Skin care after bikini hair removal - how not to pay for the procedure with your health. Experts told how to care for the bikini area. What methods exist for depilating the bikini area at home.

After the sugar paste procedure, it is necessary to properly care for the skin. If you strictly follow the rules, you can avoid unpleasant irritation of the skin of the delicate bikini area and prevent painful ingrown hairs.

How to care for the bikini area after sugaring

Use an antiseptic for three days after the procedure. Wear loose underwear. Do not scrub your skin with a washcloth or wash it with soap, as this will cause the skin to peel.

Wash the intimate area with chamomile infusion; if you need to relieve inflammation, apply a thin layer of Boro Plus cream.

Apply inhibitors and blockers every day to slow down hair growth.

Care products after sugaring

The best solution to take care of the delicate skin of the deep bikini area is to buy home care products after depilation.

Cream with allantoin

A day after sugaring, start applying cream with natural ingredients: ylang-ylang, shea butter, chamomile. Choose a product that contains allantoin. This substance stimulates the separation of dead cells, has a keratolytic effect, smoothes the surface of the stratum corneum, accelerates the healing and restoration processes of the skin, synthesizes collagen, and also prevents the formation of keloid scars, promoting the formation of smooth skin.

The cream has an ultra-light texture, so it is completely absorbed by the skin, relieves discomfort after depilation, and restores the acid-base balance of the skin.

Inhibitor lotions that slow down hair growth

With the advent of hair growth inhibitors, depilation has become a full-fledged procedure. Inhibitors are drugs that affect the rate of hair growth. Their role in cosmetics is to slow down the division of follicle cells, slow down the active growth of hair, making its structure thinner, and increase the time interval between depilation procedures. This is a concentrate of active substances of natural and chemical origin, which weakens hair and its color. Active ingredient of natural origin.

Often these products are based on arnica, witch hazel, and St. John's wort, so if you are not allergic to these plants, then you should not be afraid of using lotions that slow down hair growth. The drug does not pass beyond the bulbs, remaining on the surface layer of the skin, which means it works like regular cosmetic milk or cream.

The product should be used on the second day after sugaring. First, spray the solution, and then, using a cotton pad, rub it into the skin. Pay attention to the texture of the drug. Inhibitors are best absorbed in the form of sprays.

To care for your bikini area, choose a lotion with natural arnica or lemon extracts. And the composition of the drug must include salicylic acid. Salicylic acid dissolves microbial proteins, destroys bacteria and disinfects the skin, enhances the antimicrobial protection of the skin and suppresses inflammation.

You can make an inhibitor lotion yourself. The following natural remedies are also beneficial for the skin:

Walnut shell tincture

How to cook. Place a cup of walnut shells and partitions in a dark glass container and fill with alcohol (the liquid should completely cover the contents). Cover tightly and let sit for 2 weeks in a dark place.

How to use. Before use, pour out a little tincture and seal the container tightly again. Before applying the composition to the skin, dilute it with boiled water at the rate of 4 parts tincture and 1.5 parts water. Lubricate the skin with the mixture immediately after depilation. And one more time a day for the next 2 days after it.

Oil mixture

This product will not only help increase the time between depilation procedures, but will also relieve irritation and prevent inflammation on the skin. After all, it contains mint, lavender and tea tree oils, which have a calming and antibacterial effect.

How to cook. Mix in 5 tbsp. apricot oil 5 drops each of mint and lavender essential oils. Add 20 drops of tea tree essential oil. Store the resulting mixture in a tightly sealed dark glass container at room temperature.

How to use. Use the product immediately after depilation. Then three times a week every other day. Be careful with this method if you are prone to allergies: your skin may react to essential oils.

Lotion with papain

How to cook. Mix 50 ml of lavender hydrosol with 1 g of papain. Then, stirring, add a little guar gum to thicken the mixture. (All ingredients can be purchased in special stores and on websites for lovers of homemade cosmetics). Add 5 drops of turmeric essential oil to the resulting mixture.

How to use. Treat the skin with the mixture immediately after depilation. Then apply the lotion to the skin for the next 3 days, 2 times a day.

Anti-ingrown hair cream

Typically, the problem with ingrown hairs appears on the 4th or 5th day after depilation. A product with fruit acids will be a salvation for the skin. Glycolic, tartaric, and citric acids included in the cream will gently exfoliate the stratum corneum, eliminating hyperkeratosis and eliminating inflammation. The cream is needed by those who are sure that after depilation some hairs will grow in. Usually, if you use an inhibitor and scrub, the need for cream is minimal.

