Congratulations to your sister on her birthday in your own words to the point of tears. Poems about a sister - tender feelings for a beloved relative Touching words for an older sister

You and I, my sister, are friendly and inseparable! I congratulate you on your charming holiday, I wish you unquenchable beauty, enthusiasm, loyal friends and fans! May there be more light, goodness and joy on your path, and may fate present unexpected, but only pleasant surprises. Be loved by the best man in the world, never lose heart and take only good things from this life!

On your holiday, sister, receive a lot of sincere, best and amazing wishes, and also remain wonderful and charming for a long time. May joy, happiness, beauty and luck always be with you!

We grew up together, sometimes fought, made up and were inseparable again! My little sister, my love! Your birthday has come and I hasten to tell you these words: be successful, ambitious and independent, but at the same time remain feminine, romantic and sweet, so that men will willingly fight for your heart. Enjoy the morning singing of birds, the chirping of dragonflies and just a good mood. May everything work out beautifully and harmoniously in your destiny! Happy holiday, sister!

Dear sister, I congratulate you on a wonderful day when everyone looks at you with admiration. You are bathed in the rays of happiness and fun. Champagne sparkles: friends and girlfriends toast in your honor. May this magical holiday state be with you always. I wish you health, success and fulfillment of your dreams! For you, dear sister! Happy birthday!

Since childhood, you have been my support, protection and support in everything: in studies, at school, in relationships with friends, with enemies. Anything happened. We quarreled and even fought, but then we always made peace. After all, the same blood flows in our veins, and there are no people in the world closer and dearer! Thank you, dear, for your love, support and understanding! Happy Birthday, beloved sister!

I can’t wait to hug you and tell you all the warm phrases in my own words in person. For now, I just want to go back in time for a minute and think about all those adventures that over time turned into touching memories that warm our hearts. If it weren't for you, my life would be so dull and empty. So I want to thank you for all these moments. And I must admit that I am looking forward to new joyful moments that you and I will share together. Thank you for remaining a faithful friend to me, which with your words can remove sadness and melancholy from my heart. I'd like to do the same for you. Let me be there to help you cope with all the difficulties on the way to your dreams and stars. Let me take the blows of fate to make your life easier. Everything is just for you, my precious and dearest sister!

Your birthday is a great time to wish nothing less than just wonderful things in life that would bring you happiness. You are always kind to me and understanding of my choice, no matter what it is. You put love into everything you do and that's why everything always works out for you. One day I want to grow up to be such a gorgeous and inspiring woman. You learn how to love, how to give your care, and this makes the lives of the people around you only become brighter and better. You are just a ray of sunshine in the darkest days, capable of bringing joy and hope, so necessary for all people. We shared many years together. Through life's ups and downs, you remained faithful to me. And she remained true to herself, which is no less important. You are a real person, woven with sincere emotions and kindness. And over time we are only becoming closer, which cannot but make me happy.

A best friend can give everything to others and not expect anyone to give anything in return. I'm glad that my best friend is you, my sister. Life can be crazy, but I've never felt afraid. Because I felt that you were nearby. And your support gave me strength to withstand difficult times and fight all adversities and troubles. Could there be anything more beautiful than feeling that you are not alone in this world? I hope you know that I am always ready to give you the same. And in general, whatever you ask. I don’t feel sorry for anything for my dear soul. I remember the time when you grew from a little girl into a beautiful woman. And it's incredible. I am blessed to be able to see my sister develop as a person with a capital P. You are just at the beginning of your success in life. Get ready, because the future holds many magical and touching gifts.

My dear sister! My best friend and advisor! I hug you tightly, kiss you on your cheeks and congratulate you on your birthday! I wish that on this and all subsequent days you will never leave the festive mood! I wish your heart to always be mischievous and restless and not let you sour! May everything you plan come true in your life! May fate spoil you, may luck settle in your apartment, and may prosperity become your friend! I wish you good health, reciprocal love, true friends! Let no worries and sorrows darken your heart! Carry the warm and bright light of your kindness throughout your life! Thank you, sister, for everything! Happy birthday!

