Speech etiquette for children. Types of etiquette for children: at the table, at a party, behavior on the street, in public places, at school, in the family, in the theater. Etiquette of politeness, communication, speech, telephone According to the rules of behavior for children

Purpose of the lesson: teach your child to talk politely with your guest; give an idea of ​​the rules for starting a conversation with a guest and polite expressions of greeting.

Not only adults, but also children come to visit. You need to be attentive to your little guest: offer a common game, engage in conversation. If the owner or guest sings, plays, reads poetry, you need to listen to him carefully, without interrupting. The performance can be praised. They spend time visiting. The owner’s task is to ensure that time is not wasted. Pay special attention to the tone of the greeting and invitation. When a guest arrives, you need to smile and invite him to come into the house.

Reading text:

Ksyusha was delighted: Irisha came to visit.

- Hello, Irisha, come in,

Be our guest.

If you want, sit

To relax.

If you want, take a look

A beautiful book.

If you want, download it

Teddy bear...

Petya grins. He wants to tease the girls:

- Ksyushka is a rattle,

Irishka the piece of wood!

At ours at Ksyushka's

Freckles on my nose!

At ours at Ksyushka's

Chub like a lamb's!

Young ladies - madams,

I'll throw you into a hole!

The girls were offended. They stepped aside and began to talk quietly among themselves. After a while, the grandmother came in and asked Ksyusha to sing for Valentina Stepanovna. Ksyusha happily agreed. Valentina Stepanovna praised Ksyusha:

- How pleasant it is for me to listen to a sweet child. A voice like a stream, joyful and ringing.

Here Petya intervened. He began to tease his sister again:

- Ksyushka - stick - hippopotamus, She has a two-meter mouth.

As soon as Ksyushka opens her mouth, I cover myself with a pillow!

Ksyusha fell silent. Dad took Petya to another room. And then Ksyusha and Irisha sang and danced for a long time, and Petya was left alone. Nobody wanted to talk to him.

Issues for discussion:

— With what words did Ksyusha greet her guest? What shows that she is happy with Irisha? How did Ksyusha try to keep her friend busy?

— Did Petya behave correctly? Why was he left alone? (Because he was impolite. He probably expected the girls to laugh while listening to his poems. Petya did not think that it was unpleasant for a person to be teased. Funny teases can offend. It is especially unacceptable to offend a guest.)

Game situations:

Let Igor and Masha come to visit Gala. Galya, invite the guys to play puppet theater. What kind of fairy tale can you act out? How to prepare artists? Assign roles.

Let Kostya come to visit Vova. Vova, invite Kostya to play checkers or lotto. Kostya, don’t forget to thank Vova for your hospitality.

Let Kolya and Boris come to visit Misha. Kolya, invite your friends to watch your favorite movie. Exchange opinions about what you watched. Boris and Kolya, when you leave, don’t forget to say words of gratitude to Misha’s parents. Say hello to them from your parents.

Lesson 2. Topic: Farewell before bed

Purpose of the lesson: introduce children to traditional Russian wishes for good night and pleasant dreams before bed, which are addressed to loved ones.

Etiquette is especially important to observe at home. It is advisable to observe the tradition of wishing good dreams and pleasant dreams in the family. Before going to bed, it is harmful to start games, frolic and play pranks. Pay attention to the lines “Stop talking! Go to bed! Dad says them. He served in the army and was accustomed to order. These are playful men's teams.

Reading text:

Late evening. It's time to sleep. Tomorrow mom and dad have to get up early: they will go to work, and Ksyusha and Petya, as always, will go to kindergarten.

Grandma says:

“It’s time to sleep, my little ones, quickly wash your face and go to bed.”

Petya resists:

- Firstly, I’m not little, it’s time for Ksyushka to go to bed, and I’ll play chess. Grandfather, let's play chess? A? I'll checkmate you. Just four moves and checkmate...

- What are you saying, Petya, what kind of chess are you looking for at night?

- Tell me, grandfather, how can you look at the night? Let's go out onto the balcony and take a look...

Then dad intervened:

- Stop talking! Go to bed!

“Go to bed,” Petya answered regretfully. He took off his shirt and threw it up to the ceiling. Then he did a somersault and a headstand.

At this time, Ksyusha came out of the bathroom. She carefully folded her things, walked up to her grandparents and said:

- Good night.

“Good night, Ksyushenka, I wish you good dreams,” said grandfather.

“Sleep well, granddaughter,” said the grandmother and kissed Ksyusha.

The girl went up to her mom and dad and wished them good night. Dad stroked Ksyusha’s head:

- Good night, sweet dreams!

Mom kissed Ksyusha:

Good night, my smart girl.

Where is Petya? Looks like he's still standing on his head...

Issues for discussion:

— What words are used to say goodbye before going to bed? What did Ksyusha, grandmother, and grandfather say to each other?

— When you go to bed, do you wish your loved ones good night?

— How do you prepare for bed? Why did Petya behave incorrectly? Why can’t you be naughty and make noise before bed?

Game situations:

Let Masha be a mother, and Kolya a father. The doll is your child. Put your child to bed. Wish him good night.

You, of course, know that children are sung lullabies at night. Who will sing a lullaby? Do you want to learn a new lullaby?

Let Vasya be a grandfather, and Vitya a naughty grandson. The grandfather advises his grandson to go to bed, and the grandson is looking for various tricks to fool around longer. How will the conversation between grandfather and grandson end?

Let Inna be a mother, Lena a daughter. Wish each other something nice before going to bed.

Lesson 3. Topic: Morning greeting

Purpose of the lesson: introduce children to the traditional greetings that are exchanged in the morning when they wake up.

The child must understand that the morning greeting is a sign of attention and love for loved ones, a manifestation of care for them. From the very morning a person should be friendly, kind and cheerful.

Reading text:

The alarm clock is ringing. Mom approaches the children:

- It's time to get up. Wake up. Good morning.

Ksyusha and Petya don’t want to get up. Ksyusha asks:

- Mommy, let me lie down for another five minutes. Oh please!

Petya turns to the wall and covers his head with a blanket.

Dad appears:

- Get up, get dressed, working people.

Everyone get to work and sing ahead!

He cheerfully rips Petya's blanket off.

- A-ah-ah! - Petya yells. - Ooo!

Ksyusha has already gotten up. She looks at her brother and laughs:

- Hey, couch potato, get up quickly,

Put on your trousers quickly!

Petya is unhappy:

- Shut up, Ksyushka, otherwise you’ll get...

- Good morning, brother, no need to be angry.

“Good morning,” Petya mutters.

Dad commands:

- Get ready to exercise!

- Pull yourself up on the bar. Well, we'll see who's bigger.

Ksyusha tries to pull herself up, but she can’t. Petya teases her:

- Ksyushka ate little porridge, Muscles are like curdled milk!

Now Petya wants to pull himself up, but turns around awkwardly and falls onto the mat. Ksyusha runs up to her brother:

-Aren't you hurt? Aren't you in pain?

The would-be gymnast just shakes his head. Grandmother enters:

- Good morning, children! How did you sleep? What dreams did you have? What's wrong with you, Petya?

