Quotes about hidden feelings. Statements about feelings. Quotes about feelings

The mind enlightens the senses.

The feeling of distinguishing good from evil is just a feeling.

It is precisely those passions, the nature of which we misunderstand, that dominate us most powerfully. And the weakest of all are feelings whose origin is clear to us.

Flat natures give themselves over to impressions, allowing one to crowd out the other.

Light feelings often last a very long time. It is easy for someone who is insensitive to be firm.

Human feelings are often more excited or softened by examples than by words.

Nothing prevents the manifestation of sincere feelings more than false conventions.

In thunderstorms, in storms, in the coldness of life, during heavy losses and when you are sad, appearing smiling and simple is the highest art in the world.

Short statements about feelings

Those who have felt are disturbed by the specter of irrevocable days: for them there are no more charms, for them the serpent of memories is gnawing at them...

Never regret what made you smile.

Cruelty to animals is one of the means of destroying moral sensitivity.

Instructive short statements about feelings

The feeling of high satisfaction knows no sense of proportion.

The fewer words, the greater the feeling.

Contempt is a mask that covers insignificance, sometimes mental squalor: contempt is a sign of a lack of kindness, intelligence and understanding of people.

The most painful thing we can do to people who love us is to return to leave.

A timid person is pushed around by any rogue.

To avoid stress, avoid everything that has a stimulating effect on you; spend more time with your wife.

He endured grief like a real man: he poisoned his wife’s life with them.

Only that which is selfless is noble.

We always prudently cover up the secret feeling of our own guilt with hatred, which makes it easier to attribute guilt to another.

Without “human emotions” there has never been, is not and cannot be a human search for truth.

Feelings are dirt that hides the truth.

There are feelings that replenish and darken the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of the feelings.

Cool short sayings about feelings

Mastery over one's passions is a property of the highest greatness of spirit. This sublimity itself protects the spirit from base influences alien to it. There is no higher power than power over yourself, over your passions, than victory over their self-will.

Some people, seeing the humiliation of their enemies, become filled with self-confidence and, without noticing it, go to destruction.

Always say what you feel and do what you think.

Every feeling has gestures, intonations, and facial expressions that are unique to it.

Anyone who has not experienced the excitement of the barely audible breathing of a sleeping young woman will not understand what tenderness is.

Grass that is managed is called a lawn; grass that is not managed is called weeds.

Shyness disappears in proportion to the size of the roof.

No one can be held back during the day by what happened at night.

If you hit in a rage, you will usually miss.

Straightforwardness adorns all the feelings it accompanies.

It is not what is that causes us to feel impatience and suffering, but what it is not as it should be.

Lack of confidence likes to show constant energy.

He who does not love cannot hate; he who does not admire anything cannot despise anything; He who does not idolize anything cannot curse Karl Ludwig Börne (Berne)

The more obstacles the feeling has and the less time it has, the stronger it is. So, saying goodbye on the platform, they don’t know what to say. But when those departing have already entered the carriages, when nothing can be heard and there are seconds left before the train leaves, everyone immediately remembers the right words, begins to shout something to each other and make some signs with their hands.

The worst thing about an inferiority complex is that it usually affects the wrong people.

How nice it is to fall into hopeless despair. This gives you the right to sulk at the whole world.

How painful it is for oneself!

Various short statements about feelings

It is much easier to have sympathy for the disadvantaged. It is much more difficult to sympathize with a thought.

If no one knows why we smile, and no one knows why we cry. If no one knows why we are born, and no one knows why we die... If we are moving towards the abyss, where we will cease to be, if the night before us is silent and voiceless... Come on, let's at least love! Perhaps at least it won't be in vain...

What we call despair is often just frustration at unfulfilled hopes.

Suspicion is more of an advantage than a disadvantage, since it is likened to a dog that guards but does not bite.

Appreciation is not always eloquent.

Strong feelings mean long suffering.

It is necessary to distinguish sentimentality from sensitivity. A sentimental person can be extremely cruel in private life. a feeling person is never cruel.

Justice exists.

If you can be surprised, all is not lost.

Indifference is the true plague of our age.

Powerless anger - blows to the heart.

You can't explain it, you can feel it.

There is nothing more permanent in the world than impermanence.

You only need to repent once; no one takes poison twice.

Feelings provide raw material.

It's good to be prudent, but in this case there is no room for human feelings.

Sentimental people stir up their feeling for so long that it finally produces foam. Then they imagine that their heart is full, that their feeling flows over the edge, but all this is nothing more than air.

Ridiculous short statements about feelings

The slightest pain in the little finger worries us more than the murder of millions of our neighbors.

A clairvoyant does not need observation.

Don't take it for granted means: be astonished by it as you are by other things that concern you.

The way out of feelings is terrible vomiting.

Cruelty is the product of an evil mind and often a cowardly heart.

Sensory perceptions of objects in the material world first of all awaken the forces of the soul dormant in a person and force them to act; being the beginning of all thinking activity, sensations are also the beginning of all our concepts and thoughts. Without sensory perceptions, thinking and knowledge of the material world is impossible.

Feelings are the most powerful of sensations.

When feelings become dull, passions intensify.

Only fools laugh at another person's feelings.

Those who are trained have more sophisticated feelings.

Love is a feeling that is given to all loving hearts to experience. B. Voltaire

Some, when falling in love, consider their other half their property, others cease to belong to themselves. A. Kruglov

I feel now that I am succeeding, moving forward all the time and enjoying life. Erich Fromm

For those who are deprived of feelings, simply be unshakable. Germaine de Stael

On the ladder of my own feelings, I prefer to be somewhere at the bottom. And all because I often, against my will, spend a long time on its upper steps, where a piercing wind often blows and there is too much light from which I want to hide. Friedrich Nietzsche

Probably, in order not to worry about everything, you need to completely abandon feelings. George Eliot

It's easy to confess feelings of love when they don't exist. A. Carr

Love can be compared to the wind in your own hands. It’s easy to feel, but, alas, not everyone can tame it.

You always get lost in the presence of your loved one, and as usual, when you meet, you forget to tell him the most important thing. M. Cervantes

Read more beautiful quotes on the following pages:

Love each other, but don't turn love into chains. Let it better be an exciting sea between the shores of your souls.

The feeling of affection comes with the rope. Gennady Malkin

Among the fields, near the vast expanses of the sea, feelings become higher and purer. Anatole France

There are often icy hearts under ardent heads, but rarely cold heads under ardent hearts. Pierre Buast

Those who are sensitive to little things show a shallow soul. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

You can be the master of your actions, but we are not free in our feelings. Gustave Flaubert

What we do, we could do without the participation of feelings - feelings only accompany our actions. Alfred Adler

A person who is prone to exalted feelings usually deceives himself and others. Erich Maria Remarque

If you give your feelings free rein, they can go to someone else. Boris Krutier

Guilt has nothing to do with the events that actually happened. Louise Hay

There is no love that is not mixed with a certain amount of sensuality. Anatole France

Grief can be experienced alone, but joy - in order to experience it fully - must be shared with another person. Mark Twain

Sentimental people are the most senseless of mortals... Thomas Carlyle

It is difficult to be smart and sincere at the same time, especially in feeling... I.A. Goncharov

To ruin a relationship, it is enough to start sorting it out. Unknown (Humor)

Passion is not as dangerous as the destruction it causes. Romain Rolland

Suffering only makes the strong stronger, but it makes the weak even weaker. Lion Feuchtwanger

Don't carry your feelings around with you! Gennady Malkin

The desire is no less sweet than the accomplishment. Lion Feuchtwanger

Understatement evokes a feeling of anticipation of something pleasant, but it’s not clear what. Jolanta Smith

The beauty is like a hedgehog, every needle finds its victim Iolanta Smith

To measure the depth of feelings, you don’t have to go down. Boris Krutier

I liked our elevated feelings. Lidia Smirnova

Feelings are given to man to lead his consciousness away from the truth. Stepan Balakin

She is subject to the whole gamut of feelings from A to B. Dorothy Parker

And then a strong feeling filled Stepanida’s heart to the brim, and the regions there were completely uninhabited and poorly maintained. Mikhail Genin

If resentment knows no end, then with its help you can transport all the waters of the World Ocean. Jolanta Smith

The feeling cannot be recorded. Konstantin Stanislavsky

I think with feeling and feel with thought. Miguel de Unamuno

The only good thing is anxiety, thanks to which we subsequently find peace. Unknown (Humor)

We are always afraid of offending other people's feelings; no one is afraid of offending our feelings.

How to translate sigh into other languages? Stanislav Jerzy Lec

It is known that a fiery feeling is expressed briefly, but powerfully. Gavrila

The sense of touch can be painfully irritated to such an extent that touching any hard object causes a shudder. Friedrich Nietzsche

No feeling is born as quickly as antipathy. Alfred de Musset

To feel means to understand and comprehend. Miguel de Unamuno

The mind never cries, it is none of its business; but the heart never reasons - it is not given to us for this. George Sand

You cannot see the most important thing with your eyes, only your heart is vigilant. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The feeling organ is at the same time an understanding organ. Oswald Spengler

I don't think poetry expresses feelings. It awakens feelings in the reader, which is a completely different matter. As someone said: If you want to express your feelings, cry. Margaret Atwood

Master your passions, otherwise your passions will take over you. Epictetus

The mind is the sum of our best feelings. P. Shelley

If a person did not fall in love until he was forty, then it is better for him not to fall in love after that. B. Shaw

He carried his love like a banknote, which no one wanted to exchange. G. Malkin

How often the embrace of love turns out to be a closed space. T. Kleiman

The honeymoon is good when the honey is not fake... V. Sumbatov

“It is the same in love and war: the fortress that negotiates is half taken.” – Marguerite Valois

Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love increases, prudence decreases.

“When you drink the wine of love, you have to leave something in the glass.” – I. Shaw

If a person can say what love is, then he has not loved anyone.

Love is an insight into the irreplaceability of everyone, revealed to you in this person for you personally. A. Kruglov

The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us. A.S. Pushkin

“There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other.” – S. Connolly

Falling in love is a firm knowledge that happiness exists. A. Kruglov

Loved ones inspire, loving ones feed. T. Kleiman

Jealousy is betrayal by suspicion of betrayal. V. Krotov

A woman loves a man because he loves her. A man loves a woman because he loves them in general.

True intimacy usually starts from afar. V. Zhemchuzhnikov

Women have all the heart, even the head. Jean Paul

Every love is true and beautiful in its own way, as long as it is in the heart and not in the head.

Not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction - that’s what it means to love. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

If old love doesn't rust, why does it start to creak? T. Kleiman

Sex is the greatest thing that unloving people can give each other, and the least of what loving people can give each other. E. Panteleev

A man who talks intelligently about love does not love very much. J. Sand

They love each other very much: he - himself, she - herself. M.Genin

Voluptuousness is the occupation of people who are not occupied with anything else. Diogenes

If a wife nags her husband, it means she wants to make him the better half.

Anyone who has ever been in love is not devoid of imagination. V. Borisov

Only love bought with money is worth nothing. E. Tarasov

When a woman falls in love for the first time, she loves her lover;

Separation is for love like the wind is for fire: it extinguishes the weak, and fans the great. R. Bussy

“Love and doubt will never get along with each other.” – D. H. Gibran

Love is the desire for intimacy caused by the appearance of beauty. Zeno of Citium

Treason is a whip that hits you only once - at the moment when you find out about everything. All subsequent time you will cut yourself with it. E. Panteleev

In love, the spiritual is controlled by nature - but at the same time it is enriched with all its colors and power. A. Kruglov

The happiness of love is in action: love is tested by the willingness to do for others. L. Wallace

They love not for something, but in spite of it. A. Vasiliev

A woman only believes the word “love” when it is said quietly and simply. Ya Galan

Marriage is a sea of ​​responsibility in which you can stay afloat only by holding hands tightly.

He who stops loving and making mistakes can bury himself alive

To know a person, you need to love him. L. Feuerbach

Let him who has loved once repeat what he has done. T. Kleiman

How often our heartfelt affections keep us on a short leash. T. Kleiman

Saying “I love you” will take a few seconds, but showing how will take a lifetime.

If you are going to love someone, learn to forgive first. A. Vampilov

For lovers, as for birds, not only a nest is needed, but also the sky. E. Panteleev

Love is omnipotent: there is no grief on Earth higher than its punishment, no happiness higher than the pleasure of serving it. W.Shakespeare

Women are created to be loved, not understood.

Lovers imagine each other. Those who love will know. A. Koryakovtsev

Love is eternity given in time. G. Malkin

Falling in love is the intoxication of the possibility of love. V. Krotov

If he is the first thing you think about when you wake up; the only thing is when you are awake; and the last thing you think about before falling asleep is that he is really special!

in the future she loves only love. F. La Rochefoucauld

How important it is for long-term relationships to bring you closer together! T. Kleiman

Love dies from fatigue, and oblivion buries it. J. Labruyère

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants heaven; she has heaven, but wants heaven.

Love can change a person beyond recognition. Terence

The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom. Anthony Brett.

Unrequited love is always great and whole. V. Konyakhin

O lovers! All this is in your love. Just be able to find it.

All lovers vow to fulfill more than they can, and do not even fulfill what is possible. W. Shakespeare

It has always been the case that the depth of love is known only in the hour of separation.” – D. H. Gibran

“Equality is the strongest foundation of love.” – G. Lessing

That heart will not learn to love that is tired of hating. ON THE. Nekrasov

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love. M. Gorky

Women love the man in themselves, and men love themselves in the woman.

There was love without joy, separation will be without sadness. M.Yu. Lermontov

If your heart and your mind are restless, what more do you need?

Love? This is the shortest path from one heart to another: a straight line.
Bedel 33

I miss you very much - a phrase that warms the soul even on the coldest day. 32

Even after 100 unsuccessful attempts, don’t despair, because 101 can change your life. 62

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants heaven; she has heaven, but wants heaven. O lovers! All this is in your love. Just be able to find it. Victor Marie Hugo 14

Love is a wise invention of nature: the one who loves easily does what he should. Wilhelm Schwebel 37

Love conquers everything, let us submit to its power. Virgil 7

Love each other, but don't turn love into chains. Let it better be an exciting sea between the shores of your souls. Gibran Khalil 27

Before devoting himself to love, a person must make sure that he has wisdom, patience and the ability to forgive, otherwise jealousy, pettiness and resentment will destroy all nascent feelings. 39

Love is born with a smile, grows with a kiss and dies with a tear. 38

Age cannot protect us from love, but love, to some extent, protects us from age. 26

Love is life. When we lose love, we lose life. 53

I fell in love with him the way people fall asleep. First slowly, and then immediately. John Green 41

Sex can only be truly amazing when it is combined with infatuation or love. Everything else is fitness. 46

Love has a special taste and smell. This feeling cannot be confused with anything. It makes you feel sweetly dizzy, you breathe freely and deeply, and everything seems exceptional. 33

Perhaps the whole meaning of this life comes down to being needed by at least someone. After all, if no one thinks about you, then it’s as if you don’t exist... 32

You need to have something in common in order to understand each other, and be different in some way in order to love each other. Paul Geraldi 17

It is better to yearn for the one you love than to live with the one you hate. 31

What is love? - they asked the little boy.
“Yesterday I gave my jacket to a girl, she put it on, and it was warm for me,” he answered. 33

Where love reigns, the impossible becomes possible. 4

If the fire does not go out, the tree will burn. Therefore, the fire, loving the tree, must leave. Even if leaving for the fire means losing food and dying. I'm leaving you because I love you. Where do you live? 13

Love is not a light bulb, it cannot be turned off. Castle 12

You took a step and I took a step. Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). Love. Freedom. Loneliness 19

I wanted him to experience what I felt next to him - this amazing combination of calm, depravity and miracle. I wanted him to know that after just trying it once, I was hopelessly addicted. Jodi Picoult. Fragile soul 30

Love is something worth fighting for, fighting and biting. And after that, having received pleasure and joy for the fact that you won her, just truly appreciate this feeling. 15

The human heart is a musical instrument, it contains great music. She sleeps, but she is here, waiting for the right moment to ignite, to be expressed, to be sung, to be danced. And this moment arises through love. Without love, a person will never know what music he carried in his heart. What do i do? (Dechire) 17

We are only happy when we feel respected. Blaise Pascal

Great thoughts come from the heart, great feelings from the mind. Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise de Bonald

The strictest morality allows us to feel pleasure at the thought of a generous act. David Hume

Life is so broad and multifaceted that in it a person will almost always find his fill of everything he feels a strong and true need to look for. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

To live means to feel, to enjoy life, to constantly feel new things that would remind us that we are living. Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky

The feeling organ is at the same time an understanding organ. Oswald Spengler

To love means to experience pleasure when you see, touch, feel with all your senses and at the closest possible distance the being that you love and who loves you. Stendhal

We should talk not about how to be happy, but about how to feel happy. Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

Mental pleasures lengthen life just as much as sensual pleasures shorten it. Pierre Buast

People seek pleasure, rushing from side to side only because they feel the emptiness of their life, but do not yet feel the emptiness of that new fun that attracts them. Blaise Pascal

Wit is an outlet for feelings of hostility that cannot be satisfied in any other way. Sigmund Freud

To feel means to understand and comprehend. Miguel Unamuno

Feeling awakens thought in us - everyone agrees with this; but not everyone will agree that thought awakens feeling, but this is no less correct! Nicolas-Sebastian Chamfort

The mind is the sum of our best feelings. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Sensory perceptions of objects in the material world first of all awaken the forces of the soul dormant in a person and force them to act; being the beginning of all thinking activities, sensations are also the beginning of all your concepts and thoughts. Without sensory perceptions, thinking and knowledge of the material world are impossible. Jan Sniadecki

We all have one anchor from which, unless you want to, you will never break free: a sense of duty. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

It is in the nature of rational beings to feel their imperfections; That is why nature gave us modesty, that is, a feeling of shame in front of these imperfections. Charles Louis Montesquieu

Music is the language of the soul; this is the area of ​​feelings and moods; this is the life of the soul expressed in sounds. Alexander Nikolaevich Serov

Ordinary people will always be sentimental - he is sentimental who does not hide his innermost feelings, who does not try to invent a new way of expressing them. Gilbert Chesterton

Love is an ocean of feelings, surrounded by expenses everywhere. Thomas Dewar

The height of feelings is in direct proportion to the depth of thoughts. Victor-Marie Hugo

A sensitive person is someone who will certainly press on others’ calluses if he himself suffers from them. Oscar Wilde

Too fine a sensitivity is a true misfortune. Carl Julius Weber

A person needs to experience strong feelings in order for him to develop noble qualities that would expand the circle of his life. Honore de Balzac

Life is empty and colorless only for colorless people who talk about feelings and needs, but in fact are not capable of having any special feelings and needs, except for the need to show off. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

A man grows cold towards a woman who loves him too much. Apparently, with feelings of the heart the situation is like with blessings: whoever is not able to repay for them becomes ungrateful. Nicolas-Sebastian Chamfort

The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is a sense of justice and a thirst for it. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

A child's feeling, just like a child's thought, should be guided without force. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Extreme sensitivity creates mediocre actors; average sensitivity produces most bad actors, and only its absence produces great actors. Denis Diderot

Naked thoughts and feelings are as helpless as naked people. Therefore, it is necessary to clothe them. Paul Valéry

Labor gives birth to wisdom and purity; laziness gives rise to ignorance and sensuality. Henry David Thoreau

Gratitude is one of the greatest virtues. But an even greater virtue is a sense of proportion in the claim to gratitude. Christian Friedrich Hebbel

Ultimately, pleasure is a more reliable advisor than being right or a sense of duty. Samuel Butler

Music is a shorthand for feelings. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Every thought born from a moral idea is a feeling. Pierre-Simon Ballanche

It is only thanks to the objectively developed wealth of the human being that the wealth of subjective human sensuality develops, and in part is first generated: the musical ear, the sensing beauty of the shape of the eyes - in short, those feelings that are capable of human pleasures. Karl Marx

A sensitive person is like an icicle: warm him up, he will melt. Kozma Prutkov

People hate those who make them feel inferior. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Straightforwardness adorns all the feelings it accompanies. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Nothing hurts a romance more than a woman's sense of humor or a man's lack of it. Oscar Wilde

To be sensual is to be suffering. Karl Marx

A person needs free labor in itself, for the development and maintenance of his sense of human dignity. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Great feeling protects against sensitivity.

Wilhelm Fischer

The fullness and depth of feelings and thoughts do not allow frantic impulses.

M.Yu. Lermontov

When we are ready to succumb to the dictates of feelings,
Shyness always prevents us from admitting it.
Know how to recognize behind the coldness of words
Excitement of the soul and heart is a tender call.

J. Moliere

Having reached the end of what should be known, you will find yourself at the beginning of what should be felt.

D. H. Gibran

If there were no reason, sensuality would overwhelm us. That's what intelligence is for, to curb its absurdities.

W. Shakespeare

Only a coincidence of circumstances reveals our essence to others and, most importantly, to ourselves.

F. La Rochefoucauld

We often treat those who burden us leniently, but we are never lenient towards those who burden us.

F. La Rochefoucauld

A feeling that has a price is worthless.

N. Chamfort

A person suffers not so much from what happens, but from how he evaluates what happens to him.

M. Montaigne

Seeing and feeling is being, thinking is living.

W. Shakespeare

Light feelings often last a very long time, nothing crushes them, because nothing strains them; they follow circumstances and disappear with them, while deep attachments are completely torn apart, leaving painful wounds in their place.

Anna Stahl

Feeling prevails over reason, but not over reason.

A. Blok

Feelings are the coloring of thoughts. Without them, our thoughts are simple, dry, lifeless outlines, but not pictures.

Nikolay Shelgunov

The most unpleasant feeling is the feeling of your own powerlessness.

T. Carlyle

A person without pride is insignificant. Self-love is an Archimedes lever with which the earth can be moved.

I. Turgenev

We all have one anchor from which, unless you want to, you will never break free: a sense of duty.

I. Turgenev

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult to hide love, and most difficult to hide is indifference.

L. Berne

We are more sincere towards others than towards ourselves.

F. Nietzsche

When I try to discern people's true feelings, I rely on my eyes more than my ears.

F. Chesterfield

The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it.

O. Wilde

A person is not given to understand if there is no love in him, and is not given to recognize if he does not sacrifice himself.


Master your passions, which rule if not obeyed.


If a person never controls his feelings, he must always control his expressions.

P. Buast

B. Auerbach

Beliefs are feelings. Feelings are not analyzed, they are not discussed.

O. de Badzak

The sense of right and wrong is the basis of the ability to acquire knowledge.


Feeling is only truer and clearer than reason when we are looking for the truth.

Wilhelm Fischer

Feelings don't deceive. The judgment made on them deceives.

V. Hugo

Feeling precedes knowledge. He who did not feel the truth did not understand, did not recognize it.

V. Belinsky

People understand only feelings that are similar to their own feelings; others, no matter how beautifully expressed, have no effect on them: the eyes look, but the heart does not participate, and soon the eyes turn away.

I. Ten

If the feelings are not true, then the whole mind will turn out to be false.


It is very difficult to force yourself to speak. The more difficult thing is to force yourself to remain silent. It’s even more difficult to force yourself to think. But the hardest thing is to make yourself feel.

D. H. Gibran

Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners.

O. Balzac

You will never achieve mutual understanding between people except through feelings.

Germaine de Stael

If a person did not give in to feelings, he would hate life and would like it to end as soon as possible or never begin.

D. Swift

A sensitive person is like an unarmed person among well-armed ones.

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