How much does phenol facial peeling cost? Phenol peeling is an effective anti-aging method. Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Cosmetologists consider peeling using phenol to be the gold standard of all anti-aging procedures. This is not without reason, because phenol peeling is a procedure whose effectiveness is confirmed by both scientific research by world-famous scientists and a large number of practical works. The results from its implementation are even equated to the results that can be obtained after plastic surgery.

The use of carbolic acid in cosmetology and types of phenol peeling

Carbolic acid (or phenol) when applied to the skin has the following effects:

  • exfoliating - destroys the connections between corneocytes (horn cells) and thereby causes severe peeling of the skin;
  • capillary-strengthening - phenol reduces the permeability of membranes and compacts them by lysis, which helps strengthen the vascular walls;
  • anti-aging – inhibits the action of hyaluronidase (an enzyme that breaks down), thereby prolonging “inner” youth;
  • anti-inflammatory – blocks inflammatory mediators, reducing signs of skin inflammation;
  • antimicrobial – has a bactericidal effect, destroys all pathogenic microflora on the surface of the skin;
  • regenerating - promotes the development of a severe chemical burn, which triggers the process of dividing new cells and independent skin.

Phenol is very toxic to the human body, therefore, in addition to it, peeling preparations also contain components that slow down its absorption:

  • glycerol;
  • distilled water;
  • oil;
  • propylene glycol.

Depending on the concentration of the main substance, peeling can be:

  • mid-superficial (3% carbolic acid);
  • median (25% acid);
  • deep (more than 35% acid).

Features of the procedure

The mechanism of action of the deep chemical is quite simple: when applied to the skin, phenol helps to destroy the bonds between corneocytes, which causes severe peeling of the skin, activates the synthesis of skin proteins, resulting in smoothing wrinkles and improving the overall condition of the skin. Carbolic acid penetrates right up to the papillary layer, provokes the development of a severe burn and thereby contributes to the complete reconstruction of the dermis and epidermis.

The danger of peeling is that phenol very quickly penetrates the skin barrier, enters the body (its absorption occurs in the intestines) and has a toxic effect on brain tissue. It causes dysfunction of the central nervous system, convulsions and irritation of the mucous membranes. From the intestine, phenolic acid enters the liver, where it is neutralized, and it is removed from the body by the kidneys. Experts recommend doing superficial and medium chemical peeling of the face, and using deep chemical peeling as rarely as possible, since rapid treatment of the skin with phenol leads to the fact that a lot of toxin enters the body and the internal organs cannot cope with its neutralization.


  • senile hyperkeratosis;
  • hypertrophic scars.

What problems does it help solve?

With phenol peeling you can:

  • normalize the functions of the epidermis and dermis;
  • significantly improve the structure of the skin and its relief (it will become more even, smooth and elastic);
  • eliminate age spots and wrinkles on the face;
  • increase the overall tone of the skin;
  • activate the body’s work at the microcirculatory and neural level.

Pre-peeling preparation

Preparing for the procedure involves performing the following steps:

  • medical examinations - deep chemical peeling is recognized as a dermatosurgical procedure that can only be performed in a hospital and after a thorough medical examination of the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system;
  • carrying out several pre-peelings (within 5 weeks before using phenol), which are performed with weak solutions of fruit acids, in order to equalize the thickness of the stratum corneum;
  • ten days before the peeling, the patient is prescribed antiherpetic drugs;
  • stop using retinoid-based products six months before the procedure (both internal and external), as they enhance exfoliation of the epidermis and increase the depth of phenol penetration;
  • refusal to use laser;
  • stop going to the solarium (three months before peeling).

How is the procedure done?

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Intravenous (for deep effects) or local anesthesia is performed only by an anesthesiologist;
  2. Makeup removal followed by drying the face (water increases the rate of penetration of phenol into the skin);
  3. Additional degreasing of the skin with alcohol;
  4. Applying carbolic acid to the face - do this with smooth strokes; with deep peeling, it is recommended to take a break for five minutes between treating individual areas (during this time the liver has time to neutralize phenol);
  5. Neutralization of phenol with a special film mask, which is removed only after 48 hours;
  6. Applying a cream with a high level of protection against ultraviolet rays.

