The issuance of January pensions follows a special schedule. The issuance of January pensions takes place according to a special schedule. When does the pension for January arrive?

  • bank or other credit organization;
  • branch of the Russian Post;
  • another organization providing similar services.

Transfer dates are adjusted due to weekends or public holidays. In this case, the transfer of pensions is postponed to the next working day.

In the first half of January 2018, Russian citizens will have a long weekend to celebrate the New Year and Christmas. The holidays, according to the production calendar, will last from Saturday 30 December to Monday 8 January inclusive. Therefore, the timing of payment of pensions for January 2018 will change.

More than a week's holiday does not allow you to postpone the date of payment of benefits to the next day. In this regard, by Order of the Board of the Pension Fund of November 28, 2017 No. 682r, it was established early payment of pension for January 2018 in December 2017.

The head of the Pension Fund, Anton Drozdov, explained: “Given that holidays are from 1 to 8, at the end of December - 28 and 29 - we send them to the post office and to credit organizations so that citizens can receive them when the post office and banks start working.”

Who will receive pensions early in December?

According to the order, the postponement of the date of issue will not affect all pensioners, but only those who:

  • receives his benefits in the first third of the month, that is, from the 1st to the 9th.
  • I chose credit to a bank card by credit institutions as the delivery method.

If pensions are delivered no earlier than the 10th, there will be no changes. Also, the issue date will not change for pensioners whose benefits are issued at Russian Post or delivered to their home.

Due to the holidays, the work schedule of institutions will be adjusted in some regions. You can find out when the pension payment for January 2018 will be paid by contacting the branch of the organization at the place of receipt.

Adjustment of the pension delivery schedule in December

Pensioners in Russia belong to a certain social category, which is protected by the state. The purpose of pension benefits in the country is to maintain a decent standard of living for their recipients. In this regard, the delivery of pensions must be regular and uninterrupted. It is regulated by the state.

The basic schedule for the delivery of pensions and the procedure for issuing them are contained in the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development “On approval of the Rules for the payment of pensions.” According to it, the delivery schedule for pension benefits may change in a situation where the established day for payment coincides with a weekend or holiday.

If this happens, the schedule is adjusted taking into account the interests of pensioners. There are no public holidays in December, so there will be no major changes to delivery dates.

According to the production calendar, New Year's holidays will begin on Saturday December 30th. The end of the holidays and the first working day is set at Tuesday 9 January. Most organizations will adhere to this schedule, but some will set their own routine.

According to the official website of Russian Post, work schedules will be adjusted. From December 15, many departments will switch to an enhanced regime: the working hours will increase, and weekends will be cancelled. Holidays scheduled for January 1-2, as well as on January 7, 3-5 should become working. At the same time, the main branches of the city will most likely operate daily as usual. You need to find out more in your specific city of residence.

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Sberbank operating hours will also be established by separate internal documents. Depending on the specific branch, the options for changes may be as follows:

  • Some branches will be closed for the entire holiday period.
  • Some branches will operate, but in reduced hours.
  • head offices will operate as normal, and some will switch to 24-hour service.

What will be the pension payment schedule for January 2018, if a pensioner receives benefits through a delivery organization, should also be checked with its couriers or representatives.

In past years, the schedule included early payment of pensions for those who receive it at the beginning of the month. That is, if the delivery day is scheduled for the 2nd or 3rd, it can be postponed on December 28-29. There should be no changes in the collection schedule after the holidays. From the 9th, departments should return to normal operation. Payments falling on weekends will be postponed to the next business day.

Indexation of pensions from January 1

From January 1, 2018, pensions are expected to increase. Indexation will affect recipients of insurance and military pensions.

The pension increase on January 1, 2018 will be 3,7% . The fixed payment amount will increase to 4982.9 rubles, the cost of one pension point is 81.49 rubles. The average size of the insurance pension in the country will reach 14075 rubles.

Pensioners who continue to work will continue to be left without an increase. Indexation for them has been frozen since 2015 and, according to preliminary data, will last until 2020.

According to the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, from January it is expected increase in salaries for military personnel. In accordance with this, the pension for those who have retired will also increase. Military pension will increase from January 1, 2018 by 4%. There are no plans to change the reduction coefficient in 2018; it will remain equal 72,23% .

For military pensioners receiving a second pension from a civilian profession, indexation will take place in the general manner. Note that they are not entitled to a fixed payment, and the pension is calculated only taking into account the earned IP.

The indexation of pensions on January 1 will not affect only pensioners receiving social and state benefits. Their increase is made April 1. Size of increase in 2018 – 4,1% , the base size will be 5240,65 ruble, on average for the country – 9045 rubles.

