How to properly dilute and mix paint with an oxidizing agent: selection criteria, proportions, sequence, common mistakes. Coloring OLLIN COLOR and PERFOMANCE How to dilute gk hair dye

Dyeing strands is a fairly popular procedure. Nowadays, girls who prefer natural hair color are very rare. However, not everyone knows how to mix professional hair dye.

When dyeing their hair, ladies do not take into account basic things and often do not follow the instructions included with the product. As a result, the curls acquire curious shades that are far from the color declared by the manufacturer.

The fact is that when applying dye to their strands, women do not take into account the natural pigmentation of their curls, which leads to unexpected results. To get the desired effect, you need to know color. In this article, we will tell you how to properly dilute hair dye so that the result does not disappoint you.

To achieve the desired hair color in the end, you need to properly mix all the components for coloring.

What you need to know about hair dyes and mousses: using kapus, constant, igora, next and other dye options in the salon

When choosing a professional dye, you need to carefully study the labeling. Manufacturers usually indicate the name of the color on the packaging, but for most women this is an empty phrase. For example, what does the shade “Winter Cherry” or “Chocolate” mean? Therefore, each coloring balm has a digital index that informs the buyer about the depth of color. Shades are arranged from dark to light.

The palette of hair colors is actually limitless.

It looks like this:

  1. Black.
  2. Brown (rich).
  3. Brown (dark).
  4. Brown (regular).
  5. Brown (lightened).
  6. Light brown (dark).
  7. Light brown (ordinary).
  8. Light brown (lightened).
  9. Blonde (standard).
  10. Blonde (lightened).

Choose the color that suits you

Important! To dilute hair dye, you need an oxidizing agent. Usually this component comes complete with dye. If the developer is purchased separately, it must be manufactured by the company that made the color.

Oxidant and coloring agents produced by different companies may be incompatible.

Now let's look at the colors of popular brands.

Kaaral: how to properly dilute professional hair dye

Italian company producing hair coloring products. When choosing paint from this manufacturer, you need to know the following markings:

  • 0 - Identical to natural.
  • 1 - ashy.
  • 2 - purple.
  • 3 - gold.
  • 4 - copper.
  • 5 - swallowtail.
  • 6 - red.
  • 7 - brown.

Estel is not Chinese black paint

The paints are produced by a Russian company. The color palette is the same as the previous manufacturer, but the markings of the shades are different. In particular, red and purple tones are labeled 5 and 6, respectively. Brown color is in the seventh position, and the number 8 indicates a pearl shade.

Advice! To remove yellowness from hair, use purple shades. The natural copper color of the hair is neutralized by green dye. Additionally, mixing hair dyes helps create richer colors.

Schwarzkopf - correct proportions

This German company labels its products similarly to previous manufacturers. However, here the number 1 denotes the shade “Sandra”, golden and brown tones occupy the 5th and 6th positions, and the number 8 denotes the purple color.

Schwarzkopf is quality proven over the years

In principle, almost all companies involved in the production of coloring products have the same labeling. Therefore, it is useful to know about the products of the joint production of CHI Ionic and ISO. This American brand uses a letter designation to label its palette.

  1. A - Ash.
  2. AA - Deeper shade of ash color.
  3. B - Beige.
  4. C - Copper.
  5. G - Golden.
  6. CG - copper-golden.

What you need to know about oxidizing agents

Professional hair dye must be diluted with a special composition - an oxidizing agent. This substance, entering into a chemical reaction with the dye, helps to obtain the desired shade. Usually the oxidizer and paint are sold as a set, but this does not give buyers the right to choose. Therefore, most women prefer to dilute the paint with a more concentrated oxidizing agent (from the same manufacturer), obtaining deep shades and bright colors.

Mix ingredients carefully

All commercially available oxidizing agents differ in the content of hydrogen peroxide in their composition. This figure varies between 3-12%. As an example, we will give how to dilute Estelle hair dye. It all depends on the expected result. To make hair darker (1-2 tones), use an oxidizing agent containing 3% active substance. For slight lightening, use a 6% oxidizing agent. To lighten strands along the entire length by 3-4 tones, it is recommended to dilute the maximum concentration of the substance.

Learning to mix ingredients in simple dishes

Manufacturers usually indicate how to properly mix hair dye. The packaging contains recommended proportions. Please note that the minimum oxidizing agent content in the mixture is 1/5 of the amount of paint. You need to mix professional hair dyes according to the following scheme:

  • Prepare a shallow bowl for mixing the components, and put rubber gloves on your hands.
  • Mix the necessary ingredients (in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer).
  • Mix thoroughly in a circular motion.
  • Apply the prepared mixture to the strands.

Carry out the coloring procedure carefully

By following the mandatory requirements, you can give your strands the desired shade without the risk of disrupting the pigmentation of your hair.

The woman begins to change her hairstyle. The beautiful shade of dyed hair must be constantly maintained, because the pigment fades and the roots grow. There is a huge selection of cosmetics for this purpose. It’s just that the color scheme needs to be not only chosen correctly in tone, but also prepared. Each package contains 2 tubes - pigment and oxidizer for hair dye. What is an oxide and how to choose it correctly.

Why do you need an oxidizing agent in any hair dye?

An oxidizing agent is an important component of any product. It is this component that allows the colorist to acquire the necessary pigment. After mixing the colorless composition with it, a tint begins to appear.

Any oxide contains hydrogen peroxide. The active substance is contained in different percentages, but not more than 12%. Manufacturers indicate this information on the tube of the substance. It is H2O2 that allows hair to color.

Penetrating into the deep layers of the rods, hydrogen peroxide breaks down the original color, which is easily washed out. Using a pigmenting base, a new tone is fixed on the curls.

