Early miscarriage signs, symptoms, sensations. How to understand that a miscarriage has occurred - signs of pathology. Abnormal embryo development

One of the greatest and long-awaited joys for a woman is, of course, the joy of motherhood. Having learned about her pregnancy (according to the results of a test or confirmation from a doctor), a woman already casually looks at the display cases with children's things and toys, plans how and where she will give birth, comes up with a name for the future baby, etc. True, no one around has yet notices that you are pregnant, since the baby inside you is very tiny and is just beginning its difficult path of development and growth.

Unfortunately, your happiness may be darkened ‒ medical statistics states that a quarter of early pregnancies end in miscarriage. At this time, a woman may not yet be aware of the changes in her body. Then it is a little easier for her to cope with the pain of loss.

How to avoid early miscarriage? To do this, expectant mothers need to know what can trigger a miscarriage, what symptoms and signs it is accompanied by, how to prevent them and whether they can be avoided.

This problem in medicine is considered quite serious, because it is encountered often, and in most cases the process is almost impossible to stop. If a miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs at the very beginning, then the woman may not even understand what happened.

Without realizing her situation, the woman simply thinks that the menstrual cycle has gone wrong or there has been a delay (usually a week or two). Then some feel minor abdominal pain, and menstruation begins, which, however, can be much heavier than usual. Not all women deal with this, but only those who are frightened by the release of a blood clot, similar to a burst bubble.

Nevertheless, it's worth going to the doctor, even if nothing else bothers you. They will do an examination to understand whether it was indeed an early miscarriage, and will also check whether additional cleaning is needed after this.

If a woman knows about her pregnancy, then she needs to be very attentive to any manifestations of pain or discomfort in the abdomen and back. The slightest spotting with an admixture of blood or tissue clots is already dangerous. Sometimes pregnancy can still be maintained, so you should contact your doctor immediately.

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs before 12 weeks, which is classified as an early miscarriage. If it happens before 22 weeks, it will be too late. Unfortunately, this also happens for a number of reasons. Then doctors define this threat as premature birth, and with prompt and timely intervention they can save the premature baby.

Causes of threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy

Why does early miscarriage occur? Sometimes a woman faces this problem several times in a row. Doctors call this recurrent miscarriage.

The cause of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is very difficult to determine; this will require a comprehensive detailed examination, many different tests and appropriate treatment.

But it may also happen that even this will not help, that is, the termination of pregnancy will be influenced by factors that simply cannot be predicted or prevented.

The main reasons that cause or provoke miscarriage include a number of socio-biological and medical factors. The first group is purely personal and subjective reasons:

  • unfavourable conditions(place of work in hazardous production, radiation, exposure to environmental toxins, difficult psycho-emotional background and microclimate in the family, etc.);
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle and bad habits (if you are, then you should quit smoking, don’t drink alcohol, give up strict diets, excessive coffee consumption, adjust your diet and daily routine);
  • woman's age is also often one of the causes of miscarriage;
  • stressful situations, nervous shocks or strong emotions are a serious threat to a little life. A woman should protect herself from all this, but under no circumstances take sedatives, so as not to harm the baby even more. It is better to consult a doctor to find the right way out if stress cannot be avoided;
  • do not ignore the danger that all kinds of physical exercise. Avoid heavy physical work and do not lift heavy objects (even bags with groceries that weigh more than 5 kg are taboo for you). You will also have to approach sports with caution. Some types, especially extreme ones, cannot be combined with pregnancy. Be careful with hot baths, baths or saunas;
  • if it happened to you accident(unforeseen emergency, car accident, etc.) so you are seriously injured or injured, your body may not be able to cope with maintaining the pregnancy. Even a minor fall due to negligence (uncomfortable shoes, ice, etc.) is dangerous.

Medical reasons or women's health problems

  1. Doctors say that early miscarriage is most often caused by genetic disorders or abnormalities in the fetus. A woman may suffer from a hereditary form of the pathology, although there are also isolated mutations that lead to the death of the embryo. This is influenced by a whole range of different factors: radiation, viruses, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc. It is no longer possible to control or stop this process. Thus, nature itself produces a kind of control, saving you from non-viable offspring. However, doctors recommend that couples who want to conceive a healthy child seek advice from a geneticist, and also carefully prepare for the upcoming pregnancy.
  2. Very often, the cause of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is hormonal disorders in a woman's body. If you detect the problem in time and seek help from a doctor, this threat can be eliminated. The most common complaints are about a shortage, although there are also cases of increased levels of male hormones. Problems with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, which prevent the organs from functioning correctly and fully, also cause miscarriages. Usually in such cases, hormonal therapy or appropriate treatment is prescribed. It is better to check the condition of your body before pregnancy.
  3. Any pathology of the immune system threatens termination of pregnancy. The most common manifestation is a complication in the form of Rh conflict. This means that your body is fighting an embryo that is foreign to it and rejecting it, because its blood Rh factor is negative, and the one taken from the father is positive. If this possibility exists, doctors recommend prophylaxis with immunomodulators.
  4. Very dangerous for any kind of pregnancy infections. This includes all sexually transmitted diseases: herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis and others. Due to the fact that the membranes are affected by viruses and pathogenic bacteria, the fetus itself can be infected, which leads to miscarriage.
  5. Also a serious risk for the baby are inflammatory diseases internal organs and even general infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, rubella, influenza or sore throat with complications and fever, pneumonia and others. When planning a pregnancy, pay close attention to your health in order to identify and eliminate any possible dangers.
  6. It is worth calling a huge stress for the female body abortion. If previous pregnancies were interrupted artificially, then there is a huge risk of complications that lead to miscarriage or even secondary infertility. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have had an abortion before.
  7. The first trimester of pregnancy practically excludes the intake of any medicines, medications and even herbs. All this often poses a great threat to the life of the fetus and affects its development. Never self-medicate, because even simple parsley in the form of a seasoning can lead to. Always consult your gynecologist and read the instructions carefully.

They also cause miscarriage individual characteristics of the body women. So, if she suffers from congenital anomalies of the structure of the uterus, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, oncological diseases of the genital organs or other pathologies, then often the pregnancy simply cannot be maintained.

Threat of miscarriage in the early stages: signs and symptoms

How to recognize an early miscarriage and what are the symptoms?

