as beautiful and wise
Let your captivating laughter sound.

I wish to be the richest in this world. But not with furs, diamonds and cars, but with healthy and obedient children, a loving and faithful husband, living parents, youth of body and soul.

Happy birthday to the most charming woman in the world! We wish you to always walk through life with the confident step of a queen and catch the admiring glances of men!

Happy Birthday!
Happy Day of Gifts and Communication!
Congratulations! Be beautiful!
Kind, sweet, sensitive, cool!

Smile constantly
Be loved and desired!
Full of life, young
Bright, sunny, dear!

Congratulations! What more could you wish for such a delightful and divine woman? Of course, attention from others, from life - only a white streak, and from harmony, filling your every day with your breath.

Like the sky - the happiness of women, boundless,
Love - like stars, bright, unearthly,
Like a ray of sunshine - a gentle touch,
I wish you on your birthday!

I wish you on your birthday, beauty,
A man is like a prince, and a treasure is like a find!
A car, like in a movie, seas, like in an advertisement,
Happiness, like in a fairy tale, love, like in a novel!

Happy birthday to you! Let your best friends gather at the festive table today! We wish you women's happiness - great and real! I wish you health, love and eternal youth!

Happy birthday!
Be happy always.
On a beautiful day I wish
So that I never know problems,
So that happiness shines like the sun,
So that you bloom under him like spring,
So that you always walk cheerfully,
And you were always young!

I wish you joyful and sunny days,
I wish you luck, be more fun,
Love, playboy friend,
So that there is no end to the caresses,
Smiles, prosperity, comfort of love -
Capture life's beautiful moments!
May everyone's dreams come true,
And happiness will be where you are!

On a wonderful birthday
I want to wish you happiness,
And with it - joy, success,
Be beautiful, don't be sad!
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove,
And with laughter and smile
Rejoice and shine!

What could a girl wish for?
Always be yourself
Bloom like the brightest of flowers,
And fall asleep to sweet dreams.
Live, be inspired and love always,
And never on the road of life
Don't cry, don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
Don't give in to problems.
Let there be true friends nearby,
And let your loved ones support you, lovingly!

I wish you to be more beautiful than the dawn,
Good luck to you for many years to come,
Happy stars in your palm,
Love as strong as fire!
Great success in life -
And please yourself and others!

I wish you the happiest life!
I wish you to remain smart and beautiful.
At work you only have success,
At home - joy, comfort and laughter.
So that caress warms the heart
And nothing would hurt,
So that all problems are solved
And dreams always came true!

You are the kindest and most charming among us, and of course I wish you to remain like that! You deserve all the best that is in this world, so let all your deepest desires be sure to come true!

Happy birthday! Congratulations with all my heart! I wish you health and happiness and good luck in life! Always remain as you are. You have a lot of wonderful qualities, take care of them!

Always remain the same soulful person! Let your life circumstances turn out super-successfully! I wish you Love, love with a capital letter, mutual, beautiful and of course happy!

I wish you all the most beautiful and cheerful things - love, bright unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements! Happy birthday!

We wish you much, much happiness,
We want you to be young in life
The road you took
Didn't become a narrow path.
We wish you more love
Huge, pure, like a tear
And to smile more often
Your happy eyes!

On your long-awaited birthday
I hasten to congratulate you,
Happiness, joy, fun
We want to wish you
So that worries and sorrows
You never knew
May health and good luck
We were always nearby!

I wish you happiness, I wish you kindness,
I wish you to be more beautiful than before!
I wish to be loved and to love, -
Beautiful, sincere and tender!!!

Today is an ordinary day.
There was morning in it, there will be evening.
But this clear, bright day
Marked by fate for you!
And many years have passed since then
How your cry soared above the ground,
And he immediately notified everyone that
That a person was born.
And so, today, on your holiday
We sincerely congratulate you,
Good health to you,

And we wish you personal happiness!

May sorrows be forgotten on this day,
And the sun will smile at you in the morning,
And he will wish you affectionately with rays
For many years of goodness.
We wish you happiness and health,
We wish you cheerfulness and strength,
So that every day of ordinary life
He only brought you joy!

Today is your birthday,
It doesn’t matter how many times it hit.
So be forever young
After all, life is given to us only once!
We won't worry about it,
That birthdays add years to us,
After all, the main thing is to be able to live them like this,
So that there is no room for regret.
We wish you a life full to the brim,
So that there is no bad weather in the soul,
In short, without further ado, -
Great human happiness!

We wish you simple happiness
And quiet earthly joy.
May life's bad weather
Always bypassed.
As always, store it with care.
There are beautiful features in my soul.
As before, give generously to everyone.
Fire of spiritual warmth.

Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
Nice and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way into powerlessness.
Let everything you want come true.
Love to you, faith, hope, goodness!

It's a beautiful day and the sun is shining,
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of their hearts,
And you are the happiest in the world,
Where there is a birthday, there are dreams,
And I will congratulate you now,
I wish you great joy,
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday,
I wish you a colorful smile,
And the cake is higher than the ceiling,
So that all postcards shine,
May everything be as never before!

It doesn't matter how old you are,
Let this day be the dawn
Dawn for dear life,
With love, with great joy!
Let the fairy tale come in pairs,
Fulfills your wishes
And celebrating your birthday,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Always be cheerful and carefree,
Give up your family affairs

Oh! What a woman went!

Don't forget your makeup, of course.
Even if you're going home
So that everyone you meet involuntarily thinks -
Oh! What a Lady - my God!

And one more well-known tip,
Sometimes have a drink,
So that everyone you meet involuntarily thinks -
Oh! What the hell Baba!

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to you, darling!
Become more beautiful every year
May your work make you happy, your family,
Bloom and be even happier!

Happy birthday to the most charming lady in the world! I wish you to remain as elegant and charming and always bathe in bouquets of flowers and compliments!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world! Always radiate positivity, and let life answer you in kind!

I congratulate you on your birthday,
I’m sending inspiration via SMS,
Be happy, beautiful, successful,
The best tender girl in the world!

Today is his birthday
The most beautiful in the world.
I wish you, even if he doesn’t know
Longing soul. May it be early at dawn

Health and prosperity come to the house
And let them bring women’s happiness with them.
I wish that the tenth is your tenth
You met, warmed by love!

Today, every flower dreams of being included in one of the bouquets that you receive from loved ones. Each flower is ready to give its aroma and beauty for your happy smile. So let a smile often touch your beautiful lips and sparkle in your eyes. Let the sky hear your dreams and make them come true.

You always shine like the sun in the sky,
But today it’s even twice as good!
You accept a lot of compliments these days -
On this birthday my soul blossomed!

I also join in the congratulations:
Always be cheerful, light, young!
May your angel help you through life,

Charming sweet creature
Changeable like the weather itself
The secrets of the universe are kept in you,
And you keep getting better year after year!

On your day today we give wishes:
Be bright, sweet, a little groovy,
May all your cherished dreams
They will be fulfilled by finding their way to you!

gastroguru 2017