DIY box for beads made of paper. Master class box cabinet for beads. Special containers for storing beads

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When working on another masterpiece, any girl is faced with the issue of storing beads and other small decorative items that are so necessary to complete the project. And everything would be fine, but every needlewoman may have dozens of shades of beads, beads, rhinestones, bugles and other consumables on her desktop. You can go the simple route and buy the necessary box or container in the store. But this is not our option, we like to create everything with our own hands, even if it’s miniature bead organizer!

Where to put it all so that the beads are at hand, don’t fall apart at the most inopportune moment, and don’t spend any money at all, we will tell you and show you in this master class. To create one container for beads you will need two plastic bottles, a knife, a candle, a glue gun, thread or decorative tape.

Pay attention to plastic bottles - they have a couple of centimeters of relatively flat, non-bending surface immediately after the neck. That's what we need.

Heat the knife over the candle and carefully cut off the neck, stepping back a few centimeters from the lid. Glue both pieces together using a glue gun.

Wrap the entire unsightly distance between the lids with thread or glue a piece of tape.

You can also glue a paper strip so that you can later sign on the container, for example, the number of the beads. This container holds about 30 grams of beads.

Bead embroidery has recently entered our lives and gained great popularity. Professional embroiderers or bead lovers will tell you that the embroidery process is extremely labor-intensive, requiring patience and perseverance. Optimal conditions for organizing a bead embroiderer's workplace affect not only the quality and speed of the work , but also on the state of her health. Embroidery, like any other small, monotonous and lengthy work, has a number of disadvantages in terms of health and comfort.

Workplace organization

How and where to store beads

Storing beading needles

Workplace organization

Need I say that if the workplace is properly organized, it is not just a guarantee of convenience, but also concern for your health? When working with beads, not only the eyes, but also the back, neck, and joints experience a lot of stress. An improperly organized workplace will cause you to get tired quickly, pain in the spine will appear, and subsequently your vision will deteriorate.

To avoid these troubles, you must first of all find a place for your work table where there is good daylight. Also, buy a good desk lamp with a fluorescent lamp and place it on the left (if you are right-handed). In stores you can find special table lamps with a magnifying glass - this is an excellent solution for those who cannot boast of 100% vision.

The height of the table and chair also play an important role. Ideally, when you sit at a table, it should be just above elbow level. This is not only convenient, but also reduces the load on the spine and vision. It's good if the chair has armrests, this will help keep your back straight and not slouch.

It would be good to store all accessories in one container for beads, or a special organizer. This way, time will not be wasted on everyone looking for the necessary materials and tools for working with beads.

It is not always convenient to remove beads directly from the container. For your comfort, manufacturers of beading materials have come up with a velvet mat for working with beads. The velvety structure of the mat allows the beads to remain on the surface and not roll off while working. This rug is convenient to take with you - light and pleasant to the touch.

Take care of the order in your place - next to the work table you can place a small container for garbage and trimmings of threads, fishing line, wire, defective beads, etc. will not interfere with the creative process.

Good lighting of the workplace, first of all: it should be a bright light directed from the head of the craftswoman to the embroidery, preferably white and daylight. The chair for sitting should be comfortable and soft - you will have to sit for a long time, you can use a chair with a straight vertical back, or a slight inclination. Armrests have a good impact on work productivity. The hand lying on the armrest of the chair is relaxed at the elbow joint and the embroiderer will not strain.

You cannot leave tools and everything needed for bead embroidery after work; all this must be removed and stored separately. For example, you accidentally spill an abandoned box of beads. If you step on a group of scattered beads with your foot in a slipper, you will slip, fall on the floor, and it’s good that your head is not on the awl with which you were picking holes in the beads. Therefore, prepare a large box or casket in which after work you will put both the work itself and the embroidery tools. In the box you can put everything into separate compartments, and in the box you can make partitions so that you can always and immediately find the right thing or tool. Cover the work table on which you will embroider with white soft cloth, which will prevent the beads from rolling off the table if you accidentally spill them.