- It’s okay, grandma, don’t worry. Good morning. What is the weather today?

- It seems cold. Snow. Dress warmly. Dad will take you on a sled.

Ksyusha and Petya clap their hands.

- Wow! Quickly outside!..

The yard is white and white. At the entrance there is a large sleigh with a backrest. Ksyusha and Petya get into the sleigh. On the way to kindergarten they meet a neighbor:

- Good morning, Aunt Varya!

— Good morning, travelers, happy first snow!

And here is the kindergarten. Ksyusha is expected in the middle group, and Petya in the senior group.

“Hello, kids, good morning, come quickly,” says teacher Elena Petrovna.

— Good morning, Elena Petrovna. We are already ready.

- Glad to see you. I hope you slept well, had pleasant dreams and are in a good mood. A surprise awaits you today...

Issues for discussion:

- Let's figure out what surprise the guys can expect?

— What words should you say when you wake up in the morning? What do you say to your mother, grandmother?

— In the morning you meet your neighbors. What should you tell them?

— You come to kindergarten. What should you say to the teacher and the children when you meet?

- Why do you think the morning is wiser than the evening? Remember: to be in a good mood all day, you need to be polite and friendly in the morning.

Game situations:

Galya came to visit her grandparents in the village. Anton is a grandfather, Ira is a grandmother. Early in the morning, grandparents wake Galya up. Imagine the morning in the village in their faces. Just don't forget polite words.

Mom went on a business trip, and Petya stayed with dad. Early in the morning, dad wakes Petya up. A man's conversation takes place between them. Act out this conversation, but remember: real

male conversation is always reserved, polite and laconic.

Mother is sick. Lilya gets up early and goes to her mother’s bed. What do they say to each other? Act out this conversation.

Let Vova be a member of the big Muratov family. Let's assign the remaining roles and imagine Sunday morning (Monday morning).

Roles can be chosen by children at will, but can be assigned by a teacher or parent.

Lesson 4. Topic: About compliance

Purpose of the lesson: Explain to children how important it is in games and in serious matters not to be rude and to give in to each other.

Reading text:

Elena Petrovna says to the guys:

- Come to the window and see what surprise your dads have prepared for us.

The children run to the window. There is a large ice slide in the yard.

- Hooray! Today we will go downhill! Thank you! Such a surprise!

Elena Petrovna rejoices along with everyone:

“Everyone takes their sled, sits on it, and, like the wind, flies down the mountain.” Aren't you afraid?

- No! It is very funny!

- We all know how to ride!

— We ride every winter!

- Hurry up for a walk!

Petya jumps on one leg. He already has funny poems ready:

— There is a mountain in the yard,

Not a mountain, but a hill.

Vova is sitting next to him on a sleigh,

Cat and Lorochka.

The plank broke -

Laura fell into the snow.

Vova jumped on the cat

The cat rushed through the gate...

The guys roar with laughter: Elena Petrovna looks sternly at the guys:

- Is everyone ready? Fine. Be careful. Give in to each other.

And here is the slide. Petya pushes everyone away and climbs up. He feels like a climber, a conqueror of icy mountains. Sasha quietly creeps up to Petya and tugs on his felt boots. Petya flies down, followed by Sasha. Now they have already collided.

- The pile is small! - Petya shouts...

Elena Petrovna is very dissatisfied:

- Get up, dust each other off and think about whether you behaved well. Today you, Petya, and you, Sasha, will no longer ride. After all, everything could have ended very sadly...

Issues for discussion:

- Why do you think Elena Petrovna didn’t allow the boys to ride down the slide?

—Can everyone be first? What could have happened to the boys?

— Tell us how to behave when everyone wants to ride, but there is only one slide. Try to explain the rules of the game to Petya and Sasha. How do you understand Elena Petrovna’s words (“give in to each other”)?

- Think and tell me in what other cases we should yield to each other.

- Tell me about a time when children did not want to give in to each other and quarreled.

— Do you give up houses to your younger brothers and sisters?

Game situations:

Let Igor be Uncle Kolya, and Yulia and Lena his nieces. Uncle Kolya came from Murmansk. He brought one big starfish. Yulia and Lena must accept this gift, but not quarrel. Let's listen to the conversation and see how the children behave.

Fedya and Kolya went out into the yard. They have one bike between them. Kolya, give Fedya the bike.

Dima and Vera, you want to play checkers. Try to decide whose move will be first.

We all want to look at a funny little puppy.

Let's do this without crowding, yielding to each other.

Our group came to the zoo. And here is the kangaroo cage. How will you behave? Try to make sure everyone looks at the amazing animal.

Ekaterina Mikhailovna brought a book with pictures. Maxim, give in to Nadya. Let her look at the book first. Nadya, thank Maxim. Or maybe we should look at the book together?

Lesson 5. Topic: Polite request

Purpose of the lesson: introduce children to forms of expressing requests addressed to an older stranger, an older relative, as well as a peer in different situations: at home, on the street, in public places.

Perhaps this is the most difficult situation - to ask, but not to demand, not to take away! A kind word always works flawlessly. Repeat the expressions of request with the children. Make sure that the tone is even and polite (not flattering, but not rude or commanding).

It is important to convince the child that asking politely will help him get what he wants. The request must be addressed to a specific person: a peer - sister or brother, girlfriend or friend; an adult loved one - father or mother, grandmother or grandfather; an adult acquaintance - a teacher, teacher, nurse or neighbor; to an adult stranger - a seller or a passerby, etc. In each specific case, you should look the person in the face. It is advisable to pronounce the words of the request quietly. In the materials for the lesson you will find rude expressions accepted among preschoolers: “Fuck off”; “Well, give it to me”; “Your father is a glazier” (meaning “are you transparent”?). These expressions spoil speech and embitter children. It is important that children understand this, appreciate and choose forms of polite requests voluntarily.

Reading text:

Today dad returned from a ski trip. Petya entered the room and saw dad sitting, and Ksyusha next to him. Dad shows the photographs, Ksyusha carefully examines them. The photographs show high mountain peaks covered with fluffy snow.

Petya runs up to his sister, pushes her away from dad and snatches the photo.

- Well, give it to me! My photos!

Dad was very angry. He sternly told his son:

- First learn to ask politely, and then come!

Petya went to his grandfather.

- Grandfather, teach me to ask. I was so happy about dad, I had so much fun, so interesting! And Ksyushka burst into tears. So dad sent me away. He told me to learn to ask politely.

“There is nothing simpler,” answered the grandfather. “You must learn a few words.” Repeat after me: please; be kind; allow me; let me; beg; if possible, please let me see the photos.


- Here's more tenderness! Never!

Let the beard grow sooner

How will I bow to this girl!

I'd rather stand on the sidelines...

Issues for discussion:

- Do you think Petya was allowed to look at the photographs?

- What does it mean to “ask politely”? Try repeating a few polite words after your grandfather.

Reading text:

On Sunday, the grandmother went with her grandchildren to the park. She sat on the bench, and Ksyusha and Petya played with the guys.

- Look what a huge beetle! - Yura shouted. “I’ve never seen anything like this.” Well, just like a bulldozer!

The guys huddled together. Everyone wanted to see the miracle beetle.

