Why is a person absent-minded and forgetful? What to do if your memory has deteriorated and your concentration has wandered? ways you can improve your memory

The causes of memory impairment can be divided into five groups.

1. Brain lesions

Everyone knows that memory “lives” in the brain. But where exactly?
It depends what we are looking for. If there is long-term memory, then the cortex is responsible for it. But in the hippocampus, located deep in the temporal regions, there are mechanisms for transferring information from short-term to long-term memory. In general, there are a lot of memory centers in the brain, so any damage to this organ can lead to memory impairment. Therefore, the most common causes in this group are:
a) traumatic brain injury. Everything is simple here: wherever the blow lands, the likelihood of its negative impact on any of the memory centers is very high.
b) stroke (cerebrovascular accident). Blood does not flow, memory centers cease to function fully. Moreover, a study by Dutch scientists from the St Radboud Medical Center showed that memory can deteriorate even if its area - usually the temporal lobe - was not damaged.
c) oncology. A formed neoplasm (even a benign one) puts pressure on the areas of the brain adjacent to it. In addition, cases of metastasis to other parts of the organ are not uncommon.
d) infectious diseases (encephalitis, meningitis). Inflammatory processes occurring in the brain negatively affect both individual memory centers and the entire brain as a whole.

2. Diseases of other organs

Memory can also deteriorate as a result of diseases of other organs:
a) Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system in general (even if it is “just” an increase in blood pressure). The blood supply to the brain deteriorates, and consequently, it ceases to fully perform its functions.
b) Diseases of internal organs (kidneys, liver, lungs, etc.) We won’t dwell on all the organs, let’s just talk about the kidneys. Scientists from the USA have discovered that kidney disease is a cause of cognitive decline, incl. deterioration of verbal memory.
The study was conducted based on measurements of glomerular filtration rate ( GFR - determines the cleansing ability of the kidneys) and creatinine level ( end product of protein metabolism) in blood. After five years of observation, a pattern was noted: the volunteers’ memory deteriorated in direct proportion to the increase in the level of creatinine in the blood and the decrease in glomerular filtration rate, i.e. with the progression of renal diseases.
c) Metabolic disorders. For the brain to function well, it is necessary that it receives all the necessary substances. As soon as the metabolism of the entire body is disrupted, the brain begins to experience a shortage of them and redistribute its “resources”, and memory centers are far from being at the beginning of the “queue”.

3. Adverse environmental factors

These factors include:
a) information overload. Each person has his own “limit,” and as soon as the brain receives more information than it can process, it “freezes.” Moreover, information may not be purposefully received, but “chaotically bombing”: the environment is now completely permeated with information flows.
b) lack of vitamins. Of course, many vitamins are important for excellent brain function, but group B dominates. These vitamins:
support the functioning of the central nervous system;
protect brain cells from stress, overload and premature aging;
participate in oxygen exchange;
reduce blood clotting rates;
participate in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters that trigger nerve impulses between neurons.
And if all this ensures the functioning of the brain as a whole, then the latter is directly related to memory: no impulse, no brain function, no memory.
c) stressful situations. The universities of Calgary and Exeter have proven that stress ( but not easy, but extreme) blocks physiological processes associated with memory. Despite the fact that the study was carried out on the snails Lymnaea stagnalis, the result is quite indicative: after enduring a huge number of irritating factors, the experimental subjects forgot absolutely everything that they had been taught earlier. In addition, if one stressful moment only reduces the quality of memory, then a “massive” stress attack creates a cumulative effect, and information generally ceases to be retained in memory.
d) lack of sleep. In a dream, the body, incl. the brain is restored: new cells grow to replace the dead ones. Accordingly, the better and longer the sleep, the longer and more effective the recovery. Otherwise, the brain does not have time to “rest” and loses the ability to both memorize and recall.
d) junk food. Many foods are stored and prepared in aluminum containers. Food dyes also contain aluminum. As a result, by consuming products of the “aluminized” industry, a person provides his body with excess aluminum, which, by the way, is excreted extremely slowly and difficultly. As a result, headaches appear, thinking becomes sluggish, and memory deteriorates.
“Stimulants” such as energy drinks and tonic drinks also contribute. Stimulation, of course, gives a short-term effect, but with regular use the brain becomes “lazy”.

