Creative haircuts. Haircuts for long hair: creative ideas Creative women's haircuts for long hair

So, it's time to radically change your image. What to do if classic haircuts and solid colors are not for you? Pay attention to creative hairstyles. There are a lot of them, and each option can be chosen to suit you, diversify it, making the haircut special. Let's talk about what creative haircuts exist, consider their advantages and disadvantages, and features. Let's think about how we can complement the style with a unique coloring. We will provide information about the nuances of care and styling.

Pros and cons of creative haircuts

When planning to cut their hair in an unusual way, girls often hesitate. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of creative haircuts.

  • look bright and incredibly impressive: this is a chance to show your individuality, be different from the rest and attract a lot of attention;
  • many variations: based on the basic version of the hairstyle, you can come up with a dozen more varieties;
  • many masters offer good discounts: they want to create creativity, which ordinary clients rarely agree to;
  • an ideal option for creative people, complementing a bright stage image, with its own zest that makes the “star” recognizable.

There are also disadvantages:

  • it is necessary to style it daily: simply waking up, combing your hair and going “in public” will not work;
  • reaction of others: you risk earning condemnation from your parents, grannies at the entrance, the guy’s disagreement with changing the usual gray image to a brighter one;
  • non-compliance with the official dress code: not all companies allow you to work with something provocative on your head.

If you are not afraid of the reaction of others, at work they are loyal to your appearance, and you are ready to spend a certain amount of time on care and styling, you can safely go to the salon and put yourself in the hands of a master who will create something creative on your head.

Hairstyle options

There are basic options for creative haircuts, on the basis of which the most unusual hairstyles are invented. Let's talk about the most.

Ragged cascade

This creative haircut option is now at the peak of its popularity. The usual cascade is quite boring: but the same hairstyle, thanks to the cut torn strands, is transformed beyond recognition.

Ragged cascade

The only caveat: it is necessary to lay it down. You will have to wash your hair every day, and then perform a ritual with a hairdryer or straightener. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look careless and untidy.

A torn cascade with strands dyed using the coloring technique looks especially impressive. Can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Long bob

A long bob is perhaps the most laconic of creative haircuts. It can be classified as a classic hairstyle. Good for girls who cannot wear too unusual hairstyles due to the official dress code.

Long bob

If you put your hair in a ponytail, short strands will frame your face. This is convenient if you need to hide some imperfections. For example, protruding ears or too round cheeks.

If you loosen your curls and style them, you can safely go on a romantic date or a special event.


They look quite unusual, but very impressive. The length of the strands on both sides of the face varies. Or the curls are cut unevenly, they are milled to add volume. There are a great variety of asymmetrical haircuts, everyone will find something to their liking.


This creative haircut is for bright and unusual girls leading an active lifestyle. If you are not afraid of change and shocking others, feel free to choose a trash hairstyle.

This is an asymmetrical haircut in which the hair on top is cut short, down to the chin. The lower part of the hair remains long. Very comfortably. You can put your long locks in a ponytail and turn into a girl with a short, boyish haircut. Or you can let your hair down and look like an elegant lady.

Every day, with the help of suitable styling, you can change your image beyond recognition.

Hairstyles with shaved temples

Now it is at the peak of popularity. This hairstyle is very functional, because depending on the type of styling you can radically change your look.

The master shaves the temple on one side, and you can wear the haircut in different ways, changing the parting. An even parting in the center of your head - and you are an ordinary long-haired girl, and no one can see your shaved temple. Side parting - and you are a creative madam with long hair on one side and short hair on the other. It looks especially impressive if combined with outfits that suit a daring look.

Haircut options with shaved temples

Coloring as an addition to a unique style

Creative haircuts themselves look very bright and memorable. But to look even more impressive, you can dye your curls using modern techniques. For example:

  • : painting with two contrasting colors from dark to light with a smooth transition;
  • highlighting: the main part of the hair is not dyed, only small strands are highlighted, evenly, along the entire perimeter of the head;
  • shatush: hair is lightened chaotically, in separate strands all over the head;
  • coloring: dyeing individual strands in different colors - from calm brown shades to extravagant bright ones;
  • stencil: paint on the strands makes a certain pattern using a stencil, it looks very unusual, ideal for short haircuts and on shaved areas of the head.

There are very extreme options: curls are made blue, green, purple and any other colors of the rainbow. You can dye your hair one tone or make a transition from one color to another.

It is better to discuss coloring options with a professional hairstylist: we do not recommend trying to style your haircut yourself.