Expert opinion

Catherine the Great

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist and cosmetologist

Some colors may contain ammonia as an addition. Such products are considered very durable, but they harm the structures of the rods. Ammonia has a detrimental effect on curls and damages their stratum corneum.

Hydrogen peroxide is a catalyst for dyeing strands. Without this component, not a single blonde would become a brunette, girls would not amaze with bright and daring shades, and older women would not be able to hide their gray hair.

How to choose an oxidizing agent

It is advisable to purchase oxide for coloring based on characteristics indicating the content of hydrogen peroxide. The minimum content of perhydrol in the developer is 1.2%, the maximum is 12%. The color fastness resulting from dyeing directly depends on this indicator.

All oxides are divided into several categories:

  1. Low percentage compounds, containing H2O2 in the developer up to 3%. This option is best chosen by those with light-colored hair – blondes. They give a slight toning effect. The damage to hair is minimal.
  2. Oxidizing agents with 3% hydrogen peroxide content. Such compositions do not pose a danger to curls. With the help of such means, a radical change in shade will not work - the maximum effect is lightening or darkening the strands by only 1 tone. Paint with such a developer will not hide gray hair.
  3. Oxide 6%. The product is intended for coloring in 2 tones. Often this type of developer can be found in packages with red colors. It is used to cover small amounts of gray hair.
  4. Developer 9%. It changes the previous shade by 3 tones. The product is suitable for rods with a rigid structure and completely colors gray curls.
  5. Oxidant 12% is an aggressive developer. This composition can change the color of curls by 4 tones. This product easily turns dark-haired girls, even with coarse curls, into blondes. But a large percentage of hydrogen peroxide adversely affects the hair, thinning and drying out the hair shafts. Therefore, frequent use of such an oxidizing agent is not recommended.

Proportions of paint and oxidizer

When purchasing a color for home use, the manufacturer must indicate the proportions in which the oxidizer and pigment must be mixed. Typically, it is necessary to dilute the paint with the developer in a ratio of 1 to 1. It is enough to squeeze it into a container and pour in the oxide.

If the substance and the oxidizing agent were purchased separately, then in this case they must be mixed strictly according to the instructions attached to the staining process or described on the developer bottle.

Expert opinion

Selyutina Marina Valerievna

MiracleMed Medical Center, 23 years of experience

The manual should tell you what shade you will get when using a certain amount of oxide.

We dilute the paint correctly

The instructions clearly state the dilution scheme for the product. For these purposes, you will need a container made of plastic, glass or ceramic, but not metal. As well as a spatula made of silicone or plastic.

  1. The oxidizing agent is poured into the bowl, then the colorant.
  2. The components interact almost immediately, so you need to stir them thoroughly and quickly. The mass must have a homogeneous structure.
  3. The substance is applied to the roots and distributed over the entire surface of the hair.
  4. When painting, the composition is stirred periodically. Otherwise, the wrong shade may appear on your hair.

"Fatal" mistakes

Sometimes the coloring result does not meet expectations. This happens for one reason - the ratio of paint and oxidizing agent is incorrectly calculated. Ignoring instructions with directions can be fraught with different consequences, depending on what kind of mistake was made.

  1. Small amount of developer. In this case, the color may appear unevenly or the hair may not be pigmented at all.
  2. More oxidizing agent than required. In this situation, in addition to uneven coloring, there is a risk of damaging the curls. Excessive amounts of hydrogen peroxide included in its composition dries hair, making it brittle and faded. It is difficult to restore your hair to its previous health after such “stress”.
  3. Use of colorant and developer from different companies. The key to successful painting is the use of components from the same manufacturer. A different brand of oxidizing agent may contain more or less H2O2 than is required to obtain a certain shade. In this case, the ratio of components must be calculated independently. If the oxidizer and paint are produced by the same company, then they can be used at any percentage of perhydrol in the developer.
  4. The holding time is increased or decreased. On the packaging or in the instructions, the manufacturer must indicate the time interval required for high-quality hair coloring. Neglecting the recommendation can lead to damage to the rods when the mixture is overexposed, and if washed off ahead of time, it can lead to uneven coloring of the strands.

Review of popular oxidizing agents

All paint oxidizers, regardless of manufacturer or price, contain the same main component - hydrogen peroxide. It also includes:

  • water;
  • thickeners;
  • stabilizers;
  • emulsifiers (softening);
  • foaming agents.

Some manufacturers add components of natural origin to oxygenators: vitamins, extracts and plant extracts. This allows the product to also have a caring effect on the hair.

See also: proportions of mixing powder and oxygenate for hair bleaching (video)

Popular oxidizers:

