How can you stretch leather shoes? How to stretch shoes that are too tight at home and make them at least one size larger. Is it possible to wear shoes made of eco-leather or leatherette?

Today we will share with you the secrets of how to properly stretch your shoes at home. The article will consist of the following points:

    How to stretch shoes at home using ice and frost
    To do this, you need to pour water into plastic bags, tie them tightly and put them inside the shoes. Next, the shoes are placed in the freezer or on the balcony if it is very cold outside. Wait until the water freezes completely, thanks to which the shoes will quickly stretch and take on a shape that is comfortable for you. Unfortunately, shoes made of genuine leather may crack after this procedure, so it is better not to experiment.

    How to stretch shoes with heat
    Wear your uncomfortable boots over a thick wool sock, then use a hairdryer on high until you feel warm. As soon as your boots and socks get warm, you need to break them in - walk around the apartment as long as possible until they cool down. This procedure cannot be carried out with leather shoes, as they may crack and become unusable.

    "Old-fashioned methods" of stretching shoes
    Stuff as much wet newspaper as possible into your boots, then wait until it is completely dry. Take out the newspaper and check if the boots have stretched to a comfortable size for you. There is another way in which you need to be very careful. Pour 100 milliliters of boiling water into your shoes and pour them out after a few seconds, then put them on and walk around the apartment at a slow and fast pace.
    The “cowboy” method is also very relevant, just add a lot of whole grains to your shoes, add the required amount of water, and then leave for 12 hours. In the morning you will see that the grain has swollen. Take all the grain out of the shoes and put them on, then wear them until they are completely dry. But this method is also unsafe, since walking in wet shoes is not recommended, so do not wear shoes for more than 30-60 minutes.
    Don't risk stretching suede or leather shoes. It may crack, become covered with white spots, burst, and so on. It will be even more offensive if the shoes were very expensive. It is better to save the receipt and exchange the shoes if you purchased them recently. Also remember that suede and leather shoes become harder when exposed to water.

    Alcohol will help stretch your shoes well!
    Take cologne, water and alcohol in equal proportions and mix. Next, wipe your uncomfortable shoes inside and out with this mixture. Don’t get carried away with wiping the outside; you only need to treat the toughest areas. Most shoe stretchers contain alcohol, but in varying proportions, so this method is very effective. But you shouldn’t get carried away with wiping with alcohol: the paint will begin to crack and dry out, the color of the shoes will change, cracks may appear, and so on. In this way, you can also process winter boots, but be extremely careful.

    Oil, vinegar, paraffin will also help us!
    If you haven't worn shoes for a long time, you can use vegetable or castor oil. You can also use Vaseline for stretching. Treat your shoes in the same way as with alcohol, and then walk around the apartment in them. After one or two hours, you need to wash off the oil, be sure to thoroughly clean your shoes. The method is harmless to natural leather; artificial leather can also be processed. Sometimes leather shoes squeak while walking, lubricate the sole with a thin layer of castor oil, and when it dries, the squeak will disappear.
    To increase the size of your shoes, you can wipe them with a 3% vinegar solution, inside, of course. But don't risk rubbing the outside of your shoes because vinegar is a harsh chemical just like alcohol.
    The most gentle method is wiping with paraffin. Rub the candle on the inside of the shoe, and then leave it overnight; you can remove the paraffin in the morning. But such stretching will not help to widen the heel of the shoe; for this, the back part is treated with alcohol, and only then rubbed with a thick layer of paraffin.

    What sprays exist for stretching shoes?!
    Many people are afraid for their shoes and do not want to expose them to chemicals, as this can lead to unforeseen consequences. In such cases, it is better to purchase a special spray at a shoe store. The best sprays are now produced by the following manufacturers: Oke, Salton, Twist, Duke of Dubbin, Silver, Salamander and Kiwi. You need to apply a small amount of spray to the place where the shoes rub the most. Then woolen socks and shoes are put on to break it in and stretch it. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions before applying the product.

    Buying new shoes is a pleasant and joyful event, but a good mood will spoil if suddenly a pair of shoes or boots feels too tight, causing a lot of discomfort. The question arises: “How to stretch shoes at home?” You can correct the situation yourself without any problems by following simple rules.

