Lip piercing, lower and upper. Is it possible to pierce at home? How is a piercing done? If I get an intimate piercing, will it improve my sex?

Many centuries ago, wild tribes were fond of body punctures. But they were made not only for beauty, but also with meaning.

Let's look at some examples:

  1. In Egypt, only priestesses could pierce the navel.
  2. Some tribes used piercings in rituals so that a man, while enduring pain, could prove his courage.
  3. In India, married girls wore a nose ring.
  4. The Indians pierced their tongues for ritual purposes.

Nowadays, piercing is considered decoration. It does not carry any semantic load.

What is piercing?

Industrial. It can be horizontal or vertical. It consists of several punctures in the upper part of the ear. They are connected by one decoration.

Tunnels. The earlobe is pierced and expanded. Diameters greater than 10 mm are not overgrown.

Tragus (tragus). The puncture is located at the level of the ear canal. An earring in the form of a ring or a stud looks beautiful.

- Earlobe. The most painless way. It can be done even for small children.

Helix. It is done on the curl of the auricle in the cartilage area.

2) Navel (popular among the fair half). Emphasizes the beauty of a toned tummy. Let's look at some types of navel piercings:

Multiple center navel piercings.

Standard (done vertically). To avoid discomfort, the top ball of the jewelry should rise slightly above the puncture site.

3) Coccyx (a very rare and painful type of piercing). Healing takes a long time, it is impossible to sit for about 2 months. The puncture is done horizontally in a strictly designated place, so it is recommended that this be done by a professional.

4) Language (an extravagant way to stand out). The earring is completely hidden in the oral cavity. The healing of the puncture takes a long time.

5) Nipples. Quite a dangerous type of puncture. Not recommended for women. Must bypass the mammary glands. Types of punctures: horizontal, diagonal, vertical, multi-piercing (several holes are made in one nipple).

6) Nails (the most painless). It is done on artificial or medium-length nails to highlight the beauty of the manicure. Decorate with a variety of earrings (rings, with stones or beads, carnations, pendants with chains).

7) Corset (extreme piercing). At a certain distance, punctures are made in several rows, rings are inserted and the tape is retracted. This is a very rare species. It is done on the back, arms and legs, hips, neck.

1) Eyebrow. This procedure causes bleeding. A swelling may appear under the eye, but it will go away after healing.

Parallel, the most difficult puncture (done by a professional). Curved “barbell” decorations are used.

Vertical (perpendicular to the eye). The earring sticks out a lot, this look is not popular.

Opposite (under the eye in the area above the cheekbones). Straight “bars” are used. The upper part of the jewelry is closer to the ear.

Diagonal (common and safer).

2) Lips. To prevent the jewelry from destroying the enamel, the clasp should be comfortable and not touch the teeth.

Monroe. It is done on the cheek, the puncture looks like a mole. The plug on the decoration should be small.

Underlip. The earring is inserted at the junction of the chin and lip.

Lateral part (upper and lower lips can be pierced).

3) Nose (septum or wing is pierced). Not recommended for people with narrow nostrils. Let's take a closer look at what types of nose piercings exist.

Septum puncture (the most painful). It is carried out perpendicular to the nose. Jewelry in the form of a ring or horseshoe looks great.

Bridge - piercing (deep). Above the nose below the eyebrow.

Nose wing (most popular). Healing takes place quickly, without causing discomfort to the owner.

Extreme piercing

Split tongue. It is a surgical splitting of the tongue, like that of a snake. It heals for about a month.

Brain piercing (the most dangerous). Using a drill, several thin holes are drilled into the skull. Decorated with carnations, rings, thorns.

Planar. It is done on any flat areas in the form of paintings.

Eyeball. A platinum plate is implanted into the mucosa.

Piercing jewelry

It will be extremely difficult to choose jewelry, since the huge assortment of earrings is simply amazing. They come in different sizes and shapes, with precious stones and rhinestones, from expensive metals, in the form of flowers or animals, etc. They are made from a variety of metals, which makes it possible for a person prone to allergies to make the right choice.

There are main types of earrings for piercing:

1) Barbell - there are balls at the edges, the base is the rod. Decorate the tongue, eyebrows and lips.

