Crafts for 9th birthday. What gifts can be made from paper? The most beautiful and original paper gifts. Lip balm

A gift for mom's birthday made of paper: master classes and ideas will help you choose something special and original. As a rule, paper products for someone's holiday are classified as the art of origami. But we will consider several gift options that are appropriate to give for such celebrations.

You can buy a paper birthday gift for mom or make it yourself. In shopping centers there are special boutiques where you can find all kinds of packaging, themed gifts and crafts using the origami technique.

The simplest and most beautiful boxes will be made of cardboard and paper, made without glue according to a special folding pattern.

This is a gift wrapper, but can also serve as a reason for ongoing use. There you can glue cubes from the same cardboard for storing small items.

These candies are not harmful to anyone, and they will last forever - you can decorate your own gift with them, or collect a whole bowl of such colorful things. Let them become a piece of furniture in mom’s bedroom.

Play a game with your mom - wrap riddles or wishes in paper lollipops. Have her pull out one at a time and read it out loud. A good gift for a birthday, and the price allows you to buy a lot of these crafts.

Another addition to the candy. It would be nice to decorate diamonds or crystals with sparkles. If you don’t find the same ones made of phosphorus, feel free to cover them with sparkles and rhinestones.

You can put memories into a finished pink heart that will make your mother cry with happiness. Don't forget about your first drawings in kindergarten, notes and small crafts from childhood.

A box with a surprise - inside each insert with pages you can find a place for a photo. Paste the brightest photographs there, make beautiful signatures and present them to your mother.

Similar crafts can be made with your own hands from paper or thin cardboard. Today, stores offer a lot of different types of papers for one or another creativity.


The best gift is the one made with one’s own hand, because everyone has at least once tried to make some kind of craft. We offer one of the origami options that can be given as a birthday present to your mother.


Draw a blank vase for future application.

Cut out the outline of the vase.

Cut out the “triangles” to make the applique more voluminous and original.

The cut out vase will need to be decorated with flowers and leaves.

Before this, bend the vase in half lengthwise and carefully make a “Christmas tree”.

Do not squeeze the edges too much to make it easier to straighten the picture.

All corners need to be crossed with the previous ones.

Lift each corner up.

Glue the corners together.

The top corner of the triangle needs to be cut and glued.

This is what should happen. It will look beautiful and bright on a different background color.

Take a piece of paper to create flowers.

Fold the sheet like an accordion to cut out several parts at once.

Draw a flower so that you can propagate them later without changing their shape or size.

Cut out the flowers along the outline.

Carefully align the edges of the flowers.

Make as many flowers as you like. If one piece of paper is not enough, repeat the process again.

Use a pencil to bend the flower petals evenly.

You need to glue the centers to the finished flowers to complete the picture.

Cut out one center to fit it to the base of the flower.

If it is the right size, make a blank at the edge of the strip.

Bend a piece of paper along the edge of the circle, then make an accordion.

Cut out all the parts at once.

You get these circles.

We collect several details into one flower.

Glue the middle.

We make the finished leaf in several versions - you can make them the same, you can make them different in size.

Glue the outline of the vase.

Place the vase on the base. The background paper can be any other color. It is important to choose bright and rich colors.

Let the application dry a little.

Next, glue the flowers to the top of the vase.

We supplement the finished application with green leaves. And the end result is a beautiful gift for mom.

Tip: The structure of the vase can be made in a different shape, with other fold options. You can do without them. Also, the flowers and their shape depend on what types of plants the mother likes.

You can also make several types of flowers from multi-colored paper to create one composition. After all, a bouquet does not always have to contain the same types of plants.

Here are some ideas on this topic:

  • Craft a flower arrangement in the form of roses– a great reason to create a paper bouquet. It is not necessary to use red or yellow as a basis.

  • Perhaps one of the traditional alternatives for creating a paper bouquet. Decorate it with candies, they also have paper packaging.

  • This type of roses is ideal for decorating a gift. You can beautifully decorate a candlestick or any other gift.

  • : Newspaper is now very fashionable in creating decorations and wrapping packages. It makes good flowers, crafts, wreaths, packaging and other elements. If you add a little greenery or wood, you will get a nice wreath for the stand of the same piece of furniture.