Dear sister! Your next birthday has come. I remember how you were born, how you grew up, and now you are already an adult - a beautiful, smart, independent girl, the pride of your parents and the admiration of your friends. For me, you are a special person. With no one in the world do I have such a unity of souls, such mutual understanding and such great love. No matter what happens, you can always count on me, and I always know who I can rely on in difficult situations. And therefore I will not tire of repeating that you are the most valuable and dearest thing I have. Happy Birthday Sister!

Who knows my sister better than me? Only God. But! He won't be able to tell you about it even if he wants to, but I can. I just won't. After all, I'm not just a sister, I'm a real friend. And they either say only good things about best friends or nothing. So, let's talk about good things. Let's start with the fact that my sister is good. She has a beautiful not only butt, but also a beautiful soul. She is a wonderful girl, wife and mother. But if you offend her, she might punch her in the face. Strong and beautiful, that's what makes her dangerous. Hot as a peppercorn, it has brains - the filling. Well, this is all in brief, what fits in a paragraph, and what I was able to remember right away and tell people. Little sister, happy birthday! You are the best, without a doubt.

May the light breeze of success always blow into your face from the warm sea of ​​happiness, sister, and may the air filled with the aroma of victories always envelop you and, slightly intoxicating, bring you joy.

No matter what anyone says, your best friend is your sister. Who else knows your tastes, whims, love stories so well? Who can sincerely rejoice at your new dress, career success or beautiful figure. You are my best, sister. Happy birthday!

Dear sister, on your birthday I sincerely want to congratulate you! We still need to look for such a sister - I wish to continue to delight men and surpass women in beauty, charm and elegance.

Congratulations, sister, and I wish that there are many good wizards in your life, next to whom you will learn to work miracles! Let life be full of joyful events and be like the happy fairy tale that our parents read to us in childhood!

Dear sister, I have no one closer and dearer to me, your birthday is a holiday for me. Let it be sunny and joyful, filled with laughter, toasts, and the scent of flowers. May he bring you good luck and make your most cherished dreams come true.

Sister, well, your birthday has come, you have become even more mature, stubborn, bolder and, of course, more beautiful! And I sincerely wish you, my dear and beloved little man, the most beautiful, bright and wonderful destiny. May all your dreams come true, and may all your grandiose plans come true! Happy birthday!

“Don’t change, don’t be discouraged, don’t be sad”
Today is a holiday - it’s my sister’s jam day. Let everyone around you have fun celebrating it and sing your praises. And I just want to say that you are dear to me the way you are! Don’t change, don’t be discouraged, don’t be sad, let your eyes always shine with happiness!

Sister, today is your holiday - your birthday. I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me such a treasure as you. Do you remember that you promised me to be the happiest? Let's do it, and I'll help. I will always lend you my fragile, reliable shoulder, and I am sure that you will do the same!

I have a wonderful and kind sister, with whom I can talk confidentially and laugh to my heart’s content, have a little bachelorette party, and enjoy ice cream. A weekday becomes a holiday in which events and meetings dissolve or become significant. It’s easy and pleasant to communicate with you, do a common cause, have fun and enjoy youth and life!

Happy birthday to you, dear sister!
On this holiday, let me wish you health, cheerfulness, optimism, and creative ideas!
Let your charming smile attract the best people to you, who can discover new talents in you!
Let the fire of faith in miracles always burn in your heart.
Let these miracles constantly happen in your life!
Let your eyes glow with happiness and illuminate everyone around with this happiness!

