Recipes for children 11-12 months. Compote of apples and pears. Meat or fish dishes

An 11-month-old toddler enjoys watching food being prepared and recognizing his favorite dishes. He has already formed certain tastes, which are quite difficult to influence. Most children by this age do without breast milk. Some kids enthusiastically help their mother “feed themselves,” and don’t be upset if the kitchen after this resembles the field of the Battle of Poltava - the main thing is that your child is energetic, healthy and in a good mood.

Diet of an 11 month old baby

The range of products has remained virtually unchanged: it contains different types of meat, lean fish, an extensive list of vegetables, milk, kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese, and flour products (without cream). Only the list of dishes is expanding. Their recipe is gradually changing. If before the mother carefully crushed the food into a puree, now there is no need for this: the baby is already able to chew the food himself. Of course, you still need to knead it with a fork, but not as thoroughly as before.

A common mistake many parents make is transferring their child to the common table. Although the baby is already accustomed to most foods, his digestive system is not yet strengthened enough to cope with fried, spicy, pickled or salty foods. You should not offer your baby canned food for adults, as they contain spices, and in addition, products of acceptable quality are not always used for their production.

Smoked meats, various semi-finished products, chocolate, candies and other sweets are prohibited. They have a bad effect on the digestive system and can cause constipation, bloating or other problems. You don't want this, do you? Then try to offer your baby healthy dishes, such as soups, vegetable stews (stews), drinks made from natural vegetables.

Features of preparing dishes for an 11 month old baby

You should offer your baby two or three times a week fish. It doesn’t have to be boiled, it can be cooked in a double boiler or stewed in a saucepan. If the baby is neutral about onions, they can be used as a complement, and to make the taste of the fish more pleasant, add a little greenery to it. It is advisable to buy fillet - this way you will be sure that the prepared dish is safe for your child.

The list is expanding meat dishes. Now your baby can cook chicken stew, veal meatballs, or just turkey or beef puree. If a child already has well-developed chewing skills, it is permissible to give him finely chopped boiled meat, but most children prefer minced meat dishes - they are much easier to handle. It is not at all necessary to add bread to the cutlet mass; it can be replaced, for example, with mashed potatoes, then the cutlets will come out more tender and softer - tested in practice.

Due to lack of time, young mothers often abuse cereals. Undoubtedly, they are useful, but do not forget about vegetables. Our recommendation: it is advisable to give porridge no more than 1-2 times a day. Prepare other dishes with vegetables. Don't limit yourself to such popular potatoes, alternate them with pumpkin, all types of cabbage (cauliflower, kohlrabi), periodically offer your baby spinach - it is extremely healthy.

Dairy products in the diet of an 11-month-old baby

If your baby tolerates lactose normally, he needs offer dairy products daily. In addition to vitamins, they contain calcium, which is so important for the formation of the skeletal system. Mostly babies consume milk along with cereals. To make every meal enjoyable for your child, supplement them with fruits or berries: blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, apricots, peaches.

Cottage cheese and yoghurts are an ideal afternoon snack. Of course, it’s better to cook them yourself, but if that doesn’t work, choose products with natural ingredients: without preservatives, flavorings or other “chemicals.” To make yoghurt, you can purchase a special starter at a pharmacy or baby food store.

Fruits on the children's menu

Grocery store shelves are filled with foreign fruits, and the temptation to treat your child to an exotic delicacy is great. But it’s better to limit yourself to standard apples, apricots, strawberries and peaches - at this age, the baby’s body may not accept mangoes or avocados well. This is due to the fact that we receive fruits that are not of the best quality - many of them were collected unripe, and appropriate storage conditions are not always provided for them.

How to do without whims?

If the baby does not want to eat soup or vegetable puree, it is almost useless to force him. This can only increase its resistance. There are several proven ways to increase your baby’s appetite:

  • decorate dishes beautifully - the grown-up child is already showing interest in the creative “mosaics” laid out on the plate;
  • ensure that the menu is varied;
  • eat the same thing as the child - he will see that adults have the same food as him, and will imitate mom and dad.

No clowning or performances, otherwise you will have to dance with a tambourine for a long time so that the baby eats at least one more spoon.

Menu for an 11-month-old baby for a week

We bring to your attention a sample menu for babies 11 months old. So:


