Hair extensions - pros and cons, is it harmful to your hair, how is it done and how to choose a specialist. How to have a long thick braid: extensions for short hair, before and after photos

Girls and women never stop experimenting with their hair. Some use permanent dye, others use tinted shampoo, and others radically change the length. Hair extensions are possible even for short hair. Seductive curls, flowing strands, a cascade of several layers - an “elongated” hairstyle can be given any look.

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To make you happy with the result, pay attention to these tips:

  • Find a good master with experience;
  • Find out which extension technique is right for you. The choice of technology depends on what hairstyle you plan to wear. Different options require their own extension technique;
  • Be prepared for the fact that you will have to carefully care for your extensions, buy special shampoos, and comb them very carefully.

You are ready? Find out more about how to add hair extensions.

Choosing an extension technique

There are different ways to apply hair extensions for short hair. Photos of the girls before and after the procedure show what dramatic changes have occurred in them. Modern technologies make it possible not only to increase the length, but also to create a voluminous hairstyle if desired.

Most Popular:

  • Capsule;
  • Tape.

Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. It’s easy to find videos of hair extensions for short hair on the Internet. The procedure can be examined in all details. Video instructions using all techniques will clearly demonstrate the differences between them.
What is the main difference? In the methods of attaching new strands to the “native” hair.

Strand extensions are:

  • Hot;
  • Cold.

And now in more detail:

Encapsulation technology

This is what unites different capsular hair extension techniques. On short hair, even on weakened and very thin hair, you can attach new ones, strong strands and achieve excellent results.

The essence: the hair is divided into small strands. A special keratin capsule with adhesive properties and a new strand are applied 1 cm from the roots. The capsule is softened using thermal forceps (hot extension) or ultrasound, an activator liquid (cold method).

The following types are distinguished:

Italian extension

Hair length is at least 6 cm. Encapsulated strands are attached to the hair with thermal curling irons (t up to +180C).
The capsules soften to a flat state. Invisible on the head.

  • You can do any hairstyle, even tall hair, extend bangs, temples;
  • Swimming in the sea, pool, going to the solarium or sauna is allowed.


  • Own strands are damaged by hot tongs;
  • Sometimes the capsules turn during sleep and get in the way;
  • Do not use care products with silicone or acids in the root area, so as not to damage the joints;
  • Long procedure: up to 3 hours.

English way

It's a thing of the past. New strands are non-encapsulated.
The resin is heated in a special “gun”, applied to the joint and the joint is formed using forceps.

  • The fastening is unreliable;
  • They are afraid of high temperatures, weather factors, fatty acids;
  • The capsules are quite large;
  • Not suitable for areas where hair is short and thin.

Spanish technology for blondes

Encapsulated strands with an adhesive composition, an activator liquid and tongs are used. The glue will turn cloudy white after drying. Not suitable for brown-haired women and brunettes.


  • The capsules are softened with a special liquid and attached with forceps;
  • There is no high temperature that spoils the hair;
  • Holds very securely;
  • Allow at least 2 hours of free time for the procedure.

Using Ultrasound

The method is similar to the Spanish one. Hot tongs are not needed. A device with ultrasonic waves melts the glue and secures new strands efficiently. Excellent cold technique.


Using very small capsules, hair extensions are carried out on sparse and very short hair. The strands are taken thin, no more than half the volume of standard ones. Small capsules are not visible even to the girl who received the extensions. 3 cm of hair length - and you can already perform this procedure.

Watch a video about capsule hair extensions for short hair:

Tape extensions

  • The new revolutionary hair extensions for short hair have many advantages.;
  • Lifeless, weak, thin hair can be easily transformed into luxurious hair in less than 1 hour;
  • The safe procedure is suitable for any woman;
  • Any hair will become more beautiful;
  • Hair follicles are not damaged;
  • There is no mechanical effect on the hair.

Adhesive tapes are used, on both sides of which an odorless, hypoallergenic fixing composition is applied.

