Original hairstyles for September 1st. The most fashionable and beautiful school hairstyles for girls for every day - step-by-step instructions in the photo. Openwork bun for school

This is the last September 1st for the guys as students. That’s why they want to be remembered as stunning, beautiful and stunning. This is especially true for girls. And every little detail in appearance plays a role. For example, which one can make this day truly bomb (healthy, cool)? That's what we'll talk about.

It seems that even simple curled curls already decorate the student. But there are many other options that you can do even without a stylist, and at home and even on your own.

Unusual bows

They will look very nice if the hair long .

  • First you need to make a high “malvinka”, that is, pull the side strands at the back, approximately at the top of the head.
  • After retreating about 15cm, tie the strands again with an elastic band.
  • Fluff the strands between the fixing elastic bands, adding volume to them.
  • And do this all the way to the bottom.
  • Decorate your hair with bows at the junctions of the strands. You can use ribbons or special hairpins.

Hair bow

  • Make a “malvinka”.
  • Gather these strands into a bun. You should get a kind of loop.
  • Divide the hair in a “loop” into 2 parts.
  • Lift the “tail” of the little one and insert it between the halves of the “loop” under the elastic band that secures it. Do this several times.
  • Straighten the bow so that it looks neat.
  • Secure the ponytail with bobby pins.

The second option is a bow made from all the hair on the top of the head.

Flower braid

As you can see in the photo, the braid flower technique can be used in different ways: making flowers in different places and even making several flowers. You can decorate with flowers or hairpins.


Master classes Here I will just show some examples for inspiration.


There are all sorts of “baskets”, from flagella and from braids, on the side and all over the head. But I'll talk about the classics.

  • Two ordinary braids are woven. Only the distance between them should be maximum.
  • The edges are secured with rubber bands.
  • Each of the ends must be secured under the second braid.
  • Decorate the top with flowers or hairpins.

If you weave bows into such braids, you can secure them with bows. Pictures enlarge by clicking.

Attention! The basket can be done on different lengths of hair, even shoulder-length hair can be styled in a basket.

In addition to haircuts, there are winning hairstyles

Of course, haircuts are in fashion this season. For example, bob, square or cascade. Moreover, they can be made in various versions: asymmetrical, with bangs, graduated. But a hairstyle is an opportunity to add some zest to your look.

"Malvinka" from braids on average hair

  • The curls are collected from the sides and secured with an elastic band.
  • Anyone can do a little backcombing.
  • Braids are woven from one side and the other.
  • Fluff the hair in the braid, stretching it to the sides.
  • Connect the braids at the back.
  • Decorate with a bow at the junction.


The main trick is to create a little chaos. In fact, there are many types of buns. and I will show you what else they can be.

Curl styling

Always looks beautiful. The advantage of this styling is that it can be varied.

  • You can make small curls.
  • Curls only at the ends.
  • Curls framing the face.

Curls are sometimes the basis for a hairstyle.

Hairstyles for eleventh graders short hair

Accessories and styling play a major role here.

You can curl your hair or wear a headband. And I selected several options.

Romantic wreath

  • Your hair will look better if you lightly moisten your hair with water.
  • Make a parting. In the middle or on the side, your choice.
  • Start twisting the strands on both sides alternately, picking up the strands.
  • Pick up the back and tighten it.
  • You can intersperse pearls, small flowers or crabs into such a wreath.

Marseille waves

Retro style has come into fashion.

  • Separate your curls with a side parting and apply gel to them. Comb to distribute the styling product over the entire length.
  • Stepping back from the parting from 1 to 5 cm, make the first wave. Its direction should be upward.
  • Create an “S” shape and secure it with a bobby pin.
  • And so on to the very bottom.
  • When the gel has dried, you can remove the fasteners.

This article is a conversation starter. There will be a continuation, and very soon! Subscribe and tell your friends! And I will be waiting for your comments and recommendations!

September 1 is an exciting event for many mothers. Surely all mothers, without exception, want their daughters to be the most beautiful on this holiday. This is especially true for 1st grade students who will cross the school threshold for the first time.

Everything, without exception, must be perfect: a beautiful uniform, shoes, a backpack and, of course, a festive hairstyle with bows or beautiful hairpins. Fortunately, there are now a lot of photo and video lessons on the Internet that go step by step and provide visual instructions on how to do this or that hairstyle for hair of absolutely any length, for girls of different ages. In this article, we have collected the most beautiful and simple enough hairstyles for September 1, 2019.

Hairstyle for September 1st for girls 1st grade

The step-by-step instructions show a hairstyle for a first-grader, which is very easy to do on shoulder-length hair and below. First, we braid the now fashionable “boxer” braids, and then we tie the ponytails with white bows. If you don’t like tight braids, before securing them with an elastic band, each loop can be pulled out a little.