The session lasts from 40 to 100 minutes (depending on the depth of exposure to phenol and the individual characteristics of the body). A course of deep and medium peeling consists of one procedure, the effect of which lasts for 5-10 years (superficial peeling is repeated two to three times with an interval of once every 1.5 months).

Video: "Main stages and results of the procedure"

Recovery period and post-peeling care

The skin restoration period lasts from 3 to 6 months. The first days after the session, the patient will experience severe burning and pain, which is recommended to be relieved with painkillers. Before removing the film mask (within 48 hours), it is necessary to prevent water from coming into contact with the skin; you cannot even brush your teeth (it is recommended to drink only through a straw).

After removing the film mask, the face is lubricated with an antiseptic and moisturizer. On the fourth day, the skin becomes covered with crusts, which fall off within two weeks. The redness will go away in about 1.5 months; throughout this period, the face should be lubricated with panthenol, a hyaluronic acid-based moisturizer and sunscreen. The final result can be assessed only after 6-8 months.

Phenol peeling: photos before and after the procedure

Possible complications and contraindications

Possible complications include:

  • ectopia (deformation of the lower eyelid);
  • scar formation (occurs due to improper post-peeling care);
  • development of infections and inflammations;
  • prolonged erythema (redness) of the skin, which disappears only after 4-5 months;
  • severe burn (third degree), which will require lifelong skin protection from UV rays;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases (acne, rosacea);
  • the appearance of hyper- or depigmented zones;
  • high risk of developing renal, liver and heart failure;
  • decreased general immunity;
  • the appearance of a demarcation line (the border between treated and untreated skin).


  • age under 18 and after 60 years;
  • herpes;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • severe diseases of the central nervous system;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • menstruation;
  • strong tan;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • influenza, ARVI;
  • infectious and fungal diseases of the skin;
  • diabetes.

What can you combine with?

Superficial phenol peeling can be done several weeks before the proposed facial plastic surgery; this will help shorten the recovery period after surgery, because carbolic acid activates the processes of internal regeneration and restoration of the skin.

Biorevitalization (injection of drugs containing hyaluronic acid under the patient’s skin). Preparations based on this acid improve the functioning of fibroblasts and allow you to preserve the results of the procedure for a long time.

Botox or Dysport injections. Injection of botulinum toxin helps to relax the facial muscles, which in itself already helps to smooth out wrinkles, and phenol enhances this effect.

Estimated cost

Phenol peeling, without exaggeration, will give better anti-aging results than any other type of peeling, however, its toxicity causes mistrust in many patients of cosmetology clinics. But you shouldn’t worry, because following all the rules of the procedure and choosing the right doctor allows you to get an excellent result.

Phenol peeling is a method of deep cleansing the skin of the stratum corneum by applying concentrated carbolic acid to it. The procedure is the most effective and radical manipulation, comparable in impact to plastic surgery. Deep peeling strengthens the skin structure, rejuvenates, renews dermal cells, restores the synthesis of elastin and collagen, and has an excellent lifting effect. Recommended for use after 45 years.

Non-surgical rejuvenation using phenol peeling

Most skin cleansing techniques came to us from distant and hot Brazil. This is where phenol peeling comes from. The main component of the exfoliation solution - carbolic acid - very quickly penetrates to the level of the hypodermis, burning the overlying layers of skin along the way. In its effect on the dermis, the drug is similar to a third-degree burn.

In this case, deep tissue trauma occurs, in response to which the body begins to intensify the production of collagen and elastin. The content of hyaluronic acid and skin protein in the cells increases, active processes of regeneration and renewal occur. Instead of the destroyed layers of the dermis, new and young skin without wrinkles and unevenness begins to grow.

At the same time, the tissue structure becomes denser and more elastic, saturated with moisture, and a pronounced anti-aging effect appears. The complexion improves and evens out, and age-related pigmentation disappears. The result of the update lasts up to 10 years.

It should be noted that deep exfoliation with phenol is only allowed for women over 45 years of age and for serious reasons. It makes no sense to do the procedure for the purpose of rejuvenation at an earlier age, since there are a number of safe techniques that can help in this case.

