Pedagogical project on road safety for children of primary and middle age “A preschool child should know how to walk on the streets. Project on road safety project (junior group) on the topic Stage II - goal setting

municipal educational institution
secondary school No. 4 of the city of Serdobsk

Developed by:
2nd - B grade students
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4
Penza region
primary school teacher
Kosyakova Marina Nikolaevna

Around the city, down the street
They don't just walk around like that.
When you don't know the rules
It's easy to get into trouble.
Be careful all the time
And remember in advance:
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.

We all live in a society where we must comply with certain norms and rules of conduct in a traffic environment. Often, the culprits of road accidents are children themselves, who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, and incorrectly enter and exit vehicles. However, children of primary school age are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. They cannot be approached with the same standards as adults, because for them a literal interpretation of the Traffic Rules is unacceptable, and the normative presentation of the responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers in road vocabulary inaccessible to them requires abstract thinking from younger schoolchildren, complicating the process of learning and education .
That is why, from an early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. As part of the implementation of work in this direction, a long-term project was created on the topic: “Safe road traffic is the main skill for children.” We involved parents in working on this project.

practice-oriented, long-term, collective.

Formation of safe behavior skills on the roads.

Create conditions for children to consciously study the Rules of the Road;

Organize a town on the basis of the school according to the Traffic Rules;

To develop in children the ability to foresee possible danger in a concretely changing situation and build adequate safe behavior;

To develop in younger schoolchildren the habit of behaving correctly on the roads;

Raise children to be competent pedestrians.

In Russia, about 2,000 children die in road accidents every year, and more than 20,000 are injured.

is that statistical data on the participation of children in road accidents directs us, the teachers and parents of our class, to search for new, more advanced approaches to solving this issue.
The project involves systematic, diverse work, the use of creative forms and methods of teaching and raising children. A comprehensive solution to issues and cooperation with the traffic police during the implementation of the project can change the activities of the school and create conditions for instilling in children sustainable skills for safe behavior on the road.
The system of activities for children to master the basic rules of behavior on the road, presented in the project, reflects creative approaches to solving this problem and represents targeted, planned work.


Basic(implementation of planned plans)

Final(summarizing results, making amendments in case of unresolved problems)

The implementation of this project will allow children to develop the necessary ideas, abilities and skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads. The performance indicators for working on this project will be:

No accidents with children of class 2 - B
Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4.

Children’s knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads (in accordance with age requirements).

The ability of children to quickly and correctly navigate traffic situations and look for ways out of them.

Raising a competent pedestrian.

Questioning children and parents on this issue;

Strengthening the material and technical base:

Production of manuals, new games;
- production of traffic lights, road signs;
- design of a site for studying traffic rules.

Working with posters and presentations on road safety.

Holiday according to traffic rules “ABC of the city”;

Drawing up a memo “Rules of cycling”;

Family competition for the best newspaper promoting traffic rules;

Campaign “Letter and gift to the driver”;

Testing according to traffic regulations;

Children's drawing competition “Attention! Road!"

Conducting a child-parent quiz “Safety is in our hands”:

Conducting intermediate and final diagnostics of children’s knowledge and skills according to the Traffic Rules.

Scientific and practical conference

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 28"

city ​​of Magnitogorsk

Direction:medicine, healthy lifestyle,BJD

"Road safety for schoolchildren"

Authors of the work:

Rubanova A.S., 6th grade B

Rybakova I.D., 6th grade

Scientific adviser:

Berkumbayeva A.T., teacher-organizer





1.2. Causes of child accidents


2.2. The work of the YID detachment.

2.3. Research results


List of used literature


Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?

At first glance it seems easy. You just need to introduce him to the rules of the road and there will be no problems. It's actually very difficult.

Children quickly remember traffic rules and forget them just as quickly.Children do not yet know how to properly control their behavior. They are unable to correctly determine the distance to an approaching car, its speed and overestimate their own capabilities, considering themselves the fastest and most agile. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate possible danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out onto the road and suddenly appear in front of the car. They consider it quite natural to ride a child’s bicycle onto the roadway or start a fun game here.

Relevance The research is that at the present stage of development of society, road safety issues remain extremely problematic. With the increase in the production of cars in our country and the increase in traffic intensity on the roads, the responsibility of all road users increases: drivers, pedestrians, passengers.

And although all structures and organizations responsible for instilling a culture of behavior on the roads by road users are busy solving this problem, accidents are not decreasing significantly. That is why it is necessary to talk about traffic rules with people of different ages, from the youngest to the oldest.

Research problem

Object of study – school students.

Subject of study – traffic rules and their observance.

Purpose of the studyprevention of road traffic injuries in children.

Research objectives :

    Analyze the state of road accidents and their causes in the city of Magnitogorsk.

    Deepen students' knowledge of traffic rules

    To develop in schoolchildren the habit of behaving correctly on the roads.

    Create a series of booklets for parents and children on road safety.

Hypothesis – if you strictly follow the traffic rules, the accident rate among children will be significantly reduced.

Research methods:

    Study the literature on this issue

    Collect information from traffic police officers

    Conduct a survey among schoolchildren about compliance with traffic rules

    Process results


1.1. The history of the emergence of traffic rules.

There was a time when only riders on horses, chariots and horse-drawn carts rode on the streets and roads. They can be considered the first vehicles. They traveled without observing any rules, and therefore often collided with each other. After all, city streets in those days were usually narrow, and the roads were winding and bumpy. It became clear that it was necessary to streamline traffic on streets and roads, that is, to invent rules that would make traffic on them convenient and safe.

