How to make yellow hair white. How to remove yellowness after lightening or highlighting: masks, shampoos, tips. Kefir decoction

It is considered the most sought after and desired among all women in almost every corner of the world. Blindly following this trend, many natural brunettes and redheads mercilessly subject their locks to lightening procedures, which, alas, do not always give the desired result. Therefore, after dyeing, many young ladies wonder how to remove yellowness from their hair, which has formed after several lightening procedures with “Supra” or other lightening powder. Well, there are many ways, and we will now look at them in detail.

When is yellow hair a problem?

Probably everyone knows that even blondes, who are often “lumped with the same brush,” are divided into at least two categories: “warm” and “cold.” The first group includes those women who have yellow hair. It can be various shades of light brown, golden, wheat or champagne. But it is precisely those young ladies who strive for a cold tone who are most concerned about the question of how to get rid of yellow hair. In this case it is a matter of personal taste and suitability. It happens that a person just wants to be the owner of an ashy shade of hair, but in some cases warm tones simply do not suit him. That’s why we have to look for a variety of ways to remove yellowness from hair while causing minimal damage to it.

Unnatural shades that need to be neutralized

Now let's go back a little. So, naturally dark hair has been lightened using a special powder. After such a procedure, any hair acquires an unnatural yellow tint. The end result can be compared to the color of the feathers of a little duckling, which is extremely undesirable for many young ladies. The reason for this may be poor-quality products, hard water, or the natural reaction of dark hair wanting to regain its former pigmentation. However, in such cases, women are least likely to worry about the question of why this happened. They rather want to get rid of it and ask stylists: “How?” The easiest way to remove yellowness from hair is with a tinted shampoo. In most beauty salons, all clients who have just bleached their hair are washed with this product. At home, its use is undesirable, since an overdose or uneven distribution of the product over the head can give an undesirable result - the hair will turn blue.

Tint products at home

If you did lighten your hair at home, and you also have to remove your poisonous yellow tint in your own bathroom, then you can stock up on the following products in advance. Buy a gray tonic plus a small package of the same cosmetic product, only in a purple tone. Add a few drops from the second to the first, then apply the mixture evenly to washed hair. Be sure to monitor what reaction occurs. Lilac tones can greatly darken your hair if overexposed, and too much gray will give you the feeling of a constantly dirty head. But keep in mind that this method of how to get rid of yellow hair has a short-term result. The tonic is quickly washed off, and you need to either repeat the operation or resort to more serious methods of dealing with this problem.

“A drop wears away a stone” - we take into account folk wisdom

Unlike tinting agents, which sometimes give a completely unexpected effect, light tinted shampoos have a completely different effect on the color of the hair. Regular use of such cosmetics can give excellent results that will last for a very long time. Therefore, often when women ask stylists about how to remove yellowness from their hair, they recommend that they purchase L'Oreal shampoo, designed specifically for blondes. A very popular cosmetic line called “Silver Reflex”, the effect of which is noticeable immediately after the first use. To make the effect much more noticeable, purchase a shampoo and conditioner (or mask) that will remove yellowness from bleached hair quickly and without unnecessary fuss. Regular use of these products will help give your hair an ashy tint in a short time, without side effects.

Safe home methods

There are also many folk recipes on how to get rid of yellow hair. You can use them at home, and most importantly, such cosmetic methods will not force you to spend extra money. Product number one is honey. It must be preheated in a water bath, and then thoroughly soak each strand of hair with it. Now we wrap our hair in cellophane, wrap it in a warm scarf and keep it like that for three hours. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo.

Product number two is rhubarb. Pour one tablespoon of the crushed root of this product into 500 ml of warm white wine or boiling water. This mixture must be cooked until half of it has evaporated. Now cool and apply to hair. After several similar procedures, the yellowness of the hair will begin to fade, and it will acquire a natural silver tint.

Decoctions and masks that remove the yellow tint

In the arsenal of folk remedies there are still many ways to lighten hair and remove the yellow tint from it. Chamomile copes well with this problem, which can be bought at any pharmacy. A decoction of these flowers can be used instead of a rinse, and after a series of similar operations, the hair will not only become more natural in terms of color, but its structure will also improve, which is also extremely important after disastrous bleaching.

Lightening hair with lemon is also very effective. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice into one fruit (if your hair is not too long, and if there is a lot of it, take two fruits) and soak each strand in it. After this, wait until the hair is completely dry and wash your hair. In this case, your hair will become two or three shades lighter and the unnatural yellowness will be removed.


If you decide to transform into a platinum blonde, then you need to weigh all the pros and cons of this procedure in advance. First, you need to choose a master who understands his business. He must also choose a product that will cause minimal damage to your curls and at the same time lighten them qualitatively by the required number of tones. With the right dye and precise exposure time, it is quite possible to lighten hair without yellowness, unless it is present in very small quantities. And even if several strands have a yellowish tint, the hairdresser, without letting you go, will neutralize this defect with additional means, and you will get the desired result.

Many women with natural dark brown, red and black hair want to go blonde and have blonde locks, like in hair dye commercials. They purchase an advertised product and rush to bleach their hair in the hope of an effective result.

When in the mirror after dyeing they see a blonde with yellowish, unnatural-colored strands, their mood immediately deteriorates from the disappointment they experience. No one will like ugly and vulgar yellow hair, which, like a yellow traffic light, catches the eye.

We will help you figure out how to get out of this situation and make your dream come true - to become a real blonde.

Why does yellow hair appear?

1. The hair is dyed with low-quality dye.
2. The stages or dyeing technology were not followed.
3. Colored hair was not rinsed correctly.
4. The predominance of natural pigment when bleaching black hair.

If you buy cheap paint with an unknown expiration date, you will not get the desired result, since such paint will probably be of poor quality.

If you wash off the dye too early or leave it on your hair too long, then it will turn yellow.
If, when applying the dye, you decide to get distracted and sit waiting for your hair to lighten under the direct rays of the sun, then ultraviolet light, and then running water with iron salts and rust will add even more yellowness to your curls.

When dyeing black or brown hair, the natural pigment can prevent bleaching, so you will have to repeat the procedure several times, and this negatively affects the health of the hair itself.


  • the paint should be branded and fresh;
  • since the quality of paint is affected by cold and heat,
    You should not buy paint in containers at markets, since the storage conditions in them are not met;
  • It is necessary to keep the dye on the hair in accordance with the instructions;
    wash your hair and rinse off the dye only with purified water;
  • When bleaching dark hair, orange, yellow and then light shades appear first. If yellowness is still present, to wash it off you will need a silver shampoo with an anti-yellow effect - blue-violet pigments that neutralize yellowness.

Tinted shampoos

Tinted shampoo should also not be left on the hair for too long, so as not to turn into Malvina. You should use silver shampoo every second wash, since it only stains the hair superficially and is quickly washed off.

It is better to use well-known tint colors:

  • pearl (shampoo-balm “Irida”);
  • pearl-ash (ESTEL shampoo);
  • Viking (shampoo-balm “L’oreal Preference”).