  • Another paper way to decorate a gift. The water lily is considered a symbol of tenderness and prosperity. Peony is a symbol of luxury and wealth. Bring a little meaning into the creation of a particular flower.

You don’t have to make your own gift out of paper; it would be nice to give old things a new look. Make roses from thick paper, starch them and decorate a mirror or picture.

A picture made from a paper panel will look beautiful in any room. Place several flowers on a photo frame. They can also be added to the vase from the previous master class.

Pots can also be decorated with paper flowers, or added to real plants for a pop of color.

Thin paper (corrugated) is perfect for creating delicate flowers - carnations, tea roses and more.

To create such flowers, you can use special techniques. The video in this article will help you understand the sequence of actions step by step:

The same roses can be made not for a bouquet, but for decorating an album with photographs or valuable wishes.

It is better to immediately coincide with such a craft to create an interior item. Beautiful flowers will look great in a vase made of thick paper and lint filler.

Additionally, make a larger craft, or buy something decorative. Suitable vases, pots, vases for indoor plants and decorative items.

Massive crafts

By the way, you can also make a vase from paper products at home; you don’t have to buy a ceramic or iron one.

Instructions for creating it are provided:

Take a ready-made tube or model it out of cardboard and paper.

Cut a lot of blanks for gluing and creating side parts. They will play the main role - the shape of the vase.

Glue the four main pieces to form the outline of the vase.

Glue the remaining parts evenly over the round surface.

Cover the vase with newspaper or magazines.

The neck must be glued horizontally so that the paper does not fall between the joints.

To give it a smooth shape, take putty and add PVA glue to it. When the material is dry, sand it with sandpaper - this way you will achieve a flat and smooth surface.

The vase can be painted any color except translucent. For decoration, you can use the technique of decoupage, pope-moche, and so on. Highlight the decor in a different color so that the design is not blurred.

Tip: such a cardboard and paper vase is suitable for light objects (of the same paper colors). If you want to place larger bouquets in it, make a weighting agent - a stone at the bottom of the vase or a metal stand.

Origami for a present

If creativity is not for you, then you can prepare a simple picture made using the origami technique. This is a broad segment of art that offers various options for creating crafts.

Origami is the art of making some interesting figure from a sheet of paper without using glue or fixing agents. Surely in kindergarten all the children tried to make frogs, airplanes and napkins of beautiful unusual shapes.

The Kusudama technique allows you to create unusual round-shaped flowers to decorate your home. In Japan, such crafts are considered symbolic gifts. They are usually hung at the entrance to the house or placed at the head of the bed.

Unusual yet simple crafts will make mom's day. Cover the paper rabbit with glitter paint or acrylic varnish. The result is a gilded figurine – beauty and simplicity in one form.

Recently, 3D postcards have become popular. If you prepare a small congratulation yourself and make such a luxury, it will be enough.

You can choose several shades of the same color to create the illusion of a swirl. In Japan, many people give up several hours of free time just to enjoy this feeling of pleasure.

Moms will love the unusual look of the eggs, which would look good in the kitchen - on the table as decoration in a salad bowl or bread bin.

A good start to the day with this set of dishes. Mothers will appreciate the creations of their children when they receive a copy of the table set as a gift.

A basket woven using the origami technique will not leave any mother indifferent. How nice it is to receive gifts from a child that he made himself, tried and worried about.

In addition to standard paper flower sets, there are many other types of techniques for weaving paper objects. Almost everyone can fold or glue something unusual, but next we will present such gifts that not every master of his craft can create.

Paper surprise options

Paper jewelry has always been in fashion, since the manufacturing process, like craftsmanship, requires perseverance and attentiveness.

The cute angels on the hanger will bring joy every day when mom wakes up and reads again all the wishes written on each angels' robe.

Paper crafts in the form of mugs can also decorate the kitchen or tableware on the countertop. Just add colored sugar, fill the containers and delight everyone at home with the beauty.

No place to put old magazines? Use old newspapers or magazines that you don’t want to throw away and don’t want to sell. You can use them to create a real decoration for a wall clock - breathe a new breath of life into objects.

If you can’t buy flowerpots for soil and plants, make them yourself from paper. Thick paper soaked in waterproof liquid will be an excellent means for planting plants and a gift for mom.