Instructions for implementation : First of all, we divide all the hair into two parts in a straight parting. We tie one side into a ponytail. We divide the second into two parts, as shown in the photo. We fix the hair at the bottom with an elastic band so that it does not interfere, and in the area of ​​the bangs we begin to braid the hair, after wetting and combing the hair.

When the braid is braided, secure it with an elastic band and tie a high ponytail next to it. move on to the second part of the head and repeat everything by analogy. We decorate the first-grader's hairstyle with white bows.

Hairstyles for September 1st for elementary and high school girls

In addition to hairstyles for September 1st for 1st grade girls, there are a lot of requests on the Internet about hairstyles for other older students. We will try to choose interesting hairstyles for girls of different ages with different hair lengths. Let's start with interesting photo examples and move on to instructions for implementation.

Hairstyles for 2nd grade and 3rd grade

Another hairstyle that is suitable for September 1st, if you decorate it with white bows and just wear it to school every day. This option is designed for those mothers who absolutely do not know how to braid, but want to create a cute and original hairstyle for their girl.

The essence of this school hairstyle is very simple. We braid the ponytails, form two strands, turn them inside out in the shape of hearts, then secure them with elastic bands and decorate them with bows if desired.

Simple picnic for 5th grade and 6th grade

Another simple hairstyle that can be done quickly in 5 minutes and does not require any special skills. It may seem simple to many, but for a festive look, you can decorate the main ponytail with a large bow, and use small bows for clips along the entire length, and the appearance of this seemingly simple hairstyle will immediately be transformed.

A variant of an original hairstyle with a hair bow for long hair for September 1, which you can easily do with your own hands at home. The point is simple. We tilt our head down, braid a spikelet and a high ponytail with a large loop, which we then divide into two parts, each of which we attach to the main body of hair with invisible hair. Then we pass the tip of the tail in the middle and also fix it with invisible ones.

Another hairstyle option for a schoolgirl with a hair bow and a braid.

Hairstyle for schoolgirls 8th grade and 9th grade

You don’t know what hairstyle to do to make it look unusual. Try openwork weaving with small crabs. It is difficult to do such a hairstyle on your own, but if you call your mother or friend for help, you can easily manage it. You need to take individual strands, fold them cordially and secure them with crabs. Additionally, you can attach a small bow to each crab.

Hairstyles for high school girls 10th grade and 11th grade

Option for a braided hairstyle for long and medium hair for a high school student. This weaving is called an inverted or reverse spikelet, it is ordinary and simple. The originality and beauty of the hairstyle is given by the method of weaving; the braid is woven as if diagonally. It can be left beautifully lying on the shoulder, or it can be fixed below in the form of a shell. The tip of the braid can be decorated with a bow.

Hairstyles for September 1st with bows

Most often, ponytails and braids are decorated with bows; in rare cases, elastic bands with a bow are used to decorate hairstyles with a bun or bump. Let's look at a standard and original hairstyle for girls in junior and senior classes.

You can make a hairstyle with a large bow and a combed bun. It looks very original and glamorous. Suitable for high school girls.

With bows, you can come up with easy hairstyles for the First of September based on loose hair and braids. Here, for example, is an absolutely simple and at the same time beautiful hairstyle with a hairpin.

Braids for the first of September

For lovers of braids, there are a few more simple and not so simple braiding options. Braids can be combined with braids, buns and ponytails, resulting in simple but cute hairstyles.

The first braid is assembled from two side braids and a centrally inverted tail.

To diversify a regular braid, you can weave in side strands as you weave.

Hairstyles for hair of different lengths

Sometimes it seems that the most beautiful hairstyles with your own hands can only be done for long hair, because... short and medium ones are usually unruly and poorly braided. But it is not always the case. There are two simple ways to make hair of absolutely any length more pliable. The first old and good method is to simply wet your hair before braiding. The second method is more expensive and requires styling products. The secret to manageable and voluminous hair is to use a cosmetic product - sea salt in the form of a special hair spray, which gives the necessary texture to the hair. Use these little tricks and any hairstyle will suit you. Now let's see what hairstyle you can do on September 1 based on long, medium and short hair.

Hairstyles for September 1st for long hair

Children's hairstyles are the easiest to come up with, because here our imagination is not hampered by any conventions or fashion requirements. Here's an example of a very light hairstyle with a clip and three thin braids. A detailed description is not required, because everything is clear here.

