How to decorate clothes? Decorating clothes with flowers, embroidery, beads, rhinestones, accessories, crochet, ribbons, applique. Decorations for children's clothing. Do-it-yourself embroidery with beads and bugles on clothes. Decorating clothes with beads.

When world-famous designers began to use bead embroidery to decorate their clothing models, this type of needlework became popular again. Any thing after such modernization becomes unique. In addition, a woman dressed in a beaded outfit always attracts the attention of others, because the bright multi-colored beads sparkle and shimmer.

Beaded embroidery will not only decorate clothes, but also make each item of clothing exclusive. Craftsmen advise beginning needlewomen to use simple patterns in their work to gain experience. After this, you can embroider patterns with beads on clothes, the patterns of which will be larger and more complex.

It should be noted that the numbering of this type of material goes in the opposite direction, that is, the higher the number, the smaller the beads. Japanese decorative balls are considered the best in quality, Czech ones are in second place, and Taiwanese ones are in third place.

There are the following types of beads:

  1. Made of plastic, it is considered children's.
  2. Bugles are chopped tubes with a bright shine.
  3. Small glass beads in round, cylindrical and square shapes.
  4. Charlotte - small balls.
  5. Delica - small angular beads from Japan, the highest quality.
  6. Pony - large plastic, clay or glass beads of elongated shape.
  7. Barry - beads in the shape of seeds or butterflies.
  8. Drops - in the form of a drop.
  9. Twin - elongated in width with two holes.
  10. In the shape of a cube, square or triangle.

Beads, stones and rhinestones should be sewn especially tightly onto knitted and knitted items. This will ensure that the pattern maintains its integrity even if the thread breaks while the product is being worn. If any part of the ornament is lost, it will not be difficult to restore it.

Embroidery of things with decorative elements is carried out in two threads. For this, a special thread is used - linen-lavsan, but you can use cotton-lavsan and nylon. Sewing thread is always matched to the tone of the item of clothing on which the pattern will be. The color of the decor is not taken into account. To create a large ornament, synthetic canvas is used. After finishing the work, it is carefully removed from under the embroidery. The needles are chosen as thin as possible, since the beads have very small holes.

Large-sized embroidery, which will use a lot of beads, rhinestones and stones, is best done on a separate piece of fabric. In this case, the finished embroidered decor is carefully sewn onto the clothing so that it can be easily removed during washing.

Bugle bead embroidery

Bugles are oblong transparent and opaque cylinders with holes for thread. It comes in plastic, metal and glass and can come in many colors. If the tubes have an oblique cut, then they are called cutting.

Bugles are considered one of the varieties of beads that appeared in France and were used to decorate some interior items of palaces, for example, panels. Now these unusual beads are used not only for embroidery, but also for making various jewelry: bracelets, necklaces, necklaces.

Increasingly, fabrics are finished with beautiful tubes. Thanks to famous fashion designers who actively decorate their creations with glass beads, embroidery on clothes with glass beads is becoming increasingly popular, because fashion collections decorated with such decor surprise with their brightness and unusualness. In addition, with the help of beaded tubes you can update old things by decorating them with an embroidered pattern.

Working with this type of bead is quite simple. Nevertheless, in the process of embroidering with bugles, it is better to adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. For work, use strong threads, since thin ones can fray the uneven edges of the tubes.
  2. The cylinders are chosen to be even and of the same size.
  3. Bugles are sewn on with thin bead needles.
  4. The drawing from the paper must be transferred to the material.
  5. During the embroidery process, the tubes are placed close to each other, making sure that they lie flat on the fabric and at the same angle, covering the threads.

Bugles are so beautiful and effective that they are often used as an independent decoration. But still, its combination with other types of beads, beads, as well as ribbons and braid allows you to create real embroidered masterpieces on clothes.