How to preserve your eyesight when embroidering with beads

There are different recommendations regarding how long you can sit without a break while working. Some say no more than 30 minutes, but for a passionate creator half an hour is not the time. The most acceptable schedule is when you work for an hour and give your eyes a rest for 15-20 minutes. And you don’t just take your mind off work, but do some gymnastics. To begin with, you can simply warm your eyes by placing your palms on them and sitting there for about a minute. Then, without opening your eyes, move your pupils up and down, in a circle, left and right. So five times. Next, open your eyes and blink. Now you can stretch out one hand in front of you, concentrate your gaze on your index finger and follow it only with your eyes, without moving your head, and move your hand left and right and so on five times. Then touch your nose with this finger, while your eyes continuously follow it. Do this 10 times. These exercises will take no more than three minutes. Now you can get up and just warm up, thereby improving your overall blood circulation. Concentrating for a long time in a frozen position is bad not only for your eyesight, but also for your spine, so give it a little rest too.

How and where to store beads?

At first, when creative reserves are measured in grams, the issue of storage is resolved quickly. As the hobby develops, the sets increase, and the volume of the handicraft “piggy bank” grows. For your convenience and safety of materials, you need to take care in advance about the method and place of storing beads. Today we will talk about how modern needlewomen store their shiny treasures and what subtleties there are in this matter.

Embroiderers who buy ready-made sets with beads receive beads already packaged in bags. When embroidering patterns, needlewomen stock up on various colors of beads in order to independently complete their embroidery materials. It is at this stage that the question of storing beads arises. Let us highlight the main characteristics that are important for the safety of beads:

  • Compactness - bulky boxes, large boxes - this is beautiful, but not practical. Beads in large quantities are heavy and require a lot of space. The needlewoman’s task is to place it so that the maximum amount of material fits into the minimum volumes. Handicrafts should not only be pleasant and fun, but also aesthetically pleasing.
  • Availability at the right time - placing a container with beads on the lid of a cabinet is not wise. Essential materials should always be at hand.
  • Safety - some colors of beads tend to fade and change color when in contact with direct sunlight. Optimal storage conditions would be separate containers or plastic bags. It is recommended to keep all beads in a clean, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Appearance - any craftswoman wants beautiful and cute things in her arsenal. Black, gloomy containers that look more like a set of tools are far from feminine taste. Therefore, needlewomen are happy to purchase neat containers for storing beads.

For embroidery with beads, it is recommended to use high-quality beads made in Czech and Japanese production. Each bag has a special factory marking, including a unique number. It is a symbol of color. It is extremely important to save these numbers, label your containers, bags, and keep strict inventory records. Then completing the circuit will be a quick, pleasant and effective process.

Popular among embroiderers special containers for beads with a large number of branches. This allows you to place several colors in one container at once without mixing the contents.

They turned out to be convenient and economical for many fishing tackle boxes. They are transparent, compact and roomy (100 g of Japanese beads fit into one cell of such a box). Other craftswomen chose containers for products as containers for storing beads: transparent, plastic trays, but they must be square (round ones will take up a lot of space). There is another option - this spice containers or from under a photographic film. They can be signed and compactly placed in a box. The only negative is that they are not transparent and, due to their shape, can easily fall to one side with the slightest push, so they must stand strictly in the box.

Each master determines for himself the meaning of the word “comfort”. By surrounding ourselves with objects that are dear to the heart and eye, we stimulate the creative process and enhance the pleasure of work. In fact, it doesn’t matter what color the container is or what shape it is, if handicraft lives inside you, when your very breath is saturated with creativity. Take care of your craft materials and enjoy the process! And accessories specially created for this purpose will take care of the safety of materials. “Businka” will be happy to help you choose the best option for storing not only beads, but also all your creative treasures!

Storing beading needles

Most manufacturers complete the set with needles for embroidery with beads or threads, but each embroiderer has a certain supply of bead needles for different purposes and diameters. They are long, sharp and very, very thin. So thin that they will fit into the smallest hole in the bead. Be careful: it is very easy to get hurt with such a needle while working, so it is better not to rush during the embroidery process.