The first traffic rules appeared more than 2000 years ago, under Julius Caesar.

They helped regulate traffic on city streets. Some of these rules have survived to this day. For example, already in those ancient times, only one-way traffic was allowed on many streets.

In Russia, road traffic was regulated by royal decrees. Thus, in the decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna of 1730 it was said: “Carriers and other people of all ranks should ride with horses in harness, with all fear and caution, at attention. And those who do not comply with these rules will be beaten with a whip and sent to hard labor.” And the decree of Empress Catherine II says: “On the streets, coachmen should never shout, whistle, ring or jingle.”

At the end of the 18th century, the first “self-propelled carriages” appeared - cars. They drove very slowly and caused criticism and ridicule from many. For example, in England they introduced a rule according to which a person with a red flag or lantern had to walk in front of each car and warn oncoming carriages and riders. And the speed of movement should not exceed 3 kilometers per hour; in addition, drivers were prohibited from giving warning signals. These were the rules: don’t whistle, don’t breathe, and crawl like a turtle.

But, despite everything, there were more and more cars. And in 1893, the first rules for motorists appeared in France. At first, different countries had different rules. But it was very inconvenient.

Therefore, in 1909, at the International Conference in Paris, the Convention on Automobile Traffic was adopted, which established uniform rules for all countries. This Convention introduced the first road signs and established the responsibilities of drivers and pedestrians.

1.2. Causes of child accidents

Child road traffic injuries, as statistics show, unfortunately tend to increase rather than decrease, which is associated with an increase in the number of road accidents.

The main causes of road accidents are:

    Crossing the roadway in an unspecified place or outside a pedestrian crossing.

95% of accidents with children on the roads occur for this reason in deceptive situations, when children think that there is no danger and they manage to cross the road in an unspecified place or outside a pedestrian crossing. However, due to their age and psychophysiological characteristics of behavior, they cannot do this, since children of preschool and primary school age do not realize the danger.According to sociological studies, 9 out of 10 victims did not notice the approaching vehicle in time and mistakenly believed that they were safe. As a result, there were collisions.

    Unexpected exit onto the roadway.

Children get into accidents due to lack of coordination of movements, underdeveloped lateral vision, inability to compare speed and distance, lack of spatial orientation skills, including difficulties in orientation associated with clothing (hood, tight scarf, hat, etc. ) and other reasons.Entering the roadway due to structures, standing or moving vehicles, green spaces, buildings and other obstacles that block visibility. Children's sense of danger is not sufficiently developed, so they sometimes rush headlong into the roadway due to a blocked view, forgetting about safety precautions. Running out onto the roadway, a child usually sees large trucks and does not understand that passenger cars can drive behind them at higher speeds. As a result, a collision occurs.In addition, children often miss cars approaching from the left, jump out onto the roadway without noticing vehicles coming from the right in the opposite direction and get into an accident.

    Disobeying regulatory signals.

Due to their psychophysiological characteristics of behavior on the road, preschoolers and children of primary school age react slowly to changing traffic lights.They believe that if the traffic light is red and there is no traffic, then they will have time to cross the road, not realizing that a car can suddenly appear at high speed and as a result a collision will occur.Many children do not understand the meaning of the green flashing light, which is on for only 3 seconds. Seeing a green flashing signal, they cross the road and get into an accident.

    Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren on the road unaccompanied by adults.

Children who find themselves on the roadway unaccompanied by adults get into accidents precisely for this reason. Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren cannot independently navigate in space and do not understand the dangers of vehicles. They believe that if they see a car, then the driver will also see them and will stop. But this does not happen, and children get into accidents due to the fault of adults who gave their children independence in crossing the road.

    Playing close and on the roadway.

Due to age-related behavioral characteristics, children do not always understand the dangers of playing near and on the roadway. They easily get carried away by the game, not noticing the danger on the road. The ball is much more important to them than the approaching car. As a result of the unexpected appearance of a child on the roadway, a collision occurs.

    Ignorance of the rules for crossing an intersection.

One of the reasons for an accident may be crossing the road not at the pedestrian crossing at the intersection, but at its center. Not expecting the child to appear in the intersection area, and not at the pedestrian crossing, the driver does not have time to brake and a collision occurs.

    Riding bicycles, scooters, roller skates on the roadway.

Not knowing the traffic rules that riding a bicycle on the roadway is allowed only from the age of 14, children ride bicycles, rollerblades and scooters wherever it is convenient for them, often going out onto the roadway. As a result, an accident occurs.

    Fleeing from danger in a stream of moving traffic.

Children, being on the roadway, cannot calculate their capabilities. They believe that the faster they run from vehicles,

the safer. When children get caught in the flow of moving traffic, a collision occurs.

    Crossing the roadway not at a right angle, but diagonally.

Trying to catch the stop of the approaching minibus, children run diagonally, looking only forward, not noticing the approaching transport, and get into an accident.

    Driver inattention:

Fatigue;- distraction by the surrounding landscape;- conversations with passengers;- setting up the radio;- reading a newspaper, book, studying any documents while driving.


The sidewalk is separated from the roadway by a narrow strip of curbstone. Its color is the same gray as the sidewalk or road. Meanwhile, he separates two different worlds, each of them has its own laws. In the first, children spend the lion's share of their time and develop habits. In the second - an insignificant fraction of time, and all the habits acquired in everyday life are transferred to the road.


Heavy rain;




    Drunk driving.

    The driver exceeding the vehicle speed.

    Imperfection of the car or its malfunction.

