Trench collar for babies. Trench collars for newborns. Indications for wearing a Shants collar

Sustaining a cervical spine injury requires conservative treatment. The Shants collar for infants and newborns is indicated already at 1 month after birth. Depending on the material and size, the cost of the structure starts from 100 rubles.

What is a Shants collar

The design is a fixator, the task of which is to reduce the load on the cervical spine. The device provides optimal conditions for the restoration of damaged tissue. The soft frame prevents excessive neck rotation and flexion. Regular use of the Shants collar for newborns normalizes muscle tone and improves blood flow in the injured area.

Indications for use

A neck brace is indicated for children for permanent use, but only after a doctor’s prescription. This design is contraindicated for a healthy baby. This feature is associated with the absence of the need to unload the cervical spine. The use of an orthopedic collar will result in muscle atrophy. The tire has the following indications for use:

  • short neck syndrome;
  • hyperexcitability of the nervous system;
  • with torticollis in a newborn;
  • the presence of neurological symptoms after injury;
  • depression of the central nervous system;
  • motor disorders.

The lack of timely administration of the Shants collar for infants creates unfavorable conditions for development. Gradually, blood flow in the cervical spine is disrupted.

Attention! The first symptoms of dysfunction are restless sleep and weakened muscle tone.

Changes become the main reason for the defective development of the nervous system.

Shants collar with Velcro for fixing the cervical spine in newborns.

Types of orthopedic splints

When problems appear in the cervical spine, the child is in most cases prescribed a neck bandage. Several types of collars have been developed. Parents of the baby should know why a certain type of tire is needed in order to purchase it on time and use it regularly. The following types of Shants collars are used on the neck:

  • soft;
  • semi-rigid;
  • hard.

When selecting, preference is given to the material that will contribute to the best therapeutic effect depending on the problem.

Soft collar

After a mild injury and with cervical myositis, a cervical bandage made of soft material is indicated. The foam splint is porous and elastic to ensure comfortable wearing. Externally, it is a wide strip, in which there is a recess designed for a comfortable position of the chin. The Shants collar is securely fixed using Velcro.

The orthopedic children's design allows the child to tilt the head to a limited extent, strengthens the vertebrae and prevents the formation of osteochondrosis.

Semi-rigid collar

The design of the presented type of tire does not differ from a soft tire. For this reason, it is important to know what the Schanz semi-rigid collar is for. The product provides a tight fit to the neck and limits rotation in the cervical spine. The dense material has metal inserts.

In addition! After receiving a severe spinal injury in the cervical region, the period of wearing a semi-rigid bandage is up to 1 year.

When worn every day, infants experience discomfort due to the manufacturing features. The fixator provides good traction and is often prescribed for cervical hernia in both children and adults. Parents are always interested in how long to wear a collar made of semi-rigid material. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 1 month.

Shants hard collar for children.

Hard collar

The metal structure is intended for severe damage. The main indication is a fracture in the cervical spine. The bandage immovably fixes the spine of a month-old baby in a certain position. Complete immobilization creates conditions for the restoration of damaged tissue.

Inflatable tire

For mild diseases in the cervical spine, it is recommended to use the modern line of Shants collars - this is an inflatable model. It is convenient to wear, care and put on. When choosing a splint, infants do not experience any unpleasant sensations in the neck area after fixation.

The principle of operation is to pump air using a rubber bulb. The product provides gradual traction of the spine and increases the space between the articular surfaces.

Shants inflatable tire for newborns.

Sleeping and bathing with a Shants collar

Many parents are concerned about the problem of whether a child can sleep with a rigid neck brace and how long it will be necessary to wear it. It takes a long time to put the collar on and not take it off. Depending on the indications, the duration of treatment is 1 month. In some situations, it is possible to remove the structure while swimming for a few minutes. Sleeping with a splint applied is allowed, but the head should not be in a bent position in the cervical region.

Selection rules

According to the instructions for use, you need to select a collar for children under one year old according to size. At this age, they differ not only in height and weight, but also in neck length. Standard sizes for children. They are determined by measuring the distance between the lower jaw and the middle part of the collarbone.

The child's size must match the measurements taken. A neck brace for a newborn varies between 3-5 cm. If the parameter is larger or smaller than an orthopedic splint, then reliable fixation will not occur.

Putting on the retainer

The duration of treatment and its safety will depend on how to put the splint on the baby. The doctor must first familiarize parents with all the rules for use. To avoid problems after purchasing a Shants collar, you need to watch how to put it on in the video.

In case of slight damage to the cervical spine, it is enough to use the following instructions on how to select a bandage for your child and secure it:

  • Place the child on a hard surface without a pillow (couch, sofa).
  • Attach the purchased retainer to the baby’s neck.
  • The notch intended for the chin should be located under it.
  • The clasp of the bandage on the cervical spine is at the back.

Even knowing how to put it on, at the end they check the correctness of the listed points. There should be a free area of ​​1.5 cm between the collar and neck. If it is tightly secured, headaches, dizziness or difficulty breathing may occur.

Product care

Following the instructions on how to wear the collar correctly will ensure its long service life. Additionally, the orthopedic product requires proper care. Depending on the severity, sometimes the time frame extends up to a year. The following applies:

  • The surface of the collar is wiped daily with antibacterial wipes. After complete drying, it is allowed to be worn.
  • Machine wash prohibited. Only manual application using cool water is allowed.
  • Drying the tire is carried out in a straightened form, excluding exposure to sunlight and any heat sources.

Contraindications for use

The orthopedic product, despite the need for use in many injuries of the cervical spine, has a number of limitations. These include:

  • irritation, peeling on the skin of the neck where the collar is fixed;
  • severe instability that requires complete immobilization of the cervical spine.