Transferring the design to fabric

Any pattern is suitable for decorating wardrobe items. You can come up with it yourself or choose from numerous schemes on the Internet. The design is transferred to the fabric using one of the following methods:

Having transferred the ornament to the fabric, you can begin embroidery. It is important to follow each line of the drawing exactly, so the diagram should be clearly visible.

Description of the main seams

In order for the embroidery to look beautiful and not suffer when the item is worn and washed, it is necessary to sew on all the beaded decor correctly. Of course, first of all, you need to strictly follow the pattern chosen for decorating clothes, but when embroidering with beads, it is important to know what seams the decor is attached to the fabric.

It is better for beginning needlewomen to use seams that are considered basic:

Each needlewoman decides for herself which seam is best to use for the job. When choosing a sewing technique, you should take into account the type of decor used and the pattern of future embroidery.

Master class on dress embroidery

Clothes decorated with beaded patterns are undoubtedly very beautiful, and embroidering with this wonderful material is interesting and exciting. Step-by-step instructions for embroidering a dress with beads with your own hands will help needlewomen create a real sparkling masterpiece.

To work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • multi-colored beads;
  • lavsan or polyester threads matching the tone of the dress;
  • hoop;
  • paper;
  • thin needles for beading;
  • colored and graphite pencils;
  • copy paper.

If desired, you can add sequins, sparkles, stones and any other decor to the embroidery. The process of decorating a dress itself consists of the following stages:

Beading will make almost any dress beautiful and unique. And the woman who wears it will never go unnoticed.

Embroidering wardrobe items with beads helps you stand out from the crowd and make your life more colorful. In addition, this activity will help you update your favorite things that have already gone out of fashion. Another undoubted advantage of beads is that they can be used to embroider a T-shirt, jeans or an evening dress.

1. Light gray and pearl pink look great together. For this embroidery, take beads of the same color, but different sizes. Sew the largest ones first, then the smaller ones.

2. Decoration made from pearl beads can be complemented with rhinestones. Also, large beads can act as buttons.

Photo: creachiffon.

3. You can use rhinestones and beads to decorate the “collar” on a cardigan with a round neckline.

Photo: creachiffon.

4. Another version of a “collar” made of beads, this time in contrasting color to the color of the cardigan.

Photo: creachiffon.

5. It is better to first draw such a pattern on a jumper, and then embroider it with beads.

Photo: creachiffon.

6. In the same way, you can decorate a denim jacket with rhinestones and beads.

7. Pearls look especially delicate on angora or cashmere. Try embroidering the sleeves on a raglan model - beautiful and unusual.

Photo: creachiffon.

8. Another option for decorating a model with a raglan sleeve: rhinestones along the seam will make an ordinary knitted sweatshirt look elegant.

Photo: creachiffon.

9. Rhinestones and beads will add shine to a sweatshirt or T-shirt with a painted crystal (by the way, you can also draw a picture yourself using acrylic or fabric markers).

10. You can embroider a “necklace” on a T-shirt or tank top using beads and rhinestones.

Photo: creachiffon.

11. Option for decorating a blouse or T-shirt: “epaulet” + sleeve decoration

Photo: creachiffon.

12. Another version of the “epaulet” made of shiny elements. In this case, the shoulder line is further emphasized by beaded pendants.

Photo: creachiffon.

13. A simple T-shirt can be turned into an outfit for going out using beads and rhinestones.

Photo: creachiffon.

14. You can embroider an entire T-shirt or jumper with beads.

15. You can use rhinestones to lay out a pattern on the front of a shirt - for example, a denim one.

16. An option is to glue or sew them to the corners of the collar of such a shirt - this option will look especially elegant with a necklace made of similar beads.

