Knitted envelope for a newborn girl. DIY knitted discharge envelope for newborn babies with photos and videos. Types of envelopes for newborns

A beautiful knitted baby envelope for discharge is a great gift for a newborn baby. Knitted from soft yarn, the set will provide your baby with warmth and comfort during walks. An envelope for a newborn can be warm, knitted from three-strand yarn or a thin summer version with different patterns and designs.

An envelope knitted with knitting needles can be decorated with crocheted details. In some cases, a knitted sleeping envelope with knitting needles looks like a cocoon.

When knitting an envelope for a newborn, it is customary to choose a relief pattern. A good craftsman does not limit himself to selecting an interesting pattern; he pays no less attention to yarn of interesting colors and suitable quality, as well as appropriate knitting needles.

The back is knitted initially. Cast on 72 stitches and knit according to the pattern. The relief pattern begins to form already from the 23rd loop of the fabric. In a knitted envelope for a newborn, when the length of the fabric reaches 48 cm from the cast-on edge, close 4 cm loops on both sides of the back for the armhole. Knit another 16.5 cm of fabric and bind off all the loops.

The knitting of the front part differs from the back part in the depth of the neckline. In this case, starting 20 cm from the cast-on edge of the fabric, close 4 loops and finish separately. To round the neckline, decrease 5 stitches in every 2nd row. After five centimeters of fabric, the remaining loops are closed. When knitting sleeves, cast on 44 loops on knitting needles and knit an elastic band 3 cm long, then add 6 loops evenly and knit with a relief pattern. Add 1 loop to the bevels in each row. Only 8 times. Then go 2 cm of fabric without adding or removing loops in accordance with the pattern, and all loops are closed.

When knitting a hood, cast on 78 stitches and knit an elastic band 2 cm long. Then add 6 stitches. and follow the pattern. After 9-10 cm, close 24 loops and finish.

Gallery: knitted envelope for a newborn (25 photos)

Tools and materials

For knitting children's clothes, it is customary to use circular knitting needles with a diameter of 3.5 mm. Less popular are larger knitting needles with a diameter of 4 mm. Craftsmen recommend knitting a baby kit for discharge using long knitting needles or circular knitting needles. With their help, it is possible to cope with even the most complex pattern without the risk of losing loops.

The most interesting thing at the preparation stage for beginners is the choice of threads. Thick threads are chosen for a warm envelope. It can be natural wool or a combination of wool and synthetic thread. Delicate baby skin reacts sharply to any roughness. Therefore, the use of ordinary dog ​​hair in this case is unacceptable. Many descriptions recommend using angora or goat hair. Such threads are at the same time very thin, smooth and warm. The product is always smooth and light, which is especially important for a newborn.

Sometimes it is not possible to knit from wool for some reason:

  • lack of yarn in the local store;
  • allergic reaction;
  • fears that the child will not be comfortable.

In such cases, light synthetic threads are used in knitted baby envelopes. For a warm product this is usually fluffy mohair.

Crocheting a summer envelope for a newborn is easier, but not everyone knows this technique. When knitting the summer version, special attention is paid to threads: choosing thin and at the same time light threads is quite problematic.

Color design

It is customary to make children's things bright. Loving mothers choose the most delicate, pure and rich colors. But every psychologist will say that the master does this only for himself. Newborns are not able to distinguish color for the first 2 weeks of life. However, it is not customary to go against traditions. If cheerful colors lift the mood of a young mother, then it will also be good for the child.

When the envelope is knitted not for discharge from the maternity hospital, but for an older baby, for example, 3-5 months, then attention to color is required. Red shades attract attention and increase irritability. They can be used for small details, crocheting edges.

Pastel blue, pink, brown shades are the most popular. Against such a background, any applications, patterns, and even relief look good. In the summer, warm shades of green can be used for lightweight envelopes. It goes well with elements of blue and yellow shades.

When choosing a color, you should pay attention to its practicality. If the newborn just sleeps in a stroller in an envelope, then you can choose any color you like. If it is expected that the baby will often be held by loving grandparents, aunts and other relatives, then it is recommended to choose the least easily soiled shade.

