The vernal equinox is a special day of the year. Conspiracies. Rituals. Traditions. Day of the vernal equinox - signs, ceremonies, rituals The spring equinox is the beginning of the solar

The day of the vernal equinox is an important event, not only in the astronomical, but also in the astrological sense. On this day, winter begins to lose to spring, becoming a thing of the past.

The spring equinox is considered the time when love energy flourishes, so psychics advise performing rituals to attract love during this short period. Starting from the day of the equinox, positive energy prevails over negative energy, so people fall in love more often and begin to see the world in bright colors.

The astronomical meaning of the spring equinox

There is a direct connection between the ratio of day and night and the seasons. When day is longer than night, the Sun warms the earth in one or another part of the planet more strongly. In the same part it warms up worse when the day is very short.

The fact is that the Earth is inclined in relation to the Sun, so when it moves around it, one certain place first turns towards the sun, and then hides, which is why the seasons change. Now the Earth is in an intermediate position, when the rays fall at a large, but not maximum, angle relative to the surface. On March 20, the Earth will reach a point in space when the strength of the Sun for the northern and southern hemispheres will be approximately the same.

Thus, the spring equinox is not a day in astronomical terms, but only a small moment that indicates that winter has come to an end. Since the Winter Solstice, the Earth has traveled exactly a quarter of the way around the Sun. Now the second quarter begins - the spring period. The day will now be longer than the night.

March 20 is the day of the equinox only conditionally. The transition from winter to spring by astronomical standards will occur at 13:28 minutes Moscow time. That is why on March 20, day and night will not be absolutely equal, but will be as close to each other as possible.

One of the features of the equinox in spring is its possible shift by one day. This does not mean that the Earth moves at different speeds - in fact, this event occurs every time with the same time interval, there is simply such a thing as a leap year. It happens that the spring equinox falls on March 21 or 19.

Spring equinox in astrology

As for the astrological vision of this date, it is worth noting that March 20 always marks the beginning of a new astrological year. It is on March 20 that the Sun moves into the Sign of Aries, from which the countdown of the Zodiac Signs begins. This is the main reason that all horoscopes begin with Aries.

March 20 is World Astrology Day, a professional holiday of all experts in this field. In some countries, the New Year begins on this day. The ancient Celts respected the day of the spring equinox. They celebrated the holiday of welcoming spring - it was called Ostara. This is the pagan equivalent of modern Easter.

Psychics call this day magical. Indeed, if you want to perform a ritual to attract love, money or good luck, then March 20, 2017 will be the ideal time for this. Positive energy will be off the charts, so you can still charge your amulets, talismans and amulets. On this day, any miracle is possible if you imagine it. Wait for happiness, then it will definitely appear.

Each of us lives with bright emotions, waiting for warmth in the flow of events. March 20 is the day of fulfillment of desires, the day of love. Learn to dream like children to attract luck into your life. Positive thoughts should always be present in your mind, so teach yourself to extract only the good from everything. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.03.2017 07:13

The famous clairvoyant Fatima Khadueva shared her knowledge in the field of Feng Shui. Her recommendations will help you choose the perfect...

The equinox is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. In both cases, the equinox is characterized by equal amounts of day and night. Since ancient times, the equinox has been considered a real holiday. In pagan times, Maslenitsa was timed to coincide with the equinox as a holiday of the Sun. There is also information that the spring equinox was the beginning of the New Year for the ancient Slavs.

Today, the equinox is hardly celebrated or celebrated. However, for many this event is considered very pleasant, since, starting from this day, the day becomes longer than the night. During the long winter, many are already tired of long nights, when they have to get up when it is still dark and come home from work when it is already dark. The lack of sunlight affects your emotional well-being, and when the day begins to noticeably gain momentum, it cannot but rejoice.

It is worth noting here that the day begins to increase from the winter solstice, which occurs in December, but the night is still longer than the day. Over the course of several months, the day becomes longer and longer until it reaches the spring equinox, when it becomes equal to the night. After this, the day becomes longer and longer with each new day, and the night becomes shorter. This lasts until the summer solstice, which occurs in June. After the summer solstice, the nights become longer and longer until the autumn equinox.