17. A more strict and restrained decor is for a silk or chiffon blouse.

18. A bright, eye-catching option for a classic white shirt.

19. A modest but very cute decoration for a linen or cotton summer shirt.

Photo: Pinterest/Raquel Luna Designs

20. Another simple and cute option for decorating a blouse collar.

21. The most delicate decoration - for special occasions.

22. Another elegant decoration option - this one is suitable for a blouse made of fine, noble fabric.

23. By the way, you can also embroider the cuffs of a classic shirt - for example, “lining” them with a layer of beads.

24. Decoration made from braid or embroidery on the collar of a denim jacket or shirt will perfectly complement the “fringe” of beads and beads on the pocket flap.

25. You can decorate with beads only the yoke of a jeans or shirt.


26. An exceptionally elegant option that can even be used to decorate a wedding dress. At the same time, this decor is done quite easily.

Photo: creachiffon.

27. An option for decorating a smart blouse is for experienced needlewomen.

28. Another option that is not the simplest, but gives a luxurious result. Please note: not only the cuffs are embroidered, but also the edge of the frill.

29. The skirt can be embroidered with rhinestones, beads and seed beads almost entirely.

30. An option for decorating a denim jacket is for those who have enough time, patience and supplies of beads and beads.

31. Pearl jeans are a little easier to make.

32. Embroidery on jeans can be complemented with bead decoration.

33. Another option for decorating jeans with beads: this time the pearls are “concentrated” around the pockets. Attention: when decorating skirts, trousers, shorts and jeans, avoid sewing large beads on the back of the hips (otherwise you will find it extremely uncomfortable to sit in these things).


Bead embroidery on clothes looks very beautiful and stylish. Its popularity is growing more and more every year. Needlewomen decorate clothes, handbags, gloves and other women's accessories with embroidery. Embroidered wedding dresses fascinate with their beauty and uniqueness. After all, in fact, handmade work in each subsequent execution differs from the previous idea. Masters create truly masterpieces from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

Today's article is about how to embroider with beads on clothes. Many diagrams will be presented to your attention.

Types of beads

Beads come in different designs and are made from different materials. Today the following types of beads are known:

  1. Plastic - children's
  2. Bugles - chopped glass tubes
  3. Cutting - obliquely cut tube
  4. Glass beads – produced round, cylindrical and square. Comes in several sizes
  5. Charlotte - small round beads
  6. Delica – angular shape, small beads, manufacturer – Japan
  7. Pony - elongated, large beads, made of glass, plastic, ceramics
  8. Barry - in the shape of a bone or butterfly
  9. Drops - droplet
  10. Twin – wide beads with two holes
  11. There are beads: cubes, squares, triangles

Types of seams

It is important for beginners to learn how to sew on beads. This creative work is not difficult, but does not tolerate haste, loves perseverance and concentration. The entire process is carried out based on a roughly prepared sketch, strictly corresponding to the lines drawn on the product. One bead is sewn to the fabric with a stitch or sewn using a small bead, building a column.

You can attach elements forward with a needle. The process takes place by progressively stringing fragments and stitching the fabric.

"Line stitch". We pierce the fabric with a needle, string the bead and go back through the element, bring the needle to the wrong side and move forward exactly two units, bring the needle to the front part and repeat the previously performed manipulations. Having finished sewing the row, we pass the thread through all the fragments, as shown in the diagram.

"Stem seam".

We sew the elements, alternating one at a time, in a circle. We collect two beads, bring the thread to the wrong side back, and return through the second fragment, stringing the next part. The work is repeated.

Seam "Back needle".

We string several beads at once, secure the last element to the fabric, and so on.

Seam "Attached" . The fragments are collected completely onto one fishing line, and the second, with thread, is sewn to the fabric with small seams between the beads.

"Monastic seam" .

We sew each unit separately by bringing the needle out in the lower right corner, threading the bead and winding the needle on the wrong side in the upper left corner. Then we go down and the procedure starts again. On the wrong side of the work, vertical stitches are obtained, and on the front side, diagonal seams are obtained.

These are all seams that will be useful in designing outfits.