    Safety and Precautions

    Remember, each material needs specific actions. You should not experiment by stretching leather shoes like suede ones. This will lead to irreversible results, because the shoes will instantly become deformed. In this case, you should act according to the instructions in order to achieve the desired result and not spoil the new pair, which has probably already become a favorite.

    Do not use water, as it can damage the material, and avoid exposure to heat. Do not place shoes near heating sources, as cracks and other signs of deformation will appear on the surface. You should not use rough methods, for example, stretching in the literal sense of the word.

    We stretch shoes made of genuine leather or suede

    These shoes look unsurpassed and stylish. If you need to stretch it at home, use common and safe methods. Each of the methods described below has already been tested in action and effectiveness is guaranteed, however, it is important to follow the advice.

    Ice and freezing

    An original method that has stood the test of time. The algorithm is as follows:

    1. Take a plastic bag and fill it one third with plain water.
    2. Place ice inside the shoes that need to be stretched.
    3. Distribute the liquid in the bag from heel to toe.
    4. Place the shoes in the freezer for a day.
    5. The water will turn to ice, expanding the bag, so the shoes will stretch out neatly.

    It is important to make sure that the material is strong so that it does not tear and water does not spill inside. In this case, the quality and safety of the product is not guaranteed.


    This option is suitable if the new product is too tight. Take a paraffin candle, rub your shoes with it, and then leave them overnight. The component will make the skin softer, so you will not feel discomfort when walking.

    Steam and boiling water

    Heat a kettle of water and add boiling water to the shoes, holding it for a few seconds. Drain the water and put on your boots. Wear them until they are dry. This is an effective method that will make it possible to quickly stretch leather or suede.

    It is important that the exposure to boiling water does not exceed two to three seconds. Longer heating can not only stretch the product, but also damage it, making it unsuitable for wear.

    Alcohol, vinegar or cologne

    The issue can also be resolved with the help of alcohol or cologne. Soak three cotton swabs in the chosen product. Place two of them in the toe, and one more in the heel. Put on your shoes and leave them on for several hours. The substances quickly disappear, so there will be no discomfort, because the smell is not felt. The result is leather that is comfortable to wear.

    You can also stretch it using vinegar as an alternative. Soak a sponge in this product and then wipe the inside of your shoes. Put it on while walking around the house. To achieve an effective result, treat the surface with a special sprayer. Vinegar has a specific smell that disappears, so there is no need to worry about it.


    To make shoes that pinch comfortable, wear wet socks made of natural material. Walk around the house like this until you feel that they have become dry.

    Soak woolen socks in hot water; this method allows you to achieve results faster. Wait a few seconds to allow them to cool slightly to avoid burning your feet.


    Fill new shoes with cereal of any kind and pour water into it. At night it will swell, causing the product to stretch. You need to walk in it until it dries completely. The method is non-standard, but the most effective.

    Special formulations

    If the above methods do not help solve the problem, you need to purchase special products in stores. Follow the instructions that come with them. When the liquid or foam gets into the appropriate place, the material will soften.

    Walk around the house in the treated shoes to make sure the discomfort goes away. Such solutions are guaranteed to make boots or shoes comfortable to wear, eliminating deformation or damage to the appearance if the instructions are followed.

    Professional stretching

    Modern shoe shops have professional devices called stretchers. Thanks to this, specialists will be able to cope with any type of boots in a few hours.

    Contact a specialist if home remedies do not help. They will complete the tasks promptly, and you will be able to wear your shoes again.

    Rubber shoe stretching

    Shoes made of ordinary rubber cannot be stretched. However, there are boots made of PVC. You can check this by touching the surface of the product in an inconspicuous place with a hot object. If the material melts, you will stretch it. When there is no melting, do not try to perform manipulations. This will permanently damage the boots.

    You can soften PVC by pouring hot water into the product. A few minutes are enough for it to become soft. When the boiling water has cooled, drain it and put on your boots. After a few minutes, climb into a bowl of cold water to let the material harden.

    As a result, rubber boots will become convenient and comfortable in size. In this case, the surface will not become covered with cracks, because correct execution of actions eliminates such moments.

    How to stretch patent leather shoes

    To deal with this issue, you can use effective methods. I will list the most common methods.