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Dear sister, let today become the most fabulous and magical, because today is your birthday! You are surrounded by extraordinary people, because she herself is an extraordinary person. All your ideas come to life in the most incredible way. Let it continue like this. I wish you financial prosperity. Your hard work has always amazed me, and I don’t know a person who would be more worthy of it. Let the strength and health that you spend on achieving your goals return to you a hundredfold increase. Above all, I want to wish you pure and sincere love. Let your loved one appreciate you and all your actions. Let every day of your communication become a holiday for him. Let him either carry you in his arms or take you in a limousine - there is no third option. Be happy, my dear!

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Happy Birthday, dear sister! I wish you great happiness and love. May every day of your life be filled with joy and optimism and may fortune be your companion in life. May you always be surrounded by sincere and kind people. And may all your wishes come true and may your goals be achieved!

To my sister in my own words
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My dear and unique sister! Today you celebrate your birthday, and we rejoice and have fun with you. With all my heart I would like to wish you warm and tender happiness. Let it enter your bright home and stay there for many years to come. It will definitely take with it the pleasure of life, good health, countless treasures, and most importantly, a friendly and loving family. Let each of your days be a little better than the previous one, and let each past one become a pleasant memory. Be happy!

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When a holiday comes, it is always nice. And when this holiday is the birthday of your beloved sister, it is doubly pleasant! On this day the sun shines brighter and the wind blows fresher. On such a day, people smile more often and say kind words to each other. On this day I want to be at least half as good as my sister.
Dear sister, thank you for the warmth of your soul and understanding heart. The sparkle of your mischievous eyes always made me smile and forget sad thoughts. The warm squeeze of your little palm always acted on me like a balm. Always remain the same and continue. May everything in your life come true the way you want it. May luck continue to accompany you in everything. Love you. Happy birthday!

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Dear sister! On your birthday, I sincerely wish you to remain always young, cheerful and open! May all the wishes spoken to you from the heart by your family and friends come true this holiday! Let the new number that is added to your age today become a number of luck for you! Love, respect, attention, great happiness to you!

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My beloved sister! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you health, love, respect, success! May you always be warm, cozy and calm at home, may you be surrounded by understanding colleagues at work, and at night may you have only beautiful, joyful dreams! Know no worries, no grief, no serious illnesses! Be cloudlessly and endlessly happy!

To my sister in my own words
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Dear sister! I want you to know that you have always been and will be my bright sun. In difficult times, you always supported me. When the frost creaked in my soul, you warmed my heart with kind words.
Today I want to wish you a happy birthday. May your life turn out as best as possible. Let the world revolve around you alone - you deserve it. May the stars be in such an order that all your plans will come together, and may the guiding star never leave your horizon.

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Sister, my dear, my little blood! Happy Birthday to you! I want to wish you good health. May success always accompany you in life and may there be more victories in your life! Know that you can always count on my help and support! And may all your dreams come true!

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My dear sister! Happy Birthday to You! On this wonderful holiday, I wish you to feel the most loved, the most needed, the most beautiful! May you today and always be surrounded by people who can appreciate all your virtues: beauty, kindness, generosity, intelligence and spiritual height! May sad thoughts or bad premonitions never visit you and may your greatest and most incredible desires always come true!

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My angel, my sister,
The embodiment of goodness!
My dear sister,
You chirp like a bird
You smile in the morning.

I love you with all my heart
And I trust myself!
I wish you joyful surprises
In a wonderful, sunny destiny!
May all your dreams come true
And life has been kind to you!
I want you to smile more often
My favourite sister!

Beautiful and tender
You are responsive
And there is nothing more beautiful in the World,
More wonderful than my sister.

Rich in the goodness of the soul,
Not an ambulance for evil,
You are nice to people
With you it’s light even in the rain.

You always smile
Don't cry over fate
And I will tell everyone sincerely,
That I'm proud of you.

My sister is the best
Trusting you
Your soul is open -
Of great beauty.

I wish you well
Only bright things in fate,
Precious sister,
You are the joy of my life.