    Unsatisfactory road conditions - shortcomings in the arrangement of roads, their condition.

1.3. Consequences of children's road accidents.

Road accidents never go away without leaving a trace.Every year in the Russian Federation, 35,000 people die in road accidents (every third accident is due to the fault of pedestrians), 1,500 of whom are children. And about 20,000 more children suffer injuries of varying severity.

According to studies conducted over the past three years, almost 80% of children involved in road accidents suffered serious traumatic brain injuries. A quarter of the victims suffered fractures of the limbs, collarbone, hip, etc. Almost every tenth child suffered multiple bruises, 4% suffered abdominal injuries. Injuries received by child passengers - 75% - bruises of the face, head, legs, 15% of injuries lead to death.

Injuries received in road traffic accidents are extremely dangerous: especially traumatic brain injuries, combined with severe injuries to the thoracic and abdominal organs, and fractures of the limbs. The consequences of auto injuries leave physical injuries and moral and psychological shocks for life, and do not always manifest themselves immediately. On average, each injured child spends about two months in a hospital bed, and the rehabilitation period is 8-10 years. Some remain disabled for life.


2.1. Analysis of road injuries.

Having started our research work, the first thing we did was analyze the state of road traffic injuries in the Chelyabinsk region from January to March 2016. Diagram 1 shows a decline in road accidents over time, which is encouraging.

diagram 1

diagram 2

The next step was to clarify the picture of childhood injuries. Here we compared the Chelyabinsk region and three other regions with the highest childhood injuries - the Republic of Bashkortostan, Sverdlovsk and Orenburg regions (Diagram 3).

diagram 3

As for the city of Magnitogorsk, there is a significant decline in road accidents (Diagram 4), and it is especially pleasing that child injuries have decreased by half (Diagram 5) (information provided by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Magnitogorsk)

diagram 4

diagram 5

2.2. The work of the YID detachment.

During the year, the YID detachment - Academy, i.e. We systematically take measures to prevent children's road traffic injuries. These include briefings before the holidays, flash mobs, promotions, classroom hours in elementary schools, initiation of first-graders into pedestrians (see photo Appendix 1). The products of our creativity are propaganda booklets for parents (Appendix 2, 3), as well as reminders for young pedestrians, which are pasted into the diary of each elementary school student. At the moment, we are developing another booklet “Road traps of the summer period”, which we plan to present at the final lines “If we remember the rules, we won’t get into an accident!”

Now we can say with full confidence that the work we did was not in vain, proof of this is that over the past two years no one from school No. 28 has gotten into a road accident.

Despite the positive aspects, we still have a lot of work to do, because... Not all children at our school behave confidently on the road; evidence of this fact is the survey we conducted. We anonymously surveyed 48 children from grades 3a and 3d. The guys had to answer the following three questions: Do you know the traffic rules for children? Do you often break traffic rules? Are there any difficulties on the way from school to home (from home to school)?

After analyzing the questionnaires, we saw that most of the guys know the traffic rules, despite this, there are still those who break the rules. There are relatively many children who often violate traffic rules, even though they know them. The vast majority of students do not experience difficulty traveling from home to school and back (Figure 6)

diagram 6

Based on the above, we will continue to do a lot of work to prevent road traffic injuries and come up with new methods of work. And also, we hope that our efforts will help reduce road accidents in Magnitogorsk and the Chelyabinsk region and the numbers on the diagram will not look so scary.

2.3. Research results

Thus, the information we collected confirms the hypothesis put forward« If you strictly follow traffic rules, the accident rate for children will be significantly reduced.».

The performance indicators were the following:

1. No accidents with children at Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 28" in Magnitogorsk

2. Children’s knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads (in accordance with age requirements).


While doing research, we found the answer to the question:

For what reasons do road traffic accidents occur?

The cause of road accidents is most often children themselves. This is caused by ignorance of the basic principles of traffic rules, the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway, and the negative example of adults. Also, children often understand that they are violating traffic rules, and nevertheless do it.

In order to reduce the number of road traffic injuries, it is necessary not only to increase the level of knowledge, but to change attitudes towards existing rules and develop sustainable positive habits in children and adults.

We are convinced that the work done will be of great benefit for the safe movement and life of children along the roadways of our city. We believe that the tasks we set have been achieved in full. We are going to continue our project activities in 2017.


    Internet resources

    Internet resourceshttp://www.metod

    Internet resources

    Internet resources

    Information from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate UMFD of Russia for the city of Magnitogorsk


Photo 1. Initiation into pedestrians

Photo 2. Flash mob "Children against road accidents" Photo 3. Flash mob "Be bright - become noticeable on the road"