    1. Take alcohol and water, maintaining a ratio of 2 to 1. Moisten socks made of dense material with the prepared solution. Put them on your feet and put shoes on top. Walk around the house until your socks and shoes are dry.
    2. Expose the product to high temperatures. Take a hairdryer, warm up your shoes, then put on a thick sock. There is no need to hold the tool for too long, as the varnish coating will deteriorate.
    3. Apply Vaseline to the shoe, then insert the last inside. When you apply the product, treat rough areas. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

    These are common tips that will help you stretch patent leather shoes at home. If you follow these recommendations, you will cope with the issue without effort. You don’t have to spend a lot of time, because everything is simple and accessible.

    Video tips

    I'll tell you some general tips that will help with stretching shoes.

    • Often it is impossible to get by with a one-time procedure, so be guided by the situation. It may take two or more sessions to become comfortable wearing the shoes.
    • For existing methods to be effective, it is necessary to make sure in advance that the shoes are made of high-quality materials. Otherwise, the components may ruin the appearance of your favorite pair.
    • If you need to stretch patent leather shoes, do it carefully. Remember, cracks and deformations quickly appear on the surface of the material.
    • Avoid developing calluses on your skin while wearing shoes. Lubricate the backdrop with laundry soap or paraffin.

    The main thing is to choose the right method to achieve these goals. With the right steps, you can wear your shoes comfortably without experiencing pain. Read all the points carefully to avoid problems and unpleasant situations in the future!

    Every person faces the problem of narrow shoes and boots in the toe, heel and shaft. Unfortunately, such custom-made products are very expensive, and choosing one that immediately fits your leg is difficult and almost impossible.

    Most people have to look for ways to stretch their shoes at home, because they don’t want to return their favorite new thing, but they also don’t want to walk around with blisters. Is it possible to stretch shoes or sneakers to size? Can. If you have such a problem, use home methods on how to break in shoes that are too tight.

    Water packs

    If the couple is too tight, try another interesting life hack - freezing.

    As the liquid freezes, it expands in volume, allowing new shoes to break in faster.

    To stretch your boots you will need clean distilled water and tightly sealed bags.

    How to stretch rubber boots, shoes or sneakers:

    1. Fill 2 large or medium (check by size) zip-L lock bags with water. There should be enough liquid so that they stretch well when frozen. Squeeze all the air out of the bags and seal.
    2. Place them in boots and place them in the freezer for 4-8 hours. During this time, the liquid will have time to freeze.
    3. When the water turns to ice (check the refrigerator sometimes, it may happen much sooner), remove from the freezer, remove the bags and put on your boots.

    If necessary, repeat the process to stretch them another size.

    Medical alcohol

    There are many special sprays available in online stores that help with stretching if your shoes are too tight. But why shell out big bucks when you can get the same results with inexpensive rubbing alcohol?

    It can also be used to clean stains.

    Alcohol works best on natural fabrics. If you are wondering how to stretch leather shoes at home, then know that this method is one of the best.

    Test the alcohol on an inconspicuous area to see if the paint starts to peel off or not. The method is used only once; repeated use of this method is not recommended.

    To widen or lengthen narrow shoes you will need rubbing alcohol, a spray bottle or cotton pads.

    How to stretch new shoes:

    1. Since the product is easier to spray, transfer it to another bottle. If you don’t have a spray bottle, use a cotton pad or white cotton cloth (do not use a colored one, it may fade).
    2. Spray rubbing alcohol onto tight areas of your boots. Do not spare any money, pour it generously on those places where leather shoes are too tight. The fabric must become damp for the shoes to stretch well.
    3. Put it on your feet and try to trample it. Walk around in it until the alcohol dries. The product works while they are wet.
    4. If the shoes are small after the manipulations done, then how to break the shoes in? The issue is resolved. Soak thick socks in alcohol and put the product back on. Walk in your shoes until the alcohol completely evaporates from your socks.

    After such manipulations, she no longer presses.

    Remember that alcohol should not be used if there are wounds on your feet. Or first cover them with a bactericidal adhesive bandage.


    If your shoes are too tight, how can you stretch them? This question is really relevant. And it appears after the purchase, when the first calluses have formed on the heels and toes.

    Stretching shoes lengthwise using this method is unlikely to succeed, but expanding the material will work.

    This method is suitable if the fabric is not natural, but is leatherette. It is also recommended to use it if you need to break in sneakers or stretch suede, or.

