How to make a toy from yarn with your own hands. DIY thread toys: ideas for comfort and children's leisure. How to make a ball of thread: gift wrapping

You can make different toys from knitting threads. Using threads of different colors, it is easy to make a bear cub or a chicken, a bunny or a piglet. Making such toys does not take much time. For example, even a child can make a small funny cat.

To make this toy you will need:
- knitting threads in white and black colors;
- thick paper or cardboard;
- compass;
- sharp nail scissors;
- needle and thread for sewing;
- rope or thick decorative cord;
- pink bead;
- eyes for toys or black beads,
- white felt,
- pink satin ribbon;
- thin lace in black or blue.

The procedure for making a cat toy.
1. On thick paper, draw two rings with an outer diameter of 6.5 cm and an inner diameter of 1.5 cm. Using nail scissors, carefully cut out the rings from the paper.

2. Place the rings together and wrap them tightly with white knitting threads until the inner hole of the ring is filled with threads.

3. Using sharp nail scissors, cut the threads along the edge of the rings.

4. Take a piece of white thread, stretch it between the rings, wrap it several times and tie it tightly into a knot.

5. Remove the paper rings and you will have a fluffy pompom. Trim the pompom with scissors so that it acquires the correct round shape.

6. Now you need to make a black pompom, just a little smaller than the white one. To do this, cut out two rings from thick paper with an outer diameter of 6 cm and an inner diameter of 1.5 cm. Fold the paper rings together and wrap them tightly with black thread. Cut the threads along the edge. Take a piece of black thread, wrap it between the rings and tie it tightly. Remove the paper rings and you will have a small black pompom. Trim it with scissors.

7. Tie the black and white pompoms tightly together.

9. Take two pieces of rope or decorative cord, each 14 cm long. Tie a knot at the ends of the segments. These will make the front and back legs of the cat.

10. Try on the strings to the pompoms and sew them to the pompoms with a few stitches. In this case, you need to ensure that the length of the legs is the same.

11. Cut two small triangles from white felt - these will be the cat’s ears.

12. Try the ears on the head and secure them with a few stitches.

A child aged 5 years and older can already make quite complex crafts that you can not only admire or give to someone, but also play with them. As a means of improvisation, you can use various materials, for example, woolen threads, from which you can teach your child to make pom-poms, and from them into cute toys.

The child will then be happy to play with his creation.

Making animal toys from pompoms develops imagination, attention, and fine motor skills. This activity calms you down and teaches you how to finish what you have started.

How to make pompoms from yarn?

Before you start creating crafts from pompoms for children, you need to make the pompom itself.

Materials for making pompoms:

1. Scissors;

3. Cardboard;

5. Thick fabric.

Making pom poms:

1. Using a compass, you need to draw two large identical circles on thick cardboard. Inside the large circles you need to draw small ones. Next you need to cut out large circles and the middle in them.

3. Next, you need to take a needle and thread a thread of the desired color into it, in accordance with the selected craft model. After this, you need to thread a needle and thread into the inner small circle between the two existing circles and wind the thread in a circle. Since there is a very large consumption of thread, you should immediately take the thread as long as possible.

4. You need to wrap the circle until the small middle is completely hidden.
5. After the entire circle is filled, you need to use scissors to cut along the outer perimeter of the threads.

6. To prevent the threads from scattering, they must be held with your hands. Then you need to slightly lift one cardboard and tie the middle of the threads with a thin rope.

7. After the pompom is tied, both cardboards can be removed and you can see the result.

Master class “Chicken”

Necessary materials:

1. Yellow knitting threads;

2. Thick paper or cardboard;

3. Scissors;

4. Compass;

5. Red cardboard or felt;

6. Wire;

7. Wire cutters;

8. 4 black beads;

9. Large gypsy needle;

10. Glue gun or glue moment.

Manufacturing process:

1. Make 3 yellow pompoms. For one toy you need a large pompom, and for the second 2 pompoms of different diameters.

2. Glue the paws and comb cut out of cardboard or felt to the large pompom. Glue in beady eyes and make a red beak.

3. For the second chicken, sew pompoms together and form wire legs.

4. Cover the wire legs with red thread.

5. Glue the comb, eyes and beak to the chicken.

6. Chickens - ready!

For inspiration, Curious World has prepared a selection of pom-pom animal toys for you.

Sometimes needlewomen are faced with a problem when a large number of small balls of thread or yarn remain, from which it is no longer possible to make anything worthwhile.

They often put all these skeins in a basket or bag, leaving them for the period when they finally figure out what to do with these small balls.

