Breast massage: women's health and beauty. Massage for breast enlargement: types of massages, rules of implementation

There are three types of breast massage that can increase the size and improve its shape. These include hydromassage, aromatherapy massage and acupressure.

Corrective hydromassage of the chest

Water has a gentle, gentle effect on the skin, increases muscle firmness and tissue elasticity. Therefore, hydromassage is becoming increasingly popular when correcting breast shape. This type of massage is very simple to perform, and is one of the first in terms of effectiveness.

We all love to take a shower every day. Therefore, it would be a good idea to take a few minutes for chest hydromassage and try its effectiveness for yourself. By directing the water stream at your chest, you strengthen the muscles that support it. With regular hydromassage, your breasts will acquire a beautiful and toned shape.

Directional jet hydromassage: Adjust the pressure and direct the water stream to your chest. The pressure should not be too strong so as not to injure the chest. Conversely, too little pressure will not give you the proper massage effect. The water temperature should be comfortable so you can relax.

Massage your chest with a stream of water in an upward circular motion. On each side you need to “draw” at least 10 such circles. Increase the intensity of the massage under the breasts and in the intercostal space, because it is in these areas that the height of the breast is formed. In the nipple area, massage should be done very delicately, since the skin in these areas is very delicate and can be easily injured. Smoothly move the stream starting from the upper chest, then to the armpits, returning directly to the chest again.

To massage the perithoracic area, the pressure can be increased. When massaging the breast itself, the jet should be less intense. The duration of such a hydromassage should be about 8-10 minutes.

Hydromassage with diffuse jet: Scattered corrective massage tightens the breasts more effectively, as it intensively affects the skin, stimulates nearby chest muscles and nerve endings. As a result, the sensitivity of the skin and nipples increases. Do the massage in a circular motion from the ribs to the shoulders, not forgetting the décolleté area. The duration of the diffuse massage should be about 15-20 minutes. Then just get in the shower and relax, lightly pat your skin with a soft terry towel and massage in massage oil or breast cream.

Massage For bust correction and enlargement

Massage is one of the most effective ways to correct breast shape. A properly performed massage improves blood circulation in the chest, enhances lymph outflow, restores hormonal balance and the functioning of the mammary glands, resulting in stimulation of breast enlargement.

The right time for breast massage is immediately after water procedures: shower, contrast shower. Take a little massage oil for breast correction or cream, rub between your palms.

Gently massage your breasts in a circular motion, rubbing the oil into the skin. A little higher than the chest, you can massage more intensely, since the muscles that support your bust are located there.

The direction of the massage in the area of ​​the chest itself should be towards the center, and under the chest - from the center to the armpits. The duration of the massage should be approximately 3-5 minutes.

When the oil is absorbed, put on a comfortable bra, preferably cotton, so that your breasts after the massage are not compressed, but are free.

Kneading chest massage

The technique of kneading chest massage came to us from Ancient China. This type of massage strengthens muscles and improves blood circulation.

To perform the massage, hold both breasts in your palms at the same time. The center of your palm should be aligned with the center of the nipple. Perform a gentle rotation of your breasts in the direction from the shoulder to the center, towards each other. Repeat the movement 9 times.

Now take a deep breath, and as you exhale, lightly press on the mammary glands, as if you want to pull them closer to you. Repeat the exercise 9 times.

Perform these two exercises alternately for 5 minutes, then you can move on to the next step.

Acupressure Massage For Breast Enlargement Shiatsu

Eastern medicine has given us another unique method of corrective breast massage - reflexology. Perhaps oriental geishas have magical secrets for preserving the beauty and youth of the female body. Acupressure is especially effective in combination with oils for breast enlargement.

Between the third and fourth “ribs” of the chest there are the treasured points “Stimpu” and “Dantyu”, which, according to Eastern medicine, can make your breasts fuller.

How to find these points? Feel the collarbone with your fingers and slowly move down to the third rib. After it, more precisely near the sternum in the third intercostal space, there are active points for corrective massage.