Scrubs after sugaring

A scrub after depilation is needed to renew the skin and release thin hairs that barely penetrate the surface of the skin, preventing their ingrowth. The product consists of abrasive particles: crushed seeds of berries or fruits, crystals of sugar or salt, ground coffee. Sugar and salt scrubs are suitable for the bikini area. The rest are intended for use on the legs and arms.

Attention! Scrubbing is carried out once a week and only if there are no rashes or irritation. The procedure will make the skin smooth and radiant. Perform a light exfoliation using a soft scrub, after steaming the skin. If there are areas of inflammation, then apply baby cream with chamomile or Bepanten ointment and only after healing, use a skin scrub.

Apply the product to the skin using gentle massaging movements until the granules are completely dissolved. Pay attention to the composition of the scrub. Shea butter, almond and peach butter, vitamin E are all necessary components of a scrub for the intimate area.

The peculiarity of almond oil is that it is very nutritious and light in structure. It consists of unsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-9), which helps protect the mantle of young and healthy skin, accelerates the healing process, nourishes, softens, and is suitable for the care of sensitive skin.

Terpene alcohols contained in shea butter fight inflammation, suppress the growth of free radicals, and help maintain skin elasticity. Shea butter nourishes and moisturizes. But the effect is achieved an hour after application to the skin and lasts seven hours. At this time, the aging process of the skin slows down, microcirculation improves, and cellular renewal is stimulated.

Vitamin E is a small molecule that easily penetrates the stratum corneum and actively affects the structures. In the scrub, vitamin E is needed to protect skin lipid molecules from damage and maintain the integrity of the lipid components of the skin's protective mantle. Activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, restore skin hydrobalance, relieve dryness and flaking.

If you don’t believe the labels on the products, then try making the scrub yourself. To do this you will need: 1-2 drops of the oil form of vitamin E, two tablespoons of fine sea salt or medium-ground coffee, half a coffee spoon of cinnamon, 2-3 drops of cosmetic oil of lemon, grape seed or peach. Mix the ingredients and apply to very damp skin. Exfoliate using circular movements and rinse with warm water.

Intimate areas of the skin are very sensitive and susceptible to chemicals, harsh abrasives, and alcohol-containing lotions, especially after depilation. Cosmetologists urge you not to experiment with food products and concentrated essential oils. Use ready-made sprays, creams, creams, scrubs from trusted brands that specialize in producing depilatory products. All products are specifically designed for daily care at home and are intended exclusively for use after the deep bikini area sugaring procedure. Professional products will help you maintain healthy skin until your next visit to the beauty salon.

Before you begin the bikini area hair removal procedure, be sure to take a warm shower for at least 5-10 minutes. This will help soften the skin.

Use a quality razor

Never shave your bikini area with disposable razors or dull blades. This will not give you a good result and may cause you to cut yourself or cause irritation.

Don't forget the shaving foam

The more foam there is, the easier the razor will glide over the skin and will not cause irritation.

Shave hairs in the direction of growth

If you have sensitive skin, try to shave the hairs in the direction of growth. This is a little more difficult to do, but it reduces the risk of irritation.

Stretch your skin when you shave

Try to stretch the skin slightly with your free hand to avoid accidentally cutting yourself.

Use aftershave products

Immediately after the procedure, apply a moisturizer for sensitive skin, cooling gel or regular baby cream to your skin.

Take care of your skin during menstrual periods

During menstruation, the skin in the intimate area is especially sensitive and vulnerable. Therefore, it is very important to wash yourself regularly, as well as use products that protect and care for delicate skin. Naturella pads with DermaCrem TM Nourishing Moisturizing Lotion help prevent skin irritation and leave your skin feeling soft.

Wear breathable underwear

In the summer, when it is stuffy and hot, it is very important that underwear be made from natural, breathable fabrics, such as cotton. It is also important to change it after sports training or when you are sweating a lot. Let your skin be smooth and soft even in the most secluded corners of your body!

> Caring for the pubic area

For modern girls, hair removal in the bikini area is a natural way of self-care. At all times, a huge number of ways have been invented to get rid of unwanted hairs that only spoil the beauty of the female body. In the East, it was customary to get rid of hair literally all over the body in order to please a lover and appear in all its glory. In those days, they used a special sugar paste, which today is called sugaring. European women began to get rid of hair especially carefully in the bikini area when swimsuits appeared that looked more like tiny triangles.