  1. Professional color developer with the Estel De Luxe brand. It is a standard paint pigmentation agent. It contains no additional ingredients. An oxidizing agent containing hydrogen peroxide from 3% to 12% is available in bottles of various sizes (maximum 1000 ml). Product price from 65 rub. for a bottle with a capacity of 60 ml up to 500 rubles. for 1 l.
  2. Professional activator from Kapous. This product, in addition to typical components, contains ginseng extract and rice protein, which promotes a gentle effect on curls and reduces damage. The oxidizing agent is packaged in bottles with different capacities - from 150 to 1000 ml. The H2O2 content in the oxygenate is from 1.5% to 12%. The minimum price for a small bottle in online stores is 70 rubles. Liter containers of this brand sell for 300-350 rubles.
  3. Oxidizer branded Londa Professional. In addition to the standard components, etidronic, phosphoric and salicylic acids are added to it. The consistency of the developer is creamy, mixes well with the pigmenting substance, without lumps. It lays softly on the hair and evenly colors the strands. Like other manufacturers, you can find 3, 6, 9 and 12 percent oxygen agents. Price per liter – 550-600 rubles. Smaller volume bottles (150 ml) are available for single use.
  4. Loreal Recital Preference line. It is intended for use at home. An additional component of the developer is glycerin. The paint is easily diluted with an oxidizing agent and a pigmenting agent. After dyeing, the curls do not lose softness and become smooth. You can find a developer with both a minimum (3%, 6%) peroxide content and a maximum (9%, 12%) content. The cost of a 1000 ml bottle is from 900 rubles. In specialized cosmetic stores, the product is sold bottled in small containers for one-time use.
  5. Matrix developers. They are considered one of the best among competing products. These products can only be found in professional salons. When combined with dye of the same brand, the hair after dyeing looks natural and well-groomed. For the procedure, you can choose an oxygen agent with any content of active substance (hydrogen peroxide) from 3 to 12%. The disadvantages of the product include the high price - the cost of a liter bottle starts from 600 rubles.
  6. Wella Professional. Another manufacturer trusted by professional stylists and many women. The oxidizer contains active polymer compounds that have a beneficial effect on the structure of curls. The developer mixes well with the color and applies evenly, ensuring complete coloring. On sale there are emulsions for paints containing 1.9 and 4% hydrogen peroxide, as well as oxidizing agents 6%, 9% and 12%. The cost of a liter bottle is from 800 rubles. The product is also sold in small portions for one use (60 ml), the price starts from 100 rubles.

Separately or together

Some women do not see the need to buy separate colorant and developer. After all, on the shelves of cosmetic stores and supermarkets there is a wide variety of ready-made kits. They are easier and more familiar to use than professional products. And the characteristics, at first glance, are the same. However, it is not.

Standard sets are designed for all hair types, without taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular woman’s hair. Often the result of coloring from a store-bought color scheme is not pleasing - the shade differs from that declared by the manufacturer. Sometimes the color applies unevenly, leaving unpigmented areas. This is because the developer included in the kit has a standard percentage of perhydrol.

With professional paint the risks are minimal.


  1. Economical. Standard packaging is designed for one use for medium-length hair. A tube of color and a bottle of developer may be enough for 2-3 uses, depending on the length of the curls.
  2. Independent ability to select the durability and intensity of the shade. By varying the percentage of hydrogen peroxide, you can achieve the required results.
  3. 100% color match. The exact proportions of the active substance (peroxide) to obtain the required color are detailed on the butyl.

The science of coloristics answers the question of how to properly mix hair dyes. It discusses all aspects and nuances of the mixing process, how, in what proportions and with what shades to combine colors. Armed with its laws and rules, it is easy to achieve the expected individual incredible effect.

Aspects of Paint Mixing

Preparation for the process of mixing dyes begins with choosing the desired shade, taking into account the combination of colors and coloring pigments found in the hair and in the chosen dye.

There are no restrictions on color scheme - the entire color gamut is used. It all depends on the flight of fancy and attitude. There is only one rule: do not mix more than three different tones. To achieve a unique individual result and a well-saturated, rich shade, when mixing paint, use one line of one brand. Products from different brands are not the same in their chemical composition, active substances and coloring agents.

For beginners who do not know how to properly mix hair dyes, it is better not to undertake radical experiments on their own. It is more acceptable to start with small changes, for example, dyeing a small strand or tinting the color in half-tone increments. Unsuccessful experiments are sometimes difficult to correct: you have to completely re-dye your hair again, which leads to dryness, causing a lot of trouble in restoring its healthy state.

To achieve such characteristics of shades and colors of hair dyes as richness, airiness, richness, softness, the following techniques are used:

  • contrasting original strands, when individual locks of hair are dyed in a contrasting color;
  • smooth transition - tones bordering on the color scheme are mixed.

Paint mixing process

Before coloring, the type and structure of hair, thickness, degree of damage, the presence of gray hair are determined, the composition is checked for individual tolerance, the original and original color at the time of coloring is taken into account, as well as the presence of a perm.

When mixing hair dyes, learn the important rules that must be followed:

  • Read the instructions on the packaging.
  • For an error-free selection of shades, use the color table.
  • Mix a small test amount of paint, watch and evaluate the result.
  • Do not mix palettes from different brands.
  • Strictly observe the proportions of the ratio of coloring substances.
  • Gray hair is dyed in two steps (first, uniformity is achieved, then the main tone is applied).
  • The coloring result depends on the thickness, thickness and individual pigment of the hair.
  • Only glass, plastic, plastic and ceramic containers are used.
  • It is advisable to use diluted paint within 30 minutes.
  • Take care in advance and prepare the composition to wash off the unwanted color result.
  • Each paint is prepared separately, then the colors are carefully and carefully mixed together.

To achieve high color fastness characteristics, adhere to the following rules:

  • For hair of medium thickness and length, the volume of dye used is about 60 g.
  • Oxygen and paint are mixed in a ratio of 1:1, when tinting - 1:2.
  • When lightening hair, use a 9% oxygen solution, when dyeing dark colors - 3%.

The depth and richness of the color are regulated by the exposure time of the dye on the hair being dyed and the temperature at which the process is carried out.

Achieving the desired shade

Mix colors, experiment, follow all the rules on how to properly mix hair dyes, and you will definitely get the expected result.

A positive effect is achieved by the technology of mixing closely related shades of the same color scheme, but different tones, for example, light and medium brown. If there are residues on the roots from previous dyeing, achieve a uniform color before mixing. The correct color ratio will give the desired result (darker, lighter), taking you one step further towards the science of how to properly mix hair dyes.

The Golden Rule of the Color Wheel

Colorism conventionally divides colors into warm and cold, and also identifies three main (primary) colors: yellow, blue and red. Primary colors are never mixed with each other. The remaining shades are derivative, or analog. They are obtained by mixing in different proportions and are most acceptable in various combinations and combinations. They have their own gradation:

  • Secondary - mixing two primary colors in equal parts, for example, yellow and red will give orange.
  • Tertiary - mixing one primary and one secondary color, for example, red and purple will give crimson.

