How to sew buttons on both sides. How to sew a button. Choosing the right thread

  • If you are replacing a four-hole button, look at how the other buttons are sewn. Sew in the same way (diagonally or parallel) as other buttons.
  • The inside of the button should be sewn on just as neatly as the outside, so keep an eye on the underside to make sure you are not creating a nest of thread there. Thread the needle and thread in approximately the same places.
  • Make sure you use at least 12cm of thread.
  • Some people prefer to secure the thread to the fabric with a few stitches before starting to sew on the button.
  • Ordinary thread will do, but there are special threads for buttons. It is thicker and stronger than regular thread. If the buttons you are going to sew on need to be very secure, such as on a coat, use special thread for buttons.
  • Another way to tie a knot at the end of a thread is to make a tiny stitch on the wrong side, pull it almost all the way, and then pull the needle and thread through the loop before pulling it tight. If you do this twice in the same place, you will end up with a double knot. You can then cut the thread closer to the knot.
  • Sew with double thread if you want to reduce the number of stitches to secure the button.
  • You can thread two threads through the needle and make both of them double, thus using four threads to really speed up the sewing process.
  • It would also be good to choose the same threads that are used to sew on the rest of the buttons. Fabric stores have a lot of buttons, and if they don’t have the right one, they will definitely have one very similar. If it doesn't fit either, you can replace the entire row of buttons - this will make your clothes look much better.
  • Button thread is usually easier to use if you coat it with beeswax after you thread it through the needle. You can even use two double threads for buttons, which works well for coat buttons.
  • For an item of clothing that you wear frequently, try wrapping the end of the thread on the needle around the threads holding the button at least 4-5 times, and then thread the thread and needle through this tight bunch of threads. Try to thread the needle parallel to the holes in the button to avoid resistance. Use a thimble to push the needle through. (The reason for this is simple: fraying threads will cause the button to fall out faster unless you wrap another bundle around the exposed threads.) Once you've pushed the needle through, thread it through the fabric again and tie a knot. If you wrap the threads, the button will be held in place better and the thread that holds it in place will last much longer.

Buttons have 1-2-3-4 and even 6 holes.)

They are sewn in two ways:

On thin (light) fabrics without legs,

On thick fabrics and thickened areas (for example, belts near a skirt), it is better to sew buttons on a thread stem.

I propose the rules for sewing buttons as we were taught in the 80s of the 20th century.

It is very convenient and, most importantly in our fast-paced times, fast.

It is enough just to correctly grab the button and the fabric at the place where it is sewn.

Previously, we looked at the marking of places for sewing buttons on the leg on outerwear (in modern terms: a shoulder item) of a uniform.

Now I propose to consider sewing buttons WITH HOLES on pants my work.

1. We mark the place for sewing buttons.

To do this, fold the product on a flat table surface so that the fastener lies exactly on the pants without folds or creases.

It is more convenient to place the product on the table with the clasp facing you.

(We have already sewn the buttons on the leg)

“Fold back” the top (part of the front) of the product to immediately begin work

And carefully, without moving parts of the belt and the fastener itself, we mark the places for sewing on the buttons.

Here's what we got:

2. We sew buttons with 4 holes and make a thread leg for it.

Because fabrics processed in reconstruction are generally thick, then all flat buttons with 2 and 4 holes (holes only on the fabric!) should preferably be made with a thread stem. The height of the stem will depend on the thickness of the fabric.

Why is such a leg needed?

So that the fabric does not squeeze out when fastening the product. That is. appearance + ease of use of the fastener.

To do this, we thread a thread into a needle (the thickness of the needle also depends on the density and thickness of the fabric) (in this case I have No. 30, and I do it twice).

And we fix the thread on the fabric with a double stitch in one place (if you are comfortable with a knot, then leave it on the wrong side).

We string a button onto a thread so that the sewing threads between the 4 holes end up in a cross relative to each other.

We secure the button and our hold on the latter (grip) in a position convenient for work, namely at an angle to the product with emphasis on the remaining fingers of the left hand under the edge of the product

The button looks like it is suspended, and the threads sewing it remain at a distance from the product to the button

We make a couple of punctures like this, holding the button tightly in the grip so that a thread stem is formed.