Today there are a huge number of different products that help make the skin smooth in the bikini area. However, if you use them illiterately or do everything hastily, then serious irritation and even ingrown hairs may appear, getting rid of which is a real problem. Some girls ask the question: “How to care for the bikini area at home?” Let's figure out together which methods in the modern world are most popular for hair removal, as well as subsequent care for the delicate skin of the intimate area.

It can be very difficult to choose a depilatory cream so as not to get burned in the future, but it is possible thanks to If the hairs in your intimate area are thin and light, then you can use this product. So be careful and do a little test first. To do this, apply depilatory cream to a small area and leave for the time specified in the instructions. If there is no redness and the hair is easily removed, then you can safely use this product.

Depilatory cream should be specifically designed for delicate skin in the bikini area. As a rule, various oils and moisturizing components are added to such products, which help remove redness.

  1. First you need to cleanse your skin with soap or shower gel; it should not be dry.
  2. After this, apply the cream in a thin layer and wait a few minutes. Under no circumstances should you overexpose the cream! Even if you want to achieve better results. Otherwise, your skin may be burned.
  3. Next, use a special spatula, which is usually included, to remove the cream from the skin and wash thoroughly with soap and water. Everything must be done carefully and carefully so as not to injure the skin.

How to get rid of unwanted hair with a razor?

A razor is perhaps the most common option for removing unwanted hair in the bikini area. The fact is that the razor is ideal in that it does not cause any unpleasant sensations, except for irritation from a low-quality or already dull razor. With a razor you can create a beautiful bikini line in just five minutes. But hairs grow back literally in two days, so in some cases you have to do depilation constantly.

Many girls are embarrassed by unwanted hair on their bodies. However, don’t worry, because today so many ways have been invented to make the skin smooth, without even a hint of fine fluff. Hair in the bikini area can be removed completely, or you can leave a thin strip. It all depends on your preferences. Don't be ashamed of what nature has given you.

  1. First, you need to purchase a high-quality razor and shaving gel from the store. Modern foams and gels for women were specially developed; they have a pleasant aroma. However, if you do not have the opportunity to constantly buy these products, you can use hair conditioner; the razor glides over it just fine.
  2. Next, it is important to slightly steam the skin in the bikini area; for this you can take a pleasant bath with sea salt. Try not to wash yourself with cold water before depilation, as this will only cause irritation.
  3. After this, apply a little gel to damp, steamed skin and lather it.
  4. And then proceed to the most important process. You need to do everything first according to hair growth, and then against it, in order to achieve ideal smoothness of the skin. You can stretch the skin a little for a more comfortable shave.

How to depilate the bikini area with wax?

Wax is an excellent option for hair removal, including at home. It allows you to achieve smooth skin for a long time, for about two weeks, after which you will have to repeat the procedure. Of course, wax can cause some discomfort, because the hairs are removed from the roots. But this will finally allow you to get rid of irritated skin and unpleasant stubble in the bikini area.

  1. First you need to purchase a special wax melter and wax, as well as special strips. Please note that the wax melt is purchased only once, and the wax must be suitable for delicate skin in the bikini area.
  2. Then you simply heat the wax in a special wax melter to a comfortable temperature. Try not to overheat it to avoid getting burned.
  3. After this, you need to cleanse the skin with some product; you can use a tonic to cleanse the facial skin with a small amount of alcohol to degrease the skin and disinfect it.
  4. Next, simply apply a thin layer of wax to dry skin and immediately apply the strip, rub the strip a little in different directions so that the wax sticks better.
  5. Then you need to hold the skin with your hand so that it does not stretch, and quickly tear off the strip along with the hairs.

The procedure is, of course, painful, and blood may even appear in some places. If you are afraid to do this at home, you can go to a beauty salon, they will do everything for you.

How to care for your skin after hair removal?

After any hair removal, whether you use a cream, wax or razor, extra care is needed to soothe irritated skin. This must be done if you do not want to get irritation and redness the next day. After epilation, remove any remaining depilatory cream or gel using soap and water. Wax is removed with oil wipes. Then you need to treat the skin with some kind of antiseptic, just do not use vodka or pure alcohol. A facial tonic with the addition of a small amount of alcohol works well.