    How to quickly break in new shoes:

    1. Take a lot of newspapers, or better yet, clean sheets of paper so that the paint does not transfer to the fabric. Wrinkle them up and moisten them with water.
    2. Wring out the sheets well and stuff them tightly into the shoes.
    3. Leave the paper inside until completely dry. It will take the shape of the shoe and stretch it evenly.

    Don't overdo it with this method. Even with regular paper, new shoes can become deformed, lose their appearance, or the soles may become detached from the base.

    How to increase your shoe size is not a problem, but decreasing it will be impossible.


    It's time to use your chemistry lessons and learn how to stretch leather or suede shoes. The thermal method can only be used on these types of products. Another fabric may not stand up to the heat, and your favorite item will end up in the trash.

    You will need to wash the products, take a hairdryer and prepare clean socks.

    How to break in new shoes:

    1. Wear thick socks. If you feel they are not tight enough, use a second pair. It is necessary that the products fit snugly on the leg. You should also know that the denser the material, the thicker the socks should be.
    2. Wear tight shoes. If your leg is difficult to climb through, use a special spoon.
    3. Turn on the hairdryer to maximum airflow and direct a stream of hot air to the places where your shoes are pinching.
    4. Continue blowing hot air on the areas where your shoes are too small for a few minutes. While blowing, try to wiggle your toes. This makes the shoes stretch faster.
    5. Turn off the hair dryer and continue wearing it out.
    6. Take off your socks and try the product on your bare foot.

    As a result, the foot should slide in freely and without bloody calluses.

    If it is necessary to stretch the shoes further, the procedure can be repeated.

    How to stretch sneakers? Such products are always durable and made of good breathable material. A hairdryer is ideal for stretching sneakers, you just need to warm them up inside and out.

    Soap and paraffin

    How else to break in tight shoes at home?

    Products are quickly enlarged using paraffin or regular soap. Only this method is not suitable if you are looking for how to break in sneakers or how to stretch rubber shoes one size larger.

    This method can be used on leather, patent leather or suede items.

    How to stretch tight shoes:

    1. Take a regular candle or baby soap.
    2. Rub the product from the inside, sparing no expense.
    3. Leave it overnight.
    4. In the morning, remove any remaining paraffin with a damp cloth and try on the shoes.

    Paraffin does not harm natural or artificial leather. This remedy is harmless.


    The next method to stretch your shoes is to use steam. The procedure cannot be carried out with products made of artificial leather or.

    How to break in shoes that are pinching and rubbing?

    Use the method first for one shoe, if you can stretch it, you can steam the second one.

    Exercise in clean shoes, free from dust and dirt. Otherwise, it will be unpleasant to walk around the house in them.

    Boil water and bring the products to the steam. Let the boots sit over the steam for a few minutes.

    Then put on your socks and walk around in them for a bit. The heat will cause the skin to stretch. If your shoes are tight, put on thicker socks and steam a little more.

    Breaking shoes in at home is not difficult. Just take some time for this process.

    Do not use this method many times, otherwise the shoes will be too trampled.

    This method can be used to quickly break in sneakers and clean them.

    Special stretcher

    How to stretch narrow shoes if none of the above methods worked, and you don’t want to give up, because you really want to show off in new shoes in the evening?

    Use a stretcher. With its help, you can stretch your sneakers in length; it is perfect if your shoes are tight in the toe or if you need to make your shoes a size larger.

    There are different stretchers. They are available online and are made for boots, heels, or flat for sneakers, ballet shoes, etc.

    How to stretch sneakers at home:

    1. Spray a special product on them. Pay special attention to denser areas. If leatherette products are pinched in only one place, then spray the product only on it.
    2. Insert the stretchers inside and turn the handle to increase your shoe size at home or expand.
    3. Leave her alone for a while. Then remove the stretcher and put it on your legs. If the sneakers are no longer tight, then there was a point in stretching, and the manipulation was a success.

    This procedure can be repeated as many times as needed. If your new boots are tight, use the stretcher at least 10 times, the main thing is to achieve the desired result.

    Fat cream

    Do not try to quickly break in shoes by putting them on your bare feet immediately after purchasing them. This way you won’t be able to increase their length or width, they will still press hard, and you will only injure yourself. This method is incorrect.

    What should you do? Are you afraid to steam it, stuff it with paper, or use paraffin?There is always a solution, and this is a regular rich cream for hands or feet.