If any of the above points are present, the wearing period is shortened or it is not used at all.

Product cost

The material that provides easy maintenance, the long service life of the product and the manufacturer determine how much the structure will cost.

Comparative table of Shants collars for children.

The Shants collar for newborns is prescribed when pathological conditions are identified, such as congenital torticollis, damage to the spinal column during childbirth, etc. The orthopedic device allows for effective treatment aimed at preventing the progression of diseases and the development of their complications. The collar is selected for the child by a specialist, taking into account the size of the product and the presence of concomitant diseases in the newborn.

Why do you need a collar?

Shants collar for newborns: indications and wearing

Parents often have a negative attitude towards the Shants collar and other orthopedic products. They believe that such splints lead to discomfort for the newborn. Doctors prescribe regular wearing of a collar only for medical reasons. In these cases, it leads to the following positive effects for the child’s body:

  • ensures a stable and physiological position of the cervical vertebrae;
  • improves blood flow through the cerebral arteries and blood supply to the structures of the central nervous system;
  • allows you to relax the neck muscles, which can be spasmed and cause pain;
  • The collar provides a micro-massage that affects the nerve endings in the skin of the neck.

These effects have a positive effect on the child’s health. They make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the therapy methods used to treat congenital diseases.

Selecting a tire for a child

The Shants collar can be used at different ages. It is important to know how to choose it. There are 3 main types of products, depending on the strength of fixation: soft, medium and strong fixation. The latter type of splint is rarely used, as it causes discomfort in the child.

Doctors know how to choose the right collar. Therefore, parents need to go to a special salon to purchase an orthopedic device, and not buy the product by hand. When choosing a size, the child's age and weight are taken into account. The collar should be used until the age of one year.

When choosing a Shants collar for newborns, orthopedists recommend purchasing products in the following sizes:

  • if the child was born prematurely and is less than one month old, then choose a splint with a length of 28 cm and a width of 2.7 cm;
  • if the child was born on time and is less than one month old, then the dimensions of the tire are 32 cm in length and 3.4 cm in width;
  • For children under one year old, a collar is 33 cm long and 4 cm wide.

In an orthopedic salon, a specialist helps you try on a collar. The child stays in it for half an hour. If anxiety, crying or other negative phenomena occur, the size of the collar can be changed.

How to dress a newborn?

A collar is often prescribed for torticollis. The attending physician puts it on the child for the first time. He shows the procedure to the parents.

The collar is positioned in such a way that there is a notch under the newborn's chin. The splint is secured from the back with Velcro. You should not fasten it tightly - there should be a gap of one finger between the collar and neck. When used correctly, the orthopedic product completely covers the neck, while the cheeks and chin remain open.

The wearing pattern of the Shants collar is determined by the attending physician. It is based on the nature of the existing disease, its severity and the individual characteristics of the child. If parents do not follow it, then the orthopedic splint can lead to negative health consequences.

Regular wearing

The doctor determines how long the Shants collar is worn

It is important for parents to know how long the Shants collar is worn. If the pathology is congenital, then the orthopedic product is used during the first month of the child’s life. It is important to understand that the amount of time with a splint during the day can vary significantly - from 10 minutes to round-the-clock use. This depends on the nature of the pathology and its severity.

After a month, parents re-visit the orthopedist, neurologist and other specialists, depending on the disease. They evaluate the newborn's condition and, if necessary, advise continued use of the Shants collar.

Negative consequences

If parents do not know how to wear a collar for a newborn and self-medicate, complications may arise for the child. These include the following conditions:

  • if the collar is over-tensioned, it begins to compress the neck and trachea area, leading to breathing problems. As a result, the child begins to experience hypoxia and the functioning of the cardiovascular system changes;
  • With prolonged use of the splint, hypotrophy or atrophy of the neck muscles occurs. In the absence of load, their volume decreases, which can lead to the progression of the underlying disease. At the age of two months, children can hold their heads well and the collar should only be used for a short time.

The use of homemade devices is prohibited. Tires must be manufactured in accordance with existing standards and from materials approved for use for newborns.

The Shants collar for newborns is an important part of the treatment of congenital neck pathologies. It allows you to fix it in a physiological position and prevent the further development of diseases. In therapy using a splint, it is important to choose the right one in consultation with an orthopedist. The doctor will choose the collar size, explain how to put it on, and outline a wearing pattern for the first weeks of treatment. If the child is constantly restless or there are external signs of soft tissue compression by the splint, parents should immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes childbirth occurs with complications, as a result of which children may experience various pathologies, in particular, torticollis. Such a defect can cause various health problems. Painful sensations when tilting the head are far from the only manifestation of pathology.

Without treatment, facial deformation is possible. In this case, the baby will remain disabled for life. The Shants collar for newborns is the ideal solution to the problem. Thanks to this device, you will be able to eliminate congenital pathology in a child.

The Shants collar for infants helps to fix and stabilize the vertebrae of the neck, unload the neck muscles and ligaments, improve the functioning of the neuromuscular system, improve the blood supply to the brain, as well as normalize the basic functions of the affected cervical spine.

What is a Shants collar?

Trauma to the cervical spine during the passage of the birth canal is not just an orthopedic pathology, it is a danger of disrupting the blood supply to the brain and disrupting the nerve impulses coming from it.
The advantage in this situation is the plasticity of all systems of the newborn (including bone and joint), so timely prescribed treatment can completely relieve the child from the consequences of birth trauma.

Doctors call the Shants collar for newborns tire. From the point of view of the functionality of the product, this is correct, because its main purpose is to eliminate an orthopedic defect of the cervical spine.