Finally, apply a special cooling gel after epilation to soothe the skin and relieve pain. You can buy it in a store or online, just like wax melt. Now all that remains is to enjoy perfectly smooth skin in the bikini area and finally try on a fairly revealing swimsuit that you haven’t dared to wear before.

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Today we want to offer you the topic of care. But this is not simple care, but care for intimate areas. In this article we will tell you how to properly care for your bikini area and give you some tips about the “deep bikini” procedure in a beauty salon. So, let's begin:

Women have always taken their appearance more seriously than men. This is natural, since our appearance is our calling card. In former times, an unkempt woman, and even with poor health, simply had no chance of getting married. Appearance often decided everything: the future position, living conditions, and even the woman’s life itself depended on it. Nothing has changed in our time. If we don't follow, we won't be desirable and successful.

Therefore, women learned to take care of their face and body, and this art remains with us to this day. We carefully care for the skin of the face, hands and feet, take care of our figure, nails and hair, and know a lot of useful and effective cosmetic procedures and products.

But there is one area that, unfortunately, not every woman knows how to properly care for - this is the area of ​​​​the intimate organs.

Not so long ago, the topic of intimate hygiene in our country, as a rule, was not discussed. Moreover, discussing it was often considered inconvenient and almost indecent. Usually the girls followed the recommendations of their mothers, who recommended washing at least once a day, and always with soap. As a result, teenage girls caused an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the vagina, and received such an unpleasant problem as thrush.

Few women think about how delicate and vulnerable the intimate organ area is. The uterine cavity is generally sterile, and if viruses or pathogens enter it, they begin to multiply there unhindered, in some cases causing inflammatory female diseases.

Such a sonorous diagnosis as “adnexitis,” or inflammation of the uterine appendages, unfortunately, is familiar to many women firsthand. Gynecologists believe that a mandatory hygienic procedure - washing - should always be performed in compliance with certain rules, but in life these rules are rarely observed, most often when a woman has already acquired some kind of female disease.

This happens for various reasons: sometimes they simply don’t know about it, sometimes they consider it unimportant, and sometimes it’s just laziness. But then you have to, willy-nilly, become patients of the attending gynecologists

How to care for intimate parts

Of course, it doesn’t even occur to many women that they don’t know everything about such simple things as observing the rules of intimate hygiene. Let's try to check and make sure that you know exactly how to properly care for one of the most beautiful and interesting parts of the female body.

  • Wash only with warm water, in the direction “from front to back”, from the pubis to the anus, and always with clean hands. Don’t even think about washing yourself with cold water, and especially don’t teach your daughters to do this, otherwise you risk getting serious inflammatory diseases.
  • On critical days, do not take a bath, try not to swim in the pool and especially in open water, even if you rely on hygienic tampons.
  • Use a separate towel for intimate hygiene. It should always be perfectly clean and soft
  • Never wash your genitals with washcloths or sponges: this is completely useless, but your delicate mucous membrane can easily get scratches and damage - and this is a paradise for all kinds of infectious agents. Of course, if you use a sisal washcloth to treat your bikini area between epilations, then this is normal, but you should not wash your genitals with a washcloth.
  • When you wash your private parts, do not direct the water stream directly into the vagina. This not only washes away the necessary protective lubricant, but also helps various pathogens of infections and inflammatory diseases enter the vagina.
  • If you really need to clean the vagina, then do it by douching, using an infusion of medicinal herbs. For douching, use only boiled water, but not hot, but close to body temperature. You should not wipe your genitals dry after washing, but rather gently blot them so that the sensitive mucous membrane is not damaged.
  • When caring for the intimate area, do not use regular soap, otherwise, as mentioned above, there is a risk of disturbing the acid-base balance of the vagina. You can wash the skin around the vaginal opening with soap, but it is better not to do this. Use special intimate hygiene products

Today everyone knows about panty liners, and not only women (thanks to domestic advertising). Do all women use them? And if they are used, how often should they be changed?

Some gynecologists deny the benefits of panty liners, but the opinion of most experts is clear: pads help protect the intimate area.