  • Breakfast. Buckwheat with milk. Apricot puree. Tea with crackers.
  • Dinner. Rice soup with broccoli in chicken broth with a small piece of bread. Mashed potatoes with zucchini and carrots, turkey meatballs with rice. Apple-carrot juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese casserole with strawberries. Dried fruits compote.
  • Dinner. Homemade noodles with cutlet, kefir with cookies.
  • Breakfast. Millet porridge with milk. Tea with cookies.
  • Dinner. Children's borscht (without fried vegetables). Rice porridge on water with fish cutlet. Blackcurrant jelly.
  • Afternoon snack. Yogurt with banana. Fresh fruit compote, optionally apples and plums. Rusk.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree. Chicken liver pate. Tea with cookies.
  • Breakfast. Oatmeal porridge seasoned with prunes. Carrot-apple puree. Dried fruits compote.
  • Dinner. Pumpkin puree soup. Vegetable puree from broccoli, zucchini and carrots. Apricot juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with strawberries. Cherry jelly.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with veal cutlets. Tea with cookies.
  • Breakfast. Milk rice porridge with apple and raisins. Fresh fruit compote and croutons.
  • Dinner. Chicken soup with noodles, egg and herbs. Spinach and potato puree. Meatballs. Carrot-apple juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Kefir with cookies and cottage cheese.
  • Dinner. Rice casserole with chicken fillet. Tea with cookies.
  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge on water with liver pate. Raspberry jelly. Cookie.
  • Dinner. Borsch. Mashed potatoes with fish. Boiled beet salad (on a fine grater). Tea with crackers.
  • Afternoon snack. Curd pudding with peach. Dried fruits compote.
  • Dinner. Vermicelli with turkey cutlets. Tea.
  • Breakfast. Wheat porridge with milk. Tea with cookies.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat soup. Mashed potatoes with stewed meat and herbs. Apple compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruit puree and apple juice.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree, meatballs. Tea with cookies.


  • Breakfast. Oatmeal. Pear jelly and cookies.
  • Dinner. Rice soup with chicken broth. Puree of broccoli, zucchini, cabbage and carrots. Veal cutlets. Dried fruits compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with fruit. Apricot or plum juice.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge with meat pudding. Tea with cookies.

Before going to bed, offer your baby a portion of formula, kefir or breast milk.

At 11 months, the serving size of soup or vegetable puree is on average about 200 g. But if the child eats significantly less, do not worry, it means that at that moment he has no appetite or completely satisfies his needs. Cook with love, and your baby will definitely appreciate your efforts.

A child's diet at 11 months is already quite varied. Mother's milk or infant formula is gradually being replaced by other products. Babies at this age behave differently: some are ready to give up breastfeeding, while others never want to part with their mother’s milk. When using adapted mixtures, the problem is solved more easily - this product can be used for preparing new foods, for example, porridge.

The daily diet of a child at 11 months is selected individually and depends on factors such as intolerance to any foods, health status, and the baby’s personal preferences. Yes, yes, because he probably already has his favorite dishes.

Typically, the diet includes five meals a day at this age. One of them may be auxiliary (some kind of drink, unsweetened cookies). However, most children at 11 months sleep twice a day. But there are also many who have already switched to a single nap during the day.

Often parents are concerned about what to feed their child every day, how to create a balanced menu for him, especially if the baby is capricious and selective about food. We will tell you which foods should definitely be present in your diet, and which ones you should avoid for now.

What and how to feed the baby?

If the child does not have food allergies, and the pediatrician prescribed a standard complementary feeding regimen, then, most likely, the baby has already become familiar with vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat and fish puree, cottage cheese, yolk and kefir. Moreover, he already eats some foods in small pieces.

With patient parents, by this time the baby himself drinks from a cup and holds a spoon, although not always directly into the mouth.

Night feedings

If the daily routine is set up correctly, then the baby no longer wakes up at night. But even if this happens, no food is given at this time. Leftover food in the mouth is a direct path to caries. If the child is hungry at night, you need to feed him more in the evening. You can offer to have a snack just before bed, then you will be sure that the child is full, and his desire to eat is just a whim or a desire to stay with his mother’s breast longer.


By 11 months, a child can drink up to half a glass of fruit juice. Do not exceed this amount - the juice contains a lot of sugar, which can lead to the development of caries. Give preference to decoctions of dried fruits, freshly brewed compotes, fruit drinks and plain water. In the afternoon, children's herbal tea will be appropriate.

Daily diet

Parents often ask how much a child should eat at this age. Many people think that the baby has a poor appetite. It is believed that the average serving weight should be 200 g. This includes all food eaten at one time, including breast milk or breast milk if you are feeding your baby after the main meal. This figure is very approximate; if the baby refuses to finish his portion, do not insist.

The Union of Pediatricians of Russia reminds that force-feeding leads to nausea, vomiting or problems with stool, and the child may begin to have a negative attitude towards this food or the process of eating itself.

What should you not give to your baby?

Lots of new things at once

The baby’s stomach and intestines are still very delicate, so all new dishes (and these are just dishes, not single-ingredient complementary foods) should be given with caution - no more than one per week. That is, if you gave your child fish for the first time, you don’t need to offer anything new this week.

Adult food

It is too early to transfer the baby to the “adult” table. The diet should still not contain anything fried, too fatty, salty, canned (except for special baby food), hot spices, marinades and the like.

Cow's milk

Today, pediatricians do not recommend feeding whole cow's milk to babies under one year of age. However, if the child has never had allergic manifestations, diathesis, dysbacteriosis, and the mother was breastfeeding, then cow’s milk can be added little by little to porridge. For artificial babies, porridge is prepared dairy-free or with the addition of adapted mixtures marked “2” (intended for use from six months).

Products that cause allergies

The children's menu does not contain products that often cause allergies. This includes chocolate, exotic fruits, citrus fruits, honey, and nuts. You should not give your baby natural coffee. Black tea, highly diluted, can be offered in the morning.

Poorly digestible foods

There are foods that should be added to your diet very carefully. For example, many children do not tolerate tomatoes well. Pork is also rarely used in the diet of young children; it is preferable to choose other types of meat. At this age, semolina can already be used, but not more than once a week.

