Oghren location. DA: Awakening Quests from companions. List of personal quests for companions and conditions for appearance in Dragon Age: Awakening

Personal companion quests in Dragon Age: Awakening appear after reaching a certain favor level or meeting certain conditions. The higher the level of favor, the higher the chances of learning from a confidential conversation about the past of the companions, their personal stories, experiences, mistakes made and other secrets. Personal tasks are one or two additional tasks, after which the relationship moves to a new level of trust. Decisions made during the game also help to achieve a high position. The arrangement changes based on the characters and beliefs of the companions: what one likes may irritate another. There are no romantic relationships in the add-on, too little time.

List of personal tasks for companions and conditions for appearance in Dragon Age: Awakening:

  • Anders(task “Free Anders!”) - after talking with Namaya near the northern exit from Amaranthine. She will tell you about an amulet with the blood of a magician, by which he can be found and tracked. The amulet is kept in an abandoned warehouse in front of Glassrick's armorer's shop, on the side of the city's main gate. Templars will be waiting in the warehouse, ready to arrest Anders and send him to the Circle of Mages. The amulet cannot be found.
  • Nathaniel Howe(quest “The Howe Family”) - after meeting with the gardener Samuel in the courtyard with the villagers’ houses east of the entrance to the Vigilance Tower. The gardener will tell you that Nathaniel's sister Delilah is alive and married an Amaranthine merchant. All other relatives died during the civil war. You can meet your sister near Master Henley in the shopping arcades of Amaranthine.
  • Oghren(quest “Ogren - the father of the family”) - Felzi, the mother of Ogren’s child, will appear at the Tower of Vigil, angry that her husband is neglecting his family duty. A sincere conversation with a friend, with a high level of goodwill, will help resolve the problem.
  • Velanna(task “The Expulsion of Velanna”) - during the transition to the Black Swamps, a random meeting will occur with former fellow tribesmen of the cocky elf, led by Marren. As it turns out, she was expelled from the clan, but the reasons will become known later, after a sincere conversation in the Vigilance Tower.
  • Justice(quest “Kristoff and Justice”) - Ora, Kristoff’s wife, will come to the Vigil Tower in search of her husband after the squad returns from the Black Swamps. Of course, she will experience a terrible shock when Justice explains that Kristoff is dead, and his body is now inhabited by a spirit from the Shadow. The woman’s experiences will end in the Church of Amaranthine after a second conversation with Justice.
  • Sigrun(task “Sigrun’s thieves’ past”) - in Amaranthine, if you take the right road from Constable Aidan towards the tavern and church (before reaching the stairs and the cart), you can meet Mischa, Sigrun’s old friend, who, through her fault, was kicked out of Orzammar. The meeting will be held in a raised voice. After a frank conversation with Sigrun in the Tower of Vigil, you need to return to Amaranthine and go to the Crown and Lion tavern, where everything can be settled peacefully.
    Mischa will not appear on the streets of Amaranthine if Constable Aidan’s orders to destroy the bandits in the mission “” have been completed, or even taken. You can correct an error in the logic for issuing tasks using the file “Sigrun’s Roguish Past & Law and Order fix”. Download the file Sigrun_Law_Order.rar from the Bioware social network, copy the folder Sigrun_Law_Order, containing three files, in /packages/core/override with the game installed. Sigrun's personal quest can be completed before the defense of the Vigil Tower or before the rescue of Amaranthine, that is, before the start of the final stage of the game. To remove the fix from the game, delete the Sigrun_Law_Order folder.