4. Chronic intoxication

The reasons for this group include:
a) smoking. It practically “decomposes” the brain, impairs the ability to reason, learn, and impairs memory. Moreover, not only active but also passive smoking has a detrimental effect. Scientists from Northumbria University, who conducted a study on three groups of volunteers ( smokers who constantly breathe smoke and rarely come into contact with smoke), proved that normal memory characteristics were observed only in the healthiest group, while in smokers this indicator was reduced by 30% , and for passive smokers – by 25% .
b) alcohol abuse or complete abstinence from it. Experts from University College London have proven that drinking more than 36 g of pure alcohol per day leads to early memory impairment, but drinking up to 20 g of alcohol per day does not provoke such changes. It is also interesting that complete abstinence from alcohol is harmful to memory. Thus, the optimal “schedule” for drinking alcohol is 2-4 glasses of wine per week.
c) drug addiction. Even with a single dose, drugs can cause irreparable damage to the brain. For example, after a single dose of “harmless” ecstasy - the most neurotoxic synthetic drug - the serotonin system of the brain is so damaged that it can never fully recover. Some drugs continue to work after you stop using them. In any case, these substances disrupt the impulse transmission system itself, interfering with the order in which nerve cells receive, send and process information.
d) intoxication with heavy metals (lead, mercury, thallium, copper, manganese).
Lead occupies a leading position among the causes of industrial poisoning, because there are a lot of places where it is used: lead smelters, battery production, printing houses, production of lead paints, leaded gasoline, ceramic products, crystal glass, etc. In addition, there is a threat of lead damage nearby major highways.

Mercury has three main sources:
Amalgam ( in dental fillings). An average sized filling contains 750,000 mcg of mercury, of which 10 mcg is released daily. Plus, mercury is released faster if the amalgam is heated to the temperature of hot tea.
Vaccines. Merthiolate, an organic compound of mercury, is found in vaccines against influenza, hepatitis B, and DPT and is more dangerous than its vapor.
Fish. The mercury it contains has already reacted with protective molecules and does not pose a significant health hazard. But still, you shouldn’t overeat tuna.
Additionally, thermometers, thermostats, mercury switches, and barometers are potential sources of mercury in the home.
e) drug abuse. Memory loss is a side effect of many medications. If these drugs are abused, a cumulative effect will be created, which is especially pronounced after taking tranquilizers and sedatives.
The list of such pharmaceutical groups also includes antipsychotics, anticholinergics, “heart” drops, barbiturates, anticholinergics, antidepressants, and antihistamines.

5. Age-related changes in the body

The main changes that influence memory deterioration in old age are sclerotic: the walls of blood vessels in the brain, other tissues and organs gradually lose their elasticity and become rigid. In addition, the lumen of the vessel narrows, microstrokes develop (hemorrhages, albeit small, in different lobes of the brain). An additional reason is changes in the brain that interfere with sleep quality: the prefrontal cortex loses its volume. If we add to this the many brain diseases called “senile” ( Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease), memory deterioration becomes obvious with age.

Poor memory, what to do: 6 reasons for this problem + 9 interesting exercises + 3 ways to quickly memorize + 10 best books on the topic.

Forgetting the ten-digit code to a safe deposit box with family jewelry is an unpleasant thing, but quite understandable, just like forgetting the face of that scoundrel who abandoned you in your first year of university for the curvy Lenka from the Foreign Language.

But what if you bought a starter package for your mobile phone 3 months ago, but still can’t remember your new number? And what should you say to the offended “wow death” mother-in-law whom you forgot? Yes, this smacks of a vendetta!

So, your “diagnosis” is bad memory. What to do with this problem, doctors, psychologists and pharmacists will tell you.

Bad memory: what to do, we’ll figure it out, but where did this misfortune even come from? Or 6 reasons why you always forget your phone at home?

9 interesting exercises for poor memory: what to do to quickly get in shape?

    If your memory is poor, try looking at your watch from time to time and remembering what you were doing at this time yesterday.

    And the day before yesterday? And a week ago? You see, you’ll reach your bare-bellied childhood.

    Develop associative thinking if you need to do something with poor memory.

    What else you can do is to gradually give up lists, “reminders” on gadgets and classic crosses on your hand.

    At the same time, check whether you will survive if you forget to buy your husband a couple of bottles of his favorite beer.

    Open the book to the first page you come across and try to remember the first words of 5-8 lines.

    And our good advice to you: let it not be an encyclopedia of medicinal plants or a motorist’s reference book, otherwise you will not see success. Such heights can only be achieved after several weeks of hard training.

  1. If your memory is poor, regularly do the following exercise: take a good look at any photograph, then put it aside and write down in writing all the details that you managed to remember.(“The point is clear” that the more there are, the better). Yes, yes, even the pimple on the left cheek of my “sworn” friend Oksana will go away.
  2. Learn poems by heart: this way you will not only say goodbye to bad memory forever, but will also be known as a romantic person, and in our harsh 21st century this is damn nice.
  3. “You know that I never had a good memory, but when I forgot that my wife asked me to pick up my son from kindergarten and the poor child waited for an hour and a half at the gate with the teacher, I realized that something needs to be done about this.
    And a regular deck of playing cards helped me overcome forgetfulness: I took out 8-9 cards and tried to remember their sequence. Over time, their number increased to 35.”

  4. A simple, like wooden door, but no less effective way to combat a girl’s memory is to play with matches.

    No, no, we do not suggest burning to hell your notes on inorganic chemistry, the formulas of which you need to memorize. It's not so enchanting: take a few matches, make any shapes out of them, and then turn away and, without looking, try to make the same thing out of other matches.