St. Basil's Cathedral - used modular origami to create walls and roofs. As a gift, you can make a small house, decorate it with congratulatory inscriptions and warm words (using the origami technique).

As you already understand, a gift for mom’s birthday can be made from paper on any theme - for decoration, for the home, for comfort and more.

These gifts can be used in everyday life or just admired. Even if you give the simplest cube, but make it yourself, mom will be happy about it. Not everyone can make masterpieces.

Simple and beautiful paper gifts that anyone can make. Tips and techniques. Photos of gifts.

At all times, the best gift was the one made with your own hands. Even though not everything works out the first time, some elements can be done again, the main thing is not to give up in the face of small difficulties. And even if your gift is not perfect, if you put your love and desire to please into it, the gift will be appreciated.

Ideas for original DIY paper gifts

The gift can be made interesting for research. For example, if you give a homemade array of boxes that are combined into one chest of drawers, the gift will look mysterious. Inside each door you can hide an interesting message and beautiful trinkets. It will be especially interesting if each new compartment contains a piece of your common life, something special that will remind you of the events you experienced.

Gift box with compartments

A rather banal gift in the form of a mug can be made original and interesting. Make a mock-up of a mug from bright colored paper. Attach decorations - it will attract attention. The mug itself can be filled with M&M’s candies and the gift can be called a “mug with vitamins.”

Paper mug

If you want to make a gift not only beautiful, but also useful, make a personalized calendar. To decorate the general background, you can choose joint photographs or the favorite theme of the person to whom the gift is intended. Print out a homemade tear-off calendar and attach it along with notes for notes. Such a gift will remind you of something warm and pleasant every day.

A useful gift in the form of a desk calendar

What is a gift without a bouquet? Making a paper bouquet is very easy. Just a few multi-colored sheets of paper will make the gift bright and interesting. To further make the gift mysterious, place a note with beautiful congratulatory words in the bud of each flower.

Bouquet of flowers made of multi-colored paper

It’s always nice to discover an interesting gift little by little. You can make a notebook like this, in which you write 55 reasons why you love the person holding this gift in his hands. Each page can be decorated with pictures or photographs. You will read a book together and rejoice.

Homemade book

If you need a more practical paper gift, give a book. Books are different, and even someone who has never liked to read before can become interested in an attractive book. Find out what the person is interested in, what his hobbies are and give him a book on the topic. It can be wrapped in a beautiful gift wrapper.

Real book as a gift

If you want the gift to be memorable, make it long. Of course, not in the literal sense, but in terms of study or use. For example, you can make many boxes from different paper or cardboard, each box will have its own portion of different candies. In this way you can give impressions. Sign the box by date, have the person open each box on the day of destination, and inside will be a ticket to a movie, to a concert, or a request to take a walk together around the evening city.

Paper gift boxes

In order for a gift to fall into the heart of the recipient, it is important to take into account his interests. It is advisable to study a person, understand what he likes and what he does not like. This way you can prepare the perfect gift.

How to make gifts from paper with your own hands?

In order to make a mug, you will need a blank of thick paper with dimensions of 13x27 cm. Place the sheet with the long side facing you and make marks every 3 cm - these will be the fold lines for the body of the mug. The mug is a polygon.

Marking the blank for the mug

The height of the mug will be 9 cm. Measure this distance and make another mark on the fold line. Bend the workpiece along all fold lines. Don’t forget to press each fold well so that the mug is eventually assembled along the pre-prepared lines.

Mark the size of the mug walls

Make cuts as shown in the picture. This will be the bottom of the mug, the cuts are needed to carefully bend them and form a flat bottom. You can cut off the outer strip; it will get in the way.

Notches for easy bottom gluing

Prepare decoration strips for the side walls of the mug, cut them according to the number of edges and stick them on the outside of the wall.

Decorating the walls of the mug

Assemble the body of the mug, glue the edges so that they stick well. The cuts we made on the bottom will help us fit the strips and carefully glue them to each other.

Gluing the bottom of a mug

The handle for the mug can be attached using glue. If you want the whole gift to look more interesting, you can put the handle on the bolts. To do this, you need to attach the handle to the body of the mug and make small cuts at the attachment point. Poke bolts through the slits and tighten the nuts on the inside.

