What does a pitbull tattoo mean? The meaning of a pit bull tattoo in men and women What does a pit bull tattoo mean?

A harmonious and at the same time beautiful tattoo is a real art and often requires a lot of time and effort. A tattoo cannot be a simple picture applied by a master to the skin; a real tattoo is a symbol of self-expression and the desire to express oneself. And like every symbol, any tattoo should have a certain meaning.


The American pit bull breed appeared relatively recently, at the end of the last century. This type of dog was bred specifically to participate in dog fighting, which meant it had serious physical strength and endurance. Unlike its Bull Terrier ancestor, this breed is loyal to people and responds well to training.

At a young age, such dogs try to prove to their owner their dominance in the family, so occasionally they need to be reminded of their place.

The meaning of a pit bull tattoo is the same as the character of this dog. This tattoo means great physical strength and a certain aggression towards the outside world.. Many members of various gangs and street gangs prefer to get this tattoo in the most visible place, thus they show that there is cruelty in their character.

Guys have pit bull terrier tattoos

Tattoos of the head of a pit bull or the entire dog are most often found among males. The characteristic behavioral traits of this breed are most characteristic of men. These are strength, perseverance, endurance and courage.

The pit bull differs from other dogs in that it is capable of holding on to the last drop of blood in a difficult situation. This dog is not used to giving up, since the first pit bull terriers were created specifically for dog fighting.

Preferred places for tattooing: most often on the shoulder, but there are designs on the entire back or chest. A tattoo can also carry a slightly different meaning. Many dog ​​owners, after the death of their pets, tattoo their portrait on the body in order to constantly remember their devoted friend. There are several photos on the Internet in which a pit bull tattoo is located on the entire back.

For girls

The female sex usually does not prefer such aggressive designs, but sometimes there are interesting options. For example, the execution of a pit bull in a cartoon version. Such a design does not mean cruelty or punching power, but is a unique decoration and shows that its owner has a sense of humor and an easy disposition. Pit bulls are also extremely loyal and consider their owners more like friends. Loyalty, as a character trait, is more suitable for the female sex.

In the zone

In prisons, tattooing a dog has a bad meaning. A dog is a bitch, and such a meaning in not so remote places does not lead to anything good. Most often, a wolf is stuffed there, but in the manner of execution it differs from a dog and has the opposite meaning. The wolf means independence and the fact that its owner is a leader.

From the above information, it becomes clear that a pit bull tattoo does not have many meanings, mostly it is one-sided.

The drawing of this worthy animal, when executed correctly, looks very serious. And if the tattoo suits the meaning of its owner, then it will look very harmonious on the body. If you like the design and at first glance it becomes clear that it will suit the owner, then you shouldn’t think twice about it, but just settle on this tattoo.

A tattoo with the image of a pit bull carries the meaning of physical health, brutality, masculinity, fidelity, aggression, fight to the end, achieving what you want, violent temper.

The meaning of pitbull tattoo

A pit bull tattoo can be viewed from different angles. On the one hand, this is a fighting breed of dog with a brutal appearance, but on the other hand, it is man’s faithful friend and best buddy. However, in any case, the physical power of this breed is clearly visible.

Some people will get such a tattoo to express love for their pet or for all our little friends, or as a memory of a faithful friend. Someone will get a tattoo with a fighting dog in the form of a symbol showing that the owner needs to beware.

This tattoo shows the advantage of physical strength and some aggression in relation to the outside world. Various gangster street groups prefer to get a tattoo as a symbol of intimidation of their competitors, or making it clear about their cruelty.

Naturally, the image of a pit bull on the body can be found most often in men. Eat. This is not always an indicator of cruelty; sometimes, when stuffing canine representatives, people are guided by personal thoughts. In this way they honor the memory of their lesser faithful friends who have passed away.

Some examples of where we can see a tattoo and what it can mean:

  • if the tattoo is on the bicep, there is a clear implication of tough morals.
  • In the elbow area, the location of the pattern will indicate the secrecy of the character.
  • On the calf - as a symbol of victory. After all, a pit bull does not stop halfway and achieves what it wants.