I send congratulations to my sister,
Will I hand it over, from hand to hand, personally...
"Eighth of March" on a sheet of paper -
Your (our) holiday, gentle sister!
I look at magazines, the Internet,
I often hang out around the country:
There is no more beautiful person in the world than you,
Happier, smarter, slimmer.
You protect your mother's peace,
Protecting me from sad thoughts!..
You, sister, always be like this -
I won't need another one!

My life is full of worries
But God helped me a lot
Rewarding me with you
We are connected by fate

I'll tell you, dear!
You are an unearthly queen
Your look was like it was punishing
Helped many people in life

You saved me so many times...
thank you, my darling
That you are always, always nearby
With you we will conquer the mountains
Why are there mountains?
We can Rome!

The connection between us is not subject to years,
It’s not in vain that we stick together with you -
From the first minute we are connected by blood;
The connection grows with love every day!

You and I are halves of the same cells,
We know each other to every tear!
We feel each other's breath in our hearts -
We can hear each other across distances!

Our love shines like a beacon in life,
Your hands will only greet me with warmth.
It could be any time in life,
I know what will happen to me, my sister!

Read my poem and sign each line! Sister, dear, all life is just leaves, That will one day fall down, And crumble, falling... But as long as you can, hold on, On the branch of the garden tree! I will not stop begging for the rains to water us, so that the tree can stand for a long time, in green foliage every time! And on your birthday, may the sun smile on you! At least we won’t return to Spring, - Let Summer never end!

My baby, you are already big,
And you know, I don’t like you,
I won’t touch your cheeks anymore,
I won't put socks on you

Just like it used to be, darling
I remember this time with love,
I shared my toys with you,
You were very happy and had fun!

Now you are very, very big,
I wish you great success,
Don't forget your dear sister -
I hug and kiss you!

We are connected with you
For two with one destiny
You are in my blood
Call yourself sister
I'll come and open the door
This winter time
I'm waiting for you, the days are passing by
Again with rain water
With the feeling of my soul
Everything you've lived
Your thoughts, your dreams
You are not there, but you are with me.

My sister,
My dear man,
My sister,
Loved forever.
My sister,
We are growing up before our eyes,
And milk for a long time,
Dry lips.
My sister,
You're older and smarter
And you look in the mirror,
Even more beautiful.

Beloved sister! You and I were born with the same soul! Related, pure and deep! You and I are one! Same thoughts for two, same desires, similar destinies. All corners of my soul are open to you, you know my every thought and therefore you can guess what I want to wish you. On this joyful and cherished holiday, your birthday, I wish you not to count the years, not to know time and not to notice the accelerating pace of life. Dissolve into yourself and just enjoy women's happiness. Forget about everything, just live. Enjoy every moment, protect yourself with invisible walls from the bustle of the world and plunge into euphoria! This is such an unusual wish that I give you today! And I’m sure you will like these words! Because a person’s state of mind must be in harmony! Love you sister! Live light!

My dear sister! Today is the day when you were born, when you illuminated the whole world with your appearance, when you made our family happy! I congratulate you and put all the warmth and love that I have into these warm words. Our destinies are connected with you by an invisible thread of kinship, and I hope that it will never break. I wish you, first of all, mental well-being, so that you are always in harmony with yourself. Direct your thoughts in a positive direction and do not give in to sadness and sadness. Let optimism take possession of you, because, as you know, thoughts are material, and desires tend to come true! Live with a light soul and pure thoughts! Fill yourself spiritually and do not pay attention to worldly vanity! Be happy from within, live in pleasure! I wish you to find a goal and never doubt its achievement! Stay the best, sister!