Where can I find out about the delivery date of pensions?

A detailed schedule for issuing pensions for January 2018 is published by the Pension Fund. Remotely find out the pension delivery schedule in January 2018 possible in the following ways:

  • on the website of the Pension Fund. To do this you need to visit the site and select your region of residence in the list of subjects.
  • on the Sberbank website if the pension comes to a bank card. By the address in the “Branches and ATMs” section detailed information is published with the daily schedule of all branches in the city of residence.
  • on the Russian Post website -– You can find out about the changes in the “News” section.
  • You can call the hotlines of the relevant organization, and operators will answer your questions.

A pensioner can clarify the schedule and working hours by contacting the department where he receives his pension monthly. If benefits are delivered to your home, you should find out about the date of the next receipt from the courier or postman in person.

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It can be carried out in several ways depending on the wishes of the pensioner. The term of financing and the date of transfer of funds to the place of issue also depend on this. There are three available benefits option:

  • in the branches Russian Posts. Payment of pensions occurs at the beginning of the month. If a pensioner orders home delivery or the pension is delivered by postmen, the delivery date may be delayed.
  • Banks and others credit organizations. The date of receipt of funds is the 20-25th of the month. They are credited to the card on the same day; the period for withdrawing pensions is not limited.
  • Others delivery organizations. The date of transfer in this case is not standardized and is established by the internal regulations of the company.

Shifts in deadlines may be due to weekends or holidays, as well as their postponement in accordance with the production calendar. In such cases, delivery is carried out on the next business day.

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice by calling the hotlines:

The pension payment schedule in December 2018 will be adjusted in accordance with weekends falling on the delivery date; there are no holidays this month.

You can find out on what days pensions will be delivered in December at the branches at the place of receipt or on the Pension Fund website.

Will there be a 13th pension in December 2018?

A bill to provide an additional thirteenth pension was developed in October 2016 by a group of State Duma deputies. It was supposed to be paid in the same way as the 13th salary for employees - in December, starting in 2017.

According to the bill, pensioners who have registered old age insurance pensions. For recipients of other types of pensions: disability, loss of a breadwinner, military or state, the thirteenth pension is not provided.

The size and procedure for payment should not have differed from the monthly pension: if, for example, a pensioner received a benefit of 12,000 rubles on a bank card, then 13 pensions would also be accrued.

Following the principle of previous years, the New Year holidays will last from the first days of January 2019 until Christmas. During this period, retail outlets and employees will have to work on a rotating schedule.

Pensioners who receive payments in early January will receive two pension payments in December of the current year - in the first ten days for December and on the twentieth of the next month. Postal service workers, like all Russians, will rest until January 8, 2019. And the working day will begin only on the ninth. And pensioners who receive money from the 9th day of each month will receive a transfer to cards and savings books with a delay of one or two days.

There are only almost two months left until the New Year. And pensioners are interested in the question of how they will receive their monthly pension. After all, the country is on holiday from January 1, 2019 until January 8. And they receive a pension from the first to the fifth every month.

But there is no need to worry, because these people will be able to receive their pension at the end of December 2018.

This means they will receive two pensions, both for December and January in December 2018.

But those who receive it later will receive their pensions in due time in January 2019 according to the schedule, as usual, from the ninth day of each month.

And what will please everyone is that a pension increase of four to seven percent is expected in January.

When will pensions for January 2019 begin?

In the month of January, everyone expects the New Year holidays, which will begin on January 1 and end on January 8, the work of all organizations without any further changes will begin on January 9.

Those pensioners who receive a pension in the first half of the month, which falls just in time for the holidays, can receive their pension in advance, namely on December 28-29.

But despite this average pension payment schedule, a number of regions may make their own adjustments to the work of post offices and the savings bank. Therefore, you can check their work schedule in January in advance.

A pleasant bonus for pensioners will be an increase in pensions in January, the amount of which should amount to an average of 1000 rubles.

In January 2019, the pension payment schedule will change somewhat, as there are many New Year holidays this month.

Since working days begin only on January 9, 2019, those who receive pensions in the first days will receive them earlier, this applies to those pensioners who receive pensions from the 1st to the 5th. Pensions will be paid to such pensioners in December - from the 28th to the 29th.

As of January 9, 2019, the payment schedule will improve and all pensioners will receive pensions on time. Those who receive their pensions from 6 to 9 will receive their pensions a couple of days later. Those who receive their pensions later than the 9th will receive their pensions on time.

Regarding allowances:

How to find out the timing and size of your pension for January 2019?

New Year is very soon, which means that the whole country will have a holiday from January 1 to January 8 (inclusive).