Experienced needlewomen advise beginning craftswomen:

  • Before you start embroidering beads on a product, they need to be double-checked for staining. To do this, you need to take the glass in your hands and rub it thoroughly with your fingers - the elements should not lose color.
  • To ensure that it always remains new, it is better to make it removable. Thus, it will not be washed, which will affect its condition.
  • It is best to embroider on knitted fabric using a hoop - this way the pattern will not stretch.
  • When embroidering with regular thread, make sure that the reverse part of the product is done without knots so that the finished work is neat.

There are few guiding rules, no difficulties are foreseen, so armed with patience, imagination and desire, it’s time to create extraordinary things.

Master class on decorating a dress using a monastic reception

A strict classic dress can be decorated with beaded embroidery made using monastery stitches and give it a sophisticated look.

Working material

Before you start this exciting work, you need to prepare the necessary material:

  1. Beads required according to the color scheme, number ten
  2. bead needle
  3. Pins with caps
  4. Scissors
  5. Canvas or schematic representation of an ornament on water-soluble non-woven fabric
  6. Scheme

Once prepared, you can start decorating the dress.

Dress decorating master class

We cut out the desired pattern for clothing from the selected pattern on non-woven fabric. Needlewomen recommend copying and printing the pattern on a color printer so that you can look at the design if it is hard to see on the base. We fix the ornament with pins to the selected place on the dress.

Next, we embroider the flower, focusing on the schematic drawing. Embroidery occurs using the technique described above (Fig. 8). This process is painstaking, requiring free time and inspiration, but the result exceeds all expectations - you get something unique. This is how gorgeous the rose turned out based on the ornament I chose.

To achieve the complete result, you need to remove the water-soluble fabric. Take the product and hold it under warm running water. Non-woven fabric dissolves well without visible traces.

Here is the final result of the creative process. The color scheme for the ornament was selected from the remnants of available beads. You can select beads strictly according to the pattern - it all depends on the choice of the needlewoman.

Decorated in this way, the dress became even more elegant and beautiful.

Using a similar technology, you can embroider any patterns with beads, but instead of a non-woven base, we take a canvas and a separate pattern. The ornament is embroidered using a roughly schematic design. I suggest looking at the diagrams that can be used.

All of the above schemes are distinguished by interesting and extraordinary images. They can be used for embroidering women's elegant clothes. The main thing is to be creative and create an unusual fashionable wardrobe.

Simple patterns for new craftswomen

I suggest you get acquainted with the extraordinary, simple motifs used to decorate women's clothes.

Floral motif

The outline of this design is embroidered with the “Forward needle” stitch, and the void in the middle of the flowers and leaves is sewn up with the “Forward needle” stitch. The motif is simple and can be transferred to the prepared product without difficulty. The main thing is to choose the right shades of the required material and the size of the elements.

Star Spiral

This motif is perfect for decorating an evening dress or skirt. Its creation will not cause any trouble for the needlewoman. In the pattern, large beads are located closer to the central part and are sewn with the “Forward needle” stitch. The middle of the ornament is embroidered with the “stamen” stitch. The curved lines in the pattern are embroidered with glass beads. Following the diagram below, we make inclusions of different-sized beads, which will help increase the ornament - this will add attractiveness to the intended product. The composition can also be decorated with rhinestones and stones - this will make it sparkle and sparkle, attracting attention.


A wonderful ornament with a rather unusual name “Sultan”. This motif can be easily embroidered on any fabric, even silk. You need to make the right choice of beads, their size and color combination. For a flower plant, you can choose monotonous shades - this will make it look richer. The pattern is embroidered from above, moving progressively downwards. For the ends of the flower, the lightest beads are taken and gradually the color scheme changes to a dark shade. The leaves are embroidered using the same technique using the “Forward needle” stitch.

Festoon with pattern

This beautiful motif is used to decorate cocktail dresses, elegant jackets, and wedding dresses. Gold beads look great on bottle-colored silk or on a white evening gown. The combination of different types of beads gives a rich and beautiful look to the embroidery.