2) Horseshoe - similar to a barbell, but there is a difference in the form of a bend.

3) The ring is a universal decoration, because it can be used for any part of the body.

Name of popular earrings:

  1. Navel (banana pier, navela).
  2. Lips (banana labret, ring).
  3. Language (twists).
  4. Nose (nostrila).
  5. Ear (tunnels).
  6. For intimate areas (barbell, rings, horseshoe).

Intimate piercing

Nowadays, more and more people are resorting to this type of puncture. This way of showing your originality is very painful. And the puncture takes a long time to heal. Divided by gender:

Male. Piercing is done in the area of ​​the scrotum, penis and foreskin. For decoration, use a “Prince Albert ring” or a metal pin.

Female (clitoris or labia).

Careful care is required during the healing period. What types of intimate piercings are there? Let's look at some examples.

1) Female.

Inner Labia. Labia minora and labia majora (heals quite quickly). The decoration looks like a ring with a ball.

Christina (clitoral hood piercing). Long lasting look.

Ciltoris. Clitoris (center or base).

Nefertiti. A deep puncture is made along the clitoral nerve.

Hood. The puncture is made on the skin under the clitoris (very painful).

Superficial (on the pubis).

2) Male.

Frenum. The procedure is done at the base of the head and a ring is inserted.

Ampallang (horizontal through head).

Dypoes (the head is pierced on both sides).

- Prince Albert (the puncture is done through the urethra).

Apadravya (vertical).

How is the procedure done?

Piercing is the piercing of a part of the body with a special needle. Its diameter may vary. How is the piercing procedure carried out in the salon?

1) The workplace and instruments must be sterilely clean; for this purpose, the master prepares them in advance.

2) Before the puncture, the area on the body is treated with a special antiseptic. And a mark is placed where the piercing will be located.

3) A needle with a cap is inserted into a special piercing device, where the selected jewelry is attached.

4) When the needle is removed, the earring remains at the puncture site.

5) After the procedure, all types of piercings are processed by the master.

6) The specialist is obliged to provide care instructions.

Nowadays, modern puncture methods are used. But there are a number of restrictions prohibiting this procedure:

Allergy to painkillers or materials used;

Colds, including elevated body temperature;

Skin rashes, poor blood clotting;

Minors (must have written permission from parents);


Weakening of the immune system;

Particularly serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, HIV).

How to properly care?

The puncture is washed with a special disinfectant solution, which can be purchased at any pharmacy (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin). All types of piercings are processed for about 2 weeks (until complete healing) twice a day. Take a cosmetic stick, moisten it with the solution and clean around the jewelry with gentle movements. Dried blood can be removed using a moistened cotton swab (apply a compress for 10 minutes). Experts categorically prohibit removing dried crusts.

It is important to know: you cannot pull or turn the jewelry until the puncture has completely healed.

To care for your mouth piercing, you need to purchase rinsing solutions (Stomatidin, Peridex). The antiseptic effect of such drugs minimizes pain and prevents infections from developing. Rinse about 5 times a day. Do not consume: alcoholic beverages, salty and spicy foods. During the healing period, refrain from kissing and oral sex to avoid infection.

When can you change your decoration?

Each body is individual and copes with healing differently. If the puncture no longer bothers you, this does not mean that you can change the jewelry. It all depends on proper care.

Approximate piercing healing time:

On the face - about 2 weeks;

Navel - up to 6 months;

Nipples - up to 2 months;

Labia - up to 1 month. Clitoral piercing takes longer to heal (horizontal - about 3 months, vertical - up to 2 months). Only after complete healing can you change the earring.

Possible complications

  1. First of all, all types of body piercings are accompanied by pain, as evidenced by reviews. But more serious complications are also possible.
  2. The puncture disrupts the structure of living tissue, and the wound heals more slowly due to a foreign body. If the procedure or care is not followed correctly, inflammation, blood poisoning, and an allergic reaction may occur.
  3. Poor-quality intimate clitoral piercing can cause frigidity (loss of the ability to feel an orgasm).
  4. Some jewelry, while in the body, brings discomfort.