Using the golden rule of the color wheel, it is easy to understand:

  • how to correctly combine it with eye and skin color, type of appearance;
  • how to avoid mistakes.

The colors of the circle are divided into warm and cold, and they are not compatible.

From shade to shade in a circle they go clockwise. The opposite colors are neutralizing (countercolor). They are used for correction or when removing an unwanted shade. All combinations of neutral colors give the effect of natural hair.

Advantages of professional paints

The color range of professional paints compares favorably with household paints on sale. Professional formulations have a larger collection of colors and shade nuances, which makes it possible to obtain an unlimited number of mixing options. Their packages contain a digital code indicating how to properly mix professional hair dyes. The number indicates the level of lightness, where 1 is the darkest (black) tone, and 10 is the lightest (blonde). Accordingly, dark will muffle or average out the effect. The rest is decided by halftones - shades. First, indicate the main (depth of tone), then the auxiliary (color nuance), and, finally, the additional nuance of shade. This data will help you understand how to mix hair dyes according to the shade chart.


When correcting tone and to enhance the shade of a color scheme, mixtones are used. They are not used independently for coloring, only after preliminary lightening of the hair.

Mixtons work well to enhance the natural palette. With their help, non-traditional, exclusive, unusual, matte and ashy variations are obtained.

Today we talked about such a procedure as mixing hair dyes. Important rules have been listed above.

A review of how to dye your hair yourself at home using Estel Essex as an example. How to choose the percentage of oxidizing agent, how to dye your hair correctly, paint application schemes, step-by-step instructions and a lot of PHOTOS!!!

Many women dye their hair at home. For various reasons - some don’t have enough money, some don’t trust the hairdresser, some crave personal experiences =), but nevertheless, there are a lot of us. Often all such experiences end sadly and you have to go to the salon to fix everything. I hope that my review, based on many years of experiments and experiences, will help you get closer to the desired result =) Since I have been wearing makeup for many years Estel Essex paint, then the example of painting in my review will be exactly the paint of this brand.

Some lyrics (you can skip this paragraph)

My experiences began at about 15 years old, that is, more than 16 years ago. Only at school did I manage to try a variety of shades of red, red, tried to highlight and lighten =) All this not on my own, but with the help of my wonderful mother, who was always ready to help me in my search for beauty =)) However, these experiments ended often unsuccessful, because Neither my mother nor I had any idea in this area (and there was almost no Internet at that time), and everything was learned through experiments with cut hair. Then there was a short period of rest for my hair (I cut my hair short and grew out my color), but we continued to experiment on my mother, fortunately she wore a short haircut and professed the principle “it will grow, not the teeth” =)) Of course, sometimes I visited salons to fix a completely ruined hair color, or just in the hope that the pros will do something like “AH!” for me. Well, then I went to study to become a hairdresser and found out what was what =) Naturally, now I only do my makeup myself, but using a decent amount of experience and knowledge, and with excellent results.

My first “salon” experience was with Estelle paint (at that time, in my opinion, not Essex, but it doesn’t matter) and this experience was definitely successful, and that’s where my long love for this paint began =)

Later, when I started working as a hairdresser, to my delight Estelle was one of those with whom our salon worked, and I was able to study all the colors and nuances of use inside and out =))

During this time, of course, I tried other paints (mainly on myself), such as Schwarckopf Igora Royal, Wunderbar, L'oreal Professionnel. Of all the ones listed, I really liked Wunderbar, but it costs almost twice as much. Why Schwarckopf me I wasn’t impressed, although the paint wasn’t bad either, but it didn’t work out well with the flowers.

So, Estelle’s advantages:

  1. Low price. I have never seen cheaper paint, professional, of course =)
  2. A large number of shades (not to mention special ones), unlike Igora, the shades are very appetizing, I could always choose the right one for myself and the client.
  3. Colors when mixed always give a predictable result, the only paint with which I risk mixing everything “by eye” (although I don’t recommend it to anyone)

Of the minuses.

  1. Doesn't cover gray hair very well. On fine hair with gray hair, 30% will be normal, on coarse hair with gray hair, more than 50% will not be very good. It’s not that it doesn’t paint over, but it does highlight gray hairs. Quickly washed out of gray hair. That is, if you have problems with coloring gray hair, then it is better to choose another paint (but it is better to try and draw conclusions). Although my mother still wears her makeup, and she has just the second option, maybe I’m too demanding =)
  2. Some hairdressers believe that Estelle dries out the hair. My opinion - it depends on the hair. Personally, it doesn’t dry it out for me (I’ve been using it without a break for 5 years, and periodically before that), given the constant hair dryers and straightening. But there is hair for which this dye is not suitable. Again, you have to try.
  3. I'm not very happy with the smell, which lasts for another day after dyeing. Wunderbar, for example, is not so strong.

Paint composition and packaging information:

I won’t comment too much, because paint is not a useful thing by default, which means there’s nothing useful to look for =))

What do you need to know before you decide to paint your home?

​​There are cases that should definitely be left to the professionals. For example, complex lightening, ash blondes, highlights, radical color changes in any direction(for some reason it is believed that it is very easy to change your color from light to dark). All these actions require at least basic knowledge about the process, practical experience and knowledge of the nuances (if the first two points are often present, then the last one is usually available only to professionals =)

Of course, if you are more interested in the process than the result, then you can take a risk and try, but be prepared for a negative result.

How to choose the right percentage of oxidizing agent to minimize damage to your hair and achieve the desired result?

1.5% oxidizing activator (only Estelle has this as far as I remember). Used for toning previously bleached hair. That is, first you lighten your hair with powder, and then tint it with regular dye using 1.5% oxide. The only difference from standard painting is that the oxide is taken in a 2:1 ratio, that is, there is 2 times more oxide than paint. Toning with this oxidizer is the most gentle for bleached hair. Naturally, it does not cover gray hair.