Ready gift: paper mug

Then you can decorate the mug however you like, you can attach a bow made of fabric, you can paste a sticker with an inscription, or you can make a pattern from beads. Your beautiful gift is ready, fill it with sweets and give it to the recipient.

How to make a gift from corrugated paper with your own hands?

Corrugated paper makes beautiful flowers. The texture of the material makes it indispensable in floristry. You can make a simple gift yourself. To do this, you will need several multi-colored rolls of corrugated paper and available materials for work.

Corrugated paper, wire and scissors

Cut a piece of paper the same length from each multi-colored roll. Place each sheet evenly on the table, and then fold it into an accordion. Fasten the folded sheets with a clamp to hold the accordion in place.

Folding the accordion

Now each folded sheet must be cut so that a dimensional ladder is obtained, from larger sheet to smaller one. It is better to shorten by the same distance, approximately 3-5 cm. Cut the corners on each side of the resulting rolls.

Cut according to color and size

We cut off all the corners in the blanks

Now you need to straighten all the sheets and fold them in layers. Align so that they are exactly in the center. Tighten the entire armful of corrugated blanks with a piece of wire.

Fold corrugated paper in layers

Tighten with wire in the center

Bend the sheets of paper on one side so that you get petals. If you show a little imagination, the entire composition can be decorated with natural branches and flowers attached in the right places. You will get a beautiful homemade painting of very bright flowers that you made yourself.

Straightening the petals

The result of working with corrugated paper

How to make a beautiful gift from colored paper with your own hands?

You can make a lot of beautiful and interesting gifts from colored paper. The most popular is probably the postcard. You can sign a homemade card with nice words, decorate it in a special way, or make a surprise inside.

Unusual postcard

To make such a postcard, no special work is required. You need to decorate the blank from cardboard, come up with a concept for the external decoration, glue on all the elements from colored paper, and inside from two halves of corrugated paper make a beautiful flower that will open along with the card.

How to make a gift from cardboard with your own hands?

Useful things are most valued in household items. As a gift, you can make an interesting box or cardboard box.

DIY box

To make your work easier, you can take a ready-made candy box and see how its frame is constructed. Choose a box that you like and carefully disassemble it into its component parts. This will be your model or pattern, which will help you make exactly the same box of your own.

Cut out the necessary blanks and fasten them with paper clips or glue. You can decorate the outside and inside of the box so that the recipient of the gift understands that it was made just for him. For this, use personal photographs, pictures of places you visited together and all other associative items for decoration.

How to make a paper cake as a gift?

A paper cake is an interesting and original gift. Of course, this cake will not be edible, but each piece of cake can be filled with sweets or homemade cakes, which you can also make yourself.

To make the cake slices, you need a layout. Cut out the required number of blanks and fold them.

Layout for a piece of cake

It is advisable to make each individual paper portion from a different paper so that the cake comes out beautiful and unique. Take care of the necessary decoration and think about what words you will say when presenting such a gift.

Paper cake as a gift

What gift can you make from toilet paper?

A beautiful gift can be made from any material, even toilet paper. Toilet paper of different colors can be used as decoration for boxes. To do this, you need to saturate a layer of toilet paper with glue and apply it to the surface of the box, giving it a different relief shape.

If you want to give a fun gift to a friend, you can make a money roll. To do this, change money into small bills, completely unwind the roll of toilet paper, and then tightly wind it back, inserting the prepared bills at a certain distance.

Gift made from toilet paper

How to make a sock for gifts with your own hands?

In order to make a sock for gifts we will need:

  • sewing machine
  • fabric of different colors
  • paper
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • pins for fastening

Draw a gift sock template on paper. You don’t need to try to be particularly sophisticated in your layout, just try to repeat the familiar shape. Place the paper design on the fabric and pin it with pins. We need to make 4 blanks. Two from the fabric that will be on the outside of the sock, two from the fabric used for the lining. Now you need to correctly position the blanks and sew them along the contour and at the junction.

Correctly folding the workpieces

After you have machine sewn the seams, make cuts in the rounded areas. Turning the fabric inside out will help prevent wrinkles. Where both fabrics meet, leave a small space unstitched so that the lining can be placed inside the gift sock.

Additional cuts

Now all that remains is to turn the sock inside out, wrap the cuff on it and decorate our creation as your heart desires. The sock for gifts is ready.