There are several main stages of spontaneous abortion, since it does not happen all at once. Each of these stages is characterized by its own symptoms due to the threat of miscarriage in the early stages, and sometimes this can be stopped or prevented, if you seek treatment from a doctor in time.

So, the first signs of early miscarriage that should alert you any manifestations of pain or pain in the back and abdominal area, which is accompanied by brown or red discharge. Sound the alarm even if a few drops of blood appear from the vagina, because this may already indicate an early miscarriage. Also pay attention to your condition: have the main signs of pregnancy disappeared?

Don't miss it scheduled visits to the doctor, passing mandatory tests or necessary examinations. This way you can rule out any pathologies in the development of your baby and be confident that the pregnancy is going well.

Main stages of miscarriage

  1. Threat or risk spontaneous abortion. This condition happens very often, which is why some women are forced to remain in bed for almost the entire 9 months. It is characterized by the above-mentioned cramping pains and bleeding, sometimes even very copious ones. You can also note increased uterine tone.
  2. The second stage is more serious - it is classified as incipient miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. The fertilized egg has already partially detached from the walls of the uterus, so the symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages will be pronounced. But doctors still consider this stage to be reversible, that is, with prompt and qualified intervention, they can save your child’s life.
  3. With the so-called "miscarriage in progress" The pregnancy cannot be saved. At this stage, the woman feels severe and sharp pain, and heavy bleeding occurs almost immediately. The fertilized egg has already died, and the cervix is ​​open, so it can come out all at once or in parts, which will be considered an incomplete miscarriage.
  4. The last stage is completed spontaneous abortion. The uterus, having expelled the dead fertilized egg, contracts and returns to its previous size.

Treatment and consequences after miscarriage in early pregnancy

What to do after a miscarriage in early pregnancy? If it did happen that the pregnancy could not be maintained and you lost the child, then you need to undergo therapy, which is mandatory after a miscarriage. The doctor should send you to body examination to determine the reason that caused the miscarriage (if this has not been done previously).

You definitely need to check whether the fertilized egg has completely left the walls of the uterus, since if the abortion is incomplete or not completed, you will need curettage. There will also be antibiotics were prescribed, which will help cope with a possible infection, and hormonal contraceptives. This stabilizes your hormonal levels.

In addition to the physical stress on the body, miscarriage is very serious psychological and emotional test for any woman. The pain of loss can develop into severe, protracted depression, especially if the pregnancy was long-awaited and desired. Don’t isolate yourself during this difficult time, try to trust your spouse, parents, and loved ones so that they will support you and help you get through the grief. Allow yourself to be sad and cry, you can even seek help from a psychologist if you are unable to cope with your feelings.

You should not be afraid of the same failures in the future and despair. Just be more responsible about your next one early on. Remember that the body is still restoration required, so don’t rush to become a mother again for at least six months. During this time, you can get rid of existing problems, drink alcohol, and undergo complex therapy prescribed by the doctor.

It is also very important to have the right psychological attitude and only positive thoughts that everything will be fine with you, and after a certain period of time you will hold your long-awaited baby in your arms.

If you find out that you are carrying a small life inside you, then you need to minimize as much as possible the potential risks that could lead to miscarriages. Follow simple rules: adjust your diet, give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, don’t overwork, be extremely careful, avoid stress and nervous shock.

Be sure to stand on registration in antenatal clinic. The doctor will help identify diseases or problems that you did not even know about, but that may pose a threat to your baby. Timely treatment or prevention will help prevent the threat of miscarriage. Follow all the recommendations your gynecologist gives you.

At the slightest sign of danger go to the hospital immediately. In most cases, pregnancy can still be maintained. If you have experienced the loss of a child, do not despair and do not be alone with your pain.

Video about miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy

We invite you to watch one of the episodes of the pregnancy video guide, where they will tell you about such a problem as miscarriage, what could be the cause and how to cope with the loss.

Please share in the comments, have you encountered a similar problem: what helped you prevent the threat, what symptoms and signs were it accompanied by, did you prepare for conception in advance, what kind of therapy did you undergo?

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, which is accompanied by premature birth of the fetus. This phenomenon most often occurs before the 20th week.

Classification of miscarriages

Pregnancy is a trembling time full of pleasant expectations. But sometimes it happens that this state is interrupted. How to determine early miscarriage? What are its causes and how to prevent it? Many expectant mothers ask these questions. To prevent complications and unpleasant consequences, you need to know the answer to them.

The following types of miscarriages are distinguished:

  • a threat characterized by bleeding and uterine contractions. In most cases, such spontaneous abortion can be stopped, and the pregnancy continues;
  • an abortion that has begun is characterized by profuse bleeding and cramping pain. It is not possible to maintain pregnancy in this condition;
  • incomplete abortion occurs in cases of partial fetal rejection;
  • a complete abortion is carried out with complete rejection of the fetus, in which the uterus contracts and bleeding completely stops;
  • An ordinary miscarriage is a situation in which a woman has an arbitrary termination of pregnancy with rejection of the fetus for the third time in a row.

Septic miscarriage

This type of spontaneous abortion occurs as a result of infection of the contents of the uterus.

How to identify a septic miscarriage? The symptoms of this condition cannot be confused with anything else. Vaginal discharge acquires an unpleasant odor, bleeding appears, the woman experiences a fever and pain in the lower abdomen. You cannot delay calling an ambulance in case of a septic miscarriage.

What causes miscarriage?

Miscarriage occurs in 1 in 6 pregnant women, and most often in the early stages. Experts identify the following most common causes of spontaneous abortion:

  1. Anomalies of fetal development.
  2. Diseases of the mother's immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, and excretory systems.
  3. Bad habits.
  4. Rough sexual intercourse.
  5. Wrong lifestyle.
  6. Viral or bacterial infection. It penetrates the membrane and affects the fetus.
  7. Nervous disorders and quarrels;
  8. Overweight or underweight mother.
  9. Excessive exercise and too active sports.
  10. Hormonal disorder.
  11. Abortion. Previous abortions can lead to both miscarriage and infertility.
  12. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  13. Toxic effects on the body (harmful production, poor environment);
  14. Rh conflict, as a result of a discrepancy between the Rh factor of the child and the mother.
  15. An accident in which the body primarily fights for the life of a woman.
  16. Age over 35 years (the optimal age for bearing a child is considered to be 20-35 years old) or a recent IVF procedure.
  17. Eating herbs with abortifacient properties (tansy, thyme, parsley).
  18. Uterine abnormalities.
  19. Some medications.