1.5% oxidizing agent (simple, not activator). If not Estelle, then everything is the same as in the previous paragraph + can be used to tint natural hair (not dyed), the result is a very gentle coloring, but you need to choose shades of your tone level (that is, not lighter or darker). Doesn't cover gray hair.

3% oxidizing agent. When dyeing tone on tone, 1-2 shades darker, or 1 shade lighter (and this is unlikely, unless the hair is completely dyed), gray hair will not be covered.

6% oxidizing agent. For coloring tone on tone with gray coverage, or 1-2 shades lighter. It can also be used to lighten strands (I won’t even write about highlighting, because highlighting at home is nonsense =)

9% oxidizing agent. For painting 2-3 shades lighter, it will cover gray hair. But I don’t recommend using 9% at home!

12% oxidizing agent. Don't even go near him! =)

These are very general rules, it is absolutely impossible to describe all the cases when and what should be used. As you noticed, I did not mention cases of painting 3-4 tones lighter or darker. There are always nuances, and I repeat, leave complex coloring to the hairdressers =)

For comparison, Most ready-made paints in light colors use 9-12% oxidizing agent =)

!!General rules!!

If we dye completely natural hair.

  • Tone on tone (meaning the lightness of the hair, not the shade) - try 1.5%, if there is no result or you need a bright shade, then 3%.
  • 1-2 shades lighter - 6%
  • 3-4 shades lighter - 9% (or better yet, think about it, do you really need it? =))
  • 1-4 shades darker - 3%
  • We dye natural hair - first the length and only then the roots! This is mandatory, because the roots have a higher temperature and if you paint them first, they will be much different in color. It’s quite difficult to do this with long hair, so I recommend going to the salon =))

If change color of already dyed hair.

  • 1-4 shades lighter. First you need to lighten it. Necessarily! I know that some people manage to lighten hair straight away with dye, but for this you need to use a 9-12% oxidizing agent, and believe me, this will have a very sad effect on the quality of the hair, and the dyeing result itself. I also don’t recommend lightening it yourself, it’s difficult! If you do, do not take more than 6% oxidizer, and then be sure to tint with 1.5%.
  • 1-2 shades darker. We use 3% dye.
  • 3-4 shades darker. If your hair has been bleached, I do not recommend dyeing it yourself, because... prepigmentation must be done. Lightened hair absorbs a lot of pigment, unevenly, the color will turn out faded, plus layering shades can give a green or other undesirable tint.
  • If your roots have grown more than 1 cm, then you need to select your own shade and oxidizer for them, it’s better not to mess with it, because... It is impossible to dye natural and dyed hair the same way and you can get a big difference in shades.

Color the roots.

  • With gray hair coverage. We take a 6% oxidizing agent.
  • No gray hair coverage. We take a 3% oxidizing agent.
  • I hope it doesn’t occur to anyone to dye their roots separately 2-3 shades lighter or darker =))

Regarding the choice of shades.

All ashy shades are tricky (unless you're dyeing your natural hair tone-on-tone), the lighter the shade, the harder it is to achieve the desired look, so unless you want to walk around with a green or blue head, it's best to leave it to the professionals.

Red and red shades are good for home use (because these are the colors of the natural pigment of the hair and do not need to be interrupted). It is also easy to achieve results with golden and purple shades. Naturally, blondes with beautiful tones do not belong here =)

Ideally, of course, for home coloring, shades that are within +/- 1-2 tones from your native color are suitable.

How to paint in general.

I only dye the roots, this is how they look BEFORE dyeing (the hair, sorry, is not too clean, I don’t dye it when it’s clean, it hurts the skin less). My natural hair color is 7/0, that is, I will dye the roots 1 shade lighter.

We divide the hair into 4 zones (best seen in the bottom picture) - the parietal zone, temples and occipital part.
We divide the parietal part with partings into plates (as shown in the pictures), we divide the temples with vertical partings, and the back of the head with horizontal partings (if it’s difficult, the back of the head can be divided into 2 parts). We start painting from zone 1, then the temples, then the back of the head.

Here I dye my hair according to the 2nd scheme ( True, I have horizontal partings at my temples; it’s more convenient for medium-length hair)

Apply paint tightly When driving it into your hair, spare no effort =) Don’t skimp on the dye, it should be visible on the hair, this is an important component of a good result!

Paint the edge well, if you wear a ponytail, regardless of the application pattern, it is better to immediately paint over the edge along the entire perimeter. Here we are not afraid to get it on the skin, then rub it harder =)

If paint got on on the skin (in any other place) - wash off immediately and thoroughly. If it gets on your clothes, immediately spray it with hairspray and put it in the wash (I wash everything)

We keep the paint according to the instructions, I keep Estelle for 35 minutes, lighter shades can be left on for 40 minutes. If you overexpose, the color may appear darker. With a painted head, you cannot be near heating devices, in direct sun, in a draft (or go outside to smoke), in general, no climatic influences!

We wash it off. Very carefully! We pay special attention to the edges (I think no one likes smudged skin). First just water, then shampoo, and shampoo again. A balm is a must and preferably a mask.

This is how I washed my edge

Overall result:

This time my roots came out a little darker in length, because... the length has already faded (and plus there are bleached strands). I painted with shade 8/74 Estelle Essex (I’ve been using it for a long time and only finish coloring the roots).

And about mixing shades.