“Let me look too,” said Ksyusha.

- Hey, Yurka, is your father a glazier? - Petya shouted. - Get off! Let others see!

Issues for discussion:

- Do you think Ksyusha saw the beetle? Did Petya manage to see the beetle? What mistake did he make?

- If you were Petya and wanted to see a beetle, what would you tell Yura?

Reading text:

Mom bought big red apples. Ksyusha approached her mother and asked:

- Mommy, please give me an apple.

“Eat it after lunch,” mom answered.

- I beg you. I give you my word that I will eat the whole lunch. I really want to try a beautiful apple. Please let me eat it before lunch.

Petya ran in. He saw the apples and grabbed the biggest one without asking.

Issues for discussion:

- Do you think Ksyusha received the apple before lunch and why?

- How do you think mom reacted to Petya’s action?

— What would you do in the place of Ksyusha and Petya?

— When you want to ask your mother for something, how do you do it?

- Let us repeat once again the polite words with which we ask for something. Should these words be spoken only to adults or to children too? (You need to be polite not only with adults, but also with peers - children should pay special attention to this.)

Reading text:

Grandfather took Ksyusha by the hand and went with her to the store.

“Grandfather,” Ksyusha asked, “I want to buy cookies myself.” Please give me the receipt and I'll try to contact the seller.

- Well, granddaughter, try it.

— Please, weigh one kilogram of cookies...

Issues for discussion:

— Last time we talked about what a polite request is. Did Ksyusha politely address the seller?

— If you need to buy three pencils, how do you tell the seller about it?

Text for reading and discussion:

Dad came with the children to the Sporting Goods store. He promised to buy Ksyusha a jump rope, and Petya a ball. Petya turned to the seller:

- Show it. My dad will buy me...

- Do you think Petya will get the ball?

— Teach Petya to talk to the seller. Let there be Faith

the seller, and Kolya the buyer. Act out the scene.

A mother and son are at the counter. The boy cries loudly:

- Oh, I want a hockey stick! Buy it!

“But you already have a hockey stick,” his mother persuades him, “calm down, please don’t shout...

- And I want this one! Buy it!

- Do you think the boy behaves well? Teach this crybaby to behave according to the rules. Let Inna be a mother, and Vova a son. Vova, ask “mom” to buy a hockey stick. Talk politely, quietly, without attracting the attention of others.

Lilya and Petya, ask your mother to buy a tennis ball. What polite words will you say to her?

Game situations:

- Let's play children's store. Valya is the seller, and the other children are buyers. Let's lay out the toys on the “counter”.

Each child chooses a purchase and contacts the seller, who answers politely.

In addition to the words of request, children should remember the words of gratitude and response to them - “please”.

You are in an unfamiliar city. You need to go to the zoo, but you don't know the way. A passer-by is walking towards you. Let it be Petya. Galya, go up to a passerby and ask him for directions to the zoo. How will you do it?

Mom told me to come home at 3 o'clock. But you don't have a watch. You will have to turn to someone senior. How will you do this?

Think of cases in which it is necessary to use words of request. Make sure that you and your friends never forget about them - neither at home, nor on the street, nor in kindergarten, nor in the store.

Lesson 6. Topic: Consolation

Purpose of the lesson: connect empathy with verbal expressions of sympathy, introduce words of consolation into the child’s active vocabulary.

Bitterness, callousness, and indifference, unfortunately, often accompany the communication of children. Let's try to force emotional tension and unemotionality out of life. Let's connect good feelings with kind words. A child cannot help but sympathize with a friend who has hurt himself painfully. He must know words of sympathy and consolation.

Reading text:

The boys in the yard started a game of hide and seek.

- Yurka, let’s run quickly, let’s climb into that big box, no one will find us there.

Yura ran with all his might to the box, but accidentally tripped, fell and broke his leg. He cried loudly. Petya ran up to Yura:

— Calm down, please, Yura. Be patient, now I’ll call your dad. You'll see, everything will be fine.

Yurin's dad came out of the entrance:

- Pull yourself together, son. You are a man, and men should control themselves. Come on, show me what you have there? What nonsense! Now we will wash the wound, bandage the knee, and everything will pass. Until then, don't lose heart. As they say, “Be patient, Cossack, you will become an ataman!” It will heal until the wedding!”

Issues for discussion:

- Can we say about Petya that he is a kind boy? Why? What words did he try to console Yura?

- And what words does his dad use to calm Yura down? Why did he say: “Be patient, Cossack, you will become an ataman!”? (A boy, to become a real man, must try to endure pain courageously.)

- How do you understand the words “he will heal before the wedding”! When are these words spoken? Remember how the heroes of Russian fairy tales console each other (Don’t cry; Don’t grieve; Grief is not a problem; There will be

our street is a holiday; The morning is wiser than the evening; Your grief can be helped, etc.).

Game situations:

Let's find words of consolation (the task is given in pairs). Lena pinched her finger. She's in pain. Comfort her. The baby hurt himself and cried. Have pity on him.

Vitya broke the car that was given to him for his birthday. He was very upset. Think about how to help Vita.

Dad was delayed on a business trip. Mom is upset. How to console her?

Lesson 7. Topic: Conversation with a stranger on the street

Purpose of the lesson: introduce polite forms of addressing a stranger into everyday speech.

In modern Russian there are no stable, generally accepted forms of addressing a stranger that a child could use. The old forms - master, sir, madam have not yet taken root. The addresses uncle and aunt are possible in children's speech, but only in preschool age. Try to teach your child to address a stranger without using direct address: stop, pause, look at the person’s face and say the words: please, please tell me. Then ask a question.

Would you recommend using the question “what time is it” rather than “what time is it”?

Act out the dialogue scenes “Meetings on the street and in the yard.”

Reading text:

Petya and Yura are playing badminton on the court. Yura is worried:

- Petya, it’s probably time for me to go home. Dad allowed me to go out until six. How much now?

- Let's ask someone, Yura. Here at this grandmother's place... I'll run up...

An elderly woman wearing a black hat and gloves walked along the path. She was leading a curly poodle on a leash.

Petya hit an elderly woman with a running start and blurted out:

- Oh, ty... te... ba... excuse me, what time is it?

- What you said? - the woman did not understand. She flinched in surprise.

- Time, I gryu, how fast, huh?

The woman looked at her watch:

- Now...

But Petya no longer listened to her. He was talking to the poodle, and to make it more comfortable, he stood on all fours, nose to nose.

“Aw-aw-aw,” barked the poodle.

- Yes? “And I thought aw-aw-aw-aw-aw-aw,” answered Petya.

At this time, grandfather appeared on the site. He said:

— Hello, Nadezhda Petrovna! I see you have met my restless grandson.

Nadezhda Petrovna exclaimed: “What strange manners, take action immediately!”

Grandfather called Petya and Yura:

- Here's what, friends, if you want to ask a question to a stranger, you need to slowly approach and address him with the words:

Please tell me...

Petya and Yura approached Nadezhda Petrovna, Petya asked:

- Please tell me what time it is?

“Six o’clock,” Nadezhda Petrovna answered, and the poodle stood on its hind legs and barked—exactly six times.

