Short-term project to study traffic rules in the middle group “Traffic rules of the Flower City. Project on traffic rules in the middle group “Road rules are poor rules!” Long-term project on Wednesday according to traffic rules

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Smile" Onega

Project on Traffic Rules in the middle group

“Road rules are loose rules!”

Developed by a teacher

first qualifying

categories Kelareva S.S.

Project on traffic rules in the middle group “Road rules are unreliable rules!”

Project type: informational, practice-oriented, comprehensive, group.


Every year the intensity of transport on the roads increases, and along with this the number of road accidents increases. The growing number of children affected is of particular concern. Therefore, familiarizing preschool children with the rules of the road plays an important role in preventing injuries on the roads. Kindergarten teachers are doing a lot of work in this direction.
Today, the kindergarten strives to provide its pupils with a high-quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with life safety rules should become a conscious necessity.
Therefore, the main task of educators is to clearly explain the rules to the child, and when choosing a form of education, to convey to children the meaning of the danger of non-compliance with the rules, without distorting their content. Children need to be taught not only traffic rules, but also safe behavior on the streets, roads, and in transport.

Often, the culprits of road accidents are children themselves, who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, and incorrectly enter and exit vehicles. That is why, from a very early age, it is imperative to familiarize the child with behavior on the streets, roads, in transport, as well as traffic rules.

The relevance of the project is also due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to traffic conditions, which is typical for adults. The desire to constantly discover something new and spontaneity often put them in front of real dangers, in particular on the streets. The formation of children's skills of conscious safe behavior on city streets is realized through the active work of all project participants.

Project participants:

teachers, children, parents.

Subject of study:

The process of forming the foundations of a safety culture according to traffic rules in educational activities for children of middle preschool age.


The problem of compliance with traffic rules has become particularly acute and multifaceted due to the large increase in the number of cars and other vehicles on the roads of our country and the very weak inculcation of a culture of safety and discipline among road users.

In improving and consolidating knowledge, a special role is given to the organization of children’s play activities, in which the spatial orientation of preschoolers and their ability to apply this knowledge in practice are formed.

Objective of the project- formation and development in children of the necessary skills for safe behavior on the roads.

Project objectives:


Introduce children to traffic rules, street structure, road signs;

Form ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals;

Teach children to anticipate a dangerous event, be able to avoid it if possible, and act if necessary.


Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road;

Stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communication skills.


Contribute to the development of children's speech, replenishment of the active and passive vocabulary of children in the process of working on the project;

Develop coherent speech.


Develop personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation.

Research hypothesis:

Positive effectiveness in children of middle preschool age in developing safe behavior skills on the street can be achieved if information on traffic safety, traffic rules, possible situations on the road and options is included in different types of activities (independent, joint, directly educational). avoiding such situations.

Expected results:

Strengthening joint cooperation between preschool educational institutions and the traffic police on the prevention of child road traffic injuries;

Developing a plan for working with middle school children and their parents to familiarize the child with the rules of the road;

Formation in children of a correct understanding of the importance of traffic rules, their place as a road user, and the development of the skills and abilities necessary for this.

Research methods:

2. Artistic creativity.

4. Reading fiction.

5. Targeted walks and excursions along the city streets.

6. Game activities: didactic, role-playing, outdoor games.

7. Conducting a quiz on the project topic.

8. Analysis of situations, application of acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

9. Thematic dives on the topic of the project.

10. Working with parents.

11. Use of video materials on traffic rules.

Project stages:

Stage 1 (problem formulation):

State the problem to the children: “Why is it necessary to know the rules of the road?”;

Define the project product:

a) knowledge of traffic rules;

b) conducting game training on the topic of the project.

Stage 2 (discussion of the problem, acceptance of tasks):

Make children aware of the importance of this problem: “Ignorance of traffic rules can lead to trouble!”;

Select fiction, prepare visually illustrated material on the topic of the project;

Draw up a long-term work plan for the project;

Study methodological literature: Voronova E. A. “Red. Yellow. Green”, Belaya K.Yu. “How to ensure the safety of preschool children”; Dobryakov V.A. “Three traffic lights”; Kiryanov V.N. “Prevention of child road traffic injuries”; Kogan M.S. “Everyone should know the rules of the road”; Yakupov A.Ya. “we are walking down the street”; Stepankova E.Ya. “For preschoolers - about the rules of the road” and others;

Conduct conversations with children on the topic: “We play in the yard”, “How to cross the street?”, “Polite passengers”, “All children need to know how to walk on the street”, “Cars on our street”;

Replenish the subject-development environment;

Conduct surveys and testing with parents.

Stage 3 (work on the project):

Organize work to solve project problems through:

1. Direct educational activities:

- “Road signs”;

- “About the work of the traffic police”;

- “Transport on city streets”;

- “Careful, road”;

- “Trip around the city.”

2. Artistic creativity:

Drawing: “My funny traffic light”, “Red traffic light”, “City streets”;

Modeling: “Traffic light”;

Application: “Traffic light”, “Bus”.

3. Situational simulation modeling.

4. Reading fiction:

A. Barto “Truck”, B. Zakhoder “Chauffeur”, V. Klimenko “Bunny - a cyclist”, B. Zhitkov “What I saw”, N. Sorokin “Transition”, S. Mikhalkov “My Street”, S. Mikhalkov “If the light turns red”; “Uncle Styopa is a policeman” and others.