Most spontaneous abortions occur in the early stages, when the woman is not even aware that pregnancy has begun. In this case, the fertilized egg is excreted from the body along with menstruation.

Future parents must take a responsible approach to the process of preparing for childbirth, change their lifestyle and treat all existing diseases.

Symptoms of the onset of a miscarriage

If symptoms of spontaneous abortion are detected, a woman should immediately seek medical help. The following may indicate a spontaneous abortion:

  • unexplained and sudden weight loss;
  • disappearance of pregnancy symptoms (breast swelling, toxicosis, drowsiness);
  • false contractions;
  • real contractions, accompanied by severe pain and frequency;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • red, brownish or dark brown discharge;
  • increased bleeding with clots, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region;
  • any unusual vaginal discharge.

The most basic signs that help determine an incipient miscarriage are pain and bleeding. When there is a threat, discharge may not be red, but brown. But this factor should not confuse the expectant mother and force her to seek help from a doctor.

An increase in uterine tone is also a sign of an imminent abortion, but only in cases where it is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. You can avoid such a combination of circumstances by refusing to lift weights and exercise.

With a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, a complete miscarriage does not always occur, so contacting a doctor with the described symptoms is mandatory.

Early miscarriage

How to identify an early miscarriage and not confuse its symptoms with the usual pregnancy symptoms? It’s very simple: you need to try to know the exact symptoms.

Rejection of the fertilized egg can occur in the early stages of pregnancy without, at first glance, any reasons. However, quite often it happens that fetal rejection occurs after several weeks have passed from the moment the development of the embryo stops. The reasons for this may be:

  • incorrect implantation of the embryo to the uterine wall;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • chromosomal mutations;
  • pathology of the uterus;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • mechanical damage to the fetal bladder due to impact;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • previous spontaneous abortions.

A miscarriage can be clearly determined in the early stages by the occurrence of cramps, bleeding and blood clots in the discharge. If in the discharge there is a piece of tissue similar to a burst bubble, then it can be argued that a miscarriage has already occurred.

When does a miscarriage occur?

Most often, miscarriage occurs in the early stages of pregnancy (2-3 weeks). The woman does not even suspect that it happened. It is almost impossible to determine an early miscarriage on your own; it resembles normal menstruation and is accompanied by the same symptoms (pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding).

Much less often, miscarriage occurs from 3 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. And if spontaneous rejection of the fetus occurs after the 20th week, then this phenomenon is called stillbirth.

How to determine a miscarriage?

In order not to get confused during a spontaneous abortion and thereby not cause complications, you need to remember that:

  • a miscarriage does not occur instantly, but lasts several hours or days;
  • at the stage of threat of miscarriage, a woman should consult a doctor with bloody discharge or pain in the lower abdomen, then the pregnancy can still be maintained;
  • It will no longer be possible to stop the inevitable abortion, but you can call an ambulance.

How to determine what is happening - a miscarriage or menstruation? If a woman is not yet aware of her interesting situation, but is waiting for the imminent arrival of menstruation, then the first alarm bell should be a delay. When the arrival of menstruation has shifted by several days, and after the start, blood clots are observed in the discharge, this indicates an early miscarriage. Delaying an appointment with a doctor can be dangerous to a woman's health.

The doctor will be able to determine if a miscarriage has occurred by conducting an ultrasound scan, listening to the fetal heart rate, and taking a test to determine the level of hCG in the blood.

If there are pieces of tissue in the bloody discharge of a pregnant woman, it is advisable to put them in a sterile container and take them to the doctor, this will help the doctor determine a possible miscarriage and prevent the development of complications.

If an incomplete abortion occurs, then medication or mechanical cleansing may be prescribed to free the uterine cavity.

When the threat of fetal rejection is associated with loose closure of the cervix, special rings are installed on it. Shortly before the baby is born, the doctor will have to remove them.

Treatment after miscarriage is determined

If a threat of miscarriage is detected early or later, the doctor recommends that the patient maintain bed rest, sexual rest and try to move less. At this time, a woman should try to avoid stressful situations and be less nervous in order to maintain her pregnancy. If the patient is too impressionable and emotional, then she is prescribed medications that calm the nervous system (valerian or motherwort).

The next stage of treatment should be getting rid of the cause of the miscarriage. Hormonal drugs (Duphaston, Utrozhestan) or even surgical intervention can be used.

But doctors consider a positive attitude to be one of the factors contributing to the body’s speedy recovery. Thanks to him, it is possible not only to save the pregnancy, but to facilitate the birth process.


To minimize the risk of miscarriage, you must follow these rules:

  • you need to completely give up bad habits during pregnancy and 3 months before conception;
  • It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and proper nutrition;
  • you need to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist; do not postpone a visit to the doctor if you have any suspicious symptoms;
  • You should reduce physical activity and think about the health of the baby during pregnancy, and not about sports achievements.

The correct attitude towards your body before and during pregnancy provides an almost complete guarantee of the birth of a healthy baby. Therefore, it is so important to follow all the above rules and plan a pregnancy with your partner.

The threat of miscarriage can only be determined by knowing all the possible symptoms and causes of its occurrence. And we also must not forget about regular visits to the gynecologist and other preventive measures.

Spontaneous abortion in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is a sudden termination of pregnancy, which is accompanied by pain and bleeding. In many cases, the condition threatens the woman’s life, so timely treatment is necessary.

Frequency of occurrence

Early spontaneous miscarriage occurs in 10-25% of all diagnosed pregnancies. Sometimes a woman does not even know about her condition, or her pregnancy was recently diagnosed. According to some data, up to 75% of pregnancies end in early termination, and the disease proceeds unrecognized, accompanied by discharge of the mucous membrane during the next menstruation. To prevent spontaneous abortion, it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy, plan it, examine the reproductive system of the woman and her partner in advance, and treat existing diseases.

The likelihood of pathology increases with each subsequent such case. After the first miscarriage - by 15%, and after two - by 30%. This is especially true for women who have never given birth to a healthy child. Severe consequences, especially the risk of pregnancy loss after three consecutive miscarriages is up to 45%, so examination and treatment are extremely necessary after the second episode.

The largest number of interruptions occurs in the first 12-13 weeks of gestation.