We put the lining into the body of the sock Ready sock for gifts

Gifts made from paper using origami technique

The origami technique allows you to make beautiful gifts. This requires perseverance, which will have to be spent on training. Simple figurines are unlikely to be anything interesting as a gift, but complex ones are not so easy to make. But if you're willing to master this technique, you can create wonders with paper.

Origami technique: white paper jug
  • Choose the style and concept of the gift taking into account the interests of the recipient
  • Try making a mock-up of the gift as a test sample before you start finishing the materials.
  • Carefully study the recommendations, show imagination in decoration
  • Don’t despair if the gift didn’t work out the first time, the art of creating takes time and skill

Review: Irina, 30 years old

I decided to make a beautiful gift for my sister with my own hands. I spent a long time choosing a gift scheme and bought a lot of colored paper. In the end I didn’t even use it all. I trained first on regular white sheets. Probably on my tenth attempt I managed to collect a beautiful flower with many individual petals. My sister really liked this bouquet.

Video: Giant flowers. Big flowers. How to make flowers from paper. Origami

Video: Origami gift box

Choosing a suitable gift for a birthday or any other holiday for some people becomes a real torture, but for others it can be a great chance to show yourself and care for a loved one or just someone you like. When choosing a gift, pay attention to the following questions:

  • Who is this gift for? What is your relationship with the birthday boy?
  • What is closest to this person's liking?
  • How will the celebration take place? What time of year?
  • What do you want to achieve from the gift? Surprise? Nice to impress?

There is a difference between gifts that simply show care and good attitude (suitable for a grandmother or friend) and those that are intended to take the relationship to a new level or touch (if it is about a loved one).

If you are new to the world of ideas for congratulations or, on the contrary, tired of the “gift routine,” pay attention to homemade gifts. This can be a completely original project of your invention, where every detail is made by your own hands, or purchased items, but decorated in a cool and fun way in order to enhance the impression of the gift and make it more interesting.

A handmade postcard can be a wonderful gift; it will be pleasant both.

Many who hear about handmade gifts begin to complain about their sloppiness and look for excuses in the fact that they have never done “real needlework” or painting pictures. But it doesn’t take a lot of effort or knowledge to make a truly impressive and respectable gift. If you are good at crafts and drawing, this is only a big plus and a wide range of possible ideas. But even if you have never tried to do something like this and have no idea about your capabilities, there are many interesting projects and ideas for you that do not require special skills and technology.

The materials for most heartfelt gifts can also be found on hand. You will be surprised if you find out how many unnecessary old things you throw away can be used to find details that will become a transformed part of a beautiful composition.

Cool gifts made of paper or cardboard

Gifts made of paper or cardboard are a classic option that can come in many variations. The beauty of these materials is that they are easy to find in stores., especially since there are many beautiful types of various colored and decorated paper and cardboard - depending on your design. The price of paper and cardboard is quite reasonable, which makes it a truly universal material for gifts. But there are many options for use here: postcards, drawings, origami with messages and figurines of your favorite characters, original boxes, frames, romantic inscriptions or homemade figures.

You can always make a romantic collage from paper with your common photos, which will delight you with pleasant memories. To do this, construct an “accordion” or a more complex geometric figure from paper, onto which you paste the necessary photos and decorations.

There are many schemes on the Internet with which you can make a three-dimensional card with an inscription or decorate a sheet of plain paper with decor. Give free rein to your imagination and turn an ordinary piece of paper into an interesting and beautiful gift.

The main highlight of such applications and signatures, as well as your crafts, is that you make this gift individual and one of a kind. No manufacturer can immortalize the favorite things and interests of your loved one with the help of applications and drawings, or combine your common memories and pleasant emotions in images.

Gift from photos

You can also make an original gift from photographs. Skip the usual industrial frames - you can make them much more interesting with your own hands. Using cardboard, you can create a “tree” or a square on which small photos will be glued. They can also be hung by attaching them to colored ribbons or beaded pendants.

The photo can be arranged in the shape of a tree, flower or other symbol, connected with decorations on a large-format sheet.