Features of installation and care

Styling most creative haircuts is a must. Otherwise, they will not look stylish and non-standard, but rather deplorable. It is best to use a hairdryer and brushing - a round brush. In order not to harm your hair, the bristles should be natural, and you should use a wooden comb for combing.

Brushing with natural bristles

You will definitely need styling products: wax, gel or styling mousse. They will securely fix your hair, and it will look perfect throughout the day. Don't forget to use heat protectants: this is a must. Otherwise, over time, the hairstyle will turn into a pitiful sight: the hair will begin to split, fall out, and lose its shine.

As a finishing touch to give your hair shine, use professional leave-in products with silicones: serums, emulsions, oils. They will protect strands from wind, cold, and mechanical damage, thanks to the formation of the thinnest invisible “silicone” film.

Make nourishing masks regularly: for colored hair it is better to buy professional products; for natural ones, vegetable cosmetic oils are suitable. Proper care and styling will ensure the beauty of your hair for a long time.


For an example of creating and styling a creative haircut for long hair, watch the video


A woman's beauty begins from the ends of her hair. Therefore, it is important to choose ones that will fully suit your lifestyle and image. Creative hairstyles are a godsend for creative, active girls who like to stand out and are always on the move.

Today you can’t live without creativity. This even applies to the external image, because the more unusual and original the appearance, the more attention you can receive from others. Creative hairstyles have become especially popular. Their main inspiration is the high fashion catwalk: there you can sometimes find real masterpieces of hairdressing art. Of course, such haircuts are not suitable for every day, but if necessary they will create an incredible shocking image.

See short haircuts with shaved temples.

Creative haircuts for long hair

Long hair gives a wide field for imagination, because with such length you can do anything. The key feature that can be achieved is the contrast of length. You can create various asymmetrical hairstyles or even shave off part of your hair.

Often a cascading haircut is used as a basis, transforming it with sharper and more unexpected transitions. Different levels can not only diversify the appearance, but also make bright accents on facial features. You can also think about an unusual design for the volume. By creating a creative cap from the top row of hair, you can brighten up a boring and everyday look.

Creative haircuts for medium hair

Here you can use various variations of bangs design. It can be asymmetrical or torn at different edges. You can also experiment with the shape itself, creating zigzags or waves. It will also look very unusual to have different lengths on each side. And a shaved temple will definitely look creative and original.

Creative haircuts for short hair

You can also create a lot of interesting and original hairstyles with short hair. So, you can create an interesting “hedgehog” at the back and decorate it with elongated asymmetrical bangs. Or you can make an original hair cap by shaving off some of the strands from the bottom row.

Increasingly, modern girls and women are choosing creative haircuts, both without bangs and with them. They help you stand out from the crowd and create your own unique style.

Their main feature is the use of progressive and latest techniques. This is real space for the master’s imagination.

Look for photos of the most extravagant and stylish in this article.

Creative haircuts: fashion news 2019

When you hear such a combination as “creative haircut,” the first thing that comes to mind is asymmetry. It is on its basis that all spectacular and memorable hairstyles are made. Asymmetry can be done on hair of any length.

Asymmetrical bangs

The pageboy haircut has come back into fashion

Creative haircut for medium hair

On medium hair, a creative haircut always looks amazing. Asymmetry allows you to adjust the shape of your head, as well as hide some flaws in your appearance. The average length is considered very successful, because it is convenient for creating many interesting images.

One of these haircuts is a graduated bob. This is made on the basis of the classic version, but the lower cut has a multi-tiered texture. Despite the standard silhouette, thanks to the graduation, the haircut has its own zest. You can also play with the length of the side strands or the shape of the bangs.

Creative haircut and coloring for medium hair

Stylish haircuts

Creative women's haircuts for long hair

“Ragged” haircuts are at the peak of popularity. They look bright, but not provocative. Their peculiarity is that the ends of the hair are cut with a razor. An amazing effect is created. This option will look especially luxurious on thick hair. In this case, the torn ends can be painted in any contrasting color.

An elongated bob looks great on long hair. The advantage of this haircut is that it does not require careful styling. Hair can be curled, straightened with an iron, or braided. Torn or asymmetrical bangs will help change a boring look.

Recently, many girls with long hair are shaving extraordinary haircuts. For example, on one side the temple is shaved. It turns out to be a kind of transformer. Moreover, a pattern, symbol or ornament can be depicted on the shaved temple. The undercut haircut option looks very bold and defiant.

Creative short haircuts

Brave and active girls living in a dynamic rhythm of life prefer short hair. Creative haircuts for short hair are very practical, convenient and extremely fashionable.

Women's creative hairstyles are beautiful in combination with crazy dyeing, coloring, and highlighting. They can be with or without bangs.

