How to properly clean a watch strap at home. How to care for silicone straps How to wash a leather watch strap

A watch with a leather strap is a stylish and original accessory that will be a great addition to your overall look. If you can choose the right product, it will become your pride.

A stylish watch with a leather strap can be worn every day, but over time it can get dirty. How to get rid of contaminants?

Watch with a strap: how to clean leather

If you strictly follow all the tips for using your watch, this will not protect you from getting the strap dirty. That is why it is worth cleaning it sometimes, using simple and useful tips.

Take a container of warm water and dilute liquid soap in it. Add just a little alcohol.

Soak a cotton swab in this solution and then thoroughly wipe the watch strap. After this, rinse it in clean water and let it dry.

If the strap is light in color, you can clean it with a mixture of milk and protein. Dip a cotton swab into this product, and then gently wipe the material so that its color returns to its original color.

If the contamination is strong enough, you can prepare a paste consisting of soda and water. Apply the mixture to the strap, wait about an hour, and then rinse it off with water.

You can purchase special products that are designed for skin care. Sprays can be bought in specialized stores, and they are not too expensive.

To get rid of foreign odors, rinse the strap in water with citric acid. When it's dry, polish it with a clean cloth.

Benefits of leather watch straps

These are the basic tips that will help you maintain the original appearance of the strap. But what advantages does it have:

  • products are characterized by an increased level of strength and durability;
  • Such accessories look quite stylish and presentable;
  • leather straps have a high level of wear resistance;
  • The material is quite easy to care for, so it will retain its original appearance for a long time;
  • you can choose the shade that will satisfy your basic wishes and needs;
  • watches with a leather strap are ideal for everyday wear;
  • The cost of the products is quite affordable, so everyone can afford such a purchase.

These are the main advantages that come with leather watch straps. If you choose such a product, you will be able to enjoy its strength, reliability and durability.

Useful tips for cleaning leather watch straps in this video:

A properly chosen watch looks stylish. But lovers of this accessory should know how to clean a metal watch bracelet or a strap made of another material. After all, even with careful wear, skin particles remain on it, sweat is absorbed, and other contaminants are possible. At home, it’s enough to simply put them in order. But it’s better to entrust the mechanism to a master.

Cleaning a metal bracelet

The method for cleaning your watch depends on the material. If the strap is leather, then not all procedures available for a stainless steel product are suitable for it. And a gold bracelet must be handled with special care.

If possible, the strap should be separated from the watch. Then it will be more convenient to operate, because the risk of water and detergent getting into the mechanism will disappear. To clean a metal product, we recommend warm water with added dishwashing detergent or ordinary shampoo. Use it like this:

  • pour into a shallow container;
  • immerse the watch strap in it and leave it for half an hour;
  • then take it out and wipe it with a polishing cloth or just a soft, lint-free one;
  • fold and unfold several times to get to hard-to-reach corners, which is where dead skin particles and dirt tend to accumulate;
  • You can use a toothpick to clean the most difficult places;

Before use, you need to completely dry the bracelet using a soft cloth or just air dry it.

If the watch has lost its shine, you can return it in this way: shape aluminum foil into a bowl, put a bracelet in it, then pour in baking soda and add hot water. Leave for half an hour, then remove and wipe off so that there are no streaks left. The same effect can be achieved by mixing water and ammonia.

You can prepare a special paste to wipe your watch: combine baking soda and vinegar in equal proportions. The same tool will come in handy if you have a question about how to clean a titanium watch bracelet or a product made of precious metals.

How to tidy up a leather strap?

Leather straps are popular. Caring for them will not be difficult if you do it regularly.

As with a metal bracelet, a soap solution will do the trick. To enhance the effect, you can add a little ammonia. This mixture should be applied to a cotton pad and used to clean the accessory. Then it should be washed off - it is convenient to use wet wipes for this - and dried with a towel. After which it is recommended to lubricate the product with a small amount of olive oil. This measure will help soften the skin and protect it.