1) Before decorating your body, you need to think carefully about the location.

3) Heat slows down the healing process, so the optimal period for puncture is the cool season.

4) First, choose the lightest earring made of medical steel so as not to load the wound.

5) The procedure is performed only with disposable instruments.

6) Choose the craftsmen and the salon selectively.

7) If sensitivity to pain is increased, an anesthetic is suggested.

8) The master must tell about all the shortcomings, about the correct choice of decoration, about the consequences, and answer all questions of interest.

9) Proper piercing occurs with minimal blood loss.

Facial punctures are made in the most unusual places: cheeks, nose, lip and even on the forehead. Eyebrow piercing, despite its apparent complexity, is considered one of the simplest types of body art. To do it, it is not at all necessary to have the skills of a specialized master or deep knowledge of acupuncture.

Types of eyebrow piercings

As with many other types of piercings, eyebrow piercings are classified by the location of the jewelry. In most cases, this does not mean anything, everyone just chooses the site at their own discretion.

The most common types of piercings are:

How to do eyebrow piercing step by step

In order to make an eyebrow piercing, you need to prepare a round clip, a piercing needle, jewelry and antiseptics. It is most convenient to use professional tools as clamps, for example, Sponge Forceps (USA) or other brands. The main difference between professional clamps is the material from which they are made. Only high-quality steel is used for their production.

Technology of eyebrow piercing at home with video:

The technique depends on the choice of location of the eyebrow piercing. For example, for a horizontal puncture, the clip will have to be placed as the hair grows, which can cause some inconvenience. The most difficult thing to work with is the vertical bridge, so it is not recommended to do it at home.

Getting an eyebrow piercing is quite painful, but this is a subjective opinion that depends on the pain threshold of a particular person. If you are afraid of unpleasant sensations, then before the procedure, treat your skin with Lidocaine, Analgin, analogues or ointments based on them (Emla and others). Anesthetics for tattoos are suitable.

Earrings and piercing jewelry

Just like the ear, belly button, or tongue, eyebrow piercings use a variety of types of jewelry. They are classified according to the material from which they are made and the shape.

According to the material, piercings can be:

  1. Gold. The most expensive and safest. Allergies to this noble metal are extremely rare; it is distinguished by its regenerating properties and has an antiseptic effect;
  2. Silver. More affordable than gold, but no less beautiful. Looks great against dark eyebrows. Precious metals help speed up the healing of damaged tissue;
  3. Plastic. The cheapest and lightest. It does not load the puncture site, which promotes rapid healing of the hole. It looks impressive and unusual. There are many different types of plastic piercings available;
  4. Other. Bone, wood and other earrings.

The following forms of jewelry are used for eyebrow piercing:

Caring for the puncture site

Piercing itself is not harmful; the main danger comes from improper care. To prevent the body from rejecting the piercing, it is important to give the puncture proper time, treat it and wipe it with special antiseptics.

Contraindications and possible consequences

The main contraindication for any piercing is any blood disease. Particular problems arise with problems with clotting - this is a categorical contraindication.

Besides the obvious caveats, there are also the following:

Most often, there are intimidating discussions on forums where it is said that eyebrow piercing can negatively affect vision. In fact, during a puncture of the skin it is impossible to damage the optic nerve, but one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve can be damaged. Therefore, the worst consequence of eyebrow piercing (with the exception of an infectious disease) is neuralgia.

How long does it take to heal?

The bridge puncture (on the bridge of the nose) is a flat one and heals from 2 to 4 months. If you take proper care of your eyebrow piercing, the hole will heal completely within 6 weeks. Vertical punctures heal more slowly and may still hurt even after six months. The main sign of the regeneration process is the absence of acute pain when touching the jewelry and periodic (not constant itching).

But, if the itching is accompanied by redness, then this means an ongoing inflammatory process.

Video on the topic

Piercing- This is just a fashionable adaptation of the traditional decoration of ancient people. But the decorative factor was not the most important thing - this is how people indicated their belonging to a particular tribe. It is known that such piercings and even attachments to all parts of the body of various objects were often practiced in the cultures of the Indians, Mayans and Aztecs, as well as among African tribes.

