On October 1, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive an increase. Increasing pensions for employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. What to expect in the future

Let us recall that back in December last 2017, former employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs received an indexed pension. The structure of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is constantly being restructured in order to optimize and improve work.

On increasing pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from February 1, 2018 by 2,500 rubles; employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to count on various benefits

Based on the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have taken a well-deserved rest can count on the following monetary payments:

— long-service pension;

- old age pension;

- disability pension.

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Currently in Russia there are about 1 million people who work with the structure of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, the structure is subject to constant changes and reorganization - employees are fired and the Ministry of Internal Affairs merges with other structural divisions, as happened in 2016, when the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Penitentiary Service joined the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, let us remind you that the Russian Guard was removed from the control of the police and now it has its own powers and organizational and legal framework.

Today, the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes the following organizations:

On increasing pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from February 1, 2018 by 2,500 rubles; the pensions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were indexed by 4% last year 2017

To assign a long service pension to persons who are employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, it is necessary to meet several conditions, such as having the necessary length of service and having the required retirement age. For retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the time spent studying and the period of work in other law enforcement organizations is counted towards their length of service. As for the latest changes regarding pension accruals for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their pensions have been indexed since January 1, 2018. The indexation rate was 4%.

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(20 years) in law enforcement agencies (Ministry of Internal Affairs, fire prevention services, penal system, po). The assignment and transfer of the necessary funds is within the competence of the unit where the citizen served.

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice by calling the hotlines:

Salary amounts are set at the federal level in accordance with government regulations. Each military unit has its own salary levels.

Will pension indexation take place in October?

When will military pensions be indexed?

The next increase in pension payments is scheduled for. The draft budget for next year stipulates who will receive an increase in pension benefits. This includes insured persons receiving benefits from the Pension Fund.

This increase is due only to those pensioners who are not employed. If a citizen has not completed his labor activity, he can only count on an annual recalculation, which takes place in.

Some categories of persons receive payments that are determined on the basis of a social pension. Based on this value, payments are determined for conscripts who become disabled while performing their duty.

The amount of social security is fixed and fixed at the level 5034.25 rub. for 2017. His increase is planned for and will be 4.1%, after indexation - 5240 rubles.

There have been no statements from state authorities whether military content will be indexed in 2018.

Increase in insurance pensions in October

In January 2017, recipients of insurance and military support were paid 5,000 rubles. This financial support made it possible to compensate for high inflation rates without holding autumn indexation in 2016.

During 2017, indexation of pension provision took place twice. In February, payments were indexed in the amount of 5,4% . A month later, payments were indexed to 0,38% .

No other increases are expected in 2017. That's why pension in October 2017 for ordinary pensioners will remain the same.

The country's leadership pays special attention to the provision of pensions for former military personnel, because they devote the best years of their lives to serving for the benefit of their countries (Russia is quite deservedly called a military power, because its army is a force that everyone has to reckon with). It is not surprising that information about what awaits pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 and what should they hope for, because pension issues in Russia today are extremely acute, and at the time of the crisis the situation only worsened, so Russian pensioners have not received good news for a very long time.

The pension system of the Russian Federation today is undergoing a number of changes that relate to its reorganization, and everyone knows that this event has already caused a lot of problems. It turned out that there were not enough funds for the normal implementation of the reorganization, and, naturally, pensioners suffered from this. About four years ago, the head of state already drew attention to the pension benefits of employees Ministry of Internal Affairs, those on well-deserved retirement, because then he adopted a number of laws that were supposed to increase the size of pension payments. It must be said that the adoption by the president of bills at that time made it possible to increase pensions by almost 10% (although this event took place in six stages).

The emphasis should be on the reorganization of pension payments, because the authorities recently changed the established system. And today, pensions are divided into two components, the first of which is a constant value, the amount of payments of which can only be adjusted by government officials, and the second is calculated based on the amount of insurance contributions from employers (it is called the insurance part). It must be said that the innovations will apply only to those people who achieved last year (or any subsequent year); everyone else can count on receiving benefits in accordance with the old rules.

It is worth remembering that pensions are now calculated in points, which are awarded every month of work and an insurance contribution from the employer. Subsequently, the points are recalculated into the ruble equivalent, and their peculiarity is that the number of points depends on the level of wages, which takes into account the officially created by the government in 2018, where it is necessary to enter the relevant parameters. It is worth emphasizing that the application produces only approximate results, because assumptions are entered into it, therefore, to obtain a more accurate amount of benefits, you must contact a representative of the Pension Fund with this question.

What should pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs hope for?

