Let's figure out why men more often leave women with children? My husband left me, I can’t learn to move on with my life. My husband left me, what should I do with my children?

Hello readers. The current topic will be discussed now. What to do if your husband left you with two children? It’s a very sad situation when a man leaves and leaves you alone with two small children. Despite the psychological severity of the situation, a single mother has to wonder where to get money in order to be able to provide for herself and her children. A man can feed you with promises that he will help financially and fully provide for the children. How long will this support last? Usually, support stops when he meets a new passion and ends completely if he has started a new family life. All his finances go to providing for his current family and children. He won't need you. He promised and left.

Left with the kids

I think the main difficulty of the situation is stress for children. For children, the father's departure from the family is a strong blow to the child's psyche. We all experience unpleasant moments from time to time. The main thing is to understand that everything in our lives is solvable. You can find out how to survive a divorce from your husband.

At first, you can give yourself some slack and cry. Now, this is precisely the situation in which the release of emotions is justified and you should not suppress these feelings in yourself. Your crying will help to slightly remove the accumulated negativity and pain of experiences. You need to clear your mind of unpleasant emotions as soon as possible by any means necessary. Don't keep all the pain inside, let it out.

Freed your head? Good girl, move on to the next step. Gather your strength and get ready to move on. Don't procrastinate over time. If you drag it out, you will plunge into depression, and it will be much more difficult to get out of it. Think about your children, they look at their mother and empathize with her. You must become stronger for them.

How to live on

Removing panic

Children are not a problem, they are your family. They are the very force that will help you move on. You will move mountains for them. Your primary task is to find a job. If you don’t have the opportunity to leave your children with someone in order to get a full-time job. Try searching the Internet for remote earnings. Now this is quite a relevant opportunity for part-time work. At one time, left alone with a child in my arms, I managed Instagram accounts and set up targeted advertising. Therefore, I say with confidence that you can make money on the Internet while sitting at home with children in your arms. It's better than being left without money and crying into your pillow.

Support from loved ones

Now is the time to turn to family and close friends for support. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help. We are all human and can understand the situation. Now the main thing for you is to stay on your feet in what is happening.

Child support request

Did your beloved one go to someone else and forget about you and the children? Remind him that children want to eat. Let him pay alimony for their maintenance. Also, if the child has not reached 3 years of age, alimony is required for the maintenance of the ex-wife. You can find out more about this.


The gap has occurred. We need to solve problems. Since you are both parents of common children, you need to resolve several issues:

  1. Who will the children live with?
  2. Days and times of meetings with children;
  3. The amount of child support and spousal support if one of the children is under 3 years old.

These are the main 3 questions. If you cannot solve them yourself, go to court.

When the financial part has been sorted out, we move on to the moral part. If you still have feelings for a man, you can try to reconnect with him. You can find out how to do this. Again, it all depends on your feelings and mental state. If there was no betrayal, and the breakup occurred because of nonsense. Never try to manipulate with the help of children. This will only make the situation worse.


When a relationship ends, both partners are to blame. Don't blame yourself or him. A man, due to his increased importance, will expect that you will ask him to return, no matter what. Don't let him see this.

Show him that you are coping with the current situation. His passing did not affect your life. I understand that it will be difficult, but you can handle it! And you won’t just cope, you’ll be happy.

Take care of yourself

It's time to take care of yourself and your children. It's time to restore your life and improve your everyday life. You should already figure out the financial component of supporting yourself and your children. If your husband expresses a desire to see the children, give him this opportunity. The more loyal you are to him, show him how well things are going for you, that you are constantly positive. Your husband may have a desire to support you financially on his own initiative, even to return to you.

Taking time for yourself is vital to practice relaxation and stay positive. If you have difficulty with this, seek help from a psychologist. Set aside at least one hour a day for yourself. This will help you in recovery. Over time, you will begin to truly enjoy life again. Subsequently, you will have new interests and goals.

  • Emotions have accumulated, if you want to cry, cry. Through tears, you get rid of negative emotions and reduce feelings of pain and disappointment;
  • Don't suppress your resentment. Experiencing stress is normal. Suppressing resentment will not give you the opportunity to move on, as it will accumulate and consume you more and more;
  • Find means to support yourself and your children. Request alimony payment from your husband;
  • Do not rush to resume communication with your husband. Make contact with him when you can reason adequately without being affected by emotions;
  • Build friendships with your husband. This is necessary for your children and it will be easier for you to receive financial support from him;
  • Take time for yourself, your loved one. This time will help you get rid of stress, bring your emotional background and mental state back to normal;
  • Prove to yourself that you have the means to a happy life! Children are your motivation and support.