    Naturally, over time, the figures should become more complex, there should be more matches, and you should make fewer mistakes.

    Get rid of bad memory simply by watching a new movie.

    After a hard day at work, did you collapse on the sofa with your laptop to watch a movie? And we won’t lag behind you here either.

    After watching the film, try to remember as many details as possible of the scene that you liked the most: what the main characters looked like, what they said and did, where it happened - in short, the more details, the better. Then go back to the episode being described and check yourself.

3 “recipes” for bad memory: what to do if you need to remember something quickly?

    Humanity has not yet come up with anything more effective than associations for remembering some material.

    For example, if your nose is bleeding, you need to remember the English word “wish” (I wish): imagine how much you want a juicy, fragrant cherry right from the tree, how much you reach out to pick it.

    “Divide and conquer” is not only the motto of intriguers of all times and peoples, but also a way to combat unimportant memory.

    You've probably noticed yourself that it's easier to remember a phone number if it's divided into parts.

    The accent method is based on the fact that you mentally arrange the elements that need to be remembered along the studied “route”.

    For example, in order to record in your memory the list of products that you need to buy in the supermarket, you “send” bread into your right pocket, a carton of milk onto your head, and squeeze your favorite cakes between your knees.

    You can also “scatter” your purchases around the apartment or “distribute” them to your favorite countries. We guarantee that you will not only have a lot of fun imagining all this cuteness, but also buy everything you need.

Poor memory: the 5 best books on the topic will tell you what to do

Special literature will tell you what a truly bad memory is and what to do with this “friend” so as not to one day burn down the house because of an iron left on:

No.Book titleAuthor
1 “Einstein walks on the moon. The Science and Art of Memory"Joshua Foer
2 "Think like a mathematician: How to solve any problem faster and more efficiently"Barbara Oakley
3 "Quick mind. How to forget what is unnecessary and remember what is necessary"Kristin Loberg, Mike Beister
4 “Food for the brain. An effective step-by-step technique for enhancing the efficiency of brain function and strengthening memory"Neil Barnard
5 “Memory does not change. Tasks and puzzles for the development of intelligence and memory"Angels Navarro
6 “Development of memory. The classic guide to improving memory"Harry Lorraine, Jerry Lucas
7 “Remember everything. A practical guide to memory development"Arthur Dumchev
8 “Brain development. How to read faster, remember better and achieve greater goals"Roger Sipe
9 “Neuroscience. Exercises for brain training"Lawrence Katz, Manning Rubin
10 “Flexible consciousness. A new look at the psychology of development of adults and children"Carol Dweck

8 best drugs to improve brain function with poor memory: pharmacists know what to do

Pharmacists will tell you what to do if you have poor memory; they most often recommend the following drugs without a prescription:

But don’t rush to stock up on medications for bad memory at the first pharmacy you come across: first consult your doctor.

So, if you have bad memory and what to do in this situation, what is definitely not needed is to “fold your paws” and let everything take its course. What if tomorrow you are your dream person and she tells you her phone number and it disappears from her mind? “It’s a shame, well, it’s a shame,” as the unforgettable comrade Saakhov said.

What to do if you have bad memory?

The Russian record holder for memorization says:

So adjust your sleep and diet, moderate your enthusiasm for work, forget about alcohol and cigarettes - and soon Sherlock Holmes himself will envy your mental abilities.

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Friends, good afternoon! Today we will talk about bad memory and what to do to improve it. What vitamins can you take to combat absent-mindedness and inattention? Brain function is the basis of a full life, the ability to perceive the surrounding reality and adequately respond to what is happening around.

Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are not scary, of course, but they are always unpleasant. And it also happens to me that you go on some errand, but in the end you forget something at home. Or even funnier. You intend to take a walk to pick up herbs, but forget your knife at home.

And it’s somehow sad, and sometimes funny, from such incidents. And you write it down on a piece of paper, but it’s all to no avail. Forgetfulness is not a serious phenomenon, it is not even a disease. Quicker a sign of an untrained brain.

Of course there is senile forgetfulness, caused by age-related changes in the head. There are even serious lapses in memory when a person forgets the name of him or his family. This most often occurs after strokes. We will not consider such cases today.

Memory decline is directly related to brain training. Although our brain is not a muscle, it requires increased attention. It can be trained and is capable of remembering and storing truly countless amounts of information. How to train him? What substances improve memory?

Water for the brain

Dehydration of the brain is one of the causes of brain disorders. We don't notice how we lose fluid. And it is extremely important for the full functioning of this organ. Fatigue and memory loss are directly related to the supply of water to the brain. Drink at least seven glasses of pure water a day, not in teas or in the form of any mixed liquids.