Skin secretions interact with the material of the needle; over time, it loses its shine and begins to creak when used. To ensure that this moment comes as late as possible, wash your hands more often; at the same time, the fabric will not get dirty quickly. Now on sale you can find embroidery needles coated with inert materials - gold and platinum. It is believed that such needles serve their owners much longer and pass through fabric more easily.

It is better if the needlewoman has several needles in her arsenal, so they can periodically “rest”.

Make sure there are no small nicks in the eye of the needle. This is a defect and the needle can be thrown away immediately, because a needle with such a defect spoils the thread, fluffs it up and tears it.

Usually, a needlewoman has needles for various purposes and different diameters in her arsenal, which means there is a need to store them. There are different types of needle organizers for this purpose. From simple plastic organizers divided into several cells and magnetic boxes.

Get a beautiful pincushion for your little helpers, fortunately they are now produced in a variety of shapes and sizes - from cute little pillows to armchairs and apples the size of a boxer’s fist. Better yet, make a pincushion yourself and decorate it with embroidery. This way it is much more convenient to store needles, and your loved ones do not risk discovering from their own sad experience that you have chosen the armrests of sofas and armchairs to store needles.

However, the issue of carefully storing needles also arises while working on embroidery, and in order not to lose a needle, they use various needle cases, both mass-produced and those made with one’s own hands.

Organizers that allow you to store the needle and thread without forgetting what color goes into the eye deserve special attention. Often, when working with a multi-color bead pattern, it becomes necessary to embroider single beads and it is not rational to thread the needle each time. Special organizers can make work easier, and Pako has been particularly successful in producing them.

In the cells you can write the thread number or a symbol that corresponds to a specific color in the diagram. This organizer can accommodate 50 colors at a time, which is quite enough to work with most schemes.

When starting a new embroidery project, simply replace the paper strip in the organizer and it is ready for use again.

However, such organizers may seem too expensive for needlewomen, especially if they are just starting to create their first masterpieces. In this case, simple paper organizers for floss, organizers with a magnetic strip for needles, and various plastic organizers can come to the rescue.

Tips for bead embroidery or how to make the work easier with your own hands

  • For the convenience of the bead embroidery process, the best option would be to apply the design on the fabric, using carbon paper, or mark each step in the diagram. Which of these tips to use is up to you;
  • It will be easier to embroider if the fabric is fixed in a hoop or on a wooden frame. When choosing the second option, fastening is done using buttons;
  • It is better to do embroidery using thread made of cotton fiber or nylon. Important advice: before starting, to prevent it from getting tangled, you should treat it with wax.
  • for light-colored fabrics, beige, light gray, white threads are preferable, for dark ones - in the color of the fabric;
  • The knots are tied small and neat. The fastening can be done using the reverse stitch technique. During the embroidery process, the area is covered with beads;
  • The choice of needle has a special place. The best option for small beads would be a long and thin game, marking No. 11. We recommend using it, especially for beginners.
  • It is better to cover the work area with a large piece of soft fabric (preferably in light colors), which will prevent the beads from rolling out if they fall apart.
  • Beads are pre-selected according to the colors indicated in the embroidery pattern. For convenience, beads are poured in piles on a small piece of fabric, which is located on the table next to the backing.
  • The beads used for work are pryed up with the tip of a needle, after which it is convenient to take them in your hand. Preliminary sorting of beads in small portions according to color will make the work easier, for which small containers or ordinary matchboxes are used.
  • If you purchased new beads for work, the quality of which has not yet been tested, then first it is better to rub it a little between your fingers. If it does not lose color and is not dyed, then its beads can be used for embroidering clothes and accessories. Otherwise, beads are suitable for working on a painting.
  • the part of the canvas that does not fit on the backing is carefully placed under it. As you embroider, the canvas must be periodically moved on the backing and secured with buttons on another section of it. It must be securely fastened and well stretched using a hoop, frame or regular buttons.
  • To create bead paintings, regular canvas is used. And for sewing items of clothing and accessories you will need pull-out or water-soluble canvas.
  • The work is carried out according to the principle - 1 colored square in the diagram is 1 bead.
  • Embroidery is done line by line (in rows), starting from the bottom or top line of the pattern. In this case, the number of beads in a row is equal to the number of cells in a row of the diagram. The direction of movement in the row depends on which hand the embroiderer is working with. A left-handed person works from left to right, and a right-handed person, on the contrary, works from right to left.
  • To improve the fastening of the beads to the canvas, the thread at the end of the row is not cut off, but passed in the opposite direction (from the end of the row to its beginning) through all the beads and secured again at the beginning of the row. Thanks to this, all the beads in the row are aligned.
  • and lastly, when working with beads you should be patient. This is especially true for beginning embroiderers, who, according to observations, will need from 10 days to 2 months to complete their first work.