Photo 4. Day of Remembrance for Road Accident Victims

09/01/16 Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 Day of Knowledge. Start of the “Road Traffic Safety City” Project for the prevention of child road traffic injuries and promotion of safe road traffic among children and adolescents on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 within the framework of the federal target program “Increasing safe road traffic in 2013-2020”, 453 people.
08/15-09/18/16 Comprehensive information and preventive event “Attention Children”, 453 people
02.09.16. United Road Safety Day. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7, 453 people.
09.15.17 Class hours “Rules of safe behavior on the roads”, 453 people.
05.10.16 Action “Road Safety City”, dedicated to International Teacher’s Day, 100 people.
10.10-14.10.16 Drawing competition “Road signs” grades 1-4, 100 people.
10.17-04.12-16 Operational and preventive operation “Pedestrian” within the framework of the “Road Traffic Safety City” Project, 200 people
10.27-11.08.16 Targeted preventive event "Autumn holidays" Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7, 453 people.
11/16/16 Organization of duty together with the inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Lyuberetskoye Municipal Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the intersection near the school. Distributing flickers to pedestrians, 15 people.
11/18/16 Day of Remembrance for Road Accident Victims, 453 people.
11.25.16 Campaign “Letter to Mom” as part of the “City of Traffic Safety” program, 50 people.
11/30/16 Regional competition of young cyclists “VELOMASTER”, 3rd place, team of municipal educational institution secondary school No. 7
06.12.17 Class hours “We are pedestrians”, 453 people.
12/19/16 -01/15/17 Targeted preventive event “Winter holidays”, 453 people.
12/23/16 Fairy tale “New Year’s adventures in the City of BDD” for elementary school, 200 people.
01/12/17 ShMO of class teachers “Analysis of DDTT in the service area of ​​the traffic police department of the MU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “Lyuberetskoye” for 12 months of 2016.”
01/24/17 Class hours “ABC of the city of traffic safety”, 453 people.
02/02/17 Regional open lesson on traffic rules in 1st grade on the topic “Our friend - Traffic Light” as part of the school program “Road Traffic Safety City”.
02.13-02.16.17 Drawing competition “City of Safe Traffic”, grades 1-4, 180 people.
02/28/17 Regional photo competition “Road safety through the eyes of children”, Irina Maleiko, 3rd place.
01/28-03/01/17 Regional YID meeting. 3rd place in the competition “Agitation Brigade of the Youth Movement”.
03/02/17 School-wide parent meeting “Implementation of the Road Safety City Project for the prevention of child road traffic injuries and promotion of safe road traffic among children and adolescents on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 within the framework of the federal target program “Increasing safe road traffic in 2013-2020” ", 90 people.
03/15/17 Action “City of Traffic Safety”. Distributing flickers to pedestrians at an intersection near a school.
03.24.17 Speech by the propaganda team of the Youth Movement "City of Traffic Safety" in an elementary school, 190 people.
03.27-04.3.17 Targeted preventive event "Spring Break".
03/30/17 Seminar of class teachers on the organization of prevention of children's road traffic injuries on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 together with the traffic safety propaganda inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the MU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Lyuberetskoye" Sidorova S.S.
04/17/17-04/21/17 Oral journal at the elementary school "City of Safe Traffic", 200 people.
04/28/17 School-wide game on the basics of life safety. Station "City Road Traffic Safety Inspectorate", 453 people.
05/04/17 Preventive conversations on traffic rules in grades 1-5 together with traffic safety propaganda inspectors of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Lyuberetskoye Municipal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
10.05- 12.05.17 Class hours “We follow traffic rules”, 453 people.
05.15-05.18.17 Drawing competition “We are for safe road traffic”, 50 people.
1.06.17- 30.06.17 Organization of a specialized shift “City Road Traffic Safety” on safe participation in road traffic on the basis of the city summer camp “Solnyshko”.
.06.17 Meeting of class teachers. Summing up the results of the implementation of the “Road Traffic Safety City” Program in the 2016-2017 academic year for the prevention of child road traffic injuries and promotion of safe road traffic among children and adolescents on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 within the framework of the federal target program “Increasing safe road traffic in 2013-2020” years", 20 people.

Lyudmila Bolgova

Bolgova Lyudmila Alekseevna

Traffic regulations project"We we know the rules, we always comply» .

Type project: educational - playful

Duration project: from 06.10.2017 to 21.10. 2017

Participants: pupils senior group, parents, educators.


According to statistics, more often the whole reason is the traffic- children themselves become involved in transport accidents. Children are very excitable, dynamic and at the same time absent-minded, they do not know how to anticipate danger, Right estimate the distance to the approaching car, its speed and your capabilities. Preschool children are a special category of pedestrians. Responsibility for raising competent and adequate participants traffic rests with parents and educators. Considering the special significance of the work in this direction, and the fact that kindergarten is the very first step in the system of lifelong education, in close cooperation with parents we organized design activities on the topic « Road without danger» .

Problem: ignorance by children traffic rules, rules behavior on the street and road, traffic light signals.

Justification of the problem:

1. Parents do not pay enough attention to the topic « Rules of conduct on the road» , « Rules of behavior on the street» , « Traffic Laws» ;

2. Children have no knowledge about rules of conduct on the road, about changing traffic lights.

Target: To ensure the accumulation of ideas about various types of transport in preschool children. Develop basic knowledge about rules of conduct on the road.


1. Introduce preschool children to traffic rules, with traffic lights and pedestrian crossing. Learn to understand the meaning of traffic light signals. Build initial skills safe behavior on the road and in the street.

2. Give children an idea of ​​the types of transport. Note the characteristic distinctive features of transport.

3. Develop attention, memory, thinking, speech, fine motor skills, and activate vocabulary.

4. Foster discipline and a culture of behavior in road-transport process.

Expected results:

1. Children have developed initial knowledge traffic rules and safe behavior skills on the road and in the street. Children's interest in the topic.

2. Children express themselves independently initiative: look at illustrations, participate in conversations, ask questions; show creativity, activity and detail in their work.

3. They enjoy drawing, sculpting, and playing various games.

4. Participation in joint activities of parents.

Product project activities: Creation in group corner on traffic rules with a model of the roadway, houses, cars. Exhibition of drawings “We we know the rules, we always comply! Application "Bus". Collective application « Safe City» . Coloring road signs. Event .