Girls, life doesn't end here. I myself went through a divorce. My husband left me with a small child in his arms. Now I am in a new marriage. I survived this period, met a new husband and gave birth to another small miracle. I assure you from my own experience. You can find your happiness after a divorce. If there are people among you who have good and practical advice on this topic, I will be glad to read it in the comments.

Surely you have at least once heard the story of how a man left a woman with a child and went to another. This is a fairly common case that occurs quite often. Perhaps you too have encountered such a situation, and now you cannot understand what exactly your mistake was. Do men really leave women with children more often? Is there any pattern? You will learn about this in this article.

Why are women with children abandoned more often?

1. He doesn't know how to take responsibility for his actions. Unfortunately, the situation when a man is looking for love for one night is quite common, and sometimes a woman does not even realize how seriously a particular person takes her.

It is quite possible that his feelings flared up and quickly passed, and the intimacy led to the birth of a child. At some point, the man realizes that now he must behave like an exemplary father, raise a child and provide for his wife, but he was not ready for this, so he decides to leave. The act of a truly weak person, but sometimes it is impossible to change anything in such a situation.

A man and woman get married and have a child. Normal situation. But for some reason, it suddenly turns out that this “normal situation” turns out to be an unbearable burden - and the husband leaves, leaving his wife with a small child in her arms. What to do? Branded with shame? Try to get him back? Are you proud to pretend that this person was never in your life?

It is important to understand the reasons why he did this.

Reason 1. Fear

A man sometimes cannot admit to himself that he is overcome by fear. He is unbearably afraid to take responsibility. Now he always has to do something: provide for his family, take care of his wife, take care of the child... This burden of responsibility puts pressure on the man, and he prefers to retreat.

And besides, he is haunted by fear of change - he will no longer be able to live the way he used to, everything has changed, it has become so difficult, and the previous life was much easier and more pleasant. He doesn't want to give it up at all. And therefore, running away is an easy way out.

Reason 2. “I can’t cope”

How often can one hear such dialogue!

Why did you leave your family?

I realized that I couldn't cope.

This is a painful blow to male pride. Feeling inadequate, realizing that you can’t cope with a new role is terrible for such a man. True, he most likely forgot to think about how a woman left without her support and protection will now cope.

Reason 3. He is no longer the center of the universe

Before the birth of a child, a man was the main person in his woman’s life. After the birth of a child, everything changes - in first place is now the little person who has just been born. It is he who receives all the attention, and the husband seems to fade into the background. This change is an unpleasant shock to many men. They do not want to put up with second roles, and disappear into the dawn fog, as if they never existed.

Reason 4. Problems with my wife

The previous reason smoothly flows into this one. He gets tired at work, comes home - and there is no rest, but like another job, moreover, to the continuous screams of the heir. And an exhausted, exhausted wife. She needs help, and the man needs rest. A series of mutual reproaches begins.

Besides, a young mother, as a rule, has no time to take care of herself and take care of herself, and there’s nothing to talk about her intimate life - is that something she cares about?

This whole situation puts pressure on the man, and he considers it best to leave the territory.

Reason 5. Mistress

As old as time. If a man cannot get something at home, he will go and get it somewhere else. And then, for example, a pretty colleague appears on the horizon. And the man begins to build a new relationship with another woman. Before he knew it, he left his wife and two children.

Reason 6. “Well-wishers”

How often they say about broken families that their “relatives divorced them.” And indeed, when all sorts of nasty things are whispered into your ears from both sides about your “other half,” you begin to think: maybe this person really isn’t right for you? And generally unworthy? And now the family is already on the verge of divorce, because diligent relatives, friends and colleagues said different things.

How to survive after a divorce without money and with a child

Despair and a feeling of hopelessness are what wives most often experience when they are abandoned with their children. It is not clear how to live further, the ground has disappeared from under our feet, so that, as it seems at that moment, we will never return. It is not true. And the ground will return under your feet, and it will turn out that it is quite possible to live on.