The most popular manufacturer is the Israeli form GiGi (GiG). The brand produces many drugs with carbolic acid of varying concentrations. This allows you to more accurately control the level of penetration of the exfoliant and have a dosed effect on wrinkles of different depths. There are a lot of good reviews about Mediderma peelings. They are praised for their gentle effects and minimal complications.

Properties of phenol

Phenol (hydroxybenzene) is an organic substance of the phenol class. It has a characteristic odor and pronounced aggressiveness. When it comes into contact with the skin in its pure form, it is quickly absorbed and is found in the brain tissue within 5–6 minutes. The effect of carbolic acid is manifested by short-term agitation with a further increase in symptoms of general poisoning.

Due to its toxicity, the substance is destructive to many microorganisms. That is why a 5% phenol solution found wide use in medicine as a disinfectant 150 years ago. Much later, organic acid began to be used as a chemical peel, but due to its high aggressiveness, the procedure was not very successful. It was only in 2004 that phenol exfoliation received a second life.

The new formula of the exfoliant, which, in addition to hydroxybenzene, includes propylene glycol, oils and glycerin, reduces the risk of uncontrolled penetration, and the ability to vary the concentration reduces the toxicity of the drug.

And yet, phenol exfoliation still remains an extremely aggressive procedure, and therefore is performed only in a hospital under general anesthesia and in the presence of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

Classification of phenol peeling

Today, several variants of phenol peeling have been created, which differ in the saturation of the solution and the depth of penetration:

  1. Superficial (3% carbolic acid) - used to eliminate age spots, facial wrinkles, treat acne, reduce the severity of scars, scars and post-acne.
  2. Medium (25% carbolic acid) - helps to whiten the skin, eliminate small wrinkles and uneven surface texture, and get rid of acne.
  3. Deep (33% carbolic acid) - used only for age-related sagging and wrinkled skin with senile pigmentation.

The first two options for the procedure also have their admirers, but the pronounced toxicity of the drug and a large number of contraindications make this choice not very successful. The situation with deep exfoliation is different. Such manipulation has no worthy analogues, so its use is completely justified.

Indications for the procedure

Despite the aggressiveness of phenol peeling, it is often called the gold standard of cosmetology. If performed correctly, the procedure can become a worthy alternative to surgical plastic surgery.

Indications for exfoliation behavior are:

  • serious age-related skin changes;
  • looseness of the face;
  • photoaging;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • postoperative defects;
  • acne, tattoos;
  • acne;
  • demodicosis

For medical reasons, peeling with phenol can be done before the age of 45 or a lower concentration of solution can be used for the procedure. According to reviews from women who have undergone manipulation, exfoliation perfectly removes scars, scars and even tattoos.

Contraindications and risks

As mentioned above, deep exfoliation with carbolic acid is very toxic and therefore carries greater risks than other types of peeling.

Firstly, the likelihood of scars appearing sharply after tissue healing. It is also possible for the dermis to recover for a long time, hyperpigmentation to develop, or white spots to appear.

Secondly, phenol has a cardiotoxic effect, which increases in direct proportion to the simultaneously treated area.

It is equally important to identify concomitant pathologies, since many of them can worsen under the influence of carbolic acid.

In addition, contraindications to peeling are:

  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • hypersensitivity to acid enzyme ingredients.

A conditional contraindication to deep exfoliation may be age after 60 years. During this period, as a rule, a sufficient number of diseases accumulate that do not allow complete exfoliation and significantly reduce the rate of tissue regeneration, so the recovery period can drag on for 3–4 years.

Preparation for the procedure

The first stage of preparation for phenol peeling is a meeting with a cosmetologist. The specialist will carefully examine the skin, identify the presence of injuries and damage, sunburn, pigmentation, and determine the depth of wrinkles. Then the optimal composition of the exfoliant is selected.

Be prepared to tell the cosmetologist at your first appointment about your state of health and the medications you are currently taking, the presence of chronic diseases, and your tolerance to medications. If you have already had a chemical peel or other traumatic procedure, this should also be mentioned.

The second stage of preparation is as follows:

  • 3 months before the procedure, it is advisable to avoid visiting a solarium or going to the sea, and cancel any exposure to a laser device;
  • a month before peeling, it is recommended to undergo a full medical examination, do an ECG, check the condition of the kidneys and liver;
  • 14 days before the procedure, start taking antioxidants and antiherpes medications.