How is the diet structured?

Let us describe schematically how a child’s nutrition is planned at 11 months. The menu, as already mentioned, is developed taking into account the baby’s preferences. If he stubbornly refuses any food, do not offer it for at least a week, and then give it again in a different form at a time when the baby is especially hungry. For example, after a long walk or swimming, but not after sleep.

Daily routine from 6 am

If your baby still wakes between 6 and 7 am, it makes sense to keep the first breakfast light. Just give him breastfeeding, a bottle of formula or baby kefir. Then the next feeding will be around 10 am.

6:00 - first feeding

9:30 - basic breakfast

13:00 - dinner

16:00 - afternoon snack

18:00 - dinner

20:00 - night sleep

Daily routine from 9 am

If the baby prefers to sleep longer, then the first breakfast should be substantial. In this case, additional feeding is postponed until the evening, because the baby goes to bed later. Before going to bed, give kefir, a bottle of formula, or breastfeed.

9:00 - basic breakfast

12:30 - dinner

15:00 - afternoon snack

19:00 - dinner

21:00 - additional feeding

22:00 - night sleep

These are approximate options, reflecting 3.5-4 hours between meals and 10 hours of sleep at night. During the day, as already mentioned, the baby sleeps once or, more often, twice.

Summary table with the layout of meals for the baby for the week:

Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Morning feeding includes breastfeeding or 200 ml of adapted milk formula or kefir
breakfast porridge, half yolk + juice porridge + cottage cheese + juice porridge + puree fr. + juice
porridge + half a yolk + drink porridge + juice + baby cookies porridge + puree fr. + juice porridge + cottage cheese + juice
dinner vegetable puree or pureed soup + meat puree vegetable puree + half a yolk + cracker or slice of bread vegetable puree + fish balls or puree pureed soup with meat meat pudding + vegetable. puree vegetable puree half a yolk + cracker or slice of bread meat broth soup
afternoon tea puree fr. + baby cookies fruit puree + crackers, drying cottage cheese + baby cookies puree fr. + casserole cottage cheese + crackers, biscuit mashed banana or baked apple + cookies puree fr. + cookies
dinner repeats the first feeding, but can be swapped with an afternoon snack

Notes: 5 g of butter is added to porridge, and 5 g of vegetable oil is added to vegetable purees and other dishes. During the day, you can offer various drinks (compote, fruit drink, jelly, etc.). The total volume of liquid is up to a liter. Children at 11 months of age are given wheat and rye bread or crackers, unsweetened cookies, and crackers. As can be seen from the table, the number of yolks per week is 2, cottage cheese - 180 g. Kefir - up to 200 ml per day. Once a week, meat is replaced with fish, and one more time, if the baby agrees, they give liver (options: tongue, heart). Instead of porridge, you can sometimes give vermicelli, and also add it to soups or vegetable purees.

From this age, it is not necessary to grind food until smooth; it is better to mash it with a fork so that small pieces remain in it. Apples and young carrots can be grated on a fine grater and served fresh.

There are only two breastfeedings left, mother's milk is gradually replaced with kefir, and after a year - with regular milk. However, there are many mothers who are ready to breastfeed for longer than a year.

How to diversify the menu?

Children at this age are given both industrially produced ready-made food and homemade meals. You can offer both, depending on the child's preferences, time availability and seasonal fruits/vegetables. It’s worth considering the seasonality of foods when choosing recipes for feeding an 11-month-old baby. You should not buy vegetables grown in greenhouses; it is better to stock up on frozen foods.

Natalya, Ignat’s mother, 1 year old: “Knowing that Ignat’s first complementary feeding would be in winter, our whole family grew zucchini, pumpkin and broccoli in the dacha. They filled the freezer not only for themselves, but also for their mother-in-law. These reserves were enough for us for six months, we even have some left.”

Although children can only be given freshly prepared food, this does not mean that mother will have to live in the kitchen. Pre-prepared semi-finished products can be frozen for future use or combined dishes, for example, fresh vegetables with industrial meat puree, ready-made porridge with fruits and berries mashed into puree.

Classic pureed vegetable soup

  • One small potato;
  • 1/3 medium carrot;
  • Cauliflower - several inflorescences;
  • A quarter cup of formula or milk;
  • One raw yolk;
  • Half a teaspoon of butter.

Cut potatoes and carrots, add cabbage. Pour in water so that it just covers the vegetables, and cook until tender under a tightly closed lid. Drain the broth and puree the vegetables with a fork. It is better not to use a blender; it makes the potatoes stringy and sticky.

Add the remaining broth and milk (mixture) to the resulting puree to the desired consistency, add butter and a pinch of salt. Grind the yolk and add to the hot soup, but do not bring to a boil.

Turkey meatballs

  • One hundred grams of turkey breast;
  • A teaspoon of butter;
  • The same amount of semolina;
  • Two tablespoons of milk.

Grind the turkey in a meat grinder with the smallest attachment twice. Add softened butter, milk, semolina, and a pinch of salt. Knead thoroughly and leave for a few minutes. Then use a teaspoon dipped in water to separate portions of the resulting minced meat and lower it into gently boiling water for about 10 minutes.