Happy Birthday to you, my dear blood, my dear sister, my dear soul! This is a special day for our entire family, it is ennobled by your birth! It is illuminated by the holy rays that emanated from your birth! You are a miracle! And every time with bated breath we wait for this day to remember these magical moments of happiness! And every time spring comes in the soul of each of us, and spring flowers bloom! After all, you look like spring, my dear! So young, fresh, innocent and fragrant! So bright and promising! So desirable and dreamy! I wish you good health, my dear, prosperity in all your affairs, success and love! Huge, mutual love from the people dear to you! Blossom, fragrance and delight us with your existence! Sister - you are the best! Happy Birthday to you, beloved man!

My dear sister! My soul! I congratulate you on your birthday and kiss you warmly! My swallow, my sunshine, my song, my scarlet flower! How beautiful you are! Over the years you only become more beautiful, juicier and more appetizing! Fresh, cheerful, cheerful! How I love you, my girl! I never cease to thank our parents for giving me you! Born in love, you give love to everyone around you! You have an inexhaustible amount of heat, which is enough for the entire globe! And everything goes to our family, because you love your family more than anything in the world! This is how our parents raised us! Sister, please listen to my advice. Don’t change your character, remain the same kind and humane always! And in conclusion, congratulations, I want to tell you: Sister, you are perfection, you are an ideal, you are the best! I take you as an example!

Little sister! Happy Birthday to you! You and I have been friends since childhood, and over the years our friendship has turned into an unbreakable fortress. I am very proud of our relationship and want it to never end! I wish you your strong family, prosperous family happiness and longevity to all your loved ones and relatives! Let only worthy girlfriends and reliable friends be in your environment! I wish you respect among colleagues, understanding among loved ones and mutual love in the family circle! Let your family hearth flare up thanks to your feelings with your spouse! Let your children grow up kind and healthy! I want to break off a piece of my happiness and give it to you, like in childhood. We are used to sharing everything with you. So I want to share your fate with you, both in sorrow and in joy. But it’s better, only in joy! Happy birthday!

Dear little sister! Let me today put into the words of congratulations all the feelings that have accumulated for me over the years! After all, you deserve to be told compliments and kind words every day! Each hour! Every minute! I want to wish you an extraordinary, reliable spouse who loves you with faithful love! May you have a reliable person next to you who will always lend his shoulder to you! And I will have peace of mind for your fate, and you will be satisfied! After all, you deserve to be cared for the same way you care for everyone else! Let your reserves of kindness not dry up! And although you do not expect anything in return for your good deeds, I wish you that your goodness will return to you like a boomerang! In the form of women's happiness, children's health and a strong marriage! Learn to accept the gifts of fate, dear! Happy Birthday Sister!

Today, at our family, huge, round table, everyone has gathered - all relatives, led by our respected parents, to congratulate you, sister, on your birthday! In our family, this celebration brings a lot of joy, because you are our treasure! We all love and respect you endlessly! You are an exceptionally exemplary daughter for your parents, a caring and fair mother for your children, an affectionate and gentle wife for your husband, and a cheerful and friendly sister for me! You’re just a good person who delights with your efforts, to warm everyone around you with your love and to do as much pleasant and kindness for people as possible! With your kindness you glow and illuminate everything around you! Don’t lose this quality, sister, and teach me to be the same! I admire you and want to be like you, dear!

What can I sayabout big sister.... I am very glad that I have an older sister in my life. How sometimes you want to say beautiful words to her, but you can’t find them at the right moment. But these words can be expressed inbeautiful poems.

Without you
Not a day has passed in my life -
From that tender, infantile time.
It's good that you were born before me,
In the proud title of an older sister.

Older means smarter
Older means stronger.
I am a little river for now, you are a river.
Older means me too
On the darkest of days
There is light, and warmth, and a hand.

Without you
Not a day has passed in my life...
And because my sail did not wilt,
And because you are strong,
I've got, -
I am your happiest debtor.

And for the fact that the river
The river bubbled up
The fire flared up...
If you have a hard time in life,
Want? - I'll be the big sister.

You are smart, beautiful,
Friendly, kind,
I really, really like it
That you are my sister!
And I won’t hide from you:
I love you most of all!