However, if you walk around with one pad all day, it will not only lose its meaning, but can also be harmful, since an everyday pad, if not changed for several hours, becomes a breeding ground for many bacteria and microorganisms. Therefore, pads must be changed several times a day, or at least twice a day

Let's talk about this in a little more detail. Ideally, a woman should wash her genitals with warm water after each visit to the toilet, use special care products, and change panty liners and underwear. However, this seems completely unrealistic, especially at work. Not everyone at work has a bidet, not everyone manages to set aside time even for lunch, let alone for hygiene procedures, and it’s generally inconvenient to carry clean linen and hygiene products (towel, gel).

Fortunately, today there is a completely acceptable alternative - intimate hygiene wipes. You need to choose those that contain anti-inflammatory herbal extracts and antimicrobial agents. Wash your hands thoroughly before using the toilet (not just after using the toilet). This is not difficult, but it will help you protect yourself from possible infections, and also give you a feeling of cleanliness and freshness for the whole day (as in advertising!).

As for the “critical” days, in this case the pads are changed up to five times a day, and generally as needed. Even if the gasket is only one-third full, it should be changed, and not wait until it is “to the brim.”

If you use tampons, don't risk leaving them in your vagina for more than four hours. The same as with a pad: it doesn’t matter whether the tampon is full or not. Why save on the most precious thing – your health? In general, it is better to use tampons only when really necessary. Another very delicate question: is sexual intercourse acceptable during “critical” days? Our ancestors, in principle, did not have such a question - it was unacceptable, and not as important as it was interpreted.

Something else is important: Intimacy during menstruation dramatically increases the risk of infections and inflammatory diseases. By the way, unwanted pregnancy is also possible. That’s right: after all, a sperm, once inside the female genital tract, can wait more than two weeks for ovulation. So it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse during menstrual periods.

What underwear is best to wear to always be clean and protected? Synthetic panties and tight pants can also cause infections and inflammation. That is why at present the number of young women and very young girls with chronic sexual problems has sharply increased. Thongs, so beloved by young people, are especially conducive to infection. It is better to wear cotton underwear, and the classic type, for example, French panties or slips.

If you resort to procedures such as deep bikini bioepilation, remember a few tips:

  • When you come to a beauty salon, make sure that you have come to a certified specialist, do not hesitate to ask for documents about education, availability of a medical record
  • look at the office, it should be clean, the specialist’s appearance should inspire confidence in you

Hair removal in the bikini area - both partial and deep - has long become the norm for most women. This procedure is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also in terms of hygiene. However, hair removal, especially if done incorrectly, can bring not only benefits, but also many problems. Hairs often grow in after shaving, using creams, waxing, sugaring and other methods, the skin becomes irritated, inflamed, and rashes may appear. To avoid this, you need to know the basics of proper care of the intimate area at home after shaving and hair removal.

Hygienic basics of caring for the intimate area

A deep bikini, which includes not only the pubis, groin area and inner thighs, but also the labia and skin between the buttocks, is the most delicate and vulnerable area of ​​a woman’s body.

Since the mucous membranes are very close, all products used in the intimate area somehow end up on them. In addition, the skin here is the most sensitive, with many nerve endings, and also very thin, because there is no subcutaneous fat layer. And this is perhaps the only part of the body for which daily hygiene procedures are mandatory.

Caring for the bikini area at home should adhere to the following rules:

  1. All products for use in the bikini area must be created specifically for it. You need to wash yourself with a special intimate gel that does not irritate the mucous membranes. As for the products before and after depilation, the same ones that are used for the legs will not work here. They should not contain alcohol or aggressive fragrances.
  2. Be sure to use products before and after hair removal. Shaving gel should be as soft as possible and produce a thick, delicate foam. Lotion for use after the procedure for removing unwanted vegetation should be alcohol-free and contain soothing ingredients.
  3. It is also worth considering that the bikini area is subject to constant friction. Therefore, it is better to choose comfortable soft underwear made from natural fabrics. If you want to wear lace thongs, then you need to give them up for at least a couple of days after hair removal.

Generally speaking, the intimate area is the only one for which you need to select personal products. And all of them should be designed for sensitive skin. Do not use universal gels and lotions designed for other parts of the body, or regular soap.

Important! A common problem in the bikini area is ingrown hairs. When choosing individual products for hair removal and related care, you need to take this into account.

It is also worth considering that hair removal associated with pulling out the root is best done on steamed, heated skin. For example, after taking a hot bath. After this, the pain will be less, and the hairs will be pulled out easier.