I probably don’t recommend it =) There are enough paints on sale in a variety of shades so that you can choose the one that suits you. If you are not satisfied level tones, then you can take 2 different levels with one shade and go to the middle one, it is better not to mix the shades with each other (or, as a last resort, those that are nearby - red+golden, red+brown, etc., and No need golden + ash for example =)). Remember the basic rules for mixing colors: yellow + blue = green, etc. =)

I hope my review was useful to you, if you have any questions, suggestions, corrections, I will be glad to see them in the comments =)

Be beautiful! =)

My other hair care reviews:

Great and detailed review about hair care

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Professional styling mousse Schwarzkopf Professional Silhouette

Ceramic brushing Olivia Garden

Shampoo and conditioner from Agafya

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Prof hair dye Estel


girls, help me, what oxidizer should I use to dye the blonde black?



Good afternoon! My color is light brown. I've been blonde all my life. Then I dyed it chocolate - I didn’t like it. I did some highlighting and tinted it with Estelle 10/65 pink blonde. And there's something I don't like. Tell me what estel colors to use to get a decent color. Just not ashen or purple. I want the yellowness to be removed and it would be some kind of beautiful beige, not yellow or purple or ashy. In general, I want a beautiful expensive color. Please advise the paint numbers!


girls. Am I completely illiterate... Do you need oxide and dye to dye your hair? That's all? I decided on the oxide. Apparently. 9. I want a couple of tones lighter. I'm just going to get makeup done by Prof. for the first time. Before this, everything was painted from the store.



please tell me my hair is now dyed brown, I want a lighter color. The salon recommended tone 7/7 and oxidant 1.5%. What color can I count on if there is a small amount of gray hair at the temples. Thanks in advance

First of all, if you have gray hair, you need to switch to Estel Silver de Lux special for gray hair


First of all, if you have gray hair, you need to switch to Estelle Silver de Luxe special for gray hair

9% Oxidizer...I + corrector


You need an emulsion calor agent with a 6% 1:1 oxidizing agent; this emulsion is specially designed for coloring hair from light to dark tones from levels 1 to 5 no lighter, that is, suitable for black


Can you please tell me if Deluxe Oxide can be used for Exies paint?

Not advisable


9% oxidizer...I + corrector

Hello, I bleached my hair but it's yellow. I want to be white on a piece of paper. The store sold me estelle with 9% oxygen. Is it too much for the already lightened ones? The ends were very poorly lightened. Probably the oily ones didn’t wash off. I walk around paint like a cat around sour cream.


Hello! I want to dye my hair Estelle Silver 10/0, which oxygenator should I take? Hair bleached with gray.


Hello, I decided to paint the roots myself, tell me in what proportions should I dilute the paint and oxide?
Thank you


Hello! I was once a blonde. Now my hair is light brown. I’m going to dye my hair shade 9/3. Can you tell me which oxide would be best suited to it?

please tell me what the paint number is and how much estelle is needed for highlighting? And so that it turns out without a yellow tint... Your hair color is light brown.


can you mix sos 101 estelle with 10/65, what will you get?)


I want to mix Estelle 9.0 and 7.7, I’m afraid that I’ll be very dark, I want to be a little blonde myself, please advise whether it’s worth it or not


Marquise, I have the following question: I bleached my hair in the salon and now I want to tint the roots myself in the future! As I understand it, to do this, you first need to lighten the roots with 6% oxide with blondaran, then apply Estelle dye to the entire length (tinted, so to speak) By the way, should I also dilute the paint with 6% oxide??? I want to mix ash and coral!!! Do you think this is correct??? And in general, if anyone knows what shades of Estelle paint should be mixed to get a cool cool shade???

For 5 years I dyed my roots with a pearlescent tone, while keeping the dye on the roots for 30 minutes, and then imulgating it with water over the entire length and holding it for another 20 minutes - the color turned out even, since along the entire length the hair had already been lightened by many years of dyeing


Tell me, my roots are dark brown, my hair is dyed light brown.
Can I dye my roots golden blonde with oxide 6 and then color everything with beige blonde with oxide 3??



The choice of oxide must always be chosen based on what you want to dye, natural base or dyed hair. I work for Estelle. Mocha is a 4/7 paint. If you are dyed a dark color, then it will fade into darkness; if you dye it on natural hair, then an undesirable shade may come out, depending on what your natural base is. In general, all this should be done by a colorist, because In addition, you can get roots that are lighter in length. Write in numbers what is on your head, whether you are dyed or not dyed, than you were dyed before. By the way, 12% oxide is never used with permanent dyes, because The color pigment is eaten. Paint holding time is 35 minutes.


good afternoon, please help me! They painted me in cold colors and mixed 1/0 black and 5/7 chocolate. How much oxidizing agent is needed for these two tubes? And also take 3%? Thank you in advance.

It depends on what kind of dye you were dyed with, permanent (permanent or semi-permanent), and what brand, if it’s a standard and permanent dye, then for 2 tubes 120 ml of oxide, i.e. 1:1, oxide 3% (more giving), if there is gray hair then 6%



hello, the store accidentally slipped 6/0 and 6/00, although I bought 6/0, if I mix these tones, what might happen?

6.00 For gray hair. 6.00 This 5.0 will result in a darker and deeper color. Nothing scary

Tell me please! My natural color is light brown with an ashy tint.. I have been dyeing Estelle tone 5.7 with 3% oxide for a long time.. The color a week after dyeing becomes lighter by tone.. In principle, I am satisfied, but I still wanted the color to be richer in these three-month intervals between dyeing.. Moreover, after these three months there is no difference in color between the roots and the dyed hair as such, since the dye is washed off close to my natural one.. The question is this.. If I dye my hair with tone 4.7, will my problem be solved?


Tell me please! My natural hair color is level 7 (the regrown roots are slightly visible), I dyed it unsuccessfully, now I am level 8-9 with a green tint. The hairdresser advised me to take estel essex 7/75 to achieve my natural color. The store recommended 6% oxide, although I planned to make my hair a tone darker, they said that 3% would not work. What to do? Should I paint with 6% oxide or go for 3%?