Even if you are much older, it doesn’t matter!

You remain the best in the world for me!

You are no dearer, you are no closer,

You are a part of me, you are my family!

Whatever happens in my life,

You are always with me, I know for sure!

In the cold - you will warm up, in the heat - you will give water,

In times of joy you will smile, in times of pain you will lend a shoulder.

Thank God for my sister -

My faithful friend, my companion!

There is no better friend, my second mother,

You can never betray me!

Know, my dear, I will die for you!

If anyone offends you, I will crush you into powder!

For you, in sadness, I will shed tears!

I will give you all the joy, I will share the troubles!

No matter how hard life hits, there is no pain,

Know that you have a little sister!

I'm happy that I have
There is a sister!...I catch myself,
On the fact that more often than not, day after day
I say this out loud!

Dear, older sister!
I really want to hug you,
And sitting by the fire at night
Tell me about everything in the world!

I remember in childhood you and I
They fought and swore in vain.
They had to suffer with me,
Now I don't bite anymore!

As I grew up, I only realized
What does a close person mean?
And now I would give everything,
So as not to know the separation of centuries!

...How could I live without you?!
Counting childhood years as one,
With whom could I confide?
And survive the hours of adversity?!

How lonely I would be
Growing up alone year after year...
I am doubly grateful
That you were with me in everything!

Now, alas, you are far away.
Now you live with your family.
And of course it’s not easy for me
Solve problems all alone!

But this is life... and soon I
I’ll leave my father’s house next,
Your own family will appear,
But I won't forget about

Who was my advisor
And he helped in all matters.
How we shared all our...
It’s impossible to describe everything in words!

You are both my sister and friend.
I always feel comfortable with you.
We will become a mountain for each other,
If trouble suddenly strikes!

You are wonderful in everything
You serve as an example for me
I'm proud to brag all around,
Which, undoubtedly, is all about you!

I pray for you with my soul,
And in every line I praise.
I love you, I love you, I love you...
And you me - I know it!!!”

I don’t know what to tell you.
You and I are two sisters.
If you're not there, I miss you,
I smile - you are nearby.

Do you remember when we were children we dreamed
And they chatted incessantly
About everything that will happen to us -
They didn't know about the cruelty.

There was no sadness in the eyes
Pain in spoken words.
Our heart was before
Not wounded and tender.

We didn't expect from love
Tears, sadness, emptiness,
Lonely evenings
And unfair words.

Are they really that stupid?
Were you and me in childhood?
Are they really that dead?
Our childhood dreams?

Yes, but why sigh now,
Cry and worry.
Let them be naive and funny,
And blind in their own way.

If you cry, I will understand
And I'll give you a light hug.
I'll cry, you'll understand
And you can’t blame anything.

And when I'm all alone,
Remember, there is me in the world.
You are a sister and I am a sister -
Together we are one family.

Do you like to laugh loudly,
I'm very happy with you,
You are a wonderful sister
Be always, always like this!

This is how I want them to be fulfilled
You have all your desires
So that everyone admires you
And did you love? just like me!

Who said that they are not similar to you?
Who came up with the idea that they would be closer to us?
No matter how life bends us lower,
We are family and friends after all.

I step on your feet
Along your beaten path...
Let despair and anxiety
Don't pointlessly lead to the edge.

When I need you, you are always there
From happy moments to chills.
And I’m ready to do anything for you.
If only life didn’t seem like poison to us.

Smile! Smile dear
Takes with optimism, with a feminine grip.
Yes, and you are a mystery woman.
And the mystery is not easy for us...

And thank you for your concern.
And thank you for being close.
And may your life be without risk.
Being my sister is work...

Fate has been kind to me
And did me a favor
From birth, having given a friend -
You, beloved sister.
And from that time of infancy
I've never been lonely -
After all, I have always realized:
I'm not alone. We are two sisters.

gastroguru 2017