Hairstyles for Knowledge Day for medium hair

Girls from high school can fantasize about autumn hairstyles and make an original version using the “Greek meander”. This is a special elastic band of large diameter, into which strands are inserted alternately from both sides and fixed. You can decorate your hair with artificial branches, flowers or bows.

Hairstyles for short hair for schoolgirls

Braiding can be done even on short hair. For example, braid two braids or leave your hair loose and do a waterfall braid. Both options are suitable for both adult girls and very young first-graders. If your hair is very thin and unruly, use a headband with a bow and lightly curl your hair. Simple and elegant.

So, very soon that significant day will come for all children and teenagers, and what can we say for their parents. The image and hairstyle for September 1 is the same headache as the hairstyle for graduation in any class. Today I will try to collect in one article about 30 hairstyle options for September 1, both for 1st grade and 11th grade. I hope you find these photos of hairstyles for September 1st useful.

Hairstyle for September 1st, photo, video tutorials

This lantern ponytail hairstyle for September 1 is suitable for both a girl who is going to 1st grade and a high school student. On the one hand, this is a traditional attribute of the first day of school - a bow, but without the banality.

Another hairstyle for the first of September for any age is a braid with pearls (by the way, it is done very, very simply).

The flower braid is a hairstyle for September 1st for those with long or medium hair. You can add a beautiful accessory.

This option is for girls who want to be special for the holidays of knowledge, be sure to try it, it’s easier than it seems).

This hairstyle for September 1st is suitable for girls with medium length hair. The braid will add romance to the look, and the bow will complement the look (you can also use non-dark colors).

A ponytail with a bow, it seems like a very simple hairstyle, but so cute. A fresh solution for the first day of school.

A great hairstyle option for September 1st for long hair is a braid with a tie; you can add a bow or a beautiful ribbon to your hair.

The braid looks very romantic and fashionable, you will be one of the most beautiful high school girls in the lineup.

This hairstyle for September 1st is suitable for stylish and modern girls, because... everyone knows that half-up buns and ponytails are trending right now.

A bun with a ribbon for the first of September is suitable for almost any age.

The braided ponytail for September 1st with a corrugated effect looks great and is suitable for those with long hair.

12 hairstyle options for September 1st from Elena Rogova.

A high bun made of plaits for high school girls.

Braided basket bun for any age.

September 1 is not only the beginning of the school year, but also the first day of meeting with classmates after a long summer vacation. Every girl at this moment wants to look her best, no matter how long her hair is. Below is a selection of various beautiful hairstyles that are perfect for going to the September 1st school assembly. You can create all of them yourself on short hair.

Braids and ponytails

Side braid

A regular braid, braided from the temple on one side in a standard or technique, will look very interesting on the beautiful heads of older schoolgirls.

Mesh weaves

Girls from grades 1 to 5 can wear interesting hairstyles with mesh weaves on September 1st.

Option #1:

  1. Make two small ponytails and braid them to the middle.
  2. Cross and tie with the following strands, located parallel, but lower.
  3. Braid the hair again and so on.

Option #2:

  1. From the middle part of the hair from the forehead to the crown, form several identical parallel ponytails.
  2. Divide each ponytail into 2 parts and braid each into a side French braid.

Hairstyles with bows are worn not only by little fashionistas. This original accessory looks great on the locks of girls of all ages.

Many stylish styles are complemented by a cute decoration measuring 4–5 cm or a bright, elegant bow made of satin ribbon. Look at the photo, explore the options for creating original hairstyles with bows for hair of different lengths.

Hairstyle options for girls

Young fashionistas wear bows not only on September 1, but every day. For a special occasion, large, traditionally shaped accessories are suitable. On weekdays, it is better to decorate your ponytails or braids with more modest, but by no means boring, bows.

How to attach a bow:

  • make one or two ponytails, secure fluffy accessories on top with elastic bands. A great option for a holiday lineup;
  • braid your hair, decorate the top and them with small bows. Neat hairpins are acceptable at the front;
  • gather your hair into a bun at the top of your head, secure it carefully with hairpins, and attach a flat bow to the front or back;
  • braid the spikelet not from the front, but from the back of the head towards the crown. Gather the rest of the length into a ponytail and make a bun. Attach an accessory of any size under the bun.

Some interesting ideas for loose hair

See how easy it is to create an original hairstyle. The strands are picked up in front, do not interfere, and do not get into the eyes. The beauty of the hair is visible from behind. Decor – one or more braids plus a bright flat bow.

Any mother or even father can braid such a braid. If you are not comfortable with braids, twist the side strands into plaits, make a little twist, and secure with a thin elastic band. Decorate the attachment point with a cute bow.

If you have enough experience in weaving original braids, please your daughter or granddaughter with such a spectacular hairstyle. Circular weaving does not look boring, small bows complement the cute look.