Types of envelopes for newborns

Knitting and crocheting kits for discharge has recently become increasingly popular thanks to the original design. Each baby is unique, everyone around should immediately understand how unique he is. Traditionally, a knitted envelope looks like a small bag with a hood. But a master doing work for one specific child can also provide for the presence of other details in the model.

  1. Sleeves. They can be integral with the main part. Can be removable. In the summer version, they can be replaced by straps similar to those present in models of sundresses or overalls.
  2. Hood. It may or may not be removable. Can be turned into a collar. Can serve as a place for a pillow while walking. In this case, it is made somewhat deeper than provided in the classic description.
  3. Pants legs. Usually the envelope looks like a bag where both legs are hidden. But the child is older and begins to move more. The envelope may have the option of dividing the bag into two trouser legs with fasteners with buttons or a zipper.
  4. Mittens and booties. The description of winter envelopes for discharge often includes mittens or booties. They are traditionally thin and crocheted.
  5. Volumetric finishing. Various pockets, flowers, cartoon characters. Most often they are made with crochet.

A knitted envelope is the first thing a child will try on in the new world. It should be comfortable and cozy. It’s not important for a baby to do the work with knitting or crocheting, but a caring mother should take care of the quality of the product. You can also knit a beautiful blanket for your baby.

A warm, soft, beautiful envelope for a newborn is knitted in a rope pattern.

Size: 0-3 months

You will need: yarn "Phildar", yarn grade "Partner" (polyamide - 50%, dyed wool - 25%, acrylic - 25%): 9 skeins of yarn in the color of unbleached canvas, knitting needles No. 3 and No. 4, 1 auxiliary. knitting needle, 1 zipper in unbleached canvas color, 45 cm long.


Elastic band 2 x 2: * 2 faces. loops, 2 p. loops *.

Persons stockinette stitch: * Row 1 - knit. loops, 1st row - purl. loops *.

Harnesses: knit all 10 loops according to the pattern, completely repeating 12 rows.

Knitting density: 18 loops x 27 rows = 10 x 10 cm, knit pattern. look, knitting needles number 4.

How to knit an envelope for a newborn


Cast on 60 stitches using size 4 knitting needles. Knit as follows: knit 9 stitches. satin stitch, purl 2 loops, 2 persons. loops, 10 loops with plaits, 4 loops with elastic band 2 x 2, 9 knit loops. satin stitch Increase from each edge in every 8th row 4 times 1 loop = 68 loops.

Having knitted 14 cm in height, decrease from each edge in every 6th row 7 times 1 loop = 54 loops. Having knitted 38 cm in height, decrease for the armhole from each edge through the row 1 time for 3 loops, 1 time for 2 loops and 1 time for 1 loop = 42 loops. Having knitted 48 cm in height, bind off the 16 central loops and finish knitting each side separately. Knitting 49 cm in height, bind off 13 shoulder loops.

Right front

Cast on 32 stitches using size 4 needles. Work as follows: 1 edge stitch, 8 stitches with 2 x 2 rib, starting on p2. loops 10 loops with plaits, 4 loops with elastic band 2 x 2, 9 knit loops. satin stitch On the left side, knit the same as on the back. After decreasing, there will be 23 stitches left for the armhole.

Having knitted 44 cm in height, decrease on the right for the neck through a row 1 time 3 loops, 2 times 2 loops and 3 times 1 loop. Knitting 49 cm in height, bind off 13 shoulder loops.

Left front

Knitted in the same way as the right one, maintaining symmetry.


Cast on 32 stitches using size 3 needles. Knit 6 cm with 2 x 2 ribbing. Continue knitting. stitch on knitting needles No. 4, adding 1 loop from each edge in each 5th row 5 times = 42 loops. Having knitted 17 cm in height, drop 3 loops from each edge through the row 1 time, 2 loops 1 time and 1 loop 1 time. Cast off the remaining stitches.


Cast on 94 stitches using size 3 needles. Knit 2cm with 2 x 2 ribbing, then continue on size 4 needles as follows: 38 knit stitches. satin stitch, purl 2 loops, 2 persons. loops, 10 loops with plaits, 4 loops with an elastic band 2 x 2, 38 knit loops. satin stitch Having knitted 12 cm in height, drop 9 loops from each edge through a row 4 times. Cast off 22 remaining stitches.