Using the diagrams provided for inspection, you can decorate any clothing with beads, and it will immediately acquire a rich and sophisticated look. In a dress decorated with beads, any girl will feel like a beautiful queen.

Video master class “Bead embroidery on clothes”

Bead embroidery is a real art that anyone can master. All that is needed in this matter is the availability of material and a little perseverance. Maybe at first not everything will turn out perfectly, but with each stitch comes experience and skill in embodying on the fabric the beauty of flowers, ornaments, landscapes and everything beautiful that can be seen around. With the help of bead embroidery you can decorate any thing, from an old dress to pillows or a tablecloth.

Choosing beads, what to pay attention to?

Each of us has seen what beads look like. Small, medium or larger beads of various colors and shapes, with a hole in the middle. Their size can range from the very minimum, equal to 2-4 mm, to relatively large samples of 5-6 mm. Bead beads can be faceted on the outside or inside, flat or round, elongated or flattened, like rings or like sticks. The range of stores is very large and includes hundreds and even thousands of samples.

Regarding the price of this product, beads produced in Taiwan remain the cheapest, but this affects its low quality. Japanese beads are considered the most expensive; their quality is quite high, but not everyone can afford them. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the average price category to which Czech beads belong.

Choosing tools and threads

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of threads for embroidery, since it depends on the strength of the composition embroidered on the fabric and the speed of the work itself. After all, if the threads are constantly tangled, the needlework will take a lot of nerves, effort and time. The main aspect when choosing threads is their strength, because the item will have to be constantly washed, worn periodically, and ironed, so the embroidery should stick well to the item. However, in addition to maximum strength, the thread for bead embroidery should be very thin and barely noticeable on the fabric. The best option for bead embroidery is nylon threads, linen-lavsan or cotton-lavsan; you can also use any thin threads with lavsan. When you have to work with chiffon or silk, the most suitable option is thin silk threads, but not synthetics, but only natural silk.

As for the tools that will help in the work, you should purchase thin scissors with sharp tips, an embroidery hoop and a set of thin needles; this will help fix the desired area of ​​​​fabric on the clothes and work comfortably. If you are embroidering for the first time, it is better to start needlework with simple, non-slip fabrics, such as cotton or denim.

Examples of successful work

If you don’t know which zone to choose for embroidery, then look at examples of finished works. You may like one of the options, but you can diversify your work with something new and add your own twist. For example, bead embroidery on the sleeves, collars, neckline and along the entire neckline on the back looks very beautiful. However, if desired, you can use any area of ​​clothing, the main thing is that the embroidery does not interfere with movement or restrict movement.

When the pattern and place for work have been chosen, you can transfer the design onto the fabric. For this, a stencil and contour embroidery with thread are used. If the fabric is light, then dark threads are selected, and if it is dark, then the thread should be light. The stencil should be drawn on thick paper, then it should be attached to the product and the entire pattern should be stitched along the contour, starting with the largest parts, gradually moving to the smallest ones. Upon completion of the work, the stencil is removed. Many famous couturiers choose beads to decorate their works; Lebanese designer Elie Saab especially adores them.

Embroidery patterns

There are a huge number of patterns for bead embroidery. The design of the pattern, its size, color scheme has no restrictions, it all depends on the person’s imagination. If this is a simple, uncomplicated drawing, then it has the least amount of detail and a minimum set of colors. As for the most complex designs, beads of different shapes, colors, with complex transitions and unusual compositions are used for embroidery.

Simple circuits

For most people, embroidery patterns are clear and simple and similar to ordinary stencils. They are usually drawn up in black and white, so the master can show his imagination and decorate the drawing to his liking. However, if you don’t want to create something, you can find a ready-made color drawing and follow the instructions. Separately, it is worth noting that many needlewomen successfully combine satin stitch and bead embroidery, beads and sequins. Therefore, if you wish, you can create a real picture on your clothes.

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