How can you understand that you are giving birth? The onset of labor, symptoms, contractions - the first signs of approaching labor

The pregnancy is proceeding successfully, the expectant mother feels well, but she is not left with a feeling of anxiety about the most important process - childbirth. This is especially exciting if a woman is giving birth for the first time. How do you know that a baby is ready to be born when you need to go to the hospital so that doctors can deliver the baby on time? All women planning to give birth should know the first signs of labor so as not to harm themselves or the baby.

Many people try to completely trust the doctor who sets the due date, or rather the date of birth, but in practice, most often it turns out that the child is born earlier or later than the appointed date, this depends on many factors. Premature birth is just as dangerous as a post-term baby, so you need to monitor your body and take care of yourself in order to feel the first signs of labor in time. It is necessary to know what will happen in the body before childbirth, what changes in the female condition should be understood as the approach of childbirth.

What are the first signs of labor?

The main first sign of approaching labor is a drooping abdomen. The point is that the baby must come down in order to prepare for its birth. With normal labor, this occurs at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, it even becomes easier for a woman to breathe, but many will experience discomfort due to frequent urination and swelling. Your arms and legs may swell, and you may need to go to the toilet more often. This is due to the fact that the child, having descended, puts pressure on the kidneys and bladder, so you should not be afraid of swelling, they will be a warning to you, as the first sign of the approaching birth, that happy moment when the baby is born.

Another major sign that labor is approaching is weight loss. Throughout your pregnancy, you have only been gaining weight, but now you have suddenly lost a couple of kilograms. Don’t be alarmed, it means you will soon become a mother, which is why it is so important to regularly measure your weight throughout your entire pregnancy. Weight loss occurs due to the absorption of amniotic fluid, so you should not be afraid of this.

The first sign of imminent labor will be a change in appetite. If you ate well, and suddenly stopped experiencing pleasure from eating, you suddenly lost your appetite, get ready for an imminent birth. This will also be evidenced by an increased appetite, if it was not typical for you during pregnancy.

Immediately a few days before giving birth, a woman begins to feel a nagging pain in the pubic bone. If it has become habitual for you that your back, lower back ache, then now the pain will transfer to the pubic part. The fact is that for childbirth it is necessary for the bones to become softer in order to facilitate childbirth, so a certain softening occurs, which is accompanied by a dull pain. Don't be afraid of these symptoms, just start getting ready to go to the hospital.

In addition to physiological changes in the body, psychological metamorphoses also occur. The character and mood of a woman becomes changeable, sometimes she cries, sometimes she laughs. During pregnancy this was less noticeable than a few days before giving birth, so this sign should also be paid attention to. You cannot sleep, you have become worried about some previously unimportant problems, you are attacked by apathy or, conversely, aggression. All this will pass after childbirth, but in the meantime, it’s time for you and your husband to prepare for the birth of your baby.

What to do if the first signs of labor are detected?

If you notice several of these early signs of labor and they are getting worse, you are due to give birth in less than a week. However, you should behave very carefully during the last trimester, do not lift anything heavier than one and a half kilograms, and lie down more. However, a little physical activity will be beneficial, otherwise you can transition, that is, the child will be born later than necessary, what the risk is, read the article: Is post-term pregnancy dangerous?

It is best to walk in the fresh air for several hours a day, in a park, in a garden, and do all the household chores you can - dusting, washing dishes, cooking delicious food, ironing, but washing the floors at an angle or washing clothes by hand is prohibited. In these household chores, let your loved ones help you, or a handy tool - a mop with a comfortable long handle, a washing machine.

But the main thing before childbirth is positive emotions that should be present around the woman all the time, so that the baby feels the mother’s good condition, no worries, so that nothing frightens him before birth.

How to determine the onset of labor?

All the signs that appear in a woman let her know that childbirth is near, that she needs to be constantly prepared for it, and that she needs to collect the things that will be needed in the maternity hospital. However, the closer the crucial moment, the more worries she will have about whether she will be able to understand that labor is beginning.