We confidently declare: after reading our article, you will no longer have to rack your brains over this issue, because we will provide you with several interesting ideas for using threads and yarn to decorate the interior of your own home with crafts made from woolen knitting threads and ordinary fine yarn.

This hobby was invented a long time ago and quickly spread throughout the world due to its practicality, because it is impossible to calculate a skein of thread in such a way as to use it down to the centimeter. In addition, in ancient times, threads were the only way to make and give a doll to a child.

Now there is no such problem. The modern market offers a bunch of toys that can amaze your baby with their originality and uniqueness, but how can at least one of them compare with the one you made with your own hands, and into which you have invested a piece of your soul and boundless motherly love.

Well, if you make this masterpiece of handicraft together with your baby, then the process of making crafts from threads with your own hands will forever remain in his memory as one of the warmest moments in life.

From threads you can make not only thread crafts for children in the form of various dolls, cute animal figures, but also paintings, vases or decorations for lamps.

Let's look at a few master classes that will make you a real master in this field.

Yarn paintings

If you don’t know how to use many small pieces of thread that are no longer enough for pompoms and kititsa, then make a picture from them. You don't need a large amount of materials for this. All you need is scissors, cardboard and glue, and don’t forget about the threads themselves.

Follow the algorithm of our lesson, and you are guaranteed an excellent result:

  • On the cardboard, trace the contours of the pattern that will be created with threads. If you have printed the finished picture, then stick it on top of the cardboard.
  • Now you have a long job ahead of you. It is necessary to cut all the threads into small, small pieces. Entrust this task to your child or do it with him. This will amuse him and at the same time force him to work a little. All pieces need to be sorted by color.
  • Now start creating the painting. To do this, step by step, lay out threads of the same color on a heavily glued area of ​​the design.
  • This must be continued until there is not a single empty space left in the picture.
  • Let the masterpiece dry and you can safely hang it on the wall!

Yarn flowers

If you have some floss or iris threads left, you can use them to create crafts from a ball or paper and threads in the shape of flowers of incredible beauty.

To do this, you will only need threads, glue, a piece of newspaper, which we will use as a blank, scissors and wire.

If you want to make the flowers something original, grab ribbons and beads. Let's start our master class on crafts made from threads.

Manufacturing instructions

  • Create blanks for flowers. This is quite simple to do: you just need to crumple a large piece of paper or newspaper and make a ball out of it.
  • We will wind a thread soaked in glue around this homemade ball. We decided to create a composition of delicate white bells, so we needed a skein of white threads or floss threads with blue and white inserts. This combination will look very interesting and gentle.
  • Once the ball reaches a large enough size and there are no gaps or “bald” areas on it, you should let it dry.
  • After a few hours, you can return to working on your craft. Now you need to carefully cut off the excess from the ball, giving it the shape of a flower, in our case, a bell.
  • Carefully thread the wire through these buds and secure each bell to it, decorating the fastening area with beads.
  • To hide our wire stem, we again soak the thread with glue, this time we take a green thread and wind it around the wire.

Below you can see photos of crafts made from threads. We hope that, inspired by one of them, you will be able to create your own masterpiece.

Photos of crafts made from threads



Useful tips

Snowmen made of threads

You can create very beautiful crafts from ordinary threads.

For the New Year, it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with various toys. From threads and glue you can make such popular Christmas tree decorations as balls.

In addition, threads and glue can be used to create Christmas trees of different colors and sizes, and to make the picture complete, you can put a snowman near the Christmas tree, which can also be made from threads.

On our website you will also find:

  • DIY New Year's monkey craft
  • DIY Christmas balls
  • How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands

A shiny ball made of thread and PVA glue

You will need:

Several balloons

PVA glue

White thread


Small bowl.

1. Pour PVA glue into a bowl and dilute it with a small amount of water.

* If the glue runs out and you are not finished yet, you can add more water.

2. Inflate the balloons. Their size directly affects the size of your future New Year's balls.

3. Prepare a white thread, tie one end to the tail of the ball and start wrapping the thread around the entire ball. Cover the surface of the ball as much as possible.

4. Dip the ball wrapped in thread into a bowl of PVA glue and water and start turning it so that the glue is absorbed into the thread from all sides.

5. Before the glue dries, sprinkle glitter on the ball.

6. So that the ball can dry, you can hang it on a stretched thread using a paper clip or place it on a jar (without a lid).

7. After 24 hours, remove your Christmas decoration and use scissors or another object to burst the ball inside. Carefully pull out the ball; it will be slightly glued to the thread.

* By making several of these shiny balls, you can decorate your Christmas tree or interior. If you get a few branches, you can hang New Year's balls on them, decorating the branches with tinsel.

