How to properly propose to a girl. An original marriage proposal to a girl. Propose in the bathroom

You have met the one and only girl with whom you want to tie your destiny, go through life together and grow old surrounded by children and grandchildren. And to hear: “Yes! I agree!” All that’s left is to make an offer. How to make it memorable and become a family history, and your chosen one brags about it to her friends?


Finding out the ring size

To propose to a woman, you first need to buy a ring.

There are two options: You make a surprise or go with your chosen one to the store, and she chooses the ring herself.

In the latter case, the surprise effect will be lost. We will not consider such a situation.

Does the girl really love you?

In order not to get into a stupid position, you need to be 100% sure that the girl loves you. You can read about how to do this in.

How to choose the best words to talk about

Before you start implementing your plans, it would be a good idea to think about what you will say.

In fact, you can say anything you want. The only rule is to avoid pompous, pompous phrases. It will look stupid and unnatural. The more concisely you formulate your thoughts, the better. Ideally, it is enough to say just a few words: “I love you. Will you marry me?".

House offer options

Romantic dinner

It is necessary to create a romantic atmosphere around: light candles, decorate the room with balloons or flowers. You can sit on a blanket on the floor for a change.

Don't forget to buy a bottle of champagne.

There is no need to throw rings into glasses, put them in cakes or fruits. A ring placed in food you might choke.

Wrap the ring case in cellophane and place the case in the center of the cake, from below, so that it is not visible. Ask the girl to cut the cake. When she cuts the cake and takes out the box, you can get down on more than one knee and make her an offer she can’t refuse.

Such a proposal it will cost approximately 3-4 thousand rubles. Without the cost of the ring.

If you have skills in working in Photoshop, creating collages from photographs, creating websites, you can create a website or post collages from photographs in a certain order on a photo hosting site.

Photos can be arranged in the form of a tree: first, each of you is small, then photos of teenagers, adults, then you met, photos of you together. End it all with the question: “Shall we continue this tree with our family photos? Will you become my wife?

Professional website creation will cost from 5,000 rub. Good hosting will cost about 100-150 rubles. per month, but for such purposes it is quite possible to use a free one.

Quest at home

Come up with tasks that, by solving them, the girl will move around the apartment, approaching the finish line. There the last riddle will await her, the answer to which will be a box with a ring and a cherished question. Here only your imagination and the Internet can help you.

Photography puzzle

Order a puzzle from a photo of you kneeling in front of your girlfriend with a box in your hand.

You can combine 2 photos, your new one, where you are standing in front of her, and an existing photo of the girl. You will put the puzzle together, and in the end you will hear a request: “Be my wife!”

Order a puzzle from a photo costs from 300 rubles to 6500 thousand depending on the size. The main thing is to choose a magnetic one. You can then place it on the refrigerator.

You can find a suitable agency using Yandex by request: “Photography puzzle in (Your city)”

Option of offers in the restaurant

Gather your relatives and friends and propose in front of everyone.

After the musician plays her favorite music, ask the girl to dance. Arrange with the waiter to bring a tray with a ring and a question about marriage or chocolate written on a tray of pieces of fruit. Get down on one knee and propose.

Combine business with pleasure; if you have already planned a vacation and are going on a trip, propose while on the trip.
Or organize a romantic trip specifically for the proposal.

5 of the most romantic places in the world where you can propose

Paris- one most suitable place. Invite a girl to get married in a restaurant on the Eiffel Tower.

You can consolidate the result at the Père Lachaise cemetery at 12 o'clock at night by giving the sphinx at Oscar Wilde's grave a kiss. According to legend, after this the lovers will no longer part.

Verona. Juliet's house. You can attach a note with your proposal to the stand next to the Juliet sculpture. You can propose on Juliet's balcony.

Stroke the parts of the Juliet sculpture so that happy love never ends.

Relaxing in a bungalow and writing on the sand, coupled with an atmosphere imbued with romance, is the key to a positive response.

Charles Bridge in Prague. Take your girlfriend through it; according to legend, this is the road to happiness. And at the end, make an offer.

By the way, the length of the bridge is 520 m. Therefore, before carrying a girl, it won’t hurt to practice a little.

Butterfly Valley in Turkey. Untouched nature, lots of butterflies, beauty of waterfalls and silence. The only way there is by sea. What could be more romantic than a proposal on a boat? Tie a box with a ring with a thin fishing line and make the girl “catch” it

Public offers

It is no longer possible to do without agencies for organizing such events. Agency employees will agree on everything and settle issues with the administration of the location chosen for the event. You can find a suitable agency in any search engine by request: “Agency for organizing holidays in (your city)”, “Propose to a girl with the help of an agency in (your city)”.