    How to wear shoes at home? The algorithm of actions is the simplest and will take only half an hour, or maybe less. So, take thick cream or Vaseline and rub the inside surface.

    Apply more product to dense areas, namely socks and heels.

    Take special pads or homemade ones and insert them. Alternatively, put on thick socks and walk around the house.

    After this procedure, the shoes will definitely not put pressure on you.

    Warm socks

    Now this is perhaps the least painful way to stretch faux leather shoes. It is also recommended if you need to enhance leather, suede or other materials.

    It doesn't require ice or plastic bags, just a thick old pair of socks and a pair of squeezy shoes.

    All you have to do is take your socks and roll them into a small ball. Place them at the edge of the sock. This way you can stretch your sneakers at home.

    This method is ideal if the ends of your boots are pinching your toes.

    Before leaving the products in this position overnight, make sure that there is no distortion. The next morning you will notice that they have become a little wider.

    This method of how to stretch tight shoes can be used as many times as needed without fear of damaging the material.

    In order not to look for answers to the question of how to quickly break in shoes or how to make shoes wider, do not buy them a size smaller.

    Girls always prefer small products to make their feet look more elegant and beautiful, however, this is not good for health and you still have to look for how to stretch your shoes in length.

    Probably, many will agree that shoes should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable. However, quite often new shoes become not a decoration for the owner’s feet, but his “pain.”

    Even a pair of shoes, shoes or boots that fit perfectly when trying them on in a store the next day can put a lot of pressure on your feet and leave calluses. Therefore, it is very important to know how to wear narrow shoes so that your new clothes do not gather dust on the shelf due to the inconvenience caused.

    How to properly stretch shoes or boots?

    Before you start breaking in your shoes, you should find out what kind of leather they are made of. The thing is that if the leather on the shoes or boots is not natural, it will be very difficult to stretch them, and in some cases, simply impossible.

    Therefore, try to purchase shoes made from natural materials so that their size can be adjusted if necessary.

    Using alcohol

    Shoes made of genuine leather can be moistened with alcohol from the inside, then put on a thick sock and walk around the apartment for several hours. If your shoes or boots press very hard, you can stretch them in several approaches: put them on for 5-10 minutes, 3-5 times a day, so as not to hurt your feet.

    Using boiling water

    Shoes that squeeze your feet too much can be easily stretched at home using boiling water. To do this, you need to pour it into your shoes and wait until the water cools down. As soon as the water temperature approaches room temperature, you need to put on your shoes and walk around in them for a while. To prevent your feet from getting wet, you can put a plastic bag on top of the sock. After wearing this method, the shoes will quickly take the desired shape.

    In a basin in water

    If, for example, shoes need to be made a size larger, then you can simply put them in a basin of water for a day, and then start breaking them in. However, this can only be done with factory-made shoes, which are not only glued, but also stitched. In this case, boots or shoes of dubious manufacture may become unstuck.

    How to stretch faux leather shoes?

    Faux leather shoes should be stretched very carefully. For example, you can try to stretch them using a regular paraffin candle, thoroughly lubricating the inside of your shoes with it and leaving them like that for a day. Similar actions can also be done by first moistening the shoes with alcohol.

    Also, leatherette boots can be increased by half a size if you wear them at home on a wet sock.

    How to stretch tight suede shoes?

    Using newspapers

    Since suede shoes themselves require special care, the same requirements apply to their breaking in. If suede shoes cause some discomfort when wearing them, you can stretch them using newspapers.

    To do this, you need to steam the shoes, then stuff them with damp newspapers and leave them for a day. At the same time, newspapers in shoes should fit tightly to each other, but not excessively. It is advisable to lay them according to the shape of your foot. Patent leather shoes can be stretched in the same way.

    Using table vinegar

    Another effective way to break in suede shoes is to soak them in vinegar. Before you start breaking in, the shoes should be carefully moistened with vinegar from the inside so that it does not bleed through, after which you can safely put them on a nylon sock and start breaking them in.

    You will learn several more ways to help you quickly and effectively stretch narrow shoes from the video.

    How to stretch ballet shoes?

    You can try stretching ballet flats in the same ways as other types of shoes. And you can use other, no less effective methods.

    Shoe stretcher and hair dryer

    You can stretch your new ballet shoes using a hairdryer and a special tool for “breaking in” shoes. To begin with, the shoes are heated with a hairdryer, after which a “stretcher” is applied. It should be noted that when purchasing a “stretcher,” you need to pay attention to its functions and what type of shoes it is intended for.

