Detailed tutorials on weaving crocodile beads. Beaded crocodile: a diagram of working with beads for beginners Beaded crocodile diagram for beginners

This lesson is designed more for those who are just starting to master beadwork. It is very easy to make small crocodiles from beads using the parallel weaving technique. All you need is fishing line or wire, scissors and the beads themselves. By taking beads of different sizes and colors, you can create crocodiles of different colors and sizes.

We will need:

  • beads of three colors (for the top, abdomen and eyes of the crocodile - the color is at your discretion);
  • fishing line or thin wire (you can take threads);
  • scissors.

If you are weaving on fishing line or thread, then you will need two bead needles; if you are weaving on wire, then, therefore, you do not need to take needles. The wire must be thin and flexible, otherwise the craft will not work. If it is more convenient for you to work with threads, then take strong ones - nylon or silk. Don't worry - the crocodile thread will also turn out flexible.

Step-by-step crocodile weaving with beads

Beaded crocodile. Step 1.

First, string one dark-colored bead onto a wire or thread (this will be the crocodile’s nose), secure it in the middle of the segment by parallel weaving.

Beaded crocodile. Step 2.

Now grab two green beads with one end of the wire and place them close to your nose, then insert the second piece of wire into these two beads and tighten - you get the second row. The result will be like a triangle.

Beaded crocodile. Step 3.

Beaded crocodile. Step 4.

Weave the crocodile's head in this way. Don’t forget that in the fifth row you need to alternate green beads with dark ones to create crocodile eyes (there are five beads in a row: green - dark - green - dark - green). Once you narrow the head down to three beads, make the legs by adding two bead loops to the sides.

Beaded crocodile. Step 5.

After this, weave the belly of the crocodile. It will be slightly larger than the head (you need to add more beads). Then the abdomen begins to narrow, and then the hind limbs of the crocodile.

Beaded crocodile. Step 6.

The crocodile's tail is thin, mainly consisting of rows of beads of two pieces. At the end there is one bead.

Beaded crocodile. Step 7

As soon as one part of the crocodile is ready, turn it over and start weaving the yellow belly by parallel threading, not forgetting to connect the yellow rows with the green ones. At the same time, you can reduce the number of beads in the rows so that the top turns out to be a little larger - then the craft turns out to be more interesting, acquiring a certain volume. It is worth noting that the crocodile’s paws “move” in different directions.

This is what the beaded crocodile should look like in the end. A simple craft that can be used to make a keychain or even interesting bright earrings (the weight of the crocodile is quite light). In this work, beads No. 8 were used; you can make the top from larger beads, and the belly from small ones. Here you can experiment as much as you like.

Use your imagination and go ahead - create fun crafts from beads!

Beadwork is a very fascinating and beautiful type of needlework. You can make a lot of different products from beads: keychains, pendants, jewelry, hairpins, trees, flowers or little animals. Children usually really enjoy making beaded representatives of the animal world.

Using various techniques and patterns, you can weave both three-dimensional and flat animals.

A voluminous beaded crocodile can be an excellent gift, keychain or backpack pendant.

The colored beaded crocodile has long become the most recognizable beaded animal. Our mothers probably still remember this simple scheme. Let's try to weave this charming crocodile; its production will not take much time and does not require special skill.

This product is quite simple to weave; even a novice bead weaver can handle this work.

To work you will need:

  • Beads of 2 colors (green, yellow);
  • 2 beads each of white and black colors (for the eyes of the crocodile);
  • 210 cm of thin copper wire (180 cm for the body, 30 cm for the lower jaw);
  • Weaving pattern (shown below).

Manufacturing instructions

So, let's now talk in detail about how to make a crocodile out of beads. First, let's lay out all the necessary materials in front of us. We carefully study the weaving pattern. Please note that the diagram is general, as many green rows are indicated, the same number of yellow ones need to be made for the abdomen. The beads indicated in yellow on the jaw are not included in knitting green rows.

Taking a long piece of wire in our hands, we begin to weave the body. We start work from the tail. First we string 3 green and yellow beads. We thread the ends of the wire through 3 yellow beads and tighten them by pulling the wire in opposite directions. We make sure that both ends are the same length (we start weaving strictly in the center of the segment).

Because We are weaving a three-dimensional figure, we need to strictly ensure that the rows are located on top of each other. Next, first we put on a row of green beads, thread the free edge, and then the yellow one. Thus, maintaining symmetry, we weave 3 rows of 3 beads.