These simple tips will help make such an exciting activity as bead embroidery more fun and comfortable. Doing something creative in the evening after work will help you relax, put your thoughts in order and at the same time create a unique picture or add some zest to your clothes. Beginners in bead embroidery will receive inspiration from the process of work and joy and satisfaction from the results of what they have created with their own hands.

I divided the colors into “cold” and “warm” and store them in boxes of blue and red colors, respectively (cost about 100-120 rubles in hardware stores).

2. Box "cool colors"
Each color is placed in its own bag (bags with a Zip-Lock, a pack of 100 pieces costs about 30 rubles in Komus), on which the article, size and color are indicated. I buy Czech beads from one company, so I don’t indicate the manufacturer.

3. Box "warm colors"

4. Personal “catalogue” of beads
This allows:
- know what colors are in the bins
- see the true color, which is often completely different from the picture in the catalog (paper or virtual)
- select colors for new embroidery from existing ones

When I work with embroidery, I pour the beads into such containers (cost about 30-40 rubles in stores like “Igolochka”), they are convenient for transporting and taking out the beads themselves while working. Even tested on the beach, the beads do not crumble or fly apart.

Over time, a serious problem arises with its storage. Unused ZIP bags tend to tear and open, and collecting scattered beads is not the most pleasant task.

To make work comfortable and bring only joy, the best way out of the situation is to properly organize the workplace and, in particular, the place where beads are stored.

How to solve the storage problem? There are many ways, most of which we will consider today.

Special containers for storing beads

There are many that are made specifically for saving household small items, including buttons, sequins, needles and beads. You can see some of them in our catalog, in the “Packaging and Storage” section. Not counting online stores, containers for beads can be easily found in any handicraft and home sewing stores.
They produce both individual plastic jars and large sets with several sections. Their advantages are clarity (the color and texture of the beads are visible behind the transparent plastic), ease of opening and reliability - a tightly closed jar of beads will not open if shaken or tipped over.

Sets with compartments allow you to compactly store several types of beads at once, but, unlike individual containers, they also have disadvantages:

  • the compartments are relatively small, which does not allow storing large volumes of material in them;
  • If the container has a lid common to all compartments, then if it is suddenly opened there is a risk of mixing beads.

The shapes, sizes and colors of plastic boxes are very diverse. Finding a suitable option will not be difficult. You can store beads in several ways at once. For example, frequently used beads should be packaged in separate large-volume jars, and rare varieties should be packaged in large containers with small sections.

Containers for storing tea and other bulk mixtures

Metal, glass or plastic jars that were left over from tea or were specially purchased for storing cereals. Suitable for needlewomen who prefer to keep large amounts of material for work at home at once.
If you use metal containers, then there is no need to talk about visibility. Glass or plastic options are more convenient. However, glass is a fragile material, and plastic is not as solid and reliable as metal.
The advantages of this storage method are obvious - the large size of the jars, strength, solidity and durability.