Development project:

1. Make children and their parents aware of the importance of the problem.

2. Select methodological, educational, and fiction literature. Illustrations, didactic material on this topic.

3. Select material for play activities.

4. Draw up a calendar and long-term plan for educational activities, conversations, didactic games to familiarize children with traffic rules.

Implementation project:

1. Working with children:

Educational areas (Content):


Outdoor games: "Sparrows and the car", automobile", "Traffic Signals"; , "Prohibited-allowed". Plot-role-playing a game: "Chauffeurs", "Drivers and pedestrians", layout games.

Review of material on topic: « Traffic Laws» , « Rules of conduct on the road and on the street» , illustrations depicting vehicles, albums on the topic;

Reading poems, asking riddles on the topic "Traffic rules", "Traffic light"- S. Mikhalkov "Traffic Light Slacker", S. Bedareva "Soccer ball", S. Marshak "Ball", V. Berestov "About the car", V. Semerin "Hold on road rules are strict» ; M. Zoshchenko "Exemplary child". Finger gymnastics “A car is walking along the highway. Application with drawing elements « Road and traffic light» .

Breathing exercises "That's how big we are"; Transport surveillance; Conversations on Topics: "Cars on the city streets", "What do people drive", “What did we see on the street?”. Excursion along the street. Target excursions: in practice, teach children to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing, move in an orderly manner along the sidewalk, pay attention to road markings and road signs.

Traffic rules coloring pages.

Construction of various streets from building materials to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules. Making a layout « Road and crossroads» .

Gymnastics for the eyes "Eyes see everything around"; GCD Drawing. "We we know the rules, we always comply» . Physical education minute "On a level path» Application "Bus" (repetition rules behavior in public transport). Collective application « Safe City» .

Working with parents:

Consultation "Children on roads» , “Is it easy to teach a child behave correctly on the road»;

Folder – movement« Traffic Laws

Conversation “Start with yourself!”;

Memo for parents « Traffic rules for pedestrians»

-"Children's education safety rules behavior while walking movement, in the car."


1. Created in group corner of traffic rules.

2. Exhibition of drawings "We we know the rules, we always comply» .

3. Talk with children about street rules, crossroads, road(fastening concepts: traffic light, road signs, transport, sidewalk, etc., as well traffic rules).

CONCLUSION: project promotes deeper learning by children street rules, consolidation of knowledge and skills, formation of a conscious attitude towards them compliance, developing a sense of control and responsibility for one’s actions.

And now in more detail about our work on project. Below is the entertainment script "How the children taught Baba Yaga traffic rules".And photo.

Fun for kids senior “How children taught Baba Yaga traffic rules”

Leading: Guys, you know old lady

Baba Yaga enters to the music.

Baba Yaga: - Hello guys!

I want to tell you one history the road but I'm a policeman stopped you know, What the road "Zebra" the road rules. And he sent me to kindergarten

Fun for kids senior preschool age training in traffic rules “How children taught Baba Yaga traffic rules”

Leading: Guys, you know when I was going to work, I met a strange old lady. She couldn't cross the street. I decided to invite her to our kindergarten. Meet her.

Baba Yaga enters to the music.

Baba Yaga: - Hello guys!

I want to tell you one history: I was once flying in a mortar over the city. The stupa broke, I had to land and walk home into the forest through the city. Wow, I was scared! I tried to go the road but I'm a policeman stopped: “Aren’t you ashamed grandma? An accident may occur because of you. dont you you know, What the road you need to cross where there is either a traffic light or "Zebra". And why should I take the zebra with me, put it on the road and walk along it back and forth, back and forth! Suddenly such a bright red light came on opposite me, so I went. Then the brakes squealed and the car almost hit me. Then I asked the inspector to teach me all this rules. And he sent me to kindergarten, said that the children know everything and will help me.

Fun for kids senior preschool age training in traffic rules “How children taught Baba Yaga traffic rules”

Leading: Guys, you know when I was going to work, I met a strange old lady. She couldn't cross the street. I decided to invite her to our kindergarten. Meet her.

Baba Yaga enters to the music.

Baba Yaga: - Hello guys!

I want to tell you one history: I was once flying in a mortar over the city. The stupa broke, I had to land and walk home into the forest through the city. Wow, I was scared! I tried to go the road but I'm a policeman stopped: “Aren’t you ashamed grandma? An accident may occur because of you. dont you you know, What the road you need to cross where there is either a traffic light or "Zebra". And why should I take the zebra with me, put it on the road and walk along it back and forth, back and forth! Suddenly such a bright red light came on opposite me, so I went. Then the brakes squealed and the car almost hit me. Then I asked the inspector to teach me all this rules. And he sent me to kindergarten, said that the children know everything and will help me.

Leading: Of course, Baba Yaga, our children know Traffic Laws, and if you want, they will tell you about them. Baba Yaga, in what city did this happen to you?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I don’t know either. There is a city nearby. And you don't you know, what city is nearby?

Leading: Certainly we know! Is it true, Guys? (children's answers). And now the guys will teach you traffic rules.

Leading: Now let's teach Baba Yaga rules, let's play a game "Allowed - prohibited":

And avenues and boulevards -

The streets are noisy everywhere.

Walk along the sidewalk

Only with right side!

It’s forbidden to be naughty here and disturb people

You are allowed to be an exemplary pedestrian

If you are traveling on a tram

And there are people around you,

Without pushing, without yawning

Come quickly forward

Drive "hare" as is known


Give in old lady's place


If you're just walking -

Still look ahead

Through a noisy intersection

Pass carefully.