5. Targeted walks and excursions along city streets, observing the actions of pedestrians in street conditions; analysis of each situation.

6. Examination of illustrations and pictures.

7. Experimental and search activities.

8. Didactic games: “Which light came on”, “Collect signs”, “Show the same sign”, “Same and different”, “Road signs”, “Lay out correctly”, “Traffic light”, “Find out by description”.

9. Outdoor games: “Road signs and cars”, “Pedestrians and cars”, “Traffic lights” and others.

10. Role-playing games: “Transport”, “City Travel”, “Bus Travel”.

11. Guessing riddles about transport and road signs.

12. Conducting the “Attentive Pedestrian” quiz with children.

13. Analysis of situations: “How to cross the road correctly?”, “What signs help a pedestrian along the way?”, “What do you need to know if you are alone on the street?”

14. Thematic dives on the topic of the project - meetings with traffic police officers, visits to controlled intersections.

15. Conducting with parents:

Parent survey,

Placement of information in the parent corner: “Memo on traffic rules”, “Pedestrians and pedestrian crossings”, “Traffic lights”,

Design of travel folders “Children’s safety is the concern of adults”, “Child and bicycle”, “Conversations and games with a child about road safety rules”,

Competitions: “Fun Traffic Light”, “Road Rules - Reliable Rules!”

Stage 4 (joint lesson with a police officer):

Conducting a joint (comprehensive) lesson with a police officer on traffic rules “Country Traffic Rules”.


The connection between the kindergarten and the police department in the work to prevent child road traffic injuries has been strengthened, and a plan for further cooperation has been agreed upon;

The developed plan for working with children of the middle group and their parents as part of familiarizing the child with the rules of the road has been successfully completed, the set goals have been achieved, and a new goal of the pedagogical project has been set;

Based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics at the end of the project, the majority of children acquired and continued to develop a correct understanding of the importance of traffic rules for their lives and health. With children who showed average results in mastering the material, individual development routes on the topic of the project were outlined, and recommendation conversations were held with parents.

During the course of the project, the previously put forward hypothesis regarding the dynamics of the effectiveness of the formation of skills and abilities of behavior on the street in middle-aged children was completely confirmed. It was thanks to the coverage of information about traffic rules from different angles and the inclusion of this information in various types of children’s activities that directly proportional positive dynamics were achieved after the project.

Of particular importance, based on the characteristics of the children’s age, for the project was play activity, where, with the help of modeling, distribution of roles, and delegation of certain powers, children were reinforced with theoretical knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road, in transport, and on the road.

List of used literature:

Methodological literature:

1. Belaya K.Yu. “How to ensure the safety of preschool children”;

2. Voronova E. A. “Red. Yellow. Green"

3. Dobryakov V.A. “Three traffic lights”;

4. Kiryanov V.N. “Prevention of child road traffic injuries”;

5. Kogan M.S. “Everyone should know the rules of the road”;

6. Stepankova E.Ya. "For preschoolers - about the rules of the road."

7. Yakupov A.Ya. "We're walking down the street."


8.Barto A. “Truck.”

9. Zakhoder B. “Chauffeur.”

10. Klimenko V. “Bunny is a cyclist.”

11. Zhitkov B. “What I saw.”

12. Mikhalkov S. “Uncle Styopa is a policeman.”

13. Mikhalkov S. “If the light turns red.”

14. Mikhalkov S. “My street.”

15. Sorokin N. “Transition”.

Olga Veniaminovna Bateyshchikova

Relevance project:

Project dedicated to an urgent problem - teaching preschool children traffic rules. Since the culprits road-transport accidents are caused by children themselves who do not know the basics traffic rules and play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places. That is why it is necessary to teach children how to behave safely on the streets from a very early age. roads, in transport. Kindergarten is the very first step in the system of lifelong education, therefore the teaching staff pays special attention to teaching children traffic rules.

Is the child attentive on the street? Does he know street rules, in transport? Does he put it into practice? Traffic Laws?

Does the child know how to be careful and circumspect?

Novelty project:

Novelty project consists in drawing up long-term planning for the program "Ugra springboard" and Federal State Educational Standards before, in the morning group fees and three-question model. At the beginning of the week, the teacher motivates the children to choose a topic for the week project, what they already know about this topic, what they want to know and how we can find out. And after identifying the children’s interest, long-term planning for the week is written. In planning included: topic of the week project, a model of three questions, a system web is drawn up, a letter is written to parents about what we will do.

.Creating conditions:

* inclusion of children in cognitive and practical activities to implement traffic rules;

* organization of a traffic rules corner in group, information for children and parents, fiction;

* equipment of the working area for children: lotto, coloring books.

* inclusion of parents in the joint educational process.

*targeted walks – familiarizing children with the street, intersection, road signs, monitoring pedestrians, movement different types of transport;

* conversations - identifying children’s existing knowledge and ideas, identifying those directions for which special training is required.

* play – children consolidate knowledge acquired during conversations or organized activities;

* pedagogical situations - identifying children’s ideas about typical dangerous situations and actions in them;

Interaction with parents (legal representatives)

Inform parents about the topic project"Letters to Parents".