    In the freezer

    New ballet shoes can be stretched using ice. To do this, you need to put thick bags inside the shoes, fill them completely with water and tie the edges of the bags so that water cannot leak out of them. After such simple manipulations, the shoes can be safely sent to the freezer for a day.

    In this case, ballet shoes stretch due to the properties of water (water molecules expand in the cold, thereby stretching the shoes).

    Using shoe trees

    Tight shoes can be broken in using special wooden or plastic lasts made in the shape of a foot, which are sold in shoe stores. All you need to do is put the lasts in a brand new pair of shoes and wait for them to stretch the shoes themselves. For additional effect, shoes can be pre-moistened with water.

    How can you stretch your shoes?

    In order to stretch boots or other shoes in length, you can use any of the above methods.

    However, there are several other ways out of this situation:

    • shoe stretching can be entrusted to a specialist - such a service is available in many shoe workshops;
    • Shoe stores sell special aerosols for wearing shoes. As a rule, such products are affordable and quite effective in use if the shoes are tight in length.
    • You can ask someone you know to help carry shoes (whose legs are a little longer, but not wider).

    If none of them helped you or is not suitable, you can resort to another option.

    Stretching shoes lengthwise using a trempel

    You can effectively stretch your shoes in length using water and an old trample. To do this, you need to completely immerse the shoes in water and wait 5-6 minutes, then cut the trempel so that it is slightly longer than the shoe itself and place it inside a new pair.

    When wet, the shoes stretch a little, and at this moment a piece of plastic gives it the direction to increase its size. This way, the boots or shoes will become a little longer and stop pressing.

    How to make narrow shoes wider?

    Using cologne

    To stretch narrow shoes, you can use one of the old methods, the essence of which is to lubricate the inner walls of the shoes with cologne and wear them in for 2-3 hours.

    It is better to try this method in the evening, when the legs swell and increase in size, compared to the morning hours. At night, after breaking in, the shoes can be tightly stuffed with paper and newspapers. However, the main disadvantage of this method should be taken into account: the smell of cologne is quickly absorbed and remains in the shoes for a long time.

    Using castor oil

    Castor oil can help stretch shoes wider by treating the shoes inside and out. After this you can start posting. After 3-4 hours, the oil should be removed from the surface of the shoe. This method is applicable for carrying shoes made of any material (except suede). Also, castor oil will help bring old, hard shoes back to life.

    How to choose the right shoes?

    In order not to rack your brains about how to stretch your shoes after purchasing, you need to know a few simple rules that will help you avoid further problems with new clothes.

    Give preference to natural materials

    It is better to give preference to factory-made shoes made from natural materials. As a rule, although it costs more, it also lasts longer. It is quite easy to stretch shoes made from natural materials without experiencing pain.

    Choose shoes by size

    You only need to buy shoes that fit in size. If a girl has complexes about having large feet, then she still shouldn’t take shoes a size smaller, since it’s quite difficult to stretch shoes one size. It is better to choose a model that visually reduces the length of the leg (for example, with a round toe or wedge).

    Shop in the evening

    It is necessary to buy shoes in the evening, since most people's feet swell a little by the end of the day. If you buy a new pair of shoes in the morning, your swollen feet may not fit into them the next day.

    How to customize your shoes?

    The stores offer shoe models for every taste. The difficulty is that during fitting it is difficult to understand exactly whether the shoes will pinch, rub or press. To evaluate whether shoes are comfortable, you need to spend several hours in a row in them.

    After purchasing, I recommend spending a couple of hours at home in your new clothes, and try to move actively in these shoes. This will allow you to understand whether the new shoes are too tight or not. If you experience any discomfort, try taking your shoes in, otherwise you will have to return them to the store.

    I will share simple and effective methods on how to stretch your shoes:

    Method 1. Natural

    How to trample new shoes without using special products, solutions and other methods? This can be done if you wear them around the house for a long time.

    But it will take several weeks before the shoes become comfortable to wear regularly.

    To break in your shoes as quickly as possible, I recommend:

    • zones of rubbing on the legs with adhesive tape;
    • put on socks;
    • treat the inside of the shoes with alcohol.