Visually, the product is perceived precisely as a collar, hence its alternative name.

The tire composition is simple:

  • base in the form of foam rubber, the structure of which allows you to provide the shape and rigidity of the collar;
  • Velcro fastener for optimal fixation of the splint;
  • fabric covering of the collar that protects the newborn's neck from chafing.

Product cost

The material that provides easy maintenance, the long service life of the product and the manufacturer determine how much the structure will cost.

Comparative table of Shants collars for children.


Indications for using the Shants splint in children are:

  1. orthopedic defects of the neck;
  2. disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

In the first case we are talking about:

  • torticollis;
  • short neck syndrome;
  • damage to the cervical vertebrae during childbirth.

The second group of reasons includes:

  • central nervous system depression syndrome (or, on the contrary, hyperexcitability);
  • movement disorder syndrome.

Shants splint for torticollis

Sometimes the baby holds his head noticeably incorrectly and his neck is bent to one side. This problem can occur in both boys and girls, and is most often congenital. Acquired torticollis occurs due to inflammatory processes.

Signs of torticollis

The first manifestations of impaired development of the cervical muscles will either be noticeable after childbirth or may appear during the first weeks.

The mother's observation and knowledge of the symptoms of torticollis will help identify the pathology. The first thing that begins to catch your eye is that the child’s head will be tilted to the side - this reveals right-sided or left-sided torticollis.

Some babies have a short neck, and torticollis is indicated by a constant tilt of the baby's head to one side; the baby's eyes and the tips of the earlobes are on the same straight line. With age, tension in the facial muscles (one-sided) will be noticeable.

During the massage, the mother or specialist will be able to feel the excessive muscle tension, which feels like a tightness. There are several other types of congenital torticollis:

  • Sprengel's disease;
  • a short neck, in which the head rotates heavily; the child only squints his eyes at the sound, unable to turn his head. The chin rests directly on the chest, and the hair grows low on the back of the head.

If short neck syndrome is not diagnosed in a timely manner and treatment is not undertaken, the child does not hold his head up for a long time.

Causes of torticollis

The main cause of the condition is considered to be trauma during childbirth and hemorrhage. The connective tissue that has developed in this place tightens the muscle, preventing it from developing properly. As a result, insufficient muscle development (mainly the sternoclavicular muscle) is formed.

A doctor can diagnose positional torticollis in a newborn - the simplest form of pathology, the cause of which is considered to be the incorrect position of the child in the crib.

Shants' orthopedic collar holds the child's head in the correct position and allows the muscle to develop correctly. For treatment, the doctor additionally prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures.

How to choose a cervical collar for a newborn?

The place of purchase of the product is orthopedic salons (depending on the locality, they may be called stores or centers).

If the doctor prescribed a Shants collar for your child, then you need to purchase this particular orthopedic product, and not analogues. We have already provided information about the composition of the Shants tire, so from the models offered to you, immediately cut off analogues:

  • devices with an inflatable mechanism;
  • fasteners made of metal or plastic material.

The collar you purchase must be ideally suited to the child’s parameters.

For this purpose you can:

  • make an individual order for the production of a Shants tire;
  • buy a finished product according to the measurements of the doctor who determined the size of the collar for the newborn.

Terms of wearing

This issue is very individual and can only be decided by a doctor, depending on the indications and severity of the pathology. If the defect is congenital, the bandage is put on the newborn immediately after birth for a month; it should be removed only during water procedures. In other cases, the collar is used for a certain period of time every day. If a child is prescribed a massage, the splint should be put on just after the procedure to consolidate the effect.

When constantly wearing a bandage, the baby has to sleep in it and walk outside. In this case, parents need to dress the child for sleep or a walk in such a way that the clothes do not put pressure on the splint and cause discomfort.

How to choose the right size

The most obvious impact of the Shants tire occurs when:

  • eliminating neck pain in babies,
  • normalization of blood flow through the vessels of the neck,
  • improving the child's well-being.

An incorrectly selected tire size not only deprives the product of its functionality, this circumstance can aggravate the baby’s illness and cause a number of side effects:

  • vomiting
  • dizziness and weakness,
  • fainting,
  • pain in the neck.

Having proven the importance of accurately determining the size of the product, we emphasize that the size of the Shants collar is determined by the doctor.
The only thing a mother can do is double-check the doctor’s measurements so that she won’t be plagued by doubts later. We'll tell you how to do this below.

How to correctly take measurements for a collar?

  • The baby is placed on his back on a flat surface so that the newborn's spinal column is level.
  • The exact collar size is the distance from the baby's chin to the middle of the collarbone.
  • Depending on the baby’s height and the length of his neck, the resulting figure can be 3.4 or 5 centimeters.
  • The length of the collar for children under 1 month of age ranges from 28 to 32 cm, for older newborns - 33 cm.

Mode of application

Trench collars must come with wearing instructions.

The collar should be worn on a bare neck. The degree of tightening should be such that the collar should not interfere with free breathing and swallowing. The freedom of fixation of the collar is determined by the thickness of the adult finger: it must pass freely between the baby’s neck and the retainer. The chin should rest against a special notch for it.

The time to wear the collar should be determined by a doctor. The only inconvenience when wearing a collar is difficulty in feeding, since the collar restricts downward movement of the jaw.

How to properly put a collar on a child?

We will indicate 3 basic principles that will help to properly secure the product on the child’s neck:

  1. Velcro fastener secures the collar strictly behind the neck, in its center;
  2. there is a recess in the splint, this is a place for the newborn’s chin (thus, the lower part of the collar rests on the bones of the collarbone, the upper part supports the chin);
  3. Do not allow the tire to be overtightened(this slows down the blood flow and contributes to suffocation), or weakened (in this case the product loses its medicinal meaning).