B vitamins

Your diet should definitely include B vitamins, such as B6 and B12. As well as thiamine and niacin . These substances have a beneficial effect on the restoration and functioning of brain tissue.

If you have poor memory and absent-mindedness, then eat bananas. These fruits contain a lot of vitamins B6, as well as other beneficial substances. And one more thing: have you ever seen a monkey with memory loss?

Also a good supplier of vitamins of this group can be called whole grain products. And especially wheat and rye sprouts.

Eliminate saturated fats from your diet

All saturated fats clog the arterial lumen, which means that the brain and heart receive significantly less blood and, accordingly, oxygen. We get saturated fats from butter, and also, which is more dangerous, from trans fats.

We get trans fats in finished baked goods - cookies from the store and any confectionery. And also exclude margarine - this is generally a slow self-poisoning.

The best meat is fish

Eat fish products two or three times a week. Tuna, salmon, herring and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These substances have a beneficial effect, indirectly, through cleansing blood vessels, on brain activity.

Take a multivitamin

They must contain vitamin B12, as well as folic acid. It is these two components that are largely responsible for memory. Even a very slight deficiency of these vitamins leads to poor attention and absent-mindedness.

Unleash your brains

The more we train the brain, the better it works, even despite the lack of certain substances. It's a paradox, but that's exactly what happens. That is, he somehow mobilizes and still works. It is better, of course, when it is also provided with proper nutrition.

Solve crosswords, various puzzles and puzzles . Read educational literature. Learn foreign languages. People with a high level of intelligence are much less likely to suffer from memory problems.

Ginseng preparations

They have a very good effect on the mental activity of the brain. You can buy a tincture of the root in pharmacies. Read the instructions and use this drug to improve your memory.

I have a friend who can send me a real Chinese ginseng infusion. If you are interested, write to my email. [email protected]

Herb asiatica or gotu kola

It has long been used in Asia to improve intelligence; if memory has become worse, people take gotu kola preparations or simply add the leaves to salads. This plant is sold there at all vegetable markets as a seasoning.

It can also be purchased in pharmacies in extract and powder form. People began using this drug after observing elephants. They ate grass and became noticeably smarter.

The stimulating power of coffee

Oddly enough, coffee can also have a positive effect. Just drink coffee beans, not chemical poison in powder form. Grind and cook it yourself at home.

I drink it every morning - I brew a level teaspoon of coffee for two glasses of water. I pour cold water over the ground powder and put it on low gas. I bring it to a boil and immediately remove it. I insist for another 5 minutes and drink it with honey as a bite.

Excellently improves performance and organizes thoughts. Especially beneficial for the brain for older people. For example, the Athonite elders retain a clear mind and strong memory until old age. They drink up to 5 cups of coffee a day. We don't need that much, of course. A glass in the morning and around lunchtime is enough.

Ginkgo biloba preparations

Take 120 mg of preparations containing ginkgo biloba daily. This plant has a good effect on the blood supply to the brain and improves its absorption of oxygen. Increases performance and memory.

Concentration of attention

There are special practices aimed at focusing attention. For example, contemplating a candle, preferably a church candle, since the power of faith is especially helpful. I profess Orthodoxy, so I focus on Christian values.

So, light a candle or lamp, and repeating the Our Father, look continuously at the flame. To begin with, the practice should last about 5 minutes, and then you can gradually increase it to half an hour. Your attention and concentration will improve significantly.

To study short-term visual memory, a table is needed. You can make it yourself. A sheet of paper is divided into 12 cells (3 rows, 4 cells each). A two-digit number is recorded in each compartment.
The person is asked to look at the table for 10 seconds and then write down the numbers that he remembers. The average result is 6-7 numbers. Insufficient volume – less than 5.

Methodology “Study of involuntary and voluntary memory”

For the study you need 2 sets of pictures, 10 pieces each.

Study of involuntary memory And. The person is asked to look at the pictures. each is shown for 2 seconds. after viewing, they are asked to remember the pictures that he saw.

Random Memory Research. Before the test, the person is asked to remember the pictures. The memorization method is not specified. They show the second set of pictures for 3 seconds each, then ask them to remember them in any order.

After the study, the effectiveness of the two types of memory is compared.

Memory is the property of the nervous system to remember, retain and reproduce information, skills and abilities at the right time. The essence of memory is the ability to receive, store and reproduce life experiences. Thus, memory is the basis of learning, therefore it is classified as a cognitive process.

When they talk about poor memory, they mean that difficulties arise at one or more stages: it is difficult for a person to remember data, information is not stored in memory for a long enough time or is replaced by new facts.
Most often, memory impairment is associated with decreased attention, overwork and haste. This can be easily corrected with training. A more serious problem is sudden memory loss associated with illness or injury. In this case, the help of a neurologist is required.