Before deep cleansing, it is advisable to perform several superficial exfoliations or use exfoliating products at home. Judging by the reviews, phenol peeling after these events is more effective and produces fewer complications. During the preparatory period, it is advisable to limit alcohol consumption and smoking, and for those who are very worried, take a course of sedatives.

Stages of phenol peeling

The carbolic acid exfoliation procedure has several important features. Firstly, the manipulation is performed in an operating room equipped with a powerful hood. Hydroxybenzene vapors are highly toxic and volatile. Secondly, the high toxicity of the solution requires alternate and selective application. Areas with pronounced imperfections are treated first, and then the rest of the face.

Step-by-step peeling:

  1. The patient is given general anesthesia.
  2. The skin is cleaned with further degreasing and thorough drying.
  3. Apply the solution with light, smooth strokes. The interval between treatment of individual zones should be maintained at least 5 minutes. An indicator of the correctness of the procedure is a grayish frost, consisting of coagulated protein.
  4. Neutralization of peeling using a special mask.
  5. Application of anti-inflammatory and regenerating cream.

The entire manipulation takes 1–2 hours. The duration depends on the area of ​​the surface being treated and the complexity of the problems being solved.

Since deep exfoliation is not a direct procedure, you will see the result only after 4 weeks - this is the time it takes to renew the dermis

Post-peeling skin care

Phenol exfoliation is a difficult and painful procedure. The first days after it should be spent in the clinic, observing bed rest. During this period, it is forbidden to wash your face, and you will have to eat through a straw.

On the second day, the doctor removes the mask from the face along with any remaining skin and lubricates the wound with an anti-burn agent. After this, tissue restructuring begins with the formation of a crust. You cannot remove it yourself - this can lead to infection or the formation of post-procedure scars.

During the rehabilitation period, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • refuse to visit the bathhouse or sauna;
  • completely avoid solariums and tanning; before leaving the room, it is recommended to apply sunscreen with SPF 50 to your face;
  • You should wash only with boiled, slightly acidified water;
  • protect skin from frost and wind;
  • limit smoking and alcohol.

During the recovery period, it is necessary to use soothing and anti-inflammatory creams, and use special cosmetics that create a barrier effect.

List of possible complications

As a rule, most adverse reactions are a direct consequence of non-compliance with post-peel care recommendations and failure to identify contraindications.

The most common complications include:

  • persistent redness of the skin, lasting up to six months;
  • exacerbation of the herpes virus;
  • the appearance of keloid scars;
  • formation of scars in the lips and eyes;
  • development of contact and allergic dermatitis;
  • unevenness (marbling) of color.

If hygiene rules are violated, infection with bacterial microflora and inflammation in the treatment area may develop. In women with dark skin, a dividing line may appear, clearly marking the boundaries of exfoliation.

Cost of the procedure

Phenol peeling is not a cheap procedure. Not only does it require hospital conditions and the use of anesthesia, but the patient needs to be accompanied by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Exfoliants are also not cheap. In addition, you can only buy them with a special permit, so you won’t be able to reduce the cost of manipulating your drug.

The average cost of one procedure is:

  • superficial peeling - 3000–5000 rubles;
  • middle - 12,000–15,000 rubles;
  • deep - from 25,000 rub. and higher.

Today, many clinics that have their own website offer to print out a discount coupon after making an appointment for a consultation. Although this is insignificant, it will still reduce the price of the procedure.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to do superficial phenol peeling during pregnancy?

Definitely not. Superficial peeling itself does not pose a threat to the mother and child, but exposure to phenolic acid, even in low concentrations, can be fatal to the fetus. Therefore, such procedures cannot be carried out throughout pregnancy and lactation.

How long does rehabilitation last after a medium phenol peel?

After medial exfoliation, the skin is restored in 1.5–2 months. In some cases, regeneration can take up to 90 days. Usually, a cosmetologist creates an optimal post-peeling care program to help you recover faster. With strict adherence to all recommendations, recovery is noticeably accelerated.

For reference. After superficial exfoliation, signs of exfoliation disappear after 14 days, and the effects of deep cleansing disappear only after 10–12 months. With weak immunity, the process can drag on for 1.5–2 years.

What is better at 50 years old - phenol peeling or plastic surgery?