Liver puree with vegetables

  • Veal liver - 50 g;
  • 1/3 medium carrot;
  • 1 small potato;
  • A piece of zucchini approximately 30 g;
  • A tablespoon of cream.

Cook the liver for about 30 minutes. at a low boil. Chop all vegetables and cook separately until softened.

Place the cooked products, except potatoes, in a blender bowl and blend; you can add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable broth. It is better not to beat the potatoes, but to puree or mash them. Heat without boiling, add salt and cream.

Apple dessert

  • One green apple;
  • Half a baby cookie.

Wash the apple, cut into halves and remove the core. Bake in the oven, adding a little water to the bottom of the pan. You can bake the apple in the microwave (in a sealed container, otherwise it will dry out on top). In the microwave, the apple will cook much faster - in 4 minutes. In the oven for about 14 minutes.

Cool the finished apple a little and grate the pulp. Crumble half of the baby biscuits and add to the baked apple puree. If the mass is too thick, it is permissible to add a little milk, mixture or just water.

Apple and carrot salad

  • 1/2 green apple;
  • 1/3 carrots;
  • A third of a teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil.

Grind the apple and carrots on the finest grater, mix and season with vegetable oil. If the apple is sour, you can add a quarter spoon of sugar.

Rice porridge with apricot

  • 2 ripe apricots;
  • One teaspoon of rice flour;
  • Half a teaspoon of sugar;
  • 150 ml water or mixture.

Wash the apricots, halve them, and place them in a sieve or colander, cut side down. Place a sieve in a saucepan so that the apricots are above the water. Steam for 10 minutes, then puree, removing the skin (it comes off well).

Boil the liquid, add salt and sugar, add a teaspoon of rice flour and cook until thickened (5 minutes is enough). Combine the dish with apricot puree.

To prepare this dish, you can use commercially produced dairy-free porridge or make your own flour. To do this, short grain rice is washed with cold water, dried and ground in a coffee grinder. Flour is also prepared from any other cereals.

Up to 1 year of age, babies grow, develop, and mature quickly. In order for them to be active, cheerful and feel good, their nutrition must be appropriate for their age. When preparing food for them, you need to make sure that the dishes are not monotonous and that the products contain all the beneficial substances necessary for a small growing organism.

What will change in the child’s diet?

When a baby is 11 months old, he grows up before our eyes. Together with him, his menu “grows up”. It is gradually replenished with the foods that adults eat. Together with his parents, he can eat salads, soups, meat cutlets and fruit desserts.

But what is more important here is not the variety of dishes, but the presence in them of a full range of necessary vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to ensure that the child’s daily diet includes all the main food groups: cereals, vegetables, meat or fish and dairy products.

At 11 months old, babies already develop their own culinary preferences. For example, of all the cereals, the baby eats only rice, and among the fruits he only likes banana. In this case, you should not force your baby to eat something he does not like. Eating should bring him pleasure and not cause negative emotions.

What is the best way to serve food?

Although at 11 months the little man eats almost everything, he has not yet “grown up” to fried and spiced foods. Food should only be boiled, stewed or steamed. It can be lightly salted or sweetened with sugar.

Important! If parents eat right, thenfor a child no need to prepare food separately.

The age of the toddler also affects how small the food should be. He already has several teeth with which he can chew. This means you shouldn’t puree all your food. On the other hand, he may not be able to handle large pieces or even choke on them.

A salad made from raw vegetables or fruits can be grated, boiled vegetables are best crushed with a fork, and meat can be cut into small pieces. Such dishes will be both within his power and to his taste.

How to introduce new foods into your baby's diet

Products unfamiliar to the child should be included in his menu gradually, no more than 1 innovation per week. But you shouldn’t do this every week - you need to give your baby time to get used to the new taste.

Everything new should be given to him a little at a time, for example, a teaspoon. Then you need to carefully observe his reaction. At the slightest sign of an allergy, the innovation should be immediately excluded from the diet.

It is also advisable to combine everything new with an already familiar dish. For example, a new type of meat or fish can be served with your favorite porridge or vegetable puree.

What to feed a baby at 11 months

The diet of an 11-month-old baby is much richer than when he was six months old. But still, his diet differs from that of adults.


Vegetables are the main complementary foods during breastfeeding. They supply the growing body with fiber, organic acids, folic acid, vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, iron and other useful substances.

You can give your baby green and white vegetables without fear, as they are hypoallergenic.

This includes zucchini, cauliflower, and broccoli. Potatoes must be soaked first. Colored vegetables (pumpkin, beets and carrots) should be introduced carefully, as they can provoke an allergic reaction.

Onions can be added to dishes only in boiled form. By 11 months, the toddler has most likely already tried all these vegetables. You can gradually offer him new ones: for example, green bell peppers, green peas.

Did you know? The number of taste buds in babies is 3 times higher than the number of taste buds in adults.

The little one is already very familiar with vegetable puree. They may consist of one or more components. Only now it is advisable not to puree them, but to crush them with a fork - this way there will be something to chew. An alternative to puree can be a stew of finely chopped vegetables.

The child has already grown up to raw grated salads, seasoned with sunflower or olive oil, natural yogurt or baby cream.