See how the girl's hairstyle has changed in the photo before and after tape hair extensions. It was as if a magician had worked on short, weak hair.

The hair does not need to be divided into strands; it is easy to comb after the procedure. The thickness of the strand at the junction is minimal. With the help of 4 cm wide silicone strips, the new strands are held firmly to their hair. Even a length of 50 cm is realistic for any hair type.

Correction is required every three months. The “new hair” stays on securely and does not cause any trouble. Beauty salon professionals consider this method the most acceptable and safe for hair. The procedure must be carried out by a high-class specialist.

Find a video on the Internet about tape hair extension technology. For short hair, hairdressers perform this procedure without any problems.

Many girls underestimate the benefits of coconut milk for hair, but in vain! All the pros and cons are described.


  • It is impossible to do a hairstyle with matched hair;
  • Careful care and quite expensive products are required to care for your hair.

How to care for your hair after using tape technology?
There are several mandatory items:

  • Shampoo is only pH-neutral. Additives are prohibited;
  • Hair is washed only in a vertical position;
  • After washing you need a balm;
  • You can comb your hair no more than 3 times a day. Comb – with sparse teeth;
  • Gather your hair into a ponytail and only then comb it from bottom to top;
  • Don't sleep with wet hair;
  • It is advisable to dry your hair naturally;
  • When styling with a hairdryer or curling iron, do not allow hot air or curling irons to hit the joints;
  • Styling products are also additive-free and non-aggressive.

How much does it cost to get hair extensions

This procedure is not the cheapest. But, think about it! You get new, luxurious hair of the length, volume and quality that you like. Just a couple of hours - and you are completely transformed. Extensions last from 3 months to a year.
If you consider these factors, the price of hair extensions for short hair will seem reasonable. In Moscow, a self-respecting beauty salon will definitely offer a similar service to its client. The cost depends on the type of new hair (Slavic, South Russian category), the length of the strands, their quantity, and extension technique.

The ArtHair studio in the center of the capital offers all types of extensions. For a strand of 30 or 70 cm of hair of the Slavic type of LUX category, the cost will be for 1 strand (with work): Italian, Spanish method, tape extensions: 145 or 245 rubles.

The masters of the Ethno Style Beauty Salon on Maly Kislovsky Lane perform hair extensions using various technologies. The average cost of extensions (for the entire procedure) is:

  • Strands 30cm long – 9.0 thousand rubles;
  • 50cm – 14.5 thousand. rub;
  • 60cm – 16.0 thousand rubles.

Of course, long and beautiful hair is the ultimate dream of almost every girl. But, unfortunately, not everyone is naturally endowed with voluminous and lush hair. What to do in this case? If you don't want to suffer and want to get results immediately, then hair extensions will be the best way for you.

Hair extensions - is it that easy?

Of course, everyone wants their hair to be healthy, beautiful, long and at the same time natural. But nowadays it is becoming increasingly difficult to grow them. This can be explained by poor ecology, as well as the proliferation of equipment such as irons, curling irons and hair dryers, which have a strong impact on the health of hair, often making it dull. But few girls can refuse to use a hair dryer or curling iron. As a result, the ends begin to split, and the hair has to be cut off again and again. Hair extensions have become a procedure that has helped save girls and women from unnecessary hassle. Now almost everyone can get beautiful and healthy hair in a short period of time. And all this without much effort. However, everything is not so rosy if you look at how much it costs to get hair extensions. The popularity of this procedure has made it quite expensive. So, if you extend hair up to 30 cm with up to 100 strands in a beauty salon, you will pay about 11 thousand rubles.

How to prepare hair for extensions?