Cool crocheted gifts or beaded gifts

If you know how to knit, then using this skill you can make unusual and original gifts that are not associated with standard products from patterns, such as scarves, socks or hats. For example, you can buy a standard-size cup and knit a “cover” for it, on which there will be a funny portrait of the birthday person or his name. This gift is well suited for a person born in winter or late autumn - it has a lot of warmth and care.

There are also patterns that allow you to make three-dimensional objects using knitting or toys. Think about what animals this person likes, whether he has any special preferences among book or cartoon characters. A related favorite character from childhood will help touch almost anyone.

Beads allow you to create not only decorations or images, but also many shapes, funny characters or figures, where thin wire instead of thread is used as a basis. This way you can create a tree to which small photos, candies or decorations are attached. Such a gift will be not only beautiful, but also interesting.

However, such techniques require special schemes and skills. If you have never weaved with beads before, you can use this material as decoration, creating the desired contours or shapes using glue and the base material on which the beaded form is already laid out.

Flowers are a traditional gift to beloved women, mothers and grandmothers. Flowers are often given in spring and summer, symbolizing the beauty and victory of a blooming life. Flowers are given on birthdays, emphasizing the sophistication and beauty of their owner. But it’s much more original to create flowers from a different material or make a similar gift with your own hands.

These can be origami lilies or other flowers made of thick paper, inside of which you can hide a pleasant congratulation and message or an interesting little thing. It’s easy to make roses from paper for decoration from separate round sheets, collecting them around the “core” so that they look like a rose. To create flowers, they often use crumpled paper or the “quilling” technique - creating shapes and images by twisting and gluing strips of paper.

When making an original card, you can attach “flowers” ​​made of fabric, beads, thick threads or any other materials to it. The beauty of the flower as a form is that it is universal and recognizable, so you can easily find material for your idea.

Cool gift made from money with your own hands

Money is a traditional and “tested” gift. If you don’t fully know all the person’s preferences or want to be more practical, give money. But still, although this gift is useful, it does not always bring the expected joy. Firstly, many people use the donated money for something everyday or regret spending it on a rarer gift to “pamper” themselves. It often happens that the birthday person himself does not fully know what gift would suit him. Well, the second good reason: the money itself in a white envelope is a little boring and too “official”. If you want to make them more pleasant and interesting, frame the money in an interesting story or put it in a homemade box.

Money can be presented in the form of a story, where they list what it is recommended to spend it on (in a comic form). Or they can be placed in a neat and interesting enticing box, where a separate letter sets out their history and “adventure”: how they were passed from hand to hand.

Less creatively, money can be designed as part of a postcard, where their presentation will be interesting graphically: stretched out from the character’s hand or inserted into a separate frame, they will immediately take on a cool look.

Many people have a special relationship with sweets. Some people have to limit themselves in their quantity, so every chance to eat a long-awaited sweet turns into a special pleasure. Others because of the pleasant and incomparable taste, to which many of us are susceptible. A gift of sweets is associated with joy and pleasure, and scientists have proven that dark chocolate and bananas improve mood and bring joy.

But candy or chocolate compositions themselves are a tasty, but uninteresting gift. If you want to truly surprise a friend or relative, approach the task creatively and make a sweet gift with your own hands.

Lately, bouquets and arrangements of sweets have become especially popular. where instead of flowers they are given interesting shapes, decorated and embellished. You yourself can give the sweets different shapes depending on the gift you choose.

Using an ordinary jar and a beautifully decorated lid, you can create a special sweet gift. Decorate the jar, paint it with permanent markers or cover it with whole coffee beans (glitter, rhinestones). Label it “Cure for Sadness” or “For Joyful Moments” and fill it with various candies or lollipops. Signatures can also be: “For the sweetest person,” “Sweet pleasures of life.”

The same idea can be presented in the form of an album, on the pages of which you can glue wrapped goodies, signing what event they are intended for. The more personality and creativity you put into this gift, the better.

As a result, we can say that the main value of a gift is your efforts and feelings that you put into it. Beautiful techniques of weaving patterns from beads, frames decorated with shells or coffee beans impress with their beauty and seem cute, but gifts in which feelings and individuality are invested are much more valued. The very meaning of a gift is in the attention and emotions invested in it. Cool and funny gifts are often those that highlight your common experiences, memories and especially the individual characteristics of the birthday person. Show that you value his character and hobbies, as well as your relationship, and express it with your own hands - the result will be as good as possible.