For the most effective result in breast enlargement, it is also necessary to stimulate

Thyroid points (neck), Tilt your neck slightly forward, press 5 times for 2 seconds on each point: at the level between the angle of the scapula and the third thoracic vertebra and parallel to the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae on both sides, from bottom to top. Repeat left and right 5 times. This effect also prevents early graying of hair.

The medulla oblongata area (this is the depression below the back of the head, which should also be massaged with pressing movements. Place the pad of the middle finger of either hand on the point, place the finger of the other hand on top and press 10 times with medium force, with pauses of 3 seconds.

Shoulder girdle and shoulder (from the center of the chest to the shoulders).

To really increase the shape of your breasts, press on the above points every day for 10 minutes, preferably after water treatments and a kneading massage.

Pressing on the points of the thyroid gland. Tilt your neck slightly forward, press 5 times for 2 seconds on each point: at the level between the angle of the scapula and the third thoracic vertebra and parallel to the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae on both sides, from bottom to top. Repeat left and right 5 times. This effect also prevents early graying of hair.

Pressure on the point of the medulla oblongata, which is located above the spinous process of the 2nd cervical vertebra in the notch of the occipital bone. Place the pad of the middle finger of either hand on the point, place the finger of the other hand on top and press 10 times with medium force, with pauses of 3 seconds.

Regularly use water procedures, massage and acupressure, and your breasts will become strong, elastic and toned, and will also increase in size.

Breastfeeding is a very intimate process between mother and baby, which should bring pleasure and joy to both parties. But often this joy can be overshadowed by soreness and inflammation of the mammary gland. During breastfeeding, a woman may encounter such an unpleasant problem as lactostasis. But as you know, the number of medications that can be taken during lactation is limited, and somehow it is necessary to fight the hellish pain. First aid in this case is to strain the lump with your hands or a breast pump and massage the mammary gland.

What is lactostasis and the reasons for its occurrence?

Lactostasis is stagnation of milk in the milk ducts of the gland. Typically, lactostasis develops during breastfeeding, but sometimes it occurs in late pregnancy, when early milk production begins.

Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the milk ducts

Symptoms of lactostasis:

  • pressing, burning and stabbing pain in the chest area;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C in the armpit next to the diseased mammary gland;
  • thickening and redness in the area of ​​milk stagnation;
  • chills and general malaise.

Reasons for the development of lactostasis

Reasons for the development of lactostasis during breastfeeding:

  • tight underwear that tightens the milk ducts;
  • feeding the baby and resting on one side;
  • increased viscosity of milk, which is caused by the diet of the young mother;
  • pinching the milk ducts with your fingers during breastfeeding;
  • constant expression of milk if the baby does not eat everything;
  • stress, bruises;
  • hypothermia of the mammary gland;
  • sleeping on your stomach.

Laxtostasis is also popularly called “breast cold.” This is due to the fact that when the breast is overcooled, vasoconstriction occurs, and this leads to stagnation of milk.

Once, when I was breastfeeding my baby in front of my 70-year-old grandmother, I grabbed the nipple scissor-style with my index and middle fingers. To which she reprimanded me. It turns out that among people this method of latching on the breast means a premature cessation of lactation, so milk may disappear. Scissors cut lactation. Later, I learned from scientific sources that it is impossible to help a child suckle in this way, since the milk ducts can be compressed, resulting in the formation of lactostasis.

How to massage the mammary glands during milk stagnation

The mammary gland is a very delicate organ of the female body. The lactation period makes the breasts even more vulnerable and susceptible to various kinds of irritants. Therefore, a woman should protect the mammary gland as carefully as possible and make every effort to prevent lactostasis, and even worse, various kinds of complications. This means that at the first sign of pain and discomfort in the chest, you should seek advice from a mammologist or breastfeeding specialist.

Preventive breast massage during breastfeeding

P Rophylactic breast massage is carried out to prevent milk stagnation during lactation. It is best to massage your breasts before feeding your baby to improve milk flow and reduce pain when your baby sucks on the breast.