The answer to the question of why spontaneous abortion occurs sometimes remains unclear. It is believed that half of the cases are associated with genetic mutations leading to non-viability of the fetus.

Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy:

  • genetic anomalies that are inherited or occur spontaneously (aneuploidies, trisomies, monosomies, in particular Turner syndrome, tri- and tetraploidies, parental chromosomal abnormalities) - 50% of cases;
  • immune processes (antiphospholipid syndrome) - 20% of cases, although this pathology more often causes miscarriage later in pregnancy;
  • developmental anomalies (septum) or tumors (benign - leiomyoma, polyp - or malignant) or;
  • unfavorable external factors (exposure to ionizing radiation, paint fumes, gasoline, chemicals at work and at home) – up to 10% of cases;
  • endocrine diseases: poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroiditis, luteal phase deficiency of the follicle;
  • hematological disorders causing microthrombosis in the chorionic vessels (dysfibrinogenemia, factor XIII deficiency, congenital hypofibrinogenemia, afibrinogenemia, sickle cell anemia);
  • maternal diseases - Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, homocystinuria, elastic pseudoxanthoma.

In most cases, this is a combination of several reasons.

What can cause a miscarriage:

  • sexually transmitted infections (quite rarely lead to termination of pregnancy);
  • mechanical factor - (more often causes miscarriage in the 2nd trimester);
  • acute infections;
  • chronic kidney or cardiovascular diseases in the mother;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol, caffeine or drugs;
  • stress, as well as heavy physical activity.

All these conditions can lead to the death of the fertilized egg and its expulsion from the uterus. Sometimes a viable embryo is also removed due to increased contractions of the myometrium.

Early miscarriage after IVF is often caused by a missed abortion and subsequent rejection of a non-viable embryo. At the same time, the frequency of spontaneous abortions reaches 30%, and if a woman is over 40 years old, the pathology develops even more often.

The frequency of spontaneous abortion depends on the woman’s age:

  • patients under 35 years of age have a 15% risk;
  • 35-45 years – from 20 to 35%;
  • over 45% years old – 50%.

There are diseases that in all cases end in spontaneous termination of pregnancy:

  1. . The embryo is not implanted in the wall of the uterus, but in the tube, cervix or abdominal cavity. The result is painful cramping and bleeding, similar to the symptoms of a miscarriage. However, more serious complications are possible, in particular, rupture of the fallopian tube. Therefore, in case of bloody discharge from the vagina, in any case, you should consult a gynecologist.
  2. Molar pregnancy. If the egg has chromosomal abnormalities, after fertilization it can be implanted into the endometrial wall. Despite the fact that a full-fledged fetus does not develop, the woman’s hormone levels increase, and early signs of pregnancy may occur. This condition always ends in miscarriage.


The disease begins against the background of signs of a normal pregnancy. Possible nausea, perversion of taste, increased sense of smell. Noted.

Against this background, in the early stages of gestation, signs of miscarriage suddenly appear:

  • intense cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding from the vagina of varying severity - from spotting in the early stages to intense blood loss during an abortion in progress.

Vaginal bleeding occurs in 25% of cases of spontaneous miscarriage. Such selections do not always mean that an interruption has begun.

Pain in the lower abdomen can occur during egg implantation, but during a miscarriage they have a different character - constant, aching, exhausting the woman. Their intensity is stronger than during normal menstruation. A common sign of an ongoing abortion is pain in the lower back.

Depending on the location of the ovum, the following stages of the pathological condition are distinguished:

  • incipient miscarriage;
  • abortion is “on the move”;
  • incomplete miscarriage;
  • complete abortion.

The patient's condition is often satisfactory, but can reach a more severe degree. There is pallor of the skin and an accelerated heartbeat. The abdomen is soft on palpation, painful in the lower parts. With significant blood loss, symptoms of miscarriage include dizziness, low blood pressure, weakness, and fainting.

Once an abortion has begun, it is no longer possible to stop this process. Therefore, at the initial signs of a threat of miscarriage, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.


Spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is diagnosed primarily according to gynecological examination.

When an abortion begins, the embryo and its membranes partially peel off from the uterine wall. Bloody discharge occurs, the uterus begins to contract, which causes abdominal pain. The throat is slightly open, the neck is shortened.

During an abortion, the embryo is completely separated from the endometrium and is located behind the internal opening of the cervical canal or already in its lumen. Characterized by intense bleeding and severe abdominal pain. The neck is open and allows a finger to pass through.

How does early miscarriage occur?

With an incomplete abortion, the embryo is no longer in the uterine cavity, so the cramping pain and bleeding weaken. However, part of the chorion and decidua remains in the uterus. The cervix gradually acquires normal elasticity, the pharynx remains slightly open.

After expulsion of all parts of the fetus, they speak of a complete abortion. This condition is rare. After cleansing the uterine cavity, it contracts, acquires a normal shape and size, bleeding and pain stop.

What does an early miscarriage look like?

This is a bloody clot of tissue, consisting of membranes and the fertilized egg itself. Sometimes such an abortion resembles painful periods with the release of large fragments of the endometrium, for example, with. It would be good if such a fragment could be preserved. Sometimes there is a need for further laboratory testing.


As a result of spontaneous abortion in the early stages, the following adverse consequences may occur:

  1. Posthemorrhagic anemia, caused by blood loss and manifested by constant weakness, pallor, dizziness.
  2. , which occurs when infectious pathogens enter the inner surface of the uterus and is accompanied by high fever, abdominal pain, vaginal discharge, and deterioration in general condition.
  3. A placental polyp is a remnant of fertilized egg tissue that is insufficiently surgically treated and can cause severe bleeding.


If a pathological condition is suspected, a gynecological examination is performed and blood tests are prescribed. There is a slight decrease in the level of hemoglobin and hematocrit, a slight increase in the number of leukocytes and ESR.

To reliably determine an early miscarriage, transvaginal ultrasound is used. It is used to determine:

  • fertilized egg, embryo;
  • localization of the chorion;
  • embryonic heartbeat;
  • chorionic detachment;
  • signs of blood accumulation between the chorion and the uterine wall.

Transvaginal ultrasound examination

HCG levels decrease rapidly after an early miscarriage. After a few days, a short-term increase is possible, but after a month the amount of this substance in the blood becomes normal. By the increased amount of hCG in the blood in the absence of a fertilized egg in the woman’s genital tract, a terminated pregnancy can be retrospectively recognized.

