Present. Meaningful Quotes About Gift. Aphorisms and quotes about gifts Ideas to make a pleasant birthday surprise

It may seem to some that there is nothing difficult in choosing a gift for a girl, but in reality this, of course, is not so. It is difficult to find such a universal gift that two different girls would equally like. Each female requires an individual approach, and if you follow this rule, then you will not have any particular difficulties in choosing a suitable surprise. So what to give a girl to make her feel good?

What gifts are customary to give to girls?

As we have already mentioned, all women are different, and what one person likes may not evoke any emotions in another. But in general, of course, there are general directions. For example, it is difficult to argue with the fact that most people love to be given flowers. Of course, almost any of them would be pleased to receive a luxurious bouquet from her chosen one or just a person she likes. However, there are also some nuances here - some prefer exclusively “live” flowers - that is, plants in pots. However, it rarely comes to principle in this matter.

Generally speaking, it is customary for ladies to give romantic or simply cute gifts. It would also be useful to focus on the hobbies of the person you want to gift with something - undoubtedly, she will like a gift that is somehow related to her hobby.

What can you give to your loved one just like that?

Most likely, you know the expression that the best gift is the one that was given for no reason. By the way, it is precisely such surprises that are remembered more than those that men arrange for their chosen ones on their birthdays or on the anniversary of their relationship. Having received a gift just like that, and not in honor of some important date, the girl understands that it is from the bottom of her heart, out of a simple desire to please her, and not some kind of formality or “obligation”.

As already mentioned, almost all girls love flowers, but many young men prefer to give them to their chosen ones only on holidays, and even then not always. There is an expression: “Women take too long to remember roses that were not given.” Of course, almost all women know about the existence of such men who can easily give a girl not only the three regular tulips on March 8, but also a bouquet of roses for no reason. In women's conversations, such men are called “real,” so if you make it a rule to please your beloved with bouquets just like that, even if you yourself consider it impractical, then such behavior will only benefit you.

Unusual romantic evening

It is also difficult to argue with the fact that most young ladies are romantic in nature. Of course, since childhood, they have seen on TV screens how the most reverent conversations and sweet confessions sound at restaurant tables by candlelight. However, you don’t necessarily have to go to a restaurant. If desired and possible, organize dinner right at home. This way, you will increase the chances that a romantic evening will smoothly develop into a romantic night. By the way, you can easily find all the nuances of creating an ideal evening for your chosen one on the Internet.

A small souvenir or a photo of her

As a present for no reason, some interesting souvenir would be quite appropriate - an elegant figurine, a funny keychain and much more. Most likely, you have managed to study at least a little the tastes of your beloved, so there will be no problems in choosing a souvenir. Also a wonderful surprise for your beloved will be her photographic portrait. Choose a photo of her that she really likes, print it and place it in a beautiful frame.

Craft kit

If the young lady is interested in embroidery, drawing, beadwork or something similar, then give her a handicraft kit. Since we are talking about her hobby, such a gift for a girl will always be appropriate.

Movie tickets

Of course, you shouldn’t wait for a special occasion to invite your loved one to the cinema. Invite her to a movie that she is sure to enjoy. During the period of your relationship, most likely, you have already managed to understand which genre she likes, and which she is rather cool about. By the way, if your chosen one is an owl and also a movie buff, then she will probably want to go with you non-stop or just to the cinema for a late-night screening.

Perfume or eau de toilette is a nice gift for young ladies

This gift can be considered a classic one, but you can make a serious mistake in choosing it. It is better not to give eau de toilette to a girl unless you know exactly what her preferences are.

How to choose a good women's perfume and please your chosen one

If you don’t know what perfume your beloved uses or just want to buy her some other scent, then you should consult with a consultant in the perfume department; it is important to consider what smells your woman likes - sweet, fresh, trailing, and so on. It will be great if you find out what kind of perfume the chosen one currently uses, in order to roughly understand her preferences.

What perfume is suitable for a young girl aged 15, 20 and 30

At this age, not every girl finds “her” scent. Often this is the time to find yourself, your style and aroma. Be that as it may, light and fresh scents are suitable for young girls; they can also be called “spring”. Pay attention to fragrances from Lanvin - you can find many interesting scents in their line.

A fragrance as a gift for a mother or woman aged 35, 40 and 50 years old

At this age, women, as a rule, clearly understand which scents suit them, and prefer to use only them. Therefore, it is advisable to still find out what perfume a woman prefers and make a purchase in accordance with these preferences.