DIY Christmas balls made of threads

You will need:

Air balloons

Thick threads (for knitting, for example)

PVA glue

Plastic bowl or cup for glue (or other container that you can poke a couple of small holes in)

thick needle


1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size and tie a tail. If you want to make it more round, press it down with your hands.

2. Use a needle and thread to pierce a plastic bowl or cup. This should be done as close to the bottom as possible. You can also simply dip the thread into a container of glue.

3. Pour PVA glue into a container and dilute it with a small amount of water to save glue.

4. Slowly pull the thread through the glue container and begin to wind the ball with it. Since you will be removing the ball after the glue dries, it is better to leave a little space near the tail in advance to pull it out.

5. Once you have wrapped the ball tightly, cut the thread. You can leave a small tail to make a loop and hang the ball on the Christmas tree, for example.

6. Leave the ball to dry. In the natural way it will take 24 hours or a little more. You can speed up the process by placing the ball near the radiator or drying it with a hairdryer.

7. When the glue has completely hardened on all sides, pierce the ball and carefully pull it out.

8. If desired, you can decorate the ball. Try painting it, gluing plastic or paper snowflakes, sequins, or covering it with sparkles.

Another option:

How to make a ball of thread: gift wrapping

You will need:

Large ball of thread

Acrylic paint and brush

PVA glue


Scissors or utility knife

A long piece of tape.

1. Inflate the balloon and wrap it with thread as tightly as possible. In some places, add a little PVA glue to secure the thread.

* The main thing is to wrap the ball so that nothing is visible through the thread. You can cover all the threads with a thin layer of PVA glue.

2. Using a brush, apply acrylic paint to the thread. You should not skimp on paint, because in addition to color, it also holds the threads together well.

3. Hang the ball to dry overnight. If you have nowhere to hang it, you can put it on the neck of the jar.

4. When the paint has dried, burst the ball and pull it out of the “cocoon”.

5. Cut the resulting cocoon in half using scissors or a stationery knife. To make this easier, wrap the ball with one thread of a contrasting color and start cutting along this line.

6. Using a screwdriver, make several symmetrical holes on both sides of the cocoon.

7. Place gifts wrapped in beautiful paper inside.

8. Pull the ribbon crosswise through the holes and tie it in a bow at the end.

New Year's balls made of threads: foam ball with jute rope

You will need:

Styrofoam ball

Jute rope

PVA glue


1. Wrap a jute rope around a foam ball, attaching it with PVA glue.

2. Decorate the balloon as you like. Use sparkles, stickers, sequins.

You can make a Christmas tree in the same way, only instead of a ball you use a foam cone.

Balls of thread (video)

Option 1.

Option 2.

DIY thread balls (photo)

Christmas tree made of threads. Option 1.

You will need:


Regular tape

PVA glue


2. Wrap the cone in cling film or wide tape.

3. Pour PVA glue into a bowl (you can dilute it with a little water).

4. Dip the thread into the bowl of glue and begin wrapping it around the cone, starting from the top of the head. The thread should not be squeezed too hard - there should be enough glue left on it to attach well to the cone.

5. Leave the craft for 24 hours to allow the glue to dry, or you can use a hair dryer to speed up the process.

6. After the glue has dried, carefully remove the thread tree from the cone.

7. You can start decorating your Christmas tree. Any decorations are suitable for this - sparkles, sequins, buttons, beads, pompoms, etc. You can also place an electric candle under the tree to make it look even more beautiful.

DIY thread tree. Option 2.

You will need:


Cling film or wide tape

Regular tape

PVA glue

Garland with lights.

1. Make a cone out of paper. Make small cuts at the bottom, leaving 2 cm between them. The cuts are needed so that you can stretch the thread between them.

2. In a bowl, dilute PVA glue with water.

3. Start saturating the thread with glue and wrapping it around the cone, threading the thread through the cuts and wrapping the entire cone. Leave the glue to dry.

4. When everything is dry, carefully remove the string tree from the cone. To make this easier, cut off the edge of the base of the cone (where the cuts are). Start slowly turning the cone until it comes unstuck.

5. Glue, sew or staple the ribbon to the bottom of the tree.

6. Place a garland of lights inside the tree. If the light bulbs are small, then they can be secured inside the tree using thin wire or Christmas tree decorations that have wire fastenings. You can also use paper clips.

Here is another photo instruction:

Beautiful white Christmas tree made of threads. Option 3.

How to make a knitted Christmas tree from threads for the New Year

Many housewives will not hide the fact that they have impressive reserves of leftover yarn that are gathering dust idle in the closet. You just need to take a creative approach to the accumulated goodness to turn it into excellent, hand-made thread crafts.

