How to cut your own hair. How to cut your hair beautifully - step-by-step instructions with photos for long, short, medium curls. What you need to cut your own hair at home

A woman's mood is very changeable, including in matters related to hairstyles. It is not surprising that many people can grow their hair long and then spontaneously cut it. Although, everything is individual. Some people get their hair cut regularly, maintaining a particular style, while others think ahead and carefully about what they will do with their hair next time. And it’s not uncommon for someone to have a question: how to cut your hair yourself at home so that you get what you need.

One of the main problems is that, despite the huge number of beauty salons, it is extremely difficult to find your own specialist. There are no guarantees that he will cut it the way it should. And the cost of even average services is not cheap. And it’s a pity to give that kind of money for a result that you won’t be happy with. It is not surprising that many people cut their hair on their own at home. When it comes to men's and short women's haircuts, they can be dealt with using modern clippers with attachments. But, you can do other hairstyles at home and on your own.

Before you cut your hair yourself, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with some tips:

  • You need to purchase special hairdressing scissors, but they are not cheap. You can find something at an economical price. These scissors should not subsequently be used for purposes other than cutting, so that they are always sharp.
  • Dark hair should be cut against a light background, and light hair should be cut on the contrary.
  • You need at least one large mirror to clearly observe the haircut process.
  • Hair should be washed before cutting, but not dried. At the same time, they should not be very wet so that drops of water do not flow off them. They should be wet, but not too wet.
  • For the first time, it is better to choose some kind of not very complicated haircut.
  • There is no need to cut off long strands right away.

How to cut your hair at home

It all depends on what tasks the woman sets for herself. Therefore, in all cases there is not a guarantee that everything will work out. You should be careful and strictly follow the instructions so as not to overdo it, not to cut off too much and then not to contact the hairdresser to tidy up your hair, if possible.

Hair needs to be washed, but not dried, just dried with a towel. You need to place a comfortable chair without a back in front of the mirror. It is better to lay some old newspapers or plastic oilcloth on the floor so that you can quickly and conveniently remove hair. Then, you can proceed directly to the haircut itself. It is necessary to think in advance and decide what kind of haircut it will be, and not experiment.

Yes it is possible. As a rule, clippers are used for short haircuts. They are equipped with a large number of attachments. Some tips on how to cut your own hair at home:

  1. First, the main part is cut, where the hair will have its maximum length. This is usually the area from the back of the head to the forehead. To do this, use the appropriate nozzle.
  2. If you do not plan to leave bangs, the hair from the forehead can also be cut using a clipper.
  3. Then, you need to take a smaller nozzle and move it from the neck a little higher, towards the back of the head, but not directly there. The same is done on the sides, in the temple area.
  4. Then the nozzle is changed to an even smaller one in order to once again pass over all the same areas, but not all the way, but from below, in order to make the hair short along the perimeter from the bottom, in the temple area.
  5. If you plan to shave your temples, you must use a “zero” attachment. Using this attachment, the neck area is also subsequently treated. In some cases, a razor can also be used to remove any remaining hair on the neck, but for this it is better to ask someone else to help.

When cutting with a machine, you do not need to pre-wash your hair.

Also, before cutting your hair with the clipper itself, it doesn’t hurt to prepare two mirrors, positioned so that one of them displays the rear view so that you can control the process.

Yes, if you are careful and attentive, you can do such haircuts yourself.

Instructions on how to cut your own hair in a cascade:

  1. The hair is washed, but not dried, divided into two parts.
  2. Then each of these parts is divided into two more: front and back, to make it easier to cut your hair.
  3. Select the bangs, divide them into two parts and cut off the ends diagonally from the middle downwards. It is the bangs that will become the control strand to which the rest will be adjusted.
  4. Then take some hair from the side strands. They are brought to the bangs and carefully combed out along with it. And with scissors, guided by the angle at which the bangs are cut, they cut off the ends of these strands, continuing this line.

Do the same with the remaining strands, but each time the previous one becomes the control.

When doing a cascade for the first time, it is better not to cut off too much, so that if something happens, you will not have to redo it and lose even more hair.