For one pair of holes, it is enough to grab the button with thread 2-3 times.

Let's move on to another pair of holes.

Have you forgotten yet? We have a button with 4 holes.)))

Without lifting your grip on the button with your left hand, we pierce the fabric obliquely so that the needle enters the hole and comes out just right to work with another pair of holes on the button.

We sew (make a couple of punctures with a needle and thread) the button through the other holes a couple of times.

Grab the button a second time and pierce the fabric outward (remember!:
Only now we are releasing the grip of the button, and until now the left hand remained in the same position and did not move!),

We remove the needle and thread, release the button and wrap the resulting air leg around it several times with thread.

Use the needle to move the thread to the wrong side and secure it (make a knot).

Button sewn:

Sew the remaining buttons in the same way.

Here's what happened:

We fasten the product and CHECK if all the buttons are sewn correctly?

Doesn't it collect somewhere?

To do this, place the product on the table with the clasp facing you, fasten all the buttons and look... look.. look... from all sides and carefully.


We need to make sure that we did everything perfectly!))

The easiest way is to sew on a flat button. This is often how children begin to learn to sew. But it’s not interesting to just sew it on! It’s much more fun to make felt flowers with buttons...

...or embroider a real picture using buttons.

And don’t forget to show the kids how many ways there are to sew on the most ordinary button with four holes.

Such a button can become a separate decorative item of clothing or accessory if, for example, you use thick yarn of a contrasting color for sewing.

When sewing flat buttons to clothes made of thick fabrics, you need to make a thread leg, otherwise the silhouette of the button will be unattractively imprinted on the fabric. Sew it like this:

Very often, small flat buttons are used to duplicate large buttons sewn to the edge on the hem side: firstly, this way the inside looks neater, and secondly, the edges are further strengthened. If the large “front” button is flat, then you also need to make a thread stem for it.

Buttons are undoubtedly part of the dress's decor. But recently, many people have been using them for interior decoration. And these are not just children's crafts.

Buttons can become part of, for example, a landscape made in oil on canvas.

Or the basis for a color wheel...

Funny miniatures, etc.

Buttons are glued onto flower pots...

... make colorful stickers out of them.

By the way, making a sticker from a button - and even a bouquet - is super easy.

Take a flexible wire (preferably floral wire), thread one end of a piece of wire into one hole of a button (or a row of buttons - from the button to the largest
diameter to the smaller one), then pull the wire to the middle and thread it in the opposite direction through the second hole of the button. Now connect both ends of the wire and twist them. The sticker is ready.

Jewelry with buttons is created using the same principle.
And also with glue.

As a rule, buttons are glued to a piece of felt as a base; for a brooch, a hairpin is also glued to it.

Fashionable large necklaces are also made using glue and felt.

To do this, first place the buttons on a fabric backing (necessarily with non-fraying cuts!), Make sure that they form a beautiful composition.

Then outline the composition of buttons, cut the fabric along this outline, and sew a chain or tie on the inside. And glue the buttons as intended.

By the way, you can get a necklace by simply sewing buttons beautifully (photo below).

At the same time as jewelry, buttons were also “mastered” as accessories. For example, hats, headbands, bags or shoes.

And of course, buttons are welcome guests in such types of needlework as scrapbooking or floristry.

How to replace a button on jeans

Sometimes this is not so easy to do! For example, a button on your jeans has come off along with a piece of the fabric to which it was sewn or on which it was pierced. Do not rush to be upset - if you still have a torn button, great, but if the button is lost, then carefully examine the buttonhole. Typically, jeans are equipped with punched or sewn-on metal buttons on a floating leg. Therefore, in any case, you will need a button on the stem with a diameter corresponding to the length of the loop. Be sure to measure the height of the stem: insert a ruler with millimeter divisions inside the buttonhole and calculate how much the stem should raise the button above the fabric. It is better if the leg is slightly higher than this value.