Fruits are also a source of vitamins (A, B and C), minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese and iodine), antioxidants and dietary fiber. But, unlike vegetables, fruits play the role not of main types of food, but of vitamin supplements.

You need to be careful with “overseas” fruits, as they can cause allergies. The best options are apples, pears, bananas, apricots, peaches and plums. They are used to prepare purees, juices, compotes and jelly.

At 11 months, the baby will happily eat fruit salads made from raw fruits, topped with yogurt.


Cereal porridges are introduced into the menu after the baby is already accustomed to vegetable purees and willingly absorbs them. Cereals supply the growing body with carbohydrates, thanks to which the baby is charged with energy for the whole day. Porridges also contain a lot of vegetable protein and other valuable substances.

For a child who is not yet a year old, they prepare rice, buckwheat, corn porridge and oatmeal. Semolina, wheat and pearl barley should not be offered to a child before one year. Cereals are boiled in water with the addition of breast milk. Children like porridge along with fruits and berries. Cereals are also added to vegetable soups.


The baby gets animal proteins from meat dishes. In this case, the meat should be lean: veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, pork (if lean). The baby's menu may gradually include meat by-products: liver, tongue, heart.

There are many options for meat dishes: you can puree the meat and add it to porridge, prepare cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, or give a piece of boiled chicken fillet. Meat can only be boiled or steamed, it cannot be fried.


Meat in the children's diet is alternated with fish. It is a supplier of not only animal proteins, but also very valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B, E, D, PP, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine and other trace elements. But you need to be careful with fish, as sometimes it causes allergies.

Your child can be given lean fish with white meat: hake, pollock, haddock, river perch, pike perch, navaga, flounder, cod. The fish should be boiled, freed from all seeds, pureed or divided into fibers. It is best served mixed with porridge or vegetable puree.

Dairy products

Whole milk should not be given to a child because of casein and other components that can be harmful. Fermented milk products should be given, but not all of them. Cottage cheese, cheese (unsalted varieties), natural yogurt and butter (in small doses) are allowed.

These products contain a lot of valuable calcium, phosphorus, protein, vitamins B and PP. But you shouldn’t treat your baby to homemade yogurt and cottage cheese. Special fermented milk products adapted for children are best suited. They have everything you need and nothing extra.

Did you know? Pediatricians believe that babies fed with breast milk are more willing to switch to other types of food than those raised on formula..


It is very important that the child drinks enough liquid. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system depends on this. Drinking can be calculated using the formula: 50 g of liquid per 1 kg of child weight.

The choice of drinks is quite wide: juices, tea, decoctions (for example, from rose hips), fruit compotes and jelly. But don’t forget about clean water. Her baby should drink at least 200 ml per day.

What else is worth waiting for?

Pediatricians advise not to rush to give children 2 food groups:

  • allergens: honey, nuts, chocolate, citrus and exotic fruits, cow's milk;
  • too “grown-up”: coffee, cocoa, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, cakes and other sweets.

All these products can be introduced into a child’s diet no earlier than 3 years. By this age, the child’s stomach is already adjusted to “adult” food.

What to avoid in baby's diet

If some ingredients are not useful and even harmful for adults, then they especially should not be given to a baby who is not yet a year old. Forbidden foods include: fried, salty, spicy, starch, sweeteners and other harmful flavoring additives.

Sample menu

The menu should be divided into 5 meals. Breast milk continues to occupy an important place in children’s diets, with which the baby is fed at least 2 times a day.

  • Vegetable puree.
  • Porridge seasoned with half the yolk, steamed meat cutlet and grated salad of raw vegetables.
  • Children's kefir and cottage cheese with fruit puree. A very active toddler can be offered vegetable puree, but without meat.
  • Bottle with mixture.

An 11-month-old baby already eats all types of adult food, so preparing food for him is easier than for a 6-month-old. It is enough to monitor the quality of the products and prepare them correctly - and the little one will grow up healthy and cheerful.

The diet of a child at 12 months is not much different from the diet of a baby at 10 months: almost all the foods that adults eat are already familiar; Preparations for meals from the common table continue.

To prepare food for an 11 month old baby you can use:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage (broccoli, white cabbage);
  • zucchini;
  • asparagus;
  • pumpkin;

Some pediatricians allow eggplants to be included in a baby’s diet at this age (starting with a minimum portion). But this is only permissible for children who are not prone to allergies and do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Can be added to stews, vegetable purees and soups. But it should be remembered that they contain solanine. Pre-soaking peeled eggplants in salted water will help reduce the amount of this harmful component. It is not yet recommended to give tomatoes to a child.

Fruits and berries

Allowed fruits already include all local fruits, except exotic and citrus fruits. The child is also familiar with seasonal berries. They can be added to fermented milk products and porridges. By alternating different types of fruits and berries, you can get dishes with a new taste. You can prepare delicious salads from fresh fruits, seasoned with sour cream or kefir.

You should not give fruit and berry juices to your baby until he is one year old, as this can cause stomach illness (if not now, then at a later age). Jelly and compotes are prepared from fresh or frozen fruits and berries, as well as from dried fruits.

Some experts consider it possible to introduce a child at this age to citrus fruits. Of course, this is acceptable if he does not have allergies. It could be tangerines, oranges or grapefruit.