Optimal fixation of the splint assumes that the mother’s finger can fit between it and the baby’s neck.

Be that as it may, the first fitting of the splint should be carried out in the presence of a doctor, since even the simple tips given earlier can be understood differently by mothers.

For some, the gap between the tire and the newborn’s neck seems such that a finger can easily “fly” there; for others, it seems that a finger should fit into the gap with some effort.

The mother’s task is to remember the correct position of the splint and subsequently accurately reproduce the correct fixation of the collar, in which the baby does not feel discomfort.

Selection rules

According to the instructions for use, you need to select a collar for children under one year old according to size. At this age, they differ not only in height and weight, but also in neck length. Standard sizes for children. They are determined by measuring the distance between the lower jaw and the middle part of the collarbone.

The child's size must match the measurements taken. A neck brace for a newborn varies between 3-5 cm. If the parameter is larger or smaller than an orthopedic splint, then reliable fixation will not occur.

How to wear a newborn collar?

Let's make some digression. Since childhood, we have known a common horror story about certain women who, following the customs of their people, wore metal rings to lengthen their necks. And when someone violated the laws of the tribe, the rings were removed from the neck of the unfortunate woman, and the head of the culprit could not be supported on the neck, which was devoid of muscles.
Some “well-wishers” like to remind this horror story to mothers whose babies are recommended to wear a Shants collar.

Few people believe in these horror stories, realizing that the doctor knows better how to help the child. Indeed, the muscles of a newborn’s neck do not atrophy even after wearing the Shants splint for a long time, and he will learn to hold his head no later than his peers.

There are suspicious mothers who cannot be won over with simple assurances. It is for them that we inform you that even today in Thailand there is a tribe of Padaungs, whose women tourists call giraffes because of their exorbitantly long necks, elongated with metal spirals.

Due to some circumstances, they are forced to remove these spirals, and... nothing bad happens. A year later, the three necks of female giraffes take on their normal appearance, and they are no longer different from ordinary people.

Depending on the reason why the newborn is prescribed a Shants collar, the time of wearing the orthopedic product can range from several minutes a day to constant wear for a month.

Only a doctor can set this time correctly in each case.

Periods when the collar must be removed:

  • during water procedures;
  • during the massage.

Customer Reviews

The Shants collar gives positive results when used regularly and correctly. Buyers leave positive reviews for orthopedic products and advise other parents to purchase them if necessary.

Marina. The child was born quickly and for this reason he developed neurological disorders. The doctor recommended the Shants collar. I used it only as prescribed. After a month, positive results were visible.

Svetlana. The birth was not easy. The child was heavy and managed to be born naturally, but with minor consequences for himself. It was possible to relieve the load on the spine only with the help of the Shants collar, which was put on already in the maternity hospital. They didn't take it off for about 1 month. All consequences of childbirth were resolved. Thanks to the use of such a product, the child was able to hold his head well at 1.5 months.

How to care for Shants collar?

The delicate skin of a newborn requires special attention, so caring for the Shants collar is a solution to the hygiene problem.
Keeping a product clean is caring for it. To avoid deformation of the tire, the product is washed:

  • manually,
  • in cool water.

The collar should dry naturally.

Since the device is constantly in close contact with the skin, sometimes you have to use it for up to a year. In order for it to serve you for a long time, you need to properly care for it. Otherwise, it may cause irritation or simply become unusable.

  1. Maintenance must be regular.
  2. The device can only be washed by hand and only in cold water.
  3. Drying the collar on a radiator or other heat source is prohibited.
  4. The product should be dried flat.

Following the above tips will help extend the life of the product.

Reviews about the device

All reviews about the use of the Shants collar can be divided into 3 groups (the number of reviews in each group is approximately the same):

  1. the device causes inconvenience to the child;
  2. the Shants splint helped to completely get rid of orthopedic pathology without causing discomfort to the newborn;
  3. It was possible to heal the baby only thanks to complex treatment: the use of a splint and massage.

Concluding the article, let’s summarize the main results:

  • You need to purchase a splint only in well-established orthopedic salons;
  • the device has an effective therapeutic effect only if the size is correctly set and with correct fixation of the product;
  • in order to achieve the most effective help from the use of a splint, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the orthopedist (neurologist) regarding the time of its use;
  • using the Shants collar to treat newborns, it is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the product(a dirty product can cause diaper rash, prickly heat; in advanced cases, infection can get inside, which will aggravate the underlying disease);
  • the Shants splint for newborns in itself is not a panacea, therefore, to obtain the best result, wearing an orthopedic product must be combined with therapeutic massage.

The instructions for putting on the device are simple. Ideally, a doctor should teach you this.

  1. Install the clamp so that the cutout is clearly under the baby's chin.
  2. The tire is fastened at the back (using Velcro).
  3. After putting it on, check that the fastener is installed correctly. The distance between the tire and the skin should be one centimeter.
  4. The length of time the child needs to wear the collar is determined by the doctor. This could be half an hour, a day or even a year.

The device should not interfere or cause discomfort. It is more correct to wear it after therapeutic exercises. In addition, do not forget to keep it clean. Before putting on the Shants collar, be sure to treat your child's skin.

If irritation, rash and redness appear, the retainer is removed and not put on until the symptoms disappear. Because of this, therapy may be delayed. But this rarely happens. As a rule, it is recommended to wear the product for no more than two months.