Popular hair detergents that eliminate yellowness:

  • Bonacure Color Save Silver Shampoo, produced by Schwarzkopf Professional (Germany);
  • EHKO Silver Shampoo Silver shampoo (with anti-yellow effect). They add shine to hair, make it soft and manageable. The effect of shampoos lasts for 5 days, even on gray hair;
  • natural platinum shimmer in Platinum Blonde tinted shampoo (Paul Mitchell);
  • to cleanse your hair of sebum, chlorine, styling residues and salts, you need to use Deep Cleansing Shampoo;
  • To nourish, moisturize, protect and restore damaged hair, and eliminate yellowness, you need to use masks from the Absolut Repair Cellular (L’Oreal), Blondes & Highlights (Goldwell) brands.


  1. Ash-colored toning shampoo is good for use on significantly lightened hair.
  2. You should add a little tinted shampoo (1 part) and regular shampoo (3 parts) to a small container of water, foam and moisturize your hair after drying it with a towel. You don’t have to mix it with water, but simply quickly apply the shampoo mixture to your hair with gloved hands. Comb the hair strands along the entire length;
  3. After 5 minutes, rinse the tonic with running water, then rinse with rhubarb or lemon juice (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water).
  4. Products for obtaining tint are harmless because they do not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. They can withstand 6-8 hair washes.

Pigment and oxidizing agent for hair bleaching

If the dye has dense pigment and a low percentage of oxidizing agent, then the likelihood of getting a yellow tint on the hair will be lower, and the durability of the dye will be higher. For example, Angel coloring agent, compared to Wella paint, has a denser pigment, lasts longer, and a 3% oxidizing agent does not produce yellowness.


  • avoid paints with high percentage oxidizing agents;
  • To color gray hair, it is worth slightly increasing the percentage of oxidizing agent (up to 4.5%). To do this, mix equal proportions of oxidizing agents - 3% and 6% (30 ml of each to get 4.5%). If you use only a 6% oxidizing agent, then when the dye is washed off, the hair will be yellow;
  • rinse your hair after washing with water with the addition of lemon juice (1 tbsp per 1 liter of purified water).

Important: you should not lighten your hair 2-15 days after perm, henna or basma dyeing, lamination and screening procedures, if you have dry, brittle hair, as well as during menstruation with hormonal changes.

Which paint to choose

If your natural hair is warm in color, it means that its pigment is predominantly yellow. When lightened, it will definitely appear. In these cases, cool platinum blonde, pinkish and ashen shades are needed to cover up the yellowness.

Taking into account the characteristics and needs of modern Barbies, manufacturers have released paints with a unique composition for blondes.

For example:

  • a line of various clarifiers is represented by the Syoss brand;
  • the Color Naturals line of paints is presented by Garnier;
  • Brilliance and Natural&Easy series products are produced by Schwarzkopf.

Not every woman and girl can afford to visit professional salons.

The cosmetics market can provide professional lightening hair dye to the fair sex for coloring at home.

The action of the product is aimed at protecting hair from the negative influence of the external environment. After a gentle effect on the structure, the hair becomes soft, manageable and shiny. Let's look at the rating of five brands, which we compiled based on customer reviews.

The majority of women gave first place to the long-lasting Garnier Nutrisse Creme color cream with a wonderful smell. It contains hair nourishing substances with fruit oils.

They make hair shiny and healthy. Thanks to the unique composition, hair is protected from drying out. The kit comes with avocado oil, which will make your hair soft and silky along its entire length.

Nutrisse Creme paint has a creamy texture, making it easy to apply. Among the 14 shades of the Palette, blondes and women with gray hair will find their shade.

Second place was given to the popular L’Oreal Preference dye. It provides durability after coloring - 2 months due to the size of the molecules of coloring substances and their ability to remain in the hair structure for a long time.

The set is equipped with a special balm, it fixes and protects the color and makes the hair silky. The L'Oreal Preference palette has 32 shades, several of which are for blondes and women with gray hair.

Third place was deservedly awarded to Garnier Color Naturals hair dye. The main difference between the paint is its unique formula, enriched with shea butter, avocado and olive oils.

Natural ingredients retain natural softness and shine and soften hair, preventing it from drying out. The palette includes a variety of long-lasting (30) shades. They do not fade within 2 months.

Fourth place was given to Casting Creme Gloss from the famous brand L’Oreal Paris. The dye does not contain ammonia and has a pleasant smell; it lasts 6-8 weeks.

The care complex deeply protects the hair and strengthens it during coloring due to royal jelly. The palette contains 28 shades. The paint has a thick consistency and is easy to remove from the skin.

Fifth place was awarded to creamy paint Estel professional DeLuxe, durable after tinting or dyeing. Thanks to the innovative formula and chromoenergy complex, after coloring the hair structure tends to even out. A rich color appears. Hair becomes shiny, soft and silky. You can paint over gray hair.

Paints without yellowness are in demand - “Platinum Blonde” Garnier Color Naturals 111 and 112, as well as the ash-platinum Rowan mask for blondes TON oil mask 112.

Advice: Before lightening your hair, you need to apply a little mixture of grape seed oils, jojoba (25 ml each) and essential oils - cedar, eucalyptus, orange, clary sage, thyme (4 drops each) onto the strands. Then rinse with warm water. The hair should be left with a slight oil coating. Then you can apply the dye. After lightening, use Estel Solo 1.5 Silver-ash tonic.

An article for those who are interested in a perfectly radiant blonde. Our task is to use proven and affordable methods to obtain snow-white hair that attracts the eye and fascinates with its cold shine. So, we offer instructions for blondes on how to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing.

Traditional methods for removing yellow hair


First you need to figure out why the unattractive yellowish tint formed. Perhaps the paint was chosen incorrectly or used incorrectly. To correct the situation, the right remedy will help. Its action should be aimed not only at bleaching, but also at coloring it in a certain shade. Paints from well-known brands do an excellent job of this task. The optimal choice would be a product whose color is in the platinum or ash range. A striking example of such paint is “Recital Preference”. Her color number 9.1 is called “Viking”. Manufacturer: L`Oreal. In each case, a different shade is suitable, so it is better to entrust the choice of hair dyeing product to a good hairdresser, who will select the dye in accordance with the original and desired color, and also take into account the condition of the hair.


If you do not want to use paint, you can adjust the color using shampoos or balms with a tinting effect. It is known that in many cases there is no trace left of the hated yellowness. True, it is extremely important to use the chosen tool correctly. If you overdo it with its concentration or leave the composition on your hair for too long, the color may not turn out to be snow-white-ash, but bright purple or any other. Please strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of toning shampoos and conditioners. Fortunately, the modern market for high-quality cosmetics offers a range of specially developed products. We will list the most popular types of shampoos and conditioners.