Involve parents in equipment groups of gaming materials.

Involve parents in creating, together with their children, a schematic image "My street";

Encourage parents to show interest in rules of conduct on the road: story - conversation between parents “How I learned to cross the road» ».

Set up an information stand for parents "Safety traffic» ;

Participation in the competition “The traffic light is my best friend!”

Target project

Provide basic knowledge about rules of conduct on the road; introduce traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.

Tasks project:

Create conditions for children to consciously explore traffic rules;

Introduce children to the meaning road signs, promote children's ability to understand schematic representations for correct orientation on the streets and roads;

Shape healthy lifestyle, prevention road-transport injuries,

Develop the ability to practically apply acquired knowledge in road transport environment;

Raise children to be competent pedestrians;

Children's acquisition of basic knowledge about rules safe behavior on the street.

Reinforce your knowledge of how traffic lights work.

Expected results:

1. Children’s assimilation of knowledge and ideas about traffic rules;

2. Increasing the level of responsibility for life safety; 3. Development of activity, independence, self-awareness in children;

4. Enriching children's vocabulary with new ones words: highway, roadway, sidewalk, pedestrian track, pedestrian, passenger, pedestrian crossing, intersection, traffic light, road signs.

6. Consolidation and generalization of children’s ideas about various types of transport, traffic.

Educational areas:

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Application "Traffic light"


Children's ignorance traffic rules, rules behavior on the street and road.

Parents do not pay enough attention to the topic « Rules of conduct on the road» , « Rules of behavior on the street» , « Traffic Laws» ;

Children have no knowledge about rules of conduct on the road, about changing traffic lights.

System web:


"Where should children play",

« "Danger on road» ,

« "Attentive pedestrian",

« "Our assistant is a traffic light"

« "Traffic Signals"

« "Why do we need road signs»

« "Games in the yard"

« "Safe behavior on the street"


SS. Mikhalkov "My street",

Lebedeva-Kumacha "About Smart Animals",

Ilyin, E. Segal "Cars on our street"

Prokofiev, G. Sapgir "My friend is a traffic light"

B. B. Zhitkov "What I saw".


Application "Bus"

Drawing “Red traffic light.

Application "Traffic light".

Modeling "Traffic light". Creation of baby books about "Traffic rules".

Didactic games:

"Find your color", d/i "Assemble a traffic light", d/i "Find the same sign".

"Miracle Machine", "Pick up the wheels", "Guess what's changed", "Close - Far", « Right left» , "Traffic light".

Outdoor games"Sparrows and the car", "Colored Cars", “Traffic signals” physical education minutes – "Building a house", "Truck", "Chauffeur"

Role-playing games

"Bus ride".


Construction games

Construction "Bus"

"Garage". "We are pedestrians".

« Road and pedestrian crossing" Experimentation

and situations.

"Children on roadway» , "Yellow traffic light". "I'm crossing roadway» .

Letter to parents

Dear mothers, fathers, grandparents!

The guys and I thought about how dangerous it is not to comply Traffic Laws that not all children have enough knowledge about what types of road signs, How cross the road correctly. We understand that you are very busy, but to expand our knowledge base, we need your help!

Our topic of the week: « Traffic Laws. Every pedestrian must remember.”

We'll do the next thing:

Compiling stories from pictures and personal experience. Design of various types of transport and application road signs. We will be engaged in drawing traffic lights, native streets "I'm crossing roadway» . Let's play role-playing games games: "Chauffeur", "Bus". We will create an album on the topic, layout roads, and construct models of cars from building materials.

And also in group We will organize an exhibition on traffic rules.

We offer you houses with children:

Watch shows,

Help me draw pictures road signs, traffic light.

Look at the illustrations, photographs about road signs.

Create an album on a given topic,

Making layouts « Traffic Laws» .

Creation of baby books "ABOUT traffic rules» .

Have fun and be surprised with your child.

Please respond to our request and help us find out all the most interesting things on this topic. We need photographs, crafts, illustrations, videos, and direct your participation in our events and your skillful hands.

Morning gathering

(motivation for choosing a topic)

Making a riddle about a traffic light.

Ask questions about the words used in the riddle to describe the traffic light.

Look at the picture to see the different road situations of what to do and what not to do.

DI "Traffic light"

Reading poems about road rules.

Ball game: "Colored Cars"

Watch a presentation about the intersection and cars.

Creation of baby books

Application "Transport"

Application "Car"

Educational activity plan.


1. Conversation "Who meets us on the street"

2. Cognition « Road signs are our faithful friends".

3. Games: "Traffic Signals".

4. Finger gymnastics

In the evening:

1. Role play "Bus". 2. Game "Pick a Pair" (road signs) .

3. Conversation “What children need to know about traffic rules”.


1. GCD “Where are the cars going?”

2. Target walk "Observation of Expensive» .

3. Comparison by height” - practice counting within 5.

4. Outdoor game"Colored Cars".

5. Riddles about signs traffic.

6. Physical education minute « The road is not a path» .

1. Artistic creativity: invite children to draw "Traffic light".

2. GCD "Fun traffic light"

3. Outdoor game"Find your color"

4. D/game "Red, yellow, green".


1. Conversation - looking at the picture "City streets"

2. Role-playing game "We are drivers"

3. Reading by S. Mikhalkov "Street".

4. D/game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”

In the evening:

1. Entertainment "Street of Surprises"

2. Didactic game "Traffic light".

3. Role play "Car".

4. Drawing « Road and pedestrian crossing".


1. Reading poetry, works about traffic rules

2. Outdoor game"Red, yellow, green".

3. D/game « Road Lotto» .

4. Application "Traffic light".

1. Performance for children "Three traffic lights"

2. Outdoor game"Colored Cars".

3. Looking at illustrations about rules for pedestrians.

4. Finger play


1. Target walk "Getting to Know the Street"

2. Didactic game "Red and Green"

3."Manual labor" made from natural materials "Traffic light".