How to give a woman perfume in an original way

Wrap the gift in beautiful gift paper - it is better to entrust this to the packaging department staff so that everything turns out neatly and festively. If you live together, you can decorate the room with balloons and tie a gift box to one of them. You can also arrange a kind of quest, as a result of which the girl will find your gift.

You can also ask the courier to deliver your gift by attaching a note or some kind of message to it.

A book is a classic gift that will leave a person with a memory of you for a long time. Fortunately, recently reading has begun to become fashionable, and even that girl who was not previously too interested in literary masterpieces will probably be delighted with this good book.

So, which book is better to choose? Of course, first of all, it is important to focus on the tastes of the chosen one. If she collects the works of a certain author, then the choice is simple - find out which books she does not yet have in her collection, and buy one or more of them.

Perhaps the girl is interested in a certain genre. For example, she loves science fiction. In this case, head to the bookstore and select some fantastic work from the new releases section.

If your chosen one has never particularly considered herself a book lover and has only recently begun to show interest in literature, then she will like something “fashionable”. Find a list of this year's bestsellers on the Internet and make your choice based on this list.

What's the best way to sign and present a book?

It is better to present the book in wrapping paper or in a beautiful bag. Of course, it would be appropriate to leave a note on the back of the book. It could be something humorous that both of you can understand. You can simply write “With love from (your name).” If this is a birthday present, then it is quite acceptable to leave words of congratulations and wishes on the back.

Ideas to give a pleasant birthday surprise

Tray with kinders. This can be either the main gift or an addition to it. Take a regular egg tray (preferably new and without any labels) and put kinder surprises in its cells. Then wrap the tray in pretty wrapping paper and tie with ribbon.

Basket with fruits and sweets. The set is especially suitable for those with a sweet tooth. You can order such a basket with goodies online, but you can fill it yourself. The second option is perhaps even preferable, because you choose what your girl definitely likes. Choose fairly ripe, but not overripe fruits - it will be a shame if they begin to wither or rot the next day after delivery. If you place chocolate products in the basket, be careful that they do not start to melt - such a basket should avoid the heat if it is in the summer. Among other things, you can leave a bouquet of flowers or a box with some additional gift among the goodies.

Concert tickets. If a concert of musical performers that your lady likes is scheduled to take place soon in your city or nearby, then most likely she would like to get tickets to this event.

Master Class. Perhaps your beloved has long wanted to sign up for dancing, learn to draw or play the guitar? In this case, give her a ticket to a master class in one of the activities that attracts her. Perhaps she will enjoy this lesson so much that a new interesting hobby will appear in her life.

Give your girl a romantic evening. There are a lot of ideas for romance: a candlelit dinner in a cozy restaurant, an evening at the spa, a limousine ride through the city at night, and so on.

Underwear or pajamas. If you are very close to your significant other or even live together, then such gifts for a girl are quite appropriate. The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing the size, so that such a surprise does not cause an unpleasant aftertaste.

Horseback riding. The young lady loves animals and has never ridden horses? You can provide her with several unforgettable hours by inviting her to an equestrian club. The chosen one will not only learn to confidently stay in the saddle, but will also receive a memorable photo shoot as a gift. Some equestrian clubs offer this service themselves, or invite a photographer in advance.

Journey. For a person who loves to travel or is just dreaming of various trips, a tour to another city or country would be an ideal gift. However, if you yourself know your way around a foreign area well, then you don’t have to book a tour directly - you can easily just buy tickets to any city or country, and also book a hotel room in advance, subsequently acting as a personal guide for your beloved. However, not every girl likes excursions. If you are inclined to believe that your loved one would prefer a beach holiday, then buy tickets based on these preferences.

Camera. If your lady loves to take photos, then such a gadget will delight her beyond description. We can also talk about a new lens if she already has a camera. By the way, many girls see a problem for themselves in the fact that they cannot fully use the potential of such a multifunctional thing, simply out of ignorance. That is why photography courses can be an addition to the gift, where your chosen one will be taught how to properly frame a frame, process pictures and much more. Surely, she will subsequently appreciate and apply this knowledge in practice more than once.

Sporting goods. Does your beloved prefer to lead an active lifestyle and enjoy some sports? You can pick up a lot of great gifts on this theme! Cute women's dumbbells, skates, snowboard, tracksuit, sneakers and much more.

A modest gift for a girl you really like

Theater tickets. Of course, we are not talking about a high-profile premiere with major theater stars. It’s enough just to go to an ordinary performance staged by local actors. If your chosen one loves the theater, then she will be happy with such a gift.