To clean a white leather watch bracelet, you can use egg and milk. To do this, stir the protein in a glass of drink, after which the strap is treated with a cotton swab. In this way, two goals are achieved: impurities are removed and the original radiant appearance is restored.

A bracelet made of fabric must also be maintained in order. It is easy to care for: you need to wash it in water with soap or any other detergent added, and clean particularly dirty areas with a toothbrush.

What to do with a bracelet made of gold, titanium or ceramic?

Gold watches require the same care as other products made from this metal. It is soft enough that if you try too hard it can be scratched. Therefore, you must act carefully, but with caution. It is convenient to use a toothbrush, the bristles of which will penetrate even into hard-to-reach places on the watch. Just choose the best one for children, very soft. It should be moistened with water, then walk along the entire bracelet, not pressing too hard.

Gold watches can be polished using regular cosmetic powder applied to a soft cloth.

If you couldn’t clean your gold watch or bracelet with regular water, you can use toothpaste. The foam on the brush may soon darken. This should not cause concern: dirt comes off this way, and quality products cannot be damaged this way. The toothpaste must be completely removed after completing the procedure: if the watch has metal parts, they will begin to rust.

When the bracelet is so dirty that the usual remedies have not helped, you can try using a lubricant, for example, WD-40. A drop of the substance should be applied to the stained area of ​​the bracelet or watch, wait a couple of minutes and wipe with a soft cloth. Residues should be rinsed off well.

Titanium watches are lightweight and look stylish. No wonder they are popular. You can clean them the same way as gold ones. Titanium is a soft material, so scratches may appear on the watch during wear. Minor damage can be easily removed by yourself. You should take a regular school eraser and run it along the strap several times in one direction. The view will improve immediately.

If you have a question about how to clean the ceramic bracelet on your watch, it is very easy to do. The material is stable and not subject to corrosion or other damage. It is enough to wipe the bracelet with a soapy rag so that it returns to its original appearance.

The watch adds a stylish touch to any look. If you care for them correctly, they will last a long time.


A watch is a stylish accessory that is held in high esteem by both women and men. But even with careful use, particles of skin, sweat and other contaminants remain on it. Aggressive personal environment, weather conditions - all this has a negative impact not only on the case and strap, but also on the internal elements. Therefore, any watch, even the most expensive one, needs regular care.

Of course, you can take your favorite accessory to a workshop and entrust it to the hands of a professional craftsman, but even at home it’s enough to simply put the watch in order. How to clean your watch yourself? First of all, you need to clean the external parts: wipe the strap, case, and remove old dirt. Then we move on to cleaning the internal parts.

But let's talk about everything in order and in more detail.

Cleaning the bracelet

The cleaning method depends on the material from which the strap itself is made.

Important! If possible, you need to separate the strap from the case. Then it will be more convenient to clean, since there will be no risk of water or detergents getting into the mechanism.

So, what can you use to clean your watch?

Metal strap:

  • The easiest way is warm water with shampoo or dishwashing detergent diluted in it. Pour the mixture into a shallow container and place the bracelet there, leave for half an hour. After the time has passed, remove the bracelet and wipe with a soft cloth. Clean the most difficult and hard-to-reach places with a toothpick. Air dry the bracelet thoroughly.
  • If the strap cannot be separated from the case, clean it with a toothbrush dipped in soapy water.
  • If your watch has lost its shine, you can clean the strap with baking soda. Shape aluminum foil into a bowl, place a metal strap in it, fill it with baking soda and fill it with hot water. Leave for half an hour, then remove and wipe with a cloth to avoid streaks.
  • The same effect will be achieved if you use ammonia instead of soda.
  • You can prepare a special mixture for wiping your watch: mix equal parts baking soda and vinegar.

Important! This paste can be used to wipe both metal straps and bracelets made of precious metals.

Leather belt

Such straps are very popular, because if you take care of them regularly, they will retain their attractive appearance for a long time. Let's figure out what is suitable in this case, how to clean the watch:

  • A soap solution is also suitable here, to which you can add a little ammonia to enhance the effect. Apply this mixture to a cotton pad and wipe the strap. You can use wet wipes to wash off the product. Then you need to dry the strap. You can use a towel.
  • To keep the skin soft, it should be periodically lubricated with a small amount of olive oil.