To determine the onset of labor, it is necessary to pay attention to obvious signs of a change in a woman’s condition:

  • Adrenaline is released, her palms and feet become wet, she begins to feel a strong growing excitement
  • Some fluid always comes out of the uterus, sometimes with blood discharge - this is a special mucus plug that protected the baby throughout the entire pregnancy. However, there are times when she comes out a day or two before the birth itself, but most often just before the birth.
  • Contractions begin. The first contractions are only slightly painful, the pain moves from the lower abdomen to the lower back. If you don’t immediately notice these sensations, don’t worry, the first labor can last up to 14 hours, so you will have time to see a doctor when you feel stronger contractions. Gradually, the strength of contractions and their duration will increase. Prenatal contractions occur at intervals of about 5 minutes, and are becoming more frequent. When the uterus begins to contract, you will feel it, and this will also be preceded by the release of amniotic fluid.
  • It should be understood that the breaking of the waters is the beginning of labor, but the waters can break slowly if the path is blocked by the baby’s head, or quickly, in this case it is very important to carry out the birth as quickly as possible so that the child does not suffocate or get injured, any delay can become critical for baby's health. If you were not at the doctor’s office when your water broke, carefully remember the time and appearance of the water, its smell, all this needs to be known to the obstetrician-gynecologist who will deliver the baby.

What to do if your water breaks?

Firstly, you should not panic, you must immediately call an ambulance or your husband, who will take you to the hospital, even if your water has broken and there are no contractions. You need to ride in a reclining position; you can take a bottle of still water or black tea with lemon with you. Usually modern women think through everything in advance, so when packing your bag for childbirth, don’t forget to take water, as you really want to drink during childbirth and after.

The first signs of premature birth

We will talk more about premature birth in another article, but now I would like to explain only those cases when you should really worry that you are experiencing the first signs of premature birth. The fact is that a pregnancy is considered normal when the baby is carried for about 40 weeks; if labor begins earlier, then it is premature and you should be prepared for anything, which is why it is so important to know the signs of premature birth.

If you identify the symptoms and first signs of premature birth in time, you can consult a doctor in time:

  • The appearance of contractions that repeat every 10 minutes or even more often
  • Discharge of watery fluid, which may indicate damage to the amniotic fluid sac
  • Lower abdominal cramps similar to menstrual cramps
  • Dull aching pain in the lower back, which may be temporary
  • Pressure in the pelvic area can also be periodic
  • Abdominal cramps

If you notice several of these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid premature birth.

How to induce contractions on your own?

But not only premature birth is dangerous, but also post-term pregnancy, so if you have been pregnant for more than 41 weeks, you can induce contractions on your own without harming the baby’s health in order to speed up the natural process of giving birth.

To induce natural contractions on your own, when the baby is in no hurry to be born, you should eat more foods that contain fiber, drink less water, and do not overeat. This will stimulate intestinal function.

You need to walk more, be in an upright position, you can even dance at home. Gradually, under the weight of amniotic fluid, the fetus will move, the muscles of the uterus will begin to contract, which will lead to the first contractions, and subsequently to childbirth.

You can massage the nipples of the breast, which allows the hormone oxytocin to appear in the body, which also causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the skin of the breast, preparing it for feeding.

Pat your belly, talk to your child, call him, tell him how much you love him. Such contact between mother and child is sometimes the main impetus for the birth of a baby.

Starting from the ninth month of pregnancy, every expectant mother has fears associated with childbirth. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the first child or not, every time is like the first time for a woman. Especially often, fears arise due to the uncertainty of the expectant mother that she will recognize contractions in time and have time to arrive at the maternity hospital.

But such cases occur extremely rarely; more often, pregnant women are sent home to nurse until their due date. After all, it is very difficult not to recognize the onset of labor, and when your baby wants to be born, you will immediately understand it.

If you listen to your body, you will find that significant changes will begin approximately 14 days before your expected due date. And the closer the deadline, the more noticeable these changes will be.

14 days before the baby is born

At this time, the body begins to prepare for an important event - the birth of a baby. During this period, mommy begins to feel the harbingers of childbirth - signs that indicate the approach of the cherished date.

Training contractions
Contractions are contractions of the uterus that help the baby leave the womb. They feel like pain during menstruation, only much more intense. Training contractions are needed to prepare the uterus and pelvic organs for childbirth. Unlike real contractions, they are not periodic and are less painful.

Abdominal prolapse
Another harbinger of labor is abdominal prolapse. This can not only be felt, but also seen. You yourself will notice how your stomach has become much lower, as if drawn to the floor. This means that the baby is ready for birth and is pressing its head on the lower part of the uterus. Therefore, it gradually moves from the abdominal cavity to the pelvic cavity. The expectant mother begins to feel lightness in the abdomen and chest, because the pressure on them stops. At the same time, frequent urination and discomfort in the groin area appear.