Here are some options:

  • In the theater, go on stage after the performance;
  • In the cinema after the film, launch a video dedicated to your relationship (from 18,500 rubles);
  • On the field after the match, a question appears on the scoreboard.

Flashmob will cost from 13,500 rubles without shooting. With video and bells and whistles (balloons, fire shows, increased number of people, etc.) about 100,000 rubles.

How will it look like? For example, you invite her for a walk. Strangers will come up to her and give her a rose. The girl's surprise knows no bounds.

Don’t forget to make a surprised face, otherwise the girl will immediately guess everything.

The last person will give you a bouquet of flowers and a box with a ring, which you will give to your chosen one.

You can organize a flash mob for free, with the help of friends:

  • Friends will simultaneously raise their parts of the posters that make up the marriage proposal;
  • The guys begin to dance, diverting attention from the stand with a poster on which a proposal will appear at the end of the dance;
  • The guys dance, balloons appear and a proposal banner appears;

The most creative ways

Balloon and the offer on it will cost from 5,000 rubles. depending on the flying club.

Organize a pseudo-interview(pseudo-business meeting). This can be done either through an agency, or arrange with friends unknown to the girl so that they play the role of personnel officers (customers).

This option is suitable if a girl is looking for a job or if her work involves meeting with customers. This guarantees a complete surprise effect both from your appearance there and from further actions. The meeting must be scheduled at a cafe in the shopping center.

Next, perform a song for her, or play an instrument if you know how to play compact instruments (violin, guitar, flute) and are not afraid to attract attention.
After the performance, present the ring. If there is a beautiful fountain nearby with light music, remove the ring from there by tying it to a fishing line. And present it to the girl.

A proposal in the form of a diary. Make a diary. Add significant events and dates of your relationship there. Describe your emotions, impressions and thoughts at that moment. Can be supplemented with photographs. Celebrate the proposal day especially. Then the diary will become a family diary.

Kinder Surprise. If a girl loves sweets, then you can hide the ring inside a kinder surprise. To do this, carefully divide the chocolate egg into two parts, place the ring, “solder” the chocolate with a warm knife and carefully wrap the wrapper.

If risk is in your blood then you can do something like this:

Prince on a white horse. All girls dream of a prince on a white horse. Why not make this dream come true literally. The biggest problem is finding a horse. This can be done at the nearest equestrian club.

Knocking on the window. You can rent a machine with a lifting basket from electricians. Your beloved will be very surprised when you wake her up by knocking on the window and present her with a huge bouquet of flowers.

Organize an unexpected and unplanned picnic in nature or in the park and propose marriage during it. Lead the girl while walking to a place where a picnic blanket will be laid out, there will be a basket of food, and the table will be set on this blanket.

If you decide to go outdoors, don't forget insect repellent.

How not to propose

If you don’t want to get a negative answer or ruin such an important moment in the lives of two people, then you shouldn’t make an offer:

  • by SMS or by phone. It looks frivolous and looks like a joke or mockery;
  • in extreme ways if you have a homely or conservative girlfriend;
  • in public ways, if your girlfriend is shy and does not like to attract attention to herself;
  • on the run and by the way;
  • drunk.

Whatever method you choose, it will be a truly memorable event in your and her life. She will be pleased by the fact that she is the only one, unique, the one with whom you decided to connect your life. So go for it!!!

You've been dating for a while now and things are going great for you. It's only natural that a happy relationship makes you wonder if your partner is ready for marriage. Perhaps you're already waiting for him to propose, and friends and family assure you that you won't be without a ring for long.

Of course, it's best not to think about it too much and not attach importance to every little detail - if you try to analyze everything, you may be disappointed. However, if you still can't resist, you should know the signs that indicate that a man is ready to ask you an important question. By paying attention to these details of behavior, you can draw a certain conclusion.

He suddenly became interested in your jewelry

It doesn’t matter whether you wear affordable jewelry or a family ring, most likely, your man has not shown much interest in the jewelry on your fingers before, except for the occasional compliment.

If suddenly he starts asking about what style you prefer, what rings you like best, what size you are, you can assume that there is a simple explanation for all this: after all, you can’t buy a ring without knowing which one will suit you better!