Types of memory by sense organs

  1. verbal-logical– remembering the meaning of speech;
  2. emotional– memory for experienced emotions and events associated with them;
  3. motor– memorization and reproduction of complex ones;
  4. figurative– memory for images that were formed on the basis of data received from various senses;
  • visual – preservation of visual images, illustrations, table diagrams;
  • auditory – helps to preserve and accurately reproduce sounds and speech;
  • olfactory – remembering smells;
  • tactile - memory for information obtained through touch.

By storage time

instant(iconic) – up to 0.5 seconds. stores in memory what has just been perceived by the senses;
short-term– up to 20 seconds. the volume is very limited (7 items), information is quickly replaced by new data. At this stage, useless information is eliminated, which allows you to avoid overloading long-term memory. Short-term memory is considered a filter and transit point for long-term memory, therefore, the greater the capacity of short-term memory, the better long-term memory.
operational– storage for a certain period of time, up to several days (keep in memory until I write it down, until I pass the exam)
long-term– stores information for an unlimited period. It is believed that the volume of this memory is unlimited; difficulties arise not with storage, but with recalling the necessary information.
genetic– is preserved at the gene level and is inherited.
on the participation of the will in the process of memorization:
involuntary– information is remembered automatically, without human effort. This is often interesting material that is of great importance to a person, evokes positive emotions, or is necessary in work. It often happens that involuntary memory works better than voluntary memory - memorization is faster and information is retained longer.
free- Memorization necessarily requires volitional efforts. In order to learn a poem, new material or foreign words, you need to force yourself, which causes additional difficulties.

What does memory depend on? (anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system)

Various brain structures are responsible for memory:
  • for working and short-term memory- mediobasal system (hippocampus and adjacent temporal lobe cortex);
  • for procedural memory– amygdala, cerebellum and cortex;
  • for long-term memory- cortex.
In addition, cholinergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic systems of the brain play an important role in the functioning of memory. They are a collection of interconnected nerve cells that secrete one of the neurotransmitters (hormones) - acetylcholine, norepinephrine, serotonin or dopamine.

There are many types of memory that work harmoniously, making up a single system.

Let us figuratively explain how memory works. Imagine a car sprinkling sand on the street - this is information that needs to be remembered. She travels, leaving a trace, from object to object (these are neurons - brain cells). This trace remains for some time - the information is stored in memory. But if the car does not take the same route again, then soon there will be no trace left on the road. It’s the same with memory, if information is not repeated or used, then it is gradually replaced by other stimuli.

Information (impressions, skills) passes from the first nerve cell to the other, forming a nerve cell. New information travels a different route, leaving a new trail.

Memory includes 4 processes:

  • imprint;
  • preservation;
  • reproduction;
  • forgetting.
they are provided by 4 memory mechanisms:
  • formation of nerve connections;
  • strengthening nerve connections;
  • stimulation of nerve connections;
  • inhibition of nerve connections.
Each memory process has its own mechanism. For example: information is imprinted through the formation of neural connections between a group of neurons. The imprinting process goes through two stages. The first is that nerve cells retain excitation, which provides short-term memory.

Second phase memorization– consolidation of excitation due to biochemical changes in brain cells and synapses (intercellular formations that ensure the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons). Biochemical changes are not formed instantly, so it takes some time to remember information. Optimal memorization occurs if information is repeated several times. Then the nervous excitement goes through the same path again and again. This provides significant biochemical changes, as a result of which such information is well remembered, stored in memory for a long time and is easier to reproduce. Another important factor is how interconnected the new material is with existing knowledge. Simply put, it is easier to remember what the brain has already had to deal with.

saving information in memory is possible due to the strengthening of neural connections. According to recent research, information related to working memory is encoded in the form of changes in RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecules. Each nerve cell has more than 1000 altered RNAs. Long-term memory is ensured by changes in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules located in the corresponding nerve cells that took part in memorization.

reproduction of information when it is necessary to remember what is needed, it is carried out by excitation of those neurons that memorized the information. At the same time, connections are established in the brain with other semantic components. In other words, the more related material there is in the brain regarding a given piece of information, the easier it will be to recall.

Forgetting information corresponds to inhibition of neural connections. this happens when traces are replaced by new impressions. Old data is replaced with more current information. Forgetting is considered a protective mechanism that protects the brain from overload.

All information contained in memory is stored in various areas of the cerebral cortex. For example, verbal-logical information is predominantly localized in the frontal lobes. One neuron or a whole network of nerve cells can take part in remembering one event. Good memory is possible with coordinated work of the cortex of both hemispheres.

Actions that have become automatic (washing your face, brushing your teeth, closing the door) are not stored in the cerebral cortex.

Good memory is possible with high tone of the cerebral cortex. It, in turn, depends on the work of subcortical structures and the general condition of the body. and the reticular formation and limbic part of the brain increase the tone of the cortex and orient a person’s attention, creating the prerequisites for memorization.