Today, it is used for self-expression and stress relief. Piercing is associated with representatives of that part of the subcultural society that promotes non-standardism and prefers to lead a somewhat marginal and shocking way of life. Such originals resemble, to put it mildly, the aborigines of African tribes, whose ideas of beauty are too different from modern society - these include ears, lips, etc. stretched to infinity.

Modern women's craving for decoration has adopted ancient traditions, but with a sense of style and genuine sophisticated beauty characteristic of ladies. Many women prefer to constantly improve and add details. And a beautiful piercing for them is another opportunity to add originality, expressiveness and individuality to their image, which will make them stand out from the general background.

In any case, body piercing is practically an surgical intervention in the skin, which is why this procedure is considered unsafe. It should only be performed by a specialist in compliance with all sanitation and personal hygiene standards.

How is a piercing done?

The piercing procedure itself takes literally a few seconds - after all, you just need to puncture the skin in a predetermined place. But the preparation stage takes much more time, effort and resources. After all, as a result, you should get a neat body decoration, and not a long period of rehabilitation from infections and viruses. There are several mandatory conditions for organizing all sanitary and hygienic conditions:

Contrary to popular belief, body piercings are not done with guns. This type of equipment is only suitable for earlobe piercing. Its design does not allow it to cope with other parts of the body. In addition, the gun is not suitable for heat sterilization, because its main part is made of plastic.

Punctures with a pistol are much more painful - instead of a needle, they use decorative elements themselves with rather blunt tips. The skin actually breaks due to the high impact force, causing it to take longer to heal due to the severe trauma. And the blow itself is quite sensitive.

Piercing jewelry that is designed for a gun is most often made from low quality materials, which can lead to additional complications, and the very shape of the earrings, especially the clasps, complicates the care of damaged skin and prolongs healing. Therefore, masters in salons prefer to use thin piercing needles, the shape of each of which is designed specifically for piercing a specific part of the body.

There is a great variety of jewelry for women's piercings - made of wood, plastic, and metal. Although for the first time, while healing takes place, it is recommended to wear elements made of absolutely neutral medical metal or titanium. Many designers include in their collections piercing products made from precious stones and metals - gold, platinum, diamonds, etc.

After completing the entire procedure, the master must provide detailed instructions on the treatment and stages of healing of the wound. Regeneration time is very individual, so you won’t be able to get an exact answer. But be prepared for the fact that this will not happen very quickly. It is not recommended to remove jewelry to speed up healing, because... the epithelialization process can heal the entire hole.

If the procedure was performed correctly, you will only feel discomfort for the first time - increased sensitivity will appear at the puncture site. Carry out all procedures in a timely manner and quickly enough you will be able to show off a beautiful new product on your body.

Main types of fashion procedure

Modern fashion dictates its own conditions for piercing, so girls are happy to pierce many parts of their body. However, there are certain places that are especially popular. This is not surprising, because it is in them that stylish, beautiful jewelry looks especially feminine. In addition, with the help of decorative elements you can draw attention to your advantages.

The most popular piercing places are often in plain sight, making them most attractive to women.

Ears. The most common and, one might say, classic place. However, in addition to the usual earlobes, today it has become popular to pierce the entire rim of the auricle using special decorative designs. For those who are especially daring, tunnels and cylinders of various sizes are offered, which stretch the hole in the earlobe quite strongly. Ear jewelry comes in a huge variety of shapes and is made from all kinds of materials.

Navel. For girls, this is perhaps the most attractive type of piercing. After all, it makes the tummy look very feminine and beautiful, especially if the girl has a healthy, toned appearance. In Ancient Egypt, such decoration meant a special closeness to the pharaoh, which was used by the high priests and retinue.

The procedure is quite simple and if carried out correctly, the result will delight its owner and everyone around him with a beautiful view. Special “bananas”, “barbells” and rings made of medical metal are used as decorations - they are ideal for the first period, due to their small size and lightness. After healing, you can try to insert seductive pendants with an original image or decorated with shiny stones.