Front edge

Using size 3 needles, pick up 82 stitches along the side of each front piece. Knit 1 row of knits. from inside sides, then bind off the stitches by knitting. loops from faces. sides.

Sew the shoulders. Sew the back of the hood and insert it into the neckline. Insert the sleeves into the armholes. Sew the sleeves, sew the product on the sides and bottom. Sew a zipper on the front.

Size - from 0 to 3 months.
You will need 450 grams of yarn with a thread thickness of 150 m per 100 grams. . knitting needles No. 3 or No. 4
Description: Cast on 61 loops or 36 cm on the knitting needles and knit with the VOLUME RIBBER pattern for 8 rows or 3-4 cm. Then switch to the COUCH FEET pattern and knit 6 patterns or 11 cm.
Close the back of the hood along the middle 3 patterns.
Cast on loops along the bottom of the hood and knit a 1 x 1 3-4 cm elastic band.
Calculate the raglan line as shown in the video and knit by increasing along the raglan lines in each front row of two raglan loops. Knit to the armhole line 12 cm or 7 patterns.
Sleeves: start knitting on the front side - knit the first 10 stitches to the first raglan line and remove them on an additional knitting needle. Then knit only the sleeve, decreasing 1 loop on each side after 4-6 rows. We knit to the desired length - I have 9 patterns from the armhole or 15-16 cm. Finish the sleeve with an elastic band. We knit the second sleeve in the same way.
Bottom of the envelope: collect all the loops on one knitting needle and knit the bottom of the envelope to a length equal to the child’s height. It may be a different size for you. But I have 52 cm or 24 patterns.
Then we move on to knitting the front part - cast off 7 loops on both sides at once and then knit to the armhole. Leave 5 strip loops along the edges. On the slats you will need to make buttonholes on both sides every 16 rows.
As soon as we reach the armhole, we begin to knit decreasing loops in each front row, 1 loop on both sides and knit to the elastic line along the neckline.
Finish knitting with an elastic band.

- one of the first integral garments of a newly born human being. An envelope is necessary not only when a mother and baby are discharged from the hospital. It is very convenient to walk with your child in the fresh air, wrapping him in a cozy and beautiful envelope, and later, when the baby grows up, use the envelope as a baby blanket. There are no difficulties in sewing or knitting an envelope for a child with your own hands. Your efforts and love will doubly warm the baby and surround him with care and comfort.

Self-knitted envelope for newborns

You can not only sew an envelope for newborns, but also knit it yourself.

  • Needed needles number 4 and number 5, circular needles number 4, 5 buttons, 550 g of yarn. To knit our envelope you will need three colors of yarn: 350 g of the main color, 150 g of white and 50 g of blue.
  • First you need to cast on 63 loops, then knit according to the diagram.
  • Now let's start knitting the sleeves. To do this, cast on 39 loops and knit a 1.5 cm elastic band with blue thread.
  • Next we move on to the hood. First you need to knit the middle part. To do this, cast on 25 loops and knit according to the pattern. Now we cast on 27 loops and knit the left side of the hood, also according to the pattern. Then you need to cast on 27 loops and knit the right side of the hood symmetrically to the left.
  • Assembly stage. First we make the shoulder seams, then the side seams, then the sleeve seams. Sew the sleeves to the product.
  • We knit the hood according to the proposed pattern and sew it to the neck of the envelope. To do this, cast on 197 loops and knit them with a 2 cm elastic band along the entire edge of the zipper, as well as the edge of the hood.
  • To knit the back: by analogy, as before, we only knit the unknitted loops in the center on the front. We close the neck loops with loops on the shoulder.
  • In the right placket we need to knit button holes at equal distances. To do this, in one row we close off two loops, in the next we cast on two loops again. We close all the loops and sew the buttons to the product. To decorate the hood, make two white tassels from yarn and sew them to the corners of the hood.

The knitted envelope for our newborn is ready!

As you can see, sewing and knitting an envelope for a newborn is actually not so difficult for a woman who loves her baby and wants to make the necessary thing for him with her own hands. We hope our guide will help you with your needlework, and a truly warm item will warm your child during the cold season!