How to cut your own bob haircut:

The hair needs to be divided into separate strands: bangs, temporal, side, back, etc. Start with the bangs or the front strand if there is none. When cutting your hair, you need to comb it out each time and hold it firmly with your hands parallel to the floor. First, the front strand is cut off, then the temporal, lateral and rear strands along it. After cutting, the hair needs to be dried and styled to check that everything is straight and that there are no long strands left.

To do this, you need to make the tail as low as possible at the back. Then, at a distance of 3-4 cm, you need to tie the hair with another elastic band and so on along the entire length to the place where you plan to cut it. Then the ends themselves are cut off under the last elastic band.

But this is only half the battle, because the hair will still not be straight if you let it down. You need to divide your hair into two parts, and then into two or three, depending on how thick it is. Thin and medium-density hair can be divided into 4 parts. The upper horizontal hairline needs to be gathered and pulled back. First, the bottom horizontal line is aligned. The hair should be combed, held firmly with your hands and cut to the same length on each side. Then you need to loosen all the hair and the upper horizontal line, comb it along with the bottom, and cut off the excess, focusing on the control strands. If everything is done correctly, the ends will be cut perfectly straight.

How to properly cut your hair into a cascade, see the video for more details:

In today's busy world, many girls are wondering how to cut their own hair. At first glance, this process seems very complicated, but you shouldn’t be scared. With a rational approach, you can trim the ends or shorten your bangs yourself and quite quickly.

What will we need?

How to cut your own hair? Before answering this question, let's find out what tools we will need.

1. Scissors. They must be sharp, preferably professional, hairdressing.

2. Spray bottle. It comes in handy to keep your hair moist.

3. Hairpins, elastic bands (for fixation).

4. Chair and large mirror.

We shorten the bangs. To do this, comb your hair. Using a spray bottle, moisten them a little. Holding the strand with your fingers, cut off the desired length. Be careful: when the hair dries, the bangs will be a little shorter, so take this into account. Shorten your hair to allow it to dry.

How to cut your own hair? Trim the ends. The hair should be damp, but not wet.

We comb them and divide them into two parts. We fasten one half with an elastic band or a hairpin so that the hair does not get tangled. We shorten a small strand in front by about one or two centimeters (this is quite enough to cut off the damaged ends). If you have strands of the same length, then cut the rest of your hair, focusing on the first strand. Try to take a small amount of hair to treat it as well as possible. After the first part is ready, similarly cut the second part, which we previously secured with an elastic band or a hairpin. We make the front strand the same length as the strand from the first half. Once all your hair is processed, use a hairdryer and dry it. After that, sit in front of the mirror again and check if there are any strands left that need to be cut. To do this, also divide your hair and compare its length.

If your hair is already in the shape of a ladder, and you just want to shorten the ends, then use the advice presented above. If you want to do this, your actions will be as follows:

1. Comb damp, recently washed hair.

2. Lower your head down and gather your hair from the ponytail in the forehead area.

3. Comb the collected hair.

4. Take scissors and begin to carefully cut the tip of the tail.

5. In this case, you need to cut not horizontally, but at an angle or vertically.

6. Unravel the tail. The hairstyle is ready.


Now you know how to cut your own hair. I would like to note that such haircut methods can in no way replace a real hairdresser, but they are quite capable of helping when you don’t have enough time to go to the salon. An important condition for cutting your own hair is clean hair and sharp scissors. If the blades become dull, then buy new ones or give up cutting altogether, but under no circumstances use such tools, as you can damage the hair structure.

Well-groomed hair, folded into a neat hairstyle, is one of the main conditions for the beautiful appearance of a woman of any age. Straight or curly hair should always be washed and kept in shape.

At home, it is also possible to learn how to provide proper care, cut hair beautifully - fashionable and unusual. But before you cut your hair yourself, you should purchase the necessary tools and cosmetics, and read the recommendations of stylists and hairdressers.

Basic rules for cutting hair at home

To get a good haircut result, you must adhere to the following recommendations from hairdressers and stylists:

Workplace organization

You need to prepare your workplace as follows:

  1. The tools should be laid out in the chosen location. You need to clearly know the location of each tool to make cutting easier and reduce the duration of this process.
  2. Be sure to have scissors, a comb and clips at hand.
  3. The mirror must be placed in such a way as to provide a good view. If you have several mirrors, you need to place them so that you can see your head from all sides.
  4. For convenience, you should prepare a chair in front of the mirror, since cutting a haircut, especially when done for the first time, can take a lot of time.
  5. Among the means for performing a haircut, there must be a spray bottle, because if you start cutting hair that is already wet, it may dry out in the process and there will be a need to re-wet it for cutting.