Nose. The age category that prefers this type of body piercing can usually be classified as teenagers. Although many young ladies also enjoy wearing a small shiny decoration in the form of a stud in one of the wings of the nose. The hole must be made directly in the center of the wing, on the so-called shadow line, this is where the earring will look best.

Often young people also pierce the nasal septum, into which a small ring is inserted. It is important to choose the right place at the junction of the cartilage, where the puncture will heal much faster.

Brows. A very bold decision, because... This area contains a large number of nerve endings, blood vessels and tear ducts. An error of even 1 mm can lead to constant suppuration, inflammation and even loss of sensitivity. The procedure itself is quite painful.

There are several different piercings for eyebrow piercing - vertical, at an angle to the eye, horizontal, under the eye in the upper part of the cheek (Anti-eyebrow), below or above the bridge of the nose (bridge).

Jewelry is selected depending on the type of piercing, but mainly these are barbells, rings and bananas, which can be decorated with multi-colored and shiny elements. After healing, you can use gold as the main material for the earrings.

Language. Despite persistent rumors about the unforgettable sensations of kissing with a pierced tongue, in reality they are nothing special. But it is a fact that there is a high risk of infection, which will spread much more in a humid environment. In addition, you can damage the blood vessels in the lower part of the tongue. The safest places are the tip of the tongue or closer to the root.

Tongue piercing is a procedure with a history. It was used for ritual purposes in the American Native and Australian Aborigine tribes to drive out evil magical forces.

Barbell decorations should be of the optimal size and thickness to avoid constant discomfort in the mouth.

Lips. Typically, punctures are made in the center of the lip or in the corner. It is only important that the jewelry is placed strictly between the teeth, so as not to damage the enamel with hard objects. Earrings for lip piercings must have a special shape - labrets, studs or rings.

There are several types of piercings that can serve as a very attractive decorative detail on your face:

  • Madonna - a fly above the upper lip on the right side;
  • Monroe - puncture on the left side above the upper lip;
  • jellyfish - the earring is inserted into a hole in the groove above the upper lip.

Nails. This procedure is difficult to classify as a real piercing, but it is very popular - you can find a lot of photos of nail piercing on the Internet. Experts use a special drill that makes a hole into which the earring is inserted.

This procedure, unlike all others, can be easily performed at home using a regular needle. However, this is only possible for your own nails. The extended nail plate is too hard, but the earring will be worn in it much longer.

The jewelry will look best on the ring finger. By choosing the color scheme and the earring itself, you can achieve a unique and inimitable effect. For example, this type of piercing looks very good on a French manicure.

The puncture must be made from the inside with a hot needle; it is better to place your hand on some kind of stand. If you often have to do housework, then it is better to remove the jewelry at this time, as well as at night while sleeping. To get rid of the decoration completely, just cut off the nail plate.

Fake piercing - an alternative to punctures

There are people whose fear of needles turns into a real phobia. And someone else is thinking about the need to change something in their body. But I really want to look attractive in accordance with fashion trends. For such girls, fake earrings for body piercing were invented.

Fake jewelry looks almost identical to the original earrings, but special devices are used to attach them, which do not require punctures and painful healing. During the day you can be an exemplary student or a strict businesswoman, and in the evening you can turn into a reckless party girl in a nightclub.

You can wear such fakes on any part of the body - cuffs for the ears, open rings for the lips, nose. Decorations are also attached in the following ways:

  • magnets – the decoration consists of two parts with polar magnetic poles, which will “work” perfectly even through cartilage and bone tissue;
  • suction cups - when placed in a humid environment, they instantly stick to the surface of the skin; they are often used to decorate the tongue, but it is better to remove them before eating so as not to accidentally swallow them.

Therefore, you can safely join fashion trends and wear piercings on any part of the body without fear of pain and possible negative consequences. In addition, you can change your image every day, surprising your loved ones.

Caring for piercing after a piercing and contraindications for it

Piercing, being practically a surgical intervention, requires fairly thorough rehabilitation for recovery, otherwise serious health complications may arise. That's why it is important to follow the rules of care, which the master must familiarize you with:

But first of all, the main factor will be the choice of the master himself - the “operation” performed will not cause complications, and the recovery period will go much faster if it is performed by a qualified specialist.

