Maya - Center of the magic of Providence. Maya Dzidzishvili - a bright psychic from Georgia The path of clairvoyant Dzidzishvili

Maya Dzidzishvili born in Georgia. A luxurious aristocrat, calm, balanced, bringing warmth, as they say from the outside about Maya Dzidzishvili. She is the winner of the Georgian battle of psychics.

From a very young age, the participant in the 15th battle of psychics loved to look at the sky and look for God there. Grandmother said that God is there and he sees everything, and therefore little Maya was afraid of doing something wrong.

However, Maya did not receive her abilities from birth. She is the first psychic in her family. Maya Dzidzishvili received psychic abilities after a car accident.

This happened more than 20 years ago. One day Maya was driving a car, and suddenly a taxi cut her off. After this, the woman hit her head hard on the steering wheel. After she came to her senses, she looked at her hands and went into a state of shock. Instead of hands, the woman saw her capillaries. This was really scary. The most interesting thing is that her six-year-old daughter Iya was sleeping on the next seat. At the same time, my daughter didn’t even wake up.

After Maya returned home, she looked at her hands for a long time. After that, she noticed that if she looks closely at a person, she sees right through him.

Maya went to the Institute of Therapy and there they found out that the infrared radiation from Maya’s eyes is much higher than that of an ordinary person. After this, the psychic’s life went in a completely different direction. Maya saw visions, felt some powers, saw right through people. All this worried the woman very much. She didn't know what to do about it.

Not a single year passed before people noticed that Maya was a special person. The woman began to feel the approach of an earthquake. Therefore, the Seismological Center of Georgia began to work with it.

Moreover, Maya saw political unrest in her country. At first no one believed her, but after her prophecies people began to take her words more seriously.

The first person Maya helped was a woman. One day, Maya was leaving the subway on the street and noticed a woman lying on the ground. It was a bitter winter at that time; the woman could have died from hypothermia. When Maya approached her, she noticed that there was barely a glimmer of life in the woman, and she could die at any second. Some force caused Maya to approach this woman. The psychic took the woman’s hand - it was icy, but after a while it warmed up. The woman survived, after which rumors spread in the city about Maya Dzidzishvili’s unusual gift.

One of the women also had kidney stones. Maya cured the woman with her own hands, and the surgeon simply could not believe it. One woman could not get pregnant for a long time, but after a few sessions with Maya it happened.

In general, Maya is a dentist by profession and worked in a district clinic for more than 17 years. After that, she began diagnosing diseases. All this happened until she met Vakhtang Dzhanashvili. Vakhtang's first wife died. Maya had already divorced her first husband at that time. Nothing stopped Vakhtang and Maya from being together.

There is another important person in the life of Maya Dzidzishvili - her spiritual mentor Archimandrite Shio. He didn’t want to let Maya go to the battle of psychics, but considering that she is a decent and bright person, he still did it.

Maya is a believer and goes to church every Sunday with her husband. There she receives communion. If her blow had not come from God, he would have taken it away. A few years ago a completely amazing event happened.

There was a fast and Maya came to church to fast. One day a woman came home and her daughter noticed that a cross had appeared on her forehead. The cross gradually disappeared, but after that Maya constantly began to have a headache.

The Holy Father said that Maya should receive more communion, but most importantly, help people more. After Shio's father's blessing and after 10 years of inactivity, Maya began to heal people. After that, the pain disappeared and the cross disappeared.

Maya gains energy in the monastery of St. George. Unlike many psychics who draw their energy from a cemetery, Maya does so from a holy place.

When Georgians greet, they say “gamarjoba,” which means “I wish you victory.” Therefore, we wish Maya Dzidzishvili victory in the wonderful project Battle of Psychics Season 15.

Vedic numerology belongs to one of the most ancient and secret sciences, combining the most significant achievements of sacred linguistics, Ayurveda, astrology and tantra. Numbers are the most effective keys to a person’s inner world; they allow you to understand the reason for a particular person’s behavior. Also, thanks to Vedic numerology, you can study the full depth of the human personality, comprehend his talent and strength. At the same time, Vedic numerology makes it possible to see in advance the obstacles that a person will encounter on the path of life in the future, as well as to find the most effective ways to eliminate them. As messengers of cosmic energy, numbers make it possible to encode a person’s bioenergetic matrix and help build a unique formula for happiness and success.

Vedic numerologist Maya has been studying the symbolism of numbers for many years and uses their powerful power for the benefit of all who turn to her for help. In order to find out what exactly the numbers that relate to a particular person hide, it is necessary to resort to very complex and highly accurate calculation methods. This is the only way to learn all the secrets of a person’s future and destiny.

The gift of clairvoyance came to Maya in early childhood after suffering a serious illness. At first, Maya could simply determine where a person was hurting, and later, when the gift developed, she was able to relieve pain. It turned out that this gift is passed down in her family through generations on the maternal side. As an adult, Maya began to develop professionally in the field of knowledge about the human soul, not only as a person with unusual abilities, but also as a scientist. She has mastered numerology perfectly and now teaches it to those interested. And in 2013, Maya underwent initiation and dedication through the Vedas of Life.

Looking through a person’s aura, Maya sees weaknesses, finds problem areas and adjusts energy flows to improve the functioning of the body. Maya also works with various fortune-telling systems: Tarot, Runes, Lenormand and others, and uses them not only to receive information from the Higher Spheres, but also to control the energies of the elements using meditative and other techniques. Such abilities and a combination of magical techniques help her rid a person of karmic negativity, help mend broken relationships with loved ones, provide energy protection and restore the lost taste for life.

Master Maya successfully copes with alcoholism and drug addiction, restores shaken or even lost luck.

By turning to a Vedic numerologist for help, you can get important information for you, namely:

  • Information about your luckiest number. The unluckiest number can also be calculated.
  • Favorable number (phone, apartment, car, etc.). This information is especially relevant for those who plan to change their place of residence. , and the clairvoyant Maya will calculate favorable or unfavorable numbers for you.
  • Numerology of compatibility. A new person has entered your life, and are you seriously thinking about throwing in your lot with him? Maya will help you understand how compatible your numbers and your partner's numbers are.
  • Favorable wedding date. Are you on the verge of such a wonderful event as the birth of a new family and dream of a beautiful wedding? Don’t rush to run to the registry office, first find out the most favorable date for you, and try to sign on that day.

Vedic numerology makes it clear that each number is associated with a specific celestial body. This body is capable of exerting the most direct influence on the number. Influence is manifested through a person's character. Playing a multifaceted role in a person’s life, numbers have a very strong influence on it. While some numbers bring success and prosperity, others, on the contrary, can completely destroy life. To find out which numbers are lucky for you, and which are unfavorable and even dangerous, send paid sms during a live broadcast to the Vedic numerologist Maya and use the information received from her for its intended purpose.

Remember that even the knowledge you gain about numbers will not be useful if you do not take responsibility for your own life into your own hands. The magical power of numbers can only have a beneficial effect if you are ready to perceive new information. The clairvoyant Maya will help anyone who calls the paid phone number listed on the site to take the very first and most important step towards well-being in all areas of life.

Don’t let random and unfavorable numbers control you, take the help of a Vedic numerologist and learn to manage the numbers that are present in your life yourself!

Maya Dzidzishvili is a clairvoyant from Georgia, winner of the Ukrainian “Battle of Psychics”. The woman captivated viewers with her calmness, poise and radiated warmth.

In the article:

Maya Dzidzishvili - biography

The finalist of the 15th “Battle of Psychics” from early childhood loved to peer into the sky, where she tried to find God.

Maya Dzidzishvili, school photo.

The girl’s grandmother always repeated that there is a God there who knows everything and watches over everyone. The future psychic was always afraid of angering the Almighty.

People are sure that the gift of extrasensory perception is passed on through generations (like the one, etc.). Maya Dzidzishvili is an exception.

The girl did not receive her abilities from birth, but in her family Maya became the first clairvoyant. A unique gift appeared as a result of one event.

Where does a psychic get his gift?

More than 20 years ago, Maya Dzidzishvili was driving a car when suddenly a taxi flew out in front of the car. As a result of the collision, the woman severely hit her head on the steering wheel. The psychic could not wake up for a long time, and when she came to her senses, she looked at her hands: instead of palms, the woman saw capillaries.

The sight was frightening, the clairvoyant was in shock. Turning her gaze to the next seat, the woman saw her six-year-old daughter Iya sleeping: the girl did not even wake up from the blow. When Dzidzishvili returned home, she looked at the body in the mirror for a long time.

Over time, the woman began to realize that if you look closely at the human body, the clairvoyant begins to see right through it. The healer did not want to believe in magical abilities, so in search of an answer she went to the hospital for examination.

There they explained to Maya Dzidzishvili that the infrared radiation from her eyes is higher than that of an ordinary person. After this incident, the life of a psychic became different. The woman was haunted by visions, Maya felt the presence of otherworldly entities, saw people right through, which was frightening.

The path of the clairvoyant Dzidzishvili

Maya is a Georgian psychic.

Friends reacted ambiguously to Maya’s gift. The majority believed that the woman had gone crazy, was engaged in self-conviction, but had no gift. It was especially painful for the healer to understand that her loved one, her husband, did not believe her. The man could not stand his wife’s new hobby and left, leaving Maya with a small child in her arms.

A lot of time has passed since then - it took the clairvoyant’s acquaintances not even a year to believe in the amazing abilities of the healer. Over time, the gift developed, the woman even began to feel changing weather conditions, the approach of bad weather. The Georgian Meteorological Center began to cooperate with Dzidzishvili.

The woman unmistakably foresaw political changes and unrest in her native country. At first it was believed that these were not prophetic visions, but personal thoughts, but when the predictions came true, the majority’s opinion regarding Maya’s abilities changed.

Soon the first person whom Dzidzishvili helped appeared. One day, at the exit of the subway, a clairvoyant saw a woman sprawled on the floor. It happened in the winter, the lying person could simply freeze to death.

When the clairvoyant approached the victim, she realized that she could die at any minute. Maya Dzidzishvili took the lying woman’s hand, and she gradually began to warm up.

It is surprising that the victim survived. After this incident, they began to talk about Maya as a person with a unique gift. Now people with various diseases came to the healer: kidney stones, thyroid diseases, infertility, and the clairvoyant helped them recover.

A psychic can diagnose diseases for a reason: Dzidzishvili is a dentist by profession, having worked in a local dental clinic for about 17 years.

After Maya accepted the gift and began to use her power to help people, love came into her life. The woman met a widower, Vakhtang Dzhanashvili. The lovers immediately realized that they were ready to support, help, and understand each other.

Maya's spiritual path

The psychic is a believer; every week Maya and her husband visit the temple and take communion. The woman claims that the gift would not have existed if God had not sent the accident and past trials.

One day an amazing story happened. For some time the psychic did not receive people, but one event forced the healer to do what she loved again. During Lent, Dzidzishvili went to church, and upon returning home she began to feel strange. The daughter noticed that a cross appeared on her mother’s head. The strange spot passed over time, but the clairvoyant began to have a severe headache.

The woman went to church to find answers. The Holy Father said that the healer should take communion more, and most importantly, help people more actively. Maya began to heal people again, and the headache went away. Since then, the psychic has had a spiritual mentor - Archimandrite Shio.

The healer often stores energy in the monastery of St. George. More often, psychics consider a cemetery to be a source of power, but Maya chose a holy place.

Today you can get an appointment with Maya Dzidzishvili. If there is a problem in life that cannot be solved without magical intervention, you need to trust an experienced psychic who can really help.

Maya Dzidzishvili, participant in the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” is from Georgia. In her homeland, she had already become the winner of the “Battle of Psychics”. She also took part in the Ukrainian show of the same name. Now I decided to show my abilities to Russian TV viewers.

In her family, Maya Dzidzishvili is not the only psychic. Her mother received the gift of clairvoyance after clinical death. Maya herself acquired this gift at the age of 22, after she had an accident. Having hit her hand hard during a collision with another car, Maya Dzidzishvili saw right through it. Then she discovered the gift of x-ray vision.

After this incident, Maya began to develop clairvoyance abilities. In Georgia, she completed a course in healing and received a certificate that allows her to heal people around the world.

It should be noted that Maya Dzidzivshvili, a participant in the new season of the “Battle of Psychics” on TNT, was born into a religious family. By attending church and reading prayers, she only strengthened her abilities.

In 2005, another miracle happened - Maya began to have severe headaches, and a little later an image of a cross appeared on her forehead. From that moment on, she gained complete confidence in her strength.

Maya Dzidzishvili devotes most of her time to her work with people. She claims to have raised people with terminal illnesses to their feet. Having a higher medical education, the psychic uses only energy techniques in his practice.

Watch the first episode of “Battle of Psychics” of season 15 on September 20 at 20:00 on the TNT channel and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.09.2014 09:18

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Maya Dzidzishvili- participant in the Battle of Psychics 15 on TNT, dropped out, having recused herself.
She also took part in the Battle of Psychics 8 on the STB TV channel (Ukraine).

Hometown: Tbilisi, Georgia)

Maya Dzidzishvili grew up in a family where reverence for the Lord God was considered paramount and important. The Georgian clairvoyant stands out among all the participants with the gentleness and calmness that she radiates.

When Maya was in ninth grade, she witnessed how, after a clinical death, her mother acquired the gift of clairvoyance. But frightened by her new abilities, the mother of the show participant hid them, fearing to harm loved ones with her magical gift. Paranormal abilities passed to Maya.

She realized her abilities at the age of 22, when she was in a car accident. After which she began to develop her capabilities. The woman attributes the sharp progress in magical abilities to constant prayers and communication with God. So, in 2005, Maya experienced severe headaches, after which she discovered that an image of a cross appeared on her forehead.

Now the participant in the “Battle” has the ability to go into other worlds, foresee events and work with energy flows.

Maya Dzidzishvili also took part in the eighth international season of the Ukrainian battle of psychics “Clash of the Titans” on the STB channel.

Photos by Maya Dzidzishvili

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