The closer this event is, the more new sensations the expectant mother experiences. Sometimes this can be mistaken for problems during pregnancy, so to reassure yourself, you should communicate more with your loved ones, and, if necessary, with your doctor.

Uncomfortable sensations
Before giving birth, the expectant mother may feel aching pain in the lower back. This indicates displacement of the pelvic organs, widening of the hips and stretching of ligaments. In this way, the body prepares for childbirth.

Hormonal changes
When a cherished event approaches, the cerebellum begins to produce hormones responsible for childbirth. They are the ones who provoke contractions and other changes. You can notice this if your taste sensations change, your appetite disappears, your mood fluctuates, and your bowel movements become more frequent. Often pregnant women lose weight in the last weeks, this is due to the fact that hormones no longer affect the accumulation of fluid in the body.

Decreased baby activity
Now the baby occupies almost the entire uterine cavity and simply cannot turn around in it properly. The tests and indicators remain normal and the child’s health is not in danger.

If you don’t feel any signs of labor, and the birth date is getting closer, don’t worry, maybe your body is less sensitive than other expectant mothers, or the symptoms are less intense.

The day before giving birth or a little later, the expectant mother exhibits symptoms that clearly hint that you will soon meet the baby. If you feel the sensations described below, then inform your loved ones that you will soon need their help.

Exit of the mucus plug
The mucus plug is a barrier that throughout pregnancy protected the baby from the penetration of germs, bacteria and viruses. Before birth, it is rejected by the body, clearing the way, and comes out gradually or immediately. Don't be alarmed when you find yellow mucus on your underwear; if it doesn't have blood clots, then everything is going according to plan.

Contraction of the uterus just before childbirth becomes periodic. At first, you may think that this is another “training” of the body, but when such attacks occur every 15-20 minutes, this will already indicate the onset of labor. Over time, the interval will become smaller until it reaches 3-5 minutes.

Broken water
In feature films and TV series, labor for heroines always begins with the water suddenly breaking. In fact, this happens extremely rarely. Experienced mothers know this themselves. Contractions appear first, and only then all other signs. Moreover, the bubble may not rupture on its own, then it is pierced already in the maternity hospital. This is an absolutely painless procedure that will not harm the baby.

If your water breaks and there are no contractions, then urgently call an ambulance or ask your loved ones to take you to the maternity hospital. This combination of circumstances can complicate the course of labor, so medical supervision is extremely necessary.

A few hours before birth, the intestinal muscles begin to contract and release everything unnecessary so that the contents do not interfere with the natural course of labor. Therefore, you may experience frequent urges to “big”. Moreover, there is a feeling of nausea, even the urge to vomit.

Some women in labor report chills that appear some time before giving birth. The expectant mother becomes cold and begins to shake a little.

Until the contractions become too frequent, approximately every 5-7 minutes, remain calm and prepare for the trip to the hospital. At this time, try not to lie down, but move more and breathe deeply, this way you will stimulate labor. If the maternity hospital is far away, you need to get ready much earlier or go to it in advance.

The pain will only intensify, so make sure you take and prepare your bag in advance. It’s good if a loved one, especially your mother, is next to you at this time. With her you will feel confident and calm.

If contractions start earlier than expected, don’t worry about it. Today it is considered normal to have a baby at 35 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors say that by this time all the important functions of the child are fully formed and he is ready for extrauterine life. But if labor does not begin on time, and the days go by, then you should start worrying and go to the doctor. The baby is getting too big, he no longer has enough nutrition and oxygen from his mother.

What to pack for sending to the maternity hospital

To avoid packing right before your trip, take care of this a few weeks in advance. You will need to take to the maternity hospital:

  • Exchange card
  • Birth certificate
  • Passport
  • Health insurance policy
  • Agreement with the maternity hospital, if any
  • Slippers
  • Phone and charger
  • Robe
  • Nightgown
  • Disposable panties
  • Pads intended for women after childbirth
  • Baby soap
  • Diapers for newborns
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Shampoo

The rest will be brought to you by your relatives if necessary.