At chest level - One of the best ways to emphasize courage, perseverance and loyalty with a tattoo. In this area, a tattoo conveys the entire emotional component that its owner puts into it.

Certain environmental behavior traits of pit bulls can be seen more often in men. This is struggle, fearlessness, fighting spirit, perseverance. The pit bull differs from other dog breeds in that it is capable of not giving up in any battle, in any situation until the last breath. Therefore, such a tattoo is applied by men who are confident in their strength and stamina.

Girls, as representatives of the fair half of our planet, do not prefer drawings containing aggression, but sometimes you can see interesting variations. For example, the execution of a fighting dog in a cartoon form, soft colors, and the dog will most likely smile. This drawing will no longer mean cruelty or strength, but openness, good-natured disposition, and a wonderful sense of humor. This is a unique decoration that should attract attention, not make people shy away. You can remember that pit bulls are very loyal to their owners.

In places of detention, tattooing a dog has a negative meaning. A dog is a bitch, and it doesn’t end well in such places. As a symbol of a fighter, a bull is stuffed; in terms of its design, it is no different from a dog and has a similar meaning - perseverance and punchy character

The image of this fighting dog on its body, in the right style, looks very harmonious with respect to the wearer. And the meaning put into the tattoo will be clearly visible at one glance at the drawing.

Everyone knows that a dog is man’s most faithful friend, who will always show his love and devotion. Many connoisseurs of canine friendship decide to get tattoos. Let's figure out what a pit bull tattoo means and who prefers it. It would not be entirely accurate to say that this tattoo means true friendship with a dog. There are other statements that are worth talking about.

Today, images on the human body in the form of a pit bull can be made in different colors, since modern capabilities allow this to be done. There are no more black and white images, everything is much nicer, more beautiful and modern.

Interpretation of a tattoo in the form of a pit bull

The Pitbull is a dog that can be viewed from many different angles. For example, on the one hand, a pit bull is a person’s friend, characterized by its loyalty, and on the other hand, it is an aggressive dog that constantly shows its discontent, physical strength and its vision of the world. In other words, we can say that a pit bull is a reflection of great physical strength, self-confidence and the desire to achieve one’s goals.

Many interpret such a tattoo as the personification of something cruel, insidious and aggressive. It is worth noting that this type of tattoo can only be chosen by really strong people who try to show their strength to others and convey their inner world. In the same way, we can also say that the image of a pit bull is nothing more than an ordinary image of a beloved dog. The owner of such a tattoo had no purpose to show his strength and aggression, or to convey his inner state. That is why, when you see a person with such a tattoo, it would not be appropriate to draw premature conclusions.

Pitbull has great physical strength

Many are still inclined to believe that a tattoo in the form of a pit bull reflects the enormous power and strength that the owner of the tattoo is endowed with. Only this dog has crazy physical qualities and incredible strength. Some tattoo owners show others their aggression, that they need to be afraid, while others, on the contrary, talk about their love for dogs, in particular pit bulls.

When depicting a pit bull on your body, you must remember that this in turn:

  • Shows your love for dogs.
  • Demonstrates level of physical strength.
  • Calls on those around you to be wary.
  • Symbolizes devotion and fidelity.

Today, this tattoo option has become quite popular and popular, and this is not at all surprising. In our world, every second person wants to show their attitude, their vision of the world, as well as their physical strength. Today it is difficult to determine this by appearance and physique, but the presence of such a tattoo seriously makes you think about it. It is also worth noting that recently the clients of professional tattoo artists are not only men, but also girls who also like tattoos in the form of a pit bull.

A tattoo not only decorates the body, but is also a good way of self-expression in society. Each drawing is capable of highlighting one or another character trait, so you need to take a responsible approach to choosing an image. When I turned 18, I wanted to get myself something bold that would speak of me as a strong person, so I chose a pit bull terrier with a grin. I just didn’t know about the true meaning of a pit bull tattoo, but the master helped me figure it out. In this article I will tell you what this tattoo means and on which parts of the body it is best to place it.