Hello! Please tell me, my sister has light blond roots, after dyeing they turned out to be yellow roots and plus their growths are light blond and almost white at the ends, how to remove the yellowness and make it a light blonde along the length


Marquise, please tell me! Krashus roots estel esex 8/76 oxygen 9% 1:1 and add a centimeter of corrector 0/66. The color turns out to be quite rusty(((the master painted it the same way, only she used a corrector from another company and everything turned out fine. Maybe I’m using the wrong proportions or it’s time?


Hello! I have brown hair. I've been wearing makeup for 2 years. I want to dye my hair blonde. What should I do better? Gradually go blonde through highlighting or?


Hello! I am a brunette, I want to paint the roots and along the entire length in dark brown 5/4 or chestnut 3/0 Estelle paint and there is oxygen 0.9 and 0.6. Tell me how to dilute or is it better to buy 0.3? Thanks in advance!


how to dilute 10/76 and oxygen 6%?


hello, please tell me, a girl is coming to see me right now, we will paint her at 10/17, her length is 10 dirty, and her roots are 5-7 cm at 7-8 tone level. Should I paint the roots with 6% and the length with 3% from two bowls or the roots with 9% and the canvas with 6%

tell me now I have hair extensions 7 my roots have grown by cm 4 my color 6, which dye should I take to even out the color and be ash blonde)) 6.1 or 6.21?

and which oxidizing agent is 3 or 6? I just smoothly transition from 6 to 7 (with yellowness)


Good afternoon! Please tell me, I wore 4/0, but now I want to try 4/7 or 4/75, but I have gray hair! Which oxide should I take, 3% or 6%?

What percentage of gray hair? If it is about 50% or more, then take for example 4.0 + 4.7 + 6% oh in the proportion of 1/2 part 4.0 + 1 part 4.7 + 1 part 6%. Apply first to the roots for 15-20 minutes and then extend along the length. Holding time 45 min total


Good afternoon! I decided to change my color from my dark blond with slightly faded strands. Foolishly I bought Estelle Essex 5.7 light chestnut ice brown. It’s too dark for me. I bought 1 pack, but I’m afraid it won’t be enough, I want to take more. If I go 2 shades lighter (i.e. 7.71) will I end up with 6.71? At 3% oxide.

girls hairdressers (who works for Estelle) give advice, otherwise I’m afraid to remain bald)) I want this color Estelle essex lumen 44 copper I don’t know what to mix with 3%, 9% or 12%, now I’m painted with light copper pellet (about 7 level). Will you get the color you want?


Good afternoon. Please tell me, I want to buy my mother paint Estelle Silver 6.00... What oxidizer is suitable for her in % and what series should it be from, is it necessary with this one or not?


Hello. Need some advice. I am brown-haired and have always painted myself with household paints. But they stopped covering gray hair. I decided to switch to Estelle Essex. I bought 7.00 and oxide 6% on advice. I read the instructions and had doubts. Can you paint only with this composition or do you need to add something from the X.X series? I want a lighter color than now. Thank you.


Good afternoon! Tell me, is it possible to use Deluxe 5.70 with 3% oxide? His hair is dark brown with sparse grey.


Please tell me, I dye my hair dark brown with Estelle 4.7 and 4.70... I bought Estelle Essex 4.7 mocha color... But I'm afraid there is a red or red tint in this color?!

How to mix OLLIN paint?

Are you interested in permanent Ollin coloring at home?

The procedure is simple!

To do this, you need to choose your favorite shade of ollin color or performance paint.

Mix OLLIN COLOR or PERFOMANCE dye in a ratio of 1 part dye and 1.5 oxide (1:1.5). If you want to get a tone on tone or darker, choose 3% oxide and hold for 30 minutes, lighter by 1 tone - 6% oxide and holding time of 30-35 minutes, lighter by 2-3 tones - 9% oxide and hold for 30 minutes 40 min.

For blondes! Mix in a proportion of 1 part dye and 2 parts oxide (1:2), this applies to the palette of the 11th row and above, use oxide 9% and 12%, and the exposure time will be 40-50 minutes. When working with 12% oxide, be careful and careful and monitor the condition of your hair.

A very important point: you don’t need to wash your hair before coloring!

Is OLLIN permanent dye suitable for gray hair?

Yes, of course, but there are several nuances that we will tell you about later!

To dye gray hair, deep tones should be the same depth of tone as

which is the desired color.

Tones with 1/хх-4/хх + 6% oxidizing emulsion - independently cover gray hair.

Tones 10/хх - 11/хх are not intended for coloring gray hair.

Tones x/3; x/0 covers gray hair well and can be used independently

without using x/00.

The holding time for coloring gray hair is always 40-45min.

Dyeing gray hair with 6/xx-9/xx tones with OLLIN dye:

Mix in proportion 1:1.5.

We will work only with 6% oxide. This is enough to cover even 100% of gray hair, but pay attention to the method of application!

Up to 30% gray hair: you don’t need to use deep tones, take 1 part dye and 1.5 oxide.

If you have 30% to 50% gray hair, you need to take one part deep tone x/00+ 2 parts dye + 1.5 parts oxide.

For gray hair from 50% to 100%, take one part deep tone x/00+ 1 part dye + 1.5 parts oxide.

How to prepare/mix color mixture/paintOLLIN

Mix OLLIN cream paint with OLLIN oxidizing emulsion in a non-metallic container:

For tones of the main palette from 1/xx to 10/xx row - in the proportion 1: 1.5;

For special blondes 11/x - in a ratio of 1: 2 to lighten by 4 tones with simultaneous color nuances.

How long to keep OLLIN paint or exposure time:

For tones of the main palette from 1/xx to 10/xx row - 30 minutes;

For special blondes 11/x - 45 minutes;

For coloring gray hair - 45 minutes.