Today, all hair styling experts know how to apply hair extensions, because this procedure has become very popular among girls of all ages. Therefore, you can get fairly detailed advice on how this happens in each salon. But before going to the specialist, you still need to know some important rules for preparing your hair for extensions. First of all, you should decide what length you would like. By the way, this procedure allows you not only to increase the length of your hair, but also to make it more voluminous. In addition, determine the type of hair that you would like to have (European, Slavic, South Russian). Don't understand and are afraid to go for hair extensions? Don’t worry, the salon will definitely explain their features and differences to you.

What do you need to know if you want to get hair extensions?

  1. This should be done by a professional. Of course, you can do hair extensions at home if a specialist does the extensions. Don't trust your hair to any stranger, otherwise it can lead to unpleasant consequences and even health problems.
  2. Hair extensions can only be done on healthy and fairly strong hair. Remember that damaged hair simply cannot withstand such high voltage.
  3. Do not try to save money on this procedure. If you don’t have the means, then it’s better not to get hair extensions at all than to wear your natural hair to the point of exhaustion. Remember that after the procedure you will need to buy special products to care for your hair.

So how do you get hair extensions?

Immediately set yourself up for a fairly lengthy process. Typically, hair extensions for short hair take about an hour, but the procedure can last as long as 4 hours. After this, you will be able to enjoy long, voluminous and shiny hair. How to do hair extensions? Extensions are attached 5 mm from the natural roots. Moreover, as a rule, their structure and color completely coincide with yours. In order to attach artificial strands, special capsules (volumetric or flat), medical soft ribbon or other elements are used. The type of extension depends on this. The types of this procedure are also divided according to technology: hot or cold.

Hot technologies. English build-up

How to make hair extensions using hot technology? To do this, a capsule is created using molten resin. It is English capsule hair extensions that are considered the most popular today. During this procedure, keratin resin, which is highly refractory, and a glue gun are used. If you look closely, the capsule that attaches the strand to your hair looks like a small grain of rice. This way you can grow up to 150 strands 30-70 cm long. Despite its popularity, this technology has both positive and negative reviews. Its effectiveness largely depends on the master and his professionalism. Therefore, before doing such a procedure, find out where it is best to get hair extensions in your city.

English hot technology has its advantages. Firstly, you can wear your locks for up to 6 months as long as your own hair doesn't weaken. Secondly, thanks to the use of hot resin, the hair is not subjected to severe damage. But it also has disadvantages:

  • capsules glow under neon lighting, and this must be remembered;
  • you cannot go to a sauna or bathhouse, because the keratin resin will immediately melt;
  • despite a fairly good fastening, the donor strands will still be a little lost;
  • if you decide to get hair extensions, the price of such a procedure will be quite high;
  • Hair drying with a hairdryer is mandatory.

Hot technologies. Italian extension

The main difference between English and Italian extensions is that here the curls are made with resin plates already applied. To connect them to your hair, a special electric device is used where the temperature is regulated. Such strands are produced exclusively in Italy, so their price is quite high. But there is a limit on the number of colors. Correction is performed once every 4 months.

The advantages of this technology include:

  • hair will look perfect even after 6 months;
  • keratin is very stable, so you can go to the bathhouse or sauna;
  • the hair is almost never combed out.

But there are, of course, disadvantages:

  • this procedure lasts from 2 to 4 hours;
  • glued hair is quite noticeable, it can greatly interfere with normal rest;
  • To remove such hair, you need to use a special product that contains a chemical element similar in properties to acetone.

Cold technologies. Spanish build-up

How to make hair extensions using cold technology? There are no melted or heated connecting materials used, so your curls will not undergo any heat treatment. Spanish extensions involve the use of a special glue that forms small and thin adhesions. Such donor hair can be worn for up to six months.

The main advantage is the fact that your hair is not affected by high temperatures. But there are also disadvantages to this method:

  • removing them is very painful;
  • hair is combed heavily;
  • It is almost impossible to remove curls urgently due to the composition of the glue; this will take a week.