Differential diagnosis is necessary with a polyp of the cervical canal and a nascent polyp.

Additional studies needed to find out the exact causes of miscarriage:

  1. Analysis of the chromosome set of parents, family history of genetic abnormalities, chromosomal material of abortion in case of recurrent miscarriage.
  2. Determination of signs of antiphospholipid syndrome with analysis of anticardiolipin antibodies, lupus anticoagulant and antibodies to beta-2-glycoprotein.
  3. Imaging methods for diagnosing uterine anomalies: , sonohysterography, .

The diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome, accompanied by recurrent miscarriages, is made if at least one clinical and one laboratory criterion is present.

Clinical criteria:

  • thrombosis of blood vessels (arteries or veins);
  • 3 or more consecutive unexplained miscarriages;
  • 1 or more cases of unexplained fetal death after the 10th week of pregnancy;
  • 1 or more cases of premature birth (before the 34th week) associated with severe preeclampsia or placental insufficiency.

Laboratory criteria:

  • anticardiolipin antibodies: IgG and/or IgM detected in medium or high titer at least twice within 6 weeks;
  • prolonged phospholipid-dependent coagulation time in screening tests;
  • inability to normalize coagulation tests using platelet-deprived plasma;
  • normalization of coagulation with the addition of phospholipids;
  • exclusion of other coagulation disorders.


The goal of treatment is to remove embryo remnants from the uterus and stop bleeding. Therefore, treatment after early miscarriage is complex and includes medications and surgery.

Is cleaning necessary after a miscarriage?

Curettage of the walls of the uterus is carried out in all cases of the disease, except for complete abortion, which happens extremely rarely.

Drug therapy

At any stage of spontaneous abortion, medications are prescribed that contract the uterus and stop bleeding, as well as antibiotics and antifungal drugs:

  • Oxytocin intramuscularly or intravenously;
  • Etamsylate intramuscularly;
  • antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Cefazolin, Metronidazole) in combination with antifungal agents (Fluconazole).

Drugs used in the treatment of early miscarriage

Surgical intervention

It is carried out in case of incomplete abortion, abortion in progress, miscarriage that has begun with heavy bleeding. The goal is to cleanse the uterus of embryo remnants and stop bleeding. The operation is performed under anesthesia. Usually the patient's condition requires emergency care, so intravenous anesthesia is used. It provides complete anesthesia and unconsciousness of the patient.

Stages of surgery:

  1. Probing of the uterine cavity to determine the correct direction for inserting instruments and preventing uterine perforation.
  2. Peeling off the fertilized egg with a curette.
  3. Removing it through the cervical canal using an abortsang.

During removal of the fertilized egg, bleeding intensifies due to damage to the chorionic vessels, but after complete cleansing of the walls it stops. If atonic bleeding develops and the uterus does not contract under the influence of oxytocin and other drugs, the question of its removal is raised.

If the patient is hospitalized with a complete abortion, she does not undergo surgical intervention.

The period for restoration of working capacity after a miscarriage is 10 days.


The rehabilitation period depends on how long the pathology occurred. The following symptoms may appear:

  • bloody vaginal discharge resembling menstrual discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort and engorgement of the mammary glands.

Your period after a miscarriage usually comes within 3-6 weeks. After the cycle is restored, the woman is able to become pregnant, but she should still use protection for some time to fully restore her health.

A woman can restore her physical and sexual activity when she feels that she has enough strength for this. Here you need to focus on your well-being and not do anything “through force.” It is important to give the body time to recover physically and emotionally. Sexual intercourse is not recommended for 2 weeks to avoid infection in the uterus.

Usually, after an early miscarriage, the emotional state suffers more than the physical one. Sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, anxiety, and loss of strength occur. The patient often cries and sees no meaning in life. Without timely help, this condition can cause prolonged depression.

Further observation

What to do after an illness? A woman needs to be examined to clarify the causes of a miscarriage:

  • tests for sexually transmitted infections;
  • exclusion of antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • study of hormonal levels depending on the phases of the cycle;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries.

These studies are carried out 2 months after termination of pregnancy.

Depending on the detected cause, it is eliminated. Pregnancy after a miscarriage is recommended no earlier than six months, provided that you are well prepared for it.

If it is proven that the cause of the pathology is a genetic anomaly, the couple is advised to consult a geneticist, and in complex cases, preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

For antiphospholipid syndrome, complex treatment is prescribed, including:

  • subcutaneous administration of Heparin;
  • low doses of Aspirin;
  • Prednisolone;
  • immunoglobulins.

In case of abnormalities in the development of the uterus, surgical correction of the defects is possible; in case of fibroids, removal of the node (conservative).

If the age of a patient with recurrent miscarriage is 35 years or more, during a subsequent pregnancy she is offered a chorionic villus biopsy to identify genetic abnormalities.

85% of women who have had this disease have a repeat normal pregnancy. Only 1-2% have recurrent cases, which is usually due to immune causes.


Not all spontaneous abortions can be prevented. However, a history of the latter does not mean infertility in the future. Only a small number of patients experience 2 or more cases of pathology, of course, with proper treatment.

How to avoid miscarriage in early pregnancy:

  1. Quitting smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.
  2. Maintain physical activity to maintain a good supply of blood and oxygen to the fetus.
  3. Maintain proper weight.
  4. Limit caffeine to 200 mg per day (1 cup) or less.
  5. Take special vitamins to prepare for pregnancy, and then for pregnant women.
  6. Eat a balanced diet, with enough vegetables and fruits.
  7. Visit your doctor regularly.

However, in most cases, this disease cannot be prevented.

Early miscarriage is a fairly common condition, usually associated with genetically determined non-viability of the fetus. Less commonly, it occurs under the influence of various internal and external factors. The condition is accompanied by pain and bleeding. In most cases, surgical intervention () is required, followed by examination and identification of the causes.

Pregnancy is wonderful. But sometimes it happens that the body itself decides to get rid of the emerging new life, and then a miscarriage occurs. In most cases, this happens in the early stages of pregnancy, in the first 12 weeks.

Statistics say that every fifth woman loses a child before even knowing that she is pregnant. From a gynecological point of view, a miscarriage is considered to be a spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks, since children born prematurely - after 22 weeks and weighing 500 grams - can be saved by today's medicine. But, if the weight is below 500 grams, then the possibilities are zero.

