What you can’t give for the New Year of the Rat and what you can? Very bad gifts! You shouldn't give them to anyone...

Konstantin Chalabov/RIA Novosti

At first glance, the idea of ​​giving a Christmas tree decoration for the New Year seems quite logical - the item conveys the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday and, most likely, will be used for its intended purpose. However, this can only be done if you know exactly the traditions that people observe for the New Year.

For many, this is a family holiday, so they try to decorate the holiday tree with toys that they inherited from their great-grandmothers. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that decorating the Christmas tree costs differently every year. For example, in a certain style of toys or colors. So before you run to the souvenir store, think about whether your gold and red balls will be useful to the person who this year decided to decorate the Christmas tree, say, in ultraviolet, which was popular in 2018?

Figures-symbols of the coming year

One of the most common gifts is a symbol of the coming year in accordance with the eastern calendar. Marketers do everything possible to make a figurine of a horse, monkey or dog look attractive. Beautiful packaging and advertising slogans are used to convince how the item will contribute to happiness in the family and financial well-being. True, it is still unclear what to do with the collection of animals collecting dust on the shelves. These don’t look much like unique things that I would like to pass on by inheritance, and they are unlikely to be useful to children.

New Year themed clothing

Sweaters and pajamas with prints of deer and Christmas trees have long gone out of fashion. Now such products look stupid and tasteless. And it’s quite difficult to guess a colleague’s size and style preferences - some like it looser, others tighter. Add to this the requirements for fabric and color scheme. In addition, there is always a set limit for gifts in Secret Santa, which is unlikely to be met if you want to give a quality item.


Sergey Pyatakov/RIA Novosti

It's hard to think of a more meaningless gift than a calendar. Firstly, this is the 21st century and all gadgets have long had built-in organizers. Secondly, most offices provide their employees with all the equipment necessary for work, and they are required to issue calendars for the coming year. Such a gift can be regarded as complete indifference to the recipient.

Body care gift sets

It seems that everyone knows why you shouldn’t give gift sets with personal care products. But, nevertheless, there is always a person in the office who disregards the rule. Once again: people always choose personal hygiene products for themselves, and such sets are simply re-gifted. If you don’t have time to buy a gift at all, it’s better to limit yourself to a gift certificate.

Chocolate candies

Another gift from the category “bought at the last moment what came to hand” is sets of chocolates. They are given throughout life and for any occasion. Have pity on your colleagues, during the New Year holidays everyone gains a couple of extra pounds, and then there’s the sweets.

Made by yourself

Not everyone can appreciate a gift made with their own hands. For most, such a thing brings joy only if it is the fruit of the efforts of a beloved child. So, in order to avoid misunderstanding on the faces of colleagues, we recommend discarding this idea. Are you convinced that handmade is your thing? You can take a risk. Just don’t be surprised later why for a year your colleague never came wearing the mittens and hat that you knitted for him.

Box of tangerines

Nina Zotina/RIA Novosti

Some even think of making a joke and giving a box of tangerines as a gift. We warn you in advance: the gift will definitely not be classified in the “wanted to be the coolest” category; rather, you will simply be considered an idiot. In addition, such a present will raise many questions. Firstly, how to take tangerines home, secondly, what to do with them if you are allergic to citrus fruits, and, finally, why a whole box if tangerines have already been bought for the holiday table a long time ago? The only thing that could be worse is the gift of a bowl of Olivier.

We want the New Year celebration to be remembered for a long time. We preen ourselves, prepare long and hard. And most importantly, we prepare gifts for family, friends and relatives. However, those who believe in omens will have a hard time choosing a gift. What kind of gift can you give, and what kind is not customary to give for the New Year? What gifts should you not give for the New Year? What will be appropriate and what will not. You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What gifts should not be given for the New Year?

Let's start right away with the fact that you don't need to give for the New Year. It is not advisable to give shower sets as gifts. These gifts are as old as time, and clearly no one will be happy with them. Moreover, hygiene is a purely personal matter, and it would be better if a person chooses his own detergents.

According to signs, you cannot give slippers and towels. Why, you ask. What do these gifts contain? There is simply an opinion that by giving slippers and towels, you seem to neglect the person, hinting at his sloppiness and bad appearance. Judge for yourself, would you like it when they give you slippers or towels?

The gift itself is good, very useful in everyday life, we don’t argue. But towels and slippers as a New Year's gift will not cheer you up, believe me. Not the best option. What is not customary to give for the New Year? These are watches, mirrors, a scarf, a wallet. Let's go into a little more detail about each thing.

Why can't you give a watch? After all, as the signs promise, a watch as a gift foreshadows separation. Even if you are not superstitious and do not believe in omens, then refrain from buying such a gift. Perhaps your significant other believes in omens, and imagine what her reaction will be.

Gifts you shouldn't give

According to popular belief, it is not recommended to give a scarf as a gift. No matter how beautiful or embroidered it is, don't do it. A handkerchief as a gift says that soon the person you give it to will constantly cry and sob. Things won't be good.

Why can't you give a wallet? No, you can do this, just expect that you will soon have very big financial difficulties. If you really want to give a wallet that you think will suit a friend or acquaintance, then let her give you a couple of coins. Thus, an exchange occurs and then the energies are conserved.

What to give a man

What gift should you give a man? How can you surprise him? Let's start with what you can't give a man for the New Year:

  • socks, panties, T-shirts;
  • shaving gels;
  • Shaving machines;
  • flowers;
  • slippers and towels.

It is best to give a man a tie that will match his favorite suit. And it’s better if his beloved girlfriend or wife does it. You can also give a man a watch. But not just some cheap watch bought on the market, but expensive, branded ones that would enhance a man’s status. Again, only a wife or girlfriend can give such an expensive watch.

You can give your boss expensive cognac or port wine. Again, it would be better to give such expensive gifts only to people who have been tested for loyalty and sincerity. However, won’t you give the statuette to your boss?

A watch as a gift portends separation

What to give a woman

Let’s also start with what you shouldn’t give to a woman for New Year:

  • cheap perfume;
  • cheap jewelry;
  • cheap decorative cosmetics;
  • some shapeless clothes;
  • kitchen equipment;
  • slippers and towels.

As you can see, it is not so easy to please a woman when choosing a gift for the New Year, but this does not mean that she is too capricious. After all, you cannot guess the taste of her perfume and cosmetics. If you intend to give her jewelry, then only expensive, high-quality ones. You also can’t guess the taste of her clothes; it’s easier for a girl or woman to buy one for herself. What about dishes and kitchen utensils, you ask. This will not be a very pleasant gift for the beautiful representatives of the sex. This will serve as a hint, like your place, woman, is in the kitchen.

In fact, it doesn’t matter what the gift is for the woman. Let us tell you a secret that she will look at the contribution of your soul in creating the gift, the amount of time spent. Banality is not welcome, so be on your guard. Even the smallest, hand-made gift will melt the ice in her heart.

Together with you, we found out what you can’t give for the New Year and what gifts according to signs would be best appropriate. In general, as is commonly believed, the main thing is not the gift, but the attention. Happy New Year and enjoy every gift given to you.

New Year is a joyful holiday that comes to every home. Pre-New Year shopping trips in search of gifts are a pleasant pastime. Everyone wants to give their family, loved ones and friends something special, something that will warm the soul and be remembered for a long time. For people who believe in omens, choosing gifts becomes an extremely difficult task. Today we will talk about what is accepted and what is not accepted as a gift for the New Year.

A well-chosen gift will bring joy to both the recipient and the one who gave the gift.

What gift should you not give for the New Year?

For centuries, folk wisdom has protected homes, lives and health of household members, and attracted love, prosperity and happiness into the home. Let's turn to it and find out what surprises you can put in the craft, and what gifts you can't give for the New Year.

The first on the list of things that are not customary to give to family members, friends and colleagues are towels and slippers. Yes, indeed, it is not recommended to give these personal items to someone. Firstly, slippers can have negative associations, especially among older people. Of course, things such as towels and slippers are very necessary and important things in the apartment, but give the person the right to choose and purchase such household items for himself. On New Year's Eve, slippers and towels certainly won't create a festive mood.

Scarves should not be considered as gifts either. Why, you ask? Everything is very simple. According to ancient customs, it promises the new owner tears; the person will cry bitterly and find no consolation.

As the signs say, it is not recommended to give various hygiene kits, since such gifts are already outdated and everyone is tired of them. Moreover, it is much better to choose self-care products on your own. Such gifts indicate sloppiness and negligence. And think for yourself, would you be pleased to receive such a gift?

Folk omens also do not advise giving a wrist or wall clock as a gift, since such a gift can predict separation. Even if you yourself do not believe in omens, you should still refrain from the idea of ​​such a gift as a watch. And if you give a watch to a person who believes in omens, he may be very offended by you.

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The sign says that a given watch foretells an imminent separation.

What you can’t give for the New Year are wallets. Why? According to signs, giving a wallet means giving your money to someone else. They will flow away from you, and flow to the person to whom the wallet was given. If you decide to make such a gift, be prepared for great financial difficulties.

What to give a girl?

For a young man, choosing a gift for a girl is not at all easy. Here you will find a list - a reminder for men, what you should not give to a girl for New Year:

  1. Cheap cosmetics and perfume;
  2. Cheap jewelry from the market;
  3. Kitchen items and accessories;
  4. Clothes;
  5. Towels and slippers.

Beautiful and charming creatures are not at all easy to please, so choosing a gift takes a lot of time. It’s quite difficult to guess the scent of her favorite perfume, even branded and expensive ones, and it’s very difficult to hit the bull’s eye with cosmetics. If you want to present jewelry, it must be of high quality and certainly not from the market. It’s not easy with clothes either; girls themselves sometimes don’t know what they want, so it’s better to leave the trips to the fitting rooms to her. Why won't kitchen utensils work? - you ask.

If you give your beloved a gift in the form of kitchen accessories, dishes or appliances, and especially towels. She might be offended. Most likely, she will regard such a gift as a hint from you that her place is in the kitchen. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to avoid a scandal, and the New Year's mood will be ruined.

Although, in truth, what will be important to a woman is not what kind of gift you chose, but how you presented it and how much effort and time you spent on thinking and searching. Ordinary gifts will not surprise or delight her, so you will have to work hard. A woman might absolutely love a little surprise you give her, and it might even help break the ice in her heart.

The wrong gift can ruin a relationship

What to give to a young man?

Long before the New Year, the beautiful half of humanity begins to wonder what surprise to prepare for a man. So, what should not be given to a man for the New Year:

  • Shaving items (cosmetics, razors, etc.);
  • Bouquets with flowers;
  • Towels and slippers;
  • Underwear.

You can give a young man a tie that matches his suit, which he has always dreamed of. A good gift for a man would be a branded watch that will increase his status, but only if neither you nor he believes in omens. It is better if gifts such as a tie and watch are given to a man by his wife or girlfriend. You definitely shouldn’t give a watch to a colleague or boss; you can give them a bottle of good alcohol.

Every person has a lot of important things to do on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays. One of these things is searching and choosing gifts for your family and friends.

Everyone wants to please by making an original present, and stores offer many non-standard options, tempting you with crazy discounts and bright displays.

But in order for the recipient to like your gift and in no way offend him, you need to know the list of things that should absolutely not be given for the coming year of the Yellow Earth Pig. The editors of the site decided to look into this issue in detail and help those who absolutely do not know how to please their loved ones in the New Year.

Referring to the words of the astrologer, numerologist and tarot reader Lilia Romanova, the principle of the coming year is to give what a person needs and not to save. Despite the fact that the pig is a fairly docile and loyal animal to humans, it can be easily angered. To do this, it is enough to give for the New Year 2019 one of the things that we will now tell you about.

Sharp objects, tools and weapons

There are some items that should never be given as a gift. This includes weapons, tools, knives, axes. Superstition says that such gifts bring a quarrel between the giver and the gifted. Or they bring a quarrel into the house. A gift of a sharp object leads to problems that can happen right now - a stabbing could happen almost on New Year's Eve. As for weapons, problems will overtake a person in six months or several months. Therefore, you should refrain from giving a gift in the form of weapons in all its forms.


Gifted wristwatches can lead to death in the home or separation, warns Liliya Romanova. Time says that there are only a few minutes left; time spares no one. Therefore, if you do not want to be separated from the person, then it is better to refrain from such a gift, so as not to make temporary changes to someone’s home. As for wall clocks, this is a good option for a gift, but not this year. After all, a pig is a very material sign that absorbs the signs of all signs.

“All people this year become a little bit of pigs in the material sense of the word,” Romanova laughs and recalls the saying that “you can’t put a thank you in your pocket.”

If in the year of the Dog a bottle of champagne might look like a worthy gift, then the Pig will regard this gift as stinginess. In the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, high prices and abundance are valued.

Hygiene products

The gift is not bad, but it must be expensive. But here you need to take into account what is dear and necessary for this person personally or company at this moment. Expensive shampoo with aromatic additives, a huge piece of handmade soap with a fragrant smell will be worthy of appreciation.


Likewise. Representatives of this sign have a subtle taste for life, so giving a gift in the form of a box of beer will make you look ridiculous. But a bottle of a collectible and expensive drink will be to your liking and will be well received.

It is also worth noting that recognition is important this year. That is, you should not give surprises, but it is better to give what the person himself asks for, and what the person 100% needs. Therefore, it is better to ask and clearly reproduce his wishes.


It would seem that this is a very necessary thing in the household, but many people associate it with death and funerals. It is better to give some kind of woolen and warm blanket. But! If the towel is of good quality, from a decent company or brought from abroad, and also expensive, then the hostess will like this gift.


The boar is an animal that does not particularly like smells, so this gift will be regarded as slightly inappropriate and tactless on New Year's Eve. The exception is if you yourself were asked for such a gift. And these perfumes, of course, must be expensive, but at the same time you need to know the tastes of the person for whom you are choosing. Remember, experiments are not encouraged this year.


This year, a wallet can only be given with money. And the larger the bill, the more satisfied the pig will be. In general, money next year 2019 and everything connected with it will be an excellent gift.

You can give a money tree, dish, vase and other items that are shaped like coins.


What you should avoid is mirrors. It is believed that a mirror is a portal to another world. And even if you don’t believe in it, it’s still better not to risk it.


Gold can be given as a gift at any time of the year. In the form of rings, bars, earrings. But again, costume jewelry is not worth it. Remembering the same golden loaf of Viktor Yanukovych, which is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. This can also be a worthy gift, even in the form of a souvenir, which, like a magnet, will attract good luck, success and prosperity to your home. It’s not for nothing that they say that bread is the head of everything, the symbol of symbols.

Remember that this New Year should be celebrated brightly and not skimp on gifts or what will be on the table. The more generously you greet 2019, the more prosperous it will be for you.

DIY gifts

An embroidered shirt, a bag or even a towel with an expensive and stylish handmade ornament can impress. It should be clear that you put a lot of money and soul into this. Even the slightest hint that you were trying to save money will be a negative for you.


Of course, a mink coat worth tens of thousands of hryvnia will really please the person receiving the gift from you. Moreover, this will cause a fountain of joyful emotions in any girl. “The pig must get what he wants,” the astrologer emphasizes.

Basic rules for choosing the perfect gift

So, first of all, it is important to remember that each person interprets the concept of an ideal gift in his own way, taking into account some personal preferences and lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to build on the tastes of the recipient. But there are also general rules that will help you make your choice:

  • Gifts don't have to be very expensive;
  • Expensive things are not given to people you have recently met;
  • Uniqueness is much more important than price;
  • Don't forget about romance when choosing a gift for your loved one;
  • Don't rush to buy the thing you like. Think about whether the person to whom this is addressed will share your taste;
  • It is important to “keep your distance” when choosing colleagues and superiors;
  • Give preference to universal ideas if you have not yet had time to study a person’s tastes;
  • Do not forget that comic gifts are intended exclusively for people with a sense of humor;
  • If you are choosing a gift for a child, consult his parents first;
  • A children's gift must first of all be of high quality and safe.

To summarize, this New Year, when choosing a gift, it is better to pay attention to practicality and good quality. Take an interest in the hobbies of your loved ones or even ask directly what the person would like to receive from you as a gift. In the coming year, it is important that the gift is relevant and that the person uses it in the future. And remember, the brighter and more generously you celebrate the Year of the Pig, the richer you will spend it!

Polishchuk Yulia

There are only two weeks left before the holiday, and choosing gifts is not an easy task. Naturally, you want to choose something original and at the same time useful and pleasant. Therefore, it is better to start choosing gifts now.

The main thing to remember is that a well-thought-out gift, bought with love, will bring real New Year's joy to your loved one.

New Year is always associated with magic, so in order to make a person happy, you need to buy what he dreams of. This will be the best surprise, because New Year's Eve is the ideal time to make your wishes come true.

What to gift

2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, the brightest and most sophisticated sign in the horoscope, so souvenirs in the shape or with a design of a cockerel will become a universal gift for people of different ages and status.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

Remember that New Year's gifts should be dominated by fiery shades - red, yellow, orange, golden. For this reason, gold jewelry, bright jewelry, and multi-colored home decor items will be especially popular gifts on New Year's Eve.

The design of gift packaging should correspond to the festive night. If the gift turned out to be not as bright as expected in the year of the Fire Rooster, choose suitable packaging. The wrapper with bright designs and patterns, ribbons and a large bow will appeal to both adults and children.

For children

New Year for children is, first of all, long-awaited gifts piled under the Christmas tree. Kids believe that Santa Claus brings them, and teenagers already know that this is the work of loving parents. But everyone, without exception, wants to receive that gift they have been dreaming about all year.

For preschoolers, boys and girls, you can buy educational educational toys: puzzles, puzzles, construction sets, mosaics, and, of course, books with colorful pictures.

© photo: Sputnik / Kirill Kallinikov

For the New Year, you can give a little girl a doll house and sets for playing hairdresser, salesman or doctor. A crib or stroller for your favorite dolls will please you. A children's bicycle or scooter will also bring joy.

A large soft toy will delight a girl at any age. A good gift would be good-quality wooden furniture for a doll's interior, porcelain dishes for a toy tea party, or a set of household appliances for a playhouse. For a girl who loves to do her family's hair, you can give her a child's mannequin for creating hairstyles and makeup for the New Year.

Young ladies really want to be beautiful, so to help them with this, you can give them a set of children's cosmetics, a fashionable handbag or an original umbrella.


You can give teenagers a stylish MP3 player, cool headphones, a beautiful and comfortable table for a laptop, a hair dryer or hair styling device, perfume, a set of eye shadow, mascara or lipstick. A girl will be pleased with jewelry, costume jewelry or a youth wristwatch.

For a preschool boy, you can give a racing car or motorcycle, a water pistol, a toy machine, an electric railroad, puzzles with favorite cartoon characters, a board game, binoculars, a spyglass, and so on.

Schoolchildren, depending on their age, will enjoy a radio-controlled plane, helicopter, boat or car, construction set, electronic watch, smartphone, digital camera, photo printer or game console.

Boys will be happy to have sports equipment if their interests include sports. For fans of computer games, a new gaming keyboard or gaming mouse will suit your needs.


New Year's gifts for parents can be made jointly or individually. It is important that the gift is practical, useful and reminds them that you care.

A warm robe or blanket, small household appliances, and bed linen are suitable for everyone. You can also give your mother cosmetics, a bag, jewelry, kitchen accessories or a set. Dad will be glad to have a set of tools, a book, a wallet, a warm scarf or a CD with his favorite songs.

A gift is not only a memorable present, but also an experience. Parents can buy a ticket to the theater, opera or concert. A good gift would be an expensive perfume or a certificate for your favorite hobby.

To a woman

On New Year's Eve, you can please your beloved woman with a romantic mini-vacation, a certificate for a trip to the SPA salon or your favorite store, and, of course, jewelry. You definitely won't get into trouble when choosing the latter - what woman doesn't love jewelry. But it doesn’t hurt to be careful here.

When choosing a gift, you should keep in mind that rings can only be given to potential brides and legal wives, and girlfriends and mistresses with whom you are not planning a serious relationship should buy any other jewelry.

© Sputnik / Levan Avlabreli

Cosmetics, perfumes, a bag, a cosmetic bag, a key holder, a business card holder, a wallet, an umbrella, a manicure set, a scarf and so on are also suitable as gifts. The choice is great, but only if you know her preferences, otherwise your gift will gather dust on the top shelf of the pantry.

There is time to think and make an interesting choice, just don’t give kitchen utensils or other household items that will remind you of routine everyday life.

Of course, not everything in life is valued with money. The cost of a gift is not the most important factor for women. Sometimes even the cheapest trinket, given with love, turns out to be more expensive than diamonds and gold.

To a man

Adult “boys” have not believed in Santa Claus for a long time, but at the same time they dream of receiving a useful and pleasant gift for the New Year. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to study your tastes and preferences.

Your beloved man, with whom you are in a romantic relationship, needs to be given something that will constantly remind you of the giver, thereby creating the effect of your presence.

You can simplify the task and give your spouse or lover another shirt, sweater, bathrobe, shaving machine or set of shower gels, but it’s better to put in a little effort and come up with something original.

You can give your loved one underwear, socks and T-shirts. But not a couple, but gift suitcases with a year's supply of these necessary things. Men themselves find such a gift attractive.

A nice gift would be special glasses that help preserve vision for someone who spends a lot of time at the computer or USB cards made in a strict business style.

If a man spends part of his life driving a car, then an excellent gift for him would be a silver keychain or a functional keychain that can measure tire pressure or defrost locks. Show him care by purchasing a massage cape or an orthopedic pillow for the car seat as a gift.


When choosing gifts, do not forget that some people are superstitious and believe in omens, according to which some gifts may be considered unfavorable.

There are several things that cannot be given as gifts, as they carry negative energy. People include a mirror, wallet, dishes, handkerchief, pearls, books, knives, scissors and other sharp objects as dangerous gifts.

Gifts with an edge doom all the inhabitants of the house to failure. As you know, a large amount of negative energy is concentrated on sharp objects.

According to superstitions, empty dishes should not be given as a gift - this can attract lack of money. But if you put something in it, for example, a coin, then such a gift, on the contrary, will turn out to be happy.

You should not choose a watch as a gift for your beloved or lover. This is a symbol of separations, and long ones. In the old days, watches were left behind when parting, sometimes for life. Leaving your watch at home when leaving for another place was interpreted as an unwillingness to return.

Books should not be given to a married couple. It is believed that a gift of a book can provoke betrayal.

A wallet should not be given or accepted as a gift. You may lose your money luck. If you put money in your wallet, then, on the contrary, it will attract wealth.

Pearls, according to superstitions and ancient legends, symbolize the tears of inconsolable widows and orphans. Such a gift attracts illness, tears and loss.

Superstitious older people should not give candles, towels, slippers or watches. If they believe in omens, they will regard the gift as a hint of their passing away in the coming year.

A handkerchief symbolizes worries and sorrows.

When choosing a gift, remember that it must be from a pure heart. Only then will he be welcome. And do not forget that the negative effect of a dangerous gift can be avoided if you give the giver a coin in return.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

gastroguru 2017