If your button comes off along with a piece of fabric, then you will have to put on a patch: cut out 2 small pieces of thick fabric that matches the color, place one on the hole, the second - under it. Sew on the machine with a tight, narrow zigzag in different directions, including the fabric of the trousers.

There is a special press with attachments for punching buttons, but few people buy it for working at home. Indeed, it’s easier to use a hammer and an awl and get basically the same result. Before making a hole, the fabric must be reinforced on the wrong side with non-woven fabric. Select a work surface on which you will punch a hole - it should be quite rigid and durable, preferably metal. Punch a hole in the fabric with an awl and insert the button shank into it. Turn the button upside down and hammer it down the stem.

A little history

Do you know which came first - a brooch or a button? It turns out to be a brooch or a hairpin. According to one of the ancient Greek legends, Athenian women once, in anger, stabbed a messenger with them, who brought them the news of the death of their husbands in battle.

Buttons often served as amulets. Among the Slavs, red buttons scared away evil spirits, and the name “button” is still associated with the word “scare.” The egg-shaped button is still considered a symbol of fertility today. Before Peter the Great, the number and shape of buttons on clothes indicated the social status of their owner. And uniform buttons still say about the same thing today...

Buttons as jewelry appeared in Europe during the era of knights, and it was men who brought them into fashion, decorating their sleeves from top to bottom with rows of gold buttons with precious stones (of course, the price of the buttons was much higher than the price of the clothes themselves). Women preferred to use pins the old fashioned way. Soon, however, the fair half of humanity also joined the fashion race, often matching fabrics to buttons, and not vice versa.

Hand-made design and painstaking work, various manufacturing techniques, decorative paintings, valuable materials (and these are not only metals and stones, but also mother-of-pearl or bone) - all this led to the emergence of philobutonism - collecting buttons.

True, this passion requires quite a large investment... It is much easier and more enjoyable to start collecting different ways to use buttons in needlework...

Photo: burdastyle, PR, imaxtree/de, street style.
The material was prepared by Elena Karpova.

The article will tell you not only how to sew a button that has four or two holes, but will also draw the reader’s special attention to the main points that should be taken into account before carrying out the work. First of all, the threads with which the button will be sewn must be strong. After all, who likes to do the same job several times in a row?

It is very easy to check how strong the threads you have prepared for work are. One simple move will help you with this. You just have to try to break the thread, pulling it with your hands. If the thread breaks quickly enough, then it is not suitable for sewing on buttons. And if the thread has passed the test of strength, you can begin to work.

The thread can have absolutely any thickness. In such a matter, the main thing is to know when to stop. A thread that is too thick can ruin the entire appearance of the sewn stock, and therefore the product as a whole. The thread should be selected in such a way that it matches the holes in the button and is easy to use.

Selection of thread shade

Of course, an important point will be the selection of the required thread color. The task will be greatly simplified when the fabric of the product and the button have the same color and shade. If they are different, it is worth paying attention to what type of button it is.

A flat button attracts a lot of attention, and therefore its color should be matched to the color of the thread. When doing the work, the stitches that will be made on the front part will hide the color a little. If the buttstock is chosen on a leg, then the selection of thread should be carried out based on the color of the product (fabric), because in such a case the thread will not be noticeable from the outside.

Correct thread length

If a person knows how to sew a button correctly, he should not forget about the length of the thread, or more precisely, its length. The ideal length of thread for sewing is considered to be 30 cm and no more. A thread that is too long can get tangled, creating inconvenience during the sewing process, as well as small but noticeable knots. Very short thread It is also not very convenient, because it will allow you to perform too little sewing.

What color of buttons to choose

The color of the buttons also matters a lot..

  1. If a man chooses a red button, then he is in love or is ready to meet love halfway.
  2. Monetary success is symbolized by the use of a green or yellow button.
  3. Purple buttons will indicate a person’s hidden talents.
  4. Success in business will be predicted by the white color of the buttons.

Needle selection

Before performing the process of sewing buttons, it is worth choosing the right working tool, in this case a needle. As a rule, a needle of medium length is considered ideal. But if a needlewoman is working with very dense fabric, then a needle of medium diameter and length will not be suitable.