Wildflowers. Such a bouquet can be bought in the city center right on the street - grandmothers-flower girls often offer similar goods. However, if possible, you can collect wildflowers yourself and subsequently present them to the girl.

Diary. If your girlfriend constantly takes notes or likes to make plans on paper, then a diary will, of course, come in handy for her. It is quite easy to find a convenient and inexpensive option.

Book. This gift can be called not only modest and simple, but also useful and entertaining; if you guess correctly with the choice of book, then the girl will think about you with warmth more than once when she picks up this gift again.

Cup. There are many options for cups that a girl might like, you can just choose some not too large and comfortable cup with a funny picture. However, you can also order a cup with a photo of your beloved or a photo of you together. No less interesting is the option with an interesting inscription - either ready-made or left by you personally. In the second case, just buy a white cup and write on it with bright colored paint.

Chocolate. A very simple and even banal present, but if your beloved likes sweets and chocolate in particular, then she will certainly like a bar of her favorite delicacy. If you know what kind of chocolates a girl likes, then choose one of them. However, people with a sweet tooth most often experiment with delicacies, so you may well choose something at random.

Indoor flower. For a girl who is interested in floriculture, a plant in a pot will probably be preferable to a luxurious bouquet. Choose a small flower that has yet to grow. Most likely, your beloved will be seriously captivated by the process of growing such a flower.

Such a surprise is appropriate only if you know for sure that the girl has the time, desire and opportunity to have a pet. Of course, this does not mean that you necessarily need to warn her in advance about what kind of surprise you want to give her, but it is still advisable to discuss the possibility of such an event. You can do this unnoticed by the girl. Let me know that for a long time the friend could not place the cute kitten in good hands, but fortunately he succeeded. In passing, find out whether your beloved would like to take the animal for herself if she had known about this situation earlier. If the chosen one expresses even the slightest interest in this, then you can not deviate from the planned plan and give the kitten as a gift after some time.

Cozy house slippers. If you know the size of a young lady’s feet, then you can give her a very cozy gift! We are talking about indoor slippers. Now you can find many funny models that in the first seconds can’t help but bring a smile to your face. Surely, you understand what kind of slippers we mean - in the form of plush boots or soft toys. This gift is especially relevant in winter.

The most unforgettable DIY gift

If you want to make a nice gift for a girl with your own hands, then this can turn out to be a truly unforgettable surprise. There are a lot of ideas for such amateur activities, let’s look at some of them.

Soft toy. You can not only buy a soft toy in a store, but also sew it yourself. There are many good master classes on this topic on the Internet. After watching at least one of them, you will understand that everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Poem. Creative individuals can write a poem or story dedicated to their beloved. As she reads each line, she must understand that it is about her and that the work was written specifically for her.

Collage. You can create a wonderful collage from your pictures together. You can create a similar thing by mastering some computer programs, or by printing out photos and posting them on the wall. You can easily find information on how to do this in the most original way on the Internet.

Paper flowers. You can show your imagination by creating a stunningly beautiful bouquet from colored paper! After mastering a couple of intelligible master classes, you will be able to create real masterpieces!

Frame. Print out one of her favorite photos and place it in a photo frame you made with your own hands. On the Internet you can find many ideas on how to make this thing. Such a photo frame can be decorated with seashells, ribbons, pebbles and other interesting materials.

Painting. Guys who know how to draw can please a girl with their own painting. At the same time, it is important that the chosen one understands that when you painted this picture, you were thinking about her. Accordingly, this could be her portrait. However, if you are not sure that as a result you will not get a caricature, it is better to reproduce on canvas a certain scene from your relationship. Draw your silhouettes against the background of a poster for a certain movie, if you and your beloved once went to this show. In general, she should see some scene from your love story in the picture, and then such a masterpiece will acquire special value for her.

Wall calendar with her photo. If you master the necessary Photoshop program, and also acquire the necessary materials at hand, then with the help of an intelligent master class you can make an interesting wall calendar with your own hands. First, you need to select twelve of the most successful and high-quality photographs of your beloved (one photo for each sheet that will mark a particular month).

Cake. Girls who love sweets will, of course, be delighted with such a gift. With access to the World Wide Web, it is no longer a problem for anyone to prepare any delicacy. Even if you were not at all interested in cooking before, now you can easily find a simple and intelligible master class on the Internet, following which you will create a real culinary masterpiece. In addition, do not even doubt that your beloved will certainly appreciate your efforts!