Important! To clean a white leather bracelet, you can use a mixture of egg and milk. Add egg white to the milk, stir, apply this mixture to a cotton pad or swab and treat the strap. In this simple way, you can remove dirt and return the bracelet to its radiant appearance.

Gold plated strap

The cost of gold is quite high, so watches with a gold-plated bracelet are most often purchased. When purchasing such an accessory, it is important to clean it properly so as not to damage the surface. In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  • It is better not to wear such a product at home, or at least take it off while doing household chores, as well as cosmetic or water treatments.
  • Clean it regularly.
  • After removing the jewelry, you need to wipe it carefully with a soft cloth or napkin and put it in the box.
  • Do not leave the jewelry in the bathroom where there is high humidity or in the sun.

In order for your favorite jewelry to serve you for a long time and faithfully, you need to take care of it, look after it and protect it.

How to clean gold plated watches at home? First of all, they need to be cleaned of dust. The following can be used as cleaning agents:

  • Turpentine.
  • Wine alcohol.
  • Vinegar.
  • Soap solution with ammonia.
  • Egg whites work well for cleaning gold-plated items. For a better effect, you can add a little Javel water to the protein.
  • Alcohol enhances the shine of gilding and is antistatic. Wipe the strap with alcohol, then with a damp cloth and dry.
  • You can clean the bracelet with toothpaste. When cleaning, the foam may darken, which means the dirt is coming off. After cleaning, any remaining toothpaste must be removed.

Other types of straps:

  • Titanium watches are lightweight and look very stylish, which is why they are very popular. But small scratches often appear on the watch. They can be removed using a regular school eraser. Just run it over the strap in one direction a few times and you will notice how the appearance of your watch has improved.
  • The ceramic bracelet is easy to clean - just wipe it with a soapy cloth and it will return to its original appearance. You can also use glass cleaner.
  • A fabric bracelet can simply be washed in soapy water, and particularly dirty areas can be rubbed with a toothbrush.
  • You can clean your silver watch with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. After cleaning, the jewelry should not be washed or dried. It should dry on its own.

Cleaning the body

The case also requires proper care, and given the fact that it contains the working mechanism, it is necessary to properly clean the watch. For this:

  • Alcohol or refined gasoline will remove everything greasy and unnecessary from your watch. Soak a cotton swab in one of these products and wipe the case.
  • If there are particularly stubborn stains, they can be removed with a toothbrush or brush, again dipped in alcohol or gasoline.
  • After cleaning, wipe all surfaces dry with a cloth.

Important! Be careful when cleaning the face of the glass, especially if you are unsure of the quality of your watch. If the glass is not of very high quality, after all the cleaning procedures it may become opaque.

Cleaning the internal mechanism

This process consists of several stages and is the most complex. Therefore, be very careful and careful in your work:

  1. Find a small container and pour alcohol or purified gasoline into it.
  2. Carefully remove the cover from the mechanism. To do this, you will need the smallest screwdriver with a magnetized tip.
  3. Remove all parts one by one. Place them in the order in which you will later assemble them.
  4. Start cleaning with the balance: grab it by the rim with tweezers, lower it into a container with a cleaning agent and rinse. Shake the part in the air a little to dry it, then put it on a napkin to dry. Sawdust works well for this purpose. They quickly absorb liquid.
  5. All parts are cleaned in the same way, large ones are dried on a napkin or in sawdust, small ones are dried on a sheet of paper.
  6. After all the parts are cleaned, they should be left for a few minutes to dry thoroughly. If large stains remain, clean them with a brush or toothbrush soaked in a cleaning product.
  7. Then you need to assemble the mechanism. Do not wait too long so that dust does not settle on the parts again.
  8. When the mechanism is completely assembled, it needs to be lubricated with oil. It is better to use a pipette and carefully drop the oil onto the parts.
  9. All that remains is to insert the mechanism into the body of the product and complete the assembly of the watch.