As we have already said, in most cases it happens that the woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant and nothing bothers her. While waiting for her period to come, she simply registers that she is late, and a few days later her period begins, but comes more heavily than usual and with pain.

Sometimes, an early miscarriage is characterized by only moderate pain in the lower abdomen and heavy bleeding, then the woman does not even go to the doctor if the bleeding stops soon. If bleeding occurs profusely for several days, then a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided.

In some cases, such delayed periods are very painful, and one day a blood clot comes out. Then we can definitely say about spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage. Usually this clot resembles a burst blood blister. This phenomenon always frightens those who encounter it for the first time. After the release of a blood clot, you must definitely consult a doctor: firstly, to undergo an examination and determine exactly what it was; secondly, to check if cleaning is needed.

Miscarriage is a phenomenon that makes both the body and the soul suffer. Many people know that there is such a danger as spontaneous abortion, but not everyone knows about its causes and how it can be prevented.

If we talk about early miscarriage up to 12 weeks, then basically it is a test and warning for parents. A miscarriage at this stage of development indicates that either the mother’s body is not yet ready for the normal development of the baby inside it, or something is wrong with the health of both parents, and it needs to be strengthened so that the baby develops healthy in the future, and the body from unhealthy and in the future it will get rid of itself.

Early miscarriage: causes

The reasons for miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy can be very different - from hormonal imbalance to an emotional state. To avoid consequences, it is important to establish why spontaneous abortion occurred.

Genetic disorder in the fetus

In the first weeks of pregnancy, special attention is paid to the healthy formation of all organs of the future person, which requires equal 23 chromosomes from mom and dad. And if one of them suddenly contains a mutating element, then it is recognized as incompetent, and a miscarriage occurs in the early stages.

The presence of such elements is influenced by the environment, viruses, and occupational hazards. It is very difficult to avoid these factors; you can only reduce the risk of their influence on the body by going on vacation: to fresh air and for a long time. By carrying out a miscarriage, the body thus produces natural selection, characteristic of all life on earth.

Hormonal disorders

It is known that hormones are responsible for the good functioning of a woman’s body, so their incorrect balance in the body can lead to early miscarriage. Also, a lack of the hormone progesterone or an excess of the male hormone causes this phenomenon. If such a problem is diagnosed in a woman in advance, then before planning a pregnancy she is prescribed hormonal therapy, which helps avoid miscarriage.

Rhesus conflict

It is not for nothing that when planning a pregnancy, they are required to take a blood test to determine the group of both the mother and the father (if the mother turns out to have a negative Rh factor). In this case, the father’s Rh is important, since its opposite indicator can lead to the development of an Rh conflict, when the embryo inherits the father’s positive Rh, and the mother’s body identifies its tissues as foreign and rejects them, saving itself, as it seems.

If the father also has a negative Rh factor, then such a problem does not arise. With timely diagnosis of such a pathology, the hormone progesterone is used, which plays a protective role for the embryo and eliminates this cause of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.


Infection is bad in any case. If you know that you or your partner have a sexually transmitted infection, you need to get rid of it before conception. When a pregnancy occurs with this diagnosis, the fetus becomes infected and, again, the body gets rid of the embryo at an early stage.

Diseases of internal organs

Any increase in temperature up to 38 degrees, caused by a disease of the internal organs, can cause early miscarriage. Typically, such a temperature is accompanied by intoxication of the entire body, and therefore it is unable to hold the embryo. This is why it is so important to undergo a complete examination when planning a pregnancy in order to detect and treat all chronic diseases and get vaccinated if necessary.


As you know, this is an intervention in the normal life of the female body. If an abortion has ever taken place, it can lead either to habitual spontaneous miscarriages in the early stages or to infertility.


In the first trimester, the use of any medications is not recommended at all, as this can lead to defects in fetal development. There are also herbs that are contraindicated in early pregnancy: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy. Their use can cause early miscarriage.

Bad mood

Severe stress, grief, and prolonged mental stress can negatively affect the birth of a new life and lead to miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. In this case, with the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to take some sedatives.


You need to change your lifestyle when planning a pregnancy. Getting rid of bad habits, a balanced and nutritious diet are the first conditions for the development of a healthy child, but the opposite can lead to early miscarriage.

Physical impact

Unsuccessful falls and heavy lifting can cause early miscarriage. If the woman is healthy, then this effect must be very strong to cause termination of pregnancy.

Early miscarriage: symptoms

The most common signs of early miscarriage are pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding. Also, unpleasant sensations from the lower abdomen can spread to the lower back. This pain is periodic. Vaginal discharge indicates a threat of early miscarriage. If they have a reddish or even brownish tint, you should consult a doctor to avoid miscarriage.

Often the cause of miscarriage is the tone of the uterus, but only in cases where it is accompanied by discomfort for the mother and pain. If it is not accompanied by anything, then doctors’ recommendations stop at reducing physical activity and reducing stressful situations.

In some cases, even after the above symptoms, pregnancy proceeds normally, only under more careful medical supervision, then they talk about the threat of miscarriage.

The symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy are relatively similar. They may only be accompanied by stronger pain and copious discharge.

Symptoms of miscarriage in the second trimester:

  • damage to the amniotic fluid sac is indicated by fluid dripping from the vagina, in which case contacting a doctor should be immediate;
  • vaginal bleeding is a sign of miscarriage in any trimester of pregnancy;
  • blood clots appear during urination, accompanied by pain;
  • internal bleeding, which can be indicated by very severe pain in the shoulder or in the stomach area.

How is threatened miscarriage diagnosed?

If your pregnancy is planned, and you have gone through all the necessary preparation procedures that the doctor told you about, taken all the tests and treated all the detected diseases, then the possibility of miscarriage is reduced to a minimum. If any contraindications were discovered in advance, then attention is paid to them already when the baby is conceived. In this case, the diagnosis of the threat of miscarriage takes place at the planning stage, and treatment is prescribed in advance.

If pregnancy occurs spontaneously, without preliminary treatment and examination, then any gynecologist can diagnose a miscarriage or its threat during a routine examination. When examining a woman who comes in with a delay problem, the doctor determines the expected duration of pregnancy.

  • checks the size of the uterus for the given period;
  • checks for uterine tone;
  • determines whether the cervix is ​​closed;
  • pays attention to the nature of the discharge (bloody or mucous).