Metal beads and cold extension

Using small metal beads, you can connect your own hair with donor hair. Later they are clamped with special forceps. To make your hairstyle voluminous, you will need to build up about 150-200 strands, which you can wear for up to 4 months without adjustments. Thanks to this technology, your own curls are not damaged, because there is no chemical or temperature effect on them. But here it is worth remembering that there are only 4 main colors of beads, which may not always suit.

Cold build-up. German tape technology

In this procedure, special hair ribbons are used, the width of which can reach 4 cm. No capsules or clamps are needed here. To secure the donor strands, a silicone compound is used. Thanks to this technology, you can quickly change your hairstyle without damaging your own hair.

But it is worth remembering that correction is needed within the first month after the procedure, since hair regrowth makes the tapes more noticeable. What are the benefits of using this technology?

  • can be safely used even on weak and thin hair, because the load in this case is uniform;
  • at first glance, such hair is difficult to distinguish from your own, and the ribbons themselves are very difficult to feel;
  • but the biggest advantage is the fact that this procedure uses harmless polymers.

Despite all of the above, German technology also has its drawbacks:

  • the tapes are colorless, but can sometimes shine when exposed to sunlight;
  • you will not be able to do styling because the tapes are distributed in a certain order;
  • Hair extensions cannot always be called ideal in appearance.

Caring for hair extensions

The most common method today is still capsule hair extensions, despite all its disadvantages. To prevent your own curls from becoming dull and falling out after such a procedure, you need to know how to properly care for them after extensions. First of all, you should buy a special shampoo and a special comb. Thanks to this, donor curls will fall out less. When washing your hair, try not to throw your hair forward; the use of balms and masks is also prohibited. The fact is that they contain substances that, if they come into contact with the capsules, can cause them to slip. Don't sleep with wet or damp hair. To prevent tangles from appearing, it is best to thoroughly dry your hair with a hairdryer and braid it before going to bed.

There are also some contraindications. For example, you can’t get hair extensions before the age of 18, since the hair follicles have not yet become strong enough. It is worth adding curls to your hair that are at least 10 cm long, otherwise the transition will be too noticeable. This procedure is completely contraindicated for people with skin diseases.

Yudu specialists provide inexpensive hair extension services in the salon and at home. They will help you achieve luxurious long hair.

Yudu specialists use only high-quality natural hair for extensions. They select an individual method that is suitable specifically for your hair length and type.

How much does professional extension cost?

Entrust your hair to an experienced stylist registered with Yuda. He will perform hair extensions for short hair, the price of which will not be high. In addition, the specialist will do a stylish styling and recommend products to care for your hair extensions.

The cost of specialist services depends on a number of factors:

  • required length
  • extension method
  • quality of hair extensions

Hair extensions can be styled in different ways, braided and cut.

Benefits of micro extensions

Micro extensions are one of the methods of hair extensions. This method involves the use of a microcapsule and thin strands, which can be extended not only to the back of the head, but to the temporal area and even to the bangs.

Yudu specialists practice micro-extensions to create thick and voluminous hair.

Why should you turn to experienced specialists?

To look great, contact experienced hairdressers registered on Yuda. They perform hair extensions for short hair, the price of their services is affordable for everyone.

Specialists carry out home visits to all areas of Moscow. Order their services on the Yudu website and take advantage of all the benefits that the performers offer.

No. The hair extension procedure is performed only on healthy hair, otherwise partial loss of both your own hair and the extensions is inevitable. Hair extensions should not be used by people undergoing chemotherapy treatment, with increased skin sensitivity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, or taking strong antibiotics. For such clients, we have a large selection of hairpieces, wigs and monowigs. Before applying hair extensions, the specialist conducts a hair diagnosis, deciding whether you can undergo this procedure.

Does hair extensions damage your hair? Are hair extensions harmful?

Hair does NOT get spoiled by extensions. During hot extensions in the apparatus for heating capsules, the temperature is 180-200 degrees; in curling irons and flat irons the temperature is the same, and sometimes even higher. With tape extensions, the adhesive strips are glued using a polymer (absolutely safe for hair) not to the hair, but to each other, and a thin strip of hair is placed between them. French extensions generally occur without glue or capsules, which in itself is harmless.