The orthopedic product can only be removed while swimming. After a course of therapy, you should not rush to remove the collar. Let your child wear it for several hours over two to three days. This way you will be able to consolidate the result.

You should not use homemade devices, as this will only harm the child and injure fragile vertebrae. In such devices it is almost impossible to calculate the force of impact, which can cause damage to the spinal cord.

Features of the device

The Shants bandage for infants is a kind of retainer. It relieves some stress from the cervical spine and allows it to quickly recover from various injuries, birth injuries, and so on. It is worth noting that you should definitely consult a doctor, since only a specialist can tell whether you need to wear this device or not. Moreover, it is necessary to choose the right size, otherwise there will be no sense in using it.


Despite choosing the right size, wearing this device can be a problem for children. Therefore, it is best to wear a soft bandage after a massage or therapeutic exercises. Moreover, in this case the effect will be more pronounced.

Often, parents cannot put on a collar themselves, since this requires experience and practice, so they turn to a doctor. It is worth saying that this is the best option, since the specialist knows what and how to do so as not to harm the little patient.

What is it needed for?

During childbirth, the baby may be injured. As already mentioned, the neck suffers most often. Therefore, wearing a bandage helps with various dysfunctions. It relieves some stress from the spine and neck, and helps improve blood circulation in the brain.

The bandage is prescribed for the following injuries, injuries and pathologies:

  • With torticollis.
  • To achieve a dry heat effect.
  • With slight neck extension.
  • With micromassage effect.

Indications for use

As a rule, the doctor prescribes a bandage immediately after the baby is born if there are any pathologies or abnormalities.

Wearing the device is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. For complications of the central nervous system.
  2. For movement disorders.
  3. For torticollis.
  4. For hyperexcitability.

Only the doctor chooses the device, because it is necessary to take into account the baby’s age, weight and size. Often the device is made to order, this makes it easier to take into account all the necessary factors. If the collar is chosen incorrectly, then not only will it not bring any benefit, but it will also significantly harm the baby. Therefore, you should not treat children yourself; this matter must be entrusted to specialists.


Wearing a collar, if necessary, has a fairly positive effect on the cervical spine and blood circulation in the brain. But there are still some contraindications to wearing it:

  • Skin diseases. It is especially worth noting that the baby should not have any damage under the collar, the skin must be clean and dry, otherwise dermatological problems may arise. Therefore, if you have such problems, wearing the structure is not recommended.
  • Instability of the cervical spine. This pathology occurs during rapid labor, when the baby’s umbilical cord is entangled, or during labor that is too long. Wearing a bandage in this case is prohibited.

Types of collars and their features

The purpose of a cervical splint is very clear - to relieve the load on a certain part of the newborn's spine and provide proper support during the healing process. There is a whole line of similar clamps, which differ only in the material of manufacture. At the same time, functionally there is practically no difference between them.

Types of neck splints

Soft tire

It is made of soft porous material, most often foam rubber. Externally, it is a flexible strip that has a notch in the chin area to ensure maximum wearing comfort. There are Velcro strips at both ends of the splint to ensure secure fixation.

Used to correct minor pathologies and neck traction in a newborn. The soft Shants collar helps limit head tilt, supports the neck, helps strengthen weakened vertebrae, and also prevents the development of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine.

In most cases, it is prescribed to patients in childhood, especially for the treatment of torticollis in newborns. Depending on the age and size of the child, the tire is selected purely individually.

Semi-rigid tire

There is no functional difference from the previous type. It performs the same functions, but differs in the material of manufacture. Its use is justified for more serious injuries and pathologies in the cervical spine. It limits not only tilting, but also turning of the head. However, in everyday wear it causes significant discomfort.

The semi-rigid retainer consists of a fairly dense material that provides a tight fit, but at the same time, is equipped with metal inserts. A similar Shants collar provides quite serious traction of the cervical vertebrae. Therefore, it can be used in both children and adults.

Hard tire

This design is used for serious lesions of the spine, as well as for fractures in the cervical spine. The rigid clamp very reliably fixes the neck in a stationary position. This requires very long daily wear.

The rigid collar is made of metal or durable plastic. This provides the necessary fixation, which in some cases is necessary for recovery. If the splint was applied correctly, it can facilitate a full recovery, even without surgery.

Contraindications for use

There are no special restrictions on the use of the Shants collar for infants. It is not recommended to wear a bandage only in case of damage to the skin on the neck (wounds, scratching, various allergies and eczema). The use of an orthosis in this case will lead to an exacerbation of the pathological condition.

If the baby does not feel very well in the bandage, shows anxiety, cries and is capricious, it is better to remove the device and contact a pediatric neurologist. Perhaps the size is incorrect or the child really cannot wear the collar. The doctor will decide what to do in this case.

Indications and contraindications

It is worth saying right away that This type of neck brace is contraindicated for healthy children, since its unnecessary use can lead to muscle atrophy. When a doctor prescribes this product, you must wear the collar without removing it.

Indications for purchasing a Shants tire:

  1. Inappropriate neck size.
  2. Excessive excitability of the nervous system.
  3. Curvature of the cervical vertebrae in newborns.
  4. Depression of the central nervous system.
  5. Impaired coordination.

If you do not prescribe wearing a collar to your child in time, this can lead to serious consequences, one of which is disturbance of blood flow in the cervical region. The first symptom of the disorder is restless sleep in the child and weak muscle tone. In turn, such changes lead to improper formation of the nervous system.

Even if it is necessary to wear a splint, sometimes this is impossible due to certain circumstances. These include:

  • There is peeling or irritation on the skin where the collar will be attached. It is also contraindicated in the presence of deep wounds, since air access is important for their healing.
  • Severe instability requiring complete immobilization of the neck.