Preparing tools

At home, before cutting your hair, you need to prepare tools for work:

How to trim your hair

At home, you first need to decide on the concept of a haircut (how the hair should be cut): you need to cut only the ends, trim the bangs, or remove the length of the hair.

Before starting work, be sure to sterilize all instruments.


Split ends of hair need to be trimmed for healthy hair. Be sure to go through the procedure of trimming them once a month in the salon or yourself at home.

You can do this at home as follows:

  1. Wet hair (slightly towel dried after washing or moistened with a spray bottle) should be combed thoroughly.
  2. Select strands from the crown of the head, pin the rest of the hair with hairpins or clips.
  3. Using a thin comb, select 1 strand from the selected ones, and remove the rest of the curls onto your face.
  4. Cut slightly above the split ends, holding the section between your index and middle fingers. If you trim your hair about once a month, then cutting off 1-2 cm is enough.
  5. Next, you should move along the entire length of the hair from right to left or vice versa. The length of all other strands will be equal to the length of the first cut strand. Therefore, be sure to grab part of the already cut hair along with the next long strand.

After finishing the haircut, you need to dry your hair, look at the result and, if errors are visible, trim the already dry strands.


If everything is in order with the shape of the hairstyle and you only need to remove the length of the bangs, then you should:

Haircut techniques

At home, to understand how to cut your hair correctly and beautifully, you should study the basic techniques (methods) that hairdressers know when doing haircuts.

The techniques are the following:

  1. Thinning- This is hair thinning. The strands become of different lengths due to the use of special scissors, and they appear more voluminous.
  2. Tushevka– making a smooth transition from long to short hair. Can be done either with a machine or with scissors. Used on short hair.
  3. Edging- a technique in which hair lines become clearer and smoother, with strict boundaries.
  4. Nullification- a technique close to shading, in which the hair is shortened from the center to the temples.
  5. Haircut "on fingers"- a technique where strands are separated one by one and cut above the fingers. The simplest haircut method.
  6. Graduation- a haircut in which the hair needs to be cut at a certain angle. There may be several options. The most common is the “ladder”.
  7. Smoky transition– a method based on the “shading” technique. It is performed very carefully, creating a smooth line from the back of the head to the ends of the hair.
  8. "Site" ("platform")– a technique in which a certain area – a “brush” – is formed on a section of hair in the crown area.
  9. Grinding– the final stage of haircutting, when unnecessary hairs are cut off.
  10. "Hot" haircut– cutting with hot tools, which is effective due to the fact that under the influence of high temperature (80-150 degrees), the ends of the hair are sealed and become stronger, and there are much fewer split ends. But this method also has a drawback - the haircut procedure with hot scissors takes a very long time (the duration depends on the length of the hair and is 1-4 hours).
  11. Curly haircut- one of the original haircut options, extravagant and unusual, in which a certain design or pattern is shaved on the head. As the hair grows, the pattern needs to be updated.

How to cut hair at home

How to cut your hair at home and choose the right technique depends on the desired result: trim the ends, create a new haircut, trim your bangs.

Split ends of hair need to be trimmed for healthy hair.

After a professional haircut

If the hairstyle was originally done by a professional, then you can correct the shape after the hair grows back.

  1. Rinse off previously applied products from your hair. If your hair is already clean, you should moisten it with a spray bottle.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  3. Divide all hair into 3 zones: parietal, occipital and temporal. The haircut should begin with the hair on the crown, then on the temples, and end with the occipital area.
  4. From the first zone, select one strand, hold it between two fingers and cut to the desired length. When cutting, be sure to pull the strand.
  5. Next, the following strands should be processed. You need to remember the number of centimeters of the first strand cut and then cut off the same amount. The second option is when cutting the next strands you need to grab part of the previous one and align with it.
  6. To complete the look, use thinning scissors and use them to trim the curls along the entire length.

For bangs

The bangs need to be cut more often than the main part of the hair.