Crossing when the light is red is prohibited

When it's green, even children are allowed

Leading: And now, to make it clearer, we will still play the game "Traffic light": I show green - you stomp your feet,

yellow - clap your hands red - silence.

Baba Yaga: Guys, I realized that I need to move the road only to

designated place and green light.

I also like to play cards. I went to the nearest store, asked for cards, and the saleswoman gave me these interesting cards (shows cards with images road signs) .

Leading: This is Baba Yaga, road signs. Now the children will tell you what

they know. (Children with pictures of signs read poetry)

Children: We are important signs

Road signs

We stand guard over order

You know the rules

Always comply

And we will hurry to help you

This kind of blue sign

Protects the pedestrian

Let's go with the doll together

We the way in this place

A pedestrian. Pedestrian Remember transition:

Underground and above ground


Know that only a transition

It will save you from cars!

All engines stop

And the drivers are attentive

If the signs say: “Close to school, kindergarten”

A sign warns the guys.

Protects from misfortune:

Moving! Keep your eyes peeled

Watch the barrier

Leading: Guys, where did you see such a sign? (children's answers)

Children: At the landing sites

Passengers are waiting for transport.

Established order

You can’t break it here either.

I'm a connoisseur road rules

I parked the car here.

Parking near the fence

She needs to rest too!

A round sign with a window in it,

Don't rush here rashly.

Think about it a little

What's here? Brick dump? No!

This sign says:

That cars are not allowed in

(Children in chorus)

To help you

The path to cross is dangerous

Burn day and night

Green, yellow, red!

Baba Yaga: Thank you guys! Now I will know and road signs.

AND rules not only for pedestrians, but also for motorists.

After all, I am the driver of the stupa.

Leading: Baba Yaga, the kids and I do a warm-up for our fingers every day, like this

A car is walking along the highway (palm movements)

Tires rubbing on the asphalt (circular movement)

Don't run on asphalt (they shake their index finger)

I'll tell you B.B.I. (show thumb).

Leading: Baba Yaga, we forgot to warn you that on you can't play on the roadway.

Children reading a poem "My funny ringing ball".

Children: If you want stay healthy

On the pavement - do not play, do not ride.

On roadway Children don't play these games.

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the playground.

Do you have a scooter

So go with him to the park and garden,

You can drive along the boulevard

By treadmill

But you can't walk on the sidewalk

And you can’t walk on the pavement.

Baba Yaga: After these lessons I will cross the road correctly, I’ll quickly get to my house and tell you about traffic rules forest dwellers just in case they accidentally end up in the city.

Ved:-And to make you even better I remember the rules, we invite you to play one more game “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!” And Inspector Asya will play with us!

Progress of the game:

The teacher asks questions, if the children agree, then in unison answer:

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”, and if they don’t agree, they remain silent.

Which of you, when in a hurry,

Runs in front of transport?

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

Who knows that the red light is

Does this mean there is no move?

Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

Who knows that the light is green

Does this mean the way is open?

Who, tell me, is from the tram

On runs out of the way?

Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement?

Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Does it give way to adults?

. There is no safer place

Who rides in a car seat?

At the end of the holiday, the children perform a traffic light dance.

As a gift, the guys received badges - stickers, and they presented their drawings and applications to Inspector Asya.

We're going on an excursion.

Playing with the layout

Our collective application.

Teacher of the first qualification category Lyapina E.V. 2nd junior - middle group "Ship" Tver region Kalyazin Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Firefly"

Type of project: educational - creative - gaming. The duration of the project is long-term. The main participants of the project: children of the 2nd junior - middle group, parents of children, teachers, music director. Project implementation time: from September 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016.


The project is dedicated to a current problem - teaching preschool children the rules of the road. Preserving and strengthening the health of children is the main task of modern society. Roads overloaded with traffic and irresponsible behavior of road users are the realities of today's life. The speed of movement and the density of traffic flows on the streets of our city are rapidly increasing. In these conditions, advance preparation of the smallest pedestrians - children - is of particular importance. They are the ones who often become the cause of road accidents due to ignorance of basic traffic rules and the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway.

Left to their own devices, preschoolers cannot assess the real danger on the road, because they do not know how to control their behavior. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger. Therefore, children serenely run out onto the road in front of a stopping car and suddenly appear in the path of another, ride out onto the roadway on a bicycle, or start a game right there.

It has been established that the cause of most accidents is gross violations of the rules by both drivers and pedestrians.

Such carelessness can only be prevented through the upbringing and education of children from a very early age. The rules learned in childhood subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance becomes a human need.

As my experience, observations, diagnostics in the second junior - middle group show, 65% of children do not know how to behave in dangerous situations, 70% do not know the rules of the road.

And the results of a questionnaire among parents on the topic "Me and my child" showed that 80% of parents believe that it would be more effective to familiarize children with traffic rules together with preschool teachers, 25% of parents do not teach their children the rules of behavior in transport, and 45% do not work in the family to develop children’s knowledge of traffic rules. (Appendix No. 1)

All this is a consequence of the fact that work in this direction is not carried out systematically, the material is poorly reinforced in practice, and there is no support from parents.

At the same time, the results of the survey showed that parents are interested in ensuring the safety of their children, but do not always know how and what should be done.

Therefore, based on the above, one of the most important problems in ensuring road safety, I believe, is the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

If compliance with the rules of safe life becomes a conscious necessity for the child, there will be much fewer road accidents.

Based on this, I was faced with a problem: to develop in children, according to their age, a stereotype of safe behavior on the road, to provide methodological assistance to parents.

The need to solve this problem led me to the necessary development and implementation of a road safety project .