As for shaving, it’s better not to get carried away with steaming. A warm shower is enough. The fact is that when steaming, the skin thickens, which means that it will not be possible to cut the hairs as close to the root as possible with a razor, and after the skin returns to normal, stubble will remain. It is better to use a soft one to remove the stratum corneum.

After depilation

Products after hair removal in the intimate area are required. They also have antiseptic properties, relieve irritation and inflammation, and soothe the skin. In addition, many of them contain components that slow down further hair growth.

If steaming “before” is useful, then “after” it is better to refrain from a hot bath, sauna, steam bath, as well as going to the pool and swimming in natural bodies of water. The fact is that after the procedure, the pores of the skin and hair channels are open, and the aquatic environment allows infection to penetrate into them.

If inflammation and irritation occur, then you need to use a soothing anti-inflammatory gel or cream for several days. Products that contain panthenol work well. They should also be chosen if hair removal was performed with hot wax and the skin was burned.

Folk remedies help soothe the skin perfectly: decoctions of chamomile flowers, calendula. They perfectly relieve inflammation. They can be used for rubbing several times a day or applying a compress.

To avoid the risk of ingrown hairs, you should use a scrub for several days after epilation. If the hair does grow in, a home remedy will help, which is a paste of aspirin and glycerin tablets. It is applied to the skin and washed off with water after half an hour. The composition will pull the ingrown hairs out, after which they can be pulled out with tweezers.

Important! The scrub can only be used on the pubic area, and even then it is gentle. Scrubs are prohibited for the deep bikini area.

Skin care products

Summarizing the above, all products for caring for the bikini area can be divided into the following categories:

These are the products that should be in the arsenal of any woman who epilates her bikini area at home or in a beauty salon.

What to do if skin care doesn't help

Sometimes it happens that products are used both before and after hair removal, hygiene is strictly observed, but still severe irritation, inflammation, rash occurs, hair grows in and other problems arise.

First, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of your skin. For example, some women experience ingrown hairs anyway.

Secondly, the epilation technique may be disrupted. For example, the difference between waxing and sugaring is that in the first case, hairs are removed against the growth, and in the second - along the growth. If this is violated, unpleasant consequences may arise.

In addition, you need to understand that only high-quality products can provide complete care for sensitive skin. Therefore, it is not worth saving on them. Cheap ones can themselves cause irritation and allergies. Also, perhaps this hair removal method is not suitable for you. It's worth trying another one. For example, switch from waxing to sugaring or vice versa.


Knowing how a woman can properly care for her intimate area makes it easier not to make mistakes. After all, any negligence in this area can be fraught with serious consequences. And skin problems in the bikini area may not be related to hair removal. If all the points are taken into account, but the rash and inflammation still bother you regularly, then this may be a sign of some disease and a reason to consult a doctor.

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Pubic hair can be difficult to deal with sometimes. Firstly, it's awkward and awkward to ask your friends or family for advice - you can't just walk up and ask, "Wax or shave?" And secondly, you need to know how to care for these delicate areas, as mishandling your pubic hair can cause razor burn, ingrown hairs and other problems. Luckily, this handy guide will walk you through the ins and outs of caring for those pesky pubic hairs, whether you're a girl or a boy.


Part 1

How to keep your hair clean and well-groomed

    Wash your hair with mild soap. It's not just the hair on your head that needs washing—your pubic hair needs love and attention, too. Every time you shower or bathe, use a mild, unscented soap to wash your pubic hair. Be careful - if you pull the hair at the bottom, it will hurt!

    Keep your hair short. Even if you don't remove hair, you should keep it clean. The best way to do this is by cutting your hair! The best tool is small nail scissors, preferably with blunt ends. This will give you maneuverability and reduce the chances of cutting yourself. Just set them aside somewhere private to be used only for trimming your pubic hair.

    • Avoid using large scissors as they are difficult (and dangerous) to use. You can use an ear or nose clipper, but make sure you use a blade protector. Never use an electric razor with rotating heads, as they cause pain in the groin area.
    • To trim pubic hair, pull the hair away from the body and trim slowly and carefully as close to the skin as possible. If you want, you can comb your hair first, then trim the hair by pulling it out with a comb. You should rely on your feelings during this process, although it is worth checking your progress with a hand mirror from time to time.
    • Make sure you remove all hair after you've finished cutting, as it's tactless to leave hair all over the bathroom (especially if it's a shared one). If possible, cut your hair over a bowl so that you can easily rinse off any loose hair after the cut is finished.