    You need to wear shoes at home for 2 hours every day.. Within a week you will notice that the shoes have become much more comfortable and spacious for your feet.

    Method 2. Alcohol

    You can stretch natural leather and varnish using alcohol. This is the most effective way to quickly adapt new shoes to the individual characteristics of the foot.

    Instructions for using alcohol to stretch new shoes:

    Illustration Sequencing

    Step 1. Preparing the solution

    Step 2. Material processing

    Take cotton pads, soak them in the prepared solution and wipe the shoes outside and inside.

    Step 3. Breaking in

    After careful treatment, put on thick natural socks and shoes on top. Spend so much time in your shoes until the alcohol solution is completely dry.

    Step 4. Consolidate the result

    It is not always possible to achieve the desired effect the first time.

    To improve and consolidate the result, repeat the previous steps the next day after the initial treatment.

    I know from personal experience that this method works because:

    1. Alcohol softens structure of the material.
    2. The shoe shape is adjustable according to the individual physiological characteristics of the foot.

    Method 3. Freezing

    Freezing is another way to stretch the leather or suede of tight shoes.


    • suitable for all materials from which shoes are made;
    • does not require your active participation in the stretching process.

    To make tight shoes comfortable, we use freezing:

    Illustration Sequencing

    Step 1. Preparing inventory

    You need to take 2 plastic bags.

    It is advisable to use ziplock bags to prevent water from spilling.

    Step 2. Filling the bags

    Pour water into bags.

    The amount of liquid must be controlled so that the bag fits freely into the sock and does not tear.

    Step 3. Send packages to shoes

    Carefully place the bag of water into tight shoes.

    Step 4: Freezing

    Place the shoes in the freezer for 8 hours. It is convenient to carry out a similar procedure before going to bed at night.

    Step 5. Consolidate the result

    Remove the shoes from the freezer and remove the ice packs.

    Method 4. Newspaper bombs

    If the shoes are too small and you need to quickly solve this problem, use newspaper “bombs”. The method is quite effective and simple.

    Advantage: the result is achieved in a short time.


    • White streaks may remain on suede products;
    • After a while, the shoes will shrink even more in size.

    Illustration Sequencing

    Step 1. Preparation

    You will need:

    • old newspapers;
    • a bowl of warm water.

    There should be a lot of newspapers so that there is enough for both shoes.

    Step 2. Formation of “bombs”
    1. Take one sheet of newspaper.
    2. Scrunch it into a ball.
    3. Soak in warm water.
    4. Then squeeze thoroughly.

    Make as many balls as needed to fill the empty space in the shoe.

    Step 3. Filling shoes with newspaper bombs

    Place the balls inside the shoes in a dense layer, pushing the newspaper as hard as you can with your hands.

    Please note that the “bombs” should fit as closely as possible to each other. Otherwise, the result may not be achieved.

    Step 4. Drying
    1. Choose a place that is well ventilated.
    2. Place the shoes there to dry for about 5 hours.

    Do not use the battery for this purpose. Drying should take place naturally.

    Newspaper « bombs » Great for stretching natural leather. For suede products, it is better to use other methods.

    Method 5. High temperatures

    You can soften suede or leather shoes using high temperatures. I know two ways:

    1. Boiling water. Treat the inside of the shoes with boiling water, after removing the insoles. Wait for the material to cool, put on a thick sock, then shoes. Keep your shoes on for 30 minutes.

    1. Hairdryer. A more gentle method. Before processing, lubricate the leather product with glycerin to prevent the shoes from cracking. Warm your shoes and socks well with hot air. Immediately put them on for half an hour.

    Be careful! High temperatures are only suitable for high-quality shoes. Shoes made of leatherette or other leatherette will come apart or crack.

    Method 6. Professional products

    Shoe stores sell all kinds of sprays, gels, powders and other products for professional shoe softening. If your shoes feel tight, try this method.

    Advantages: reliability and efficiency, the ability to select a product taking into account the material of manufacture.

    Flaw: high price.

    If you doubt the quality of the purchased shoes, then I advise you to use only professional products. This guarantees the safety of the shoes and the absence of defects.


    I told you what to do if your shoes are too tight: you learned the six most effective and affordable methods for stretching tight shoes. All you have to do is put them into practice.

    In addition to the above, watch the video in this article. I will be glad to share knowledge - share your experience of breaking in shoes in the comments.

gastroguru 2017