The significance of the problems I mentioned above was predetermined by the following goals and objectives of the project.

Objective of the project:

Formation of skills and habits of safe behavior in preschoolers in the surrounding road transport environment.

Based on the goal, I formulated the following tasks:

  • To form in preschoolers initial knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street.
  • Expand orientation in the surrounding space and the area adjacent to the kindergarten.
  • Introduce concepts "Street" , "road" , "crossroads" , "traffic light" , road signs, proper movement of pedestrians and passengers.
  • To clarify and expand children’s knowledge throughout the year about the elements of the road, about the movement of vehicles, about the operation of traffic lights and their signals, the actions of a pedestrian and a passenger.
  • To introduce different types of transport, their features, to develop interest in different types of transport.
  • Form ideas about the rules of safe behavior on city streets.
  • Arouse interest among parents in the problem of teaching children traffic literacy and safe behavior on the street.
  • Enrich vocabulary, train children's thinking and memory.

And based on the objectives of the pedagogical project on road safety “A preschool child should know how to walk the streets” outlined the following principles to help encourage children to behave safely on the road:

  • Subsequence:

I believe that introducing a child to safe behavior on the road should be systematic and consistent. In fact, competent behavior on the road is part of the culture of human behavior. On the road, you must behave in such a way that, firstly, you avoid situations that are dangerous to your own life, and secondly, you do not create dangers for other people. The principle of consistency in the formation of road behavior skills is that any new stage in a child’s education is based on what has already been mastered in previous experience.

  • Leading by example:

It is known that children really want to be adults and begin to imitate us already in early childhood. Children draw their information about the standards of adult behavior not so much from our moral teachings, but from observations of the actual behavior of individual representatives of the adult world, and above all, the behavior of the people closest to them, and, over time, their educators.

And no matter what dad says, if he himself runs across the street at a red light, and forbids his son to do this, then in this case it is dad’s behavior that becomes an attractive sign of adulthood, that same forbidden fruit that you want to try as soon as possible.

  • Correspondence of the form of education to the age of the child:

I believe that the appropriateness of this or that behavior on the road and practicing the correct forms of this behavior should be in the context of the needs and capabilities of each age period. A child's education will be effective if it is based on an understanding of the physiological and psychological characteristics of each age.

  • Incorporating learning into the context of everyday life:

The safety of children is the most important value for parents and their constant concern, so paying attention to it from time to time or only at the allotted hour seems very frivolous. It is extremely important not only to help children learn the rules of behavior on the road, but starting from an early age, to reinforce them practically every day from walk to walk, regularly expand this knowledge and test the child’s ability to use it in real situations.

  • Child encouragement:

Encourage your child for their safety and the safety of others. Some parents, in the interests of the child’s safety, do not let go of their hand when crossing the street, not only when the child is 2 or 3 years old, but also when he is already 5-7 years old. Thus, they take full responsibility for the safety of the child.

A child who is not accustomed to independent responsibility and the resulting assessment of the situation, who is accustomed to entrusting his safety to his parents, will not be able to act independently in a critical situation. It must be remembered that a parent will not always be able to be with the child in a moment of danger. My task is to encourage the child to independently ensure his own safety and the safety of others.

  • Seasonality principle

I plan to carry out the work throughout the academic year. Local conditions and the location of the kindergarten should be used where possible, as much of the program content involves practical outdoor activities.

And in winter, spring and summer, while walking along the city streets, I draw the children’s attention to the fact that the movement of vehicles and pedestrians is subject to special rules that must be strictly observed.


If children understand and master traffic rules from an early age, they will be able to avoid dangerous situations and save their lives in the future.

Main directions of the project:

  • Creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development in children of a stereotype of safe behavior on the street.
  • Teaching children traffic rules and preventing injuries on the roads.
  • Involving parents in joint activities with children and teachers to teach children road safety rules.
  • Monitoring the knowledge of safety rules on the roadway and in transport of children and parents.

Expected results of the project:

By the end of the project, I plan to develop children’s knowledge of traffic rules and safe behavior skills on the road according to their age characteristics.

They should know:

  • The purpose of the traffic light and each of its colors, the actions of the pedestrian;
  • Rules of conduct on the roadway and in transport;
  • Road signs "Crosswalk" , "Caution: children!" , "Bus stop" ;
  • How to cross the street correctly;
  • What is the difference between a roadway and a sidewalk?
  • What kind of transport moves on the road? (roadway);
  • Components of transport;
  • Who are pedestrians and passengers?
  • Profession "Chauffeur" .

Create the necessary conditions for organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions to teach traffic rules to preschool children:

  • Creation of a subject-development environment (safety corner);
  • Develop GCD notes;
  • Toys and play equipment;
  • Visual – didactic aids;
  • Card index of plot-role-playing games and attributes for them;
  • Card index of didactic games;
  • Card index of outdoor games;
  • Card index of poems and riddles;
  • Selection of musical repertoire, script for the holiday.

Arouse interest among parents in the problem of teaching children road literacy and safe behavior on the road.

Coordinate activities for parents to teach traffic rules to their children.

Organize a photo exhibition on the topic: “How we studied traffic rules” .

To solve the tasks set in the project, I used the following forms of work:

  • GCD by educational areas;
  • Conversations;
  • Excursions, targeted walks;
  • Problem situations;
  • Mobile, verbal, didactic, board - printed, plot - role-playing games;
  • Leisure, entertainment, holidays;
  • Reading fiction, memorizing poetry, looking at illustrations;
  • Puppet show.