Therefore, if you want to save time and money, it can be easily trimmed at home:

  1. Wash your bangs and dry them a little or moisten your clean bangs with a spray bottle.
  2. From any edge of the bangs, select a wide strand (approximately 3 cm). Pull it tightly, first holding it between your fingers.
  3. Cut off overgrown ends.
  4. Select the next strand. Pull it together with the part that has already been cut off and trim it further.
  5. Process the entire bangs.
  6. Finally, thinning of the strands should be done. But you need to take into account that this technique is not suitable for all types of hairstyles. For example, it is not recommended to use it for thick straight bangs.


This haircut has been popular for a long time, it is suitable for women with any type of face and hair and is performed using the graduation technique.

The instructions are as follows:

  1. Divide hair into zones and secure with clips.
  2. In the parietal part of the head, select one strand along which the entire haircut will be aligned. This part needs to be pulled straight up and the excess length cut off.
  3. Process the hair at the back of the head. The strands must be separated with horizontal partings. It is necessary to take into account that each layer between the partings should be the same in width (several centimeters). Pulling it to the first (control) strand, you need to cut the required length so that the upper part of the cut is shorter than the lower one. You need to move in the direction from bottom to top.
  4. Then the parietal and temporal zones should be treated similarly to the occipital zone. Each top layer should be slightly shorter than the bottom one.
    At the end of this haircut technique, experts recommend thinning, which gives additional volume to the hairstyle.

Under the square

The following instructions describe how to easily and correctly cut your hair into a bob at home:


Experts call the “Bob” haircut a graduated bob. It is performed in several layers. This is how it differs from the classic square.

Making a bob hairstyle for yourself is not difficult:

  1. Divide well-washed and dried hair with a straight parting from the middle of the forehead to the neck into 2 parts.
  2. Secure your hair with clips (hairpins).
  3. You need to start cutting from the lowest strand in the back of the head, cutting off 1 cm from it.
  4. You need to cut off strand by strand, moving upward and without pulling the strands too much. Separate curls only horizontally. Their width should be approximately 1 cm. In this way, a haircut is obtained using the graduation technique.
  5. Having treated one side of the head, you should proceed to the other. Compare the two sides.
  6. The lower strands from the temple area should be aligned with the lowest strands on the back of the head.

From the tail


  1. Comb wet hair thoroughly.
  2. Pull a tight ponytail at the top of your head.
  3. Comb the hair from the ponytail forward onto the face and cut it at eye level or below.
  4. Profiling with special scissors.

If the tail is made on the side, the cascade will be asymmetrical. And if you do not cut with scissors, but cut the length of the hair with a razor, the haircut will be voluminous.

Instructions for cutting a ponytail located at the back of the head:

  1. Part damp hair in the center using a fine-toothed comb.
  2. Gather a smooth and tight ponytail from the bottom of the hair as low as possible on the back of the head, strictly in the middle.
  3. Using the second elastic band, collect another ponytail above the future cutting line of the hair from the upper part.
  4. Gently pull the tail up.
  5. Cut off the hair below the second elastic band. Trim in small sections.
  6. Remove the rubber band and check the straightness of the line. If necessary, re-gather the ponytail and trim the hair.
  7. At the end of the haircut, it is recommended to perform thinning.

The next method is to cut 4 ponytails, so you need to prepare 4 elastic bands. This method is suitable for those who want to increase the volume of their hair.

You need to do the following:

  1. Divide wet and combed hair into a middle parting. If you have bangs, you need to separate them.
  2. Then from the top of the head you need to make 2 more partings down (in each direction) to the ear.
  3. As a result, the hair will be divided into 4 parts, which need to be fixed into tight ponytails. Each tail should be located in the middle of its zone.
  4. Each tail needs to be combed and, holding them one by one between your fingers, cut to the desired length. During the cutting process, the tails must be kept strictly perpendicular to the floor, pointing straight up.
  5. After removing the elastic bands, the haircut will be multi-layered and voluminous.

Upside down

There is another simple way to cut your own hair – upside down.

You can cut your hair in a cascade at home using either individual strands or a regular ponytail.

It is suitable for medium length and longer and is carried out as follows:

As a result, you should get a haircut with minimal graduation.

Before you start creating a haircut at home, experts in their field recommend that you familiarize yourself with some tips that will help simplify the task.