How can you tell if your memory is bad?

tests are used to determine memory capacity

short term memory

To study short-term visual memory, a table is needed. You can make it yourself. a sheet of paper is divided into 12 cells (3 rows, 4 cells each). A two-digit number is written into each compartment.
the person is asked to look at the table for 10 seconds and then write down the numbers that he remembers. The average result is 6-7 numbers. insufficient volume – less than 5.

1. memory problems
difficulties with memorization;
difficulties with mastering new information;
2. problems with saving information

3. problems with reproducing (remembering) information

The word "rolls on the tongue"
memory losses

The main causes of memory impairment (the cause is the mechanism of development of the pathology)

Chronic fatigue. Long-term exhausting mental stress leads to disruption of the higher nervous system, including memory impairment. Memory is especially impaired by the abundance of information, the need to make decisions quickly, a high degree of responsibility for them, and multitasking.

Stress. Frequently repeated and prolonged stressful situations have an extremely negative impact on the state of memory and higher nervous activity in general. Retention of information suffers especially

Lack of sleep. Scientists have proven that constant lack of sleep reduces the efficiency of thought processes and memory by 30%. Memorization and reproduction of information suffer the most.

Abuse of energy and stimulant drinks - constant stimulation causes the brain to eventually become exhausted.

Smoking and alcohol abuse. Nicotine causes a sharp constriction of blood vessels in the brain and this effect can persist for several hours. alcohol consumption (more than 40 g per day) causes intoxication of the nervous system. Interestingly, complete abstinence from alcohol (less than 20g per day) also negatively affects memory.

Intoxication of the body with harmful substances. The most negative effects on memory are exerted by aluminum, lead, copper, manganese, and mercury. these substances can accumulate in the body. this often happens to people working in hazardous industries.

Malnutrition. Deficiency of protein, essential fatty acids and chemical elements worsens the processes in the brain and impairs its functioning.

Deficiency of vitamins E and group B. These substances are involved in oxygen exchange and the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which ensure the passage of impulses between nerve cells.

Age-related changes associated with a decrease in brain activity and deterioration of blood circulation in the brain. If preventive measures are not taken, then even in healthy people, age-related memory deterioration occurs after 55 years.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding. The hormone oxytocin has been found to negatively affect memory. Testosterone and estrogen help remember new information.

Taking certain medications– antidepressants, neuroleptics, painkillers, anticholinergics, barbiturates, antihistamines. In addition, when taking different groups of medications, their effects can accumulate.

Brain hypoxia. oxygen starvation of nerve cells is associated with carbon monoxide poisoning, circulatory disorders, suffocation,

Diseases of internal organs:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • pathologies of the nervous system
  • cerebrovascular accidents, stroke
  • traumatic brain injuries
  • neurosyphilis
  • infectious diseases meningitis, encephalitis
  • benign and malignant brain tumors

How to improve memory?

In recent years, the theory that the brain, like a muscle, can be trained has gained popularity. The more often you train your memory, the better it will be. Moreover, this rule works at any age. This method of improving memory works, whether it is a child’s poor memory or age-related changes.

Repetition. repetition for 20 seconds after receiving information allows you to retain it longer in short-term memory and
memory training

1. Write down the numbers from 1 to 20 in a column. Associate each number with an object, person or phenomenon. For example: 1-apple, 5-store. The next day, try to remember which item corresponded to which number. Repeat daily, changing items. Record the number of correct answers.
2. Write down 20 two-digit numbers and assign serial numbers to them. It's better if someone else does it. For example: 1.89; 2. 66... ​​look at the table 40 seconds. reproduce everything you remember.
3. read a passage of text consisting of 10 sentences. The text should not be artistic, but scientifically journalistic. after 1 minute you need to reproduce everything that you managed to remember.
4. remembering faces and surnames. For the exercise you need 10 photographs of strangers. you need to remember 10 persons, as well as first, patronymic and last names. 30 seconds are allocated for memorization. Then the photos are submitted in a different order; you need to remember the people's full names.

  • Medicines to improve memory
Over-the-counter medications
Group of drugs representatives Action Mode of application
Ginkgo biloba preparations Bilobil, memoplant, gingogink, bilobil forte, ginkgo biloba They improve blood flow and affect the vascular system of the brain. drugs improve the nutrition of nerve cells and their oxygen. Adults – 1 capsule 3 times a day. course of treatment is 3 months.
The drugs are contraindicated for children under 18 years of age.
Amino acids Glycine, glycised, glycyram Improves metabolic processes in neurons. Improves memorization during periods of intellectual stress (Exam session). Tablets for lozenges under the tongue. adults: 2 tablets 3 times a day. children: 1 tablet 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is from 2 weeks to 2 months.
Nootropic drugs. gamma-aminobutyric acid preparations Aminalon, noofen The drugs improve cerebral circulation and nerve cell metabolism , increase glucose absorption. Improves memory, weak antidepressant and psychostimulating effect.