I believe that the implementation of the project can be divided into four stages:

Stage 1. Organizational and preparatory:

  • Creating conditions for presentations according to requirements;
  • Selection of software and methodological support for project implementation;
  • Studying the experience of innovative teachers on the project topic;
  • Replenishment of the subject-development environment as the project is implemented;
  • Preparation of material for productive activities;
  • Preparing information for parents (according to plan);
  • Selection of children's and methodological literature, pictures, games;
  • Selection of diagnostic tools to identify children’s knowledge;
  • Selection of illustrative material, proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, literary works on the topic of the project;
  • Selection of didactic, plot-role-playing, movement, game tasks, musical works;
  • Design of a tabletop layout of a road with a pedestrian crossing, intersection and street;
  • Selection of toys and play equipment, visual teaching aids;
  • Crafting attributes for role-playing games.

Stage 2. Reflexive-diagnostic

  • Analysis of your professional capabilities and difficulties, as well as the interest of your colleagues in the topic of the project;
  • identifying the level of knowledge and interest of children on the topic of the project;
  • identification of data on the level of parental competence in matters of the designated topic.

Stage 3. Basic (practical): Working with children through:

  • educational activities carried out during regime moments;
  • joint activities of the teacher and children, taking into account integration;
  • independent and play activities of children;
  • cognitive - research activities of children to teach traffic rules;
  • educational activities in the integration of educational fields (10) Working with parents:
  • conducting consultations;
  • survey;
  • designing a corner according to traffic regulations;
  • registration of memos, folders – transfers;
  • design of a photo exhibition;
  • conversations;
  • holding holidays and leisure activities.

Stage 4. Final (summarizing). Effectiveness Project outcome: 1. Joint celebration "A magical journey to the land of traffic rules" 2. Summarizing the results of your work in the form of a photo exhibition. 3. Presentation of your work experience at a seminar-workshop "The Idea of ​​Creative Thoughts" . 4. Interaction with society: selection of interesting drawings by children and parents for an exhibition in the city’s children’s library. 5. Launching a new project for senior children for the new school year.

The Federal State Requirements for the structure of the Basic General Education Program of Preschool Education highlight educational areas, one of which is safety. The content of this educational area is aimed at creating the foundations for the safety of one’s own life and creating the prerequisites for safety in the world around us.

The main form of work with children and the leading activity in the project is play. (Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program.) I carry out educational activities for this project through various types of activities in the integration of educational areas, based on the objectives and content of the project “A preschool child should know how to walk the streets” , calendar and thematic planning of project work.

(Appendix No. 2)

Project implementation.

First results of the project.

During the project implementation “A preschool child should know how to walk the streets” Over the course of 2 months, I carried out events in accordance with the comprehensive thematic planning developed in stages.

The implementation of the project was preceded by a lot of preliminary work:

  • I selected illustrative material on the topic of the project;
  • Developed long-term planning of outdoor, verbal, didactic, role-playing games. (Appendix No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6)
  • Made attributes for role-playing games.
  • I selected fiction on this topic. (Appendix No. 7)
  • I compiled a card index of proverbs and riddles. (Appendix No. 8)
  • Developed scenarios for GCD notes and entertainment. (Appendix No. 9.10)
  • I picked up consultations for parents, folders - moving things. (Appendix No. 11)

This project had a beneficial effect on all its participants.

To implement a project in a group "Ship" I have created a favorable environment focused on the formation of traffic rules.

I pay a lot of attention to conversations with illustrative material on the topic of the project.

In the course of joint, creative work with educators and teachers, at the initial stage, in accordance with the plan, an excursion was organized, during which the children got acquainted with the streets of their hometown and improved their knowledge of traffic rules, signs and transport, and the children developed a cognitive interest in traffic rules.

Children can already distinguish between a roadway, a sidewalk, and a pedestrian path. (zebra).

Understand the meaning "Bus stop" .

Children began to know and follow basic traffic rules; they recognize and name signs and vehicles.

We learn to distinguish between types of transport, and also study prohibiting traffic signs for transport (Stop, no passage).

In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge during the excursion, children consolidate it during didactic and outdoor games.

During practical activities, children apply their knowledge and skills in role-playing games "Road" and board and printed games.

With the help of demonstration and visual material, children gain new knowledge about traffic lights and the purpose of their signals.

Children consolidate the knowledge gained during excursions, conversations, educational activities during the game. "Red, Yellow, Green" . They follow the rules and move according to the signal.

The most attentive participant receives a prize.

Productive activity.

The result of the walk, the work done according to plan, were children's drawings and applications on the theme "Our Traffic Lights" .

Everyone's traffic light is almost ready. Children know that the signal changes and they need to be careful.

One of the main factors in successfully developing children's skills for safe behavior on the road is the example of parents. There is already a result in this regard.

Parents who helped design the exhibition take an active part in the project. "Children and the Road" .

Using these drawings, the children and I made up stories about traffic rules.

Creative works and drawings subsequently entered the folder "Road and Children" .

During the implementation of the project, children's vocabulary is replenished. Throughout the project “A preschool child should know how to walk the streets” children learned to draw simple conclusions, a desire to understand objects and the area adjacent to the kindergarten appeared, and they established some cause-and-effect relationships.

In the future I plan to continue working in this direction according to the development of the project scenario (by stages and comprehensive thematic planning by educational areas).


Upon completion of the project “A preschool child should know how to walk the streets”

With children of the older group, I plan to continue working with setting new goals and objectives, based on the final monitoring results at the end of the school year.

gastroguru 2017