Summarizing everything described earlier, we can note the basic tips that will help you stay calm and understand that labor has begun and you need to go to the maternity hospital:

  1. Learn to distinguish training contractions from real ones. The latter begin at regular intervals, gradually becoming more frequent and more painful.
  2. Record the time of contractions and their duration. Do not lie down during contractions, as this will make them more painful.
  3. Watch your belly. When it starts to descend, you will immediately see it. If your water breaks, call an ambulance immediately.
  4. The release of mucous secretions indicates the onset of labor.
  5. Always keep your doctor's phone number with you. He will answer any questions you may have and give the necessary instructions if needed.

The birth of a baby is a long-awaited and important event for every mother, so you need to be prepared for all the difficulties and features of this process. Stay calm, be confident in your knowledge and strength, and then the birth will go well.

Video: harbingers of labor

Childbirth and maternity hospitals

If a pregnant woman is attentive to the signals of her body, she will never miss the harbingers of labor, as a sign of an imminent meeting with her beloved baby.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a woman's hormonal profile gradually changes. As the placenta naturally ages, the amount of progesterone it produces decreases, and the relative amount of another female hormone, estrogen, on the contrary, increases. Progesterone “reigned” in the body throughout the entire period of gestation, ensuring the preservation of pregnancy, while the effects of estrogen are directed in the opposite direction, in preparation for childbirth. When the concentration of estrogen in the blood reaches its maximum, the brain receptors perceive this as a signal for labor and labor begins. Those changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman under the influence of changing hormones and prepare the birth canal for the birth of the baby are called the harbingers of childbirth. This is the logical final stage of pregnancy, which in obstetrics is often called the preparatory period of childbirth, the purpose of which is to ensure the gentle, least traumatic movement of the fetus along the birth canal. According to medical literature, this process occurs at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, but for many women, some of the warning signs may appear a day or two before giving birth. If this is your second birth, the warning signs will probably begin a little later, closer to the time your baby is born.

9 harbingers of childbirth:

1. The popularly known sign of an early birth - “prolapse of the abdomen” - is absolutely correct and is based on anatomical changes at the end of pregnancy. If the baby is positioned upside down, then during this period his head drops even lower and is now a little more fixed. In medical terms, it is inserted into the small pelvis. The upper part of the uterus also descends and no longer puts pressure on the lungs and stomach so much, so women rarely ignore this harbinger of childbirth, because it becomes a little easier for them to breathe. Sometimes a protrusion of the navel appears, and the skin of the abdomen stretches even more.

2. A slight increase in the amount of discharge from the genital tract as a result of the fact that the lower part of the amniotic sac has detached from the walls of the uterus. This sign of an imminent meeting with the baby sometimes suggests a possible leakage of amniotic fluid and is very worrying for expectant mothers. To clarify the situation, you can use a special test for express diagnostics, which will reliably show whether the discharge contains amniotic fluid.

3. Changes in the cervix. This does not affect the condition of women in any way; such anatomical harbingers of an imminent birth are noticeable only to the doctor during a vaginal examination, but, perhaps, pregnant women will be interested in learning about this process. If previously the cervix, along which the baby will move during childbirth, was, figuratively speaking, a tube, about 4 cm long, with a narrow pinhole on both sides, now it looks different. On the inside, where the baby’s head rests, it opens quite strongly, and the rest, its narrow part is now only 1-2 cm and still resembles a pipe, but with an expanded hole that is passable for one finger. The membranes are now very close and easily accessible to infections, which is why a woman, towards the end of pregnancy, is not recommended to take baths, limiting herself to a shower with the obligatory daily toilet of the genitals.

4. If you weigh yourself often, you will probably notice that in the last weeks of pregnancy your weight has dropped sharply by 1-1.5 kg. This occurs as a result of a decrease in tissue swelling. Pay attention to your feet - if previously the elastic band from your socks left a pronounced mark on them, but now it is not so noticeable - childbirth is just around the corner and it’s time to start mentally preparing for the meeting with the baby.

5. Isolation of mucus plug. This harbinger of childbirth is probably the most famous and shrouded in myths. It is very important to understand what a mucus plug is. This is a collection of mucus, usually slightly denser than daily vaginal discharge, colorless or with slight streaks of blood, about 2-3 ml in volume. If you notice bloody or heavy watery discharge, consult your doctor; this may be a dangerous symptom.