Techniques and rules for carrying out preventive breast massage:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with baby soap under running water.
  2. Using slow circular stroking movements, starting from the upper part of the breast towards the nipple, you need to massage each mammary gland with your fingers for 5 minutes.
  3. After the procedure, it is recommended to take a warm shower or pour warm water over your breasts, but avoid direct contact with the nipple. Moreover, the water pressure should be weak so as not to injure the gland.
  4. During the massage there should be no pain or discomfort. You can use natural oils: olive, castor, coconut, etc. Do not allow oil to get on the nipple.

Coconut oil can be used for breast massage

Regular examination and massaging of the breast can help identify lumps and the development of lactostasis in the early stages of the disease.

Therapeutic breast massage

It is necessary to start massaging the breasts immediately after the woman notices a lump. The massage can be performed independently without assistance. Immediately after feeding, you should spend five minutes on each gland.

Techniques and rules for therapeutic massage:

  1. Hand hygiene.
  2. Warm shower to relax the breast muscles and improve blood circulation.
  3. Gentle circular strokes with the palm of your hand around the chest, starting from the top towards the center. In this case, you need to hold the mammary gland from below with one hand, and massage it with the other.
  4. Massaging the breast with your fingertips from above towards the nipple. The movements should be in a spiral. The action must be repeated 5-6 times.
  5. Circular movements with your fingers when massaging the nipples and armpits.
  6. Rubbing the seal area in a clockwise circular motion.
  7. Light pats over the entire surface of the mammary gland.
  8. Bend forward so that your chest hangs down. This movement will improve milk flow.

Each mammary gland must be massaged for at least 5 minutes

To treat lactostasis, you can use hydromassage techniques. Direct the stream of warm water in a circular motion from the periphery to the center. There should be no pain. The massage lasts 15 minutes.

To effectively treat lactostasis, mammologists and breastfeeding specialists recommend putting your baby to the breast as often as possible. If it is not possible to frequently breastfeed the baby, it is necessary to express the mammary gland using a breast pump or by hand.

Since I gave birth to a baby weighing only 1900 grams, I had to express milk for the first month to maintain lactation. It was very difficult in the first days, when I still didn’t have the skill to express myself either with my hands or with a breast pump. But after three days I got the hang of it and things went like clockwork. It was especially difficult for me to express milk from distant ducts. The woman, a neighbor in the ward, also could not breastfeed the child for medical reasons, but she was unable to pump on her own. She asked the medical staff for help a couple of times.

Nowadays, there is a special paid service, which means that a woman can call a medical professional to her home, who will help pump her breasts and cope with lactostasis in one day.

Under no circumstances should you ask your husband for help in pumping your breasts. The fact is that adults do not have a sucking reflex, and when trying to draw milk out of the gland, a man can injure the nipple.

If the symptoms of lactostasis do not disappear and the lump in the breast does not decrease two days after the start of treatment, you should immediately contact a mammologist or gynecologist.

Hardware massage techniques

When contacting a medical institution for help in the treatment of lactostasis, doctors often prescribe various physiotherapy procedures that help break up the seal, expand the milk ducts, activate the movement of blood and lymph, and have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

The most popular hardware techniques in the fight against milk stagnation:

  • ultrasonic technique;
  • magnetotherapy.

Ultrasound technique in the fight against lactostasis

Ultrasound therapy is a completely painless procedure that does not cause any discomfort to the nursing mother.

With the ultrasound technique, the milk ducts expand due to the warming effect of the device. The effectiveness of ultrasonic exposure is achieved at 0.2 - 0.4 W. Relief in the mammary gland is observed after two sessions, which last on average 15 minutes. The course of treatment usually includes 8 - 10 sessions and is carried out by a qualified specialist.

The course of treatment of lactostasis using ultrasound is 8 - 10 days

After the procedure, you need to express the milk yourself, which will not be difficult, since after a gentle massage the milk easily releases the ducts. It is strictly forbidden to feed a child this kind of milk.

Magnetotherapy in the treatment of lactostasis

Magnetotherapy is a painless procedure that can be performed independently at home using the AMIT-01 and AIMT2ATS devices. But before starting treatment, you need to consult a specialist.