It looks interesting with the back of the head cut almost to zero and the strands elongated in front.

Another creative option is the “Iroquois”. Suitable for bright young ladies who like to be outside the crowd and have their own individual style. Despite its outrageousness, the hairstyle is quite easy to style. Moreover, it can be varied depending on the upcoming event and situation.

Creative women's haircuts of different lengths

  • Interesting options for creative haircuts can be created based on famous hairstyles: pixie, bob and bob.

  • A creative variation of the bob consists of lengthening the front strands and shortening the back ones.

Stylish bob

  • You can add unique charm to a bob haircut using an oblique cut and profiled bangs.

  • Pixie can be complemented with elongated bangs or strands on the sides.

As you can see, creating your own unique and inimitable style is not at all difficult. A little imagination and courage! Remember that creativity always attracts and delights others if the hairstyle is done according to all the rules and taking into account external data. Therefore, if you decide to take a bold step, be sure to contact an experienced hairdresser who can help you with advice and do everything as it should.

Pisces with creative coloring

In the hairdressing industry, long hair is traditionally considered a conservative material. Luxurious hair below the waist has always been the embodiment of femininity and the patriarchal ideal. The master’s only goal was to emphasize the magnificent natural characteristics, and not to create a fundamentally new image. Numerous hairstyles for luxurious curls were either soft and romantic, or feminine and practical. But are creative haircuts for long hair possible in this case?

Yes, they are possible, and such options look even more unusual and extravagant than with short strands. Let's see what stylists will offer instead of boring braids or buns.



Despite all the eccentricity, which at first may even cause some concern, this hairstyle has important advantages:

  • Long thick curls are certainly very beautiful. However, they do not always match your face type, figure or overall image. If the type of strands is disharmonious with your appearance, and it’s a pity to part with them, then creative options correct discrepancies.
  • Traditional hairstyles are always somewhat monotonous. If a girl has been alternating between a braid and a bun all her life, eventually she will simply get tired of it. In this case, creative haircuts will become a cure against routine and boredom, and will help create a completely new image.
  • If the haircut is done by an experienced hairdresser, then it does not need styling. It is enough to wash and dry such curls.
  • Creative techniques will revitalize your hair and give thin strands volume and shape. Highlighting and coloring can also serve this purpose.


Creative haircuts for long hair have many variations. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Long bob

Always looks elegant and stylish. Its lush version will make an elongated face more round, and an elongated bob, on the contrary, visually stretches the shape"square" or "circle". It can be styled and curled in any way. Options with or without bangs are possible.

Without bangs

Retro version, which came from the era of “flower children” of the sixties of the last century. They lie smoothly, the ends are absolutely even. Suitable for tall, slender girls with regular facial features.

Types can be different: straight, smooth, thick, short, oblique, torn, layered, arched, stepped. Bangs maybe the only extravagant detail, which will add unusualness to your hairstyle.

Fits for every face type. The line goes gradually downwards from short strands to increasingly longer ones. Looks best on slightly curly or straight hair. Allows a variety of styling, creating a completely new look each time.

The difference from the ladder is that it is not the ends that are processed, but the entire head of hair. They are cut using gradual transitions. The cutting angle and length can be very different. This hairstyle suits any type and color, will visually add volume to the hair. Any highlighting looks great on her. A cascading haircut goes well with a curl, with or without bangs.


With an asymmetrical haircut, you can limit yourself to oblique torn bangs, or you can make a more radical option. For example, shave or cut your hair short on one side and emphasize long strands on the other.

The top layer is cut in the form of a bob, cascade or asymmetrical both, and the lower strands remain the same length. If the curls are too thick, the head will visually look overly large, so it’s better to try some other option.

On curly hair

Pairs perfectly with this variety cascade graduation. It will make your hair look lighter and your curls will look bouncy.

You can also recommend carving, or long-term styling, which is not as harmful as other perms. On wavy curls you can create an infinite many hairstyles. It can be differently styled soft curls of various sizes, an “afro”, a fluffed combed “lion’s mane”, or a combination of smooth and curly strands.

Laying features

Haircuts “cascade” or “ladder” are practically do not require maintenance. It is enough to limit yourself to regular washing and wellness procedures. On the contrary, torn asymmetrical options should always be carefully styled, otherwise they will look untidy.

When curling, you need to remember that “hot” styling is harmful if used frequently. It is recommended to take a break and let your curls rest.

Creative hairdressing art offers a wide range of options for long curls. Any of them will bring newness to your image, emphasize the natural richness of your hair or help cope with shortcomings.

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