Important! If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to use the services of specialists, because the internal parts need to be cleaned only once every 3-4 years, and if you assemble the parts incorrectly, the watch will not work, and you will still have to contact a workshop.

In this article, we told you how to completely clean your wristwatch. Do this, and the appearance of the accessory and its technical condition will be as it should be for a long time.


How to clean a watch bracelet: effective methods and remedies

A properly chosen watch looks stylish. But lovers of this accessory should know how to clean a metal watch bracelet or a strap made of another material. After all, even with careful wear, skin particles remain on it, sweat is absorbed, and other contaminants are possible. At home, it’s enough to simply put them in order. But it’s better to entrust the mechanism to a master.

Cleaning a metal bracelet

The method for cleaning your watch depends on the material. If the strap is leather, then not all procedures available for a stainless steel product are suitable for it. And a gold bracelet must be handled with special care.

If possible, the strap should be separated from the watch. Then it will be more convenient to operate, because the risk of water and detergent getting into the mechanism will disappear. To clean a metal product, we recommend warm water with added dishwashing detergent or ordinary shampoo. Use it like this:

  • pour into a shallow container;
  • immerse the watch strap in it and leave it for half an hour;
  • then take it out and wipe it with a polishing cloth or just a soft, lint-free one;
  • fold and unfold several times to get to hard-to-reach corners, which is where dead skin particles and dirt tend to accumulate;
  • You can use a toothpick to clean the most difficult places;

Before use, you need to completely dry the bracelet using a soft cloth or just air dry it.

If the watch has lost its shine, you can return it in this way: shape aluminum foil into a bowl, put a bracelet in it, then pour in baking soda and add hot water. Leave for half an hour, then remove and wipe off so that there are no streaks left. The same effect can be achieved by mixing water and ammonia.

You can prepare a special paste to wipe your watch: combine baking soda and vinegar in equal proportions. The same tool will come in handy if you have a question about how to clean a titanium watch bracelet or a product made of precious metals.

How to tidy up a leather strap?

Leather straps are popular. Caring for them will not be difficult if you do it regularly.

As with a metal bracelet, a soap solution will do the trick. To enhance the effect, you can add a little ammonia. This mixture should be applied to a cotton pad and used to clean the accessory.

Then it should be washed off - it is convenient to use wet wipes for this - and dried with a towel. After which it is recommended to lubricate the product with a small amount of olive oil.

This measure will help soften the skin and protect it.

To clean a white leather watch bracelet, you can use egg and milk. To do this, stir the protein in a glass of drink, after which the strap is treated with a cotton swab. In this way, two goals are achieved: impurities are removed and the original radiant appearance is restored.

A bracelet made of fabric must also be maintained in order. It is easy to care for: you need to wash it in water with soap or any other detergent added, and clean particularly dirty areas with a toothbrush.

What to do with a bracelet made of gold, titanium or ceramic?

Gold watches require the same care as other products made from this metal. It is soft enough that if you try too hard it can be scratched. Therefore, you must act carefully, but with caution.

It is convenient to use a toothbrush, the bristles of which will penetrate even into hard-to-reach places on the watch. Just choose the best one for children, one that is very soft.

It should be moistened with water, then walk along the entire bracelet, not pressing too hard.

Gold watches can be polished using regular cosmetic powder applied to a soft cloth.

If you couldn’t clean your gold watch or bracelet with regular water, you can use toothpaste. The foam on the brush may soon darken.

This should not cause concern: dirt comes off this way, and quality products cannot be damaged this way.

The toothpaste must be completely removed after completing the procedure: if the watch has metal parts, they will begin to rust.

When the bracelet is so dirty that the usual remedies have not helped, you can try using a lubricant, for example, WD-40. A drop of the substance should be applied to the stained area of ​​the bracelet or watch, wait a couple of minutes and wipe with a soft cloth. Residues should be rinsed off well.

Titanium watches are lightweight and look stylish.