How to sew a blanket envelope for a newborn baby with your own hands

Every new mother wants her baby to be wrapped in a beautiful and elegant envelope when leaving the hospital. In addition, an elegantly sewn envelope for a newborn will help convey the festive mood of this joyful event in the photo.

  • For work we will need: satin fabric, fleece, soft fabrics (cambric, cotton), ribbons and lace for decoration.
  • Our product will be sewn in the shape of a square. First of all, take satin fabric and cut out 2 squares from it: 1 x 1 m in size, and 40 x 40 cm in size. Then cut out a 1 x 1 m square from fleece fabric.
  • Now take a square of satin 40 x 40 cm, fold it into a triangle and iron it with a fairly warm iron. We apply our triangle at a right angle to the corner of a 1 x 1 m piece of fleece. We sew the base of the triangle, and carefully baste its sides to the fleece piece.
  • We combine the fleece and satin parts, align them, baste them with neat stitches and sew them on a sewing machine. Be sure to leave some part unstitched so that later we have the opportunity to turn the part inside out!
  • Now it's time to work on the lace sheet. The selected fabric must be washed by hand, dried, and gently ironed. Now we cut out a piece measuring 1 x 1 m, but at the same time we take into account all allowances for hems and seams. We process the edges of the fabric by sewing a hem seam with a closed cut. We take the selected beautiful lace and sew it in a zigzag to two sides of the square, forming a lace corner.
    On a note! The product will look much nicer and more delicate if you sew the lace in small gathers when sewing. We decorate the envelope beautifully with a lace sheet.

Our work on the blanket envelope for the newborn baby's discharge from the maternity hospital is complete!

We sew a warm envelope-blanket for a newborn with our own hands

If the birth of a child is expected during the warm season, you can make a lightweight summer envelope. But what if a joyful event takes place in winter? It's okay - we sew a warm envelope for a newborn ourselves.

  • To work you need:
    • windproof fabric for the outer layer measuring 90 x 85 cm, for a pocket 45 x 25 cm (for example, polyester);
    • synthetic winterizer as insulation measuring 90 x 85 cm (if necessary, synthetic winterizer can be used in several layers);
    • soft fabric for the inner layer measuring 90 x 85 cm, for the pocket 45 x 25 cm (flannel, velsoft);
    • regular zipper about 25 cm;
    • detachable zipper 50 cm;
      elastic band 50 cm;
    • about 70-100 cm of bias tape.
  • We cut out parts measuring 90 x 85 cm for the top, inner and insulating layers. Let's take seam allowances into account! For our blanket envelope, you can make more than one layer of padding polyester: the more, the more comfortable and warm the baby will be in it. The minimum recommended amount is 2-3 layers.
  • Then we cut out the pocket details. If desired, the pocket can also be sewn with an insulating layer. Place the pieces right side together and stitch. Now turn the seam inside out and smooth it out. We step back from the seam down to the distance necessary to thread the elastic freely, secure the elastic with a pin, and sew a stitch. We finish the side edges of the pocket with bias tape. On the detail of the outer layer of the blanket we mark the place (with easily erasable chalk, pencil or a piece of soap) to which we will sew our pocket.
  • We sew in zippers. First, we lay out the fabric parts: a layer (or layers) of padding polyester, then a piece of the inner layer with the wrong side facing the padding polyester, then a piece of polyester facing the inner layer. We arrange the zippers. At the top in the middle of the part there is a short one, in an open form; along the side sections there is a long detachable zipper, also in an open form. The zipper teeth should face inside the envelope, and the slider should face us. We do the same with side zippers - we take into account where the teeth and the slider are facing: the teeth are inward, the slider is facing the main fabric.
    At the end of the work, our pocket should be sewn in the place we initially designated.
  • Place the finished parts face to face and sew them together, leaving 15-20 cm along the bottom of the pocket unsewn. After this, we turn our envelope inside out and check: we trim the edges, bevel the corners. The hole left is sewn together using a blind stitch. Using an iron, carefully smooth out all seams.
  • Fold the blanket with the zippers closed. Turn the pocket inside out - our warm blanket envelope is ready!

You don’t have to worry about your baby - in such a blanket envelope he will be warm and cozy in the most severe frost!

gastroguru 2017