4. Physical education minute: "We're going, we're going by car"

1. Outdoor game"Sparrows and the car".

2. Presentation of mini-books about traffic rules.


Morning training according to traffic regulations.

Safety corner.

Traffic signs.

Mosaic traffic light.


Thus, based on the diagnostic results, I came to the conclusion that the implementation of this project allowed children to develop the necessary ideas and skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads.

1. Children’s vocabulary is enriched in lexical terms topics: "Safety traffic» , "Transport in the city", "Professions in transport".

2. Ideas about various types of transport, about traffic rules and road signs.

3. Layouts made road signs for independent games, attributes for role-playing games.

4. The competence of parents in matters related to traffic rules and safe behavior of children on city streets.

Children know and call:

Traffic lights,

Pedestrian crossing signs,

They know where pedestrians walk and what it’s called (sidewalk).

-Children know: what do traffic lights mean and how to cross the road. -Children have become more liberated and independent.

Analyzing the results project, I saw that children are involved in various types of activities with great interest, can independently solve problematic problems, and show a sense of responsibility.

Realizing project, I wanted to make the life of my students interesting and meaningful, to fill it with vivid impressions, interesting activities, and the joy of creativity. I think I succeeded.

The result of the work was the creation of baby books based on traffic rules and teamwork to create a layout "Street".

Olga Davydova

Teachers of GBDOU No. 1 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg Olga Fedorovna Davydova and Svetlana Viktorovna Sokolova, group"Semitsvetik"


In the modern world - a world of cars and high speeds - it becomes a vital necessity to become familiar with the ABCs of traffic from an early age. The growing number of cars and the density of traffic flows are causing road accidents in which children also become victims. Every year the problem of childhood injuries becomes more acute. Every tenth road accident in St. Petersburg occurs with the participation of children.

These dangers can be avoided through appropriate upbringing and education of the child from a very early age. Preschool age is the most favorable for the formation of stable skills and habits. Therefore, already in kindergarten it is necessary study with children the rules of the road and to develop in them the skills of conscious safe behavior on the streets of a large cities.

Novelty project: implementation of this project is planned with the involvement of the heroes of a fairy tale by N. Nosov read to children earlier "Dunno": by residents Flower City. It is also possible to use a layout « Flower City» (Appendix 1, with the help of which modeling of situations on the road will be carried out, distribution of roles. It is assumed that the involvement of fairy-tale characters in educational and gaming activities will be most effective for developing skills and abilities of behavior on the street in children middle aged.

Target: formation in preschool children of the basics of safe behavior on the road, on the street, in transport.

Tasks project:

To acquaint children with the meaning of road signs, to promote children’s ability to understand schematic representations for correct orientation on streets and roads;

Form ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals;

Develop the ability to practically apply acquired knowledge in road transport environment;

Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road;

To promote the development of children's speech, replenishment of children's active and passive vocabulary in the process of working on project.

Expected results:

1. Children’s acquisition of knowledge and ideas about traffic rules;

2. Increasing the level of responsibility for life safety;

3. Enriching children’s vocabulary with new ones words: highway, roadway, sidewalk, pedestrian path, pedestrian, passenger, pedestrian crossing, intersection, traffic light, road signs;

4. Consolidating and generalizing children’s ideas about various types of transport and traffic.

Type project: educational and gaming, short.

The target audience: preschoolers aged 4-5 years, teachers, parents.

Implementation period: 1 Week.

Design activities are carried out through educational region:

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Main part

Stages project.

1. Organizational stage.

1.1. Creation of RPPS (see Appendix 1)

Layout "Streets Flower City» ;

Lapbook "Traffic Laws"

Cards "Road rules in verse"

Images "Road signs"

Board-printed games "Road signs", "Emergencies on the street", "Types of transport", "Collect a sign"

Coloring pages "Traffic light"

Card index of games according to traffic regulations.

1.2. Organizing an information corner for parents "Road Safety".

1.3. Selection of fiction on this topic, familiarization with the fairy tale by N. Nosov "Dunno".

2. Implementation stage.



1) GCD for speech development “Znayka introduces us to road signs”

2) Conversation "Why do we need road signs"

3) Finger gymnastics "Guard"

4) D/i "Put up a road sign"


1) Role-playing game "A bus ride to Flower City»

2) Reading thin. literature "The Toy Incident" Klimenko V.