In this regard, payment of pensions for these dates will be made in advance, namely in December 2018.

First, pensions will be issued for December in accordance with the schedule, and in the last days of December (December 28-29), pensions will be issued to those who should have received them from January 1 to January 8, 2019. Thus, some pensioners will receive 2 pensions at once in December, and none in January.

In some regions of Russia, the pension payment schedule for January 2019 may differ, so it is better to check the information with the pension fund or the nearest Russian Post office.

Do not forget that in January 2019, pensioners will face annual indexation, which will range from 4 to 7%. To calculate the amount of the increase, you need to multiply your pension by the indexation percentage.

For example, with a pension of 10 thousand rubles and indexation of 7%, the increase will be 700 rubles.

How much will pensions increase in January 2019?

As far as I know, in 2019 in the Russian Federation, New Year and Christmas holidays will be celebrated from January 1 to January 8, 2019, and therefore Russian Post, as well as Sberbank of Russia, will not work on all of these holidays.

Thus, the payment of labor pensions for January 2019, namely, from January 1 to January 8, 2019, to all Russian pensioners receiving them at home, as well as to a bank card, will be made at the end of December 2018, namely on Friday , December 28, 2018, and Saturday, December 29, 2018.

In addition, you can receive your labor pensions for January 2019 both at the Russian Post and at Sberbank of Russia, directly in January 2019, but only on the days when they work. By the way, starting from Wednesday, January 9, 2019, the payment of labor pensions for January 2019, increased by 7.05 percent, in our country will be made according to the approved schedule.

Is it possible to receive a pension for January 2019 ahead of schedule, in December 2018?

One could simply say that the January pension will be given in January 2019, but this would not be entirely correct). Because due to the long New Year holidays (weekends from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019), the schedule for issuing pensions in January is slightly disrupted.


On December 28 (Friday) and December 29 (Saturday), 2018, those pensioners who should have received a January pension at the beginning of the month of January 1-5, 2019 will receive a January pension.

Further, in the period from January 1 to January 8, 2019, institutions issuing pensions (Russian Post and some banks) operate on duty. That is, on holidays only their duty departments work (and the rest of the departments have a rest). Therefore, the normal distribution of pensions according to schedule will begin only on January 9 (this is Wednesday). Then, on January 9, pensions for January 6-8 will be paid.

Now about the increase in pensions in January. Indeed, from January 1, they plan to index the insurance pensions of non-working pensioners. The indexation coefficient is scheduled to be 1.0705. The current size of the insurance pension of each non-working pensioner will simply be multiplied by this coefficient.

At the same time, military pensions will be indexed from January 1. The indexation coefficient for military pensions is 1.04.

What will be the pension increase in January 2019?

To find out how pensions will be paid in January 2019, you need to look at a special calendar - it is also called the production calendar.

So, there are a lot of holidays there - as many as 8, and even in a row. When will those pensioners whose payments are scheduled at the beginning of the month receive their pensions in January? In 2017, this problem was solved simply - on November 28, a special resolution was issued, number 682r, where, starting from the 9th, everything goes on as usual, familiar to pensioners. The holiday period includes the 8 days of January and the last 2 days of December. And for pensioners who received their pension early, it was transferred to them in the outgoing year. Then it was the 28th and 29th of the very last month.

If this year everything is the same, then there may be transfers on the 27th-28th and then everything will depend on the method of receipt. If at ATMs, then there is no problem at all, but if at the post office, then you need to contact your branch in advance - the schedules will be individual. But, this is for those who receive it according to the schedule in 1 decade, and for 2-3 “ten-dayers” everything will be on schedule, according to the usual schedule.

Of course, those pensioners who are used to receiving their monthly pensions at the beginning of the month will not receive their January pensions early. But banks will work on duty during the New Year holidays, and therefore, after January 5, pension payments through Sberbank will begin. Of course, many pensioners need to be patient and wait a little longer for their pension than usual, but there is a good reason for this: there are too many vacations in January.

I suppose there is no need to guess here. Although an automated transfer system has long been introduced, and the computer will transfer your pension at any time of the day or night, for several years now my pension has been transferred on a weekday before the New Year. I don't think anything will change this year. Although now Sberbank has begun to work worse, and the pension, if the payment deadline fell on the weekend, will definitely be transferred on Monday, although it could have been transferred on Friday, and I would have already paid off all my debts on time. But Gref is the king of clean money - nothing can be done. This is for December. And for January, I think, as usual, there is no reason for delays. The bonus, as promised, is 1000 rubles for January. Let's look at their promises. It's my personal opinion.

gastroguru 2017