HAIR DAMAGES FROM IMPROPER CARE and wearing for too long without correction (5-6 months). This leads to severe root tangling, causing your hair to be combed out. Incorrect and inept removal of hair extensions can also damage your hair. Therefore, you need to contact a master with experience. And don’t forget that we lose up to 100 hairs a day, which we remove daily with a comb, so when you apply hair extensions, your own hair that has fallen naturally remains in the capsule, and some natural losses when removing hair extensions are inevitable.

How long does it take to correct hair extensions?

According to Italian technology, hair correction is done 2.5-3 months after extensions. Tape extensions are corrected after 1.5-2 months. Then the hair at the extension points becomes tangled, making hair removal difficult and painful. French (African) extensions are adjusted after 1.5 months.

How to care for hair extensions?

Caring for hair extensions is quite simple. You can WASH them as often as you want, but only while standing in the shower. Do not tilt your head down: this can cause severe tangling of your hair and damage to your own. BALMS and various masks can and should be worn on the hair to nourish it, BUT only from the middle of the length, because... It is undesirable for these agents to come into contact with the capsules. With French extensions, you can apply masks and balms along the entire length. You can DRY your hair either with a hairdryer or in a natural way, combing your hair from the ends, moving gradually to the roots. You must have a special comb for hair extensions, a must! The cost of such a comb starts from 300 rubles. It’s better to buy it right away, it makes combing easier, combs through all the hair and doesn’t destroy the capsules/tape. AT NIGHT, your hair should be braided in a loose braid. These are the basic recommendations; you can get them in more detail from our specialists in a printed leaflet that is given to each client after extensions.

What length of hair can I get extensions for?

To create classic long hair, the initial hair must be at least 15 cm. If your hair is shorter, you can make an elongated stepped hairstyle (cascade) with good volume and a length of 40-50 cm. And for very short hair of 5-10 cm, a medium length is usually added and create the effect of a creative, torn haircut with lengthening.

Why do extensions slip off?

With capsule and tape extensions, hair should not remain in the sink, on the pillow, or on the comb. Other types of extensions allow hair to be combed out. But 5-10 hairs are not critical.

IF YOUR HAIR IS LOSSING OUT - perhaps the keratin was not melted, the capsule was cut too much, or not enough keratin was used during correction.

IF YOUR STRATS ARE COMING OUT, you may have applied the balm to the roots or in the strands.

A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF YOUR HAIR HAS LOSS OUT - either due to natural causes or due to excessive stress. If the strands fall off along with the hair, either the load was distributed incorrectly and the hair was built up more than necessary, or the time for correction has come. If your hair is too weak, it is better to remove the extensions and restore your own.

What hairstyles can you do with hair extensions?

Almost everything! Except for those that require a parting along the head (when braiding two braids, for example), but this can also be discussed with the hairdresser in advance, and he will leave you a parting for such a hairstyle. Therefore, any flight of your imagination with hair extensions is possible. But if you still have doubts, for example, you don’t know how to backcomb the top of your head without damaging the capsule, you can always call our specialists and find out more.

Can hair extensions be dyed?

Yes, sure! Use no more than 6% oxidizing agent. It is not recommended to bleach such hair. You can also do a perm. But it’s better to choose a suitable shade or curl of hair in advance.

Why do my hair extensions get so tangled?

Perhaps your hair extensions were not of REMY quality, but of the so-called changeovers. In them, the scales cling to each other and become tangled so much that they are very difficult to comb. Or you left your hair undried at the root and went to bed without braiding it. Perhaps you are simply bad at combing your hair at the roots. It is also better to swim in the pool with braided hair, as it can get tangled in the water. The cause of tangling of hair extensions can be poor-quality skincare products. Try changing your shampoo, and most importantly, your conditioner or mask. Use sprays for good combing and do not buy hair flippers.