After 50 years, there is a pronounced change in the oval of the face, the quality of the underlying tissues and the tone of the facial muscles. These signs of aging are perfectly eliminated by phenol peeling, but in some cases the technique does not provide a prolonged effect and wrinkles return within a year.

Exfoliation with phenol is a good way of rejuvenation, but it cannot always be a full replacement for surgical plastic surgery.

In addition, if a woman develops excess skin with age or after sudden weight loss, there is only one way to remove it - surgical excision, that is, a facelift. Therefore, only a qualified specialist can decide what is better to do - plastic surgery or phenol exfoliation, based on the condition of the skin and the expected effect.

Let's sum it up

Phenol peeling is a very strong rejuvenating procedure, but it is not suitable for every woman. Before carrying out it, you should make sure that no other methods will give the desired effect, and that exfoliation itself will not harm your health.

Have you done phenol peeling? Tell us how you prepared for the procedure, whether you were satisfied or not with the result, leave a review about the clinic and the cosmetologist.

After peeling with phenol, facial skin requires constant care. Peeling is a magical remedy resorted to by the daughters of Aphrodite, who strive to remain young and desirable for as long as possible. Naturally, over the years, women prefer more effective methods of preserving their beauty, for example, chemical peeling. Its unsurpassed effect is associated with the use of special organic compounds (in particular, phenol) that penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. Many have heard that phenol peeling is comparable in effectiveness to plastic surgery. Read about all the advantages and disadvantages of the method below.

Video about types of chemical peeling

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

First, let's remember the basics of organic chemistry: phenol (carbolic acid) is a rather toxic substance. To reduce toxicity, a specially selected composition is used, in which the effect of carbolic acid is softened by various oils, glycerin, propylene glycol and distilled water. An obvious disadvantage of the method is that, regardless of the dose, phenol causes poisoning of the body. Therefore, it has the following restrictions:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • heart, kidney, liver diseases;
  • vitiligo;
  • acute renal failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • herpes;
  • age 60 years and older;
  • In addition, phenol peeling is not recommended for people with dark skin pigmentation.

The main advantage of phenol peeling is its amazing lifting effect.

After the fly in the ointment, let's move on to the ointment - more pleasant facts. Like any acid, phenol destroys skin proteins, causing cells to divide and rebuild the skin. But most importantly, collagen begins to be intensively produced. It is he who gives the face the desired elasticity and freshness. Against age-related skin changes, such a radical cosmetic procedure has no equal. In just six months you will look ten to fifteen years younger. Phenol peeling is often compared in its effect to a circular lift. After this treatment, the skin will remain fresh and healthy for many years.

Who should consider phenol peeling?

Indications for the procedure are:

  • deep age wrinkles;
  • pigmentation and damage to the epidermis from sunlight;
  • acne scars;
  • some types of keratosis;

The skin remains young and blooming for many years

What sacrifices will beauty require?

Yes, yes, it requires sacrifices. Our case is no exception. Considering the negative impact of phenol on the immune system, be sure to treat herpes and bacterial infections (fungus, thrush) to prevent their aggravation during rehabilitation.

The need for peeling under local anesthesia is often indicated, as many patients complain of an acute burning sensation that occurs where the acid comes into contact with the skin. To eliminate discomfort, local anesthesia with a 2% lidocaine solution is used. Among the disadvantages of pain relief: lidocaine can increase the toxic effects of phenol.

On the other hand, phenol is an anesthetic in itself, so pain often goes away on its own during the procedure. It is difficult to ensure proper anesthesia at home, so it would be wiser to refuse it. It is better to use painkillers during the rehabilitation stage and then only if absolutely necessary.

Phenol peeling is a rather painful procedure and anesthesia is required before it is performed.

Pre-peeling skin preparation

There are no special home manipulations a few days or weeks before the procedure, as is the case with some types of acid peels. All skin preparation takes place in the cosmetologist’s office immediately before the session and includes the following steps:

  • degreasing with soap;
  • mechanical peeling with scrub;
  • thoroughly drying the facial skin;
  • additional degreasing with alcohol.