We follow the pattern in the same order, including a row of 9 beads. Now we need to weave the crocodile's paws and toes. To do this, first put on 10 green calf beads (do not put on other beads right away). Now let's start shaping the legs. We put 7 green beads on the free end on one side, skip the 3 outer ones, and thread the wire through the rest (4 pieces). We move all the beads closer to the body, only then tighten the wire tightly, securing the foot. Similarly we weave a crocodile's foot on the other side. After both legs are ready, we weave the bottom yellow row of 10 beads.

To give the figure volume, periodically insert a pencil or the back of a brush inside the rows.

We continue weaving the crocodile from beads according to the pattern. We weave 5 more circular rows of 10 beads each. On the 7th row we repeat the technique with the paws (10 green beads - paws - 10 yellow beads). Now we weave the next row of 8 beads, thread a 30 cm piece of wire into the bottom row for the crocodile’s lower jaw.

According to the diagram, we weave the upper jaw of a crocodile from only green beads. And then we similarly weave the lower jaw from yellow beads on additional wire.

Weaving with beads is a popular type of needlework. This material is used to make both small crafts for children and exquisite jewelry. The simplest weaving technique is stringing glass pieces on a thread, but it is unlikely to be possible to make any meaningful little thing this way. Therefore, beginning craftswomen prefer to master this art with small items. The crocodile craft made from beads is popular.

Such a beaded animal can be woven as a toy for a child, or can be used as a useful thing - a keychain. To do this, an additional ring is attached to the product.

Reptile beads are woven mainly in two ways. In the first case, the craft turns out flat, in the second - voluminous. Those who have recently become interested in this type of needlework are recommended to start with the first option. Video files will be helpful; they show the sequence of actions performed. A weaving pattern will also help you deal with the reptile.

We weave a crocodile from beads with our own hands in a step-by-step lesson

In order not to be distracted while working, we prepare in advance:

  • wire or fishing line (depending on the pattern, the length of the material ranges from 1.5 to 2 m);
  • beads of two colors to match the skin color of the reptile (although you can weave an “exotic” crocodile, for example, pink);
  • two dark beads for eyes;
  • scissors or nippers.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the beads. Beads of different sizes make the work uneven, which ultimately affects its appearance. Compared to Chinese beads, Czech beads have the same size and a more even shape.

The fishing line is suitable for both special weaving and fishing line. The thicker the line, the easier it is to do the job and the better the product will keep its shape. But you should not take material with a diameter of more than 0.25 mm.

Flat crocodile.

First, let's look at the diagram. On it, arrows show the starting point of the work and the final point, at which the fishing line or wire is tightened tightly, and a keychain in the shape of a reptile is obtained. The diagram contains 22 rows.

  1. Two beads of both colors are strung on the fishing line, after which, after threading the fishing line again through the beads of the second color, they are pulled together into a ring. Subsequently, the weaving technique is repeated.
  2. In the ninth row, a pair of dark beads are added - the eyes of a crocodile.
  3. In the thirteenth row, paws are added to the crocodile. To do this, having collected five beads, the fishing line is passed through the hole of the last bead and inserted four more times, but from the other side. The second leg is made in the same way, but on the other side of the craft.
  4. In the seventeenth row, the second legs are woven into the toy.
  5. The product is finished with a key ring. 13 beads are strung on a fishing line, closed into a ring and secured, bringing the fishing line into the last row according to the diagram.
  6. The “tails” of the fishing line are trimmed and hidden from the back of the work. For reliability, the ends of the fishing line (about 4–5 mm long) can be heated over a candle and glued to each other.

According to the shown scheme, you can make many reptiles, while varying the color of the beads, you get completely different crocodiles. The weaving pattern can be changed slightly by increasing the number of rows.

Using this layout you can weave a whole family of reptiles.

Patterns for weaving reptiles are varied. Here are two more options.

They differ in the number of rows and the location of the beads. As a result, the crafts have different shapes.

Let's look at option No. 2 - a voluminous crocodile made of beads

The abdomen is woven to the bottom of the craft. In the photo below it is made in yellow. The crocodile is turned over and beads begin to be attached, connecting it to the rows of the back.

To make the top a little larger, reduce the number of beads in the rows on the belly or use slightly smaller beads.

We are studying simple option No. 3 - another technique for weaving a voluminous crocodile

The method presented below requires a certain skill. Previously, the volume of the crocodile appeared due to the combination of two flat figures in one product. In this method, this happens immediately during the manufacturing process. It may be difficult to master this technique right away; the description below explains all the difficult points.