  • Tinted shampoo from the manufacturer "Schwarzkopf" called "Bonacure". Color Freeze Silver Shampoo gives bleached hair a beautiful silver tint.
  • Shampoo “Bonacure” from the “Color Save” series, brand “Schwarzkopf”. It is recommended to use shampoo together with conditioner from the same series. This treatment protects colored hair from fading, carefully cleansing and moisturizing it; the color does not wash out for a long time.
  • Balm “Irida” with a pearl shade.
  • John Frieda Sheer Blonde Go Blonder conditioner.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer “L"Oreal” marked “Professionnel”, name “Serie Expert Silver”.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer “L"Oreal” marked “Professionnel”, name “Expert Shine blonde”.
  • A product from the manufacturer “Shot” called “Love Hair”, labeled “reset shampoo antigiallo”.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", color - pearl-ash.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer “Estel”, Professional series, name “Curex Color intense”. The result is silver.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer “Estel”, designed for cool shades of blonde. The name of the drug is “Otium Pearl”.
  • The good old remedy “Tonic”, the name of the shade is pearl-ash. It is also worth considering other colors from the purple range.
  • A mask from the manufacturer “Lush” marked “Blondie Marilyn”. The effect is the elimination of yellowness and obtaining a pure blonde.
How to remove yellowness after coloring and lightening: treat your hair with a good tinted shampoo and fix the result with a homemade mask

Traditional methods for removing yellow hair

Fans of traditional medicine also know how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching; they offer alternative remedies. The good thing about the methods listed below is that they are completely safe and require minimal costs. But there is a peculiarity in the form of low efficiency and lack of versatility. That is, there is no guarantee of an excellent result from home treatments, and in each case the resulting color may differ. But don’t be afraid to use home methods - in the worst case, the hair simply won’t change color, but it certainly won’t be damaged. In addition, masks made from natural ingredients perfectly restore and strengthen the hair structure, making it more elastic and healthy. So, let’s highlight the most popular products to eliminate the yellow tint of blonde hair.

Lightening hair with honey

For this mask you will need:

  • a small amount of natural honey,
  • container for heating honey using a water bath method,
  • insulating cap made of polyethylene.

An overnight mask made from natural honey heated in a water bath gives a slight lightening effect and is good for hair. You don't need to do anything supernatural - just soak all your hair with warm honey, put on a plastic hat and go for a night's rest. Wash your hair in the morning.

Eliminating yellowness with tea

We need:

  • good green tea without foreign impurities,
  • liter container with clean water.

Regularly rinse your hair with a liter of purified or boiled water, to which a medium cup of brewed green tea without additives has been added. After drinking tea, do not rinse your hair with water.

Onion mask

To prepare the onion mask you will need:

  • several onions,
  • polyethylene hat and towel,
  • container for cooking onions with water.

Boil several peeled and chopped onions at a boil for 10 minutes. Keep the cooled broth on your hair, provided your head is insulated, then rinse. Exposure time is at least an hour, maximum one night. It is unknown whether your hair will smell like onion after using this mask, but some reviews claim that there is no smell.

We looked at traditional and folk methods of giving hair a beautiful whiteness and silver tint. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching, so we should be more active in sharing our recipes with fellow blondes.

If you often dye or lighten your locks, then you are probably familiar with the problem of their color changing over time. Very light ones begin to turn yellow, and in dark ones a reddish tint appears. How to get rid of the yellow tint in your hair and prevent its appearance will be discussed in this article.

Where does yellowness come from?

This scourge affects neither blondes nor brown-haired women, not to mention brunettes who decide to radically change their appearance with the help of bleaching. Where does it come from?

Natural causes

If we talk about natural, undyed hair, its shade may change due to elementary exposure to sunlight. Therefore, in the summer heat, it is recommended to wear a Panama hat or other headdress. Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous not only because it “fades” the color, but also because it destroys the structure of the hair and dehydrates it.

In people with blond hair, yellowness becomes noticeable also with certain liver diseases, taking certain medications, frequent consumption of foods containing a lot of keratin, etc.

If you are wondering why gray hair turns yellow, in which there is almost no natural pigment left, then the reason may also lie in internal problems in the body, but not only. With age, dry, thinned, their structure is disrupted, so various dyes from the outside easily penetrate into them.

This can be iron contained in water for washing hair, nicotine, various contaminants from the air, as well as pigments from care products - shampoos, masks, balms.

Consequences of coloring

Now let's talk about why dyed hair turns yellow. Moreover, they are dyed not only blond, but also, for example, ash or light brown. It's all about the oxidizing agent contained in any paint. It destroys part of the natural pigment, giving a lightening background on which the paint should be placed, the pigments of which “occupy the vacant spaces.”

When the paint begins to wash out, the background lightening begins to appear more and more clearly. Whether it will have a yellowish tint depends on the original hair color and the concentration of the oxidizing agent. To find out if you will have yellow hair after bleaching, keep the following charts for yourself.

The influence of oxidizing agent concentration on the level of clarification

Note. Thin hair lightens more than medium or thick hair. Hence the variability in color changes in the table.

The following table gives an idea of ​​the accepted numbering of the original (natural) hair color and the level of background lightening.

Hair color Background level
1 Black Black
2 Rich dark brown Brown
3 Dark brown Brown-red
4 Brown Red-brown
5 Light brown Red
6 Dark blond Red-orange
7 Light brown Orange
8 Light brown Yellow
9 Light Light yellow
10 Very light Golden

Now a little instructions on how to use these tables.

  • Find the hair color that best matches your natural hair color in the second table;

  • Look at what oxidizing agent is in the paint you are using (if you are not painting, but bleaching, then just the percentage of oxidizing agent);
  • Return to the first table and calculate what the background lightening will be.

Example. If you have dark brown hair (No. 6), and you use a 9% oxidizer, which lightens it by 2-3 tones, then, depending on the thickness of the hair, the background will turn out yellow (6 + 2 = 8) or light yellow (6 + 3 = 9).

It will gradually appear as the dye is washed off.

This happens because the oxidizing agent opens the hair scales and partially dissolves the natural pigment, resulting in a lightening background. But the scales no longer return to their place. Remaining open, they do not retain the coloring pigment in the hair; it is washed out quite quickly, but the background remains.

And the higher the percentage of oxidizer, the more porous the hair becomes, and the less the dye holds in it.

Advice. The durability of paint largely depends on the density of the pigment. Therefore, do not buy cheap dyes; it is better to opt for professional formulations. Their price is much higher, but there will be fewer problems.

It also happens that after bleaching already fairly light hair with a concentrated oxidizing agent, it acquires a beautiful cool shade, but soon begins to turn yellow. This is explained by the same reasons as the yellowing of gray hair: open damaged scales freely allow dirt, dust, rust from tap water, pigments from cosmetics, etc. to pass through.

Repeated bleaching or dyeing with a strong oxidizing agent will only worsen the problem, since already damaged hair will suffer even more, and it will be very difficult or impossible to restore it - just grow it and cut it.

What to do

The answer to this question depends on the reason for the appearance of yellowness. If it is internal, definitely undergo intensive treatment, forgetting for a while about dissatisfaction with hair color. Health is more important.

For all other cases, there are ready-made solutions on how to get rid of yellow hair.

Proper coloring/bleaching

As you already understand, an undesirable shade appears if the main paint is quickly washed off and the yellow background of the lightening begins to appear. To prevent this from happening, you need to use high-quality paint with caring components. But the most important thing is not to try to achieve the desired color too quickly, using a strong oxidizing agent that literally destroys the hair.

The shortest path is not always the most correct. In our case, it is better to act in stages.

Let's give an example of how to get white hair color without yellowness, having a natural shade of light brown (No. 7) or dark brown (No. 6).

  • We use bleaching powder and 3% oxidizing agent;
  • To color No. 10 (very light), we will have to overcome 3-4 levels, which corresponds to an oxidizing agent of 9 or 12%;
  • As we already know, a drug of such a high concentration irreversibly destroys the hair structure, so we choose a more gentle three percent product;
  • Dilute the powder with an oxidizing agent in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer and apply the composition to dry, preferably unwashed hair;

  • Leave for 40-50 minutes, then rinse with shampoo;
  • If you are in a hurry, dry your hair and repeat the procedure the required number of times until you get the desired background. But it's better to wait at least a couple of weeks;
  • This step-by-step bleaching allows you to preserve the hair structure as much as possible through the use of softer products, but at the same time obtain a result similar to a single use of a strong oxidizing agent.

When the hair acquires the desired color, it must be immediately tinted - saturated with pigment. This must be done even if you already like the result of bleaching. If this is not done, it will disappear in a couple of weeks and you will again have to think about how to remove the yellow pigment from your hair.

And they will turn yellow, as they will immediately begin to absorb coloring particles from the environment, water and cosmetics. To prevent this from happening, the void created by the absence of some natural pigments must be filled with artificial ones.

During staining, this replacement occurs immediately. And when bleaching, you should use a tinting dye with the weakest oxidizing agent (1.5-1.9%), but you need to take it twice as much in volume as the amount of paint.

Both products are thoroughly mixed and applied to damp hair for 10-20 minutes (see manufacturer's recommendations for exposure time).

It is important! Before tinting, you should not use 2-in-1 products containing balm or just balm to wash your hair. It covers the scales, and the dye does not penetrate well into the hair, remaining only on its surface.

But after coloring, a restoring balm is just necessary - it seals the pigments, preventing them from quickly being washed out of the hair and making room for foreign impurities.

This is how you can change its color with your own hands without much harm to your hair and prevent yellow shades from appearing.

Proper care

It’s not enough to know how to lighten your hair without yellowing; you also need to be able to maintain its color for a long time. And for this, first of all, you should take care of their healthy condition. You should not dye or bleach your hair if your hair is damaged by perming or other procedures using aggressive agents - give it a rest and undergo treatment.

After staining, try to follow the following recommendations:

  • Don't wash your hair too often, as each wash removes some of the color.

Note. All kinds of styling products quickly make your hair look dirty and greasy; it is better not to use them.

  • Use purified water to wash your hair. Or soften it yourself by boiling or freezing.

  • Acidify the water or use mineral water for this purpose.
  • Carefully select masks for bleached hair: they should not contain coloring components that give the curls a yellowish tint.
  • Periodically tint your hair while washing with tinted shampoo, adding one part to three parts of your usual shampoo.
  • A special anti-yellow toner also gives good results.. It is added to the rinse water, but not every time, but after every second or third wash.

Advice. If you have very light hair, choose a tonic with a purple tint; if you have darker hair and want to get rid of red, choose a toner with a blue tint.

  • When deciding how to cover up the yellowness in gray hair, choose the lightest shades, and also be sure to use tonics with purple dye.

  • In summer, if you spend a long time in the sun, wear a hat and use protective equipment with UV filters.


We have generally answered the question of how to achieve white hair color without yellowness. But this is simple only in theory; in practice, not all even fairly experienced hairdressers manage to achieve this effect, especially if the natural color is dark and the hair is thick and coarse.

You can additionally watch the instructional video in this article to get more information for bleaching yourself. But it’s better to go to a salon with a good, competent specialist who will take into account all the nuances and do everything possible to ensure that you are satisfied with your new look.


Posted 03/26/2017

Hello, I dyed my hair a couple of days ago at the salon, I wanted to lighten my own tone (brown) a little, but in the end after dyeing it turned out to be a light red shade. Now I want to paint it close to its original color, I would like to ask if the paint will give a green tint?


Tamara (website)

Posted 03/26/2017

Hello, Elena. Try tinting your hair with a “pearl blonde” color - you will maintain a lighter hair color, and the color nuance of the dye will help cope with the red notes in the color. Or, choose light brown-golden, avoid ashy and natural shades.



Posted 04/10/2017

Hello!!! Yesterday I dyed my roots, but the color remains yellow! Tonics do not stick to the roots, please tell me which shade (dye number) is better to tone again? Its color is light brown


Tamara (website)

Posted 04/15/2017

Hello Svetlana. You need a blonde of your violet level (as a rule, there is a number 6 after the dot) or with a matte/pearl/pearl nuance (use the name of the color). Tint with 1.5% - 3% oxidizer in the proportion: 1 part paint 2 parts oxidizer.



Posted 05/14/2017

Hello. Two months ago I bleached my hair, now it is yellowish. I want to ask, is it possible to paint them dark brown?


Tamara (website)

Posted 05/14/2017 Author


Posted 05/17/2017

Hello. I bleached my hair, the color is red, the dye doesn’t work, what should I do? Maybe I'm not applying it correctly?


Tamara (website)

Posted 05/18/2017

Hello! This can happen if the dye is lighter than your current hair color. Write what your natural hair color is, what you dyed it with before you did the pickling, what color you want to get, and attach a photo of your current hair color in daylight.



Posted 05/18/2017

Highlighted with supra powder. I want ashen. Supra mixed with oxidizing agent 40, in Italy the color is red on top, the paint does not take, painted over with violet tonic


Tamara (website)

Posted 05/18/2017

Your hair is darker than needed for this color, that’s why it won’t work. Ash can be obtained from level 10, and you now have about 6 or 7. I described in detail how to raise the background lightening in a comment, here: Choose professional products - they have similar labeling and identical product names, Italian ones are no exception.
After your hair has acquired the required level of tone (their color will be quite light with a yellowish tint), you can tint it ashy. It is better to do this using dye (the technology is described in detail in the same commentary). Tonics and tinted shampoos are best used as additional care to support color (it washes out quickly).



Posted 05/18/2017

hello, I had a dark brown hair color + had my hair done, but I wanted such a light shade for all my hair, so I dyed it blonde. I’m not a blogger, my hair still has a yellowish tint, only some strands have become lighter due to the highlighting, but now the roots are coming off, and I don’t know how to dye my hair and what color I’ll get if I dye it either my natural blond or light blond


Tamara (website)

Posted 05/28/2017

Hello Karina. To neutralize yellowness on light colored hair, tinting is most often performed: a shade of paint (or a cocktail of several shades) is selected and an oxidizing agent of 1.5-3% is added or using a special tinting shampoo. You can use a special anti-yellow dye (for example, Anti-Yellow effect/Estelle).
If you darken your hair color by more than 2 levels, you can simply dye it with the desired color. But dyeing in a darker tone has its own characteristics that are better to take into account so that instead of the hated yellow you don’t end up with a green tint on your hair. In this case, you need to carry out preliminary pigmentation of the hair. The technology is described in this commentary. In addition, there are special professional preparations for dyeing light hair in dark shades without prepigmentation (for example, ESTEL “Color agent” or Igora “Color Equalizer”). Such products are used only on previously dyed hair and after that you can dye it as usual.
When dyeing a light brown tone, the procedure is more complicated: the color from the roots must be raised to a light brown tone, prepigmentation must be performed along the length of the hair, and only after that it will be possible to tint all the hair to the desired shade.



Posted 05/31/2017

Hello. Please advise how to remove yellowness. The color of my roots is light brown. Can I paint over it with tonic? Ash or platinum?


Tamara (website)

Posted 06/02/2017

Hello. Ash toner can give a green tint. It is better to tint your hair with a professional dye. Choose a pearl or mother-of-pearl shade. According to the name, it will be “pearl blonde” or “pearl blonde”. It’s good if the shade contains an ashen or purple nuance, and in numbers it can be 9.2, 9.21 or 9.26. The dye is mixed with an oxidant of 3% or an activator of 1.5% (depending on the choice of the dye manufacturer and the condition of your hair). You can maintain a cool hair tone using a tinting shampoo.



Posted 06/11/2017

Hello, I bleached my hair and after that I didn’t apply any dye or tonic, it was already yellowish after bleaching, but now it has become even more yellow. What to do now? Will it be discolored again with a 3% oxidizing agent, and then tint it or just tint it now? Or buy a cool-toned paint and apply it? Although it’s still better not to paint, it will probably give a green tint... In general, I’m asking for advice on what’s the best thing to do?



Posted 06/13/2017

Good afternoon. I dyed my hair blonde with schwarzkopf color expert 10.21 pearl blonde. After dyeing, I washed my hair with estel prima blonde silver shampoo for cool shades of blonde, the color did not change, it remained yellow.



Posted 10/14/2017

Tell me what to do, I had balayage, I bought a new blond dye, dyed it and this is what I got

If you often dye or lighten your locks, then you are probably familiar with the problem of their color changing over time. Very light ones begin to turn yellow, and in dark ones a reddish tint appears. How to get rid of the yellow tint in your hair and prevent its appearance will be discussed in this article.

Where does yellowness come from?

This scourge affects neither blondes nor brown-haired women, not to mention brunettes who decide to radically change their appearance with the help of bleaching. Where does it come from?

Natural causes

If we talk about natural, undyed hair, its shade may change due to elementary exposure to sunlight. Therefore, in the summer heat, it is recommended to wear a Panama hat or other headdress. Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous not only because it “fades” the color, but also because it destroys the structure of the hair and dehydrates it.

In people with blond hair, yellowness becomes noticeable also with certain liver diseases, taking certain medications, frequent consumption of foods containing a lot of keratin, etc.

If you are wondering why gray hair turns yellow, in which there is almost no natural pigment left, then the reason may also lie in internal problems in the body, but not only. With age, hair becomes brittle, dry, thinning, its structure is disrupted, so various dyes from the outside easily penetrate into it.

This can be iron contained in water for washing hair, nicotine, various contaminants from the air, as well as pigments from care products - shampoos, masks, balms.

Consequences of coloring

Now let's talk about why dyed hair turns yellow. Moreover, they are dyed not only blond, but also, for example, ash or light brown. It's all about the oxidizing agent contained in any paint. It destroys part of the natural pigment, giving a lightening background on which the paint should be placed, the pigments of which “occupy the vacant spaces.”

When the paint begins to wash out, the background lightening begins to appear more and more clearly. Whether it will have a yellowish tint depends on the original hair color and the concentration of the oxidizing agent. To find out if you will have yellow hair after bleaching, keep the following charts for yourself.

The influence of oxidizing agent concentration on the level of clarification

Note. Thin hair lightens more than medium or thick hair. Hence the variability in color changes in the table.

The following table gives an idea of ​​the accepted numbering of the original (natural) hair color and the level of background lightening.

Hair color Background level
1 Black Black
2 Rich dark brown Brown
3 Dark brown Brown-red
4 Brown Red-brown
5 Light brown Red
6 Dark blond Red-orange
7 Light brown Orange
8 Light brown Yellow
9 Light Light yellow
10 Very light Golden

Now a little instructions on how to use these tables.

  • Find the hair color that best matches your natural hair color in the second table;

  • Look at what oxidizing agent is in the paint you are using (if you are not painting, but bleaching, then just the percentage of oxidizing agent);
  • Return to the first table and calculate what the background lightening will be.

Example. If you have dark brown hair (No. 6), and you use a 9% oxidizer, which lightens it by 2-3 tones, then, depending on the thickness of the hair, the background will turn out yellow (6 + 2 = 8) or light yellow (6 + 3 = 9).

It will gradually appear as the dye is washed off.

This happens because the oxidizing agent opens the hair scales and partially dissolves the natural pigment, resulting in a lightening background. But the scales no longer return to their place. Remaining open, they do not retain the coloring pigment in the hair; it is washed out quite quickly, but the background remains.

And the higher the percentage of oxidizer, the more porous the hair becomes, and the less the dye holds in it.

Advice. The durability of paint largely depends on the density of the pigment. Therefore, do not buy cheap dyes; it is better to opt for professional formulations. Their price is much higher, but there will be fewer problems.

It also happens that after bleaching already fairly light hair with a concentrated oxidizing agent, it acquires a beautiful cool shade, but soon begins to turn yellow. This is explained by the same reasons as the yellowing of gray hair: open damaged scales freely allow dirt, dust, rust from tap water, pigments from cosmetics, etc. to pass through.

Repeated bleaching or dyeing with a strong oxidizing agent will only worsen the problem, since already damaged hair will suffer even more, and it will be very difficult or impossible to restore it - just grow it and cut it.

What to do

The answer to this question depends on the reason for the appearance of yellowness. If it is internal, definitely undergo intensive treatment, forgetting for a while about dissatisfaction with hair color. Health is more important.

For all other cases, there are ready-made solutions on how to get rid of yellow hair.

Proper coloring/bleaching

As you already understand, an undesirable shade appears if the main paint is quickly washed off and the yellow background of the lightening begins to appear. To prevent this from happening, you need to use high-quality paint with caring components. But the most important thing is not to try to achieve the desired color too quickly, using a strong oxidizing agent that literally destroys the hair.

The shortest path is not always the most correct. In our case, it is better to act in stages.

Let's give an example of how to get white hair color without yellowness, having a natural shade of light brown (No. 7) or dark brown (No. 6).

  • We use bleaching powder and 3% oxidizing agent;
  • To color No. 10 (very light), we will have to overcome 3-4 levels, which corresponds to an oxidizing agent of 9 or 12%;
  • As we already know, a drug of such a high concentration irreversibly destroys the hair structure, so we choose a more gentle three percent product;
  • Dilute the powder with an oxidizing agent in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer and apply the composition to dry, preferably unwashed hair;

  • Leave for 40-50 minutes, then rinse with shampoo;
  • If you are in a hurry, dry your hair and repeat the procedure the required number of times until you get the desired background. But it's better to wait at least a couple of weeks;
  • This step-by-step bleaching allows you to preserve the hair structure as much as possible through the use of softer products, but at the same time obtain a result similar to a single use of a strong oxidizing agent.

When the hair acquires the desired color, it must be immediately tinted - saturated with pigment. This must be done even if you already like the result of bleaching. If this is not done, it will disappear in a couple of weeks and you will again have to think about how to remove the yellow pigment from your hair.