“Thank you,” the boys said.

Issues for discussion:

— Did Petya behave correctly towards a stranger? How did his impoliteness manifest itself? (He was unable to formulate a question, to address himself, he spoke quickly, indistinctly, and when Nadezhda Petrovna began to answer him, he did not listen to her, but began to play with the dog.)

— What words should you say to find out the time from a stranger?

— How should you listen to him and what should you say in response?

Game situations:

Let's see how we can manage conversations with strangers.

Galya, for example, is an old woman walking down the street. Ira, go up to her and find out the time. How do you address a stranger, how do you ask your question? Don't forget to thank.

Yura, go up to an unfamiliar passerby and ask how to get to the puppet theater.

Lena, ask a stranger on the tram when the stop you need will be (for example, “Stadium”).

Vova, go up to an unfamiliar boy and ask where the children's cinema is located (zoo, children's library, museum).

Lesson 8. Topic: Addressing an adult

Purpose of the lesson: consolidate addressing an adult by name and patronymic, combining direct appeal with an expression of joy.

When contacting a friend, gender, age, degree of relationship or acquaintance are taken into account.

Ksyusha addresses Anna Ivanovna by name and patronymic. In Russian, this address is considered respectful.

When meeting, grandmother and Anna Ivanovna use words expressing joy: How glad I am! Long time no see! The last exclamation expresses joy at meeting a person whom they have not seen for a long time.

Act out a dialogue in which you need to use first and last names.

Reading text:

Ksyusha and her grandmother went to the zoo. On the way they met their grandmother's friend. Grandmother was very happy:

- Annushka! I am so glad! Long time no see!

- And I'm glad to see you. And who is this? Granddaughter? Hello hello! My name is Anna Ivanovna. And what is your name?

— Hello, Anna Ivanovna. My grandmother told me that you studied together and then worked together. I'm Ksusha. And I also have a brother. His name is Petya.

“It’s very good that we met,” said the grandmother. “The weather is good.” Let's go to the zoo together.

Issues for discussion:

— Why do you think the grandmother addressed an adult woman named Annushka? (After all, they studied together, which means they have known each other since childhood or youth. Adults often address close friends by name.)

— How did Ksyusha turn to her grandmother’s friend? Do you think Ksyusha was polite? (Yes, she addressed an adult woman by name and patronymic, said hello, said her name, that is, she followed the rules of dating.)

- Which adult will you address by name and patronymic? (To neighbors; friends of parents; educators: teachers.) Remember, you must address familiar adults by name and patronymic.

- What shows that the grandmother and her friend were glad to meet? (Repeat the words of joy they used.) What do you say when meeting someone you haven’t seen for a long time?

Game situations:

- Yura, what is your middle name? So, you will be Yuri Sergeevich - Colin's neighbor. Kolya, imagine that you meet your adult neighbor at the entrance and want to show him your new car. How will you talk? Both of you must be polite.

Let Tanya be a children's doctor - Tatyana Alekseevna, and Galya come to see her. Talk to each other.

Let Kolya be Nikolai Petrovich, Seryozha’s father. And you, Vitya, came to visit Seryozha. You must contact Nikolai Petrovich and ask him to help you and Seryozha understand the instructions for the designer.

Lesson 9. Topic: Polite conversation on the phone

Purpose of the lesson: to develop the skills of polite conversation on the phone: during the game, achieve automatic implementation in the child’s speech of etiquette expressions that accompany a telephone conversation.

Our age is the age of telephone communication. We need to teach children to talk on the phone. Explain how to dial a phone number, what expression to use to determine who answered the phone, how to introduce yourself when making a phone call.

On the phone you should speak correctly, in an even, calm voice. Please note that a child’s conversation with an adult must be emphatically polite.

A difficult type of telephone conversation is a formal conversation. Try to teach children not to be afraid to call the cinema, sports school, house management, or clinic. To do this, the child needs to remember the rules for starting and ending a telephone conversation and know firmly what he will talk about.

A conversation between friends should be relaxed, but words like “yeah” and “wow” spoil speech, make it ugly, and make it difficult to understand.

The reading text contains several dialogues, among which there are exemplary (for example, a conversation on the phone with grandmother and father), not quite exemplary and incorrect.

By talking about each conversation, you will explain to children how they should and should not talk on the phone.

Reading text:

Grandma calls dad at work:

- Hello! Be kind, please invite Alexander Fomich Kurbatov to the telephone. His mother asks him.

-Please wait. I'll invite him now.

Issues for discussion:

— Grandma knows how to talk on the phone well. What polite words does she use? (Be kind, please.)

The words “be kind” are common in adult speech. It is better for the child to say “please be kind.”

Did you answer your grandmother politely? How exactly.

Reading text:

Ksyusha calls her mother at work:

Hello! Hello! Please call your mother.

- Which mother?

— Ksyushin and Petina...

Issues for discussion:

— Do you think Ksyusha talked on the phone with her mother? Teach Ksyusha how to talk. (At work they don’t call mom “mom” - you should say her last name, first name and patronymic. Although in general Ksyusha was polite, she said “hello; please.”)

— Try calling your mom at work and asking her to come to the phone.

Reading text:

Yura calls Petya:

- Hello! Petya, is that you? Hello. Yura says. I want to invite you and Ksyusha to my birthday party. Please come tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon. Just a must. Will wait.

— Thank you for calling, thank you for the invitation. We'll definitely come.

Issues for discussion:

—Are the boys speaking correctly on the phone? (This is an invitation conversation. Yura invites Ksyusha and Petya and uses etiquette expressions for this, names the names of friends, accurately indicates the time. And Petya answers correctly: thanks for the invitation. It feels like the boys are very friendly.)

Reading text:

The phone rings. Petya picks up the phone:

- Hello! Who's speaking? Peter?

- Petya, is that you?

- Did you recognize me?

- This is Yura.

- Do you know what I want to say?

— The guys are playing football in the yard. Let's go to?

- Yeah, come on.

Issues for discussion:

— Did you like the boys’ conversation? What words do you think should not be used in speech? Correct Petya's mistakes. Teach Petya to talk on the phone correctly.

— How should you dial a phone number correctly?

Reading texts:

Petya calls Yura. Yurin's dad picks up the phone.

- Call Yura.

- Yura is not at home. Who am I talking to?

- Okay, I'll call you later.

Ksyusha calls her friend’s mother:

- Hello! Hello. This is Ksyusha Kurbatova speaking. Irisha and I play hospital. Please allow her to stay with us a little longer.

- Okay, Ksyusha, play. Tell Irina to be home in an hour. Thank you for calling.

- Please. Goodbye.

Issues for discussion

- Compare these two conversations. Which child is better at speaking on the phone? Ksyusha greets and identifies herself. She politely expresses her request. And Petya? Did Yuri's dad like this conversation? Correct Petya's mistakes.

Reading texts:

The phone rings. Ksyusha picks up the phone.

- Hello! Is this the Ivanovs' apartment?

- No, you have the wrong number.

- Sorry.

- Please.

The phone rings. Petya picks up the phone.

- Hello! Is this a clinic?

- No... it's a swimming pool... ha ha ha!