The presence of the listed points is considered a reason to reduce the period of wearing the splint or completely abandon its use.

How to put on a Shants collar correctly and how long to wear it?

The neck brace for newborns is placed directly on a clean, dry neck or a soft cotton pad is used.

To do everything correctly, you can use the process description below:

  1. Place the splint on the baby's neck so that the notch is directly under the chin.
  2. Wrap the collar around your neck and secure it at the back with a clasp.
  3. Check the tightness of the orthosis.

How long should you wear a Shants collar? It all depends on the complexity of the case - for some, the doctor recommends not removing the orthosis for 4-5 hours in a row, while other children spend 24 hours a day in it. The specific period is determined only by the doctor.

Under no circumstances should you limit wearing a collar on your own. If the specialist has not prescribed anything else, the bandage is removed only for the duration of massage, bathing or hygienic treatment of the skin.

Is it possible to sleep in it?

Yes, you are allowed to sleep in Shants' collar. If a newborn is prescribed to wear a bandage around the clock, then it should be removed only when necessary. In addition, it is advisable for your baby to purchase an orthopedic pillow - it will help maintain the anatomically correct position of the vertebrae of the cervical segment during sleep.

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Cost of a bandage for newborns

The price of an orthopedic neck brace depends on the manufacturer’s brand, material and design complexity. The average cost of products in Russia as of the end of 2019 is shown in the table.

Shants collar price table

You should buy an orthosis for children under 1 year of age at an orthopedic store. Only a high-quality product can provide a decent therapeutic effect and will not harm the baby.

The Shants collar is an effective and safe device for the treatment of torticollis and birth injuries in newborns. The bandage is used only as prescribed by a doctor and is worn for the recommended period. You cannot remove it ahead of time or replace it with another model without the permission of a specialist.


Childbirth is a complex and unpredictable process. Even if no abnormalities were detected during pregnancy, the passage of the baby through the birth canal is sometimes accompanied by injuries. One of the most common is damage to the cervical spine. In addition to pain, this phenomenon threatens the baby with serious complications, including disability. To avoid this, an orthopedic doctor usually recommends using a Shants collar for newborns with congenital or acquired pathologies of the cervical vertebrae.

Terms of use

To properly put a collar on a child, you need to contact a specialist who will show you how this process is carried out and do it yourself for the first time. However, if this is not possible, then it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and observe the following rules for fixing the neck of a newborn with this instrument:

  • the baby’s chin must be strictly in a special recess on the front side of the collar;
  • the form's fixing Velcro should be located at the back;
  • The collar should not be pulled too tight. When fixed, a finger should fit freely between the collar and neck.

In each individual case, only the pediatrician determines how long the product should be worn. Usually the collar is put on the baby immediately after birth, after which the treatment process lasts about one month. In this case, depending on the pathology and its severity, the pad should be worn constantly or for several minutes at a certain time of the day. The greatest effectiveness of the method is achieved when the collar is put on the baby after a session of rehabilitation and therapeutic massage.

It is necessary to understand that there is no relationship between delayed development of the neck muscles and wearing a therapeutic collar. On the contrary, this remedy should not cause any discomfort in the child and in any way harm his current condition and development as a whole.

It is important to follow basic hygiene rules to prevent skin diseases or discomfort in your baby. To do this, you need to carefully ensure that no moisture gets under the pad, and that the skin of the neck under the collar is always clean

This applies to especially hot times of the year, when the child may sweat profusely.

Shants collar for small children, application features

During the delivery process, no one is immune from possible injuries: neither the expectant mother nor the baby himself. If during childbirth a newborn child receives any kind of spinal injury, the neonatologist may decide on the need to prescribe an orthopedic brace to the newborn baby - a Shants collar.

Indications for wearing an orthopedic collar in newborns are movement disorders, torticollis, short neck syndrome, depression of the function of the central nervous system, and hyperexcitability of the baby.

Torticollis is a direct indication for the use of the Shants collar in newborns

The Shants collar must strictly correspond to the age, weight and size of the baby, otherwise it can cause the development of severe complications in the cervical spine and spinal cord. That is why the appointment and selection of such a fixative should be handled exclusively by a competent doctor.

Neck collars for osteochondrosis are currently very effective devices that can significantly facilitate the pathological process.

They are used in various fields of medicine, including traumatology, orthopedics, rheumatology, surgery, neonatology and therapy. The demand for such devices is growing every day, since a cervical collar for cervical osteochondrosis can reduce the duration of the rehabilitation period after injuries, improve blood circulation and create reliable passive support for the cervical spine. In addition, the real price of the Shants cervical collar for osteochondrosis makes it accessible to patients with a wide range of income levels.

Contraindications and alternatives

The advantage of using a splint is that there are practically no contraindications to wearing a collar. Even after surgery on the cervical (and other parts) of the spine or after a stroke, patients are prescribed to wear a collar. However, there are several reasons that exclude the use of a head holder:

  1. Structural anomalies when the neck is either too short or too long.
  2. Severe vertebral instability. In this case, specialists make more radical decisions.
  3. Allergies, itching, rash and other skin reactions.

Patients often wonder what alternative options exist if there are contraindications. You can make a special order taking into account the individual characteristics of the person. Of course, this will affect the cost. In addition, medical equipment stores offer a number of analogues that may be suitable in case of allergies.

You can make a corset with your own hands if you need to relax your neck muscles.

You will need:

  • a small plastic jar;
  • natural hypoallergenic fabric;
  • Velcro fasteners (width - 1 cm, length - 5 cm).