The most reliable way to diagnose miscarriage or premature birth at a later stage is a transvaginal ultrasound performed by an experienced doctor. Using this method, the length of the cervix and the condition of the internal os are checked.

Treatment of threatened miscarriage in the early stages

The most basic and first thing that the doctor advises if there is a threat of miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy is to adhere to bed rest. In some cases, in order to maintain the pregnancy, the woman is even forbidden to get out of bed.

It is also recommended to reduce the level of anxiety, bad news and thoughts. Already from the first weeks of existence, the nascent life feels you from the inside; any of your excitement can negatively affect its condition. And disturbances in the condition can lead to its rejection by your body. To avoid these nervous tensions, your doctor may prescribe valerian or motherwort.

You yourself can use relaxation therapy: sit comfortably on a sofa or chair and think about something good. The most appropriate in this case may be dreams about the future baby, choosing a name, mentally drawing his portrait. But all this is after consultation with a doctor.

If the threat of miscarriage is more serious and just good thoughts are not enough, then the first thing the doctor does is determine the cause. After determining the cause of the threat of miscarriage, hormonal medications are prescribed in the first weeks of pregnancy, which are designed to maintain a good pregnancy.

You may be prescribed progesterone (it is part of Utrozhestan, Duphaston), you may be prescribed drugs for hyperandrogenism (with a large amount of male hormones), as well as drugs if there is a threat of Rh conflict.

If the doctor deems it necessary, they may conduct an additional intrauterine ultrasound examination. If insufficiency is detected with this diagnostic method, then sutures are placed on the cervix, which stop the fertilized egg inside the uterus. This operation is performed in a hospital and under anesthesia, while relaxing drugs are injected into the uterus.

Most cases of threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy are treated in a hospital; sometimes women have to remain under the supervision of doctors until the very end of pregnancy, that is, until childbirth. In some cases, treatment begins in a hospital, and then proceeds to home conditions while observing bed rest. Sometimes, having undergone treatment for a threatened miscarriage in the early stages, a woman does not return to it until the birth.


In most cases, it is possible to avoid early miscarriage. If a couple approaches their decision carefully and responsibly, then they will be examined by a doctor in time, which will reveal all sorts of deviations and inconsistencies in the bodies of the man and woman. A preliminary examination will allow you to cure all kinds of infectious and hormonal diseases that can cause a miscarriage later.

It's good when pregnancy is desired. However, two clear lines on the test do not at all guarantee that everything will be fine with the baby until birth. Sometimes the female body, for some reason, independently gets rid of the fetus some time after its appearance. We are talking about a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. Why does this happen and is there a way to prevent trouble?

Let's turn to impartial statistics: a quarter of all early pregnancies are doomed to spontaneous termination. To be able to influence the course of events, it is important to know the causes of miscarriage and its signs.

How does miscarriage occur in the early stages?

Unfortunately, if there are serious prerequisites for spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the early stages, it is almost impossible to reverse the pathological process. The fetus at this time is so small that the woman will not even understand what is happening to her. At first glance, this looks like the resumption of the menstrual cycle after a long delay (1 - 2 weeks). Menstruation, more abundant than usual, is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, not all women go to the hospital after the incident. Only a few people go to see a doctor - mostly those who are frightened by the sight of a blood clot that has come out, resembling a ruptured bladder. Ideally, all women need a medical examination - if there really was a miscarriage, then additional cleaning may be needed after it.

When a woman is aware of her “interesting” situation, it is much easier for her to predict the onset of spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage. First of all, you should carefully monitor the sensations in the lower abdomen and back. Painful dull and pulling spasms, spotting with bloody or tissue lumps signal danger. If you seek medical help right away, there is a chance to save the pregnancy.

An early miscarriage is said to occur when the pregnancy spontaneously ends before the 12th week of the fetus's existence. Late miscarriage occurs up to 22 weeks, and provided that doctors take timely and coordinated action, the premature baby has every chance of survival.

Early miscarriage: prejudices

There are many myths in society about the causes of spontaneous abortion. Any women's forum will tell you how to avoid early miscarriage, but not all advice can be trusted. It is reliably known that until the 12th week of pregnancy, the following factors do not pose a threat to the intrauterine development of the fetus:

  • air travel by plane;
  • minor blunt trauma to the abdominal area;
  • moderate exercise;
  • a single case of spontaneous abortion up to 12 weeks in history;
  • active sex life;
  • stress.

Real causes of early miscarriage

Doctors cite many socio-biological and medical factors as the reasons for spontaneous abortion. It is often very difficult to determine what exactly caused the misfortune: sometimes a miscarriage is based on one factor, and sometimes on a whole complex. A certain percentage of women are familiar with this pathology firsthand: the unfortunate ones have experienced several miscarriages in a row. In medical circles, this phenomenon was designated as recurrent miscarriage. We list the most serious and common factors that cause the threat of miscarriage in the early stages:

  • Most often, the body itself gets rid of non-viable offspring if the appearance and development of the fetus is associated with a certain anomaly or genetic pathology. This may be a hereditary “breakdown” at the gene level or a spontaneous mutation caused by radiation, a dangerous virus or a difficult environmental situation. Medicine, alas, is unable to change or prevent this process. That is why thorough preparation for the upcoming pregnancy is impossible without consulting future parents with a geneticist;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the immune and hormonal systems pose a significant danger to the normal development of pregnancy. A woman needs to undergo the necessary checks at the stage of planning a child, then doctors will be able to eliminate all the “pitfalls” in advance. Quite often, progesterone deficiency, excess androgens, pathologies in the activity of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands become obstacles to achieving the dream of motherhood;
  • Another pressing problem for the successful development of the fetus in a woman’s womb is Rh conflict. The maternal body reacts to the embryo as a foreign object and gets rid of it, since the Rh factor of its blood has a “-” sign, and was taken from the father with a “+” sign. If concerns about this are real, the situation is corrected with the help of immunomodulatory therapy at the stage of pregnancy planning;

  • The undoubted enemy of a healthy pregnancy is infection (regardless of origin). In particular, these are all diseases that are transmitted “through the bed”: herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. Pathogens, affecting the membranes, infect the embryo, which in the early stages of pregnancy leads to miscarriage;
  • A disappointing ending to early pregnancy awaits a woman with chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases of internal organs. The most insidious of them: viral hepatitis, rubella, pneumonia, influenza, severe sore throat;
  • It is extremely difficult for a woman’s body to cope with pregnancy due to the stress caused by an abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancies in the past threatens secondary infertility and recurrent miscarriage in the future. A woman must definitely inform her doctor about such facts of her biography during pregnancy planning;

  • One cannot ignore such individual characteristics of the female body, such as, for example, congenital developmental anomalies and oncological diseases of the internal genital organs, ICN. These and other pathologies exclude pregnancy as such.