Issues for discussion:

- Do you think Petya made a good joke? How should he respond? Let us remember how Ksyusha acted in this situation.

Game situations:

The phone rings. You, Vitya, pick up the phone.

- Hello, is this school?..

What's your answer?

What would you answer?

You, Kostya, are calling Yura. Yurina’s mother answers the phone. Ask her to invite Yura.

You, Ira, call Masha. Masha answers the phone.

Invite her to her birthday.

You, Boris, want to sign up for the Skillful Hands club yourself. Imagine that you need to talk to the leader of the circle. Call the House of Culture. Tell me over the phone what your last name is, how old you are, what kindergarten you attend, what time you can study in the club. Who will be the employee of the House of Culture? Are you Igor? That's fine. Have a conversation.

Lesson 10. Congratulations and wishes

Purpose of the lesson: correlate ideas about a holiday and holiday words, introduce expressions of congratulations and wishes into everyday speech.

Birthday is the biggest holiday. The child waits for his birthday with great impatience. Let's teach him to bring joy to loved ones on their birthdays, prepare gifts, and behave in such a way as to please the birthday person. But there are other holidays. Let's remember them together. Children love New Year; they make sure to congratulate their mother and grandmother on March 8th; Lately, such traditional holidays as Christmas (the Christian holiday of the birth of Christ), Maslenitsa (an ancient Slavic holiday of farewell to winter, which is accompanied by folk festivities and games; pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa) have been revived. It would be good to tell children about Russian traditions. You can use paintings by Russian artists who depict traditional festivities and games. Each holiday corresponds to special speech forms of congratulations. To create a relaxed atmosphere, you can celebrate April 1 - April Fool's Day - with your children.

Reading text:

“Children,” said dad, “it’s your uncle’s birthday.” Let's congratulate him.

“I know how to congratulate,” Petya shouted. “I’ll go up to Uncle Kolya, salute and say:

A fly sat on the jam,

Happy Birthday!

- No, Petya, not at all like that. “I think Uncle Kolya needs to buy a gift,” Ksyusha suggested.

- You know what, children? Make some gifts with your own hands and figure out what to wish Uncle Kolya on his birthday. Mom will bake a pie, and I will buy a fishing rod. Agreed?

Ksyusha and Petya got to work. Ksyusha drew a boat. Uncle Kolya was sitting in the boat and fishing. Petya made a bucket and a large pike from plasticine - not a simple one, but a “talking” one. Then Petya and Ksyusha composed poems for their uncle’s birthday. Here's what they came up with:

Uncle Kolya! All your wishes

The pike will do it with great diligence.

We wish you good luck and goodness,

Be healthy. Fireworks and cheers!

We promise to always listen to you -

Your nephews Petya and Ksyusha.

Mom and dad praised the children. When Uncle Kolya entered the room, the table was set. Everyone began to congratulate the birthday boy.


— Happy birthday to you, dear son! I give you a sweater. I knitted it myself.

Grandfather (holds out an album with illustrations of paintings by famous artists)." - Allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. Here is my modest gift.

Dad (shakes his brother’s hand and gives him a set of tools and a fishing rod):

— Hearty congratulations to the birthday boy. And this is from me as a keepsake for you.


— Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart! Let me present you with this pie.


“And we would like to congratulate Uncle Kolya.”

Ksyusha and Petya hold out gifts and read their congratulations in verse in unison.

Uncle Kolya hugs his nephews:

- What great fellows! Amazing children!

At this time the bell rings. They brought a congratulatory telegram: “Dear Nikolai Fomich! Please accept my warmest wishes on your birthday! We wish you health, joy and success. Your colleagues."

Uncle Kolya said:

- Today is a happy day for me. I will never forget him. I thank everyone for the warm congratulations and gifts. Thank you very much!

Issues for discussion:

— Did you like the congratulations of Petya and Ksyusha? What did you like about it?

It is very important to give the birthday boy something that will bring him pleasure. Gifts can be made with your own hands. Nikolai Fomich loves fishing, so Petya and Ksyusha give him a boat and a pike. It’s okay that the boat was drawn, and the pike was molded from plasticine. Uncle Kolya is happy. He feels that the children were trying to please him. The “talking” pike came from a fairy tale. Probably, the nephews want her to fulfill the three wishes of the birthday boy. Birthday is a fun holiday. To make sure everyone has fun, you need to try: come up with poems, draw posters, learn a song or dance.

However, one gift for congratulations is not enough: it is also important to know the words with which it is customary to address the birthday person. (The presentation of a gift is usually accompanied by congratulations and wishes of health, joy, and success.)

“Remember the words with which Uncle Kolya was congratulated by his nephews, grandfather, and grandmother. What other words could be said? How do you congratulate mom, dad, grandma?

— How did his colleagues congratulate Nikolai Fomich? (Congratulations are official.) Remember what was written in the telegram.

Game situations:

Let's play "Birthday".

Let Yura be the birthday boy, and we will congratulate him and give him gifts. To do this, everyone will choose a toy.

Think about what you will say to Yura when handing over the toy. Try not to repeat your words. After all, congratulations and wishes can sound differently. And you, Yura, must thank everyone and say a few words about each gift, praising it. You can say something funny. After all, a birthday party should be fun.

Variants of game situations: name day of grandmother, mother, father, doll’s birthday.

Plato’s phrase: “Education is the acquisition of good habits” remains relevant to this day. A well-mannered baby behaves confidently in any situation, it is pleasant to play and communicate with him. A child with good manners, upon becoming an adult, will retain communication skills that will help both in family life and in the work team. Therefore, it is advisable for parents who have the goal of raising a successful person to know the rules of etiquette for children.

From this article you will learn

Types of etiquette

Etiquette is a manifestation of a culture of communication, unwritten rules of behavior in society, depending on the form of activity and situation. It is clear that the set of instructions regarding good manners for children contains fewer points than the adult code of decency. Still, from a young age it would be great to familiarize your child with the following types of etiquette:

  • A day off prescribing rules of good manners in public places for leisure activities - parks, museums, cinemas.
  • Guest, revealing the principles of hospitality and behavior when visiting.
  • Passenger - rules of etiquette in public transport.
  • Speech, providing verbal communication at the proper level.
  • Telephone etiquette, which prescribes how to competently conduct a conversation on the phone, communicate through messages and emails.
  • Family etiquette contains a set of rules of conduct between family members.
  • Dining room relating to good manners during meals.
  • Educational, prescribing how to behave in various educational institutions.

All of the listed types belong to this type of etiquette as general civil etiquette. Parents belonging to a certain denomination additionally teach their children the rules of behavior in churches. You can tell a grown-up child that adults also follow the rules of military, marriage, government, business and diplomatic etiquette.

This is interesting! Even animals have their own rules of behavior. Monkeys belonging to the family of common marmosets have developed a unique speech etiquette. Being in a pack, they do not interrupt each other with shouts, but let their opponent speak.

At what age do you start training?

Gross violations of generally accepted rules of etiquette are still condemned by society. Of course, an ill-mannered child will be given a discount based on his age, but the parents and their opponents will still have a bad taste. Therefore, the sooner you instill good manners, the better. But you should start not with lessons and notations, but with an analysis of your own behavior. The baby will learn exactly the parental model of communication.