A variety of techniques will allow you to make interesting decorative objects, original gifts and simple trinkets.

Craft options

Since ancient times, women have been passionate about creating a wide variety of things from threads. However, modern mothers can always buy any toy they like in the store. But the joy of joint creativity is priceless, so you can sometimes find them doing needlework with their children.

What can you make from leftover yarn? For example, decorative elements in the form of vases, lampshades, flowers. Various paintings will look good. Children will be delighted with voluminous toys in the form of fluffy animals.

What will be useful at work?

To understand how to make a craft from threads, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what you will need. It's about the tool and the material.

Each new creation requires a different approach, but the general list will be something like this:

  • yarn (wool or cotton, for example, floss);
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue (needed for creating paintings, lampshades);
  • glue gun (useful for creating animals);
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • wire.

Furry animals

Wool yarn is an excellent material for creating voluminous crafts. It makes furry animals, fluffy yellow chickens and much more.

The toys are just a simple pompom, so it all comes down to the ability to create it. Below we will try to provide detailed instructions on how to make a craft from threads.

Making pompoms is quite simple. First, you should cut out circles from cardboard, the diameter of which will determine the size of future pom-poms. A hole is made in the middle of the resulting blanks. After which the two circles are added to each other.

Next, armed with a needle and thread, you need to tightly wrap the cardboard circles by threading the thread through the hole in the center. The number of turns determines the splendor of the future pompom - the more, the better.

When it is no longer possible to wind, the free end of the thread is cut off, and the thread blank is cut along the entire circumference. It is convenient to use a blade for these purposes.

By spreading the cardboard to the sides, the product is tightly tied in the center. The final stage involves removing the cardboard elements, after which the finished pompom is straightened. Protruding ends and irregularities are removed using scissors.

Pompoms of different sizes will create different body parts of an animal or bird. If you use yellow material, you can create a cute chicken by gluing two pompoms together with hot glue using a gun.

The finishing touch will be the design of the beak and eye. In a similar way, you can make a dog, cat, frog and much more.

Creating paintings

If you have an impressive amount of thread scraps of different colors in your bins, then you can create a beautiful picture from them.

To work you will need cardboard, PVA glue and scissors. Drawing templates can be found on the Internet or prepared yourself. The image should be simple and have large elements.

First, the outline of the future image is drawn on the cardboard. If you have a template, you can paste it directly onto the cardboard. Next, the yarn of the desired color is cut into small pieces using scissors.

For convenience, the finished cuts are placed in separate boxes. Those parts of the future painting where one of the colors will be used are generously smeared with glue, after which they are sprinkled with chopped yarn.

Gently pressing it to the base, achieve gluing; the excess can be blown off or shaken off. The remaining work is done in the same way. Having filled the entire picture with yarn, it is framed.

Interesting options for thread crafts are obtained if the theme of the paintings is simple landscapes and flowers.

Openwork crafts

Below will be presented another master class on crafts made from threads. We're talking about an airy lampshade. To make it you will need:

  • balloon;
  • threads of small thickness (preferably cotton);
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

First you need to inflate and tie the balloon tightly. Then its surface is generously lubricated with glue, after which the ball is wrapped with thread. The main thing is that at the end there are no large clearings left on the surface.

The workpiece is left to dry until the next day. Then the ball is deflated and carefully removed from the thread sphere. Next you need to make a hole to place the cartridge inside. Energy-saving light bulbs are optimal because they heat up less than conventional incandescent light bulbs.

Openwork balls are suitable for creating baskets, toys and other decorative elements. You can wrap yarn around a vase, giving it an original appearance.

Decorative flowers

Floss can make very beautiful flowers. The principle of operation is similar to making an openwork lampshade or vase. If there is no suitable container on which to wind the threads, you can use regular crumpled paper. For better results, it is useful to wrap it with tape.

The blanks are wrapped halfway so that petals can be cut out from the resulting cup. To prevent fraying of the ends, a piece of thread is glued to them. The wire makes a good flower stem if you wrap it with yarn of the appropriate color.

When the individual elements of the future flower are ready, they need to be connected and fixed with glue. Thanks to the combination of different sizes and shades you can get excellent bouquets.

Photos of crafts made from threads inspire many with their unusualness and beauty. Anyone can join the ranks of handicraft masters, especially since the hobby is interesting and does not require large financial expenditures.

Creative work with threads and yarn will allow you to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle and give you a lot of pleasant time with your family.

Photos of crafts made from threads

gastroguru 2017