The first symptoms of early miscarriage

The nature of the development of a miscarriage excludes the simultaneity - spontaneous termination of pregnancy can be divided into several stages. So, let's find out how to detect early miscarriage.

The first “bells” are painful sensations that cover the back in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. Often at the same time, brownish or reddish clots are released from the genital tract. Blood during an early miscarriage is a very dangerous sign, which indicates that tissue detachment has begun. Even a few drops of blood on your underwear are a serious reason to immediately contact a medical facility. A reliable prevention of spontaneous abortion is to regularly visit the antenatal clinic for a routine examination and undergo all necessary tests. This is the only way the expectant mother will be sure that everything is fine with her baby.

What an early miscarriage looks like: the main stages

The first stage of pathology, the signs of which we learned above, is very common among expectant mothers. In order to save the baby, expectant mothers are forced to remain in conservatory care almost all the way until prenatal contractions. The initial stage of the pathology is marked by uterine hypertonicity, bleeding and discomfort reminiscent of contractions.

The second stage of the disorder leads to more severe consequences. At this moment, all the signs already indicate a full-fledged miscarriage in the early stages: fragmentary detachment of the fertilized egg from the inner wall of the uterus begins. However, at this time, trouble can still be prevented, doctors say. This is possible thanks to the immediate and coordinated intervention of professionals, provided that the pregnant woman gets to the hospital in a timely manner.

The next stage of early spontaneous abortion is miscarriage on the fly. Now nothing can help the embryo. A pregnant woman is suddenly seized by sharp spasms, bleeding begins almost immediately - the most convincing sign of an early miscarriage. This indicates the final death of the fertilized egg, which comes out completely or partially (incomplete miscarriage). The photo shows a fertilized egg during an early miscarriage:

The pathology ends in complete spontaneous abortion. After an early miscarriage, the uterus contracts and quickly returns to its “pre-pregnancy” size. In this case, a complication is considered to be an incomplete abortion or a frozen pregnancy (diagnosed by ultrasound), when there is a high risk of pus formation or the onset of sepsis.

How to recognize an early miscarriage

At first glance, it is quite simple to determine a miscarriage, so some women believe that if they feel well after the incident, they can neglect a visit to the hospital. However, this is a dangerous misconception: all the signs of spontaneous abortion in the early stages are also characteristic of other, more serious diseases, which without proper diagnosis can be mistaken for a miscarriage:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • malignant formation in the cervix;
  • bloodless torsion of an ovarian cyst;
  • cervical injury.

These conditions can only be eliminated within the walls of a medical institution.

What to do if you have an early miscarriage

Unfortunately, doctors are not able to radically change the course of events at the very beginning of pregnancy - you can’t go against nature.

It is common practice to prescribe the drug Tranexam to stop bleeding. If a woman has had several failed pregnancies in the past, Utrozhestan will be prescribed. When, thanks to the efforts of doctors, pregnancy can be brought to the second trimester, in the event of a threatened miscarriage, it is worth putting sutures or a pessary if there is a short cervix with isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In principle, this is where the methods of combating pathology end.

Now let's list what will not help in the process of developing a miscarriage:

  • bed rest - a conscious reduction in the mother’s motor activity cannot stop a miscarriage if there are real prerequisites for its occurrence;
  • taking medications: No-shpa, Papaverine, Magne B6, Analgin.

A few weeks after a complete miscarriage, a woman needs to see a doctor and have her blood tested for hCG levels. If all indicators are normal, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the hormone level has not decreased at all or has decreased, but has not dropped to the required minimum, there is a possibility of hydatidiform mole. This is a dangerous complication that requires immediate medical intervention.

An abortion in progress can be completed in several ways. If during the examination there is still blood coming from the vagina and the fertilized egg or embryo is still in the uterus, the doctor may determine the following course of action:

  • a wait-and-see approach lasting up to 7 days (perhaps the body will reject what is unnecessary without outside intervention);
  • medicinal approach (the woman is prescribed the drug Misoprostol, under the influence of which the uterine muscles strongly contract and remove the remnants of the fertilized egg out);
  • surgical cleansing (if vaginal bleeding becomes massive).

How to prevent early miscarriage

To eliminate all possible factors that provoke early miscarriage, you need to have offspring under the professional guidance of a doctor. To do this, a woman undergoes a complete examination not during pregnancy, but at the stage of planning a child. This is the only way to ensure the absence of various “breakdowns” at the cellular level and internal pathologies. Moreover, future parents review and adjust their usual lifestyle in accordance with the upcoming changes: at this stage it is important to put an end to bad habits, establish a daily routine and diet.

Early miscarriage: how to understand where to move next

After such a crushing failure, the woman is recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course of treatment. If the cause of the incident could not be established earlier, doctors will carry out the necessary diagnostics to determine it now. This is important, otherwise the woman risks facing the same problem the next time she prepares for motherhood.

An ultrasound procedure is a mandatory step after an early miscarriage. If there are fragments of an egg or embryo in the uterus, a woman will need cleaning to avoid the development of inflammation or infection. After all the necessary procedures, the doctor will prescribe the patient a course of antibacterial therapy, which will exclude various infectious diseases, as well as a course of hormones that will put the woman’s endocrine system in order.

Among other things, a failed mother is in dire need of professional psychological support. The loss of a baby, even such a tiny one, leaves an indelible imprint on a woman’s mind. It is important to experience this moment with the support of a psychologist or family.

It is wrong to isolate yourself from the outside world and be left alone with your misfortune, as negative emotions will simply “eat up” all hope for the best. Psychologists recommend that women who have suffered a miscarriage should not be ashamed of their feelings and do not hold back aggression and tears - the faster they can get rid of them, the faster the recovery will come. And in no case should you be afraid of the future: modern medicine and competent doctors will do everything possible to ensure that the new pregnancy ends with the victorious cry of the long-awaited baby!

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