How to make a homemade tire:

  1. Measure the height and circumference of your neck.
  2. Cut a rectangle from the fabric. The width should be 30 cm, the length should be 2 cm greater than the circumference.
  3. Fold the fabric inside. The width should vary from 10 to 12 cm.
  4. Cut a strip from the can. The width of the strip should be 2 cm less than the width of the fabric.
  5. Place the fabric on the side adjacent to the neck, then apply the plastic strip. The outer layer is Velcro that secures the tire. The edges of the plastic strip must be completely covered with cloth, otherwise there is a risk of cutting yourself.

Of course, such a remedy can only be a temporary measure in an emergency. If neck pain constantly bothers you, hurry up and see a specialist. Painful sensations can not only cause discomfort, but also indicate the initial stage of osteochondrosis and other insidious diseases.

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Types of bandages for newborns

The main criterion when prescribing a Shants collar to a newborn is the degree of fixation, which depends on the material and design features of the product. Today, orthopedic companies offer many children's orthoses with different levels of rigidity and indications for use.

Soft Shants collar for children

The most common type of bandage in pediatrics. It is an elastic foam splint covered with fabric with a recess for the chin and a strong clasp. It has a thickness of 2–3 cm.

Prescribed to premature and weak babies immediately after birth to correct minor changes in the cervical spine caused by difficult childbirth.

Elastic and soft Shants splint for newborns:

  • allows limited movement of the head without disturbing the position of the vertebrae;
  • corrects mild torticollis;
  • warms, relaxes muscles and relieves pain.

The foam collar is comfortable to wear, does not cause discomfort and does not interfere with the newborn’s exploration of the world. The baby gets used to the orthosis and stops noticing it.

Excellent soft bandages for children under 1 year of age are offered by Russian manufacturers. All of them are made of hypoallergenic material, have a convenient clasp and differ only in height: model ORTO TB-000 - 3.5 cm, ORTO TV-001 - 5 cm.

Shants collar for newborns of medium hardness

Photo from

For more serious injuries to the cervical spine - dislocations, cracks or small fractures, the baby requires fixation of medium rigidity. This can be provided by a Shants collar made of polyurethane foam with a plastic insert. This brace gives a stable position to the head and stretches the spine well.

St. Petersburg produces comfortable and inexpensive medical splints for newborns with medium fixation. The size of the device can be changed using a textile fastener; the height is selected according to the age of the baby.

In addition, on sale you can find a Shants collar model F-300 for moderate fixation of the cervical region, made of foam rubber. Thanks to its original design, the splint improves blood circulation in the affected area, relieves stress on the vertebrae and muscular system, and consolidates the results of manual correction.

The Shants collar of the German brand Orlett BN6-53 is recognized as the most convenient and effective of the medium-fixation bandages. Made from high-strength polyurethane, the orthosis helps to correct serious disorders after birth trauma, vacuum extraction, and rotational subluxation.

Shants collar for newborns with rigid fixation

Rigid structures for newborns are made of soft plastic or thermoplastic polyethylene foam. Collars have a submandibular notch and posterior support, and can be equipped with an opening for a tracheostomy.

An orthopedic bandage with strong fixation limits head movements, holds the cervical spine in a given position, and improves muscle tone. Used for torticollis, vertebral instability, scoliosis, after fractures or surgery.

During difficult births, the child is often born with injuries, and the cervical spine is most often affected. If a problem is detected, the neonatologist may advise putting a Shants collar on the newborn. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to know a few simple rules for choosing and wearing.

What is a Shants collar and why does a newborn need it?

The Shants collar is a splint made of soft foam rubber, covered with cotton fabric, with a recess for the chin in the center and Velcro at the ends, which act as a volume regulator for the orthopedic bandage. The device is prescribed for:

  • torticollis;
  • violation of motor functions of the neck;
  • short neck syndrome.

It is no less effective if the child experiences central nervous system depression caused by difficult pregnancy, childbirth, or when the baby is extremely active.

The collar is designed to fix the cervical vertebrae in a certain position. Wearing it helps:

  • unloading the muscles of the cervical spine;
  • improving blood flow to the brain;
  • correct neck position.

The Shants collar has the effect of dry heat and micromassage. With its help, you can slightly stretch the newborn’s neck.

Wearing an orthopedic device may be recommended not only during the newborn period, but also during the first 6 months of life, and sometimes even a year.

Torticollis in newborns - video

Tips for choosing a brace for the cervical spine

You should purchase a collar in a specialized store. Children's models are produced in different colors with different pictures. The product can be hard, semi-hard and soft, which you need to pay attention to when purchasing.

If the collar is not chosen to fit, then some problems with operation arise. It will not perform its function properly and may bunch up to one side or fit too tightly around the neck.

Collar sizes

Before purchasing a bandage, you need to determine the child’s parameters. To do this, measurements are taken of height (the distance from the chin to the collarbone) and neck circumference.

The Chance collar comes in different sizes depending on the age it is intended for. You can find three options for devices for children under one year:

  • neck girth 20–25 cm, height 3 cm;
  • neck girth 20–25 cm, height 4 cm;
  • neck girth 20–25 cm, height 5 cm.

The tire is selected individually for each child. The main parameter is its height. The neck circumference is adjustable with a Velcro fastener.

How to put on a device for a baby

After purchasing a product, the main question arises: how to put it on correctly? It is advisable to have a specialist do this for the first time. After observing him, you will be able to do this yourself in the future. Remember that the child's chin should be above the notch at the top of the collar.

To check the degree of fixation, you need to insert your finger between the neck and the splint. If you overtighten, the baby will not be able to breathe normally. But if, on the contrary, you put it on too loosely, you will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the device.