Frankly speaking, it is quite difficult to make accurate forecasts regarding the near future of Russian pensioners today, because the situation in the country today is extremely unstable, and therefore the country’s authorities prefer not to give citizens any specific information. There is certainly positive news, because it is known that in the president’s plans (especially on the eve of the new presidential elections) there is nothing that would talk about reducing the size of pension benefits for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, although increase in pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018 in Russia latest news They also do not provide any special information.

In light of the latest events taking place in the world, one cannot help but emphasize that the armies of countries are in constant tension, and in case of danger, even reserve military personnel can be mobilized to protect the state (many employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs become pensioners at a fairly young age, and can the need to repay one's debt to one's homeland). Russia is a military power that is able to spend huge sums of money on the maintenance of the military, and even the crisis did not become an obstacle to this, because it was the military personnel who could boast of a salary level of around 30-40,000 rubles, while they earned exactly half as much . Today no one plans to change the current trend.

What will the indexing be like?

Experts believe that indexation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is practically the only means of increasing pension payments today. Unfortunately, the authorities today do not have funds for an additional increase in wages, so you should not count on additional payments, but indexation is mandatory today.

The indexation coefficient for 2018 will be 4%, and although it cannot exactly be called too high, the rate of depreciation of goods will also not be too high, because preliminary expert forecasts indicate that inflation will also remain at the level of 4-5%. However, the question of the size of the indexation coefficient still remains open, because recently the authorities decided to give Russian pensioners a “gift” and index pensions to the inflation rate of 2016, when it was decided to cancel this event due to the crisis. In this case increase in pensions for pensioners (employees) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 will be quite impressive, because inflation at that time was quite high, but today this issue has not yet been finally resolved, because it requires a lot of money, and the state budget does not have additional funding resources.

How to calculate the approximate pension amount?

The procedure for calculating pension payments is actually not that complicated, because for its preliminary calculation (only a specialist at the Pension Fund can give the exact one), you only need to know the amount of your own salary for the years of service and length of service. However, counting pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 It is necessary to take into account the fact that such a profession is fraught with risks to human health (many have to literally risk their lives to save the state), therefore employees of this department are entitled to a bonus upon retirement. The size of the latter can be up to 85% of the established salary, which today is a very good amount, so it is not recommended for anyone to forget about this important factor.

A few words about the age limit...

The law of raising the retirement age will allow the authorities to save several trillion rubles per year, which can be spent on restoring the country’s economy after the crisis and improving the material well-being of pensioners, for example. However, to date, this bill has not yet been fully adopted, so it is still very early to talk about raising the retirement age.

In conclusion, we can say that next year there are no plans to increase pension benefits for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the only exception is indexation), but if the authorities find additional sources of budget replenishment, the situation may change, so it is recommended to regularly monitor news on this issue.

Arsen Avakov

This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, the department reported.

According to him, we are talking about military personnel and employees of the State Border Service, the National Guard, the State Service for Emergency Situations and the National Police. The corresponding decision is enshrined in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 30, 2017 No. 704 “On monetary allowances for military personnel, privates and commanding officers and some other persons.”

“Recently, the issue of pensions for people in uniform has become a favorite topic for speculation and political games. I think it’s worth putting an end to this and closing this topic. After a long discussion, which lasted for almost a year and has been very active for the last month, the Prime Minister made a decision on pensions for military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We are talking about two fundamental things that we managed to consolidate. First, all categories of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system will receive increased pensions from January 1, 2018. That is, the decision was made today, starting tomorrow they will begin accruals," Avakov said.

He also explained that increased pensions will be awarded to personnel currently in service.

“According to the new law, for people who are currently serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, an increased pension will be awarded. In the future, any indexation of the salaries of current officers of the NSU and NPU, the State Emergency Service, the State Border Guard Service will be tied to pensions,” the minister added.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexey Takhtay noted that from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019, all categories of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive monthly pension payments in the new transferred amount plus an additional payment from 2016.

"Pensions will be determined at the expense of the official salary, special rank and bonus for length of service, determined as of March 1, 2018, in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of August 30, 2017. Payment of pensions will be carried out as follows - from January 1, 2018, the old pension amount will be be combined with 50% of the increase amount, from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 - the old pension amount and 75% of the increase amount, and from January 1, 2020 - a fully new recalculated pension amount," Takhtay explained.

Avakov’s adviser Vasily Durdinets emphasized that veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have long been engaged in dialogue with the ministry about the recalculation of pensions.

Let us remind you that the Cabinet of Ministers previously decided before the adoption of the relevant law.

In December 2015, changes were made to the law on guarantees of social protection for former employees of internal affairs bodies, according to which. The Pension Fund stated that they cannot raise pensions, since the Cabinet of Ministers resolution on monetary support for National Police officers does not provide for the recalculation of pensions for former police officers.

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