Medicines used as prescribed by a doctor
Group of drugs representatives Action Mode of application
Nootropics Piracetam, Lucetam, Memotropil, Nootropil, Cerebril Enhances dopamine synthesis. improves the transmission of nerve impulses between nerve cells. Improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain. Increases glucose uptake by neurons. Orally 150-250 mg 3 times a day. In hospitals, drugs are administered intravenously. Duration of treatment from 2 weeks to 3 months.
Nootropic and gamkergic drugs Encephabol, pyritinol Improves the uptake and absorption of glucose by nerve cells. Increases the exchange of nucleic acids and the release of neurotransmitters at synapses. Tablets or suspension are taken 3 times a day after meals. The average single dose for adults is 2 tablets or 10 ml of suspension. last dose no later than 3 hours before bedtime to avoid insomnia.
Psychostimulants and nootropics Phenopropyl, Activate brain activity, improving attention and memory. Regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition. Improves metabolic processes and blood circulation. Take 100-200 mg 2 times a day after meals. The doctor determines the duration of the appointment individually (on average 30 days).
These drugs are prescribed only after consultation with a doctor! they have contraindications and side effects.

Memory Improvement Products

  • B vitamins – meat and soup products (liver, heart)
  • Vitamin E – Seeds, nuts, avocado, vegetable oil
  • polyphenols – red and black berries (currants, cherries, blackberries, grapes), green tea
  • Choline – egg yolk
  • Iodine – seaweed, feijoa, persimmon, sea fish
  • glucose – Honey, chocolate, sugar

Memory training

  • associations. read or ask someone to tell you 10 pairs of words with associative connections. home - comfort; blonde – hair dye. after 20-30 minutes, read the first words in
  • memorizing poetry. learn poems from memory. By memorizing 2 quatrains a day, your memory will noticeably improve within 1-2 months.
  • remembering the sequence of playing cards. Pull 6 cards from the deck and try to remember the sequence in which they lie.
  • image creation

Treatment of causes of poor memory

If signs of memory deterioration appear, you should consult a neurologist and therapist to determine the causes of the disorders. Next, based on the examination results, treatment is prescribed. Note that in people with weakened memory (except for memory loss), neurological disorders are rare.
  • active lifestyle. sufficient physical activity is a condition for normal blood circulation in the muscles and brain. Outdoor recreation, hiking, and sports help restore full brain function.
  • new impressions. Bright, emotionally charged events activate a large number of neurons in the cerebral cortex. which then take part in memorization.
  • do not allow automaticity. perform actions consciously. To do this, perform actions (closing the door, turning off electrical appliances) with your left hand if you are right-handed. This technique will force additional parts of the brain to tense up and the action will be remembered.
  • problems, crosswords, puzzles, mental arithmetic.
  • focus attention on the object of action. Concentration allows you to use a whole network of neurons to remember. this will facilitate the memorization process, improve the safety of information and its recall at the right time.
  • involve associations. The brain remembers better information that is related to existing data. Therefore, it is easier to remember a person who is similar to someone you know.
  • maintain a positive attitude. What causes laughter and joy is remembered well. And when a person experiences depression, memory fails. therefore, it is necessary to consciously maintain a positive attitude - communicate with positive people, watch humorous programs.
  • to study a foreign language. activates the brain.
  • develop fine motor skills. It is recommended to master a new type of needlework, distinguish between coins of different denominations, and sculpt from kaolin clay and plasticine.
  • matches throw 7-10 matches. watch for 1-5 seconds, then sketch how the matches fell.
  • master the 10-finger typing method. this helps to engage new associative connections and additional parts of the cortex.

Why does a child have a bad memory? (main reasons)

  • Fetal asphyxia during pregnancy, associated with toxicosis, early aging of the placenta.
  • neurosis. may develop against the background of overwork at school, frequent quarrels in the family.
  • lack of composure
  • selective memory. only what's interesting
  • regular exercise
  • game training on the Internet Vikium
  • herdetics

How to improve a child's memory?