And they will turn yellow, as they will immediately begin to absorb coloring particles from the environment, water and cosmetics. To prevent this from happening, the void created by the absence of some natural pigments must be filled with artificial ones.

During staining, this replacement occurs immediately. And when bleaching, you should use a tinting dye with the weakest oxidizing agent (1.5-1.9%), but you need to take it twice as much in volume as the amount of paint.

Both products are thoroughly mixed and applied to damp hair for 10-20 minutes (see manufacturer's recommendations for exposure time).

It is important! Before tinting, you should not use 2-in-1 products containing balm or just balm to wash your hair. It covers the scales, and the dye does not penetrate well into the hair, remaining only on its surface.

But after coloring, a restoring balm is just necessary - it seals the pigments, preventing them from quickly being washed out of the hair and making room for foreign impurities.

This is how you can change its color with your own hands without much harm to your hair and prevent yellow shades from appearing.

Proper care

It’s not enough to know how to lighten your hair without yellowing; you also need to be able to maintain its color for a long time. And for this, first of all, you should take care of their healthy condition. You should not dye or bleach your hair if your hair is damaged by perming or other procedures using aggressive agents - give it a rest and undergo treatment.

After staining, try to follow the following recommendations:

  • Don't wash your hair too often, as each wash removes some of the color.

Note. All kinds of styling products quickly make your hair look dirty and greasy; it is better not to use them.

  • Use purified water to wash your hair. Or soften it yourself by boiling or freezing.
  • Acidify the water for rinsing your hair or use mineral water for this purpose.
  • Carefully select masks for bleached hair: they should not contain coloring components that give the curls a yellowish tint.
  • Periodically tint your hair while washing with tinted shampoo, adding one part to three parts of your usual shampoo.
  • A special anti-yellow toner also gives good results.. It is added to the rinse water, but not every time, but after every second or third wash.

Advice. If you have very light hair, choose a tonic with a purple tint; if you have darker hair and want to get rid of red, choose a toner with a blue tint.

  • When deciding how to cover up the yellowness in gray hair, choose the lightest shades, and also be sure to use tonics with purple dye.

  • In summer, if you spend a long time in the sun, wear a hat and use protective equipment with UV filters.


We have generally answered the question of how to achieve white hair color without yellowness. But this is simple only in theory; in practice, not all even fairly experienced hairdressers manage to achieve this effect, especially if the natural color is dark and the hair is thick and coarse.

You can additionally watch the instructional video in this article to get more information for bleaching yourself. But it’s better to go to a salon with a good, competent specialist who will take into account all the nuances and do everything possible to ensure that you are satisfied with your new look.

Becoming blonde and lightening your hair is the dream of many girls, but often lightening experiments end in the appearance of an unpleasant yellowish tint on the hair, which upsets owners of blonde hairstyles. You can get rid of yellowness in two ways - prevent it by thinking through the scheme and method of dyeing your hair in advance, or eliminate it on already dyed hair using modern means.


  1. To prevent yellowing of your hair, determine how healthy your hair is before dyeing it. hair, and how evenly they will be painted. Proceed with hair lightening only if the scalp is completely healthy and you have additionally completed a course of strengthening and restoring your hair. Never lighten hair, weakened by perm and similar procedures.
  2. Lighten up hair That's right - apply dye to the back of your hair first, and then lighten the middle part. At the very end, apply the coloring composition to the bangs and temples. Color all strands to achieve uniform lightening.
  3. When re-dying, to get rid of yellowness, first dye the roots and then the ends of the hair.
  4. Select special paints for lightening that will not only lighten hair, but will also give them additional beautiful shade, which you can choose from the palette. This way, you can become a platinum blonde and get rid of unwanted yellowness.
  5. If hair, despite everything, we bought yellow shade, use a tinted shampoo in the shade of blonde you want, mixing it with regular shampoo in a 1:3 ratio. Leave the mixture on your hair for a few minutes and then rinse off. Ash and silver shades will neutralize the yellow color.
  6. Use this product every three to four washes, and soon the yellowness will disappear. The warmer the natural shade your hair, the colder it should be shade selected paint - silver, platinum, bluish. These shades will prevent yellow strands from appearing.
  7. In addition to tinted shampoo, professional tinting balms and silver shampoos with purple pigment, created to combat yellowness, can help you. A similar composition is found in shampoos for gray hair, and if you use them, keep such shampoos on your hair for only a few minutes so as not to cause an unnatural shade.

Girls, how to paint over yellow tones after bleaching hair, please advise, plzzzz

Lady Flame

When I was a blonde, in order to remove yellowness, I bought TONIC tinted balm (in a green bottle), it costs about 20 UAH. Then, not according to the instructions, I smeared my hair, but diluted a small amount of this balm in water (in a 1.5 liter bottle) and rinsed my hair with it. There was no yellowness. I took shade 8.10 - pearl ash.

Victoria Vasilyeva

if you lightened your hair, it means you planned to dye it a different lighter shade, just take the dye and paint it over. if you want the color closer to blond, then you will need tinting, it is better to do this in a salon or buy a tinted balm-shampoo ashy, pearl

You buy a tinted tonic balm, there are several blue shades, ask 9.1, 9.01, 9.02, 9.10. Now ATTENTION!! ! You take a bowl of warm water, pour a few caps of balm into it, so that the water turns blue or purple. And you rinse your hair very well. Do not rinse off. The yellow color will go away, but a beautiful blonde will remain. Just don’t overdo it with the balm, you may end up with a blue tint, it’s better to use less, but several times. Good luck!!!

Alena Medvedeva

Do not under any circumstances buy Tonic!! ! It DRYS YOUR HAIR VERY MUCH! Then you'll be left with tow.
At least buy Bonacourt purple shampoo. Although it costs 3 times more than this Tonic, it will fulfill its function and put your hair in order.
Advisers, damn it!

How to get rid of yellowness after bleaching your hair?

Girls, tell me a beautiful shade of paint to eliminate unwanted yellowness after bleaching. I want a beautiful, even cool shade, at the ends the hair is basically a good shade (hair up to the waist), but at the roots....(I bleach the blonde with Kutrin powder (professional) by 6% (my hair is light brown, of medium thickness). And here no matter what professional paint you use, the ends are painted, because they are more porous, and the yellowness almost doesn’t go away from the roots (What should I do? I myself completed a hairdressing course a long time ago and I know that yellow color can be removed with purple mixtons, I tried adding it to the dye, but the color at the roots doesn’t change much, and the ends turn gray... (I tried it at the hairdresser, but it didn’t really work either, they’ll burn my hair, or they’ll dye it wrong...) Tell me, maybe someone has found a beautiful shade ? Thank you in advance

Careless Angel

try to tint the roots of the color with a touch from Vella 8/81, 10/81​hairdresser/shade_portfolio/shades_baseline__how_to_mix_and_​apply/rich_naturals/index.php
Apply to the roots and 5 minutes before the end of time, comb through all hair


write in numbers what tone is on the length, roots, ends


Try blonde mi powder (Schwarzkopf) at 6 percent, rinsing hair over hair for 40-45 minutes, or three for an hour, then apply balm ESTEL_ COLOR RENEWAL from yellowness, it is better to tint then, of course, with Vella paints,



Write in numbers what tone is on the lengths, roots, ends?
The roots are base 6-7, length and ends are about 10, the hair is long, up to the waist, the structure is porous of course, but I constantly take care of it either with folk remedies or with professional hair care. masks


Wash with the above balm, if it does not go away and If the condition of the hair allows, you can treat the yellow areas with the above powder with two oxide, treat with keratin milk
What brand of keratin milk is it from?


Sofia. Blonde mi from Schwarzkopf, buy in professional cosmetics stores


This was written to me by someone who worked on Kutrin powder


About the ever-fading ends - do you often apply powder and lightening paint?
50 minutes + 6 is a bit much, it works very quickly, try changing the powder to blonde mi,


Ammonia-free Scandblond powder: bleaches at level 6, but is not intended for complex work, because works for 20-35 minutes, and then significant destruction of keratin begins
The fact of the matter is that cutrin powder has ammonia, and I know that non-ammonia powder burns strongly, which is why I take ammonia powder. and holding it for 50 minutes is normal.


I don’t apply powder to the ends at all, they are already quite light-10... I just bleach the roots

Hair dye / Color Sync matrix - Color Sync without ammonia matrix dye.
Color Sync SPV - pastel pearlescent



how to breed it correctly? Tell me please

I have a similar problem, only the hair at the roots and below, somewhere up to the ears, is snow-white and the ends are yellow. What’s the most interesting thing is that she’s been blonde for 3 years. the first year it was snow-white, and then I didn’t have the right color and took another one, the color turned out darker, well, I liked the color for a year, and now I’ve probably been fighting with yellowness for about a year, I managed to put my cap and bangs in order, but the ends weren’t (and it was discolored again but to no avail. I tried prof. Estelle Sos Scandinavian blonde. My hair finally bleached and the color was interesting - pearlescent. I started treating it with oils and pearl like never before ((what should I do with these ends?



I also suffer with yellow roots. although I studied to be a hairdresser. you say that it needs to be tinted with Vella paint. but how to buy it in a specialized store; they sell it only for salons.


Try the professional product Matrix (hair bluing)! And use Wellaton 12/1 paint.


I went to the specialist, and she almost removed the yellow roots for me. But I had to go to another city and I decided to dye my hair myself. To be honest, I really regret that I didn’t remember the coloring technique. First she bleached me using a low oxide, and then she tinted me with a matrix, it was great, but now at least repaint me brunette.


does Parashok Igora give a yellow tint?

gives another one! I’m sitting here and don’t know what to do now ((


I was treated with colorless henna, now I want to lighten it. Is it possible?


I heard that Vella’s chamomile is super easy... I’ll try highlighting with it!! I'll post later!!


how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching. the roots are white, and everything else is yellow. before that my hair was brown!! please tell me!!!


Anything yellow cannot be removed with dye, just try with a weak oxide powder if the quality of the hair allows it


In the most gentle way possible to remove THIS yellowness + my red color shows up a little, the ends remain gray, light brown, and the roots are YELLOW due to discoloration. And I went to the salon specifically, and such a terrible result! She really can't get away? I would even leave mine blond and dye it back.
In general, initially I wanted to be an ordinary blonde, but here...... ufff...

Tell me how to remove the red tint? I dyed it with a lightener, my roots are white, but there’s a problem with the rest of the length(


I use regular toner (shade amethyst), and not paint.
I don’t burn my hair and the color is beautiful.


Girls, I HAVE SUCH TROUBLE!!! I tried to return my natural color (light brown), I damaged my hair very badly, I washed it with Nouvelle three times, washed it off until it was dark brown (I dyed my hair black for three years), and bleached it three or four times with estel + 9% oxygen powder... and all this in just a couple of days... they tried to reduce the yellowness with silver blonde, pearl blonde... the roots turned out fine, but the ends... you can get rid of this yellowness in some gentle ways, because it definitely won’t be possible to lighten your hair anymore just fall off...



Help please!!! Natural color 8/3 light brown golden amber. For six months I dyed my hair light chestnut (estelle 5/0). I decided to become a blonde. I made 4 washes (Estelle powder + water + shampoo + oxidizer) in 2 months. It turned out reddish-yellow. Then I dyed s-os/100 (natural blonde) on the roots with 6%, length with 9%. Same effect. Next, I decided to bleach with powder (Estelle) with a 12% oxidizing agent. I didn’t apply it to the roots. The hair became a little lighter, but with a red tint. Then I painted 10/0 (light blond) +0/11 (blue mixton) + 9% oxidizing agent (mixton 2 cm per 30g of paint, we do not count on the oxidizing agent for mixton). As a result, the red hair went away, the roots were at level 10/0, and the rest of the hair was at level 9/0 and very yellow. Estelle's tinted purple shampoo doesn't help! How can I even out the color? I want a clean blonde, preferably with an ashy tint. If you use ashes to replace the yellowness, you will get green! What should I do?


for the length of the “square” - one large juicy lemon (or two small ones) and half a glass of kefir. Mix, apply to hair for 1 hour, put on a cellophane.....and the blonde is clean!



The fact is that light brown hair is much more difficult to lighten - it contains a lot of yellow pigment. But I know a way to do it without yellowness. The recipe of a very good master is to lighten hair 2 times with 3% oxide - hold each time for up to 25-30 minutes, then be sure to emulsify well and neutralize with Creutacid (Vella), it is better to use blonde cream with chamomile from Vella from the professional line. As the master explained to me, the whole trick is that with low oxides, the yellow pigment inside the hair does not boil, so it is removed much better.

I was very interested in your advice. And lighten twice in a row, or after some period of time, and if in a row, then it turns out to be 30 minutes, wash off and lighten again for 30 minutes, right?



Horrible.....don't experiment like that! go to the master. find him! There are professionals everywhere! I read it and was simply horrified....what are you doing?! I won’t undertake to treat a person or perform an operation at home, because I’m not a doctor. Why are you minding your own business?! With hope for understanding - hair stylist, winner of international championships and hairdressing competitions


Girls, help me and please advise me, my color is very dark (I don’t even remember myself anymore), I’ve been dyeing my hair for a long time and have dyed it in salons, and at home too, but they can’t remove the yellowness for me, I would like a pearl color or platinum

this is impossible......think before you put on makeup!


I was very interested in your advice. And lighten twice in a row, or after some period of time, and if in a row, then it turns out to be 30 minutes, wash off and lighten again for 30 minutes, right?

no more than 20 minutes...


Help please!!! Natural color 8/3 light brown golden amber. For six months I dyed my hair light chestnut (estelle 5/0). I decided to become a blonde. I made 4 washes (Estelle powder + water + shampoo + oxidizer) in 2 months. It turned out reddish-yellow. Then I dyed s-os/100 (natural blonde) on the roots with 6%, length with 9%. I'm shocked! the same effect. Next, I decided to bleach with powder (Estelle) with a 12% oxidizing agent. I didn’t apply it to the roots. The hair became a little lighter, but with a red tint. Then I painted 10/0 (light blond) +0/11 (blue mixton) + 9% oxidizing agent (mixton 2 cm per 30g of paint, we do not count on the oxidizing agent for mixton). As a result, the red hair went away, the roots were at level 10/0, and the rest of the hair was at level 9/0 and very yellow. Estelle's tinted purple shampoo doesn't help! How can I even out the color? I want a clean blonde, preferably with an ashy tint. If you use ashes to replace the yellowness, you will get green! What should I do?