Have a good day and good mood everyone! A gift for no reason is what, in my opinion, will make any of us a little happier.

Quite often we act in a stereotyped manner, since there are certain traditions and conventions when giving gifts. A big date or a memorable event is approaching and we are puzzled by the choice of a present. But sometimes you want to do something nice for each other without any reason, to thank friends for their help in moving, to tell a friend that you value your friendship, for example, to simply “make” a colleague smile... situations can be different!

A great way to cheer yourself up, pleasantly surprise a loved one, add a little surprise into everyday life with just one gift for no reason, you can and should. Just imagine how happy your mother will be about her daughter’s unexpected visit with a surprise, and how many emotions the process itself will bring you, you simply cannot count!

You can’t do without a gift on a holiday, that’s why it’s a holiday, and why not come up with a new tradition - giving gifts for no reason? How do you think?

A few ideas, simple and well-known ones, that will inspire you to give a gift for no reason

  1. Tea. It could be bagged tea, varietal tea, or just a box of chamomile bought at the pharmacy, and why not? There is never too much tea, such a simple gift that a work colleague and close relative will appreciate.
  2. Notepad, sticks. Situations often arise when you need to write something down. And stationery helps out with this; for example, a new notebook lasts a maximum of 3 days for my eldest daughter.
  3. Sweets. Cupcake, ice cream, cake, a jar of honey, pastille... something that the person to whom the gift will be addressed loves very much.
  4. Hand creams, interestingly shaped toothbrushes, combs and wooden combs. All of the above will be appreciated by your friends, children, and people close to you.
  5. Invitations/tickets to an exhibition/concert.

All those little things that are necessary in everyday life and take up little space, things that sometimes you simply can’t afford to buy can become an incredibly memorable gift just like that, for no reason. You just need to think a little about who you want to please with your attention and the right gift will “find” you and your satisfied owner.

Happiness is not measurable, there cannot be much or little of it. It is not at all necessary to choose an occasion, day and time of day to bring unexpected joy to your children, your loved one, or your friend. You need to choose a moment and become a magician for a short time, giving the recipient and yourself a charge of positivity, a little attention and a note of happiness. I wish you unexpected gifts for no reason and until we meet again!

We all spoil our children. How they rejoice at an unexpected surprise or a desired toy! But moderation is very important here. By showering a child with gifts, we are raising a little consumer who values ​​things more than communication with loving adults. How to please your child without gifts and sweets and avoid hysterics in the store.

We all spoil our children. How they rejoice at an unexpected surprise or a desired toy! But here the measure is very important. By showering a child with gifts, we are raising a little consumer who values ​​things more than communication with loving adults. How to please your child without gifts and sweets and avoid hysterics in the store.

Are gifts harmful to children?

  • Should I give gifts for no reason?

Should I give gifts for no reason?

Do small gifts that we give children when we meet harm them? It depends on the situation. For example, a grandmother brings a surprise to her grandson every time so that he waits for her. But in this way, the child learns to enjoy not the meeting with his grandmother itself, but what she brings. If next time she forgets the gift, she will face the baby’s resentment and disappointment. And she herself will be upset: “I gave you gifts, but it turns out you don’t love me without them!” And this, of course, is a sad story.

It is better to receive the love of children through intangible benefits. Give your child the opportunity to talk openly with you about their experiences - joys, worries and excitement - without fear that they will be devalued. Share your thoughts, receive detailed answers to his “why?”, “Why?” that are respectful of him as an interlocutor. And How?". Play together and engage in activities that make the relationship closer and more sincere. Then the baby will look forward to meeting an interesting and important person with whom he can have a good time together.

The same applies to gifts from “Sunday dads”. Often the single parent becomes the ideal parent. Every meeting with him is a holiday. He allows everything, because he rarely sees the child - for example, once a week, is freed from daily upbringing, and brings gifts. And he is ready to buy anything just to make amends to the child. This is exactly what you should refrain from doing if you don’t want your child to love not you, but what you can give him.

Hysteria in the store. How to react?

Most often, preschool children throw hysterics in the store in order to get what they want at any cost. Hysteria is a performance and therefore needs an audience. The store is ideal in this case.

The only thing that remains for the parent is to stand by his decision. For example, do not buy him what the hysteria was for. Blush, turn pale, but do not give in. Do not reinforce the behavior positively: “Calm down, I’ll buy you this thing another time” or negatively: “Stop it immediately, shame on you.” Wait. Until the child gets tired and stops. This will definitely happen. When he calms down, say: “Did you choose to calm down? I'm glad". And go home together.