He is in control of his finances

Wedding rings are quite expensive. Many can be purchased on credit or in installments, but you will need to plan ahead. In addition, if you agree, you will need to celebrate the wedding, which will also require expenses. If your man has started saving and suggests spending the evening at home instead of a restaurant, he may be trying to save up for something really important. Don't start asking questions and pressuring if you don't want to ruin your pleasant moment. In the end, even if at the moment saving is explained by other motives, it is in any case good, responsible behavior that should not attract attention.

He communicates with your friends and relatives

Every girl wants her lover to get along with her friends and relatives. If everything goes well, joint meetings are easy and pleasant. However, if you suddenly notice that your chosen one communicates with your loved ones more often than usual, but does not share the details of the conversations with you, he probably asked them for help with the proposal and wants to arrange a surprise for you! Don’t try to find out everything from your loved ones if you don’t want to undermine the trust of your chosen one; he is preparing something special for you and probably wants everything to go perfectly.

He spends less time with friends

When we first meet someone, they usually have an established routine of going out with friends. Maybe it's poker once a week, working out together, or going to football games. This is all quite normal. If your partner suddenly starts going out with friends less often, don't worry that something is wrong. It is likely that he was simply tired of his bachelor lifestyle. He simply prefers to spend more time with you, getting ready to settle down and move to the next level of the relationship. He may not have started thinking about marriage yet, but soon this decision will come to his mind, so behave naturally and do not try to rush things.

He talks to you about the future

Whether he's discussing travel plans with you or just wants to buy a new car, just pay attention to the words he uses. Does he only talk about his own interests or does he mention you too? This slight change in the choice of words may indicate that he is psychologically ready for an alliance with you. Pay attention to how often he says “we”: if he includes you in his plans, he imagines you next to him in the future. All this may well lead to a proposal in the future.

He discusses children with you

During the relaxed stage of dating, if children are mentioned, it is unlikely to be serious. Typically, people who have recently started a relationship try to avoid such a topic so as not to scare off their partner. If your chosen one has started discussing this topic with you, wants to know if you are planning children and how many, he has probably begun to take your relationship more seriously. The issue of children is a major topic to talk about before you get married, so bringing these up in your conversations could indicate an impending proposal. If your chosen one did not want to start a family with you, he would hardly be too interested in your attitude towards children.

He doesn't let you into certain places in the house.

If you notice that his desk drawer suddenly becomes locked or you've been told not to open his closet, your crush may simply not be doing a very good job of surprising you. In fact, there can be many reasons, so you shouldn’t give in to your wildest hopes. However, if your partner is usually not very secretive, he is most likely trying to hide his engagement ring from you and waiting for the right moment. Don't ask direct questions - this will only make the awkwardness even more obvious. Let your chosen one keep his secrets.

All his friends are married or engaged

It's amazing how at one point all friends turn from young and carefree into adults, settled and married. It seems to happen instantly! If all of your partner's friends are engaged or married, it's likely that he's feeling some pressure. It goes without saying that the proposal in this case will be the result of some kind of compulsion to fit into the team. This is simply a sign that you have reached a certain stage in the relationship and it is time for you to decide on the next step. Be ready! It is likely that soon the happy example of those around you will inspire your partner and he will also want to start a family with you.

Everyone around is acting strange

If all your family and friends suddenly start acting secretive and strange, they are probably trying to hide something from you. You will quickly understand whether it is a terrible secret or a pleasant one. If secretive people still smile, they probably know you're in for an amazing surprise.

If you realize that a proposal is about to happen, stay calm and don't rush things. Don't try to find out more details or spoil the surprise. Your chosen one has probably put a lot of effort into preparing this moment for you, so let him do everything as he intended. It will also be more pleasant for you to remember this moment later if it is unexpected than to know that you yourself ruined the romance.

Don't push

Many men and women want to start a family. This is absolutely normal if this desire does not spoil the pleasure of the relationship. You shouldn’t rush and create unnecessary pressure on your chosen one. If you realize that you have different views on relationships, try to discuss this situation. If your chosen one does not have marriage in his plans, you need to respect his decision.

Insulting someone and insisting on getting married is not the path to happiness, so don't even try. If a person does not feel the desire to tie the knot with you, most likely, your union will be doomed. Remember that marriage comes with a lot of changes - you will have joint bank accounts and many affairs, and then common children. In order for a union to last for many years and be truly happy, it must have a good foundation. Let it begin with an amazing proposal moment! Believe me, this is something worth the wait!

Have you been dating a girl for some time and, most likely, have already thought about when to propose marriage? It is inappropriate to set specific deadlines in such matters. It should only be said that an offer should be made only when you realize that you really want it with all your heart. When we thought everything through and realized that we were really ready for this. And then all that remains is to choose the best and most appropriate moment in your opinion. Let's look at some options.

When to propose to a girl

  • The anniversary of your relationship or acquaintance. Proposing on this day is very symbolic, because many consider such a day to be significant in a relationship. In addition, it will be very romantic, and your girlfriend will definitely appreciate your efforts.
  • Valentine's Day. This day implies such recognitions like no other. After all, all over the world on this day they talk only about love. Of course, there are those who do not like this holiday. However, real romantics will appreciate it. And Valentine's Day is a great occasion to express your feelings and propose your hand and heart to your loved one.
  • New Year's Eve proposal. Many people associate New Year's holidays with the beginning of a new life. On New Year's Eve, almost every person expects some kind of miracle and magic. And your girlfriend is most likely no exception. By proposing on New Year's Day, you will give her the feeling of a fairy tale and living miracles. And the New Year's atmosphere will add romance.
  • Proposal on her birthday. Another great date that your beloved will certainly appreciate. Create a festive mood for her on this day by making small pleasant surprises. And over an evening dinner or on a walk, propose to her. Such offers usually cause a lot of positive emotions. Your beloved will definitely remember this for the rest of her life.

You have already succeeded in a lot: to win the affection of the girl you love, start dating her, confess your love to her. Or maybe she has already moved into your territory. But you haven’t gotten married to her yet. Even if you live together, something is still missing. Namely - a wedding ring, a common surname and the right to call her his legal wife. And this last bastion must be taken beautifully, so that it remains forever in the memory of your chosen one. If she cherishes the memory of this day, then your marriage with her will be stronger. But how to do this in such a way as not to look banal? To begin with, everything needs to be done on time. There is no need to force your beloved to languish in uncertainty when she is already ripe for marriage. And this is especially true for those moments when you and she start talking more and more often about children together.

How to know if it's time to propose to a girl

There is one situation when a proposal must be made immediately - pregnancy. Here you need to get ahead of your friend and guess from indirect signs that there will soon be three of you. While she has not yet spoken about the future child, it is advisable to guess for yourself and offer her your hand and heart. Otherwise, even living with you under the same roof, she may feel that she is infinitely lonely.

Thank God, and at first there are enough signs that can be easily noticed. First of all, it is drowsiness. Even if a girl tolerates her interesting position well, she still needs more sleep. There is no need to wait for “textbook” signs like fainting: they may not exist. Also, the chosen one may become mysterious and begin to call her mother, older sisters, and friends who already have children more often. Often, in front of a mirror at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman tries to take a closer look not at all at her face, but at her belly.

So if at this moment you are not married, then it’s time to get married. When to schedule a wedding is up to the bride, since she needs to wait for the moment when she feels good. She may even want to have a grand celebration after giving birth. But there is no need to be late with the proposal. Pregnancy is not an easy walk, so your task is to show the girl that you are devoted to her from head to toe!

It is clear that in this situation the proposal will be accepted: where, in fact, should she go? But this does not mean that there is no need to arrange this moment, but to make it ordinary. No, this is your little holiday. It is often called an engagement because in the old days they asked the girl’s relatives for their hand in marriage, and from that moment on the couple was officially considered the bride and groom.

It is much more difficult to propose to a girl with whom you have no common living space, pregnancy, or even intimate life. But before, that’s just how it was: sex before marriage was considered shameful and impossible. But the guys took this risk of being rejected, bought beautiful rings, gave them to their chosen ones in the hope that their proposal would certainly be accepted. We carefully prepared for this moment, choosing the time and place. This was not always done in front of witnesses, although if you are late with your proposal, and everyone has already begun to whisper about this fact, then you can stun the bride, her family and friends with a public confession.

Where and when can you propose marriage?

If your chosen one is a quiet and shy creature, then she most likely will not like the proposal made in front of someone else. For her, this should be some kind of sacrament, and this aura of mystery should not be violated under any circumstances. The place for such recognition can be a secluded place by the pond, a fireplace room in the country where the two of you will stay, a hotel room rented for two, a separate table in a restaurant. If you are not rich, then you should not waste money too much: the bride should not have suspicions that you are simply buying her. If you both go to a fast food establishment for lunch, then even this place can be chosen for such a noble mission, just come there at an unusual time:

  • when there are not many people there;
  • better in the evening.

Purely psychologically, events that occur at the end of the day are remembered better, whereas in the morning everything is done on the run, and various small details are easily erased from memory. The same can be said about the lunch break, when you need to have time to eat and discuss some news, often related specifically to work. So a weekday evening is a great time to make an offer, but not go too far out of budget. Of course, for this occasion you need to take some special dish that you and she cannot afford on a regular day. And you need to look for the most comfortable table.

The second option is to find a cafe that is a little more expensive, and it will seem like a fashionable restaurant. But before that, you need to do some reconnaissance, for example, to find out whether the tables are too “dense” there, whether there are a lot of people there all the time, and in general, how romantic the atmosphere of this cafe can be considered. If very noisy groups gather there, drinking, talking loudly and behaving on the verge of vulgarity, then this cafe should not be chosen: it will vulgarize the moment, which should be solemn. Sports bars are also not suitable: a different audience gathers there, captivated by sports matches. A nightclub with blaring music simply won't give you a chance to talk. And she won’t hear the proposal as it should, and you won’t understand her answer. For the same reason, a cinema is not suitable: the action on the screen will distract from the solemnity of the moment of presenting the ring. And the girl won’t be able to see the gift properly. But she should admire him. If you love cinema so much, then you can propose after watching a good melodrama, but at home. If you do not share the same roof over your head, then at her house when you took her there.

Options for romantic proposals at home

One option is to do it the old fashioned way and ask the bride’s parents for her hand in marriage. If you know them well and live in the same locality, then you can pre-arrange a formal meeting at their home, that is, on the bride’s territory. You can give your dad a gift of cognac or wine, unless, of course, he is an absolute teetotaler. Then the gift should be special, according to the interests of the future father-in-law. You can find out about them from your girlfriend: the topic of such a conversation is neutral, there is nothing shameful or suspicious in it. With your future mother-in-law, everything is much simpler: just give her a bouquet of flowers. The main thing is that the lady is not allergic to the plants you choose. But this point can somehow be clarified in advance in conversations with the chosen one. Next, everything is as usual: ask your daughter’s hand in marriage from her parents. You can also bring a beautifully packaged cake to the table to drink tea together and discuss the moments of your future life together and the wedding itself.

If a girl lives alone, and is also embarrassed by her parents, afraid of their disapproval, but your relationship with her is very dear to her, then you can easily propose simply by visiting her. For example, bring her a helium balloon and say playfully: “My little one, let’s remember our childhood!” The ball must be released so that it rests on the ceiling, and there should be a ring at the end of its string. You can put it in a box in the form of a casket with a small handle so that you have something to tie the ball to. The casket must close well so that the ring does not fall out. But at the same time, the bride should easily cope with this lock.

If the girl is not shy about your relationship and is ready to receive a proposal so that outsiders, and not just her parents, will know about it, then you can prepare and sing a serenade under the window. If the moment of the proposal falls in the winter, then not everyone will be able to sing so that it can be heard through closed noise-proof or carefully sealed windows. But in winter it gets dark early, and you can use this for lighting effects. Nowadays it’s easy to buy an outdoor garland that also runs on batteries. Letter flags are also sold in bridal salons. These could be the words “Marry me.” Hanging such a proposal between trees or on a fence is not a difficult task at all. Light it up with a garland too. Then you need to dial your beloved’s number and ask her to look out the window. And although such a proposal can be seen by all the neighbors whose windows face the same side, there is no explicit indication of the bride’s name in it, so the action cannot be called completely public. And the bride herself does not leave the house, it is you who go up to her, go into the apartment and give champagne and flowers, and then a ring.

A beautiful proposal to get married in a restaurant or cafe

The balloon trick can be done in a restaurant, but you first need to go there and understand how high the ceiling is there, and whether you will then have to ask steeplejacks to get a ring that will carry your little “ballooning device” there. You can also use a ball with a counterweight that will prevent your gift from rising too high. Usually counterweights are made from the same ball, but filled with water. To do this, you need to experiment in advance and understand how much water you need to collect so that the structure can hang statically in front of your girl.

You can do it the traditional way and book a table in a cafe, where you can ask the waiter to light candles or a small lamp in advance. Even if the cafe is well lit, you should definitely choose a table in the shade, where the most romantic atmosphere is. You can order a cake with a ring, but only this work of culinary art must be made in such a way that the ring is visible.

A ring is a hard object, and a small one at that. If it is hidden deep in the cake, it can be accidentally swallowed or a tooth can be broken on it. The ring may accidentally get stuck in your throat, and then instead of a romantic dinner, you'll end up with a trip to the hospital with an ambulance siren ringing. This is also unforgettable, but still it is one of the incidents. And if the girl is superstitious, then she will reject the proposal, because she will decide that your entire future life will consist of such unpleasant curiosities.

For the same reason, you should not put a ring at the bottom of a glass of champagne. You may simply miss the jewelry behind the foam and bubbles.

It is best to choose empty dishes for the ring. This can be a beautiful dish with a patterned or embossed border. You can ask the waiter in advance. On this dish you should place a box with a ring and a note “Be my wife” or “Marry me.” Even if the waiter brings this “assembly”, you must accept it from his hands and present it to the bride, otherwise it will not be clear which of you is proposing – you or the restaurant employee.

You can place a couple of candles or glasses of sparkling champagne on such a dish. This gift must be handed over to the bride carefully, but without showing any awkwardness. There should be no uncertainty in your actions, because it may seem symbolic to the bride, as if you yourself are not sure that you want to take her as your wife.

Original ways to propose marriage in public

You can propose to a brave and liberated girl “in front of all the honest people.” It is not necessary to do this by analogy with the film “The Taming of the Shrew,” when its main character is forced to confess his love to the heroine right in a gym full of fans, and even into a commentator’s microphone. It is illegal to hire a fire truck with a ladder and come to your loved one right through the window - this is original, but unsafe if you are uncertain about actions at such a height. If you yourself are a firefighter, an industrial climber, a rescuer or another worker who has to constantly be at heights, then come to the window. But if you are an office, workshop or field worker, then is it worth looking like a laughing stock when you suddenly begin to be afraid of heights? And if you have already decided to take such actions, then it is better to hire a car lift with a cradle. In their modern design, such machines are as safe as possible, and besides, you can hire them officially - under the pretext of refueling or repairing an air conditioner.

If finances allow, then you can fly to Paris, Venice or Rome for the weekend, and there, against the backdrop of the sights, confess your love. In Paris, it is better to present the ring by kneeling next to the Eiffel Tower, and in Pisa - near the Leaning Tower. In Rome - next to the Colosseum, and in Venice - on a gondola. And if finances sing romances, then go to Shabolovka in Moscow and tell your beloved, pointing at the Shukhov Tower: close your eyes for a minute and imagine that this is the Eiffel Tower. While your chosen one is squinting, take out the ring and present it to her. The same trick can be done in Kyiv at the Golden Gate, imagining it as a triumphal arch in Paris. And in St. Petersburg - invite a girl on a tour of the canals and sing Santa Lucia to her there, and then give her a ring.

If you live in a picturesque rural area, you can go out onto a cliff and shout your proposal so that the echo scatters throughout the area. You can use the gazebo in the old manor, invite friends for barbecue, placing your camp near the gazebo. You need to climb into it at a solemn moment to ask for the hand of your bride.

On Valentine's Day, you can all go to the skating rink together, and it is there that you will find something like a commentary booth. As a rule, there are no commentators at public skating rinks, but there is equipment that plays music. The fact that you can’t always connect a microphone to it shouldn’t stop you. The sentence, moreover, in verse, can be recorded in advance on a flash drive or mobile phone - in audio format. It is enough to connect the gadget or media to the DJ’s computer, and the confession can be heard publicly. During this time, you need to appear on the ice with a treasured gift and a bouquet of flowers. Of course, it’s better to prepare everything in advance, especially to check whether everything will work out with the equipment.

If you are a sociable person, then it will not be difficult for you to get behind the scenes and persuade the lead singer of the rock band you came to watch the concert to announce that there is a man in the hall who on this special day asks his girlfriend to marry him. And then you appear in front of her with a bouquet. Such words from the mouth of your common idol will be an excellent and memorable act that cannot but be appreciated.

Are you diving? Then give your beloved a note “Marry me” underwater. The same can be done in the sky if you are skydivers. And if you do neither one nor the other, then just take a walk on the roof under the starry sky, and there you can say your cherished words. Are all the roofs locked? Then you can find where hot air balloon excursions are offered. An accessible city observation deck is also suitable. This can be either a closed place on a skyscraper or an open area on a hill in a park.

If you live together, and your budget is not large yet, then you can still furnish everything in an original way. On a gloomy winter morning, when it has not yet dawned, you can lay out the text of a confession from pre-purchased floating candles in the snow or simply on the ground of the front garden. You need to light them, and then ask your beloved to look out the window. While she admires you, you can present her with a ring or a bouquet.

What to say when you propose to marry you

Actually, this is what needs to be said - you are asking your friend to get married. But there is no need to coin banal phrases. If you cannot put your feeling into these words, then come up with poetry or write a short and beautiful text in advance. The most important thing is that the proposal sounds sincere, with feeling and without falsehood. If you don’t have the best speaking skills, then you can say the words quietly, shyly, but at the same time decorate them with a beautiful bouquet with a note. It will contain poems of your own composition. But how to choose beautiful words for them? After all, you can do this in prose if you know the techniques of elegant literature. You can even read a rap to the bride. And why not, if you put words together well on the go, and you get a rhyme.

Beautiful words for a proposal:

“You alone are my star in the sky,
You are alone like all my dreams,
I want us to walk hand in hand with you,
So that you become my wife!”

Such a simple verse is not difficult to compose, but it can have a greater effect than the usual words: “Be my wife.” The good thing about the verse is that it can be set to music and turned into a small serenade.

You can also come up with a prose passage: “Just as the sky is inseparable from the milky road, just as the shores are connected by a bridge, so we are destined to be together with you, and as a sign of this I will give you a ring. Accept this gift as a sign of my recognition, and with it I will throw my cloak and sword at your feet. Be my wife!" This is a Musketeer-style confession, but you can come up with something else. “I flew to you on sails, I got you a casket from the bottom of the sea (at this moment it is appropriate to hand over a box with a ring), I was in such a hurry, I was afraid not to find you unmarried, but I managed... Look what I brought you there! » Needless to say, a ring with a pearl or coral would be perfect for such a “sea” proposal?

Proven phrases that will conquer anyone

If you ordered courier delivery of a bouquet with recognition, then at the moment when the flowers arrive to your beloved, simply say with a wink: “The sender of this wished to remain anonymous.” But the bouquet itself should contain a note from you. This will definitely work!

You can say: “I want you to always have the key to my apartment, but here is the key to my heart,” and present the ring.

To a girl who is not confident in herself, you can simply say:

  • You are the best!
  • You are the most beautiful in the world!
  • Better than you, nothing ever happened to me!

This will not only give her strength, but also convince her that nothing better has ever happened to her than meeting you. She will bloom right before our eyes.

To a less modest person, you can say this: “You occupy almost my entire life. There is no corner in it where your light does not shine.” It's beautiful and unconventional, so it might work.

The size of a ring is not some far-fetched value, but simply the diameter of its inner circumference. If a girl wears rings and also takes them off periodically, then any measuring tool that can measure the length will help you:

  • ruler;
  • tailor's centimeter;
  • graph paper;
  • roulette.

If you are making something at home, you can play “Me! I! Calipers!". Not in the sense that they tease the Germans like that. By the way, this name for the instrument has fallen out of use among the Germans. But with such an interesting device you can start measuring your own and your fiancée’s fingers: which is thicker – the index finger or the ring finger? The main thing is to remember what the diameter of her ring finger is. If a girl has a noticeably larger joint, then casually try it on too. You have yet to put a ring on this finger yourself at your wedding.

Which knee should you take when proposing?

There is no difference in this, the main thing is that you need to get down on one knee, and not two, like a repentant sinner. It’s good to get down on both knees before God, but to stand like that in front of a girl is clearly too much. This can cause her great embarrassment.

Surprisingly, you don’t have to kneel at all if you are in a restaurant and the proposal is made at the table. Both of you have settled comfortably, and jumping up abruptly from the table means breaking the established emotional contact. It’s better to just hand her the treasured box with the ring and say the right words.

If you are sitting on the couch at home and not at the table, then you can get down on one knee. But again, don’t jump up excitedly. Don't break the halo of romance. After all, he is the main one, not words, and not the cost of the ring. Some couples do without this ring at all, but only with the wedding ring.

Budget proposal options without a ring

You don’t have to present the ring that should actually be called an engagement ring. At some point, this name was transferred to the ring that was worn at the wedding and was called the wedding ring. This happened when there was a massive rejection of church marriages. Since the wedding is not taking place, then the ring needs to be named differently. The most appropriate name is “engagement”. And since it is given at a wedding, then you don’t have to buy a separate engagement ring. But what then should be presented instead?

Method with food - “Marry Me” cake

It could be a cake with the words “Marry Me” emblazoned on it. And although the confectionery product is made to order, it will still cost less than jewelry. In addition, a wedding ring is often cheaper because it does not contain gemstones. But a proposal is often made with a ring decorated with diamonds. So the cake will be a clear salvation for the student groom.