Primary hair coloring in red, copper tones

or 3-4 shades lighter, for previously undyed hair:

  1. Prepare the mixture and apply along the length, 1.5-2 cm from the roots.

Primary hair coloring tone on tone, darker, lighter by 2-3 tones:

Prepare the mixture and apply over the entire length (from roots to ends),

Secondary coloring of previously colored hair, with regrown root zone:

Prepare the mixture and apply to the root zone.

Refresh the existing shade along the length:

Prepare the mixture and apply along the length within 10 minutes. until the end of the dye exposure time in the root zone.

The color along the length has faded greatly or there is a desire to change the compatible shade along the length:

Prepare the mixture and apply along the length immediately after applying the coloring mixture in the root zone.

Also, many are interested in the question of how to wash their hair at the very end of the dyeing procedure so that it remains vibrant, shiny and bright longer.

OLLIN Professional have developed the SERVICE LINE:

At the end of the dye exposure time, rinse your hair with Zmin water.

To neutralize the oxidation process and stabilize color, we recommend using Conditioner-Stabilizer.

We are waiting for your feedback about OLLIN COLOR and PERFOMANCE dye!

Turning blonde may not have the desired result if you do not know the important rules for working with dye. You need to select and dilute the product correctly, and leave it on your head exactly as long as it takes to achieve the desired tone. The procedure can be implemented at home, but you must have good theoretical training.

How to lighten your hair without risk

It is best to change the color of the strands gradually - in one procedure by 1-3 tones. Most lightening paints contain aggressive substances - hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. If you use them in moderate concentrations, the harm will be minimal, and with proper care, the strands will quickly recover. Sharp discoloration will cause the hair to become dull, brittle, and lifeless.

  • Professional products have proven themselves well. They have a low percentage of oxidizing agent and still provide the desired result.
  • Be sure to follow the instructions.
  • Carry out the procedure on a dry, dirty head, so the influence of aggressive components will not be so powerful.
  • After dyeing, focus all your efforts on restoring the structure of the strands. Use nourishing balms or masks (kefir, chamomile).
  • If you doubt your abilities, contact a professional. The specialist will select the product that best suits your hair type and give recommendations for care.

What types of lightening paint are there?

The choice of such funds is very large. If you need to change the shade by 1-2 tones, then you should think about using folk recipes (lemon, chamomile, vinegar, etc.), henna, and tonics. For a more lasting result, you should use lightening products. Its types:

  • With ammonia. It does not belong to the category of gentle products, since it deeply discolors the strands. If a girl wants to turn from a brunette to a blonde, she should choose ammonia dye. In this case, a gentle composition will not give the desired result. The components of the product wash out melanin from the hairs, resulting in lightening by 5-6 tones.
  • No ammonia. The color changes by 2-3 tones, but the strands practically do not suffer, their structure is not destroyed. Active components create a film on the hairs that protects against external adverse factors.

Coloring products can take a variety of forms:

  • Powder (bleaching powder). An aggressive and strong product that requires a skillful approach. At home, it is very easy to use powder to burn your hair and harm your skin.
  • Tablets (hydroperite). Chemical composition: urea, hydrogen peroxide. For bleaching, a mixture is made with a 15% content of active substances. How to properly dilute this dye to lighten hair? You need to crush two tablets, add 2 ml of ammonia to them, a little shampoo and wheat flour for thickness. The composition is applied for 5 minutes (no more!) and washed off. The color changes by 1-2 shades, yellowness may appear.
  • Cream. It has a thick, dense consistency and lightens strands by 2-3 tones. The composition contains a small amount of ammonia, the main active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. The product is easy to work with at home.
  • Oil paints. The oil base is mixed with the activator in a certain proportion. Depending on the concentration of the latter, lightening by 1-4 tones is achieved. The product causes virtually no harm to the strands.

Lightening hair with dye at home

If you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, it will be useful to know how to properly dilute the dye to lighten your hair. General recommendations:

  • Use a porcelain or glass container, avoid metal objects. You will also need a professional brush, hair clips, a towel, and rich cream. Be sure to wear gloves.
  • The shade depends on the amount of oxidizing agent: the more of it, the stronger the discoloration.
  • Do not dye damaged strands. Even the most gentle remedy in this case will cause severe harm.
  • To avoid getting an unwanted shade (yellowish, pink, green, purple), use mixtons.
  • The resulting composition must be applied as quickly as possible, since it loses its original properties in a short time and can lead to unexpected results.

Professional hair lightening dyes

The best choice for beginners. How to properly dilute hair dye of this type? As standard, the oxidizing agent comes with the pigment, and you can use it completely if you want to get the same shade as on the box. If you want to experiment, you should take a more or less concentrated oxidizing agent from the same manufacturer. There are products on sale containing 3-12% hydrogen peroxide. To lighten by 1-2 tones, take a substance of 3%. An activator of 6% will help achieve discoloration by 2-3 tones, and 12% by 5-6 tones.

How to dilute professional paint correctly? There are no universal proportions. Manufacturers use a unique coloring formula, so they offer different methods of diluting the mixture. Read the instructions carefully. To get the desired result, use a thick, marked syringe. Remember that an oxidizer for ammonia paints is not suitable for ammonia-free products, and vice versa.

Powder paint-blond

How to properly dilute hair lightening dye in powder form and not harm yourself? These products are very strong and aggressive in themselves, so it is worth using an oxide with a concentration of 3%, maximum 6% (if the strands are dark, thick and hard). It is unsafe to dilute the 9-12% activator at home; the hair may simply fall off. Standard proportion: 1 part powder, 2 (1.5) parts oxidizer. You should get a mixture with the consistency of sour cream.

gastroguru 2017