3) Application Road sign"


1) GCD according to FEMP "Pedestrians, passengers"(counting within 5; orientation in space in front, behind, right, left; comparison of objects by length)

2) Target walk "Getting to Know the Street"

3) D/i "Right left"

4) Outdoor game « Colored cars»


1) Reading thin. literature "My street" Mikhalkov S.

2) D/i "Find your color»

3) Construction game "Road and pedestrian crossing"

4) Drawing "Bus for Shorties"



1) GCD according to FCCM “For Dunno - through the streets Flower City»

2) Watching a cartoon “Lessons from Aunt Owl. Cartoons about traffic rules for children"

3) Finger gymnastics “There are a lot of road rules”

4) D/i "Our street", "Tell me from the picture"


1) Role-playing game "In the bus"

2) Reading thin. literature "The ABCs of Security" Bedarev O.

3) Drawing "Guard"


1) GCD "Traffic light" (applique)

2) Conversation "Traffic Signals"

3) D/i "Say the word"

4) Outdoor game "Traffic light"

5) Watching a cartoon « Smeshariki: ABC of Security"


1) Reading thin. literature "Traffic light" Zhitkov B.

2) Outdoor game “Help Dunno cross the road”

3) Theatrical performance "Three traffic lights"


1) GCD "Transport on the streets cities» (drawing)

2) Conversation "Attentive pedestrian"

3) Finger gymnastics "Cars"

4) Outdoor game "Shorties and Cars"


1) Reading thin. literature "About traffic rules" Volkov S.

2) D/i "Pick up the wheels"

3) Design "Bus"

Working with parents: consultation “How to teach a child to obey traffic rules”.

3. Final stage.

Organizing an exhibition of children's creative works topic: drawings, applications, plasticine crafts.

Final entertainment (see Appendix 2)



1. Children’s vocabulary on lexical topics is enriched "Road Safety", "Transport", "Road signs".

2. Ideas about various types of transport, traffic rules and road signs are systematized. Children know and name traffic light signals, what they mean, pedestrian crossing signs, and know where pedestrians walk.

3. Increased parental competence in matters related to traffic rules and child safe behavior on the streets cities.

During the project the previously put forward assumption regarding the effectiveness of using fairy-tale characters was completely confirmed. Together with fairy-tale characters, children are involved in various activities with great interest and show mutual assistance.

Analyzing the results obtained, we can say that the goals and objectives projects have been achieved.

Entertainment summary "We are road users" V middle group.

Target: To consolidate with children the knowledge of traffic rules acquired during educational activities, about road signs, pedestrian crossings.


1. Review basic traffic rules with children.

2. Develop the ability to act in concert. To help children develop the ability to cooperate with the teacher and with each other.

3. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.

4. Develop dexterity, attention, concentration, ingenuity, logical thinking.

5. Enrich your vocabulary.

6. Contribute to the creation of a friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

Equipment and materials: layout « Flower City» , Dunno doll, cards with riddles, cut-out pictures on the topic of traffic rules, strips of white paper, a traffic controller’s stick, sets of geometric shapes according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time: The teacher shows the children the Dunno doll.

Educator: Guys, our guest today is Dunno again. We spent a whole week learning about the rules of the road together. And today Dunno invites us to take a walk through the magical To the flower city, where the short ones live. Residents of this cities are waiting for us to visit, and they also prepared games and tasks for us to test your knowledge.

Children approach the model Flower City.

Educator: move around To the flower city we'll be on the bus (toy on model). Moving from house to house, we will perform different tasks. So, let's go.

Our first stop is at the house of Chamomile and Mushka.

Dunno: Little friends have prepared riddles for you.

Riddles from Romashka and Mushka.

1. He has three eyes,

Three on each side.

And although never yet

He didn’t look at everyone at once -

He needs all the eyes.

It has been hanging here for a long time.

What is this? ... (Traffic light)

2. I'm on I'm going to town,

I won't get into trouble.

Because I know for sure -

I follow the rules (A pedestrian).

3. He will tell the driver everything,

It will indicate the correct speed.

By the road, like a beacon,

Good friend - (road sign).

4. Where the steps lead down,

Come down, don't be lazy.

Pedestrians must know:

Here …. (Underground crossing).

5. Striped horses

They lay across the roads -

All the cars stopped

If we pass here (crosswalk).

Educator: Well done guys, you solved all the riddles. You can go further.

The next stop is at the house of the artist Tube.

Dunno: What has Tube prepared for you guys? These are cut pictures. You need to assemble them correctly.

The guys are divided into three teams, each of which is given a cut-out picture. Which team will assemble it faster?

Educator: And we completed this task! Well done. We continue our journey. The next stop is Doctor Pilyulkin’s house.

Dunno: To find out the next task, you need to solve the riddle.

What animal helps us cross the road? (Zebra)

Contest "Zebra" (for two teams).

All participants in each team are given a strip of white cardboard. At the signal, the first participant puts down the strip, stands on it and returns to his team. The second one puts down his zebra step, stands on it and returns. And so on until the last participant. It looks like the zebra stripes are not lying haphazardly, but neatly, as painted on the roads.

Educator: We played and didn’t even notice how we got to the next house, where friends Vintik and Shpuntik live.

Dunno: (shows a traffic light on the layout)

In appearance - formidable and serious,

Very important traffic light.

From the crossroads, from the crossroads

I stare at people.