Gray Guardian: So, we have an attack on the Vigil Tower, talking and intelligent Creatures of Darkness and some other incomprehensible garbage Gray Guardian: We need to figure this all out before something even worse happens. Gray Guardian: Last time, I and my companions killed everyone with one left, so I propose to gather us all again, and we will stop the new apocalypse in two days Oghren: Great idea! Alistair (appears with a squad of soldiers): I came here on foot from Denerim only to say that I would like to join you, but then you are on your own Wynn(appears in Amaranthine): Spawn of Darkness is very serious, but I have a meeting of magicians. By the way, serf, find my botanist friend in the Vending forest and persuade her to join me Other satellites: *does not appear in Awakening* Gray Guardian: fuck yeah Meeting with Anders Anders: I escaped from the Circle of Mages seven times and I hate all templars Gray Guardian: You are really cool Anders: And I also love kittens. Ser Lancelap, oooooh, you're such a sweetheart... Gray Guardian: Well, no, you are not suitable for us. You're too soft Anders: In a few years, I'll become possessed by a spirit, go crazy, blow up a church, and start a feud between the templars and the mages. Gray Guardian: You're accepted Other satellites: Nathaniel: I hate you, Gray Warden, because you killed my father. Velanna: I hate people and want to save my sister, who is clearly infected with corruption and has gone over to the side of the Spawn of Darkness Justice: I am a Spirit from the Shadow that has inhabited a half-decayed corpse, and no one cares. By the way, it is thanks to my influence that Anders will blow up the church. Sigrun: I am a former thief, a warrior from the Legion of the Dead, all my friends were killed, and I deserted in time Gray Guardian: I think we'll work together Gray Warden and Oghren Gray Guardian: I'm so glad to see you again Oghren: Who the fuck are you, this is the first time I've seen you Gray Guardian: But in Origins we were best friends! You even treated me to the famous Ogren beer! I helped you make peace with Felzy! Oghren: I do not know anything Gray Guardian: *sighs* ok, you're wearing West Hill brandy. Oghren: Not bad, really! Gray Warden and any companion: Satellite: Listen, here's the thing, I'd really like you to help me... Gray Guardian: But we barely know each other! In Origins, I had to do long ritual dances and cajole gifts to get a personal quest! Satellite: Shut up and listen... Gray Guardian and money extortionists: Some gnome: The walls of the fortress are in terrible condition, urgently give 80 gold for restoration, otherwise everyone will die in the end Black Wolf: There is a conspiracy against you, and if you give me 50 gold, I will help expose it. Satellites: We need better armor and weapons, buy buy buy Gray Guardian: Hey! I saved this money throughout the last game and was going to spend it on myself! Why doesn't the king provide us with at least some funding?! For the first time in Amaranthine: Guard at the gate: Just stand there, empty your pockets, if you are carrying anything prohibited, the order applies to everyone! Constable Aidan: HOW DARE YOU TALK TO THE GUARDIAN COMMANDER LIKE THIS, I REMOVE YOU FROM SERVICE Gray Guardian: Cool, now everyone knows and respects me Constable Aidan: Help deal with smugglers Gray Guardian: *rolls his eyes painfully* Somewhere in Amaranthine Some city resident: Help me get the cat out of the tree! Gray Guardian: Actually, I am the Commander of the Gray Wardens and the Hero of Ferelden! What kind of luminary should I run around all over Amaranthine in search of scarecrows and kitchen knives and look for missing husbands?! *task updated* Gray Guardian: Fuck Master Wade: Don't forget the ingredients on my list! Running along the fortress walls of Amaranthine: Gray Guardian: What a gorgeous view! Oh look, there's a bunch of thugs down there who are guaranteed to be waiting for us! Satellites: *shrugs indifferently* Gray Guardian: I have a brilliant idea! Anders, start hitting them with magic, and you, Nathaniel, shoot them with your bow! Satellites: Aren't you afraid that they will climb the wall and hang you with lyules? Gray Guardian: *snorts contemptuously* Nathaniel and Anders: *start attack* Thugs: *they shake their weapons menacingly, but don’t move and soon everyone dies* Gray Guardian: *defiantly sheathing the sword* Business! First meeting with the Architect Architect: What do we have here? Gray Warden, I am not your enemy... Gray Guardian: Who else are you and why do you have Stan's voice? Captured by the Architect: Architect: Thank you for using the services of our villainous organization "Architect and Co." We take care of our clients and provide them with accommodation and brand new clothes at the expense of the company! We are not some kind of Denerim prison where prisoners are kept in their underpants! Architect: And, of course, we are confident in the integrity of our clients and that they will not try to escape and defeat a crowd of armed creatures of darkness in armor with their bare hands! Gray Guardian: *making sure all inventory is gone* NO ONE DARE TAKE MY THINGS!!! Oghren: Hey, that's actually my line! In Kal-Hirol: Gray Guardian: So, we got to the lowest level, killing a bunch of enemies along the way, and a super mega boss awaits us Gray Guardian: There are some tentacles constantly shooting out from under the ground here. Gray Guardian: And someone mentioned darkspawn queens in the plural Gray Guardian: We're in for a very tough fight, so let's think about our strategy right away. *half an hour later* Gray Guardian: So, I did everything I could, and now may the Creator help us. Satellites: Yeah! Chains that hold the heavy chandelier:*breaks in two places* Gray Guardian: Is that all?! On the Black Swamps: Gray Guardian: We finally got to these swamps Gray Guardian: Not only is it full of werewolves and wolves, but there are also tears in the veil, and you can easily get stuck in a swamp Gray Guardian: So it would be better to wait until morning, so that we can at least see where we are going Satellites: Completely agree with you Gray Guardian: BUT WHEN WE DID IT RIGHT SO LET'S GO RIGHT NOW IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT REALLY I HAD A GREAT IDEA Satellites: *facepalm* Baroness and Warden Cousland, who became queen: Baroness: I will become the queen of this world and you will all bow down to me! Gray Guardian: Whose laurels have you decided to encroach on, bitch? In the Mother's Lair: Architect: let's live in peace Gray Guardian: Cool Mother: KNOW, GUARDIAN, THAT THIS ASSHOLE WOKE UP THE ARCHIDEMONS AND STARTED THE FIFTH PLAUGHTER! Gray Guardian: Something ain't cool Architect: ... Mother:Satellites: ... Gray Guardian: But I still agree to an alliance with the Architect... Mother and half of the companions: KA-A-A-K?!?! Gray Guardian:*shrugs casually* His mask is cool

Good relationships with companions mean bonuses to characteristics and additional quests, help in moments of crisis, and generally a good thing. And if on easy or medium difficulty this is easy to neglect, then on maximum difficulty it will hardly work out (every penny counts there).

Depending on the state of the relationship, you can break it down into:

Meaning Name What's happening
— 100 A crisis They may slap you in the face or simply drop out of the squad
from -99 to -26 Dislike
-25 to 25 Neutral
from 26 to 75 Warm Additional dialogues about the past of comrades appear, specializations may open, and quests may also appear
from 76 to 100 Friendship They can give something valuable or not very valuable

To start a romantic relationship, you will have to complete the personal quest of your party member (we won’t play as a girl, right?). It is worth remembering that all teammates (except Alistair) will leave the squad if their attitude indicator drops to -100. There are also certain moments of crisis - in these situations the character can rebel and attack, or leave the squad.

In each major location there is a place to start a conversation between companions. These points are located in the following places: at the entrance to Lothering (after descending from the Road and on the bridge), on the first bridge in Redcliffe, in the north of the Denerim Trade Quarter, Orzammar bridge to the arena, the first floor of the Tower of Mages, at the entrance to the Dalish camp. The point only works once; to initiate a new dialogue, you need to re-enter the location.

Your Guardian can also talk to his companions, and more conversations are available in the camp. Sometimes a comrade-in-arms may come up to you in camp and start a conversation. During this process, you can open a secret quest (for example, the Orzammar Nag for Leliana), as well as increase or decrease Influence.

For all allies, there are gifts that can increase influence. Most often, gifts are preferred by one ally, and have little effect on others. Some gifts are special and will trigger a special dialogue once given. For the first gift given, the ally will increase approval by 10 points, for the second - 9, and for each subsequent gift - 1 point less than the previous one (but not less than 1). Special gifts can increase Approval by more than 10. This usually happens when a follower asks for a certain thing.

Non-specialized gifts have a primary value of +5, and for giving an item to an ally with a negative attitude, the influence points for him are halved (but remain at least 1). The easiest way to raise Influence is through dialogue or as you progress through the game (some of your choices can cause companions to increase or decrease Approval), and a companion in whom your Guardian has a romantic interest can raise it to 100 very quickly. Gifts in such cases are worth holding on to. , in order to use them to bring the necessary influence points to the marks that initiate a new dialogue or quest, or to smooth out disapproval of your choice in a given situation.


Alistair will join you in the story in Ostagar and will be the only companion who will not leave the group even with an attitude of -100; even kicking him out will not be possible until his moment of crisis. With high Approval, Alistair will teach your Guardian how to be a Templar.

Personal quest – Alistair's Family

When you first visit Redcliffe, Alistair will tell you his biography, and with high Approval, in the next conversation he will mention a sister named Goldanna and ask to visit her in Denerim. Goldanna's house is located in the Trade Quarter next to Wade's forge and is not initially marked on the map - for the entrance to appear, get closer to it with Alistair. A short conversation with Goldanna awaits inside, and nothing depends on your answers. On the way out, Alistair will try to discuss what happened.

Moment of crisis

Alistair will leave the party if you leave Loghain alive at the Meeting of the Lands. If you toughen it up, Alistair can remain king, otherwise Anora will demand his execution. Whether you agree with her or not doesn’t matter anymore, one way or another, Alistair won’t appear again.


Morka will join the squad at the insistence of Flemeth after rescuing the Guardians from the Tower of Ishal. She can be driven away, but if she remains, this will reveal additional options for the ending of the game. She can also teach the Werewolf Mage specialization. This madam likes it when we act tough, and she doesn't like to help everyone. You can soften Morrigan after presenting the Golden Mirror, asking in return to be kinder to people. After this, she will reduce Approval less.

Personal quest – Grimoire of Flemeth

After visiting the Tower of Magicians, Morrigan will tell you that in the past some templar stole an important Black Grimmoire from her mother and will ask her to find it. The book is in a chest in Irving's office. The next time you enter the camp, Morrigan will ask you to kill Flemeth, find her real grimoire, and tell you what she learned from this book. You can now return to Flemeth's Hut. Her owner can simply give the book back and ask her to tell Morrigan that you killed her. If you do not agree, there will be a fight with Flemeth the dragon. As a bonus for the latter, you will receive a new robe for Morrigan. Returning the grimoire to the witch will complete the quest.

Morrigan as romantic interest

You need to talk to Morrigan about Flemeth, and when Influence reaches 30, you can invite her to the tent, although the witch can do the same herself. After giving the Grimmoire to Flemeth, she will confess her feelings and refuse to share a bed with you. Her gift as a sign of feelings is a magic ring. There is no happy ending with Morrigan in the game.

Moment of crisis

The first moment will happen before the final battle. Morrigan will make a tempting offer, and if you refuse, she will immediately leave you. If you agree to the ritual, Morrigan will leave immediately after defeating the Archdemon.


Leliana will be asked to join the group in the Lothering tavern after a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers. She can reveal to you the Bard's specialization. The Idle Dwarf will help you catch the lovely Naga.

Personal quest - Leliana's Past

First, you need to talk with Leliana about the Orlesian bards, and the next time you visit the Camp, talk about Marjoline, her mentor. After this, when moving across the world map, a random encounter will occur with a detachment of robbers, whose leader will tell you on the battlefield that he was hired to kill Leliana. The bard will suggest that Marjoline is behind the attack and will ask you to find her in Denerim (this will be a house in the Trade Quarter). The conversation with Marjoline can end peacefully or in battle, and then Leliana will say that she needs to think about it.

At camp, she will share her doubts about her resemblance to Marjolaine. If you want to toughen it up, affirm that the pleasure of defeating opponents is part of it, and there is no point in denying it. The tightening may affect the ending for Leliana.

Leliana as romantic interest

Leliana gives only two opportunities to start a relationship. Anyone who has reached 25 points of Influence needs to ask “what a girl like that was doing in Lothering Church” and compliment her appearance. If the romance develops correctly, Leliana will give you a ring.

If you missed the first opportunity (or broke off the relationship for the sake of flirting with another companion), then you can start dating again after completing Leliana’s personal quest - in a conversation-discussion of what happened, tell her that people change over time. When she notices that your Guardian reminds her of a former mentor, you can make sure that her relationship is back on the Roman scale. Leliana will invite you to spend the night together when the relationship with her reaches the love mark - you won’t be able to invite her to the tent yourself.

Moment of crisis

Happens in the Gauntlet (quest Urn of Sacred Ashes) - if you desecrate the Ashes and Leliana is in the group, she will attack you. If she stayed in the camp, she will try to leave when you return (if you have pumped up Persuasion, you can persuade her not to leave). The toughened Leliana will not leave the group even if the Urn is desecrated.


A group of mercenaries led by Zevran will attack when crossing the world map after completing one of the story quests. Having dealt with the attackers, you can finish off Zevran or take him into the group. He can teach you the Assassin specialization.

Moment of crisis

Zevran does not have a personal quest. The moment of crisis occurs near the end of the game when moving between Denerim mini-locations (having Zevran in the group is optional), when you stumble upon Zevran's former comrade-in-arms named Talisen, who invites him to return to the Ravens, having completed his last task. If Zevran's attitude towards you is low or negative, he will join the mercenaries and attack you. If it is more or less positive, then Zevran will step aside, leaving you to deal with Talisen on your own. If the Influence on the former assassin is high enough (and even more so in the case of a romance), Zevran will fight with you.

If your relationship with Zevran is friendly, after the battle he will try to leave the group. You can persuade him to stay for the treasures you find during your travels, or, if his attitude is higher, just as a friend. If you and Zevran are having an affair, then he will not try to leave. However, if you break off the romance at the love tag, Zevran will leave the group.


If you play as a Noble Person, then you will receive mabari in the prologue. In all other cases, the dog will join you (if you do not drive him away) after completing the Houndmaster quest in Ostagar, when moving from Flemeth's Hut to Lothering.

Mabari's approval will initially be 100, so you can give him edible gifts just like that. The dog can also bring you gifts for other companions, books with pages from the Codex, a magic staff or part of a set of armor. In almost every location there is a landmark that the mabari can mark, which will provide him with an increase in characteristics in this territory. Actually, there are no dialogues with the mabari, but the rest of your companions communicate with the dog every now and then.


The Wall can be rescued from his cage in Lothering, where he sits without food or water, serving his sentence for the murder of a peasant family, and called to atone for his sins in the battle with the Spawn of Darkness. You can pick the lock or get the key from the Reverend Mother.

Personal quest – Sword of Beresad

Having asked Sten about the reasons for the bloody massacre, he will tell you that he was incredibly upset by the loss of his sword, without which he could not return to his homeland. To find the sword, talk first to the marauder at Lake Calenhad, then to the merchant Farin at the entrance to Orzammar, and finally to the dwarf Dwin in Redcliffe. The sword can be demanded, redeemed, or, if the dwarf died, taken from the chest in his house.

Moment of crisis

If Sten accompanies you in the village of Shelter (quest Urn of Sacred Ashes), he will express dissatisfaction with wasting time on all sorts of nonsense. If you fail to convince Stan that a visit here is necessary, he will challenge you to a duel. If you lose, he will leave the squad, and if you win, he will stay. If Stan's Approval is high, he will decide not to leave, and even if you agree to the duel, he will not raise his sword.


Winn can join the squad in the Tower of Mages, where you will go during the story quest Broken Circle. To do this, you need to take the side of the magicians or offer to sort it out on the spot. If you want to have the templars as your allies and do not want to lose Wynn, then you can let the Demon of Pride destroy Irving and the rest of the magicians or save him, and then invite Gregor to isolate the remnants of the Circle.

Personal quest – Regret Wynn

As you navigate the world map, you will be ambushed by the Spawn of Darkness, and after the fight, Wynn will faint. Having come to her senses, she admits that for a moment she decided that it was all over. If asked what she meant by this, Wynn will promise to tell the story at the next stop. The next time you enter the camp, Wynn will talk about what recently happened to her, after which you will have the opportunity to ask if Wynn is afraid of death, and if she regrets anything in her life. As a result, Wynn will tell you another story - about his student Aneirin. Saren can tell you about Aneirin in the Dalish camp, and you will find the elf himself in Eastern Brecilian. After talking with him, the quest will end, and Winn will receive a new ability.

Moment of crisis

Winn will attack you if you, at the first meeting with her, or tell Kallen a little later that you have come to destroy the magicians. She will also attack if she suspects that your Guardian or Morrigan are blood mages and you will not be able to convince her. This usually happens in the Tower of Mages, and then you can not only use the skills of Blood Magic in her presence, but also train Wynn herself in this specialization. Wynn will also rebel if she was present at the Desecration of the Ashes, but if she remained in the camp, then the next time you return there she will announce her departure.


Ogren will be asked to join the squad at the entrance to the Deep Paths, where you will go as part of the story quest Perfect. Oghren can reveal the Berserker specialization to you.

Personal quest – Ogren’s Old Love

With Ogren's high Approval, you can hear about his former lover Felzi and the dwarf's desire to make peace with her. To get more approval points, go to the Spoiled Princess tavern near Lake Calenhad without Oghren and talk to her. Then tell Ogren about this, convincing him that preliminary reconnaissance was necessary, and take him with you for another conversation. During his turn, you can help Ogren, in which case the couple will get back together, and the dwarf will greatly increase your Approval. Otherwise, Felzi will drive Ogren away, and he, in turn, will be very offended by you. Talking to Felzi will complete the quest, and its completion will affect the epilogue for Ogren. There is no moment of crisis for him.


Loghain can be added to the party after the Landsmeet if you spare him. Alistair will leave you at this point, so Loghain also specializes in a sword with a shield. For him there are no special gifts, personal quests or moments of crisis. His Approval cannot be increased to the level of Friendship - at most it will remain Respect.

Within months of Branca's rise, the marriage began to disintegrate. Ogren was constantly drunk, and Branka spent her days away from home, working on various projects and studying her new obsession - a dwarven artifact that was once used to build an army. The couple stopped talking to each other completely. The Perfect One's contempt for her own husband spread to the rest of the house, and Oghren was soon shunned by most of the dwarves of his clan.

When, half a year after she was declared Perfect, Branka took her entire clan away to return the legendary Anvil of the Void, she did not take Oghren. The news quickly spread around Orzammar, and he became a laughing stock. Many people openly discussed why she left him: because of his stupid recklessness or because of his addiction to ale. None of these suggestions were flattering. Hoping to forget Branka, Ogren began an affair with Felzi. But the relationship did not work out - Ogren was no longer the sharp-eyed young warrior he once was. Felzi ended this connection and soon after her father’s funeral, at which a drunken Ogren caused a scandal, she went to her mother on the surface.

Abandoned for the second time, Ogren returned to the oblivious drink. When Lord Maino's youngest son teased him that Branka and her house must already be dead, Ogren challenged him to a duel until first blood. But due to severe intoxication, he lost control of himself and mortally wounded the young man. As punishment for the murder, he was deprived of weapons and permission to carry them in Orzammar, which was considered a worse punishment for a warrior than exile.

Ogren stubbornly refused to recognize Branca as dead. After there was no news from their expedition for a long time, he persistently, even if he was not always sober, asked the Assembly and the rest of the soldiers to create a search party. Each time he was always refused, but he did not give up and soon became something like a plague for the Diamond Halls of Orzammar. , the squire, even had to throw him out of the palace a couple of times.

In the end, the drunken dwarf found an understanding with , who needed to find the Perfect One in order to solve the problem of succession to the throne that had arisen in Orzammar. In search of Branka, they descended into the Deep Roads. And what he saw there changed Ogren. He realized that he no longer needed to stay in Orzammar, and went to the surface, hoping to start a new life. He found Felzi and resumed their relationship. And after graduation, they got married, had a child and lived happily - well, at least for a while. Unfortunately, Ogren's shortcomings and self-doubt went too far and began to gradually destroy his family happiness. To Felzi's horror, he started drinking again. When Ogren accidentally dropped their child for the second time, he realized that he was not fit to be a father or husband. Without saying a word, he left his family and went to , where the new Ferelden commander of the Gray Wardens was recruiting recruits to restore the order. Ogren underwent Initiation and became a Guardian.

Oghren of Orzammar is known throughout Ferelden as a comrade of the Gray Warden who stopped the fifth Blight. Some say that Ogren was the hero's constant companion; others believe that Ogren was just trailing behind the Guardian. But all the stories agree on two important facts: Oghren is a real beast on the battlefield, and he can easily take liquids that will knock down a weaker person. After defeating the Archdemon, Ogren settled with his longtime sweetheart Felsi and had a child. Those who know him say he was truly happy, at least for a while. But Ogren was born and raised a warrior, and, as he likes to say, you can take the warrior out of the battle, but you can never take the battle out of the warrior.

I haven't found a new video yet, but it must be published. When it appears, I will update this post. In the meantime, you can look in which he was introduced in the original game.

Here are a couple of new screenshots:

I myself practically didn’t take Ogren with me in DA:O. Only according to the plot in Deep Roads. But, perhaps, mainly because my main character was a warrior, and as a backup I would rather take Shale. And Ogren is a very cheerful and spontaneous guy :)

Companions of the main character in Awakening:

– (Anders)
– (Velanna)
– (Sigrun)
– (Mhairi)
– (Oghren)
– (Justice)
– (Nathaniel Howe)

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