When is the spring equinox in 2017?

If you are just wondering when the equinox will arrive this year to celebrate or just know that the day has become longer than the night, then you should know that the wait is very short. There is already a noticeable increase in the length of the day, and on March 20, 2017, day and night will be equal. The exact date of the astronomical equinox in 2017 is March 20.

Probably many of you have heard about the day of the equinox, but not everyone knows what date it is, and even less so not many know what date the vernal equinox is in 2017, but this is a rather significant astronomical and geographical event for all of humanity.

In 2017, the vernal equinox is marked on the calendar on March 20 and falls on Monday. On this day, the Sun illuminates the Earth in such a way that both hemispheres of our planet receive the same amount of sunlight. That is why the length of the day becomes equal to the length of the night, and the event is called the “Day of the Vernal Equinox.”

Celebrating the equinox

Among pagan peoples, on this day it was customary to burn an effigy that symbolized winter (as on Maslenitsa - editor's note). For the Germanic peoples and Celts, this event symbolized the beginning of agricultural work and the meeting of the goddess of spring Ostara, who had to be pleased, for which various rituals were carried out.

The Slavs also performed various religious and magical rituals, so everyone had to know what date the spring equinox was. One of the most beloved traditions was the preparation of pancakes and pies, folk festivals and strength competitions.

But the main tradition of most peoples on this day was the call of spring. For this purpose, people baked or made birds (swallows, larks) from some materials, also painted eggs, and wove amulets from primroses.

Signs on the day of the spring equinox

Knowing what date the vernal equinox will occur in 2017, you can use special signs to find out, for example, the weather for the current year.

Signs of different nations:

  • It was noticed that the frost that struck on this day is a sign that forty more frosty days await people.
  • The Slavs believed that, having counted forty thawed patches, they would wait for a warm and happy spring, which would later bring them a rich harvest.
  • It was forbidden to keep bad thoughts in your head on such a day, otherwise your wish would not come true.
  • According to the ancients, a wish made on the day of the spring solstice will certainly come true.

Fortune telling on this day

Fortune telling, whenever it is relevant, has always caused a lot of excitement. And on this day, whether several hundred years ago or in our time, it remains relevant. There is a belief that on the night of March 19-20, precisely when the spring equinox arrives, prophetic dreams occur. Therefore, unmarried girls wondered about their future husband that night.

For fortune telling on this day, cards, keys, rings, bread crusts, pies and willow branches are used. All these items should be wrapped in a white scarf and placed under the pillow. The result of fortune telling is determined by what object you dream about that night:

  • ring - imminent wedding;
  • card of spades suit - trouble;
  • diamond card - enrichment;
  • club suit - moving;
  • key or bread is the key to success in any type of activity;
  • any type of plant is good news.

Due to the fact that the day of the vernal equinox was identified with the Maslenitsa holiday, pancakes were also used for fortune telling:

  • if a girl of marriageable age bakes her first pancake perfectly, she will probably get married this year;
  • A woman expecting her first child could find out the sex of her child by who was the first to take the pancakes she had prepared from the table: if a man was the first to eat, it would be a boy, but if a woman, they were expecting a girl.

If you consider the day of the spring equinox a holiday, then you can also tell fortunes and find out your future. If this day doesn’t play any special role for you, then now you just know what date it will come.

Rituals to attract money on the day of the spring equinox:

Water ritual:

This ritual must be done very carefully, because if you do something wrong, then you can go around the world.

So, for this ritual you need 200 grams of clean drinking water.

At 12 noon, place the water on the windowsill and whisper into it:

“Water-water, back and forth, bring it to me, don’t be in trouble. Water-water, here again, bring it to me, save me. Water-water, you’ll go there, and you’ll return to me whatever you find there.”

Then cross the glass four times, close your eyes and say to yourself:

Take a glass and drink half. Then put the glass back on the windowsill and repeat again:

"Money to me, shadow from me."

And drink your water.

That’s it, you don’t need to do anything else, the result of this ritual comes in 1 month. Big money is coming.