Pre-peeling treatment of skin with whitening agents

Session step by step

The whole procedure lasts about an hour. First, a special phenol-based chemical composition is carefully applied to the prepared facial skin. When applying, the thickness of the different layers of the epidermis is taken into account. This is why it is not recommended to do phenol peeling at home. Where is the guarantee that you will apply the composition correctly and accurately calculate the amount required for each treated area?

The treated areas are immediately covered with film. After the film has dried, jelly is applied on top - a phenol-containing preparation with a dense consistency. When the geleo and the film come into contact, additional phenol is released, reaching the deepest layers of the skin, where the first chemical composition could not penetrate. It turns out to be a three-layer mask that should remain on the face for no more than an hour.

Photos before and after the phenol peeling procedure

For three days, make sure that no water gets on the treated areas of the face, as this can cause a deeper burn. Within ten days, dead skin cells will be peeled off on the face. After about a month, swelling and redness will gradually begin to subside, and the skin will become lighter, firmer and smoother, and spots and scars will disappear. The entire regeneration process can last about six months.

Care for a renewed face

The layers of the epidermis formed as a result of intensive regeneration are very vulnerable to external factors and require specific protection. First, don't disrupt your skin's natural exfoliation process by scrubbing it with your hands. Secondly, always remember to protect your face from ultraviolet radiation from the sun: after phenol peeling, you will have to protect your skin from sunlight for the rest of your life. When planning to go outside, be sure to apply a protective cream (SPF30). As for the use of moisturizing creams, they can be used just a few days after the peeling procedure.

After peeling with phenol, facial skin requires constant care

Cosmetic companies produce special peeling products with different phenol contents: soaps, scrubs and creams. Naturally, the amount of the main chemical reagent in them is minimal, so the procedure is painless and not so effective. So traditional phenol peeling remains the most effective, albeit radical way to give your facial skin a second youth.

Facial care


18.09.14 13:59

Procedures for cleansing the epidermis using carbolic acid (phenol) are called phenol peels. Their effect can be deep, medium or superficial, this is determined by the concentration of the main component in the base. is a highly effective but toxic skin care option that can only be performed by a qualified professional, sometimes under the supervision of a physician.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Experts recommend resorting to deep phenol peeling only in cases of complex cosmetic defects that worsen the patient’s quality of life. Such interventions are performed on small areas of skin after a preliminary assessment of the general condition of the body and under intravenous anesthesia. The process is accompanied by cardiac monitoring; the patient’s condition should be monitored by an anesthesiologist. For this type of peeling, products are used that contain more than 35% carbolic acid. The duration of the rehabilitation period after such a session can be up to 12 months.

Medium-impact phenol peeling is carried out with products containing 25% carbolic acid, and for a medium-superficial effect, 3% concentration of carbolic acid is sufficient.

Main indications for phenol-based peeling:

  • significant age-related changes in the skin in the form of deep wrinkles, the formation of skin folds;
  • pronounced photoaging of the epidermis;
  • hyperpigmentation of the facial surface;
  • scars and scars, including after deep wounds and surgery;
  • sagging skin, leading to the accumulation of fine wrinkles;
  • acne in its most severe manifestations;
  • some skin diseases (for example, demodicosis) as prescribed by a doctor.

Phenol peeling is not performed if at least one of the following factors is present:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of unhealed burns and herpes in the acute stage;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, diabetes;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the peeling composition;
  • 4-6 phototype of the epidermis according to Fitzpatrick;
  • oncological and skin diseases;
  • menstruation period;
  • infectious processes in the acute stage;
  • increased body temperature;
  • mental disorders;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • fungal formations, open wounds on the surface of the face;
  • hypertrichosis, tendency to scar formation.

A conditional contraindication to a cleansing session is considered to be reduced activity of liver enzyme systems, which occurs after 60 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of phenol peeling

Like any cosmetic procedure, phenol peeling has a number of positive properties and several negative factors.

Among the benefits of exposure are:

  1. Effective result after one procedure.
  2. Carrying out careful monitoring of the use of the composition.
  3. The most pronounced anti-aging effect, which lasts from 7 to 10 years.
  4. Normalization of the functions of the epidermis, improvement of its structure.
  5. Elimination of age spots, freckles, scars, deep wrinkles.
  6. Smoothing out facial wrinkles.
  7. Improving overall skin tone.
  8. Activation of body systems at the cellular level.