It is useful to deprive such actors of the audience. Since the performance is being played out for you, you can move on: to the exit of the store, to another department, or to where you were going to look again. The actor will certainly follow you and lie across the road, because the main viewer (and source of financial resources) for him, of course, is you. If your willpower and parental anxiety do not allow you to leave him out of sight, then wait nearby.

By not succumbing to a child’s hysterics, you retain your authority as an adult and a parent, who, if he said he won’t buy it, then so be it. Children need boundaries, they need to understand that once an adult has made a decision, it is unchangeable. This will allow you to avoid similar situations in the future. Of course, you need a lot of patience and mental strength, as well as the support of your spouse in this matter. He can undermine your authority by buying your child something that you refused. And it turns out that if you put enough pressure, you can break through the boundaries of an adult, or go around and turn to the parent who is “on his side.”

The child does not so much need the product or thing that he demands. What is important is the opportunity to break through the boundaries of an adult, to “defeat” him, to establish that the child, and not the parent, is the main one in this relationship. If you are unable to tolerate hysterics and buy your child what he wants, then you will have to accept that he is the head of the family, and you can regulate his obedience only through purchases and gifts, “buying off” him, and he will continue to twist ropes out of you.

The child is not happy with anything except shopping

In this case, you need to sound the alarm, grab your head and look for a family psychologist who will help improve relationships in the family. The emotional connection between parents and child in such a situation is disrupted. The purpose of communication should be communication itself, and not strong emotions from a gift.

In this case, the child understands that he is loved and cared for when they buy him something. In some families, this, of course, can be a way to express their love. However, in this case, the child himself learns to show care and tenderness in this way.

Joy is the feeling that a person experiences when he gets what he wants, when he likes what is happening around him. The need for love and care is satisfied by loved ones when they are nearby, when the child can hug them and spend time with them. In this case, he is glad that he has parents and grandparents, he himself feels tenderness for them and learns to love.

When receiving a purchase instead of care, love and hugs, the child experiences joy, but it is not so much, and, most likely, it passes quickly. The child is left with a feeling of dissatisfaction that grows with him. And in his adult life, it may become the reason that in relationships with people of the opposite sex he will not have the opportunity to enjoy another person simply because he exists.

What to do if a child only values ​​gifts?

Restore your emotional relationship with him. Be interested in what happened to him today, what awaits him tomorrow and, perhaps, worries him. Talk about yourself, share the events of your day (the main thing is not to overload it, calling on your child to solve your problems).

If you are busy and cannot pay attention to him, then offer to do it later: “Now I’m uncomfortable, but let’s do it in half an hour, how do you like it?” Hugging the child, coming up with joint activities that are interesting to both, spending more time together.

Talk about this situation to all members of your family: spouses, grandparents, aunts and uncles, godparents. Get together as a large family more often, experience emotions, share them and support each other. Published.

Victoria Kolotilina

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

In the life of each of us, patterned behavior is often present; this is due to certain traditions, habits and conventions that are firmly ingrained in each of us. This also applies to giving gifts: only when another holiday, a significant date or a milestone is approaching, do we become puzzled about looking for gifts. However, sometimes you want to give gifts for no reason, to do something nice for a friend, for help, or simply to remind your loved one that he is truly dear to you.

The best gifts for no reason

Many will agree that the best gift is for no reason. It’s not only nice to receive it at the most unexpected moment, but it’s also nice to present it yourself. They are the ones that really leave the most vivid impressions and memories, since they are presented completely unexpectedly. Such gifts help to maximize sincere feelings, attention, care and love.

Important! Spontaneous gifts make people kinder and help improve their mood.

So, how to show attention and how can you please a person without waiting for the right reason?

If you want someone, you don’t need to wait for some reason, do it just like that. Any impression gifts can be a good idea, for example:

  1. Organize a romantic dinner for your wife. If you have been married for a long time and are used to giving flowers only on March 8th and her birthday, arrange a real surprise for her. We are sure that this cannot be compared with even the most expensive material gift, she will appreciate your efforts.
  2. For your beloved parents, buy a ticket to a play or movie. They will appreciate your attention and care, and pleasant time together with their family will not be superfluous.
  3. Give a girl a bouquet of flowers, it’s always nice.
  4. Do you want to do something nice for a friend? Make his dream come true and buy him, for example, a certificate for a parachute jump.

It can be even the smallest little things that can make the life of a person close to you brighter, more enjoyable and richer.