Often, beads are immediately sold in such bags with a latch, and many novice craftsmen prefer to store them in them. Bags can be purchased in our store, as well as in handicraft and household goods stores. They are inexpensive and take up little space; the beads are clearly visible in them.
The disadvantage of plastic bags is their fragility - over time they wear out, tear, and stop closing. And it’s not very convenient to take beads out of bags. In addition, they are not suitable for storing large volumes of material.


A good option for saving beads for beginners. It won’t be difficult to purchase the boxes, nor will it be difficult to pour beads into them. Matchboxes are cheap and compact, but don't last long and don't show the appearance of the beads. The problem of visibility is partly solved by labeling the boxes, but words are not always easy to describe the appearance of the material.
Some housewives construct entire miniature chests of drawers from matchboxes with drawers, to which they even attach small handles. They can be covered with colored paper, painted and given the appearance of a real work of home art.

Kinder surprise containers

A common option for saving small items, but it is only a stretch for beads. Many toy containers are opaque and difficult to open. Therefore, there is always a risk of scattering beads. They are very compact and durable, but uncomfortable. In addition, beads can be stored in them only in small quantities.

Plastic containers for baking, ice and candy storage

Beads store well in plastic containers from boxed chocolates, but the compartments in them are usually small and shallow, and also lack a lid. The same applies to baking and ice trays.
In these containers, the beads are clearly visible and easy to pour out and use. Disadvantages: small compartments, difficulty in transportation due to the lack of a lid. And plastic molds for candy also like to wrinkle.

Boxes for filmstrips or films

It’s not easy to find such containers now, but they are very convenient, reliable and durable. Boxes made of transparent plastic (for filmstrips) are almost no different from store-bought containers for storing beads. The only negative is the small size.
Opaque film boxes have the same qualities as filmstrip boxes, but do not provide clarity.

Fishing boxes and bait containers

Oh, I’ve had enough of the joys of a hamster))) For some, such perfect order is a dream! I'll show you my spreads too. I forgot to take pictures of the stones. About them - in writing. It's in the hall in a box in a section - with zip bags and pockets - they sent a couple as a gift. Whatever doesn't fit in the pockets is simply in the bag.
This is my workplace. I work at a table under a lamp and often keep everything I need at hand.

On the table in a shoebox are all sorts of rulers, markers, scissors, glue, etc. It’s like reaching out and taking your hand. To the left of it is a pyramid of cans - there are all sorts of accessories there. Everything is signed, everything is sorted - rings, pins, chains, locks, pendants, caps. for each - its own container (and in the container in zip bags). Even further to the left there are all sorts of imperfections in the jars. Next is the fishing line, threads in a jar separately and needles in a jar separately.

Under the cosmetic table there are all beads and beads. Some are in cans, some are in containers. On the right are containers with Czech beads and all sorts of different beads. I made the jumpers myself - I simply inserted cardboard walls and glued pieces of paper onto the containers accordingly - what color was where. To the left there are Japanese beads in two large plastic boxes. In one - size 11, in the other - 15th (there are also Czech sizes 13 and 15. In general, everything is quite small). It's all glass beads on top. Even further to the left in the back are shoe boxes with my products for sale or as gifts (in general, what I don’t wear. What I do wear is on the cosmetic table in a cosmetic bag and a box of our beads) on them are 2 plastic kebab buckets. In one - delica with treasury, in the other - EVERYTHING hematite (from 15th beads to cabochons) In front of the boxes - in a large container, all the remaining Chinese, on top there is a box with rivoli, a box with pearls, shells and sequins. And a box with beads, of which there are 1 or 2 pieces (for single pendants or earrings).

We move into the large room, to the section where the cabochons are. I filled one closet with fur and leather. the fur just hangs out in bags on the bottom shelf. And the top one is all under the skin, sorted by color: black, white, beige and brown (with red). The completely colored pieces hang out in one bag right there on top.

In the next closet there is everything that will ever come in handy, but I don’t use it that often (or even once every 5 years)

gastroguru 2017