Horrible.....don't experiment like that! go to the master. find him! There are professionals everywhere! I read it and was simply horrified....what are you doing?! I won’t undertake to treat a person or perform an operation at home, because I’m not a doctor. Why are you minding your own business?! With hope for understanding - hair stylist, winner of international championships and hairdressing competitions


But I have a question for the hairdresser-stylist. I'm not going to do anything at home, but I want to figure out what shade I should choose. My hair is medium brown. I painted it in light blond golden color - a yellowish tint appeared. Next, I repainted it into light brown chocolate + very light brown; the tone became microns darker, but a yellowish tint remained. I need to get: light shades in the area of ​​light brown (light brown just doesn’t suit me anymore), without goldenness and yellowness. What color tone should I choose? They recommend light chestnut, but I'm afraid of yellowness again.

Horrible.....don't experiment like that! go to the master. find him! There are professionals everywhere! I read it and was simply horrified....what are you doing?! Why are you minding your own business?! With hope for understanding - hair stylist, winner of international championships and hairdressing competitions

This is not with the hope of understanding, but of making money from clients and earning money spent on training, apparently. The message simply shows disdain for people. BLABLA Ewww.
We must not forget that most “hair stylists” disfigure the blonde so much that it becomes scary. How can you avoid being left without hair and money after visiting salons?
Try tinting blond hair (chicken yellow) with high-quality dye at low% for ash, platinum, pearl shades (10 row) take dye with numbers after point 6,8,81,16,69
Nothing terrible will definitely happen if you have an even tone of blonde throughout your hair.
She herself is blonde, the color is very beautiful, noble, she grew her hair below her shoulder blades from a short haircut, blonding and tinting at HOME, herself.
Estelle powder + powder 9% + 6% (roots only), then Londa 10/8 1.5% (roots - 15 min, emulsify with water and distribute the remaining dye over all hair, another 10 min.)
Don't listen, experiment, just know when to stop. It’s one thing to ruin your hair/color yourself, but when you also pay money for it, it’s terribly unpleasant.


So I’m thinking about kefir with lemon, I usually make kefir for an hour under cellophane, if the gray tint comes out --- but it dries terribly. But I haven’t tried it in combination with lemon and I’m afraid that it will completely dry out my hair =(

How to restore hair structure after bleaching and several dyes? e


*we shove the iron far away and forget about it (be patient not to straighten your hair), since the end justifies the means.
*if the hair has a lot of split ends, then before restoration it must be cut (but this way it will recover faster! if there are only one section, then you can carefully trim each hair (vertically)
*buy burdock oil (at the pharmacy), shampoo that is ideal for you (since everyone’s hair reacts differently to shampoos), a wooden comb (comb and massager), hair growth spray based on “grandma Agafia” pepper (at the pharmacy) , helped me a lot, but here everything is also individual!
*do not wash your hair in hot water! a little warm. use hair balm (Nivea hair restoration is ideal for dry and damaged hair). before washing the mask (read “for dry hair” on the Internet, there are a lot of them), at the end of washing, rinse your hair with cool water (for shine and it will not frizz), NEVER comb it wet (it splits and falls out)
*you can style your hair beautifully without any irons, hair dryers, foams and varnishes (my method), slightly damp hair, wrap it on the top of your head with a “knot (like a rope)” and wait until it dries completely, the result is beautiful natural curls (waves) :)
*and don’t forget to comb it carefully before going to bed, this is very useful for growth and distribution of fat throughout the hair (so that the ends are not dry) something like this, but remember TIME AND CONSISTENCE! And you won't recognize your hair! GOOD LUCK!! ! also eat buckwheat (promotes hair growth) and yellow/green fruits and vegetables! wow!)

Kristina Denisenko

Hair needs to be cured first, and then grown))) It’s better to cut off the ends and work on restoring the hair structure. To do this you need at least a GREAT SHAMPOO!!! So that it is natural. +Additional masks (with honey, egg, milk). + Conditioner (also preferably not synthetic, but with plant oils). Read it!!!

Dead Bitch

1. 5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of castor oil. Rub in every other day.
2. 2 tbsp. spoons of castor oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of calendula tincture. Rub in after 2-3 days.
3. 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of vegetable oil with half a spoonful of shampoo, heat the mixture and rub it into the scalp with a cotton swab, comb it so that the mixture is evenly distributed throughout the hair, cover your head with oilcloth and wrap it warmly. After 30-40 minutes, wash with hot water and shampoo and rinse with acidified water (for dry dandruff).
4. Mix the yolk with one tablespoon of castor oil, rub into the skin, and wrap your head. Wash after 30-40 minutes (for dry dandruff).
5. Wet your hair generously with low-fat yogurt heated to 37 degrees, cover your head with plastic, then with a woolen scarf. After 20-30 minutes, moisten the hair again with yogurt and rub vigorously into the skin with your fingertips. Then wash with hot water without soap.
6. Mix 2 egg yolks with 50 g of water, add 100 g of vodka and 5-8 g of ammonia. The mixture is rubbed into the skin, after which the hair is thoroughly washed with hot water without soap.
1. Get rid of both metal combs and combs with metal teeth, plastic combs are also not particularly useful. The ideal option would be a wooden comb with rounded teeth or a brush with natural bristles.
2. Do not comb wet hair, but do not rub it with a towel, the hair needs to be blotted, it is best to wrap the hair in a turban-shaped towel and leave it there for 20 minutes so that excess moisture is absorbed into the towel. You need to dry your hair at room temperature. If you still have to use a hairdryer, be sure to use products that protect your hair from thermal effects (hot styling).
3. To make it easier to comb and smooth unruly curls, use either thermal water or a special spray designed for such purposes; usually such products are also enriched with a complex of vitamins. Of course, it will be better if you apply it before each combing, then you will not only be able to avoid the formation of knots in your hair, but will also moisturize and additionally nourish your hair.
4. If you use elastic bands, they should be soft and not tight. Also try to wear hair clips with decorative elements, beads, rhinestones, etc. less often.
5. It is very useful to use daily maintenance masks or light creams designed specifically for split ends of hair; such products do not need to be washed off.
6. Give your hair a hot bath once a week. For this, use burdock oil, which must be heated and applied to all hair and scalp, rub in with massaging movements, then wrap the head in a plastic bag and a terry towel. After 20-30 minutes, the oil should be washed off in the usual way.
7. Visit a hairdresser at the hair salon at least once a season.
8. Eat right. To maintain healthy hair and scalp, the following are recommended: fish, seafood, dairy products, and especially cottage cheese, as well as olive oil, preferably cold-pressed, nuts and cereals.
In addition to burdock oil, you can use warm compresses to care for split ends, which should be applied to the hair immediately before washing for 15-20 minutes.

gastroguru 2017