Where to begin? Make a plan. Write down your income and expenses, identify resources, understand what and how much time it takes. Set goals. Some goals will cover the next couple of days, while others may turn out to be a goal for half a lifetime.

Start implementing the plan. Perhaps you will look for a job at home, maybe you will learn a new profession (for example, you have a certain amount of money with which you can afford cutting and sewing courses or take up learning Photoshop on your own), or maybe it turns out that you have you have a dacha that should have been sold long ago and invested in something worthwhile.

Stay busy all the time. This therapy saves you from dark thoughts and the temptation to enter a river for the second time that you don’t need to enter. The work will bear fruit - and now you are no longer a “penniless divorcee”, everything is getting better for you.

In your plan for life there must be a place for activities with the child- so that his mother does not disappear into work, but takes part in his life. To do this, you definitely need to find an internal resource.

And the last thing - take care of your health. It's like on an airplane - first you put the oxygen mask on yourself, and only then on the child. Your health is a matter of your and your child’s well-being. If you are healthy, calm and smiling, there will be much more joy and ups than troubles and downs in your future and in the future of your child.

It is important that your son or daughter does not suffer from the breakdown of their parents' relationship. No matter how difficult and bad it is, try to control yourself.

Realize that a breakup is something that has already happened to you. Now you don't know how to survive a divorce, but believe me, it's not the end of the world. Even if now it seems to you that this is not so. Don’t think that life is over - with the departure of a man who, by the way, did not act in the best way, you get a chance to find something new and beautiful in the future.

Getting over a divorce doesn't take five minutes. It's normal to worry. The most difficult period is considered to be the 2-3 months immediately after the divorce. Psychologists advise not to make any radical decisions at this time. Give yourself time to cool down, calm down and look at things soberly.

It is important that your son or daughter does not suffer from the breakdown of their parents' relationship. No matter how difficult and bad it is, try to control yourself. Children are sensitive to your mood; try to provide them with the maximum psychological comfort that is possible in such a situation.

No matter how trivial it may sound, you need to explain to the child that dad and mom no longer live together, but both continue to love him. Tell this to your child so that your explanation fits within the framework of his understanding of the world. That is, speak to him in a language accessible to his age.

And be sure to explain that what is happening is not his fault. The child’s psychology is such that he, as an egocentric person, subconsciously considers himself guilty. “Mom and dad had a fight because I broke a vase.” Remove from him the burden of responsibility for adult relationships, for which he, in fact, should not bear responsibility.

You are hurt, you are offended, you are angry. You experience a whole range of emotions towards your ex-husband, and all of them are mostly negative. But turning a child against his father is a bad idea. After all, he loves him. Moreover, he feels like a person who has half mom and half dad. By saying bad things about a child's father, even if he deserves it, you are essentially turning the child against some significant part of himself. As a result, he may receive such psychological trauma that will ruin your child’s life for many years.

If the ex-husband does not renounce paternity, is not dangerous to the child, helps and wants to see him - let them do it. Allow visits or meetings on neutral territory. After all, a good Sunday dad is better than no dad at all.

You have the difficult task of raising a child without a father. You will work a lot, you will be tired, you will have to do a lot yourself. In this busy schedule there is no place for entertainment, and a single mother often “drives herself”, sooner or later coming to nervous, and sometimes physical, exhaustion.

To prevent this from happening, allow yourself a break. Sometimes an extra half hour of sleep is more important than a sparklingly polished stove, and a ten-minute walk in the park is more beneficial than perfectly ironed creases on your trousers. Allow yourself a “reward” at least once a day - get pleasure from some little thing. Three minutes of dancing to the radio. Drink tea quietly for five minutes. With candy. You can also smear your hands with cream that smells delicious. Or wear your favorite sweater. These little joys make a big difference. So don’t forget about them.


There are probably women in the world who simply get over a divorce from a man who leaves his wife and child, and move on with their lives. Everyone else is having a hard time. But guess what? You can’t give up - after all, you have you and your child. It may not be easy, but you will definitely make it.

For women who find themselves in a situation where their husband left them alone with their child, and don’t know how to get over the breakup, there is a place where they can get help and support. Contact the site's experts - and they will certainly support you and tell you how best to proceed. Free for new clients!

Sometimes men behave in completely unmanly ways and don’t even think about it. So, a fairly common situation is when guys have several affairs at the same time and cheat on their girlfriends. Of course, with age, many settle down and start strong families, but sometimes youthful habits of carelessness in relationships last a lifetime. Therefore, women often face such a difficult situation when the husband left for another woman and abandoned the child. Let's try to help them a little.

If your husband left, then how to start a new life?

Of course, this situation can happen at different stages of marriage. But it is especially bitter for those girls who have only recently become mothers and are especially dependent on their spouse. Betrayal and betrayal hit them the hardest. And in order to recover from the act of the faithful, you need to:

Refuse self-flagellation;

Immerse yourself in motherhood;

Find yourself a support group;

Believe in yourself;

Do not refuse what is required by law.

Give up self-flagellation

A husband leaves a woman for another not because the previous relationship somehow does not suit him. He just stopped loving his wife and is inherently not a very decent person (if he cheated on his wife and baby). Of course, it’s not easy to come to terms with such a situation, but you definitely don’t need to blame yourself for it.

Some women go even longer and begin to blame the child for the divorce or infidelity, saying that if he weren’t there, everything would be fine. Of course, such thoughts are unhealthy, but it is almost impossible to completely get rid of them on your own. Therefore, it is better to consult with a specialist - a qualified psychologist or psychotherapist.

Immerse yourself in motherhood

You shouldn’t be tormented by thoughts of an unfaithful husband, there’s no family anymore, so give yourself over to caring for the one who really needs you. If the child is at an early age, his health directly depends on the psycho-emotional state of the mother. All he needs is the calm and warmth of his mother. Therefore, do everything possible to satisfy this need of his.

Perhaps it is immersion in motherhood that will help you cope with despair and depression, and put thoughts of betrayal into the far corner of your consciousness.

Find yourself a support group

In order not to go crazy from thoughts about divorce and being alone, betrayed by your husband, with a child in your arms, find yourself a decent support group. It’s great if you have real girlfriends and friends, loving parents and caring loved ones. In this case, you are really lucky; they will help you with your child and give you the opportunity to maintain your sanity without plunging into the abyss of despair. Don't be shy to ask for help when you really need it. And don’t keep your emotions to yourself – speak out at least sometimes.

But it also happens that after the disappearance of her unfaithful husband, a young mother finds herself alone with a child in her arms. Relatives and friends may be in another city or simply be indifferent. You can find a decent support group on women’s forums, of which there are now plenty on the Internet. Sometimes interlocutors, even from the other side of the globe, turn out to be very understanding and are able to provide sincere support.

Believe in yourself

Believing in yourself, first of all, lies in accepting and realizing the fact that you can handle everything on your own. And this is not a consequence of forced necessity, but initially your ability. You can take care of yourself and your child, you can raise your baby to be a worthy and independent person. In addition, you will be able to cope with all the troubles that life has prepared for you.

Don't give up what you're entitled to by law

When a woman is holding a child in her arms, this is not the time to turn her nose up and play nobility. If you and the child's father were married, then you are entitled to certain financial support. We advise readers of “Popular About Health” to definitely consult with a lawyer (at least on the Internet) on how to behave correctly, what documents need to be submitted where to receive alimony for the child and for themselves (if the baby is not yet three years old) .

However, if you have nothing in common with the child’s father (you were in a so-called “civil” marriage), consider whether it is worth proving his paternity in court. After all, if a man is actually registered as the father, he will have the right to influence the child, see him legally, restrict his movement (for example, traveling abroad), and the bonuses from this may be very small, if any. Therefore, again, it is better to discuss the situation with a lawyer.

My husband abandoned his family and children - should he be returned??

For many women, it is very important to ensure that a negligent husband returns to the house, to the family. But in fact, you should not manipulate him with the help of a child or try to put pressure on his conscience through parents, relatives and friends. Yes, indeed, under a certain pressure, the husband can return home again, but what will this bring? Constant jealousy, new betrayals, mistrust, and a general deterioration of the atmosphere in the house.

There are known cases when a man who returned to the family against his own will became a true domestic tyrant, began to drink, and raised his hand against his wife and child. Perhaps it is better to leave the decision to leave for someone else on his conscience. And in this case, he may indeed return to the family, but you will already be in a more advantageous position.

If a husband leaves a child, then life does not end there. Women are actually very strong and capable of moving mountains, even without a strong male shoulder nearby.

gastroguru 2017