The balloon method

You can remember the same balloons, but don’t tie a ring to them. You don't need to be a physicist to calculate the force of helium balloons and water counterweights. You can simply experiment and raise a note with a proposal under your loved one’s window. You can even not use counterweights, but hold a spool of thread, which is pulled by a ball or kite.

Quest at home

You can arrange a real quest at home - at her or yours. As soon as she arrives, she must be greeted by something unexpected. Subdued light, music and a lit candelabra will do. You can draw an arrow near it and put a note under it with the following point. For example: “Look in the bathroom cabinet.” She goes there and finds an orchid or violet with the following item on it: “Go into the kitchen.” And there is a table set with candles and an arrow pointing to a stool with a box. In the box there is a teddy bear (cat, dog - whichever the girl loves more) with a note “Marry me! Forever yours (signature)"

How to propose to a girl? You don’t come to this question right away, but when it arises, you feel panic. Where to propose? What kind of music and drinks should I choose? Are they needed at all? What about the ring? In addition, everything must be original so that this moment is remembered for a lifetime. We invite you to consider 12 original marriage proposal ideas. But first, let's go over the important preparation points.

How to propose in an unusual way

Find out the size of the ring finger of your chosen one's right hand. Asking directly is suspicious. Girlfriends are also not an option, because they will talk. It is safer to borrow a ring from your middle or index finger and show it to the jeweler. The diameter of the proposal ring will be one less than that of the test ring.

Go shopping with the girl, and casually invite her to the jewelry store. When looking at rings, offer to try on the ones you like. During this time, listen and observe. This way you will know the size, as well as the general style of the products that your loved one prefers.

To make an original marriage proposal, take into account the character and hobbies of the future bride. A romantic girl will appreciate an evening in a good restaurant or dinner on the seashore during sunset. If she doesn't mind adventure, organize a quest or something extreme.

Marriage proposal: ideas

How to beautifully propose to a girl? These 12 ideas will help set the vector for planning. You can bring something personal to each of them that only the two of you will understand. This approach will make this event truly memorable:

  • An original marriage proposal. If you know how to sail, rent a boat and have a romantic dinner. Prepare flowers, champagne and the treasured box. Wait until sunset, get down on your knee and propose.
  • Come home first, decorate the room with rose petals and line up small candles with the inscription “Marry me!” Organize a romantic dinner in another room. This method can be used outdoors, as long as there is no wind.

  • A simple yet sweet way to propose. After shopping, place the box with the ring in your shopping bag. Returning from the store, wait until the girl takes apart the desired package. As soon as you see that she has taken out the box, take the prepared bouquet and ask the main question.
  • Give your girl a box of tropical butterflies as a gift. When your loved one opens it, they will burst free, and inside is a proposal ring. The result will be amazing. For the best effect, do it in a place where there is a lot of greenery and light.
  • Order a laser show and adapt it to your plot. A beautiful animation of your relationship with a cherished question at the end will make a stunning impression. To ward off suspicion, the best time to do this is Valentine's Day or the anniversary of the relationship.
  • The original way is to make a high-quality video with a thoughtful plot and upload it to YouTube. When your lady is watching the video, stand discreetly behind her. If a question comes up, let us know.
  • Arm yourself with stereotypes. Since girls dream of a prince on a white horse, become one (a prince, not a horse). Rent a white horse, put on armor, gallop up to your beloved on the street and invite her to share the kingdom with you.
  • Give a “marriage” ring for your birthday. Pack carefully, making a kind of nesting doll out of ten boxes. When she gets to the gift, say the desired question.
  • The place where you met is a great option for a marriage proposal. Prepare sweets, champagne, a bouquet of flowers. Of course, don't forget the traditional gesture of getting down on one knee.

  • Organize a small quest within the city or apartment. Original riddles and small challenges will intrigue the girl, who will be amazed by the outcome of the adventure.
  • If you know how to massage your feet, you can put the ring on your toe at some point. As soon as the girl sees the ring, ask: “Will you become my wife?” This simple but fun method is sure to be memorable.
  • A great option to propose in an unusual way is in a hot air balloon. A warm summer evening is ideal for this moment. The main thing is that the weather is not bad, and the potential bride is not afraid of heights.

It is important to propose at the right time. Omissions, claims, insults - this should not happen. If there was a quarrel the day before, wait until everything gets better. We hope you now understand how beautiful it is to propose to a girl. To avoid banality, be imaginative. If you can’t come up with something original, involve your friends: brainstorming works well.

gastroguru 2017