6. Change in posture. As a result of uterine prolapse, the center of gravity shifts. The woman takes on a characteristic proud look, and her head is usually thrown back somewhat, and her gait becomes “duck-like.”

7. Increased frequency of urination and loose stools, which occur due to compression of the pelvic organs by the amniotic sac. It should be noted that, according to some experts, stool liquefaction occurs under the influence of fairly high, close to peak concentrations of estrogen, so this sign can be considered a harbinger of early labor, unlike the previous ones, which can last for weeks.

8. The appearance or intensification of “training” contractions. Unlike true ones, these contractions are irregular, painless and of varying duration. Thus, the muscles of the uterus, which will soon have a huge job to do, are preparing, so to speak, warming up, training.

9. Discomfort in the lower abdomen and back. This does not mean acute pain, but a pulling and aching sensation, as a result of a natural sprain of the ligaments. In that case. If this is not the first, but the second birth, harbingers of this nature may not bother you.

Precursors of labor in first-time mothers

Since the described symptoms are mostly subjective, that is, they are felt by the woman, pregnant women without childbirth experience more often interpret the precursors as a malaise. A special role is also played by the fact that the precursors of labor in first-time mothers are usually smoother. They can begin two weeks or a week before birth and therefore serve as a very arbitrary time guide. It is important to know the fundamental differences between false and real contractions, since to a woman unfamiliar with the sensations of childbirth, a training contraction may seem quite strong and cause anxiety. It is worth noting that the precursors of labor in first-time mothers often go unnoticed at all or include 2-3 of the listed signs.

Precursors of labor in multiparous women

The anatomical difference between women who have already given birth is that their cervix has a wider lumen and responds more quickly to hormonal stimuli. Therefore, some precursors of labor in multiparous women are more pronounced and begin at an earlier date. Thus, there are observations that the mucous plug in women who give birth repeatedly is more voluminous, as is the liquid discharge, which increases towards the end of the gestation period. Training contractions during the second pregnancy begin to bother you earlier, however, most likely, this is due to the fact that the woman clearly differentiates them. It should be noted that in the second and subsequent times, not only the birth process itself occurs more rapidly, but also the time between the precursors and childbirth is often reduced. Sometimes the precursors of labor in multiparous women appear a day or two before birth. It is characteristic that usually abdominal prolapse in these women does not occur 1-2 weeks before childbirth, but almost immediately before it. Carefully listen to your well-being during pregnancy; if you are about to give birth for the second time, the warning signs can be interpreted as a signal to pack your bags for the maternity hospital and prepare for contractions.

Many pregnant women often wonder about the upcoming date childbirth, and women who are about to give birth for the first time are especially worried. As a rule, they are very afraid of not recognizing the onset of labor in time and confusing it with a temporary illness. In many cases, a woman's careful observation of the changes that occur in her body will help resolve these worries.

Already at 38 weeks, the prenatal period begins, when the first precursors of labor and the first, still irregular (training) contractions occur. Such contractions appear irregularly, and they go away after a change in body position or a short rest. In first-time mothers, such training contractions of the uterus can last five, and in some cases even more, days before giving birth. When they appear, there is no need to worry and urgently go to the maternity hospital, but the expectant mother should inform her doctor, family and friends about such changes in her body.

When the first signs of leakage or rupture of amniotic fluid appear, which may indicate the onset of labor or premature labor, the woman should immediately notify the doctor or independently contact a medical facility to decide on further hospitalization.

If a woman has learned to recognize training contractions, then she will be able to distinguish them from the onset of labor, or true contractions. These sensations are difficult to confuse with any other symptom, since they are characterized by periodicity and rhythm. For example, a contraction lasts 20-30 seconds, and then there is a 20-minute pause - this is repeated many times in a row, and the time intervals hardly change.

At the onset of labor pains, the woman in labor or her relatives must notify the doctor about the onset of labor, call an ambulance, or go to the maternity hospital on their own.

Reasons for the onset of labor

By the beginning of labor, many complex processes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, which, being in close interconnection, ensure the beginning of such a reflex act as labor.

The main reason for the onset of labor is the readiness of the uterus for the birth of the unborn child and the maturity of the fetus.

Uterus ready for childbirth:

  • gains sufficient weight and size;
  • her neuromuscular system is ready for contractile activity;
  • The placenta matures completely.
2 or 3 weeks before the onset of labor, the uterus is freed from an excess of some nerve fibers. This reduces pain during childbirth and increases the contractility of the uterine walls.