The negative aspects of phenol peeling include:

  1. Many contraindications.
  2. Long rehabilitation period. Even with superficial peeling, it lasts at least two weeks.
  3. Complex preparation for the intervention, which includes a lengthy medical examination.
  4. Phenol peeling is a painful procedure and puts a strain on the excretory and cardiovascular systems of the body.
  5. The need for anesthesia. Local anesthesia for superficial and median procedures, intravenous anesthesia for deep peeling.
  6. Risk of severe complications.

It is important to remember that phenol can react with certain medications, so you must strictly follow the recommendations of the specialist who performed the manipulation and follow the regimen in the postoperative period.

Preparation for phenol peeling

To obtain a positive result from the procedure and prevent the development of complications, the following conditions must be met:

  • thorough medical examination of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and liver;
  • within 5-6 weeks before the procedure, it is necessary to treat the skin with weak acid solutions, this will prepare the epidermis for aggressive effects and prevent the formation of areas of uneven pigmentation;
  • 2-3 weeks before the session, you should start taking angioprotectors and antioxidants;
  • six months before peeling, stop taking retinoids, otherwise a chemical burn may develop;
  • two weeks before peeling, procedures that injure the epidermis (scrubbing, hair removal, shaving) are stopped;
  • six months before the procedure, mechanical medial and deep influences are stopped;
  • three months before the cleansing session, visits to the solarium are stopped, resort holidays are prohibited;
  • The doctor performing the phenol peel must be informed about the medications the client is taking.

The process of phenol peeling

Due to the toxicity of peeling compounds, sessions can only be carried out in well-ventilated and ventilated areas. Deep peeling is performed on areas of acne, wrinkles or scars. The remaining areas are treated with a composition for medium or surface exposure.

Procedure steps:

  1. Anesthesia or anesthesia. For local anesthesia, a 2% lidocaine solution is usually used. Increasing the dose of anesthetic increases the toxicity of the drug!
  2. A rough sponge is used to remove facial makeup, followed by drying the epidermis.
  3. Degreasing and disinfecting the face with an alcohol solution.
  4. The phenolic composition is applied in smooth, uniform strokes. The interval between treatment of different zones should be at least five minutes.
  5. Carbolic acid is neutralized with a special film mask. After it dries, a neutralizing product is applied to the skin.
  6. Sunscreen is applied to the skin.

Depending on the characteristics of the skin and the area of ​​cleansing, the duration of the session is from 40 to 120 minutes.

Epidermis care after peeling

Phenol peeling may cause discomfort after the procedure is completed. There is a burning, tingling and tingling sensation in the treated areas. If the pain becomes unbearable, you can use painkillers as recommended by your doctor.

The first day after the session is the most difficult. At this time, prevent water or any liquid from coming into contact with cleansed skin. Water enhances the effect of phenol, which can cause worsening of the burn. You should stop brushing your teeth during this period and drink only through a straw.

On the second day, the film mask is removed, which removes all dead cells. This process reveals the red, renewed surface of the face. Getting water on it is also unacceptable.

The second day is marked by the formation of a surface crust. During this tightening period, the use of a special spray is prescribed. Forced removal of crusts is prohibited! This may result in scarring or pigmented areas.

At the end of the second week, the epidermis is completely restored after the superficial procedure. If deep phenol peeling was carried out, the painful redness goes away only after a couple of months, and complete healing occurs in 7-12 months.

Post-peeling care involves the use of restorative agents:

  • whitening products;
  • sunscreens;
  • moisturizing compositions based on hyaluronic acid;
  • antioxidants, vitamins A and C.

Complications after peeling with carbolic acid

The risk of complications always remains, but most often they occur if appropriate preparation has not been carried out or phenol peeling has been carried out incorrectly.

Main complications:

  • burns;
  • decreased cellular immunity;
  • allergies;
  • the occurrence of arrhythmia, renal or liver failure;
  • scar formation;
  • local hyperpigmentation of the epidermis;
  • the occurrence of edema and exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • the appearance of enlarged pores and areas of skin without pigment.

Phenol peeling is considered one of the most effective procedures for facial rejuvenation without surgery, but given the long list of contraindications and possible complications, experts recommend using it only if it is impossible to use softer care options.

gastroguru 2017