Doing your own hairstyle or cutting your own hair at home is not difficult if you follow the technology and step-by-step instructions for cutting your hair, as recommended by stylists and barbers.

The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, while observing safety precautions.

How to trim the ends of your hair yourself:

How to cut hair at home:

Almost every one of us has thought about whether it is possible to cut our own hair at home. Some are motivated by saving money, some by saving time, and some want to learn a new skill for the sake of experimenting.

Required Tools

Of course, you can try to cut your own hair, but it won’t be easy. You will need at least basic skills, effort and a lot of time. You will also need to have the tools to help you complete this delicate task.

  • Buy yourself some very sharp scissors, preferably just for cutting hair. These conditions cannot be neglected, because you will definitely not succeed with dull and inconvenient scissors, and even if you cut your hair, you will be left with split ends.
  • You will need a thick comb.
  • Two mirrors, at least medium size.
  • Spray bottle.

So, let's look at haircut options that you can do at home. First, let's clarify one point: it is impossible to give yourself a new haircut at home; it is only possible to straighten the lines that you already have after going to a professional. It is also much more difficult to do everything right with wavy, voluminous, thick, curly hair, so not everyone can achieve good results at home.

Trimming the bangs

So, the first thing we will talk about is the simplest procedure at home. How to cut your bangs? If you want to give yourself bangs, and you haven’t had them before, then first determine the hair line where it will start, comb them forward, wet them and comb them well with a thick comb. After that, decide how long it will be, straight or parted sideways. Then run your fingers along the bangs and stop a little above the place where you will cut.

  • If the bangs are even, then simply repeat this action with each strand, aligning them with each other.
  • If the bangs are parted on the side, then slightly tilt the scissors in the direction it will go, at the angle it will go so sharply. And start moving like this, going down a little with each movement. Don't cut off too much hair at a time, otherwise it will be easy to make mistakes.

Remember one important rule: wet hair is always longer than dry hair, so after drying you may be in for a very unpleasant surprise if you do not take this subtlety into account. In the case of bangs, this centimeter will be especially noticeable, and cutting your hair at home will turn out to be a problem for you. Wavy and curly hair has a lot more bounce.

Dry your hair and, if necessary, smooth out any small irregularities.

Simple haircut

Now let's talk in more detail about doing a simple trim of your haircut and removing split ends at home.

For this you will already need two mirrors. Place them against each other. So that in one mirror you see the second with the reflection of the back of your head, so you can control the correctness of the haircut. You need to wet your hair and comb it very well. Determine the length you want to cut. Start running your hands along a small strand, moving from roots to ends, stop your hand a little above the place where you will cut, set the scissors perpendicular to the hair and cut the desired length. Continue doing this with each strand, but be sure to do it evenly.

If you have thick or voluminous hair, divide it into levels, selecting layers with an elastic band or hairpins. Process one layer first, and then lower and trim the next one. It will be much more difficult to do this work from behind, because it will be difficult for you to see and completely uncomfortable due to the position of your hands, so immediately decide for yourself whether this task is feasible for you, or whether it is better to contact a hairdresser.

To check whether you have cut evenly on both sides, you need to pinch the side strands with your hands and move smoothly downwards; if the hair ends on one side earlier, it means it is shorter there.

Making a cascade haircut

A more difficult task is to do it yourself. Preparation for this haircut is the same as in the previous case.

  1. We wet our hair.
  2. We comb them well.
  3. Sit down so that you have a good view of your entire head.

But now you need to take a strand and place the scissors not perpendicular, but parallel to it. You need to move with scissors, cutting off the hair little by little, from top to bottom, with each cut lengthening the hair. This way you will get a multi-level haircut. Don’t risk cutting off a lot of hair at once; long hair can always be trimmed, but you can’t get it back if it’s too short.

Lifehacks for such cases

Considering the complexity of doing a haircut at home yourself, there are many so-called life hacks that make this process a little easier.