The process of onset of labor is influenced by several factors:

  • neuro-reflex – as a result of decreased excitability of the brain, increased excitability of the spinal cord and increased sensitivity of the muscle fibers of the uterus to oxytocin, increased contractile activity of the uterus is produced;
  • hormonal- at the end pregnancy the production of progesterone decreases and the production of the estrogen complex increases, which stimulate the onset of labor;
  • neurohumoral – at the end of pregnancy, the woman’s body increases the synthesis of oxytocin, prostaglandins, serotonin and other bioactive substances, which increase the sensitivity of the uterus to substances that cause active contraction of its muscles;
  • bioenergy – a sufficient amount of substances (glycogen, ATP, phosphorus compounds, electrolytes and trace elements) accumulate in the mother’s body, which make the uterus capable of enhanced contractile activity;
  • mechanical - a mature uterus loses its ability to stretch, and in response to the motor activity of the fetus and an increase in the level of oxytocin-like hormones, it begins to actively contract;
  • trophic and metabolic – the accumulation of certain waste products in the body of a mature fetus leads to its active movement, and degenerative processes in the mature placenta and the complete maturation of the muscle fibers of the uterus contribute to the onset of labor.

The state of the nervous system of the woman in labor is of primary importance in the formation of all mechanisms for the onset of labor, since it is she who ensures the readiness of the uterus for natural childbirth.

All of the above factors, being closely interrelated, contribute to the appearance of contractions, which are replaced by pushing and end with the expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity and the birth of the placenta.

Harbingers of the onset of labor

Precursors of labor are a set of signs that indicate the imminent onset of active labor. There are many precursors to the onset of labor, but for each woman their totality is individual and depends on the characteristics of the expectant mother’s body.

Harbingers of childbirth:

  • Abdominal prolapse.
    This change, which is determined by an outwardly slight downward displacement of the abdomen, is individual for each pregnant woman and cannot always be noticed independently. In primiparous women, this precursor may appear 2-4 weeks before the day of birth, and in multiparous women, a few days or immediately before birth.

  • Gait changes.
    The nature of the gait changes after the abdomen drops. The woman begins to waddle due to the pressure of the baby's head on the pelvic bones and the fundus of the uterus.

  • Changes in urination and bowel habits.
    A drooping abdomen may cause increased urination or urinary incontinence as the uterus puts more pressure on the bladder. The mechanical impact of the pregnant uterus on the intestinal walls can provoke constipation, and in some cases, diarrhea, several weeks or days before birth.

  • Changes in the nature of discharge from the genital tract.
    Vaginal discharge becomes more abundant and thin under the influence of hormonal changes. In some cases, to exclude the discharge of amniotic fluid, an obstetrician performs a special test.

  • Removal of the mucus plug.
    This harbinger of labor can occur 2 weeks before the onset of labor, or several hours before it begins. In some cases, the mucus plug does not come off entirely, but in small portions. In practice, this sign looks like the discharge of vaginal discharge (sometimes mixed with a small amount of blood). A pregnant woman should inform her obstetrician-gynecologist about the passage of the mucus plug.

  • Reduced body weight of the expectant mother.
    A few days before giving birth, a pregnant woman may notice that she weighs 1-2 kg less. This weight loss can be explained by the removal of excess fluid from the body under the influence of changes in hormonal levels.

  • Decreased number of fetal movements.
    The fetus moves less often a few weeks before birth. This is due to its rapid growth. The unborn baby becomes cramped in the uterine cavity, and his movements are difficult.

  • Training contractions.
    Closer to the date of birth, the uterus begins to increasingly become more toned, which is expressed in the sensation of training contractions. They differ from labor contractions in a number of features: short duration, irregularity, mild pain (reminiscent of pain during menstruation), spontaneous disappearance after a change in body position or rest.

  • Manifestation of the "nesting" instinct.
    Many women in the last days and even hours before giving birth begin to prepare their home for the upcoming birth of a child. These actions can be expressed in the fact that a woman begins to diligently clean, do laundry, and may even start repairs.

  • Changes in the cervix.
    Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can notice such a harbinger of an approaching birth when examining a woman in a gynecological chair. Under the influence of estrogen hormones, the cervix shortens and becomes more elastic by week 38. The external os of the cervix begins to open before the onset of labor contractions.
Precursors of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous women have their own characteristic features.

Harbingers of the onset of labor - video

Signs of the onset of labor

Reliable signs of the onset of labor are:
1. Contractions;
2. Rush of amniotic fluid.

These two signs always indicate the onset of labor and every pregnant woman should know how they proceed.


True, or labor contractions, are contractions of the muscle fibers of the uterus, which occur at regular intervals and which a woman cannot control. It is this sign that marks the moment of the onset of labor.

The first true contractions are accompanied by minor pain, which most women compare to pain during menstruation. The pain is tolerable and can radiate to the lower back or be localized in the lower abdomen. Most women in labor begin to feel contractions at night. Some women note that during labor pains the “uterus turns to stone,” that is, if during labor a woman in labor puts her hand on her stomach, she can feel the hard, tense uterus.

You can determine the truth of contractions using a stopwatch. Their frequency and constant occurrence, which is not eliminated by changing body position, taking a warm bath or rest, indicates the onset of labor.

At first, contractions occur at intervals of half an hour (in some cases more often). With each contraction, the woman in labor begins to feel not only pain, but also rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the uterus. Gradually, contractions become more noticeable, and their frequency, duration and intensity increase. With each contraction, the amniotic sac and fetal head press against the fundus of the uterus, causing the cervix to gradually dilate.

Rush of amniotic fluid

In the classic course of labor, the amniotic fluid is released after the cervix is ​​dilated to 3-7 cm. Under the pressure of the fetus, the amniotic membrane ruptures and part of the amniotic fluid flows out.

A woman in labor, with a classic rupture of water, may feel as if she has involuntarily urinated. In some cases, water pours out gradually, in small portions. In this case, a woman may notice the appearance of wet spots on her underwear or bed linen and experience sensations similar to vaginal or menstrual discharge.

Sometimes the discharge of amniotic fluid can occur before the onset of regular contractions and dilatation of the cervix, or much after the complete dilatation of the cervix. These conditions do not always mean that pathology of labor or the fetus will be observed, but usually gynecologists use various special tactics for the further management of such labor to prevent possible complications.

Signs of the onset of labor - video

Contractions at the beginning of labor

Obstetricians-gynecologists distinguish three phases of labor pains:

Initial (hidden) phase:

  • contraction duration – 20 seconds;
  • frequency of contractions – 15-30 minutes;
  • dilation of the uterine pharynx – 0 or up to 3 cm.
The duration of the initial phase is from 7 to 8 hours.

Active phase:

  • contraction duration – 20-60 seconds;
  • frequency of contractions – 2-4 minutes;
  • dilation of the uterine pharynx – 3-7 cm.
The duration of the active phase is from 3 to 5 hours. Usually it is in this phase that the amniotic fluid is discharged.

Transition phase:

  • contraction duration – 60 seconds;
  • the frequency of contractions is 2-3 minutes;
  • opening of the uterine pharynx is 7-10 cm.
The duration of the transition phase is from half an hour to one and a half hours.

Labor contractions occur in the first stage of labor (dilation period).

The onset of labor in first-time mothers

Possible precursors of labor in first-time mothers have their own characteristic features. As a rule, they have a more pronounced time difference between the day of birth and the date of the appearance of precursors. Some expectant mothers are overly emotional and take any slight ailment as a harbinger of childbirth. If they are unaware of this or that sign, they may not notice them.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Any woman who has been expecting a baby knows that the last weeks before the upcoming birth drag on for quite a long time. A special feeling of anxiety is inherent in expectant mothers who are about to give birth for the first time.

The article will talk about birth harbingers - this information will be useful both for women expecting the birth of their first child, and for women who have already given birth.