No wonder they are popular. You can clean them in the same way as gold ones. Titanium is a soft material, so scratches may appear on the watch during wear. Minor damage can be easily removed by yourself. You should take a regular school eraser and run it along the strap several times in one direction. The view will improve immediately.

If you have a question about how to clean the ceramic bracelet on your watch, it is very easy to do. The material is stable and not subject to corrosion or other damage. It is enough to wipe the bracelet with a soapy rag so that it returns to its original appearance.

The watch adds a stylish touch to any look. If you care for them correctly, they will last a long time.

Various straps are installed on wristwatches: leather, rubber, textile, plastic. The style in which this or that model is designed requires an appropriate strap. Leather is the prerogative of classics and casual. Silicone – casual and sporty.

The strap is a rather vulnerable part of the watch. Leather and textile straps are more susceptible to scratches, abrasion, and creases than others. Silicone is an amazing material. Silicone watch bands can do what others can't– withstand sudden temperature changes, high humidity, and collisions with certain chemicals. Watches with silicone bracelets are chosen by people whose interests vary greatly. They were united by a craving for practicality!

But how to care for such straps?

Light-colored straps may darken over long periods of use. The easiest way to return them to their original appearance is to wipe the strap with a damp cloth and soapy water. There is also an express method: for cleaning we need the simplest white eraser. Gently wipe the surface and... voila! The watch looks like it just came from a store window! In addition, you can purchase special products and erasers for cleaning silicone surfaces.

There are many types of watch straps: leather, eco-leather, silicone, metal. If you decide , then among the offers you will even find products made of high-quality plastic. But no matter how carefully you use your watch, sooner or later it will become dirty. However, not every model provides the ability to replace the bracelet. And I don’t want to spend additional money. Therefore, owners are faced with the question of how to clean their watch bracelet.

Most often they are supplied with leather or stainless steel belts. They look respectable and are comfortable to wear. But from contact with the body, clothing, air and moisture, they lose their attractiveness and fade. Particles of dirt and dust become clogged in steel links, and leather belts become stained and lose their shine. What to do?

How to clean a watch braceletleather?

The easiest way to return a leather strap to its original appearance is to buy a special leather cleaner at a household or shoe store. If this option does not work, remove the strap from the watch face and use one of the following methods:

  • Make a solution: half a liter of water, a couple of drops of shampoo, one tablespoon of ammonia. Wipe the surface with a soft sponge soaked in this solution. Then wipe dry with a clean cloth.
  • Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and wipe the strap.

Sometimes, not knowing how to clean a watch bracelet using gentle methods, people use alcohol or gasoline. These are quite dangerous for the material, although they are effective substances. We do not recommend using them. Especially if you are not sure that the leather is natural and not artificial.

You can make a leather strap shiny using glycerin. Simply soak a piece of cloth or sponge in glycerin and wipe the belt. It will become softer, smoother, more radiant.

How to clean a watch braceletstainless steel?

If it is impossible to separate the bracelet from the case, the best option is to clean it with soda-vinegar paste:

  1. Mix baking soda and vinegar in equal parts.
  2. Apply the mixture to a soft cloth or brush.
  3. Use gentle circular movements to wipe the surface, being careful not to touch the glass or body.
  4. Brush off any remaining paste and wipe the surface thoroughly with a clean, damp cloth.

If the bracelet easily detaches from the case, separate it and use the “baths”:

  • Dilute a little shampoo or dishwashing gel in water. Immerse the bracelet in the solution for half an hour. After this, use a toothbrush or cotton swabs to clean the joints of the links. Rinse under running water and dry with a soft towel.
  • Use or make a container out of aluminum foil. Place the bracelet in it and cover it with baking soda. Fill with hot water. Wait 20 minutes. Wash and dry the strap.
  • A stainless steel bracelet can be soaked in vodka or a mixture of ammonia and water. And then rinse and wipe, as in previous recipes.

If it is not important for you to know how to clean a watch bracelet at home, use the services of a workshop. Our technicians will carry out the procedure carefully and safely using an ultrasonic cleaner.

gastroguru 2017