Souvenirs as a gift

Many of us consider souvenirs as a kind of sign of attention, and not a full-fledged present. Therefore, among the souvenir products you can find suitable ones of a practical or symbolic nature.

  • You can bring memorable keychains and magnets from your trip and give them to your work colleagues.
  • You can give your friend a small jewelry box.
  • You can show your respect to a good friend by giving him a notebook.
  • You can give some souvenirs for your home and interior to family members.

As a rule, souvenirs are not expensive gifts that do not burden either the giver or the recipient. Souvenir products remain the most popular among gifts for no occasion.

For hobbies

From the gift itself, for no reason, not only the person who receives the gift, but also the one who gives it, receives pleasant impressions. If you also want to please and surprise someone, but don’t know how to do it, choose something for your hobbies. What could it be:

  1. accessories and ;
  2. computer accessories for a guy;
  3. sweets for the sweet tooth;
  4. photo frame for the photography lover.

Choose anything, as long as the item matches the interests and hobbies of the person you want to please.

For memory

For no reason, sometimes you want to give something that will remain as a keepsake. The reasons can be very different: a short separation, a long business trip, or just a sign of attention.

Such gifts can be anything, the main thing is that the gift given can remain a long-lasting memory and remind you of you.

Important! Regardless of the cost, spontaneous gifts, even the most banal things, can lift your spirits and make you smile. Remember this and often please the people around you with any signs of attention without any particular reason.

The most modest gift can delight, but provided that the donor’s resources are also small. However, a wealthy person should give a little more than prudence dictates. He who does not give too much gives too little. (A. Maurois)
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Every gift, no matter how small, becomes a great gift if you give it with love. (W. Walcott)
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A gift chosen with love is immediately recognizable by the desire to guess the taste of the recipient, by the originality of the idea, and by the very manner of presenting the gift. (A. Maurois)
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Give generously only when you know what you are giving to someone good. (Cato)

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Accept gifts only from people who have the right to give them. (F. Arno)
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Long hope is sweeter than a quick surprise. (I. Richter)
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He who gives his heart as a gift will never refuse to give money as a gift. (T. Fuller)
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A gift presented with a smile is doubly valuable. (T. Fuller)
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He who knows how to give, knows how to live. (French proverb)
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One who has flowers in his hands cannot do anything bad. (V. Soloukhin)
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Gifts, like good advice, bring joy to the giver. (E. Herriot)
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Nothing fuels a wife's suspicions more than an unexpected gift from her husband. (Unknown author)
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A book is the best gift, but a gift is better than a book. (Zhanna Golonogova)
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Having come to the conviction that “there is nothing in the world that would be worthy of her!”, the man offers himself. (S. Tracy)
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It’s nice to be remembered, but it’s often cheaper to be forgotten. (F. Hubbard)
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Friendship is built on small gifts, love is built on big gifts. (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)
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Why is it so difficult to buy a gift that looks worth what it actually cost? (Ya. Ipokhorskaya)
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Birthday gifts fall into two categories: those we don't like and those we don't receive. (Unknown author)
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The perfect gift for the man who has everything is a woman who knows what to do with it all. (Unknown author)
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The best gift for a golden wedding is a scene of jealousy. (Unknown author)
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If you liked the gift, it means you gave away part of your soul. (Japanese wisdom)
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A compliment is like a piece of jewelry: it testifies not only to the merits of the recipient, but also to the taste of the giver. (P. Godin)
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A gift shop is a place where there are a lot of gifts and where you are horrified at the thought of being given one of them. (Unknown author)
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Should a gentleman remove the price from a gift if he makes the gift in money? (K. Melikhan)
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Gifts are received by those who have something to give. (B. Brzezinski)
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Buy gifts that are a little more expensive than you can afford. (A. Maurois)
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Every gift from a friend is a wish for happiness. (R. Bach
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When a person retires and can afford not to keep track of time, his colleagues give him a watch. (R. Sherriff)
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Perhaps the cheapest way to cure a man from drunkenness is to give him a car (R. Podlevsky)
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There are three types of gifts: expensive, not so expensive, and a book. (Unknown author)
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Give your girlfriends the same perfume as your wives. Wives have an exceptional sense of smell. (Nadine Rothschild)
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Useful gifts are best. Let's say I give him handkerchiefs, and he gives me a mink coat. (B. Bardo)
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You should not give a woman anything that she cannot wear in the evening. (Unknown author)
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Name days are organized so that our friends can get rid of unnecessary things that they received on their own name days. (Unknown author)

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