Part 2

  1. Shave your hair. Shaving is the most popular method when it comes to removing pubic hair, as it is cheap, easy, relatively painless and free of awkwardness. You'll need a mild shaving cream or unscented gel (both men and women should use women's shaving cream as it's the gentlest), preferably one made specifically for removing pubic hair, and a new razor (dull blades are less effective and may cause skin irritation).

    Try depilatory cream. Depilatory creams are a great option for those who want to tidy up their bikini area with minimal pain. These hair removal creams work by using harsh chemicals to dissolve the hair so that it can be easily removed from the skin.

    • Since these chemicals are very harsh (as indicated by their strong odor), it is not recommended to use depilatory creams to remove all pubic hair because they can cause skin irritation and even chemical burns.
    • Before using depilatory cream, it is worth trimming the hair you want to get rid of. This will reduce the consumption of funds. Wear old underwear that you are not afraid of getting stained with cream. Use underwear to define the boundaries of the cream application so that the cream does not get on your delicate parts of the body.
    • Leave the cream on your bikini or panty line for the time indicated on the package. Never Do not leave the cream on the skin for longer than recommended on the packaging, as this may cause harm to the skin. Once the time is up, wipe off or rinse off the cream as directed on the package. Unwanted hair will be removed along with the cream.
  2. Do waxing. Waxing is an effective hair removal method that eliminates unwanted hair for 2-4 weeks. There are many ways to remove hair: you can remove hair from the lingerie area, leave a strip, or remove all hair using Brazilian hair removal. This applies to both men and women, although it is not recommended to wax hair in the sensitive area of ​​the testicles.

    • Waxing is the application of hot, sticky wax to the areas where you want to remove hair. A cloth strip is placed over the wax and then torn off, removing the wax and hair along with it.
    • Because the hair is removed from the root, it takes much longer to grow back than with other hair removal methods such as shaving, which cuts the hair above the skin. However, waxing can be expensive, so despite the long periods of time between treatments, it's not the cheapest solution.
    • Although it is possible to do waxing at home, if you have never waxed before, it is better to visit a professional salon for this procedure. It is worth noting that waxing is painful, especially in such a sensitive area, although over time hair growth will slow down and pain will decrease.
  3. Consider electrolysis or laser hair removal. Electrolysis and laser hair removal are two procedures that can permanently remove or reduce the amount of pubic hair. Electrolysis is the only way to completely remove hair. An electrical current is passed through the hair follicle, destroying the hair root and preventing new hair from growing.

  4. Think about the image a la naturel. It is important to understand that the decision to remove pubic hair is a personal decision. So while full groin hair removal is becoming increasingly popular these days, you shouldn't give in to the pressure if it's not what you really want.

    • If you keep the area clean and cared for, there is no reason to remove pubic hair for hygienic reasons. Many people remove hair solely for aesthetic reasons.
    • It's important to know that many men and women choose the natural approach and allow their hair to grow the way they want. So, whichever option you choose, always remember that it is completely normal!

Part 3

how to deal with other problems
  1. Get rid of irritation. Irritation is an integral part of the hair removal process, and no matter which option you choose, you will have to deal with irritation at least initially. To minimize the number of red dots, you can:

    • Exfoliate the area using a gentle sugar scrub. It will help you get rid of dead skin cells and allow your skin to breathe. If you don't have a sugar scrub on hand, simply mix baking soda and water to create a paste that has a similar effect.
    • Moisturize the area with a mild, unscented lotion. Baby lotions and oils, as well as moisturizers with aloe vera, are popular products that soothe the skin.
    • Wear loose clothing that allows your skin to breathe. Your skin needs air to repair itself, so don't wear leather pants immediately after waxing or shaving. Try wearing cotton underwear and skirts or loose pants for the first few days after hair removal.
  2. Get rid of ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs can be painful and even lead to infection if left untreated. They appear during the growth phase of new hair after shaving or waxing. If you have ingrown hairs in the groin area, you can get rid of them as follows:

    • Take a hot shower or bath to soften the skin around your hair and open up your pores. Pat the area dry with a clean towel, then take sterilized tweezers and, using pressure on the other end, pull out the hair.
    • Apply a small amount of astringent, let it dry, and then put on breathable cotton underwear. Continue applying the astringent over the next few days until the skin recovers.

gastroguru 2017