The end of the thread must be tied in a knot when working. The work can be done either in one thread or in two threads. The choice depends on the size of the buttons. For small buttons you can use one thread. If the buttons are large in size, then they need to be sewn in two threads for greater reliability.

Final fixation

Reliable design and final consolidation can be achieved using:

  • Passing the needle through the fibers of the fabric on the wrong side;
  • Tying a knot using the resulting loop.

How to sew a stock on a leg

Designers and fashion designers usually sew this type of buttons on as decoration. Pedestal stocks are capable of carrying heavy loads, significantly more than their flat counterparts. This fact further confirms their necessity in the world of textiles, as well as the knowledge of how to sew them onto fabric. Since they are a massive element, to work with them it is worth using a strong thread that is folded in half. However, the thickness of the thread may not be suitable due to the small hole in the button on the stem.

It is worth starting the process from the wrong side. The fabric should be punctured together with the button puncture. Repeating this action is necessary; it should be performed several times. Getting into the same hole will ensure not only the beauty of the stitches, but also the strength of the element sewn to the clothing.

Do not sew buttons tightly, pressing them against the fabric. A special gap between the fabric and the button is necessary. It's very easy to make a gap like this.. To do this, take a match and place it between the fabric and the button, on the front fabric of the product. Then you need to make 4-5 turns under the button, piercing the fabric towards the underside of the fabric. Then you should fasten the thread. This way the thread on the button will look beautiful. The process is completed after cutting the remaining piece of thread.

Sewing on a button with two holes

To sew on a button that has two holes, you need to take:

  • Igloo.
  • Thread size 40.

The choice of this thread size is determined by its ideal thickness. Very thin threads usually look sloppy on a sewn product. After threading the thread into the needle, you need to secure its ends into one small knot. After securing the thread to the product, you need to mark the location of the button on the garment. An ordinary soap remnant is ideal for this. Use it to make a mark in the form of a small cross on the front of the product.

After making the marks, you need to pierce the wrong side of the garment with a needle onto the front part of the product. Make sure that the thread is positioned slightly above the center of the soap mark. Then you need to thread the needle through one hole and thread the thread into its other hole. The sewn button will look neater if it falls into the same hole, designated earlier. When several repetitions of the above action have been performed and the thread looks like one piece, you can secure the sewn element.

Do not tighten the thread when sewing. After all, a thread that is pulled too tightly will ensure a very tight connection between the clothing and the button, making it not very convenient to fasten the product. The thread is tightened using a loop formed after looping the thread around the button and threading the free end through the loop. This manipulation must be repeated several times and the remainder of the thread should be cut off. The sewn stock will hold tight and perform its function in the future.

How to sew a button with four holes

You can sew on a button with four holes using the same pattern as with two. With only one difference: they do it crosswise. This method allows not only to hold tightly to the item of clothing, but also to provide its owner with good spirits, as evidenced by the Old Slavic rune.


A button is not only an indispensable element of clothing, but also a harbinger of danger or good luck for its owner. If a person finds a button on the road, then you can be sure that the person’s path will be pleasant in nature with a positive ending. Pleasant changes on the path of life will not keep you waiting.

Finding a button in an unexpected place symbolizes advancement through the ranks and successful work. If a person finds a button with four holes, and its color is green or white, then you can expect good news and a monetary reward in the near future.

You should not pick up a found black button with several holes: this element does not bode well for its new owner.

If you notice that a button has come off from any item of clothing, do not immediately get upset. Firstly, you can return it. And secondly, it hints to its owner about changes in life, or more precisely, that now is the time to make a serious decision to change his lifestyle. Torn button may also indicate that there is an envious person in the person’s immediate environment who is interfering with the achievement of his goals.

Since ancient times, people have interpreted the torn buttons of a bachelor as a sign of his imminent marriage, or rather, the need for marriage.

Guzik (“button” from Belarusian) itself can act as a strong talisman. For example, if a person suddenly meets an unpleasant and angry acquaintance, then in order to reflect negative energy from oneself, one can button up oneself. They will help you build a kind of cocoon into which no flow of negativity can break through.