The meaning of tattoos for men

To understand the meaning of a pit bull tattoo, you must first become familiar with the characteristics of this breed. Pit bull terriers have endurance and incredible physical strength. They were bred specifically for dog fighting, as well as self-defense. Many people are prejudiced against pit bulls and believe that they are very aggressive and dangerous. On the one hand, this opinion can be called correct, but on the other hand, it is not, because a lot depends on the owner. This breed is highly trainable, although at a young age the puppies try to show their superiority.

Pitbull tattoos are mostly tattooed by men, but there are also girls who choose this image, but in such cases its meaning is somewhat different. This drawing mainly symbolizes enormous strength, endurance, loyalty, and the ability to stand up for yourself and your loved ones. As a rule, such a tattoo is placed in the most visible place in order to demonstrate to everyone one’s disposition and character.

The most popular image is of a pit bull with a grin, and only guys “stuff” it. This can be either a portrait or the entire dog in a sitting position or preparing to attack. This tattoo looks best on the shoulder or chest, but there are also those who decide to get a tattoo on the entire back.

If a man decorated his body with an image of a pit bull terrier, then the following can be said about him:

  • presence of physical strength;
  • some kind of cruelty, so you should not provoke him, and you need to behave carefully with him;
  • endurance, perseverance, determination;
  • willingness to defend one’s position to the end, be it a verbal dispute or a fight;
  • aggressive or hostile attitude towards the outside world;
  • courage, brutality, severity;
  • devotion and loyalty.

It should be noted that it is not uncommon for guys to get a tattoo of a pit bull terrier, which is their pet. In such cases, the dog looks friendly and even cute, but not angry.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

It is not typical for the fair sex to choose a tattoo of an aggressive pit bull - growling or baring its teeth. As a rule, they prefer original and non-standard images, for example, cartoon, abstract. Such tattoos are usually placed on the wrist, shoulder or thigh, and occasionally on the shoulder blade.

The following can be said about the owner of the pattern in the form of a fighting dog:

  • has a sense of humor;
  • has a simple and friendly character;
  • devoted and faithful;
  • bold, fearless and courageous;
  • sexuality and attractiveness;
  • an extraordinary nature who prefers to live by her own rules rather than follow generally accepted norms.

By placing a pit bull terrier tattoo on her shoulder, the girl wants to emphasize her audacity and courage, and on her shoulder blade - fortitude and devotion. Most often, the wrist is decorated with this design to show one’s fragility and caution. You can emphasize your sexuality by getting a tattoo on the front of your thigh.

The meaning of a tattoo on the zone

It would seem that a tattoo such as a pit bull, which personifies toughness, resilience, endurance and fearlessness, should be extremely popular in prisons, but in reality this is not at all the case. This tattoo on the zone has a negative meaning, so the attitude towards a prisoner with such a pattern on the body will be appropriate.

In prison, the tattoo of a pit bull, like any other dog with a grin, was used to denote those who abused their fellow inmates. It also characterizes a person as a traitor, or, as they say in the jargon, a “cop bitch.” As a rule, convicts “prick” themselves with a wolf, which means independence and the desire for leadership. But a bull can indicate a disruptive character, perseverance and courage.

Types of tattoos and their location

The location of a pit bull tattoo and the features of the design affect its meaning and highlight certain character traits of a person, so it’s worth considering different options.

  1. On the foot. If girls usually “stuff” the design on the thigh, then men prefer to do it on the calf or lower leg. In such cases, the image of a dog means strength, the desire for power, victory, leadership.
  2. On the hand. To emphasize strength and courage, it is worth getting a tattoo on the shoulder, but placing it on the biceps will indicate the person’s wayward character. Original individuals with unconventional thinking prefer to “stuff” the pit bull in the elbow area.
  3. On the chest. In this area, the image of a fighting breed dog will speak of its owner as a powerful, purposeful and courageous person. This tattoo option is usually preferred by assertive men, with an aggressive disposition, who have a strong spirit, and are always true to their own convictions. It is also not uncommon for a pit bull terrier in the heart area to mean loyalty and love for his four-legged friend.
  4. On the back. Usually a tattoo of a pit bull terrier is made on the shoulder blade, but you can also find a design on the entire back. Usually in such cases the dog is depicted with a grin or an angry muzzle. A fairly popular option is the pit bull breaking through the skin. This tattoo indicates the aggressiveness of a person who is better not to contradict.

As for the varieties of pit bull terrier patterns, they are as follows:

  • with demonic traits - a fearless and persistent person, but if he is offended, he can take revenge;
  • with a rail clamped in the teeth - enormous fortitude, thirst for justice, the ability to stand up for yourself and your loved ones;
  • with a menacing grin - cruelty, aggression, possession of leadership qualities, high status in society, disregard for the law;
  • cartoon or abstract drawing – love for animals, friendliness, cheerful character.

Before you “get” a pit bull tattoo, you need to know exactly its meaning, as well as correspond to it. In addition, this step is very serious, so it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing an image, as well as choosing the right place to place it.

Tattoos have long become a common way of self-expression. With the help of tattoos, people strive to emphasize their belonging to a certain group or ideas, vision of the world or character traits. A tattoo is a reflection of how a person perceives beauty and art. Some designs carry a special meaning that the person getting the tattoo may not be aware of. To avoid getting into an awkward situation, you should find out in advance what a particular drawing can symbolize.

This article will reveal the meaning of the pit bull tattoo.

General meaning of the picture

Most often, a pit bull terrier tattoo is a symbol of aggression, strength, cruelty, loyalty and the ability to achieve a goal. First of all, this perception is due to the fact that pit bulls are fighting dogs, aggressive, and in the absence of proper training can be deadly.

But the “pit bull” tattoo can have a different meaning - a memory of a deceased pet of this breed or an expression of love for your pet. After all, dogs of this breed are devoted and faithful defenders of their owner.

Men often get this design, wanting to emphasize their brutality and strength, but sometimes girls also get tattoos of a fighting dog.

The meaning of a pit bull tattoo for men

A man who gets a tattoo of a fighting dog, as a rule, seeks to emphasize his strength and fighting qualities. Such a person may have aggressive behavior and attitude towards others. Often, members of street gangs or fan groups decorate their bodies with tattoos of pit bull terriers to emphasize cruelty and to intimidate competitors.

In cinema, pit bull tattoos highlight a character's radical and antisocial views, such as American History X and Edward Norton's character.

To understand the meaning of a tattoo with a fighting dog, you need to pay attention to how it is depicted. Drawings where dogs are in action, with an emphasized aggressive grin or gaze, surrounded by fire or with a spiked collar, clearly indicate the aggression and toughness of the tattoo bearer.

People who want to perpetuate the memory of a deceased dog choose static images (portraits) indicating the dog's name and sometimes the date of death.

The location of the tattoo can tell about the character of the owner. If a “pit bull” tattoo is on the shoulder, the meaning is the cool character of the owner, his aggressiveness. The pattern made on the calf symbolizes victory and the ability to go all the way towards your goal. On the chest, such a tattoo emphasizes the loyalty and courage of the owner, rather speaks of his kindness. A pit bull terrier stuffed in the elbow area is a symbol of secrecy.

The meaning of pit bull tattoos for girls

Despite the fact that tattoos with a fighting dog are done by male representatives, there are also girls with similar designs on their bodies. Typically, representatives of the fair half of humanity choose cute “cartoon” images of dogs or portraits of their favorite pets, decorated with flowers; they do not carry aggression. The meaning of a pitbull tattoo for a girl is her cheerful character and love for animals.

Zonovsky meaning of a tattoo with a pit bull

In the area, tattoos with dogs have a negative meaning. The dog symbolizes the traitor-informer. Prisoners often get tattoos with wolves, which speak of independence and will, the ability to unite and lead people. Therefore, we can conclude that the meaning of the “pit bull” tattoo on the zone is negative.


The meaning of a pit bull tattoo is most often aggression, courage and strength. It speaks of the owner’s masculinity and toughness, his unbending character.

This is not necessarily a person with criminal inclinations, he could be an athlete involved in martial arts or boxing, and his tattoo is a symbol of strength and the desire to win.

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