Magnetotherapy is a painless process

A magnetic field indicator is placed over the area of ​​the lump, avoiding the areola area. To completely cure lactostasis, it may take from 5 to 10 sessions once a day for 5 minutes.

During physiotherapy, creams are used, to which you can add a couple of drops of sage oil. This herb is known to help reduce milk production and reduce pain.

Contraindications to physiotherapy for lactostasis

Physiotherapy for lactostasis should be supervised by a specialist to prevent the development of complications. There are also certain contraindications to hardware massage:

  • CNS disorder;
  • mastitis;
  • malignant neoplasms in the mammary gland;
  • breast fibroadenoma - cyst formation.

Video: tips for treating lactostasis from mammologist Marina Travina

Breastfeeding is different for every woman. Doctors recommend doing breast massage every day during feeding in order to facilitate this process. It is important to know how to properly massage the mammary glands.

Benefits of massage

Almost all pediatricians agree that breastfeeding is the most useful when feeding a newborn baby. However, women often experience discomfort, which can be associated with both excess milk and its lack. Massaging the mammary glands will help cope with unpleasant sensations.

Even if a nursing mother does not experience pain, doctors advise doing preventive massage, which can be started from the birth of the child.

Benefits of breast massage during lactation:

  1. Facilitates milk loss.
  2. Relaxes the bust muscles and activates the functioning of the mammary glands.
  3. Helps disperse stagnant milk.
  4. Helps improve blood circulation in the mammary glands.
  5. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks and sagging bust.

It is important to know that when feeding your baby, you can massage your breasts only with light movements! Lymphatic drainage massage is absolutely contraindicated as it increases the flow of toxins.

Preventive massage technique

Before you start the massage, you need to carefully prepare. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and rinse your breasts. Please note that when washing the mammary glands, you should not use scented soap and a towel. They may cause irritation.

For the procedure, you can use olive oil, which should be applied in a small amount to the chest and arms. Then you should take a comfortable position. Some advise lying on your back, others - sitting in front of a mirror. The duration of the procedure is maximum 5 minutes. You can massage your bust every day.

How to do a massage correctly:

  1. Place your palms on the top of the breast.
  2. Make circular stroking movements.
  3. Massaging the breast with light movements, smoothly move to the nipple.
  4. After massaging, be sure to take a warm shower and use a stream of water to make circular rotational movements clockwise.

Experts recommend developing the breasts in this way immediately before feeding. This will ensure a flow of milk, which is especially useful during stagnation. Please note: if pain occurs during the massaging process, it means it was performed incorrectly, and it is better to contact a specialist.

Massage technique for lactostasis

Lactostasis, or milk stagnation, is a common occurrence in nursing mothers. The reason for lactostasis is that the ducts in the mammary glands become clogged and milk flow deteriorates. If treatment is not started in time, it can develop into mastitis. To prevent this from happening, you need to check your mammary glands every day for lumps and redness. If such signs are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If milk stagnation occurs, experts recommend repeating the procedure after each feeding. Its duration should not exceed 5 minutes. But before you start, you need to completely express your milk. It is important to remember that massage should not be accompanied by painful sensations.

Preparations for therapeutic massage are the same as for preventive massage, but the technique is different:

  1. You should start with light circular strokes with the palm of each breast. They will have a massaging effect.
  2. Apply gentle pressure to the upper chest. Then, reducing the pressure, go down to the nipple, performing spiral movements.
  3. Run your fingers in a straight line from the beginning of the breast to the nipple. Do this manipulation several times over the entire surface of the bust.
  4. Pinch the nipple between your thumb and index finger. Perform a kneading massage without putting too much pressure on it.
  5. After this, you should slowly lean forward and lightly shake your bust. The milk should fall to the nipples under the influence of gravity.
  6. After the massage, take a warm shower. A stream of water should be directed at the mammary glands and several rotating movements should be performed.

In addition to massaging, cabbage leaves will help with lactostasis. If you apply it every day, then after a while the pain will decrease and the lumps will dissolve.