Making a talisman for wealth on the day of the spring equinox:

On the day of the vernal equinox, release its contents from the eggshell, then cover the egg with banknotes of any denomination. Bury the egg in front of the house or hide it in a flower pot. The talisman helps to attract money in the spring and summer.

Salt ritual:

A simple ritual for wealth that can only be done on the day of the spring equinox. You need to do it in the morning, when the sun has just risen, in order to turn luck and cash flows in your direction on the receding wave.

Take a pinch of salt and whisper into it:

“I eat salt, Arachnos-brother, I eat salt, in your honor, help, return to me what I want, what should be mine, but is still lost. Arachnos-brother, I ask you, you know, I will pay you with what is dear.”

And eat that pinch of salt. In six months you will become a rich man.

Protective spell on the day of the Spring Equinox:

Before sunrise, go outside, outside your home. If possible, then a city - a populated area.

Having gone out into an open area, stand facing the sunrise, as you appear, read the plot, with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms outstretched to the sides, as if absorbing its power.

Place your palms towards the rising sun. Absorb its warmth, its light with your whole being, with all your energy centers. Imagine that your entire body is filled with molten gold. You begin to glow yourself, golden light and warmth begin to emanate from you.

Everyone knows that at sunrise the sun is especially active.

“I will stand, the red fellow (maiden) (name), with my face to the east and my back to the west. I will ask the red fellow (maiden), from the red sun for protection and help. From my enemies, evil sorcerers and dashing people. From nasty misfortunes, damage and diseases sent. And the sun gave me protective rays, and with them the cherished words “Armor from the sun of fire, stand around me, armor from the sun of fire, stand around me, armor and sun of fire, stand around me.” The living force of abundance fills me. The living force of success fills me. The living power of love fills me. And so it will be from now on.”

Speak three times as soon as the first rays appear.

When completing the ritual, do not forget to thank the Sun and the Higher Powers. You can leave it where it was: honey, a crust of salted bread. With this gratitude (demand), thank for the given strength and protection.

If you can't go outside at all. Make houses near a window facing east, so that the sun can be seen. You can also light a red candle, and then take your gratitude outside and put it under any tree.

Conspiracy to make a wish come true:

To make a wish come true or plans come true, you can use a cheesecake, as the ancient Slavs did.

Before the spring equinox, bake a cheesecake, a symbol of well-being, and while preparing it, think about your desire or plans for the near future.

On the night of the spring equinox, light a candle and eat a small piece of cheesecake, repeating to yourself what you wished for. After this, try to forget about what you did and fall asleep peacefully.

Spell to attract money:

A conspiracy on the day of the spring equinox for an egg to get more money is carried out on March 20 or 21, in your own house or apartment.

Required items:

Chicken egg is white;


Church candle;


Wallet with money;

10 ruble banknote;


Flower pot;

Artificial flower or grass.

Sequence of actions during a conspiracy:

Use a needle to make holes in the egg at the top and bottom. Drain the whites separately, then the yolk.

1. Light a candle, cross the remaining intact shell three times, cross yourself three times, say the words:

"By God's help and by His grace."

2. Dipping a match into the yolk, write your name on the egg with the yolk. Each letter should be circled three times.

3. Blow on the hollow egg and extinguish the church candle.

4. Count the money in your wallet.

5. Then count all the money in the house.

6. If you have your money somewhere else, then remember and count it.

7. Write the resulting amount on a 100 ruble bill.

8. Mix the protein and flour so that you get a thin dough.

9. Coat the empty egg on which the name was written with the dough and glue one hundred rubles with the written amount of money around it. Try not to break the shell!

10. When you glue the bill, you should say the following words:


Mother of God teardrop

roll around, spin around,

Turn to the sun,

I conjure you on a long day,

The cry of a crane,


By the flying wind,

Fire and copper

Water and all kinds of food.

From this day on, the wealth of God’s servant (her name) would increase,

And the hardships, worries, worries, and sadness would go away.

Key, lock, tongue.Amen".