10 surest signs of imminent labor

  1. Stomach dropped
    Approximately fourteen days before the onset of labor, primiparous women may notice abdominal prolapse. This happens because the baby, preparing for birth, presses against the outlet, descending into the pelvic area. In women expecting the birth of their first child, the belly may drop a couple of days before giving birth.
    After abdominal prolapse, a woman may experience ease of breathing, as well as discomfort associated with swelling and increased urination. However, you should not be afraid of this. Swelling and frequent urination will serve as a key sign that labor is approaching - that is, very soon your little one will be born.
  2. Incomprehensible weight loss
    During the entire period of waiting for the baby, the woman gains weight, but before the onset of labor she can suddenly lose several kilograms. This indicates that you will soon meet your baby. Weight loss occurs due to the absorption of fetal fluid and should not cause concern to the expectant mother. Weight loss is approximately one to two kilograms. At the same time, the swelling goes away.
  3. Mood variability
    Psychological metamorphoses occur in the female body, along with physiological changes. One to two weeks before the birth of the baby, the woman feels the approach of this meeting and prepares for it. The strength to do household chores appears. I want to do everything at once.
    The mood and character of the expectant mother becomes so changeable that she either laughs or cries. This is not very noticeable throughout pregnancy, but is clearly visible before childbirth. This sign should not be neglected.
  4. Goodbye heartburn!
    In the last days before childbirth, the pressure from the diaphragm and stomach is eliminated, and you feel that breathing becomes much easier. The shortness of breath and heartburn that plagued the woman throughout her pregnancy disappears. At the same time, some difficulties arise - it becomes more difficult to sit and walk, it is difficult to find a comfortable position, and difficulties arise with sleep.
  5. Unstable appetite
    For those who have had a good appetite throughout pregnancy and suddenly notice a decrease in it, this sign will be a signal to prepare for childbirth. An increased appetite for those who previously ate poorly will also indicate that labor is approaching.
  6. Loose stools and frequent urination
    Throughout the nine months, the woman managed to run to the toilet. However, things are different now. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. The intestines begin to cleanse themselves first - and here you have diarrhea. Hormones that relax the cervix begin to affect the intestines, resulting in loose stools. Such symptoms usually appear two to seven days before birth. Some women may even confuse the onset of labor with some kind of poisoning.
  7. Nesting instinct
    Some time before giving birth, a woman has a desire to withdraw into herself, secluded from everyone. If you want to curl up in a ball or hide in a secluded place, you can’t see your relatives - congratulations, childbirth is just around the corner, and the clock may have started counting down. The female body will feel this and requires a break for the expectant mother in labor so that she can prepare herself psychologically for the birth of the child.
  8. Quiet baby
    The baby's movements in the mother's womb change significantly before labor begins. The baby is growing up, and there is little room for him in the uterus. That is why he can not kick or push for a long time. The CTG machine will show the mother that the baby’s activity and heartbeat are normal, there is no reason to worry. In the last four weeks before giving birth, CTG is recommended to be done at least twice a week, and preferably every day.
  9. Nagging pain in the pubic area
    Immediately before the baby is born, a woman begins to feel a nagging pain in the pubic bone. This is explained by the fact that childbirth requires softening of the bones to facilitate the birth of the baby. The process is accompanied by a dull aching pain. These symptoms are not scary at all, you can prepare your things for the hospital.
  10. Exit of the mucus plug
    Every woman has undoubtedly heard that throughout pregnancy it protects the baby from various infections. As the cervix dilates, the plug comes out. Remember, during the first birth the uterus opens quite slowly, and much faster during subsequent births.

All these are indirect signs of the onset of labor. And only an obstetrician-gynecologist during an examination can tell about the actual beginning of labor - he judges by the dilatation of the cervix.

Two signs that labor has begun

  1. Rush of amniotic fluid
    The breaking of waters can occur differently for each woman in labor. For some women, the water may break at home, for some it leaks, and there are also cases when the water breaks after the amniotic sac is punctured in the maternity chair.
  2. The appearance of regular contractions
    Contractions are a clear sign of imminent labor. It is impossible not to notice them. The contractions are like waves of pain, starting from the lower back and going down to the lower abdomen. Pain appears over a certain period, sensitivity increases over time.

Symptoms of the onset of premature labor

  • Premature birth is comparable to the threat of miscarriage. Start of the process - discharge of amniotic fluid during pregnancy, still far from the planned date of birth.
  • Harbingers of premature birth may be uterine contractions, nagging pain in the lower back, some abdominal tension . The discharge intensifies and streaks of blood appear.

If a woman notices such signs, she should immediately seek medical help in order to prevent premature birth. If the cervix begins to dilate, nothing can be done, you will have to give birth.

The site warns: an incorrect assessment of your condition during pregnancy can harm your health and become dangerous for your baby! If you notice signs of imminent labor or experience any discomfort during pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor!

gastroguru 2017