How to care for hair with clips? How to wash hair with clips?

1. CROSS your hair gently before washing, starting from the ends and working your way up. You should not “tear” your hair; it is better to take a softer comb (not with iron teeth) or a special one for hair extensions.

2. It is better to WASH your tress hair under the tap, or in the sink. Take each strand in turn and spread it with shampoo at the top of the tress, carefully covering all the hair (you can use any shampoo). After you wash all the strands, rinse them in warm (!) water. Then, using the same stroking motion, apply a mask or balm (any, better for extensions or very dry hair) to each strand and leave for a while. Rinse your hair in cool water: this will help close the scales and make your hair less tangled.

3. It is better to DRY your hair naturally by laying the strands on a dry towel. But if you do blow dry your hair, it is better to avoid hot drying and/or not hold the hair dryer too close. 20-30 cm is the optimal distance for drying hair.

Follow the rules and your hair will bring you only joy and good mood!!!

Long, luxurious hair is the dream of many girls. But grooming and nurturing your own curls to the desired length takes a very long time, especially if you just recently got a short haircut. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to do extensions for very short hair and perhaps you will be able to get a Rapunzel-style hairstyle in just a few hours. In addition, modern technology will help make thinning hair thicker and more voluminous. And even garcon and pixie haircuts are not restrictions on the procedure!

Features of the procedure

Curls whose length does not exceed 10 are considered short; according to other classifications - 15 or even 18 centimeters. Many hairdressers are guided by the fact that the edges of such strands should not go below the earlobes. In any case, until relatively recently, lengthening short hair seemed an impossible task.

Most masters in salons got down to business only if the hair reached 10–20 centimeters. With the development of technology, the minimum figure has decreased to 4–5 centimeters.

During the procedure, thin bundles of natural hair are attached to your own strands using various techniques. Before this, the material is pre-treated: cleaned and painted. The longer the extensions are, the more expensive the service will cost the client. Sometimes hairdressers refuse to perform the procedure, but usually this indicates their lack of qualifications, lack of confidence in their abilities, or reluctance to engage in labor-intensive work.

Extensions, especially for short hair, are a creative process, and the final result depends on how conscientiously the artist approaches the task. Asymmetrical haircuts add complications, because in this case you will have to attach the strands not strictly along the partings, but in a non-standard order.

The specialist must ensure that the connections are invisible. He will probably have to shape the silhouette of the hairstyle in a special way, perhaps doing a cascade or thinning. Therefore, focus not only on the quality of the extension material, but also on the qualifications of the hairdresser.

Attention! The most difficult thing is to choose donor bundles for curly hair. Read more about curly and wavy hair extensions on our website.

Length restrictions

Depending on the technology used, the initial length may be very short. Thus, the microcapsule method or Diamond Hair allows you to work with 5-centimeter curls. For strands of 3 centimeters or more, the Extend Magic method was invented.

Although this is not the limit: Now even hair that has grown only a centimeter is lengthened. A technique that allows this is called Dream Hairs.

If you don’t know whether you can add strands to your short hairstyle, sign up for a consultation at the salon. The hairdresser must correctly explain what opportunities your particular haircut offers for the procedure, and also explain how much longer it can become:

  • 5–7 cm hair can be extended to shoulder length;
  • hair of 10–15 centimeters - up to half a meter. For longer options, a minimum of 20 cm of your own strands is required.

Luxurious waist-length curls attached to a short haircut will become an excessive burden for the entire head, so don’t demand the impossible from the master.


The cost of the service is determined individually. The final price depends on the complexity of the work, the density and length of the curls (both your own and those being extended), the chosen technology, the number of bundles of donor material and other factors. Based on this, you can spend 5,000 rubles, or you can spend 10–20 thousand rubles.

Not all salons offer extension services, including short haircuts.