Malvinka is a suitable option for short strands. If a girl has a bob haircut, the malvinka will be an excellent way to style it for every day.

Gather the front strands below the crown and secure with an elastic band. You can braid a braid from two or three links. Attach a modest or more elegant bow on top.

Hairstyles with bows for older girls

Owners of medium and long hair can create many stylish styles with bows. A delicate bow adds some playfulness to the image, reminiscent of childhood.

Some accessories, on the contrary, are quite laconic, looking strict and stylish. This decor will perfectly complement your hairstyle for the office.

Bows of different sizes look great on loose and picked up hair, on curled and straight strands. Many fashionistas have already appreciated such an original hairstyle as a hair bow.

There are countless options. Look, study photos and descriptions of popular hairstyles with bows.

Options for medium and long hair

It's time to diversify your styling and find some original looks. Take note of one of the ideas. You may be interested in several styles. Experiment, be bright and stylish!

Classic Malvinka

Why not? Neither at 15 nor at 20 years old do not give up simple but effective styling. For a romantic date, going to a cafe or going for a walk, a cute look will be the most organic. The hairstyle looks good with or without soft bangs.

It's easy to create a little one:

  • wash your hair, blow dry or air dry
  • If desired, curl the strands, create more elastic curls or soft waves;
  • to add volume, lightly comb the front strands;
  • to securely fix curls, use foam or mousse;
  • gather strands from the forehead to the crown, make a ponytail or braid a short braid;
  • Decorate the junction with a bow.

Original braid styling

A suitable option for a summer day. The hair is beautifully styled, the beauty of the weave is visible. The hairstyle is not boring, easy to perform.

Step by step:

  • comb clean curls well, apply a little mousse or foam;
  • Separate narrow strands from both sides above the temples, braid them, secure the bottom with an elastic band;
  • braid a regular spikelet, fix the end of the braiding at the back of the head, secure with a thin elastic band;
  • gather side braids together with the spikelet, gather a common tail at the back of the head;
  • make a soft bun or bun, with pins in a circle to secure the structure. Refer to the photo;
  • above the bun, secure a small bow with an elastic band or bobby pin.

Legendary babette

Fashionable hairstyle in the dude style is one of the most popular. Medium and long strands are easy to style in an original design.

Decorate your babette with a bright artificial accessory or create an unusual hair bow. Place the decor under the structure, on the side or in front of the babette. Focus on the overall image.

How to proceed:

  • gather a high ponytail on the top of your head;
  • divide the strands into two parts of different volumes;
  • Comb the bulk of your hair well, create a babette - a lush bun, secure as in the photo;
  • Place uncombed hairs on top of the structure, secure with hairpins and bobby pins;
  • attach the bow in the right place - in front or behind the bun;
  • if you decide to make a bow out of hair, leave the ends of the strands free, gather them under the bun with an elastic band, divide them into two parts - create the wings of the bow;
  • make a jumper from the ends of the strands, tuck them in, secure with bobby pins and hairpins;
  • It’s easy to make an original accessory from the hair at the front. You must first leave the front strand loose, then make a bow out of it in front of the babette according to the usual pattern.

Hair bow

This original styling has many variations - from strict, elegant to sweet, romantic. Pick up medium-length hair completely, curl long locks and leave them fluffy. Spectacular styling looks great on dark and light hair.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Comb your hair thoroughly, gather a ponytail at the back of your head or crown;
  • do not tighten the loop all the way, leave 8–10 centimeters to create a jumper;
  • distribute the collected strands: the wings of the bow should be the same size;
  • stretch the parts to the side, create wings of the required length;
  • Use the loose ends of your hair to cover the middle, like a regular bow, and secure with hairpins;
  • lightly spray the styling with varnish.

Hairstyles for short hair

Most often, shoulder-length haircuts or strands of minimal length are decorated with a bow attached to a hoop. A selection of accessories in stores and on the Internet - for every taste and budget.

If you have short strands and there is not enough length for the original styling, a bow headband will help out. The stylish accessory can be easily matched to the color of your native strands.

Many girls attach a bow to their combed strands. Against the backdrop of voluminous styling, the cute accessory looks no less interesting.

Look at the different options. The original white bow is suitable even for wedding styling.

Bright bows create a festive mood even at home. A mother and wife should also be beautiful at any age.

One touch, and how the image has changed. Choose a headband of a suitable size so that there is no strong pressure on your head.

That's how many interesting styling a simple accessory can create. Hairstyles with bows are suitable for any occasion. Style your hair in different ways, perhaps you will get another original option. Happy experimenting!

A few more hairstyle options with a hair bow in the following video:

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