If you fix your baby’s neck incorrectly, he will not be able to lift and hold his head at 2 months.

In most cases, you do not need to wear a collar all the time, but several times a day. But in some situations, the baby must be with the device for the entire 24 hours, and then it is removed only for bathing time. All features of use and duration of treatment will be explained to you by the doctor who prescribed the splint.

Proper care of a neck splint

The collar must be clean so that the baby's skin is not exposed to harmful microorganisms. It must be washed by hand in cold water. Drying occurs unfolded, but not near the battery, so that it retains its shape. If these conditions are not met, the orthopedic product will become unusable.

An orthopedic neck collar for children can often be useful for prevention and treatment from birth. In children, the musculoskeletal system has a very fragile structure, and the most traumatic is the cervical region. In the article, we will look at the cases in which orthopedic neck accessories are used for children, get acquainted with their types, discuss how to choose, take measurements, find out what complications may arise during use, and get acquainted with the rules of wearing and care.

The cases of need to use orthoses are very diverse:

  • difficult childbirth (damage to the cervical spine);
  • increased excitability;
  • sprain, weakness and underdeveloped muscles (torticollis, Klippel-Feil syndrome - short neck);
  • congenital curvature of the vertebrae (scoliosis in the cervical spine);
  • sports injuries (somersaults, diving and much more);
  • household injuries with dislocations, subluxations, cracks, displacement of vertebrae as a result of an accident;
  • severe paralysis, paresis;
  • pathological processes (hernias);
  • postoperative period.

Indications for use:

  • fixing the correct position by limiting head movements;
  • reducing pressure on the vertebrae;
  • eliminating overstrain of muscles and ligaments, evenly distributing the load, relieving pain (for performing exercises);
  • normalization of full blood flow.

If the cervical spine is damaged, it is necessary to limit mobility in order to quickly restore the impaired functions of the spine and reduce the load on the muscles and vertebrae.

Types of collars and their properties

Orthopedic devices are hard and soft

Soft types

Soft or cervical collars are flexible, made of polyurethane foam, foam rubber, hypoallergenic, covered with soft fabric. There is a small notch made under the chin, which limits movement, prevents you from lowering your head too much and turning it to the side, and is secured with Velcro. Soft splints have a warming effect and a slight micro-massage.

Their main task is to evenly distribute the load in the cervical spine in order to relax, relieve tension and pain.

Convenient to use for long-term activities in a sitting position (lessons, computer, for adults during hard work, long trips while driving).
For injuries with muscle strain and minor displacement of the vertebrae.
Infants and infants are prescribed only mild types.

Hard types

Rigid structures made of thermoplastic polyethylene foam, made of soft plastic. They have submandibular and posterior supports for complete fixation of the cervical spine. Causes slight discomfort.

The main task is to fix the cervical spine in the correct position.

Used after cervical spine surgery,
after fractures, dislocations;
with torticollis, cervical scoliosis.

size table

Age Height in cm Length in cm
Premature (up to 28 days)2,7 28
Newborn (1 month)3,7 32
Infant (up to 1 year)4 33
Children's short5,5; 6,5; 7,5 36
Children's long5,5; 6,5; 7,5 42
Adult7,5; 9; 10; 11 53

Orthopedic neck collar for children, general recommendations

How to choose

The doctor recommends how to choose the right orthosis for a child, in accordance with individual sizes. Dimensions are determined by the length and girth of the neck.

How to make two measurements?

  1. Height: keep your head straight, measured from the collarbone to the chin.
  2. Volume: neck circumference.

To ensure that all the measurements are correct, we determine how the product “fits.”

  • In front, the upper edge touches the lower jaw, and the lower edge rests on the chest, resting on both collarbones;
  • At the back, the upper edge supports the base of the skull, the lower edge covers the seventh cervical vertebra.
  • The head looks straight, it cannot be tilted, tilted back, or turned to the sides.
  • It is tightened so that an adult’s finger fits between the neck and collar.

Taking into account all the points, only in this case the collar is chosen correctly.

How much to wear

Place on clean, dry skin, preferably after a light massage.

How long to wear the product during treatment is determined by indications only by the doctor.

Wearing rules

  • Rigid type structures are used from a few minutes to 24 hours in a row.
  • It is recommended to wear the Shants splint for three hours, followed by a half-hour or hour break.
  • The duration of wearing the product is gradually increased, in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.
  • As you recover, it is also reduced gradually.

My son suffered a cervical vertebra injury with nerve damage, he does not have the 7th cervical vertebra, a construction was installed. The doctor didn't start surgery until I had purchased a hard collar and had it on in the operating room.

For almost three months they were not allowed to take it off, then for two months they wore Shants’ soft collar, and gradually lost the habit. But this is our case, it is very complicated.

How to care

  1. Caring for orthopedic products is simple.
  2. Soft, hand wash with powder, rub dirty areas with a brush, do not wring out, dry flat, first wrap in a towel to remove moisture.

Wipe hard with soapy water, also use a brush.

  • To avoid complete muscle atrophy in a child, you should regularly do a light massage in the form of stroking and rubbing. Regular visits to the doctor are necessary to monitor the condition. Also, special gymnastics is recommended for the neck muscles to avoid atrophy.
  • When using for a long time, take care of your child’s delicate skin to avoid irritation and abrasions.
  • Wash the product and wipe the skin more often.

Even healthy children sometimes need to unload their muscles; an orthopedic orthosis will help with this.

Despite the fact that after an injury he is now in a wheelchair, he has not lost himself, translates songs and pleases his fans.

Listen to this awesome cover performed by my son.

I’ll end the article here, if the material was useful, leave a comment.

gastroguru 2017