Already in infancy, a child is able to determine with what intonation he is addressed. By showing politeness, tact and kindness in dealing with the baby, parents can be sure that the child will use these qualities in return. An adult can also use intonation to indicate unacceptable behavior of a child.

When your baby turns one year old and his vocabulary begins to expand, it’s worth introducing polite words such as “thank you,” “good morning,” “goodbye.”

At two years old, a child will be delighted to receive encouragement for beautiful, clean clothes and a neat appearance. Three-year-olds, while playing, model situations in which good manners are demonstrated: setting a doll's table, playing at a party, traveling, going to the movies. At three years old, a child can master the necessary hygiene skills.

At six years of age and older, it is permissible to attend seminars and classes in schools to teach good manners. Teachers seeking to instill moral qualities devote class hours and parent-teacher meetings to the rules of etiquette. For children of any age, cartoons are a relevant form of education.

This is interesting! For the first time, a set of rules of behavior for boys was set out by the Dutch thinker, scientist and philosopher Erasmus of Rotterdam in his treatise “On the Decency of Children's Morals.” The manuscript described in detail the rules of behavior at the game and in society, hygiene standards and much more.

Greeting rules

Hello, good afternoon (evening, morning) - this is how communication begins. Often, a greeting sets the general tone of the entire conversation or lays the first impression when meeting someone. The form and tone of the address matter, so you need to teach your child how to greet correctly from an early age. A few simple rules will help:

  • Well-mannered children do not wait for greetings from others, but greet first, especially with older people.
  • A greeting must be answered.
  • Polite words at a meeting should be spoken loudly and clearly, but shouting at the top of your lungs is indecent. If a familiar person passes in the distance, it is enough to say hello with a nod of the head or a slight wave of the hand.
  • Disposition and goodwill will cause a sincere smile and warm intonations in the voice during the greeting. A dry tone and rude speech, on the contrary, will push you away.
  • When meeting, it is customary to shake hands, bow your head or bow slightly as a sign of respect. It is indecent to look away while speaking politely, or to keep your hands in your pockets.
  • The child needs to be explained that if parents say hello to someone, then he needs to do this too. When entering a room where there are several people: in a group or class, during a visit, you need to loudly greet everyone. The hosts are the first to welcome guests.

Etiquette for girls and boys is practically no different. The difference when shaking hands is that men (and boys) need to take off their gloves. Women, girls and young girls are the first to offer their hand during greeting, if desired.

Important! Often, when meeting, acquaintances try to give a friendly hug or kiss. Such techniques are permissible only among relatives or close people. It is unacceptable to hug someone else's child.

Phone conversation

Children begin to use a stationary device at the age of five, answering calls, and first-graders are often bought their first smartphone. Good manners when using the telephone are as follows:

  • You need to start a telephone conversation with a greeting and end with a farewell.
  • By talking loudly on the phone, a child may displease others.
  • In some situations or in organizations where, according to the rules, it is forbidden to talk on a smartphone - in class, in church, shops and banks - the phone is turned off.
  • In circumstances where conversation is not possible, the telephone call should be answered and a promise to call back later. You must definitely fulfill what you promised later.
  • If there is a dialing error, you should apologize.
  • SMS correspondence must be conducted correctly.
  • You cannot answer calls from an unknown number.

Etiquette for school-age children: calling before 8 am and after 9 pm is impolite, with the exception of an urgent, urgent conversation. If a family member receives a call on a landline phone, there is no need to ask unnecessary questions or chat idly. If a loved one is absent, you need to ask what to convey to him.

Rules of behavior at school

In addition to the general requirements for students: not to be late, not to leave the institution during lessons, to follow the recommendations of the management - the child must:

  • Treat other students and teachers kindly and respectfully.
  • Greet the teacher while standing.
  • Do not talk, eat or do other things during the lesson.
  • If you need to answer or leave, you should call the teacher's attention by raising your hand.
  • Turn off your mobile phone during class.
  • Behave calmly during recess.

Table etiquette

The sooner the little one sits down at the common table, the better. Mom can help her baby learn good manners from the cradle. To do this, at the initial stage you should set the table beautifully and correctly, attracting the baby to help, help him act competently while eating, and observe the rules of hygiene. The child needs to learn that good table manners are not only beautiful, but also safe: eating in a hurry can lead to choking.

A two- or three-year-old child needs to know the following rules:

  • Before eating, be sure to wash your hands and wish those present a bon appetit.
  • Sit straight at the table, do not put your elbows on its surface, do not rock in your chair, do not talk with food in your mouth, do not slurp or indulge.
  • Spitting food is unacceptable even for children.
  • Use cutlery and hold it correctly in your hands. They eat meat with a knife; soft food: fish, meatballs, aspic - break off with a fork. Touching the side dish with your hands is bad form.
  • Dirty hands are cleaned only with a napkin or rinsed. Lips are also blotted with a napkin.
  • It’s not nice to reach across the table for a dish; it’s better to ask to pass it.
  • Be sure to thank the person who prepared the food.

Important! It is better to learn table manners before kindergarten.

Etiquette at a party

To behave decently in someone else's house means:

  • Don't come without an invitation.
  • Buy a gift for the owners as a sign of attention: something for the table or household items.
  • Upon entering the house, say hello to everyone in the household.
  • Do not touch or disturb pets without permission. Do not pick up interior items.
  • Do not criticize the renovation, furnishings, food, even behind your back.
  • Behave calmly and modestly, keep up the conversation.
  • Stay as a guest for no longer than a certain period of time.
  • Be sure to thank for the food and welcome.

If a child invites friends over, he should:

  • Think about a treat, topics of conversation and games, what cartoon to put on for the whole group to watch.
  • Invite guests in advance if there is a family celebration.
  • Provide attention to all guests so that they do not get bored.
  • Thank you for coming.

There is no need to show others a bad mood.

In the theatre

Starting from 3–5 years old, the child can be involved in cultural events: taken to the theater, concerts, special events and open-air celebrations. Before going, the child should be explained how to behave in such places and why to do it:

  • Choose an outfit that matches the event.
  • To avoid being late, leave early, planning time for changing clothes, getting yourself ready and visiting the wardrobe.
  • If tickets are purchased for seats located in the center of the row, it is better to place yourself in advance so as not to disturb other spectators.
  • Hats, especially bulky and tall ones, must be removed.
  • It is indecent to make noise, talk, including on the phone, or eat food.
  • It is better for carriers of an airborne infection to return their tickets and stay home.
  • Littering and damaging interior items is bad manners and a sign of lack of conscience.
  • Actors and singers do not need to sing along. This disturbs other viewers.

Important! It is advisable for parents to select an event that is interesting to their small child. Otherwise, he will become capricious and ruin the holiday not only for his parents, but also for those around him. You should leave at the first signs of dissatisfaction in the baby.

