Baby's measurements at 27-28 weeks. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Uterus and training contractions

The 28th week of pregnancy has arrived, and there is very little left until we meet the baby. What happens during this period, how the child develops and possible problems.

What happens at 28 weeks of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is approaching, and you are preparing to go on maternity leave. Many women already find it difficult to work due to the rapid growth of the abdomen and various ailments. Although you are still leading your usual lifestyle, you should take care, not lift heavy things, and not do work that tires you and makes you nervous.

Childbirth is approaching, and you may feel fearful about the upcoming event. To get your anxiety under control, start preparing for childbirth now. Follow the link: Five steps to a successful birth >>>

  • You will find recommendations for changing your diet for a better birth$
  • Important actions needed to create peace of mind;
  • Breathing exercises.

What's happening to mom?

  1. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the uterus rises 8 cm above the navel, and the length of the umbilical cord itself ranges from 30 to 60 cm. It contains the umbilical vein and two arteries;
  2. During a 28-week pregnancy, the cervix should be 35 mm, this is its permissible value. If you see a shortening of the cervix on an ultrasound, they will definitely send you for a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  3. It is this week that fat begins to be deposited on the buttocks, abdomen and thighs, so you will have to control your weight and carefully monitor your gains;
  4. The kidneys and liver already bear a heavy load, as they remove the baby’s metabolic products and you may hear from the doctor a ban on large amounts of drinking. Before following this recommendation, thoroughly study the information on this issue and read the article on the topic: Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy >>>;
  5. If you have the Rh factor, you will be prescribed an additional blood test for antibodies, which will show whether there is a conflict between the child and the mother. Also, read the article on the topic: What tests are taken during pregnancy?>>>);
  6. From this period you will have to visit the gynecologist twice a month, even if nothing bothers you;
  7. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, stretch marks may appear on the skin (current article: Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>), leg cramps, pigmentation on the face, constipation, varicose veins, anemia, insomnia and heartburn;

Many problems in your condition are quite reasonable and natural. Many of them can be corrected by changing your diet.

  • Step-by-step instructions on what your diet should be;
  • You will find how to solve the most common problems of pregnancy not with pills, but with proper nutrition, in the e-book Nutrition Secrets of the Expectant Mother >>>.
  1. It is very important to monitor the placenta. If the placenta at 28 weeks of pregnancy has a thickness of less than 22 - 37 mm. – this is already a reason to think about your lifestyle.

Nutrition, physical activity, a good supply of oxygen to the body - all this allows you to maintain the placenta at a good level and make it possible to carry the baby to term.

Know! There is no proven evidence that you can somehow influence the degree of aging of the placenta with pills or injections. Only a healthy lifestyle, in the broadest possible sense of the word, can slow down the process.

A low placenta during pregnancy at 28 weeks is not a reason to worry. This information will once again be confirmed by the doctor at an ultrasound scan at 32-33 weeks. Only after this can we talk about low placentation and decide what type of birth will be available to you: natural or caesarean section.

Baby development at 28 weeks of gestation

  • At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is about a kilogram and its height is 33-34 cm;
  • The child continues to grow, the uterus tightly hugs the baby and this position is the most comfortable and safe for him;
  • The child develops a certain routine in which he either pushes or sleeps, and you already feel these actions well;
  • From this week of pregnancy, the baby feels and tugs on the umbilical cord, his tactile sensations continue to develop, and the baby begins to recognize his mother's voice.

What happens to the baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy? What is characteristic of fetal development during this period? The fetus at this stage:

  1. the lungs continue to develop;
  2. the adrenal glands begin to produce hormones;
  3. sucking and grasping reflexes are formed;
  4. During this period, the child gains weight and gets better, accumulates fat;
  5. His skin becomes soft and smooth, eyelashes lengthen, pigment appears that colors the hair, and nails actively grow;
  6. The muscles finish developing, strength appears in them, the bones begin to harden and accumulate calcium;
  7. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, you already have a full-fledged little person inside you;
  8. During this period, the baby's brain becomes larger. On the surface of the brain, grooves and convolutions are already visible;
  9. Movements become more active;
  10. He can close and open his eyes and blink;
  11. The baby reacts to the voice with its heartbeat, the fetal heart rate is 150 beats per minute, and when it doesn’t like something, the heartbeat increases, and when the voice is calm or the baby is sleeping, the heart rate calms down;
  12. The baby shudders from sharp sounds, and from loud sounds, he begins to actively move;

After the birth of a baby, many young fathers joke that they hear notes of mother’s dissatisfaction during pregnancy in the baby’s cry.

  1. The child already reacts to light, distinguishes emotions and feels pain;

It is very important to listen to the movements of the fetus, since during this period the child is usually very active and any disturbance in movement should alert the expectant mother. In the morning, babies usually roll from side to side, and in the evening they begin to be more active.

There are situations when a child’s activity increases:

  • the woman lies in a comfortable position, but the child is uncomfortable;
  • mom ate sweets (find out what you can and shouldn’t eat in the article Sweets during pregnancy >>>);
  • the mother has overeaten and has discomfort in the intestines, which also makes the child uncomfortable;
  • the mother got scared or upset and the child got stress hormones.

Sensations in the body of the expectant mother

The uterus puts pressure on nearby organs, causing pain and discomfort.

  1. During this period, nausea may appear - late toxicosis, which is corrected by nutrition;
  2. With a lack of vitamins and microelements, dizziness and weakness may occur. In this case, tests and specific treatment are prescribed;
  3. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach may feel a little tight because training contractions are appearing. Due to the growth of the abdomen, lower back pain appears, which can radiate to the hip, ankle or knee;
  4. You need to pay attention to the discharge at the 28th week of pregnancy, it should not change and should be uniform. A woman should be alerted to the following discharge:
  • with an unpleasant odor and unusual color, which may be a sign of infection;
  • bloody, which signal placental abruption;
  • watery, which may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid.

Bloody discharge can be spotting, slight or profuse. In color - brown and scarlet.

Attention! If heavy bleeding occurs, you should urgently call an ambulance, as this is a risk of premature birth.

With other bleeding, if the stomach hurts at the 28th week of pregnancy, this is also a threat to pregnancy.

Due to the fact that the uterus has grown, it begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, causing heaviness when breathing and shortness of breath.

Interesting! When the baby moves a lot, stroke the belly and sing a song or read him a fairy tale, the baby in the tummy will immediately calm down. Tested by many mothers.

Examinations of the pregnant woman and child

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, you can already actively prepare for childbirth.

This can be done either in face-to-face courses on preparation for childbirth, or use the opportunities of the modern world and take courses online.

This is in many ways more convenient than face-to-face training because:

  • no need to waste time on the road;
  • adjust your schedule to your class schedule;
  • experience fatigue and discomfort from prolonged sitting. At home, you turn on videos whenever it’s convenient for you, even with your spouse. Listen to theory and do practical tasks.

Our Easy Childbirth course will help you with this. Click on the link to see how detailed and extensive the program is for you: Easy childbirth >>>.

During this period, routine ultrasound is not performed, only according to indications, if there is any pathology or problem with pregnancy.

However, this week the gynecologist may order a CTG of the fetus to rule out hypoxia. You shouldn't agree to this right away.

In general, each prescription must be accompanied by strict indications for it.

Know! The doctor can assess the efficiency of the fetal heart, its growth and development through an external, visual examination and listening to the heartbeat with a stethoscope.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

The expectant mother, during the period of gestation, may be alarmed by various aspects in life. She may worry whether a cold with a fever, intimacy and alcohol will harm the child. Let's look at these questions together.

Colds and fever

A pregnant woman has a weak immune system and is susceptible to viruses and colds, which are dangerous at any stage of pregnancy.

Treatment during this period is allowed only with medications that are safe during pregnancy.

Can be treated with folk remedies. To do this you need to drink:

  1. tea with honey, raspberries and linden;
  2. warm green tea and cranberry juice;
  3. warm milk.

Also useful:

  • gargle with chamomile and sea salt;
  • do inhalations;
  • ventilate the room and constantly moisten it.

If you have a fever, you need to draw up a temperature chart, and you can only bring it down above 38 degrees with paracetamol.

In critical cases, the pregnant woman is admitted to a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed if they cannot be avoided. But they select ones that are less harmful to the child.

It is very important to prevent colds. To do this, it is necessary, when planning pregnancy and during it, to carry out the following activities:

  1. strengthen immunity;
  2. take a contrast shower;
  3. do not freeze or overheat;
  4. replenish the body with vitamin C;
  5. walk more in the fresh air;
  6. do not contact sick people.


As for intimate relationships during this period, they are not prohibited. If there is no threat of premature birth, then sex at 28 weeks of pregnancy will add only positive emotions to a woman.

For a child, sexual contact has no effect, much less harm. The main thing is to choose the right position so as not to put pressure on the stomach. For such a case, a suitable position is when the woman is on top or the man is on his side from behind.

During pregnancy, the sensitivity of a woman's breasts and body may change. Be sure to tell your partner this to adjust your affection. Be sure to make sure that you feel comfortable and comfortable during sexual intercourse.


Even when planning a child, a woman should take into account that alcohol is prohibited during pregnancy. It has a bad effect on the development of the unborn child and his health.

The alcohol that the mother drinks penetrates the placenta in full and reaches the fetus. Then this ethyl alcohol begins to influence the embryo, leading to very bad consequences. Even the smallest dose of wine can be fatal for a child.

Lifestyle at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, a woman should follow a daily routine, walk more, stop smoking, eat right and take care of her body. Let's talk about this a little more.


  • Your diet should be varied, nutritious and not harmful. Every day you need to eat meat and fish, dairy products and fruits and vegetables (read the current article

The 28th week of pregnancy is the 7th obstetric month, the very beginning of the third trimester. The baby actively moves in the stomach, tries to take a more comfortable position, sometimes causing discomfort to the mother.

Outwardly, he is already a fully formed little man, weighing about a kilogram and 38-39 centimeters tall. During this period the following happens:

  • The eyes open. For now they are light blue, but by the time of birth the iris may change its color.
  • The facial muscles are actively working. In response to external stimuli, he may make a grimace or portray a semblance of a smile.
  • Bone tissue is actively strengthened.
  • The skin acquires a mature structure.
  • Eyelashes, eyebrows and hair are actively growing.
  • The lungs and heart are fully formed, and in the event of premature birth, the newborn will be fully viable.

The child is already developing a daily routine, and the pregnant woman always feels when he is sleeping and when he is awake. If the child is not sleeping, then his movements occur approximately every 6 minutes. A woman needs to carefully monitor the movements of the fetus and if there is an increase or decrease in physical activity, consult a doctor.

What will an ultrasound show?

At week 28, an ultrasound examination is performed only when indicated, or the woman can undergo this procedure herself to make sure that the fetus is developing normally.

On an ultrasound you can see the following:

Necessary examinations

At 28 weeks, in addition to standard blood and urine tests, a woman’s blood is examined:

  • For sugar. An increase in blood glucose, if it is not associated with sweets eaten in the evening, may be a sign of pregnancy diabetes. Excess blood sugar is harmful to the fetus and the woman.
  • For hemoglobin. A low hemoglobin level will indicate a lack of iron in the body, leading to the development of anemia. Almost all pregnant women with twins experience anemia. This condition is dangerous and can cause fetal hypoxia.

A routine examination, measurement of the abdomen and pelvis, and weighing are carried out. There are no more examinations; a more detailed assessment of the condition will be carried out at 30-32 weeks.

What happens to a woman

The 28th week of pregnancy is accompanied by increased discomfort for the pregnant woman. Frequently concerned:

In addition to unpleasant sensations, many pregnant women note that due to fetal movements it is difficult to rest and get a good night's sleep. The child's nighttime activity is associated with the fact that during the day the pregnant woman moves, the baby is rocked, and he falls asleep, and at night, on the contrary, he is awake.

What to pay attention to

At 28 weeks of pregnancy you need to monitor:

  • for weight gain;
  • for vaginal discharge.

Weight gain

In the seventh month, the fetus is actively growing, and if the pregnant woman does not have late toxicosis, then she feels an increased appetite. During this period, severe weight gain is possible, which will negatively affect labor.

Despite the constant desire to eat, a woman needs to carefully monitor her diet and control her weight - the daily increase should not be more than 50 g.

In general, by this time the pregnant woman’s weight should increase by 8-10 kg.

Vaginal discharge

Normally, a small amount of light whitish mucus with a slightly sour odor is released from the vagina. There are almost no inflammatory diseases of the genital area at week 28, but you should consult a doctor if the discharge becomes:

  • curdled,
  • purulent,
  • bloody.

The appearance of blood in the discharge is especially dangerous: it can either indicate the beginning of placental abruption, or serve as a sign of premature birth. Even if your general health does not suffer, intense vaginal bleeding is a reason to call an ambulance.

You need to take into account not only the appearance and smell, but also the consistency of the discharge. If it has become too liquid, this indicates leakage of amniotic fluid.

Features of the daily routine

Those who are carrying twins have most likely already gone on maternity leave or are working their last days, and those pregnant with one fetus will have to work for a couple more weeks. At work, it is advisable to structure your schedule so that during the working day you have the opportunity to relax and have a snack.

If the position involves responsible decision-making or frequent travel, then it is better to “hand over matters” in advance to the person who will become a deputy during maternity leave, and deal only with simple duties.

Some women, wanting to get more maternity leave, try to take on a part-time job or work a night shift at this time, but this is strictly forbidden: the 28th week of pregnancy is dangerous because it is at this period that premature birth often occurs. It is worth determining what is more important – a small increase in maternity pay or the health of the child.

A pregnant woman at 28 weeks should have proper rest, not overwork and sleep at least 8 hours at night.

How to eat

A pregnant woman's diet should be structured in such a way that mother and child do not lack nutrients. Adequate nutrition in the third trimester will facilitate the process of bearing the fetus and ensure an easier birth. It is recommended to adhere to the following dietary rules:

Perhaps such a diet will seem boring and bland to some, but it’s worth opening a recipe book for a double boiler and making sure that you can prepare many tasty and healthy dishes from the allowed products. A positive attitude during meals is no less important for a pregnant woman than a balanced diet.

Possible risks

Under no circumstances should you prepare yourself for complications. However, in order to prevent negative consequences, you need to know what to do in certain risky situations.

Receiving various injuries

Due to an increase in body weight and a change in the center of gravity, a woman becomes clumsy, and her coordination of movements is slightly impaired. If you look at pregnant women at this stage, you will notice a characteristic gait, slightly waddling, partially leveling the center of gravity. Injuries do not occur very often, mainly during icy conditions or on slippery floors. A fall is almost safe for the fetus (it is protected by amniotic fluid from minor traumatic effects), but can cause harm to the woman.

Tooth decay and brittle bones

If not enough calcium enters the female body with food, then to strengthen the bones of the fetus, the necessary elements will be washed out of the mother’s body. To prevent possible loss of calcium, it is recommended to take a vitamin-calcium complex after consultation with a doctor.

Hidden swelling

Most women experience only minor swelling. But in some cases, hidden swelling appears, which disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Hidden swelling can be suspected when a large weight gain is observed while following a diet. This condition is very dangerous, and you should immediately visit a doctor to identify and eliminate the cause of the pathology.


It is observed mainly due to insufficient iron in food. Iron supplements are used for treatment. It is recommended to include nuts, dried fruits, chicken liver and other iron-rich foods in your menu.

Fetal death

It happens very rarely, but if the child begins to move too actively or, conversely, almost stops moving, you should immediately visit a doctor. A change in the number of movements indicates a violation of intrauterine development.

At 28 weeks, twins are most often born, but even with a singleton pregnancy, the risk of premature birth is quite high. There are no significant risks for a newborn - all systems and organs are already formed and allow them to exist outside the mother’s body. Infant mortality at this stage is low.

Early labor is worse for a woman in labor - the body has not yet finished, and ruptures of the birth canal may occur, accompanied by bleeding.

But if at the very beginning of labor (the appearance of frequent irregular contractions, minor bleeding) you promptly seek obstetric help, then the process can be stopped.

Is it possible to have sex

It is possible and necessary - this is the answer of gynecologists, just avoid putting pressure on the stomach. If a woman feels well and there are no medical contraindications, then sexual intercourse will not harm the fetus and will give the pregnant woman positive emotions.

Note to men: at this stage of pregnancy, sexual intercourse is almost unimportant for a woman; the very fact of emotional intimacy is important to her, and she should pay more attention to her partner during sex.

There are almost no risks for the child at this stage, but the mother may develop various disorders. A woman at 28 weeks of pregnancy is recommended to:

At 28 weeks, expectant mothers should try to be positive, not think about possible complications and look forward to meeting their baby soon.

Even if during this period an incorrect position or entanglement of the umbilical cord is noted, this is not a reason to be nervous and worry. There are still 2 months of gestation ahead, and by the time of birth everything can still return to normal. And if not, then after the necessary prenatal examinations, obstetricians will select the safest labor management tactics or perform a cesarean section.

The child continues to grow, his nervous system is actively maturing, his lungs, cardiovascular system and other organs are preparing to function after birth. A growing belly begins to cause a woman more and more discomfort. However, you can be patient: there is very little time left to wait, and the upcoming meeting with a newborn will be one of the most joyful events in your life!


Hello girls, everyone. I know that the topic is no longer new, but I’m terribly worried. This is my third pregnancy and I have never encountered this problem before. Now I'm overweight and my gynecologist tortured me. Before pregnancy, I weighed 48 kg with a height of 173 cm, I was registered at 12 weeks with a weight of 53, now I am 28 weeks and weight 65.2


How long is 28 weeks?

You are approximately 6 months pregnant.

What happens to the child?

Its body length is 36–37 cm, weight is almost 1 kg. New connections are actively formed in the nervous system and important substances are produced. The baby can open his eyes, blink them, and see light. Under his skin the layer of fatty tissue increases, he becomes more and more plump.

A child's lungs produce a sufficient amount of surfactant, a surface-active substance that helps them expand during inhalation. If the baby is born at 28 weeks of pregnancy, it will be able to breathe and will likely survive.

The fetal body takes a characteristic pose. It is slightly curled up, legs bent at the knees, arms at the elbows, limbs brought to the body, the head is adjacent to the exit from the uterus.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, electrical activity is present in the unborn baby's brain. If an EEG had been performed at this time, it would have been possible to identify waves characteristic of different stages of sleep. Your baby is already dreaming!

The fetus feels taste and smell, can swallow, suck, breathe and make many other movements. All reflexes are improving.

The third trimester of pregnancy, which began last week, is the time when the main growth of the fetus and the maturation of the brain, lungs, and liver occur. From 20 to 40 weeks, liver volume should increase approximately 17 times.

What happens to the expectant mother?

By the 28th week of pregnancy, the uterus has time to grow significantly: the distance from its upper edge to the pubis (the height of the uterine fundus) is 26–30 cm.

Due to anxiety and hormonal effects, many expectant mothers begin to experience sleep problems in the third trimester. While lying in bed, you may catch yourself thinking that you don’t want to sleep, but want to get up and do some things around the house.

You may have started to notice that you are experiencing frequent leg cramps. If you can't find a comfortable position when lying or sitting, if you constantly want to move your legs to get rid of discomfort, you are probably experiencing a condition known as restless leg syndrome. It occurs for unknown reasons and occurs in many pregnant women.

In previous weeks, you may have experienced Braxton Hicks contractions. They are also called false and training contractions. They manifest themselves in the form of a pulling feeling in the stomach and lower back. There shouldn't be any pain. Perhaps at week 28 you will experience these sensations for the first time. If you have previously had training contractions, they may become stronger and more frequent.

What tests should be done at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

At week 28, the gynecologist at the antenatal clinic will give you your sixth scheduled appointment. The doctor will measure the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, blood pressure, body temperature, count the pulse, and examine the legs for swelling and varicose veins. You will be assigned a general

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby’s height is already about 36-38 cm, and the toddler weighs approximately 1.3 kg. Every day the long-awaited meeting with the baby is getting closer, which is why mommy experiences a whole range of emotions. In the article we will look at what happens to the woman and baby at this stage.

28 weeks is how many months?

If you look into what month 28 obstetric weeks are, it turns out that we are talking about exactly 7 months. Accordingly, the seventh month is the first month of the third trimester, which means that the meeting with the baby is approaching. If we talk about the embryonic period, it differs from the obstetric period by about 10-14 days, which depends on the length of the girl’s cycle. 28 obstetric weeks are 26 embryonic weeks.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, babies acquire individual characteristics. Some experts believe that it is already possible to find a child’s similarity with his mother or father. The weight of the fetus is about 1100-1300 g. If a girl is pregnant with twins, the babies will weigh a little less at this stage, approximately 100-160 g.

Important changes in the baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy:

  • The brain is developing rapidly. At this stage, the hemispheres have clear outlines, and the number of convolutions increases.
  • The liver produces bile, the pancreas synthesizes enzymes. Every day, intestinal motility improves. The entire digestive system is fully functioning.
  • By this time, the baby’s skeleton is fully formed and bone tissue and ligaments are now being strengthened.
  • The baby's skin becomes lighter and smoother. This happens due to the accumulation of fat pads. Baby folds appear on the arms and legs, which persist even after birth.
  • The child's eyes are already slightly open, he clearly sees the bright light and can react to it by squinting. It is believed that the baby is already able to focus his gaze on one point for a short time.
  • At week 28, the development of the bronchial tubes is completed. The respiratory system is almost completely ready for the birth of a little person.
  • Hematopoiesis now mainly occurs in the bone marrow, and not in the liver and spleen, as was the case in earlier periods.
  • The kidneys are actively functioning. The paired organ removes about 1500 ml of fluid from the body.
  • The child's body is covered with a special protective lubricant. It performs a protective function and also prevents the baby’s body from swelling in the amniotic fluid.

As already mentioned, the little person in the womb hears well. The little one has already learned to distinguish the mother’s voice from strangers, he is lulled by the woman’s heartbeat, bowel sounds, and with loud and harsh music the child experiences discomfort.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, a girl is advised to talk to her little one as often as possible. You can tell fairy tales or read poetry. Positive emotions arise in babies in the womb when listening to calm, pleasant music. It is also important at this stage to exclude scandals in the family, screams, and clarified relationships. Such emotions negatively affect the child’s psychological state.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the mother’s hormonal levels stabilize. Now the baby’s body independently produces some hormones. In this regard, the connection between mother and baby is no longer so strong.

How does a girl feel at this time:

  • The tummy reaches quite large sizes. It becomes more and more difficult for a pregnant woman to move. In particular, this applies to performing everyday housework.
  • The baby's movements are becoming more and more distinct. Mommy feels tremors in various parts of her abdomen. Most of the time the child is still sleeping, but during periods of wakefulness he turns, moves his legs and arms, hiccups, plays with the umbilical cord, which the girl cannot help but feel.
  • At week 28, the uterus puts pressure on all internal organs. Because of this, heartburn, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation often occur. Indigestion does not require special treatment at this stage. Proper nutrition will help get rid of discomfort.
  • Sometimes mothers experience dizziness. This condition is usually explained by anemia, which often occurs during pregnancy. For physiological anemia, no special treatment is required. If hemoglobin decreases significantly, the girl is prescribed iron supplements.
  • The breasts increase significantly in size. Colostrum is secreted from the mammary glands. Now it is important to choose a high-quality and comfortable bra.
  • Often, at this stage, pregnant women are bothered by insomnia. If you can’t sleep, you need to try to relax and think about good things. You can take a glass of warm milk.

At week 28, mommy begins to feel chronic fatigue. This happens because the body, including all internal organs and systems, is subjected to enormous stress. A woman is advised to avoid physical activity, rest more often in the third trimester and spend time in the fresh air every day. This will help improve your overall well-being.

Pain in the third trimester

There is hardly a mother who would not experience pain at 28 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, the back, pubic bone, bones between the legs, and lower back hurt. This is due to the growth and stretching of the uterus, a shift in the center of gravity, and an increase in the load on the spine.

Many expectant mothers complain that their lower back hurts and their lower abdomen pulls, while the uterus seems to turn to stone. Such sensations occur with increased uterine tone or during training contractions. Such contractions are not a sign of the onset of labor. Most girls experience discomfort in the lower abdomen. They indicate the body’s preparation for the upcoming birth.

Read more about false contractions and the rules of behavior during them.

Ultrasound at 28-29 weeks of pregnancy

At this time, routine ultrasound examination is usually not performed. The technique is used if there are certain indications, among which are the appearance of complaints from the mother or questionable results of a previous study.

What an ultrasound can reveal at 28 weeks of pregnancy:

  • location of the placenta and position of the fetus in the uterus;
  • placenta previa;
  • cephalic or pelvic presentation of the child;
  • condition of the placenta;
  • blood flow through the vessels of the umbilical cord;
  • baby parameters;
  • short or normal cervix;
  • amount of amniotic fluid (normal, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios).

In the picture you can see normal fetometric indicators in the fetus at 28 weeks of pregnancy.

A regular ultrasound allows you to evaluate the basic parameters of the baby, determine the gender, and listen to the heartbeat. With the help of 3D and 4D ultrasound, parents can see a real portrait of their baby and even take a photo as a keepsake.

Photo of the fetus

In this photo you can see what a baby looks like in his mother's womb.

At twenty-eight weeks, girls and boys look fully formed, and their body proportions are the same as those of newborns.


At the 28th week of pregnancy, the mother needs to undergo a blood test (general and biochemical), a urine test (to detect protein), and may also need a study to determine whether a Rh conflict is developing between mother and child. If a Rh conflict occurs, the woman is prescribed treatment using special medications to prevent the synthesis of antibodies to the baby’s blood in the mother’s body.

At week 28 you will have to visit the gynecologist twice a month. During the appointment, the doctor measures blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, the volume of the tummy, and weight gain. As a rule, the examination is not carried out on a gynecological chair.

Uterus and tummy

Despite the fact that the uterus is growing rapidly, there is less and less space for the baby in the mother’s tummy. After all, the baby is also actively gaining weight in the third trimester. It becomes harder for the baby to move. By this time, most children are in cephalic presentation. They remain in this position until childbirth.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus rises higher, resulting in compression of the diaphragm. It becomes harder for a young mother to take a breath. Doctors determine the gestational age based on the height of the uterine fundus. This parameter is measured from the top of the uterus to the top of the pubic bone. Normally, at week 28, the height of the uterine fundus is approximately 28 cm.

Sometimes it is not possible to measure this indicator. This applies to the situation when the mother is pregnant with twins or the baby is located transversely in the tummy.

Photos of bellies

Some have round bellies, others have sharp ones. Some people have a larger circumference, while others, on the contrary, have a smaller circumference. Here, a lot depends on the constitution of the pregnant woman’s body, the number of fetuses and many other nuances.

These photographs show the bellies of mothers at 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal movements

When visiting a gynecologist, the doctor will tell the woman that at 28 weeks it is already necessary to count the baby’s movements. The little one should push about 8-10 times per hour. Of course, this does not apply to the period when he is sleeping. Many girls even keep a special diary. This makes it easier to monitor your baby’s movements over time. If there are fewer tremors or the child begins to move less, you should inform your doctor about this.

The danger of premature birth

Premature birth at 27-28 weeks of gestation is considered very early. However, premature babies born at this stage often survive. If a seven-month-old baby was born without any pathologies, he has every chance of full development. Of course, for this the child needs to create the necessary conditions. But even with proper medical care, many babies die.

Causes of premature birth:

  • short cervix (less than 20-24 mm);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • genital infections;
  • rubella during pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • child is too large;
  • placental abruption as a result of injury;
  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • pathologies of the reproductive organs in the mother.

The above factors lead to stretching of the uterus and loss of elasticity of the organ. As a result, it contracts and tries to expel the fetus. Signs of premature birth differ little from the birth process at term. In this case, contractions, bleeding, and water discharge are observed. But if a woman gives birth at such an early stage, the injuries to the uterus and vagina are usually more serious. Sometimes it is possible to stop the process of premature birth of a baby. Mom is prescribed immunoglobulin and some other drugs.

Weight gain at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Weight gain in the third trimester depends on the woman's body mass index. This indicator can be calculated using a special table.

The results obtained are compared with the norm at 28 weeks.

With a normal body type and a BMI of 19.8 to 26, a woman should gain approximately 8.2 kg. If mommy's BMI is lower, such weight gain will be considered underweight. If, on the contrary, it is above 26, then such a weight will be considered too much.


With a successful pregnancy at 28 weeks, the discharge should not have an unpleasant odor, and its consistency should be transparent and mucous. White, brown, yellow or green secretion is considered pathological and its causes should be determined.

Another dangerous condition is leakage of amniotic fluid. This sign indicates depressurization of the placenta, which can provoke infection into the womb. If you find wet spots on your underwear, it is important to inform your gynecologist about it.

You should immediately go to the hospital if bleeding occurs. Even the slightest presence of blood indicates serious problems at 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Late toxicosis

Preeclampsia or late toxicosis is a dangerous complication of pregnancy in the last stages of gestation. Symptoms of this condition include:

  • general disturbance of health;
  • the appearance of spots before the eyes;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • swelling;
  • extrasystoles;
  • confusion;
  • memory impairment;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • irritability.

There are several stages of the disease. The first of them is dropsy. In this case, the pregnant woman experiences swelling, which can spread to the limbs or the whole body. The second is nephropathy. This stage is characterized by the appearance of protein in the urine, increased blood pressure, and edema. The third is preeclampsia. It is characterized by pain in the abdomen and head, swelling, indigestion, and lethargy. Eclampsia is considered the final and most dangerous. It poses a threat to the life of mother and baby.

Treatment of late toxicosis is carried out using the following methods:

  • absolute physical and moral peace for the pregnant woman;
  • proper nutrition, enriched with all necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures that have a relaxing effect;
  • treatment with medications to normalize the functioning of internal organs and systems.

If treatment does not give the desired effect and the pathology is constantly progressing, a decision is made to carry out an early birth. This is due to the fact that with this condition of the mother, it is more dangerous for the child to be in the womb than to be born at this time.


In the 28th week of pregnancy, proper nutrition is the most important aspect of the healthy development of the baby. Of course, you shouldn’t go on a strict diet and limit yourself in everything. The daily menu should be saturated with vitamins and minerals. The basis of the diet should be cereals, proteins, dairy and fermented milk products, and greens. But it is better to refuse new exotic fruits. The body's reaction to them can be unpredictable.

Often, mothers experience heartburn in the third trimester. Many are accustomed to dealing with this unpleasant condition with the help of soda, but this method of treatment cannot be used. Let's figure out how soda can be harmful. An overdose of this product causes the following consequences:

  • violation of acid-base balance;
  • disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
  • the woman feels nauseous and may even develop vomiting.

Due to so many side effects, you need to take soda correctly. It is recommended to drink it exclusively on an empty stomach and not with water, but with warm milk. In addition, you can take the so-called fizzy drink no more than once per day.

Cold treatment

At twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy, a cold does not pose such a threat to the baby as in earlier stages, but this only applies to ordinary ARVI. If cough, nasal congestion and fever appear due to diseases such as rubella or chickenpox, the woman needs urgent medical attention.

What to do if you have a common cold:

  • It is recommended to treat a runny nose by rinsing the nose with saline solution;
  • Mint candies or warm tea with honey will help with a sore throat;
  • For fever you can take Paracetamol.

A pregnant woman needs to rest more and drink plenty of fluids. If your temperature rises to high levels or other alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

gastroguru 2017