11. After the money has stuck well, place the egg in an empty flower pot and place it on the windowsill, closer to the sun.

In order not to attract the attention of strangers to an empty pot, place artificial flowers, grass, dry spikelets, etc. in it.

This spell on the day of the spring equinox for an egg for money must be done every year on the day of the spring equinox.

A used egg, or rather an empty shell, from a pot should be buried under a mistletoe bush.

So take care of the mistletoe bush in advance in your country house or near your house, in the yard.

Fortune telling on the day of the Spring Equinox:

Even in the old days, fortune-telling and spells using larks baked from dough were popular. The hostess selected some items in advance, wondered what exactly they meant in this fortune-telling, and then baked these items into larks. Whoever comes across something, that’s what awaits him. For example: a button in a lark meant that a new thing awaits you soon, a coin - quick wealth, a ring - marriage.

The heads from these larks were given to cattle to protect them from the evil eye and all sorts of diseases. And the torso from the larks was given to children so that they would grow up strong and healthy.

Their baked larks were also thrown into the sky. The more times you throw and catch your lark, the more health you will have this year.

Fortune telling on the day of the spring equinox:

Since this holiday is also considered magical, fortune telling on this day acquired special power. After all, many believed that the powers of good witches and evil ones were equalized. In addition, due to the fact that the predecessor of this holiday is Maslenitsa, many girls used similar fortune-telling. So, for example, on this day they also baked pancakes, and if the first pancake was not lumpy, then they believed that they would get married this year.

When a girl wanted to find out what gender her first child would be, she kept an eye on who would take the first pancake from the festive table. If a man, then you need to wait for a boy, and accordingly, if a woman, then a girl.

Many girls believed that this night they would have prophetic dreams. Before going to bed, many people usually told fortunes about their husband - they put two aces (of spades and diamonds), a ten of clubs, a key, a ring (not a wedding ring), a crust of bread, a willow branch and a piece of pie under the pillow. All items had to be wrapped in a white scarf. The next morning, the girls judged the future, depending on what they dreamed about:

If there is a ring, then there will be a wedding soon;

If any card is of spades suit, then it means trouble;

If the key, then to success in work;

If there is a pie or cake, then soon there will be good luck and joy;

If bread, then to success at work;

If any plant, then this is good unexpected news;

If the card is a diamond, then expect enrichment;

If it's a club card, then expect a move.


On this wonderful holiday, with sincere wishes of happiness, joy, and health! Unchangeable prosperity, an endless stream of abundance, long years of life full of joyful moments!

May every new day be full of tenderness and love, smiles and flowers and every moment gives only happiness and joy!

There are so many lonely people around who need our participation and mercy. And sometimes a tiny drop of goodness is enough to see someone’s happy smile.

May there never arise in our hearts a feeling of aggression, a desire to pick up a gun, to offend a stranger simply because someone spoiled our mood.

Give each other positivity and be happy!

Very soon an interesting and special day will come - the day of the vernal equinox and in 2017 it will be March 20 at 13:00. 28 min. by Moscow time. What is interesting about this day? The fact that the length of the day will be equal to the night. But the peculiarity of the day of the spring equinox is not only this - it is considered mystical and has acquired a number of signs, customs, rites and rituals, so do not miss this date - March 20, 2017.

On the day of the vernal equinox, the Sun crosses the equator and moves from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern. And it is for the Northern Hemisphere that this is the day of the vernal equinox - the astronomical beginning of the corresponding time of year - spring. And for the Southern Hemisphere, this is the day of the autumnal equinox, which will be for the Northern Hemisphere in September. Read about the features of the Autumn Equinox Day.

What March is the vernal equinox day

Most often, the vernal equinox occurs on March 20, as in 2017 and its previous years, but due to leap years, sometimes the date shifts and happens on March 21, and sometimes on March 19, but this happens quite rarely.

Holiday Spring Equinox

Spring - at all times and all peoples have treated and still treat this time of year as a time of rebirth, the beginning of a new life. From the day of the vernal equinox, the Slavs began to welcome spring and celebrated it as the holiday of Kamoeditsa. I have already told in the article how it was celebrated, why it became Maslenitsa and is celebrated at a different time, so if you are interested, read it.