In public places

On the street or in transport, knowledge of the basics of etiquette and rules of communication is necessary not only for reputation, but also for safety. Among the most important norms of behavior in public places and transport, it is worth teaching your child:

  • Knowledge of basic traffic rules.
  • Showing politeness is to let those exiting the vehicle pass first, then women and children first.
  • Because in crowded places you cannot push, litter or dirty objects, or enter vehicles with ice cream, pizza or other food. Staring at passengers is indecent, as is pointing a finger.
  • Give way to those who are more vulnerable.
  • Travel with animals, observing the rules for their transportation.

From the general rules of behavior in crowded places:

  • It is unsightly to comb your hair, pick your teeth, blow your nose, sneeze and cough without covering your mouth with your palm or handkerchief.
  • Stomp, scream at the top of your voice, act up.
  • Unceremoniously interrupt a conversation.
  • Dress untidy, wear dirty shoes, especially for girls.

Attention! When sitting on a seat in public transport with a child on your lap, take care of the cleanliness of the clothes of those around you, especially if it is raining outside. Put bags on your baby's shoes or hold your baby's feet with your hand so as not to stain those standing nearby.

Street etiquette

When going for a walk, tell your child what standards of behavior should be observed:

  • Candy and ice cream wrappers should not be thrown on the ground. Garbage should be in the trash can, not on the playground.
  • Grass and flowers growing on lawns cannot be trampled, as this negates the work of people involved in the improvement of the city.
  • When moving along the sidewalk in crowded places, you must stay on the right side, you must not touch passers-by or behave provocatively. If there is a need to stop for a conversation or rest, you should step aside; you cannot interfere with the flow of people.
  • If mom or dad are away, but asked to wait, under no circumstances should you leave.
  • You need to behave politely with others, but communicating with strangers in the absence of your parents is dangerous.

Important! Give your child a safety briefing. Ask a colleague or friend to play the role of a stranger and have him try to take your baby away when you are not around. Then tell the child whether he behaved correctly and what should be done in such cases.

How to behave in nature

For the harmonious development of a child, trips to nature are necessary. But even in the most deserted places: in the forest, on the coast, in the steppe, there are rules of conduct:

  • You cannot go into the forest without adult accompaniment.
  • It is better to return from your hike before dark.
  • You cannot collect unfamiliar herbs, mushrooms or berries. It is also prohibited to drink from forest springs and rivers.
  • Breaking branches, trampling grass, destroying anthills, catching birds, animals and insects for fun is barbaric.
  • Before the hike, you need to prepare: charge your mobile phone, take a supply of water and food, put on comfortable clothes and shoes, apply repellent against insect bites.
  • It is necessary to protect all living things: garbage harms the ecosystem, fires destroy everything in their path. Therefore, you should not leave behind food waste, plastic waste, bottles, or make fires. It is strictly forbidden to throw chewing gum on the ground: birds who grab it may die.

Rules of Friendship

Friendship is one of the most wonderful manifestations of communication. In order for schoolchildren and preschoolers to develop a confidential circle of communication, teach your child the following rules:

  • Behave respectfully towards other people: do not ridicule, do not give nicknames, do not call offensive names.
  • In case of a quarrel, try to understand and forgive your friend, and in case of your own wrong, be the first to make peace.
  • If a friend lent an item, you need to handle it carefully and return it on time.
  • It is unacceptable to snitch on your friends, but in case of danger you need to seek help from adults.
  • A true friend does not envy successes, but is happy for his loved ones.
  • There is no shame in accepting help or advice, and it is quite normal for friends.
  • It is not good to eat treats alone while in company. You should definitely treat others.

How to give gifts

Choosing and giving gifts is an art. There is also a reminder for this case:

  • You need to buy a surprise taking into account the preferences of the birthday person.
  • When making a gift with your own hands, you should do the craft carefully, using the best materials.
  • Giving money to a child is not the best option. It's worth looking for something that will definitely make him happy.
  • Animals, birds and fish can only be given as gifts with the consent of the birthday boy’s parents.
  • Before delivery, you need to remove the price tag from the purchase and package it beautifully.

Etiquette books

Books will provide significant assistance in comprehensively teaching a child good manners. Their list is large; there are many modern, well-illustrated publications for children of any age. For the little ones, one-year-olds and three-year-olds, Sergei Savushkin’s essay “Bon appetit! For children from 1 year old”, presented in mini-stories. And in the book “Polite Words” by Olga Korneeva, kids will find quatrains that will teach them how and when to say “thank you,” “please,” “hello.”

The publication “Growing Cultural” is intended for children from four years old. With the help of exercises and activities, in addition to the formation of moral qualities, it develops logic, creative and speech activity.

A little older children will be interested in Andrei Usachev’s book “Etiquette for Children of Different Ages,” with bright pictures, presented in poetic form. The children's poetess Galina Shalaeva has many books dedicated to children's etiquette.

The list of useful publications includes:

  1. N. Ivanova. “The ABCs of etiquette for kids. 33 rules of good manners."
  2. V. Kudlachev and I. Fomenkova. "Tips from the Fairy of Politeness."
  3. L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus. "The ABCs of Politeness."

This is interesting! For mothers who want to fill the gaps in knowledge of good manners and become a real lady, there are many opportunities: webinars, e-books and manuals. Aerobatics - a visit to the Austrian Higher School of Etiquette, where good manners are taught at the international level.

Poems about etiquette

The rules of etiquette and good manners, set out in poems that every preschool child loves to listen to, are as accessible an educational process as a playful form. If a child behaves inappropriately, the mother just needs to remember the lines she liked, and the baby will understand what to do.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

When should you start giving lessons in politeness and etiquette to your child? It should be noted that learning can occur independently, without anyone's intervention. The child can simply observe the world around him. This will help him learn and develop. You should raise a child from the very beginning, so that later, when you come to a store or public transport, you don’t blush for your child, hastily running away from the scene. It follows from this that it is necessary to teach the child some manners and etiquette rules. To do this, you need to consider the rules of etiquette for children.

Politeness and etiquette lessons for children

Rules of conduct on public transport for children

This will help the child show respect for older people. He will become more modest and begin to behave more restrainedly, stop making noise, and therefore commit other rash actions, such as putting people in an awkward position or being discourteous towards others. The manner of speech must be polite, the child must understand who he is addressing. On public transport you should give up your seat to adults, especially if they are a pregnant woman. Also, do not crowd around on public transport, eat or listen to loud music. It is worth keeping an eye on your chewing gum. It's rude to chew in public, but it's not the worst thing a child can do. After he gets tired of it, he will, of course, stick it where it doesn’t belong. You should teach your child that you cannot tell people to their face that they are wrong about something. Or disrespect the tastes of others.

Read also: how to help parents

Rules of behavior at a party for children

You should only take your child to visit if the invitation was for the whole family. It is necessary to teach your child table etiquette in advance: do not sit at the table unless invited; don’t reach across the table for something, just ask for it; Do not eat with your hands and do not talk while you chew. You also cannot hit people, break things, or generally cause any physical damage. If a child has done any of this, then you should immediately and a little sternly talk to him. A child may not obey his parents, but this may not be due to his poor upbringing, but to age-related characteristics. The kid just wants to feel more mature, but not be responsible for his actions.

Etiquette rules of behavior for children

Rules of behavior may differ from one another in different circles and places. Therefore, they should be explained right on the spot, specifically specifying how one can behave and how one cannot. The interpretation should be as simple and clear as possible. You can express your feelings. Mastering the rules can be accelerated with the help of themed games. They will continue to be aimed at instilling etiquette and learning new rules in an expanding social circle. Parents just need to keep an eye on this circle.

Child's appearance

We must not forget about the appearance of the child. As they say, “people are greeted by their clothes.” Therefore, it is simply necessary to make a good impression on others. Cleanliness and neatness will help achieve this. The rules of hygiene must not be neglected. This applies to the whole family.

Rules of conduct for children at school

When a child goes to school, he must also know some rules. And it is the parents who must lay this foundation in him. Otherwise, huge problems may arise with teachers and classmates.

  1. Arrive early to avoid being late for class.
  2. Be polite in the locker room.
  3. When the bell rings, be ready for class.
  4. Maintain discipline during the lesson.
  5. It is forbidden to eat or drink during class; there are breaks for this.
  6. Do not make noise in the library and return books taken from there on time.
  7. Carefully adhere to the schedule for going to the dining room. You shouldn’t not eat food, because parents pay money for it.

Adults should help their children learn the lessons of politeness and etiquette and support them in everything they do. Children follow the example of their parents, so you just need to behave correctly, then the children will be healthy, polite and savvy in terms of good manners.

Greetings, dear readers, to the pages of my blog.

Today is an interesting topic for discussion, I’m already looking forward to your comments. Do you think a child should know certain rules of behavior in society? Sometimes it happens, I hear on the street: “Wow! Such an ill-mannered child!”

But in fact, many of the children do not know what is good and what is bad. Perhaps parents have lost sight of something in the daily hustle and bustle of life. Therefore, today I have for you 16 rules of etiquette that a seven-year-old child must know.

Why, some will ask? Yes, because we do not live in a dense forest and communication with people is one of the important skills that a child must master. The so-called communication.

And who will be easier to communicate: a well-mannered child or not? I think you know the answer. Moreover, the recommendations are very simple and uncomplicated, let’s start:

  1. When you ask for something, you should say: “Please.” It's simple! You must admit that when they say this “magic word”, no one notices it, but if you don’t say it... you immediately feel uneasy.
  2. The second recommendation is just as simple. When someone gives you something, say, “Thank you.”
  3. Don't interrupt adults when they are talking. The exception is something very, very important. That is, the advice goes like this: Don’t interrupt.
  4. If you really need something, then you can interrupt the conversation with the phrase: “Forgive me...” and then continue what you wanted to say.
  5. If you are in doubt about what to do, ask permission. This can save children from many troubles in everyday life.
  6. You should not comment on the physical disabilities of strangers.
  7. If you knock on the door, you should not open it yourself, wait until they open it for you.
  8. If you walk through a door, see if someone comes in behind you to hold the door.
  9. Do not say bad words: neither at home, nor at school, nor with friends.
  10. Don't make fun of those who are weaker than you and cannot defend themselves.
  11. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
  12. Try not to fart where there are other people. Go to the toilet, or at least somewhere where there are no people.
  13. Don't pick your nose.
  14. Don't reach across the table for your favorite salad plate. And ask them to give it to you.
  15. At the table, keep a napkin on your lap to wipe your mouth if necessary.
  16. On public transport, give up your seat to elderly people, children and pregnant women.

As you can see, the tips are very simple. Many children don’t even need to be taught this, they know everything. But my daughter interrupts me all the time when I talk to friends. I just can’t teach her to behave correctly. But I think this is due to her age, she is still four.

If you liked the article, under no circumstances recommend it to your friends on social networks, otherwise they will want to be educated.

See you soon.

Ekaterina Chesnakova was with you with garlic, pepper and zest.

Since we live in a civilized world, we cannot do without the use of etiquette rules. Behavior rules , which must be observed in various etiquette situations, apply not only to adults, but also to children. The foundation of a person’s personality is laid in preschool age, which is why it is so important to start teaching children etiquette from infancy. It is important that the family observes etiquette standards and rules of good manners. After all, it is thanks to the family that the young citizen receives the basics of etiquette. Of great importance for a preschool child are also a kindergarten, a playground, a clinic, public transport, that is, those places that he regularly visits in the first years of life. The child should be taught not only good manners, but also the rules of speech etiquette. This is not easy work, but the joint efforts of adults (parents, grandparents, teachers, club leaders, etc.) will achieve noticeable results.

We take the skills acquired in childhood with us into adulthood, the success of which is largely determined by the culture of upbringing. A person who is familiar with the concepts of politeness, culture of communication, and standards of decency will not experience difficulties in maintaining a conversation and will certainly show his best side, no matter what situation he finds himself in.

There are a huge variety of children's etiquette (family, passenger, weekend, guest, dining, etc.). But the most important role among them is played. Independent mastery of speech norms is impossible for a child. In this regard, the task associated with teaching a child the culture of speech lies entirely on the parents’ shoulders. A secondary role in this matter is given to educators and people with whom the child has to intersect in the course of his life.

Do not think that young children are not ready to perceive information regarding etiquette. Some behavior rules and communication with people are mandatory even for children. So, from early childhood it is necessary to teach children that:

It is necessary to instill rules of behavior in a child in the first year of his life. A child who does not yet know how to speak already intuitively understands what adults want to say to him - thanks to intonation, facial expressions, and gestures. It’s good when parents wish the baby a bon appetit before the meal, thank him for the toy he offered in return, greet him after he wakes up, etc.

From the age of two and up to 4 years, the child begins to actively study the world around him. It is during this period of time that it is recommended to devote all your efforts to familiarizing him with etiquette rules. Information is best absorbed in a playful form. You can stage a situation related to a telephone conversation, involve dolls in the participation, arrange a dinner party, appointing a child as a hospitable host.

It will be easier for this age to master thanks to fairy tales and poems that are closely related to the culture of speech and politeness. The task of adults is to explain incomprehensible words and phrases, and also try to achieve the most vivid and correct perception of a work of art by the child (through intonation, timbre of voice and other artistic techniques).

It is also useful to watch educational cartoons. In any cartoon there are both negative and positive characters. It is important to ask how well the child understood the meaning of the television story, which characters acted badly, and which of them turned out to be the kindest and fairest.

Such “exercises” help children better evaluate the characters of books and cartoons, and understand the main idea that the author tried to convey to the audience. In addition, children develop a desire to imitate the main characters, adopt their moral actions, behavior rules and manner of communication.

5-7 years is much easier to master. It is recommended to conduct training in the form of a conversation, which should be:

  • interesting for children;
  • short;
  • bright and memorable;
  • two-way (with the active participation of the listeners themselves).

It is very important at this stage of a preschooler’s growing up to increase the educational load, which will subsequently allow the child to develop speech etiquette. The idea is to memorize longer poems, retell book stories or cartoons, participate in role-playing games, didactic games with dolls, learn to read and the rules of pronunciation of sounds/words, etc. Adults need to devote as much time as possible to children who They enthusiastically undertake to comprehend everything new. Their future depends on how responsibly adults approach the issue of teaching their children etiquette. It’s not for nothing that children are compared to empty vessels: after all, what they are filled with is what they will be!

gastroguru 2017