Better remembered
  • meaningful material – the child understands that it is important and why;
  • material that evokes emotions;
  • regularly used, included in ongoing activities;
  • material related to what the child knows well;
  • imaginative thinking - imagine.
  • facts that received close attention
  • material that was able to be reproduced, repeated in the mind
  • meaningful, structured material
  • grouped material
  • memorizing pictures for preschoolers up to 10. each image is sequentially linked into.
  • poem. pictograms. retold. repeat after 2 hours. repeat 3 times before bed, repeat in the morning.
  • auditory memory. say 15 phrases - history. specific and absurd.
  • numbers are images. Dictate 3-digit numbers - short stories.
  • dates of birth, dates of events Pushkin
what to do
  • determine which type of memory is dominant (visual, auditory, motor, tactile). It is necessary to use this type of memory when memorizing new material. Children with auditory memory will be better able to remember what is read out loud. a child with motor memory will remember what he wrote down. those who have visual memory remember more easily what they see. In this case, it is advisable to use a text highlighter, diagrams, and tables. Children of preschool and primary school age remember illustrated material well. determine what type it is.
  • To determine the leading type of memory, offer the child several passages of text of the same size. The first must be read “to yourself”, the second out loud, the third rewritten, the fourth you read to the child. then the child must retell the passages. the one that is remembered better, the child’s type of perception is more developed.
  • train your memory. learn by heart proverbs, riddles, quatrains, gradually moving on to longer poems. The result of training is the activation of a large number of neurons for memorization.
  • expand your horizons. Read to your child from early childhood. Educational cartoons, games, and television programs also help. The more information a child accumulates during the first years of life, the easier it will be to remember during school years.
  • rest from mental stress. Although children perceive information much easier than adults, they also suffer from overwork. Especially if it is accompanied by stress. This condition significantly reduces memory and affects other cognitive processes. It is necessary to take into account that memory worsens in lessons 4-6, on Thursday and Friday. This is especially noticeable in the last weeks of the quarter. During such periods, it is important to provide the child with adequate rest. The best option would be active games in the fresh air.
  • improve the coherence of the hemispheres of the brain. finger gymnastics. Finger-fist exercise
  • more material on this topic. The more a child knows about animals, the easier it will be for him to remember new facts about them.
  • "fist-finger" game
  • tactile memory. feeling toys with closed eyes.
  • place the toys on the table, watch for 10 seconds, then pick up one item. preschoolers 5-7.
  • verbal counting
  • develop motor memory.
  • association method
  • connecting emotions –
  • creation of images. Helps you remember phrases and numbers.

Easy Memorization Techniques

  1. memorizing foreign words in the form of absurd images
  2. remember a list or phone number - arrange items in order on a well-known route remember,
  3. It’s easier to remember a person’s last name if you associate it with external features. Repeating to yourself several times also helps memorize. Then address your new acquaintance by name under any pretext: “Ivan Petrovich, if I understand you correctly.” associate with a familiar person with the same name.
  4. text. records, pictograms – the main thing in the sentence
  5. Memory is like a muscle - it needs training. as long as you train it, it improves. If there is no need to use memory, then it is weakened.

If I don't remember anything

A person develops this disease for a number of reasons and this disease can be overcome, but this will require certain measures to be taken.

There are practical techniques that will help overcome the problem. The health and beauty site offers important advice.

Concept: absent-mindedness and poor memory in a person

In the classical sense, absent-mindedness is wandering attention that does not allow a person to concentrate on something specific and is determined by the following characteristics:

  • Attention wanders and does not allow you to focus on the desired topic or object;
  • Thoughts are not concentrated because they are poorly defined and cloudy;
  • A person feels powerless;
  • A person is indifferent to everything that happens;
  • Elementary boredom.

Understand the cause of absent-mindedness and poor memory

If you know the problem in person, what caused absent-mindedness and poor memory, then it can be overcome, and this works in the case of absent-mindedness, the main thing is to understand why human memory can become worse.

The first reason identified by experts is basic laziness, a person’s reluctance to do uninteresting work. Then comes lack of sleep, monotonous work, lack of sleep, exhaustion both physically and mentally.

If nothing is done, absent-mindedness will become pathological. If the cause of the problem lies in brain damage, then qualified medical assistance will be needed.

The need to treat poor memory

Absent-mindedness and poor memory have both internal and external factors.
By internal elements we mean organic damage to the brain tissue, which can lead to complete loss of memory. Drug treatment in this case involves taking nootropic or anti-depressant drugs.

Consult a doctor

External factors most often mean overwork and do not require special medical treatment. This type of fluttering attention is typical of old people and teenagers. Loss of attention can be caused by a long illness when a person is weakened.

Here, absent-minded attention is usually a temporary phenomenon, but only if the reasons for its appearance are combated. In older people, loss of attention occurs due to oxygen starvation of brain tissue, reduced speed of nervous processes and cerebral atherosclerosis.

The most frequently asked question to psychologists is the question of poor memory and absent-mindedness. People are concerned about the severity of the disease, the need for treatment and how to combat it. If absent-mindedness occurs due to overwork, both mental and physical, then sufficient time for rest is required, and sometimes it is useful to change the environment.

Self-prevention of poor memory and absent-mindedness

Experts give some advice on how to deal with this problem and prevent a critical situation from arising when medical treatment is needed. Children should help their parents, older people need to work with this area of ​​their health and do the following:

  1. Live slowly and deliberately, since haste and bustle are a direct path to memory loss;
  2. You need to monitor your thoughts, directing their course in one direction;
  3. You cannot live in automatic mode; you need, for example, to develop the habit of always putting things in their place;
  4. Memorize difficult words using associations and figurative clues;
  5. Make yourself reminders that organize your life by prioritizing the necessary things;
  6. You can’t overload your brain; it requires pauses, when it’s best not to think about anything at all;
  7. