Presentation: Labor education of schoolchildren. Labor education Principles of labor education for preschool children presentation

Labor education- this is a joint activity of the teacher and students, aimed at developing the latter general laborskills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude towards work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession.



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ZF – 211/096 – 4-1Plast Completed by: Yasko Nadezhda Petrovna Labor education of preschool children

Plan Concepts “Labor”, “Labor education”; Great teachers about work; Types of work of preschool children; Tasks of labor education; Forms of labor organization; Means, methods and techniques of labor education; Working with teachers; Conclusion; Bibliography.

The concepts of “Labor”, “Labor education”. Labor is a powerful educator, in the pedagogical system of education of A.S. Makarenko. The basis is labor. But what labor is is not at all what the hands of a child or teenager are occupied with. Labor is what develops a little person, supports him, helps him assert himself. Hard work and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Work must be creative, because it is creative work that makes a person spiritually rich.

Work stretches a person physically. And finally, work should bring joy, happiness and prosperity. We can also say that work is the manifestation of people about each other. Labor education is a joint activity of the teacher and students, aimed at developing general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude towards work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession.

Understanding the huge role of labor in educating the younger generation, they often touched on this topic in their works. Both the Great Ushinsky and A..S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, N.K. Krupskaya. Great teachers about work.

K. D. Ushinsky, who in many of his works defined a theoretical and methodological view of children’s work, attached great importance to labor education. He wrote: “Education should not only develop the mind, equip it with knowledge, but also ignite in a person a thirst for serious work, without which his life can be neither worthy nor happy.” “A person needs free labor in itself for the development and maintenance of human dignity”

The great teacher "V.A. Sukhomlinsky" wrote that the work of becoming a great educator, when it enters into the spiritual life of our students, gives the joy of friendship and camaraderie, develops inquisitiveness and curiosity, gives rise to the exciting joy of overcoming difficulties, reveals more and more new beauty in surrounding the world, awakens the first civic feeling - the feeling of the creator of material wealth, without which human life is impossible. People see work as the most important means of self-expression and personal self-affirmation. Without work, a person becomes an empty place. An important educational task is that the sense of personal dignity and personal pride of each student is based on labor success.

N.K. Krupskaya in her works repeatedly emphasized the need to accustom children from an early age to the simplest types of work available to them, noting that in this way they become familiar with the properties of materials and learn how to work with various tools. In their work, children show activity, ingenuity, perseverance, a desire to achieve results, and they develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults. Of particular importance to N.K. Krupskaya emphasized the unification of children in work, pointing out that “the joint work of children should be especially valued - these are the beginnings of collective work. It is in this collective work that the child’s strengths are best developed.”

A. S. Makarenko, in a lecture on labor education, revealed the important role of elementary types of household labor for children, noting that it develops independence, responsibility, self-organization, and purposefulness of their behavior. Children who know how to work, know the value of labor efforts, and respect the work of other people are more likely to pay attention to a person who needs help. Like N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko attached particular importance to collective child labor, in which mutual responsibility of the participants arises. In the works of A.S. Makarenko contains recommendations on organizing the work of children with a gradual complication of its content, increasing the level of requirements for self-organization, emphasizing the need for constant work responsibilities of children in the family, their participation in common concerns.

Objectives of labor education in preschool educational institutions Teaching labor skills and skills, their further improvement Fostering interest in work, hard work, responsibility, independence Familiarization with the work of adults, instilling respect for the worker and the results of his work, the desire to provide all possible assistance Forming relationships and acquiring social experience of interaction ( nurturing socially oriented motives for work, the ability to work in a team and for a team)

Creating an emotionally positive environment during the work process Selection of equipment for work Systematic inclusion of each child in work as a partner Conditions for organizing children’s work Creating motivation for work Demonstration of the teacher’s interest Rewards in the process and based on the results of work Creating a working atmosphere in the group, constant employment, the desire for useful activities Taking into account the workload, health status, interests, abilities of the child

Types of labor Self-service Manual and artistic. labor Household labor Labor in nature

Self-service is the work of a child aimed at servicing himself (dressing, undressing, eating, cleaning the bed, toys, preparing the workplace, sanitary and hygienic procedures, etc.)

Household work is aimed at serving the team, maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises and area, helping adults in organizing routine moments.

Work in nature - caring for plants, aquarium inhabitants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden and plants in a corner of nature, flower garden, plot.

Manual and artistic labor is aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person and develops the constructive and creative abilities of children.

Forms of organizing children's work Assignments Duty Collective work Individual Subgroup Collective General Short-term Long-term Episodic Regular Simple Complex Individual Subgroup (in the canteen; in a corner of nature; preparation for classes) Mandatory Systematic General work Joint work

Means, methods and techniques of labor education GCD Joint activity during routine moments throughout the day Observations of the work of adults Organization of labor activities and feasible assistance to adults Excursions Artistic means (art, music, fiction, etc.) Didactic, tabletop, s/r games Examination of paintings, illustrations, pictures Use of ICT Integration of educational areas

Work with teachers Pedagogical Council “System of pre-school work on moral and labor education of preschool children”

1. Thematic control: “The state of work in preschool educational institutions on labor education” 2. Review-competition “The best corner of duty”

3. Festival of pedagogical projects: “Vegetable garden on the window” (1 ml. gr.) “About those who work in kindergarten” (2 ml. gr.) 4. Questioning of teachers: “Difficulties in organizing the work activities of children”

Consultations: “Formation of a positive attitude towards work in preschool children” 2. “Moral and labor education of older preschoolers” 3. “The importance of labor education in the development of the personality of a preschooler” 4. “Familiarization with the work of adults”

Open viewings Goal: “Demonstration of the use of various forms of work with children in labor education:”

"Work assignments"

“Collective labor” (in nature, household work)

"Organization of duty"

Algorithms of labor actions

Work with parents Parent meetings Conversations Consultations Open days Thematic stands Lectures Participation in the life of preschool educational institutions Subbotniks Environmental, labor actions

Conclusion Thus, work activity is one of the important factors in the education of the individual. By getting involved in the labor process, a child radically changes his entire understanding of himself and the world around him. Self-esteem changes radically. It changes under the influence of success in work activity, which in turn changes the child’s authority in kindergarten. The main developmental function of labor is the transition from self-esteem to self-knowledge. In addition, abilities, skills and abilities are developed in the process of work. New types of thinking are formed in work activity. As a result of collective work, the child gains skills in work, communication, and cooperation, which improves the child’s adaptation in society. Labor is an equivalent subject of the training program.

References Bure R.S. “Teach children to work” Krupskaya N.K. "Preschool education of children" Markova T. A. "Cultivating hard work in preschoolers" Makarenko A.S. "Education at work" by Nechaeva V.G. "Labor education in kindergarten" Pedagogy / Edited by Yu.K. Babansky. 2nd ed., revised and expanded - M.: Education, 1988. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: 2 volumes / Chief ed. B .V. Davydov. – M., 1993-2000 › books/ doshkolnaya_pedagogika …

Thank you for your attention!

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution of the Kuibyshev region - combined kindergarten “Fairy Tale”

Performed : Anibroeva Olga Nikolaevna,

teacher of preschool educational institution "Skazka"

Work becomes a great educator when it enters into the spiritual life of our students, gives the joy of friendship and camaraderie, develops inquisitiveness and curiosity, gives rise to the exciting joy of overcoming difficulties, reveals more and more new beauty in the world around us, awakens the first civic feeling - the feeling of a creator of material wealth , without which human life is impossible.

V.A. Sukhamlinsky

Labor education - this is “the joint activity of the teacher and pupils, aimed at developing in them general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude towards work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession”

Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy

The goal of labor education is to develop a positive attitude towards work.

Formation of prerequisites for work activity

Nurturing a child's personality

Fostering a positive attitude towards work in adults

  • Forming interest in the work of adults.
  • Fostering respect for the working person and caring attitude towards the results of his work.
  • Fostering a desire to provide all possible assistance.
  • Formation
  • Nurturing personal qualities (independence, responsibility)
  • Fostering diligence (willingness to engage in work)
  • Nurturing positive relationships between children (friendship, etc.)

labor skills.

  • Formation of activity components.
  • Formation of social motives for work.

Occasional (short-term)



For dining and classes

Around the dining room, classes, nature corner



Forms of organizing children's work in kindergarten

Instructions (individual and joint)


Duties (individual and joint)

Star. age

Star. age

Orders - This is a request from an adult addressed to a child to perform some kind of labor action.

Duty involves the work of one or more children in the interests of the entire group.

Teamwork - this is an organization of work in which children, along with work tasks, also solve moral problems.

The methodological basis and source of information for our work on the formation of moral and labor qualities of a child, through familiarization with the work of adults, were:

Program for raising and teaching children in kindergarten”, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva;

“Moral and labor education of a preschool child” by L.V. Kutsakova.

To interact with parents, the kindergarten uses a variety of forms:

  • consultations
  • folders - moves
  • parent meetings
  • photoshoot
  • hometasks
  • entertainment
  • "Open Day"
  • Crafts exhibitions.
  • Reminders.

In the future, I have outlined the following prospects for myself:

  • continue work on developing the moral and labor qualities of pupils, through familiarizing them with the work of adults;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere for the manifestation of the personality of each child and for its development, to more clearly reveal the inclinations, skills, aspirations and activities of each child;
  • familiarizing children with the labor of the Russian people in the old days (blacksmith, plowman, weaver, needlewoman, etc.)

“A person needs free labor in itself for the development and maintenance of human dignity”

MBDOU D/S No. 3 “Topolek” presents presentation on the topic: “Labor education in kindergarten”

The labor activity of children is presented in accordance with the program of M. A. Vasilyeva “Education and training in kindergarten” in four main areas: - self-service; - household work; - labor in nature; - manual labor.

Every year in winter, a “garden on the window” function in groups, allowing children to carry out search activities .

The work of children in preschool educational institutions is organized in 3 main forms: - P warrant:

- Collective labor activity:

A special place in matters of labor education of children is given to interaction with parents: - survey; - organization of photo exhibitions “Rainbow of Professions”; - making crafts for participation in competitions; - publishing newspapers for parents once a month “Topolek”, in which one of the sections is dedicated specifically to labor education.

To carry out work on the labor education of children, the following conditions have been created: - duty corners; -garden on the window; - corners of nature; - vegetable garden on the residential plot; - flower beds; - garden; - inventory

Labor activity is one of the important factors in developing a child’s personality.

“Labor is a powerful educator in the pedagogical system of education” A.S. Makarenko . K. Ushinsky .

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Give children the joy of work. This joy comes from success, awareness of his skill and the significance of the work he does, and the opportunity to bring joy to others.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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Labor education is an important means of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler through familiarization with the work of adults and introducing children to accessible work activities.

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Labor education of preschool children is an activity that is aimed at developing general labor abilities, the formation of psychological readiness, a responsible attitude towards work and the products of its production, and also influencing the mental and physical development of the child. The problems of labor education are quite relevant for preschool children, since at this stage the child develops personal qualities, skills and desire for work. Their lack of formation at this age stage becomes an obstacle to educational and cognitive activity and subsequent adaptation to independent work. Relevance

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Forming a positive attitude towards work through familiarizing children with the work of adults and the direct participation of children in feasible work activities in kindergarten and at home. Target

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Basic principles of work Systematicity Focus on the child’s age Integration Continuity of interaction between the preschool institution and the family

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Conditions for organizing the work of children Creating a working atmosphere in the group, constant employment, the desire for useful things Systematic inclusion of each child in work as a partner Taking into account the workload, health status, interests, abilities of the child Creating motivation for work Creating an emotionally positive environment in the work process Demonstration of interest teacher Selection of equipment for work Incentives in the process and based on the results of work \

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Forms of organizing children's work Assignments On duty Collective work General work Joint work Individual Subgroup Collective General Short-term Long-term Episodic Regular Simple Complex Individual Subgroup (in the dining room; in a corner of nature; preparation for classes) Mandatory Systematic

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Means, methods and techniques of labor education Direct educational activities Joint activities during routine moments throughout the day Observations of the work of adults Organization of labor activities and feasible assistance to adults Excursions Artistic means (art, music, fiction, etc.) Didactic, tabletop, with /r games Examination of paintings, illustrations, pictures Use of ICT Integration of educational areas

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Didactic support Age Visual material Attributes and equipment Fiction Middle age Objects and pictures about the objective world and work activities of adults; Equipment for experimentation (sand, clay, different types of paper, fabric). Didactic games “Wonderful bag”, “Shop”, “Guests have arrived”, “Help Andryushka”. Didactic aids for the development of fine motor skills Aprons and caps for duty; Equipment for duty. A selection of works on the topic in accordance with the age group: -poems, nursery rhymes that encourage children to self-care. Older age Paintings, reproductions, videos about the professions of adults. Various objects, tools, materials: “The World of Fabric”, “The World of Wood and Metal”, as components of the labor process; experimenting with materials. Didactic games that simulate the structure of the labor process and expand the understanding of the world of professions and their relationships. Role-playing games that reflect real labor processes (sewing doll clothes, making furniture) into a game plot. Aprons and caps for duty; Equipment for duty. Equipment for labor in nature. Equipment for duty in a corner of nature. A selection of works on the topic in accordance with the age group: - fiction and children's encyclopedias that introduce children to work and the organization of human leisure in the past and present.

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Solving moral problems in types of work: Self-service - Nurturing independence, culture of appearance, habits of neatness. Household work - Focus of work on others, responsibility to the group for the quality of one’s work. Manual labor - Development of volitional efforts, creativity. Work in nature - Fostering responsibility for the life of animals and plants.

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Work with parents Parent meetings Conversations Consultations Open days Thematic stands Lectures Participation in the life of preschool educational institutions Subbotniks Environmental, labor actions

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Long-term plan for labor education in the middle group September 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Conversation “Everything has its place” goal: to teach how to put toys back in their places after playing; cultivate a caring attitude towards them. 2. Involve children in filling a container with water for settling and then watering indoor plants with it. Goal: to consolidate the ability to work carefully with water; expand children's knowledge about proper care of indoor plants; fostering a caring attitude towards them. 3. Involve children in helping the nanny (clear dishes from tables) goal: teach them to work together with adults; cultivate the ability to receive satisfaction from establishing cleanliness and order. 4. Observing the nanny’s work goal: to bring to the children’s consciousness the importance of her work; cultivate respect for the nanny’s work and a desire to help her. October 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Maintaining the appearance of dolls (tidy up clothes, hair) goal: consolidate the ability to select clothes for dolls by size, comb hair; cultivate a caring attitude towards toys. 2. Spraying indoor plants with water from a spray bottle goal: to teach a new work skill; reinforce children’s idea that leaves also need moisture; cultivate a caring attitude towards plants. 3. Wiping dust from window sills goal: to support the desire of children to take part in work with adults. 4. Observation of the work of the cook November 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Washing doll clothes goal: learn to sort clothes by color (light, dark), explain that light clothes should be washed first, rinse thoroughly. wring out, hang out. 2. Loosening the soil in indoor plants goal: to bring to the consciousness of children the need for this procedure; develop labor skills and abilities. 3. Washing toys purpose: to form labor relationships between children and adults; induce a desire to take part in work with adults. 4. Observation of the work of a nurse goal: to give children specific ideas about the nursing profession; cultivate interest in the life and activities of surrounding people.

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December 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Establishing order in the group goal: to develop the desire for joint activities; cultivate a desire to actively participate in work assignments. 2.Feeding aquarium fish goal: to consolidate children’s understanding of caring for fish; cultivate love for living things. 3.Repairing books goal: to involve children in repairing books; develop the ability to act quickly and clearly in accordance with the instructions of adults. 4.Observing the work of a laundress goal: to consolidate existing ideas about the work of adults, the labor actions performed by them. January 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Changing dirty towels goal: to maintain a steady interest in work, the desire to diligently complete the assignment 2. Planting bulbs in boxes for sprouting greens goal: to develop work skills, cultivate a desire to help adults 3. Washing indoor plants goal: to attract children to help as much as possible, to clarify children’s ideas about indoor plants. 4. Observing the work of a janitor goal: to consolidate existing ideas about the work of adults; about the labor actions performed by them. February 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Draw children’s attention to how the chairs are positioned goal: to consolidate the ability to carry chairs correctly (hold the back with your right hand, the seat with your left) 2. Wipe dust from the leaves of indoor plants goal: continue to teach children, wipe the dust with a damp cloth 3. Washing chairs goal: to train children in labor activities, consolidate the ability to use equipment correctly, and evoke a desire to take an active part in work with adults. 4. Observation of the episodic work of adults in kindergarten goal: to give an idea of ​​​​the work of an electrician, of the labor actions he performs.

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March 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Washing combs goal: to teach to take care of your things, to cultivate a desire to keep them clean. 2. Watering indoor plants goal: to give children an idea of ​​the methods of watering (in a tray, under the leaves) and the rules (do not overwater, water evenly); to cultivate a desire to care for plants. 3. Washing clothes lockers goal: to continue to teach children to work together with adults, to communicate with them, to consolidate work skills. 4.D/i “Who needs what for work” goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about professions, about the names of the tools necessary for work. April 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 1. Conversation about the responsibilities of duty officers goal: to concretize children’s knowledge about the responsibilities of duty officers for various types of activities; cultivate a positive attitude towards duty 2. Sowing marigold seeds goal: to teach children to plant seeds in the ground; develop labor skills; cultivate cognitive interest. 3. Joint work with the nanny to clean the group; goal: to teach how to get satisfaction from establishing cleanliness and order; to cultivate a positive attitude towards work 4. Conversation “Who works in kindergarten” goal: To consolidate knowledge about a certain range of professions, to cultivate respect for work. May 1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 1. Making the beds goal: to bring to the awareness of children how to make the bed correctly; cultivate independence 2. Transplanting indoor plants goal: explain to children the need for this procedure; develop the ability to complete the work started. 3. Washing outdoor toys goal: to cultivate a strong desire to keep toys clean; consolidate labor skills and abilities. 4. Conversation “What do your parents do?” goal: to expand the horizons of children; cultivate respect for the work of adults.

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Labor education is one of the most important aspects of raising the younger generation. In kindergarten, labor education consists of familiarizing children with the work of adults and introducing children to the work activities available to them.



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State budgetary educational institution of the Lugansk People's Republic "Preschool educational institution "Ladushki"" Labor education of preschool children

Formation of a child’s positive attitude towards work The purpose of labor education of a preschooler Forms of organization of work activity Labor assignment Duty Collective work

The tasks of labor education for preschoolers are to familiarize themselves with the labor of adults and to instill respect for it; training in simple labor skills; nurturing interest in work, hard work and independence; education of socially oriented motives for work, skills to work in a team and for a team.

Means of labor education for preschool children; familiarization with the work of adults; training in labor skills, organization and planning of activities; organization of children's work in a content accessible to them. The main types of child labor are self-service, household labor, labor in nature, manual labor.

Self-care This is the work of a child aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, sanitary and hygienic procedures). The task of developing self-care skills is relevant for all age groups.

Junior group 1. To develop in children the ability to take care of themselves independently (while undressing, dressing, washing, eating). 2. Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash your hands yourself when they become dirty and before eating, wipe your face and hands dry with a personal towel. 3. Learn to put yourself in order with the help of an adult. 4. To develop the skill of using individual objects (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot). 5. Encourage children to be independent when eating, teach them to hold a spoon in their right hand. 6. Teach children how to dress and undress. 7. Learn to take off clothes and shoes (unfasten front buttons, Velcro fasteners) with a little help from an adult. 8. Learn to fold clothes neatly in a certain order.

Middle group 1. Improve the ability to dress and undress independently; teach children to neatly fold and hang clothes with the help of an adult, put them in order - clean them, dry them. 2. Cultivate the desire to always be neat and tidy. 3. Cultivate the habit of washing yourself, washing your hands before eating, when dirty, and after using the toilet. 4. Strengthen the ability to use a comb and handkerchief. 5. When coughing and sneezing, teach people to turn away and cover their nose and mouth with a tissue. 6. Continue to teach how to use cutlery correctly - spoon, fork, knife). 7. Learn to rinse your mouth after eating.

Senior group 1. Form the habit of brushing your teeth and washing your face every day, and washing your hands as necessary. 2. Strengthen the ability to dress and undress independently, carefully put clothes in a closet, dry wet things in a timely manner, care for shoes (wash, wipe, clean, put away). 3. Learn to notice and independently eliminate disorder in your appearance. 4. Form the habit of taking care of personal belongings. 5. Develop a desire to help each other. 6. Accustom yourself to brush your teeth and keep your nails clean. 7. Maintain order in your closet, put clothes in certain places. 8. Learn to make your bed neatly.

Household work This is maintaining cleanliness and order in the room (group, dressing room, washroom and bedroom) and on the site, helping adults in organizing routine processes.

Junior group 1. Encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks - prepare materials for classes (brushes, modeling boards, etc.); after playing, put away toys and building materials 2. Teach to maintain order and cleanliness in the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten 3. Encourage to provide assistance to adults, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work. 4. In the second half of the year, begin to develop in children the skills necessary for serving in the dining room: helping to set the table for dinner (laying out spoons and forks, arranging bread bins, plates, cups, etc.).

Middle group Teach children to maintain order in the group and in the kindergarten area: put away building materials, help the teacher, glue books and boxes. 2. Teach children to independently perform the duties of a canteen attendant: carefully arrange bread bins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Senior group Teach children to help adults maintain order in the group: wipe toys and teaching aids, wash toys and building materials, repair books, toys Develop the ability to clean up the kindergarten area: sweep and clear paths of debris, snow in winter, water sand in sandbox Teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of a dining room attendant: set the table, clear away dishes after meals Teach children to independently lay out materials for classes prepared by the teacher, put them away, wash brushes, paint sockets, palettes, wipe tables

Work in nature Varied work in nature brings children a lot of joy and contributes to their all-round development. In the process of work, a love for nature and a careful attitude towards it are cultivated. Children develop an interest in work activity and a conscious, responsible attitude towards it. In a team, children learn to work together and help each other.

Junior group Kids help the teacher care for animals and plants in a corner of nature and on the site. They should be involved in joint watering of indoor plants. He teaches children how to properly water plants and wipe the strong, leathery leaves with a damp cloth. Children plant bulbs and large seeds in the ground prepared by the teacher (in boxes, cups, soil), and water the plantings. Children should also be involved in harvesting vegetables: pulling out radishes, carrots, turnips. Together with the teacher, the kids feed the fish and birds in a corner of nature. The food and its dosage are determined by the teacher. Children carry out individual assignments, which include 1-2 labor operations (take ready-made bird food and put it in a feeder, water the plant with prepared water, etc.).

In the middle group, Pupils must independently water indoor plants, using the measure established by the teacher, wipe plants with leathery leaves, together with the teacher, maintain the cleanliness of plants with pubescent leaves, leaves with jagged leaves, with small leaves (pouring, spraying, brushing), loosen the soil in flower pots. Children master the initial skills of growing plants: they help adults prepare the soil for planting on the site (leveling the dug up soil with a rake), planting large seeds and bulbs and then watering them, loosening the soil between the rows, identifying beds with plants that are clearly different from weeds (lettuce, onion). Children take part in cleaning the area: raking leaves, shoveling snow on the paths, etc. They learn to feed fish and birds independently according to established standards, help clean the cages (wash drinking bowls, feeders, and clean the cages together with the teacher).

Senior group Children continue to care for animals - inhabitants of a corner of nature, for small pets living on the kindergarten site; prepare food and feed fish, birds, animals, wash drinking bowls and feeders, clean bird cages. In the older group, children are introduced to duty in a corner of nature. When organizing duty, the teacher conducts a lesson in which he introduces children to the duties of those on duty, reminds them of ways to care for objects in a corner of nature, and introduces them to new ones. 2-4 people are on duty at the same time. In a corner of nature, in a vegetable garden and flower garden, they grow plants: they participate in digging the earth and cutting up beds and flower beds, sow seeds, plant seedlings, some of which they can grow in a corner of nature, and then water, weed, loosen the soil, and harvest.

Manual labor is closely related to cognitive development, which helps to enrich children’s consciousness with new content, systematize accumulated and received information, develop artistic and creative abilities and a positive emotional perception of the world around them. Manual labor is carried out in the older groups of the kindergarten. But certain elements of manual and artistic labor can be introduced already in younger groups. Artistic work in a preschool institution is presented in two directions: children make crafts and learn to decorate the group room for the holidays with their products, design exhibitions, etc.

gastroguru 2017