I am both polite and strict,

I am famous all over the world!

I'm on a wide street

The most important commander!

Here's a task for you guys from Shpuntik and Vintika: assemble a traffic light from geometric shapes.

Educator: we completed the task and move on to Professor Znayka’s house. What has he prepared for us?

Dunno: And Znayka has prepared a quiz for you "Think and Guess".

1. How many wheels does a car have? (4)

2. Who do you become when you leave the house and go outside? (Pedestrians)

2. Where should pedestrians walk? (on the sidewalk)

3. Who drives the car? (driver)

4. What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (accident)

5. Where to go driving part of the road? (On ground, underground, overpass)

6. At what traffic light can you cross the road? (only on green)

7. How many signals does a traffic light have? (three)

9. Where can you ride a bike? (on a special path or sidewalk)

10. What is the top light at a traffic light? (red)

11. What animal does the crosswalk look like? (zebra)

Educator: Well done guys, Professor Znayka is very pleased with you. And you and I have our last stop in Flower City - Gusli's House.

Dunno: Guslya invites you to play a game "Inspector's Rod".

All children form a circle. To the music, the baton is passed from hand to hand; as soon as the music ends, whoever has the baton in his hands goes out into the circle and dances.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed all the tasks.

Dunno: Thank you guys for helping me learn all the rules of the road and visiting my favorite flower city. I look forward to visiting you again! And in parting you want say:

To live without knowing grief,

To run, swim and fly,

Should you follow the traffic rules?

Always and everywhere comply.

Be careful on the street, children!

Remember these rules firmly.

Always remember these rules

So that no trouble happens to you!

Children say goodbye to Dunno.


Did you enjoy our trip?

Which resident's task Flower City did you find it most interesting? And the most difficult?

What do you remember most?

Explanatory note to the set of teaching aids on studying traffic rules in middle group.

This set of manuals includes a street layout Flower City(based on the fairy tale by N. Nosov "Dunno") and a lapbook on traffic rules.

The relevance of this manual is due to statistics indicating an increase in child road traffic injuries. It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him to face possible difficulties, to form an understanding of the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, and also to instill the skills of safe behavior on the street and more.

The teaching aid Lapbook is a cardboard folder containing various pockets and envelopes with information on the topic.

Didactic manual The street layout is made on the basis of a cardboard box, with a painted road and decorated with cardboard houses. The model is equipped with road signs and wooden cars.

This complex is intended for preschoolers average and older people (taking into account that the content will be supplemented and complicated). At older preschool age, children can already participate in the collection together with adults. material: analyze, sort information.

The purpose of this complex: to form a system of knowledge, skills and abilities of children according to the rules of the road.


Introduce children to the rules of the road, the structure of the street and road signs intended for drivers and pedestrians;

Teach children to anticipate a dangerous event, be able to avoid it if possible, and act if necessary;

Stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communication skills;

Promote the development of children's speech, replenishment of children's active and passive vocabulary;

Develop coherent speech;

Develop personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation.

1) The lapbook contains materials for educational activities with children. into it included: poems about traffic rules, riddles, finger exercises, images of road signs, game "Collect a picture", a game "Tell me from the picture".

Chapter "Poetry" located on the left side of the page and is a pocket in which there are cards with printed poems.

Chapter "Puzzles" located on the left side of the page and is a pocket in which there are cards with printed riddles (with answers).

Chapter "Tell me from the picture" located on the left side and consists of 3 lace-up inserts. The insert unfolds, inside there is a story picture (on the topic of traffic rules, on which the child is asked to compose a story.

Chapter "Finger gymnastics" is located in the center of the reversal and represents "folding beds", tied with ribbon. On each "folding bed" finger gymnastics printed (rhymed text describing finger movements).

Chapter "Collect a picture" located on the double page on the right and is an envelope with enclosed parts of a cut-out picture on the topic of traffic rules.

Chapter "Road signs" is located on the fold on the right and represents "folding beds" with images of road signs. All signs are divided into four groups: warning, prohibition, information and service signs.

Options for playing with road signs:

Didactic game "Who can find their signs faster"

Target: Development of memory, explanatory speech.

Exercise: It is necessary to divide the signs according to their affiliation into 4 groups:

1-warning signs

2-indicator signs

4 service signs

Progress of the game:

Children choose signs of their groups and tell what signs they chose.

1-our prohibition signs: "No parking", "No Pedestrians", "Bicycles are prohibited".

2-our warning signs: "Slippery road", "A Sharp Turn", "Men at work".

3-our signs are prescriptive: "Crosswalk", "Bus Stop Location", "Living sector".

4-our service marks: "Hospital", "Telephone", "Gas station".

Didactic game "Guess what sign"


1. Fix the names and purposes of road signs.

2. Be able to determine which signs are for drivers and which are for pedestrians.

3. To develop attention and skills of conscious use of knowledge about road signs in everyday life.

Progress of the game:

First option.

The leader points to a sign, the child names the sign and explains its purpose. A forfeit is given for the correct answer.

Second option.

The presenter calls the sign. The child points to the desired sign, telling what it means.

Third option.

The presenter describes the sign without naming it, and the one who guesses shows the answer in the picture.