Losing a button is easy and simple. In magical terms, such a situation becomes a symbol of the loss of something in life and troubles.

Sewing a button for good luck and money

It’s very easy to sew on a magic little tail for good luck. To do this, first of all, you need to go to the store and choose the button that you like more than the rest. It's best that it be new. It is worth sewing an element to clothing with positive thoughts. The day chosen should be unusual - the day of the waxing moon. This way, the item of clothing will be filled with magic and will have a positive meaning for its owner. There is no point in casting a magical spell in such a case. Guzik will become a talisman for its owner.

Attention, TODAY only!

Even people who are hardly directly related to various types of needlework perform some basic actions easily and simply. It is not at all difficult to strengthen a hook that has become loose, or to tighten loose edges, or to sew on buttons. However, there are many different nuances to the last question. Some can make the process easier, while others give completely unpredictable results. Especially when you have to work with different types of buttons, or with different variations of fabric.

What buttons do you need to sew on most often?

The most commonly used buttons are the 4-hole buttons. This type of button can most often be found on a wide variety of shirts or blouses; it is very convenient in cases where the fastening location needs to be hidden as much as possible, or even simply made so that it is not noticeable.

Cross-shaped button sewing pattern

The classic pattern for sewing on a button is “criss-cross”. It can be seen on all modern factory products. And according to the Old Slavic runes, which serve as the basis for patterns for stitches, this is a kind of conspiracy for beauty and health. In this method of sewing on a button with 4 holes, in fact, there is nothing particularly complicated.


It is necessary to move the thread folded in half from the upper left corner to the lower right, and then from the right, upper corner, vice versa - to the lower left. In order to give strength, the steps must be repeated. And on the wrong side of the fabric, a small knot will thus be formed, after which the thread is cut.

Parallel stitch pattern

A parallel stitch pattern is also often used. It, in accordance with the runes, promotes harmonization and strengthening of friendly relations. Its actions are no less simple than the cruciform ones. You need to bring the thread from the upper left corner to the upper right, and then from the lower right to the lower left. If necessary, the steps can be repeated, then fixing the thread on the wrong side of the product. If you make the stitches vertical, this may well enhance your intuition.

Scheme "Z"

Those who want their business to go uphill need to sew on buttons with stitches that form the letter “Z”. The main thing here will be not to make a mistake in choosing the direction. So, for career growth, you need to move the thread in the direction from the upper left corner to the upper right, then from there through the inside out to the lower left and return to the upper right. Lastly, a stitch is made in the direction from the lower right corner, when the thread goes through the wrong side, to the lower left. If you display the algorithm in a mirror, this will contribute to a noticeable improvement in your financial situation, and the stitches that unfold or take the form of the letter “I” will become a kind of impetus for the development of your creative potential.

Structurally, more complex variations are already performed without repetition of actions, because in this case the thread passes several times through each of the holes. Using the example of the classic “criss-cross” algorithm, you can implement a complex pattern by supplementing it with stitches following a square in order to attract true love. This method, by the way, serves as a method of sewing on buttons, guaranteeing maximum strength and durability. And it doesn’t matter that you will work in 1 thread. The situation is similar with simple stitching in a square. It must be said that they are created in parallel. That is, either first you need to display only vertical ones, or exclusively horizontal ones. Such a square will be the key to harmony with the entire world around you.

Sewing a button on a leg

Sewing a button on a leg is much easier than one that has holes. It’s trivial, but with it only 1 direction of the thread is possible, with only one method of fixation. To sew such a button as tightly as possible, usually 3-4 steps through the eye are enough, but only if the work is done with a thread folded in half. A single thread will pass through the eyelet up to 8 times. It will be important to keep track of the puncture sites, maintaining a distance between them equal to the thickness of the button stem.


Sewing buttons is a useful skill that any modern person sometimes has to use. Depending on the design features of the button, the methods of sewing it on vary. Often this element of fittings is a kind of decor and then it is logical that it should be neatly and beautifully sewn.

How to sew on buttons

gastroguru 2017