Failure to comply with these rules can very likely lead to injury, suppuration, infection with various infections and life-threatening viral diseases (AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, tetanus).

It is also extremely important to choose high-quality hypoallergenic materials for jewelry, this is especially important for facial piercings. For example, inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye can lead to blindness or significant impairment of vision, and disruption of the activity of nerve endings will cause paralysis of the facial muscles. You should not immediately insert gold jewelry - they contain nickel and cobalt, which are the strongest allergens. They will cause irritation and redness.

The skin will respond best to Teflon, titanium and niobium - they are ideal for primary piercings. And only after complete healing can you begin to experiment with materials.

There are also contraindications for the procedure:

  • skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis;
  • blood diseases, poor clotting, menstruation;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy and nervous disorders;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases (stomach, kidneys, liver, etc.);
  • cold, runny nose;
  • hepatitis B and C;
  • allergies to anesthesia or metals.

Despite the fact that there are so many contraindications and opponents, those who want to experience new sensations with piercing are increasingly growing. At a minimum, you will be guaranteed an original, attractive, and sometimes very seductive look.

Piercing has become fashionable among hippies and other informals. Today, no one is surprised by pierced ears, and neither are they.

How to do a piercing correctly

To do piercing correctly - to do it in a special salon, and there cannot be two opinions on this matter. To avoid unnecessary health problems, it is better not to skimp on a specialist.

Here you are guaranteed to have a styrilized piece of jewelry inserted, and you can always consult with a specialist first.

Piercing jewelry is made from various metals - gold, silver, titanium, platinum, and more recently from hypoallergenic surgical steel. The most common practice is to heal a puncture on steel, and then insert jewelry made of precious metals.

Before piercing, the puncture site is marked with a special marker and disinfected. Special clamps fix the puncture site.

Before insertion, the jewelry is sterilized in an autoclave or a special solution, the puncture itself is done with disposable needles, and disposable gloves must be used. After this, the puncture and decoration are wiped with a special napkin.

If the piercing is performed by a master, there will be no health problems, because nerves, arteries, and veins will not be affected.

Piercing: what you need to know about it

The piercing process has its own subtleties that should be taken into account before the process:

  • It is better to pierce in the cool season to avoid inflammation due to street dust and sweating;

  • the master who gives you a piercing must have a diploma as a doctor or piercer, and the establishment itself must have a license;

  • The Association of Professional Piercers has banned piercings with a pistol, as this is fraught with complications;

  • gold and silver are only suitable for earlobes, the use of other materials may lead to scarring;

  • piercing should not be done if any chronic disease has worsened, the temperature has risen or you have poor blood clotting;

  • to improve healing, use solutions of miramistin or chlorhexidine;

  • If there is severe redness or swelling, consult a doctor or piercer immediately.

To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare the following details:

  • drip. The main thing is to choose the right rod diameter. For ear or eyebrow piercings, a barbell with a smaller diameter is suitable, but for lip or tongue piercings, choose a larger diameter. To be sure of the correct choice, check whether the rod can fit into the catheter.
  • barbell/earring. It is selected depending on what part of the body it is intended for.
  • Sterile cotton wool must be purchased at the pharmacy. You will need a small package.
  • antiseptic. External rinsing is performed with chlorhexine or mirestin (purchased at pharmacies). If there are no such substances, then you can use hydrogen peroxide or ethyl alcohol. When performing a tongue piercing, you should purchase the rinse drug Stomatidin. An excellent antiseptic for the oral cavity is also a pharmaceutical solution of calendula. For rinsing, add about fifteen drops to one hundred gram glass. You can make a solution of soda with iodine. A teaspoon of soda is dissolved in water and 5 drops of iodine are added there.

Direct procedure:

First, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wipe them with an antiseptic. All actions must be performed with clean, disinfected hands. The barbell (earring) should be disinfected in an antiseptic solution. To do this, just pour an antiseptic into the cap and lower the barbell or earring into it. Be sure to wipe the catheter and the place where the puncture will be with an antiseptic. If the procedure is being performed for the first time, then make sure that there is a knowledgeable consultant nearby who can guide the entire process and provide tips in difficult times.