2) The street layout is made on the basis of a cardboard box. A road and sidewalk are drawn on it. The model contains houses (residents Flower City, kindergarten with a playground, park, traffic police. Traffic lights and road signs, wooden cars are placed (cars, fire truck, police car, ambulance, bus).

A set of teaching aids "Traffic Laws" It is recommended to be used by preschool teachers in individual correctional work with children, children in independent and play activities.

Thanks to this form of work, children have learned a lot about traffic rules, they know and enjoy reading poems about road signs by heart, they come up with riddles about traffic rules, and they know the rules of the road. Working with a lapbook made it possible to diversify the work and increased the cognitive interest of children. The model teaches game modeling, promotes the formation of safe behavior in roadway.

Project on traffic rules for the middle group

"In the land of traffic rules."

Project type: educational - playful.

Project duration: short.

Base for project implementation: middle group

Project participants : children, parents and teachers of the middle group.

It is important for each project participant to remember that the implementation of the project contributes not only to the formation of the foundations of safe behavior on the street, but also to the development of the child as an individual (his thinking, speech, emotional sphere, sensory skills, physical development).

Project implementation period: three weeks.

Subject of study:

The process of forming the foundations of a safety culture according to traffic rules in educational activities for children of middle preschool age.

Expected result:

* Children know how to navigate emergency situations, find solutions and ways out of them.

* Know how to behave correctly in an unfamiliar and crowded place.

* Know: the purpose of a traffic light and each of its colors; rules of conduct on the roadway and in transport; how to cross the street correctly; who are they


Hypothesis: If children from an early age understand and master the rules of the road

movement, they will be able to avoid dangerous situations and save their lives.

Possible project risks : the assimilation of material depends on the individual characteristics of children.

Main direction of the project: child traffic warning -

transport injuries. Activities are held in free time from educational activities in the form of educational conversations, observations of traffic, reading fiction, guessing riddles, educational, educational and outdoor games; replenishment of the corner according to the Traffic Rules.

Relevance of the topic : The project is dedicated to a current problem - teaching preschool children the rules of the road. We all live in a society where we must comply with certain norms and rules of conduct in a traffic environment. Often, the culprits of road accidents are children themselves, who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, and incorrectly enter and exit vehicles. This is caused by basic ignorance of traffic rules and the indifferent attitude of adults towards the behavior of children on the roadway. Children do not have the protective psychological reaction to traffic conditions that is typical for adults. They do not yet know how to properly manage their behavior.

The desire to constantly discover something new and spontaneity often put them in front of real dangers in a rapidly changing traffic environment. That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to teach children safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions must participate.

Target: Formation in preschool children of the basics of safe

behavior on the road, on the street and in transport. To reinforce children’s understanding that the rules prescribed for pedestrians, passengers and drivers must be clearly known and followed.



Introduce children to traffic rules, street structure, road signs;

Form ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals;

Teach children to anticipate a dangerous event, be able to avoid it if possible, and act if necessary.


Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road;

Stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communication skills.


Contribute to the development of children's speech, replenishment of the active and passive vocabulary of children in the process of working on the project;

Develop coherent speech.


Develop personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation

Problematic issues:

1. Why is it necessary to develop knowledge of traffic rules in children?

2. What is the role of the game in learning the rules of the road?

3. What role do parents play in shaping the rules of behavior on the street?

4. How to teach a child to pass the acquired theoretical knowledge through productive activities, and then implement it in games and everyday life?

5. What danger may arise on the street. If the child does not know how

correctly assess the situation.

Research hypothesis:

Positive effectiveness in children of middle preschool age in developing safe behavior skills on the street can be achieved if information on traffic safety, traffic rules, possible situations on the road and options is included in different types of activities (independent, joint, directly educational). avoiding such situations.

Expected results:

Providing conditions for organizing the activities of MBDOU for the protection and safety of a child’s life;

Strengthening joint cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate on

prevention of children's road traffic injuries;

Development of a short-term plan for working with children of the middle group and

by their parents as part of familiarizing the child with the rules of the road


Forming in children a correct understanding of the importance of rules

road traffic, your place as a road user,

development of the skills and abilities necessary for this.

Research methods:

1. Direct educational activities:

2. Artistic creativity.

4. Reading fiction.

5. Targeted walks and excursions along the city streets.

7. Experimental and search activities.8. Game activities: didactic, role-playing, outdoor games.

9. Conducting a quiz on the project topic.

10. Analysis of situations, application of acquired theoretical knowledge to


11. Thematic dives on the topic of the project.

12. Working with parents.

13. Use of audio and video materials on the issue of traffic rules.

Project stages:

Stage 1 (problem formulation):

State the problem in front of the children: “Why you need to know

Traffic Laws?";

Define the project product:

a) knowledge of traffic rules;

b) conducting game training on the topic of the project.

Stage 2 (discussion of the problem, acceptance of tasks):

Bring to children the importance of this problem: “Ignorance of the rules

traffic can lead to trouble!”;

Select fiction, audio and video materials

prepare visually illustrated material on the topic of the project;

Draw up a long-term work plan for the project;

Study methodological literature.

Conduct conversations with children on the topic: “Attention, road signs!”

“How to behave on the street and in transport?”, “What are the rules of the road?

Do you know the traffic?”, “Who controls the road?”;

Replenish the subject-development environment;

Conduct surveys and testing with parents.