  • For example, if you just want to remove split ends, you can simply tie a low ponytail and trim it with thinning scissors, or regular scissors, holding them parallel to the hair.
  • The second way is to make a ponytail by combing your hair forward. First, cut the hair exactly to the desired length, and then thin the tail with scissors, holding them parallel to the hair, with the tips facing up. This will make the haircut look more casual and natural.
  • If you want to make multi-level bangs at home yourself, take in your hand the hair that you separated for bangs. Twist them into a tight rope and simply cut them evenly with scissors.
  • Another good tip: if you have curly hair, it is advisable to straighten it before cutting it yourself at home.

We looked at the main ways to do your own haircut at home. But do not take risks, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact a professional. And if you still decide, take this matter seriously and without haste.

A considerable number of women prefer to cut their hair at home, using someone else's help or their own strength. This is due to a simple lack of time, money, or a negative experience visiting a salon. How to cut your hair at home and is it possible to do it yourself? Quite. Using the following instructions.

How to cut your hair at home with Cascade

It is quite possible to realize an interesting and win-win hairstyle option - “Cascade” on your own. There are two main options for its formation.

The first version of the Cascade. In order to cut your hair at home and get a spectacular cascade, you need to determine the length of the so-called cap, which will be the main beginning of the hairstyle.

You should determine this value as accurately as possible, otherwise you simply won’t be able to cut your hair beautifully at home; there is a risk that the haircut will turn out too short when you finish, dry and style your hair.

After forming the cap, select thin strands of hair, cutting them one by one, as if overlapping each other.

Important advice! There is a little trick. To make the resulting hairstyle look as natural as possible, twist the selected strand into a strand, and then position the scissors not horizontally, but diagonally. There is no need to cut off the strand immediately and completely; it is better to scroll the tool, gradually removing the measured strand.

The second version of the Cascade. It is much more interesting and also requires minimal skills. It is much easier to cut medium-length hair beautifully by using it at home. In order to form a cascade in this way, perform the following steps:

  • Comb thoroughly. It is advisable to use conditioner when pre-washing, which will make the curls smoother and more manageable.
  • Gather your hair into a tight ponytail, placing it in the center of your forehead. It is most convenient to carry out such manipulations by tilting your head forward.
  • Holding the end of the ponytail in one hand, begin to gradually cut the hair to the required length. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, it is permissible to use a centimeter tape or ruler. Using these tools, try to pre-measure exactly the length that will be needed on your loose hair.
  • You cannot cut your hair horizontally. It is better to do this in a chaotic manner, or carry out thinning after completing the main procedure. This way the hairstyle will look much more impressive and natural.

Video tutorial: how to cut your hair "Cascade" yourself

How to trim your hair at home yourself

To cut your hair at home yourself, and to do it beautifully, you will need two large mirrors, one of which should be placed directly in front of you, and the other placed behind. It will be very difficult to cope without their help.

The easiest way is to simply trim the ends of your regrown hair, or shorten your hair, giving the curls the same length. To do this, divide the strands into two equal halves horizontally.

Trim the front part while looking in a large mirror located in front. It is better to work with hair located at the back of the head using a mirror mounted behind your back.

When trimming the strands, do not rush, trying to cut off everything that seems unnecessary with one stroke of the scissors.

Before you cut your hair at home, divide your curls into small strands that need to be cut off and trimmed one at a time. Upon completion of the haircut, if necessary, you can trim the cut.

How to trim your own hair: video

How to cut your own bangs

If cutting a haircut is a rather difficult task, then almost every woman can create bangs.

To begin, carefully comb your loose hair and determine the top point of your head.

From the received mark, make two symmetrical partings to the beginning or middle of the ear, this depends on the required thickness of the bangs. Pull back the remaining hair behind the parting, pinning it into a bun.

Comb your future bangs thoroughly and moisten them a little to make the task somewhat easier.

In order to get an even line, divide the curls into three main strands, each of which will then be cut separately.
Upon completion of the main stage of cutting, it is important to either carefully trim the bangs or process them with thinning scissors.
Next, dry your hair and style your hair using a hairdryer.

Before you cut your hair at home, you need to decide on the hair scissors. Professional hairdressing tools are far from cheap. But you can also purchase a budget option, which includes thinning and regular scissors.

This amount is quite enough to make a simple haircut that does not require special skills. In order not to be disappointed with the result and not to damage the hair structure, it is better to use only sharp scissors. To avoid damage, use tools only for their intended purpose.

Video: cutting bangs yourself

gastroguru 2017