Also in the old days it was believed that this was the day of the return of birds and in the villages they baked dough products in the shape of birds - larks.

Children put baked birds on poles and ran around the field shouting different words:

“You are larks, larks, come to us, bring us a red summer, a warm spring.”

“Larks, fly in, take away the cold winter, bring the warmth of spring: we are tired of winter, we have eaten all our bread!”

With this cheerful ritual they attracted birds, and with them spring.

Having run around, the children brought the larks home; they could be eaten, but they did not eat the heads of the birds; they were hung on tree branches or fed to livestock.

Larks were also used for fortune telling - housewives baked various small objects with a certain meaning in the birds, and if, for example, they got a lark with a coin, then it meant wealth, and if it had a ring, it meant marriage.

They also made martinichkas for this day - small ritual rag dolls that were worn on clothes and hung on trees.

Martinichki were made from white (winter color) and red (summer color) threads and connected them with a rope. These dolls symbolized the expectation and arrival of Spring, as well as respect for Winter, because without it the onset of Spring is impossible.

Another symbol of the Equinox Day was the egg, which symbolizes the rebirth of new life and fertility. The eggs were painted in the form of colored stripes, and the Sun and Earth were also drawn on them. The Slavs always celebrated this day cheerfully and various rituals performed during the holiday were aimed at the fertility of the earth and well-being.

Day of the vernal equinox signs and rituals

People have long endowed the day of the vernal equinox with special magical properties, and many different signs, beliefs, rites and rituals are associated with this day.

On the Day of the Vernal Equinox there is another holiday - International Astrology Day and on this day a new astrological year begins and this also makes this date, March 20, quite significant and interesting.

  • This is a day of signs and symbols, so be aware of what is happening, it may be a useful clue for the future. It is worth paying close attention to what you dream that night; dreams are considered prophetic.
  • If you have talismans and amulets, then on this day you can charge them; psychics and clairvoyants always do this on March 20th.
  • It is believed that the day of the spring equinox changes a person’s energy, filling it with strength. Any message on March 20 has enormous power, so keep your words and thoughts under control, think about pleasant, positive, good things. But it’s better to get rid of bad thoughts, they can bring you trouble.
  • You can make wishes, there is a chance that they will come true. Spring is the time of sowing, so direct your thoughts to what you would like to realize, make plans, it is advisable to write them down, they say that at this time even what you think is impossible gets the right to life.
  • On the day of the spring equinox, you can get rid of the evil eye, curses, and remove all kinds of negative attitudes.
  • This day is considered a day of cleansing the soul and body, so it is very important to let go of all the bad things from the past, free yourself from grievances and fears.

Start by cleaning the premises - your home, your workplace, and while cleaning, imagine that you are getting rid of everything negative that is in your life. Then you need to ventilate well, you can spray the room with water and aromatic herbs from a spray bottle. After cleaning, take a shower; it’s very good to immediately perform some kind of ritual or meditation to fulfill your desires.

Now you can begin the cleansing ritual.

  • Take a blank piece of paper and write on it everything you would like to get rid of and burn it.
  • You can go further for a deeper cleansing. A week before the Vernal Equinox, take a piece of paper and write on it the grievances and troubles that you have caused to someone and try to correct your mistakes before March 20, if possible. On the day of the spring equinox, make a list of what you managed to fix and burn it too.

These cleansing rituals will help you free yourself from the burden of grievances and regrets, receive forgiveness and free your energy from the negative, freeing up space for a good and bright future.

There is not much time left until March 20 - the Spring Equinox 2017, and even if you do not use the rituals of this day, remember that the most important thing is to live this day in a good mood, with a good attitude and pure thoughts.

Live with love and be happy!

P.S. I forgot to say that there is a folk sign - what the weather is like on the day of the spring equinox, it will be like this for 40 days in a row. I really want it to be warm on March 20th.

Watch the video to see how other nations celebrate the Vernal Equinox.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

gastroguru 2017