In general, the weaving technique does not differ from that previously described; the fishing line is pulled through the beads twice. The difference is that beads for the belly and back are placed on it at the same time.

In the diagram shown, even and odd rows are distinguished. The first refers to the crocodile's tummy, the second - to the back. Reptile legs are made similarly to the “flat” version.

Don’t forget to attach a bead ring to the craft if the product will be used as a keychain in the future. The ring is made from beads that are linked together and secured in the crocodile's tail.

Video on the topic of the article

In addition to the diagrams presented in the article, this section contains several video files. The video can be watched online, returning to unclear points several times if necessary.

The variety of bead products is simply amazing. Beads can be used to weave not only flowers, but also animals. With this master class you can weave a crocodile very simply. To create it we will need ordinary beads. Take some flowers. For example, for the back of a crocodile, prepare dark green beads, and for the tummy, prepare light green or yellow beads. Also, you will need 2 white beads and 2 black beads for the crocodile's eyes. Prepare a copper wire 180 cm long for the entire body of the crocodile and 30 cm of wire for the lower jaw.

The general pattern of weaving a crocodile looks like this:

Let's put the wire for the lower jaw aside for now, take a long wire and start weaving the crocodile's body from the tail. Please note that the scheme is general: as many green rows as there are light green ones. In the diagram, the lower jaw is shown schematically in light green - it is not included in the weaving of green rows. First, collect 3 green beads, and then 3 light green beads and thread the ends of the wire through them. Pull tightly so that the free ends of the wire are even.

It is necessary that the body be voluminous, so it is necessary to weave so that the green row is above the light green one. Next, first we string the green row and thread the free end, and then the light green one. By maintaining symmetry, we get simple movements for weaving a crocodile, which you need to follow further. We weave 3 rows of 3 beads each.

According to the diagram, we weave to a row of 9 beads. Next we string 10 green ones and thread the free end through. While we are not weaving the bottom light green row of 10 beads, we are weaving the legs! We string 7 beads onto the free ends, skip the 3 outer ones and thread the wire through the other 4 (at both ends = two legs). Before tightening, it is necessary to lower all the beads towards the body so that there is no free wire left between the foot and the body. After weaving the legs, we complete the bottom light green row of ten beads.

Using a thin pencil or a brush pen, you need to add volume to the body by pushing it inside up to the 4th row. Repeat this as you weave.

We add another 5 rows of 10 beads each. On the last 7th row we repeat the same thing as on the first row, when we wove the paws (we follow the sequence “10 green paws-10 light green”). Having weaved a row of eight beads, we insert the prepared wire for the lower jaw of the crocodile into the lower light green one.

We first weave the upper part of the jaw according to the pattern and similarly weave the lower part.

Another option volumetric bead toy- a crocodile with an open mouth.

Remember the crocodile from "Moidodyr". This one actually walks on four legs, but it can swallow a small washcloth.

To weave the figure, we will need a wire 2 meters long and 35 cm (additional), green and yellow beads about 10 grams each, and for the eyes: 2 black and 2 white beads.

If you are just starting to weave three-dimensional figures, then this crocodile is your option. It weaves quite easily and clearly.

1. We weave the first 2 rows together: we put 6 beads (3 green - 3 yellow) in the middle of the wire and close them into a ring through 3 yellow ones.

2. We throw the wires over the green rad and weave the third (green row) so that it is located above the green one. The yellow rows will be above the yellow ones (belly).

3. We continue to weave according to the pattern until the first green “ten” (a row of 10 beads)

Let me remind you that the black horizontal lines indicate row changes. Yellow rows are the belly, green rows are the back.

When the figure begins to expand a little (about 4-5 beads in a row), you need to give it a rounded shape by inserting the end of a pencil inside and squeezing the back and stomach along it.

4. Weaving paws

After weaving the first ten, we make legs: we put 9 beads on either end of the wire, and with the SAME END we return through the first 2 beads. We carefully tighten the end of the wire so that the foot does not hang in the air.

The second leg is woven at the other end of the wire in the same way.

5. After the paws, we continue to weave the figure according to the pattern. On the last “ten” we make the front legs as well as the back ones.

6. Having reached the yellow “nine”, we insert an additional wire 35 cm long into this row for weaving the lower jaw. Temporarily we leave these ends and continue to weave the crocodile’s head.

7 Having made the nose, we secure the ends of the wire

8. At the remaining ends of the wire we weave the lower jaw of the crocodile with yellow beads, as shown in the diagram (upper yellow triangle). We secure the ends at the end.

Our three-dimensional beaded crocodile animal is ready.

gastroguru 2017