The first sample should be a very small slice. After giving it, you should carefully monitor the body’s reaction for 2-3 days, since citrus fruits are allergenic products.


For cooking you can use:

  • veal;
  • chicken;
  • horse meat;
  • beef;
  • low-fat

You can make cutlets, quenelles, meatballs, meatballs, and soufflés from meat. These products are steamed or stewed. It is allowed to use by-products. In the form of puree, meat can be added to soup, vegetable puree, or porridge. Fried or smoked meat should not be given to your baby. He is also not allowed to eat lard or sausages (sausages, sausages, sausages).


The meat should be replaced twice a week. You can still steam or boil the same types of fish that are familiar to your child:

  • sea ​​bass;
  • cod;
  • carp;
  • pollock;
  • flounder;
  • zander.

You can make soup, cutlets, tender soufflé, and quenelles from fish; it can be added to vegetable puree.

Dairy products

An 11-month-old child should consume fermented milk products, including cottage cheese, every day.

The mandatory inclusion of fermented milk products in the daily menu is due to the content of beneficial microflora in them, which suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria. , yogurt or can complement the main dish.

It is better for the mother to prepare these products herself, using special starters purchased at the pharmacy and a yogurt maker. But you can also buy finished products in the baby food department (and not at the market). At 11 months, a new product is introduced - sour cream. It can be served with a casserole, vegetable or fruit salad, or added to cottage cheese, soup or borscht.


It is advisable to diversify the child’s menu by alternating porridges cooked from different cereals, since the baby is already familiar with all of them. Preference should be given to those that he likes. You can still cook porridge with milk formula, breast milk or water. You can improve the taste by adding butter, berries or pieces of fruit.

Other foods that can be included in your diet:

  • the yolk of a hard-boiled egg () twice a week with vegetables or cereals;
  • daily with other dishes vegetable oil and butter;
  • greens in the form of dill, celery as a daily addition to salad, soup, meat or fish dish;
  • bread, crackers, cookies daily.

Canned food, sweets, and mushrooms are prohibited for the baby.

Age standards for products

If your appetite is poor

Often mothers are faced with the problem of decreased appetite in their baby, which causes them serious concern. Parents try by any means to feed their beloved child: they use persuasion (a spoonful for all family members), distraction from food with a cartoon, etc.

The reasons for a decrease in appetite in a baby can be very different:

  • illness suffered the day before;
  • teething;
  • snacks between feedings;
  • force feeding;
  • ignoring the child's food preferences;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine.

It is important for parents to try to identify factors that influence appetite. This is the only way to eliminate the cause of poor appetite in their child.

If your baby does not eat well due to an illness, you should consult with your pediatrician about how to shorten the recovery period after illness. When teething, you just need to be patient: soon the teeth will grow, then the whims will pass and your appetite will improve.

Not every mother and grandmother manages to control herself and resist the temptation to give cookies an hour before the next feeding if the child did not eat his portion the day before. But this should not be done, since after a snack the baby will not eat the next portion of the main meal.

An important point is to adhere to a daily routine - the body gets used to eating at a certain time. By this time, digestive juices are released, which stimulates appetite and the appearance of hunger.

The child’s taste priorities must be taken into account. If he doesn’t like fish quenelles or pumpkin soup, then these dishes should not be included in the menu. We need to replace them with others that are no less useful. You can prepare a new dish and interest your child in its beautiful design, which will also improve appetite.

Under no circumstances should you force feed your baby or force him to empty his plate with tears. This can lead to developing an aversion to any food, and then it will be very difficult to cope with it.

Menu for the week

Nutrition should be organized so that the baby’s diet is not only varied, but also balanced in nutrients. Perhaps an indicative weekly menu will help mom with this. It is assumed that 2 feedings (early morning and before bedtime) are breast milk or formula. There is no longer a need to supplement the baby with formula or breast milk during the day.


  • 10:00 – cottage cheese with sour cream and kiwi pieces.
  • 14:00 – vegetable soup (with cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, herbs and buckwheat), yolk, mashed potatoes with steamed chicken cutlet, bread, compote (from prunes, raisins and dried apricots).
  • 18:00 – rice porridge with banana, cookies with apple compote.


  • 10:00 – cottage cheese with berries, apple jelly.
  • 14:00 – vegetable puree (from green peas, zucchini, cauliflower and dill), yolk, meatballs (minced chicken with rice, onions and carrots) with sour cream, bread, pear compote.
  • 18:00 – rice porridge with yogurt, cookies.


  • 10:00 – corn porridge with butter, cottage cheese with fruit, apple compote and.
  • 14:00 – vegetable soup (carrots, potatoes, onions, herbs, vegetable oil), zucchini puree with chopped chicken liver, yolk, bread, compote (, raspberries, apple).
  • 18:00 – barley porridge with plums, yogurt, cookies.


  • 10:00 – wheat porridge with butter, cottage cheese with banana or peach, pear jelly.
  • 14:00 – borscht (beets, potatoes, Chinese cabbage, carrots, greens) with sour cream, steamed fish cutlet (hake), vegetable puree (broccoli with rice), bread, apple compote.
  • 18:00 – oatmeal with fruit, kefir with.