The most important and expensive holiday in every person’s life is, of course, a birthday.

And it is on this special day that you want to give the birthday person a special, unforgettable gift that he will cherish with trepidation for a long time.

Naturally, the most expensive and best gift is a DIY birthday craft.

Such a gift will be remembered and will please you much more than a ready-made gift bought in a store.

"Paper" gift

The simplest original gift can be prepared from plain paper; examples are shown in the photo of birthday crafts.

Paper does not require any special financial costs and preparing a present will not take much time.

It is possible to give paper crafts for a birthday to absolutely any loved one.

After all, a thing prepared with all your heart with your own hands will undoubtedly be a unique and non-standard surprise.

For example, you can make a small mysterious chest of drawers from numerous boxes, inside which interesting trinkets or a message with wishes to the birthday boy are hidden.

Or a mug, the layout of which is made of bright colored paper, will undoubtedly attract attention.

It makes sense to fill it with delicious candies or vitamins.

If you want to present not only a beautiful, but also a useful surprise, you can prepare an original personal calendar, which is covered with joint photographs or pictures on a topic that is interesting for the birthday person.

A bouquet of paper flowers is an excellent gift for your beloved women, which even the smallest family member can handle (of course, not without the help of an adult).

Another original gift is a piece of festive paper cake with good, sincere wishes on it.

Some simple materials will be useful for this:

  • paper glue (you can use glue or a pencil);
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • colored paper or thick cardboard (a gift made from cardboard will be much stronger and more reliable);
  • beads, ribbons, beads and rhinestones for decoration.

The work of making such a tasty morsel consists of several steps:

  • We are preparing the required template for the future piece. It’s more convenient to find it on the Internet and transfer it to a sheet of cardboard, then carefully cut it out.
  • According to the finished diagram, carefully bend the necessary places, using a ruler for greater convenience.
  • You need to make a small cut on the back of the piece so that the cake closes.
  • Glue them in the right places with glue.
  • Then the most interesting painstaking process is decorating the gift. Feel free to use your imagination: rhinestones, ribbons, bows. But it’s worth considering that everything should be in moderation!
  • We place the prepared wish inside the so-called gift box.

"Sweet" gift

A gift of sweets will undoubtedly delight even an adult, not to mention children. You can use candies in bright wrappers or a chocolate bar.


As an example: a candy bouquet that will not take much time and expense. Will come in handy:

  • wrapping paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue for paper or PVA (you can use a special glue gun);
  • round sweets in beautiful packaging;
  • “crispy” paper in gold or silver finish;
  • a basket or a regular metal coffee can;
  • decorative elements: beads, rhinestones, small bows;
  • toothpicks or skewers;
  • scotch.

We do the following work:

  • Cut several squares of gold or silver foil. Then you need to wrap the candies in them, securing the ends with wire or strong thread - this is the core of the future flower.
  • The petals will be made from small cut squares of colored corrugated paper, which should be enough for the entire candy shape. For one piece you need to cut two petals rounded at the top.
  • One candy must be placed in the center of each petal, forming a bud. We again secure the structure with wire or thread.
  • We take green paper and form small leaves, attach them to the base of the rose, that is, candy. In each you need to insert a wire, which is also wrapped in green paper.
  • Carefully insert the required number of finished roses into an already decorated vase (prepared decorated jar). In order for the flowers to fit tightly to each other, it is worth placing ribbons or leaves of paper in the gap between them.

A gift for daddy

To give a gift to dad for his birthday, you will have to use your maximum imagination.

For example: a card with a festive shirt and tie.

To do this you need:

  • Fold a sheet of cardboard in half, in the shape of a postcard.
  • A sheet of colored paper of a similar format should also be folded in half, making cuts on the sides and bending the corners - this is the collar of our shirt.
  • Take paper of a different color and form a tie, then glue it under the collar.
  • The shirt is attached to the main side of the cardboard postcard using PVA glue.


Wishes for the holiday are written inside the finished gift, and you can even glue daddy’s postcards or your own photo as a souvenir inside.

You always look forward to your favorite holiday with anticipation and anticipation of a miracle.

And DIY birthday crafts allow you to preserve warm, joyful memories!

Photos of birthday crafts


gastroguru 2017