You cannot lengthen hair of any length if it is weakened, damaged by recent dyeing or perm, or is falling out significantly. Also refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • taking strong antibiotics;
  • undergoing chemotherapy;
  • inflammations, wounds on the head;
  • skin ailments, including seborrhea.

Advice. Extensions before the age of 18 can negatively affect the condition of the curls in the future and weaken them.


There are two main ways to attach strands: hot and cold. In the first case, the bundles are attached to the natural hair using molten resin, similar to candle wax. The cold version eliminates thermal effects on the hairstyle. Glue, beads, and small capsules are used here. Any of the methods is divided into technologies (English, Spanish, Italian and others), but not all of them are optimal for laconic haircuts.

Here are the characteristics of techniques that will lengthen short strands without any problems. They are called microcapsules because tiny particles are used to attach donor bundles:

  • Bellargo and Microbellargo. The technique does not burden the hairstyle, because it does not involve attaching a large number of false curls. As a rule, about a hundred of them are required. The strands are fixed with special polymers, which are difficult to see even on short hair. The extension process lasts quickly, about 1.5 hours.

  • Diamond Hair. Refers to the hot method. Small capsules are attached to the natural hair using glue heated to a temperature of 120 °C. The name of the method was not chosen by chance: the adhesive composition contains diamond microparticles that improve the structure of the hair. The duration of this procedure is about 3–4 hours. Read more information about Diamond Hair diamond hair extensions on our website.

  • Dream Hairs. If you look at the implementation of this technology from the outside or on video, you will probably compare the work of a hairdresser with the skill of a jeweler. The extended strands are attached to very thin native curls using microcapsules, which contain fortified keratin. The work is long, painstaking and labor-intensive, but the result is worth it: it is almost impossible to see the fastening points. Thanks to this, the technique is used even for bangs or hair that has grown no more than a centimeter, in the area of ​​the crown and temples. The number of donor bundles is approximately 200–250 pieces.

  • Extend magic. It is considered a cold microcapsule extension technology because the heating temperature of the adhesive does not exceed 90 °C. For the procedure itself, transparent wax is taken, which over time adapts to the desired hair color. The capsules are very small, like a grain of rice, and invisible. One procedure requires from 100 to 200 extension strands. The method is used on hair over 3 centimeters long.

Photos before and after

Effect duration

New microcapsule technologies, which make the results of the procedure invisible to others, allow you to resort to correction less often. On average, a hairstyle update is required every 3-5 months. A lot depends on how quickly your haircut grows out. Sometimes you have to visit a specialist every 2-3 months. During the correction, the hairdresser will remove the donor bundles and reattach them after processing.

Attention! It is strictly prohibited to remove hair extensions yourself. This should only be done by a specialist.

Advantages and disadvantages

Extension using microcapsule technologies has many significant advantages:

  • quick transformation;
  • radical change of image;
  • the opportunity to visit the pool and sauna, swim in the sea, which cannot be done in the case of some other methods;
  • natural appearance;
  • weightlessness of capsules, ease of wearing strands;
  • gentle effect on natural hair;
  • the ability to lengthen even very short curls;
  • long-lasting effect, no need to often come to the salon for correction;
  • minimum list of restrictions;
  • application on any part of the head.

But even such modern methods have their own flaws:

  • very high cost, due, among other things, to the complexity of the work;
  • the duration of the procedure sometimes reaches 5 hours;
  • presence of contraindications and restrictions on care;
  • In some cases, it is impossible to give additional volume to the hair.

Before deciding on the procedure, look through thematic reviews with photos.

With the right technology and careful care, false curls will not create problems for you. The main thing is to prevent their tangling in a timely manner. New microcapsule methods will allow you to treat your strands as if they were your own: color them, style them, and blow-dry them. However, it is still worth asking the hairdresser who will lengthen your hair for specific care rules and a list of restrictions.

Useful videos

Hair extensions for short hair.

Microcapsule hair extensions for short hair.

gastroguru 2017