Important!You need to think about the room in which the whole procedure will take place. You can choose a bathroom, where there is probably a comfortable and large mirror, and you can lay out everything you need on the shelf by the sink. But for this, thorough disinfection is carried out. The procedure can be done in rooms, but cleaning carpets from bloody droplets is quite difficult.

So, the room has been selected, the location has been determined, everything you need is at hand. We put on gloves, which are also purchased at the pharmacy and for work. The needle is inserted exactly at a right angle. For a simple piercing, this is enough, but for a complex one, you need to bring the splint to the selected place and mark it so that all the punctures are strictly along the same line.

It is important to know: inserting the needle slowly does not reduce pain. Therefore, everything must be done quickly.

The needle is then pulled out and the earring is inserted into the catheter tube. It would be good to perform the procedure with a special needle for piercing. We put a twist. The process is complete.

Is it possible to get a piercing?

In other words: what problems might arise?

  • The biggest problem is suppuration at the puncture site. Blood is the most pleasant environment for all kinds of microbes and bacteria. Be sure to thoroughly treat the puncture site with an antiseptic, such as peroxide.
  • Do not rush to replace jewelry made of special surgical steel - be patient.
  • Tongue piercing can result in deterioration of diction, especially in the first days.
  • If pregnancy is planned, then the navel piercing is removed, since the piercing may stretch.
  • An incorrectly selected diameter of the decoration can lead to... that the healing process will be long.
  • Nipple piercings in girls can damage the milk ducts.
  • An incorrectly performed eyebrow piercing can even cause paralysis of the facial nerves and muscles.
  • If many ear piercings are made, hearing problems may occur.

How to make a piercing yourself

  • disinfect the decoration;
  • choose the piercing location. Be sure to carefully inspect it - there should be no capillaries passing through the selected location.


  • The ear can be illuminated with a lamp to see the capillaries.
  • When piercing your nose, you need to take a strong breath until dimples form in the middle of the nostrils.
  • Before the piercing, the eyebrow is pulled down to the eye.
  • When the navel is pierced, the skin should also be pulled back.
  • The tongue is pierced with additional precautions. Firstly, you should not touch the frenulum, and secondly, it is difficult to stop the bleeding of the tongue, so you should not get into the capillaries.
  • It would be good to find a medical marker to mark the puncture site. Ask at the pharmacy along with antiseptics.
  • work only with gloves!
  • The skin is grabbed with forceps so that the puncture sites are exactly along the holes.
  • the needle punctures very quickly, i.e. the needle should go through the forceps and pierce the skin.
  • After the puncture, the forceps are removed, the bar is inserted into the needle and pulled out. Everything is done quickly, there should be no pain.
  • the decoration is fixed. If everything is done correctly, there should be no blood.

What to do if the piercing festers

Piercing is a conscious injury to the body that can become infected.

When performing piercings at home, young people often do not fully carry out antibacterial and antimicrobial disinfection, or do it incorrectly. Do: disinfect with hydrogen peroxide several times a day.

A moist environment may form at the site of the wound, which promotes the growth of a colony of microbes. It is necessary: ​​disinfect and ensure inaccessibility of moisture.

The metal of the jewelry may not be of very good quality. Need to: replace the decoration.

Tight fasteners can also cause inflammation. Do: loosen the clasp or replace it with a piece of jewelry with a different lock.

The release of ichor is another cause of inflammation. It is necessary: ​​treat with levomikolev or tetracycline ointment.

Important! Do not delay and if the process of suppuration continues, go to the doctor!

During the first 24 hours, do not touch the skin around the puncture site.

Wash your hands thoroughly and disinfect during examination.

Learn how your piercing should heal properly.

slight swelling and pain at the puncture site on the first day is normal.

Itchy skin without pus is common.

Subsequently (after a week), wash the piercing site with a sea salt solution twice a day. The crusts should be carefully removed, as they interfere with healing. clean them with a solution of the same salt.

Avoid taking baths for at least a week after your piercing procedure.

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