If milk stagnation occurs, the mother can feed the baby every hour. After all, according to doctors, the best cure for stagnation is feeding a newborn baby.

Secrets of proper massage

In the process of massaging the bust, there are subtleties that are worth knowing about:

  1. Usually women massage their mammary glands on their own. And you can also involve your husband in this process. Psychologists note that joint massage sessions have a positive effect on the relationship between spouses and strengthen the marriage.
  2. You can massage your breasts directly while feeding your baby. You should take the baby off the breast for a few minutes and knead the nipples and mammary glands in a circular motion. Medical staff advise doing this breast massage to increase lactation. After massaging movements, the milk duct in each gland will relax, which will entail a more active secretion of milk.
  3. After each self-massage, you need to either express milk or feed the baby. The main thing is to avoid the feeling of chest fullness. After all, even the slightest painful sensations can lead to stagnation of milk.
  4. A nursing mother can also do a general body massage. The main thing is to tell the massage therapist about the feeding situation in advance so that he can choose the most comfortable position for massage. After all, during lactation you cannot put pressure on the chest, so lying on your stomach is prohibited. Before starting, you need to express all the milk to avoid leakage.

Remember that breast massage for lactation will help avoid many unnecessary problems and bring comfort to the well-being of the young mother.

Breast massage is an effective technique that will help any girl make her breasts even more attractive and firm. However, this procedure must be performed very carefully. If you follow the correct technique, you can achieve an ideal breast shape and also avoid diseases such as mastopathy and cancer.

How to do breast massage correctly, you should know:

  • women over 35 years of age who have undergone breast surgery,
  • girls who want to increase their bust size and tighten their breast skin,
  • nursing mothers to prevent milk stagnation and mastitis.

4 main rules of breast massage

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of massage, but the most important thing is that it relieves pain during the menstrual cycle, prevents stagnation of milk during breastfeeding, helps maintain an attractive bust and eliminates breast swelling.

Breast massage should be taken with great responsibility. To avoid complications, you must strictly adhere to certain rules:

  1. Before deciding to perform a breast massage, you should consult your doctor and rule out any contraindications.
  2. The skin must be clean, so do not forget about hygiene measures: wash your hands with soap and wash your breasts before the massage. The duration of the session depends on the technique performed, on average it is 5 minutes for each breast.
  3. The degree of hand pressure on the mammary gland must be controlled and pain should not be caused during the massage process. To reduce friction, use cosmetic oils or massage creams.
  4. After each session, the woman needs to visit the shower. The stream should not be strong and should hit the upper chest, which improves blood circulation.

Main types of massage movements

Any massage technique has basic techniques, these include: stroking in a circle, rubbing with fingertips, which is carried out clockwise, for better blood supply to the bust.

After rubbing, kneading is performed - with this movement you should act carefully so as not to damage the skin of the chest. This is followed by tapping, and vibration is considered the final stage. This technique is done with the fingertips, lightly tapping the chest.

Every woman dreams of a beautiful bust, but not everyone knows that this can be achieved with the help of massage. Breast augmentation through massage has become popular only recently, but is quickly gaining momentum. The massage tones the chest muscles, thereby stimulating their growth. This is due. For the most part, the breast consists of glandular tissue, which lends itself well to stimulation. This is why massage is natural and affordable for breast growth.

Any massage technique has its own characteristics, but everything is based on one basic movement - stroking. You can use geranium or ylang-ylang oil - they reduce the friction exerted on the breasts during the procedure. After applying the oil, you need to make about 200 stroking movements, with your hands moving from the outside to the center, but not vice versa. This technique improves blood circulation. To achieve the fastest possible results, massage is done daily after taking a shower.

Breast massage during pregnancy and lactation

Necessary for greater release of hormones, which will subsequently contribute to better milk production.

It is best to do a massage a month before giving birth, but under no circumstances in the first trimester, as this can cause a miscarriage!

Not every woman can breastfeed after giving birth. Most often, first-time mothers face this problem, since the milk ducts are very narrow and the baby cannot get enough milk. Against this background, such unpleasant conditions as lactostasis and mastitis can develop. Breast massage will help to avoid these problems. An auxiliary method of eliminating congestion is the correct attachment of the baby to the breast. One of these positions is the position in which the child’s lower jaw is in a tight position. The position of the baby in relation to the breast must be constantly changed to avoid congestion in the mammary gland.

The most successful feeding positions to accelerate the resorption of congestion in various areas of the breast:

  1. Congestion in the upper lobe of the bust is extremely rare, for this reason the position during feeding is unusual. The child needs to be placed with his legs away from you on the bed and bent over him.
  2. When congestion has formed in the middle part of the bust, you need to use side feeding. It is worth noting that the breast in which lactostasis has occurred should be on top. For greater comfort, it is advisable to place the baby on pillows.
  3. To get rid of lactostasis in the lower bust, you should place the child on your lap.

You can do a massage both in front of a mirror and in the shower. For a massage to be effective, it should be done in a relaxed state. There are a number of contraindications for this procedure: inflammation of the breast, such as an abscess or mastitis. When massaged, the resulting purulent lesion spreads to nearby tissues in the shortest possible time!

It is not difficult to recognize whether it is mastitis or lactostasis. Mastitis is characterized by the following symptoms: skin hyperemia, acute, burning pain in the mammary gland, temperature 38C, which is not observed with lactostasis.

When mastitis develops, it is necessary for some time to abandon not only massage, but also breastfeeding the baby and various physical procedures.

If, during massage sessions and other procedures, the desired result could not be achieved, but swelling appears, and signs of inflammation are added to it, you need to stop the procedures and visit a doctor. Since all the signs, without exception, are characteristic of mastitis and breast abscess.

Another complications include galactocele - a formation formed by the expansion of the milk ducts, which contain milk. Such cysts can very seriously lead to lactation disorders and form purulent foci.

How to do breast massage after mammoplasty?

Surgeons recommend that all women who have undergone mammoplasty undergo breast massage after this operation.

Massage should be performed for the following reasons:

  • Helps position implants in a more natural position.
  • Helps restore the sensitivity of the mammary glands and maintain skin elasticity.
  • To prevent complications such as capsular contracture.
  • It will help your back muscles and spine get used to the volume of your chest.

After mammoplasty, massage can be done after a week or two, depending on the condition of the implants and the speed of healing of the sutures. The massage technique depends on the healing period. In the early recovery period, it is recommended to use both hands to lift the chest up and down, as well as left and right. After a month, when the stitches have healed, you can make more active movements. Before performing movements, your hands should be warm, and you can use oil to reduce skin injury.

Let's move on to the movements themselves. You should squeeze your chest at the base and gently move it up and down, left and right. These movements will help prevent compression of the implants and help them take the most natural position.

In addition to the chest, you also need to do a back massage - it is better to entrust this to a specialist. It is worth remembering that back massage can be started no earlier than a month after the operation, since until this time you cannot lie on your stomach.

For 6 months, you should do a daily breast massage, lasting 15 minutes. The only problem you may encounter is pain during the procedure, but each time the pain will gradually go away.

To maintain the youth of your bust, you need to take care of it. Massage is one of the ways of care. Using this procedure, you can improve blood circulation and lymph flow, clean pores, remove dead cells, improve skin tone, and improve the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands. And if you do a special massage, you can increase your breast size.

Benefits of the procedure

The female breast consists of glandular tissue, which is penetrated by blood and lymph vessels. Bust massage prevents stagnant processes, which is the prevention of various diseases. Lymph collects all substances that the body does not need, thereby cleansing and disinfecting it.

Massage improves blood supply to the breasts, causing them to increase in volume.

The procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the chest and décolleté. The skin in these places is thin and delicate, so it quickly becomes wrinkled and flabby, and massage restores its health and elasticity. All movements look like: rubbing, stroking, vibration. Such actions help maintain the original shape of the breast and prevent tumor formation.

To enlarge the bust at home, there are several types of massage, which allows you to choose the option that suits you. To do this, you should consider each person's technique.