Stage 3 (work on the project):

Organize work to solve project problems through:

1. Direct educational activities:

- “Always remember road signs”;

- “About the work of the traffic police”;

- “Careful, road!”;

- “Rules for passengers”;

- “Transport on city streets.”

2. Artistic creativity:

Drawing: “Create a new road sign”, “City streets”;

Modeling: “Cheerful traffic light”, “Guard”;

Application: “Road sign”, “Noisy intersection”.

3. Situational simulation modeling.

4. Reading fiction: Bedarev O. “The ABCs of Safety”, Rope V. “Learning to Cross the Road”, Volkova S. “About the Rules of the Road”, Domokhovsky A. “Wonderful Island”, Zhitkov B. “Traffic Light”, Irishin V. "Walk around the city", Klimenko V. "Incidents with toys", Kozhevnikov V. "Traffic light", Konchalovskaya N. "Scooter", Migunova I. "Friend traffic light", Mikhalkov S. "Uncle Styopa", "My Street" , “Three Wonderful Colors”, “Bad Story”; Oboishchikov K. “Traffic Light”, Tarutin O. “Why do we need a traffic light”, Khurmanek D. “Crossroads” and others.

5. Targeted walks and excursions along city streets, observing the actions of pedestrians in street conditions; analysis of each situation.

6. Examination of illustrations and pictures.

7. Watching educational cartoons on the topic of traffic rules: “Smeshariki: “The ABC of Safety”, “Lessons from Auntie Owl. Cartoons about traffic rules for children,” etc.

8. Experimental and search activities.

9. Didactic games: “Be careful”, “Types of intersections”,

“Say a word”, “Our street”, “Put up a road sign”, “Lay it out correctly”, “Traffic light”, “Guess”, “Find out by description”, “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends!” .

9. Outdoor games: “Road signs and cars”, “Pedestrians and cars”, “Traffic lights” and others. 10. Role-playing games: “Bus ride”, “City trip”.

11. Guessing riddles.

12. Conducting the “Pedestrian on the Street” quiz with children.

13. Analysis of situations: “How to cross the road correctly?”, “What

do signs help pedestrians on their way?”, “What should not happen?”, “What do you need to know if you are alone on the street?”

14. Thematic dives on the topic of the project - meetings with traffic police inspectors, visits to controlled intersections, excursion to the traffic police department.

15. Conducting with parents:

Consultations: “How to teach a child to follow traffic rules”


Workshop “What to do in this situation?”

Posting information in the parent corner: “Memo on traffic rules”, “You need to know this”.

Stage 4 (presentation):

Conduct game training “Who knows the rules of the road best”;

Present the project product - a street layout.


The conditions for organizing the activities of the MBDOU for the protection and safety of the child’s life were assessed positively by the teaching staff, traffic police inspectors, and parents;

The developed short-term plan for working with children of the middle group and their parents as part of familiarizing the child with the rules of the road has been successfully completed, the set goals have been achieved, and a new goal of the pedagogical project has been set;

Based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics at the end of the project, the majority of children acquired and continued to develop a correct understanding of the importance of traffic rules for their lives and health. With children who showed average results in mastering the material, individual development routes on the topic of the project were outlined, and recommendation conversations were held with parents.

During the course of the project, the previously put forward hypothesis regarding the dynamics of the effectiveness of the formation of skills and behavioral abilities

street in middle-aged children was completely confirmed. It was thanks to the coverage of information about traffic rules from different angles and the inclusion of this information in various types of children’s activities that directly proportional positive dynamics were achieved after the project.

Of particular importance, based on the characteristics of the children’s age, for the project was play activity, where, with the help of modeling, distribution of roles, and delegation of certain powers, children were reinforced with theoretical knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the road, in transport, and on the road.

List of used literature and sources:

Methodological literature:

1. Avdeeva N.N., Sterkina R.B., Knyazeva O.L. "Security basics

preschool children";

2. Belaya K.Yu. “How to ensure the safety of preschool children”;

3. Dobryakov V.A. “Three traffic lights”;

4. Kiryanov V.N. "Prevention of children's road traffic


5. Kogan M.S. “Everyone should know the rules of the road”;6. Rublyak V.E. "Traffic Laws";

7. Smushkevich E.S., Yakupov A.Ya. “we are walking down the street”;

8. Stepankova E.Ya. “For preschoolers - about the rules of the road


Card index of poems and works on traffic rules.

Methodological literature:

1. Saulina T. F. Three traffic lights: Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road: For working with children 3-7 years old. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010. - 112 p. : color On

2. Avdeeva, N. N. Safety on the streets / N. N. Avdeeva. M.: LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 2003

3. E. Ya. Stepanenkova, M. F. Filenko “For preschoolers about the rules of the road.”

4. Boguslavekaya Z. M. Educational games for children of primary preschool age / Z. M. Boguslavekaya, E. O. Smirnova. M.: Education, 2003

5. Poddubnaya L. “Road rules for the middle group”

6. Klimenko, V. R. Teach preschoolers the rules of movement / V. R. Klimenko. - M.: Education, 2007.

7. Dorokhov, A. A. Green, yellow, red / A. A. Dorokhov. - M.: Children's literature, 2002


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