  • 10:00 – pearl barley porridge, plum puree, cookies, apple and pear compote.
  • 14:00 – vegetable puree (pumpkin with zucchini and broccoli) with meatballs (turkey with rice, onions and carrots), yolk, bread, banana, apple jelly.
  • 18:00 – rice porridge with currants, baked apple, yogurt.


  • 10:00 – with butter, plum puree, cherry compote, crackers.
  • 14:00 – vegetable stew (carrots, zucchini, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, green peas), chicken dumplings, bread, apple-cherry jelly.
  • 18:00 – rice porridge, plum and peach puree, fruit and berry compote, cookies.


  • 10:00 – buckwheat porridge, baked apple, kefir with.
  • 14:00 – vegetable soup (pumpkin-carrot with herbs and sunflower oil), mashed potatoes with steamed fish, bread, pear-apple compote.
  • 18:00 – oatmeal with butter, kefir with strawberries, cookies.

Advantages and disadvantages of ready-made meals

If for some reason the mother does not have the opportunity to prepare fresh food for the baby, commercially prepared baby food will perfectly replace it.

Many parents often wonder: does the mother need to prepare food for the child herself if there are ready-made meals in jars? How beneficial or harmful are industrially produced products?

Known to many parents, Dr. E. O. Komarovsky believes that there is no significant difference between food prepared by mother and high-quality industrial food.

It is acceptable to use dishes from jars in cases where the mother does not have the opportunity to prepare food separately for the baby. But at the same time, they really must be of high quality: made from environmentally friendly natural products, and not contain starch, stabilizers, salt, or preservatives.

The jars usually contain an indication of the age at which the food is recommended and a labeling of the type of food (meat dish, vegetables as a single product or with a side dish, fruit).

But there is also a negative opinion about ready-made baby food. Many pediatricians believe that it increases the risk of allergies and can provoke problems with the digestive system. There is also no complete confidence that manufacturers accurately indicated the nutritional composition on the label. In any case, to create a puree-like consistency, soy or starch is added, which are not beneficial for children at 11 months of age.

And if we take into account the fact that many modern children have a high tendency to allergic reactions, then daily consumption of products with soy can cause a malfunction and trigger the development of allergies. Chemical additives from baby food will harm the liver and kidneys first.

Dish recipes

Vegetable soup with buckwheat

Cooking steps:

  1. Sort and rinse 50 g of buckwheat.
  2. Wash under running water and peel 50 g of zucchini, small carrots and cauliflower (50 g). Cut all vegetables into pieces.
  3. Pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  4. Add cereals and vegetables to the pan and cook the soup for 15 minutes.
  5. Wash, cut 1 sprig of dill and add the greens to the soup.
  6. After a couple of minutes, remove the soup from the heat.
  7. Pour in 1 tsp. vegetable (preferably olive) oil, mix.
  8. Chop the vegetables with a fork before serving.

Vegetable stew


  1. Wash and chop 40 g zucchini, 30 g broccoli, small carrots, 40 g cauliflower and a small onion.
  2. Peel and cut the vegetables into small cubes, divide the cabbage into florets.
  3. Place the vegetables and a small amount of water in the multicooker bowl and turn it on to the “stew” mode.
  4. After about half an hour, add 30 g of green peas and 1 tsp to the multicooker. vegetable oil.
  5. After 5 minutes the dish is ready.



  1. Place a small saucepan of water on the fire.
  2. Peel and wash potatoes (50 g), beets (50 g), a small onion and a small carrot.
  3. Grate beets and carrots on a coarse grater, cut potatoes and onions into small cubes, chop 30 g.
  4. After the water boils, add the beets to the pan and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Add all the remaining vegetables and cook for another 15 minutes.
  6. Cut 1 sprig of parsley and dill and add to the vegetables.
  7. After a couple of minutes, remove the pan from the heat.
  8. Add 1 tsp to the plate with borscht. sour cream.

Chicken cutlets


  1. Make minced meat from 100 g chicken fillet using a blender or meat grinder. Add chopped onion (1/4 part of the onion) to the minced meat.
  2. Add 1 chicken egg, a finely chopped sprig of dill to the mixture and mix everything well.
  3. Form cutlets from the mixture and steam them for about half an hour.

Chicken quenelles


  1. Grind (with a blender or meat grinder) 100 g of chicken fillet and add 1 egg to the minced meat.
  2. In a bowl, pour 10 g of white bread with breast milk (3 tbsp.).
  3. After softening, add the bread to the minced meat, add softened butter (5 g).
  4. Mix the ingredients well and, wetting your hands, form the quenelles.
  5. Steam them for 25-30 minutes.



  1. Rinse and boil 40 g of rice cereal in a saucepan until half cooked (10 minutes).
  2. Peel and wash ¼ carrots, ¼ onions and 50 g pumpkin.
  3. Grind turkey fillet (100 g) and vegetables with a meat grinder or blender.
  4. Add rice to the minced meat and stir.
  5. Form the mixture into small balls, place them in a saucepan and carefully pour in a small amount of water (to cover the meatballs).
  6. Cook over low heat, covered, for half an hour. Serve with sour cream.