Traditional massage

The traditional view looks like this:

  1. You should start by stroking the breast in a circular motion from the nipple. Do similar movements for one minute, trying not to put too much pressure on your chest.
  2. Then comes the rubbing. Make movements from the nipple with slight displacement of the skin. Do rubbing over the entire chest, at the end you need to rub with your fist from top to bottom, supporting the bust from below. Also process the lower part. Press carefully to avoid hurting yourself.
  3. To perform the vibration element, you need to place your fingers on a small area of ​​your chest and “vibrate”. Walk with such movements over the entire surface. At the end of the session, stroke again.

The entire traditional massage procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes. You can perform it up to 2-3 times a day.

Japanese massage

Shiatsu massage for breast enlargement is a Japanese massage for breast enlargement. The breast itself is not affected - there are certain points on the body that are responsible for enlargement of the mammary glands. Lightly pressing the thumbs on these points activates the release of female sex hormones. It must be carried out using your fingertips, pressing from top to bottom. The points are located in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, on the shoulder girdle at the top and between the shoulder blades above the medulla oblongata. It is convenient to do it while taking a bath before bed, and then do stroking or massage with a shower. This acupressure for bust enlargement can increase your breast size by two sizes, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

Chinese massage

The Chinese version of the procedure is a massage that stimulates certain points, using two balls. Acupressure for breast enlargement is easy to perform because the points are very easy to find. To do this, you need to place your fingers 5 cm above the solar plexus and spread them 1 cm on both sides. These points must be stimulated by pressing and rotating the balls on their surface. Do this for 30 seconds, then take a short rest and continue what you started.

You should also stimulate the points that are located between the thumb and index finger. Finally, you need to roll the balls with the soles of your feet - there is also a point there that affects breast growth.


To enlarge your bust at home, hydromassage is suitable. To make independent and painless figure correction, such procedures have been used for a long time. You can use a water jet to enlarge your breasts and give them firmness and elasticity. To do this, you need to adjust the stream while taking a shower so that it has a small but noticeable pressure. Direct a stream of water onto the bust and move in a circular motion over the entire surface. Most of all, you need to pay attention to the area under the breasts and the intercostal space - there are muscles that maintain the height of the bust. The water should be warm, not hot. The entire procedure is carried out within 10 minutes, starting from the upper zone, then moving to the armpit and down.

Vacuum massage

Vacuum massage is done using a special device consisting of a bowl that clasps the chest and a compressor that pumps air out of the bowl. By creating a vacuum in the cup in this way, blood flow to the bust is stimulated, as a result of which the breasts appear fuller after this procedure. Gradually, the blood disperses throughout the body, and the breasts become their original size. This type cannot be used constantly; it contributes to the appearance of a vascular network, which will spoil the appearance of the bust.

Taoist massage

Taoist massage is also very popular. It is used if the breasts have sagged prematurely. It is not difficult to do: take the mammary glands with your palms and rotate 9 times in the direction from the shoulders to the middle of the chest. Then place your hands on the nipples and, while taking a deep breath, gently press on the chest. With an exhalation they lower it. Repeat these simple movements 9 times.

You can achieve results with regular daily massage sessions. At the same time, you need to eat right and give up bad habits. Here are some recommendations to follow if you are considering breast augmentation:

  • Make sure your breasts are healthy before you begin. To do this, you need to visit a mammologist and gynecologist.
  • You cannot do a massage if you have a fever, are sick and feel unwell - it will only get worse.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, massage can be done with the permission of a specialist.
  • In the décolleté area, the skin is thin and delicate; you should not squeeze, pinch, or rub it too much, otherwise you will find bruises later. To avoid damaging this delicate area, use oil or cream.
  • For greater effect, use special creams for bust enlargement and tightening.
  • You should not use massage if you suffer from severe forms of diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and thyroid gland.

Before you start doing breast enlargement massage at home, study videos with lessons and recommendations, which you can find a lot on the Internet. Massage for bust enlargement is presented in the video.
Find the most suitable option for you, prepare the necessary materials. Perform massage regularly and the results will not take long to arrive.

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