Fish cutlets


  1. Wash and cook 30 g of rice until tender.
  2. Soak 10 g of white bread pulp in breast milk.
  3. Grind 100 g of fish fillet (pollock or hake) with a blender.
  4. Add rice, chicken egg yolk, bread to the minced meat and mix everything.
  5. Steam the formed cutlets for about 15 minutes.

Summary for parents

The closer a child gets to one year old, the more his diet becomes similar to the menu of adults. Still, at 11 months the baby should prepare food separately. This is due to the fact that it is better to steam, stew or boil food for a child. Breastfeeding still needs to be maintained 2 times a day.

A set of products familiar to a child at 11 months gives the mother the opportunity to prepare a variety of dishes as her culinary skills dictate. But the menu needs to be made taking into account the baby’s tastes.

Nutritionist S. G. Makarova tells how to feed a child at 9-12 months:

By the age of 11 months, a child has a large reserve of achievements. The diet also changes. The menu becomes varied, and your preferences are formed: you like some dishes, others not. It is important for parents to know which foods must be included in the diet and which are prohibited.

The menu for an 11-month-old baby who is breastfed is based on permitted foods, health status and personal preferences. If he needs breast milk, then you should not wean the baby from the breast.

Breast milk is still a source of immune support and contributes to the formation of normal intestinal microflora.

Good intestinal function ensures the digestion of foods that are difficult for a baby, such as fish and meat. You should not give up breast milk in favor of cow's milk. The latter is allowed to be administered only after one year of age.

In order for the digestive organs to work correctly and cope with their task, you need to plan your day. By the end of the 10th month, some children switch to one nap during the day. Ideally, meals should be 5 times a day, the volume of food is approximately 200 g. If for some reason the menu is designed for four meals a day, then there is no need to try to increase the portion. This can lead to upset stool or stomach problems.

There are also new products on the menu for an 11-month-old baby.

  1. Pasta. They can be combined with vegetables. You can cook milk soups with noodles.
  2. Kissel. The basis should be fruits that the baby is allowed and with which he is already familiar. It is better not to add sugar when cooking.
  3. Milk casserole. You can add pasta, vegetables, meat.
  4. At the end of the 10th month, fish is introduced.
  5. It is allowed to include snacks consisting of cookies or crackers (about 5-10 g).

  1. You should not include foods in your diet that your baby refuses to eat.
  2. Do not include foods that have been ground to a smooth consistency. Products should be finely chopped or shredded using a fork. You need to get accustomed to such food from small pieces, gradually increasing their size.
  3. A child should eat 700-900 g of breast milk per day. Half of this volume can be replaced with kefir or fermented baked milk.
  4. Food still needs to be boiled, baked or stewed.
  5. You can diversify your diet with a small amount of greens (green onions, parsley, dill). It is allowed to add a few crystals of sugar or salt.
  6. It is recommended to dilute vegetables with olive or sunflower oil. This way they are better absorbed by the body.
  7. You need to avoid foods that most often cause allergies: nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits.
  8. All new products on the menu should be introduced slowly, gradually. If a reaction occurs (vomiting, diarrhea, rash), you should stop giving food; it can only be reintroduced after a month.

The volume of breast milk and nutrients in it decreases significantly as the year approaches, and this is no longer enough for the further development of the baby. Therefore, all necessary products should be included in his diet.

Approximate daily schedule

The menu of a 10-11 month old child, including five meals a day, may look something like this.

If you properly organize your child's nutrition during the day, the baby will sleep soundly at night without needing additional feeding.

More about products

Cottage cheese can easily replace the lack of breast milk. Therefore, this product should be included in the menu of an 11-month-old baby. But you either need to make it yourself or buy it from a dairy kitchen. Regular cottage cheese contains the substance casein, which is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

Your diet should include dishes made from meat and offal (liver, heart), as this is an irreplaceable source of protein. You can make cutlets, meatballs, or simply boil lean meat. Cook only by steaming, do not fry or add spices. Pork and beef cannot be used.

If no allergy to fish has been identified, then twice a week it can be included in the diet instead of meat.

You need to choose white meat. River fish would be an ideal option. Boil the fish fillet, remove the bones and chop the pulp with a fork. You can cook fish cutlets. Fish can be served with vegetable puree or porridge.

Already at 10 months, almost all vegetables are introduced into the child’s diet. They have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, as they contain a lot of fiber. You can make salads, purees, stews from them, simply boil them or serve them raw. Soups and broths are made using vegetables.

The menu of a 10-11 month old breastfed baby must include ½ chicken egg yolk. It contains a large number of microelements. If the baby flatly refuses this dish, then the mother should try to hide it in another dish. For example, finely chop it and add it to milk or porridge.

Fermented milk products are allowed to be introduced as early as 10 months. At 11 months, the entire range of fermented milk products is allowed: yoghurts, fermented baked milk, kefir, bifidok. But you need to choose one of these products to be included in the menu of the day.

Meals for 10-11 months should include a variety of drinks. These include natural juices, compotes, fruit drinks, and jelly.

The introduction of complementary foods into the baby's diet adds additional troubles and worries to the mother. Dishes must be freshly prepared and not contain harmful ingredients. If the diet and regimen are compiled correctly, then the baby will not have problems with the functioning of the digestive organs.

gastroguru 2017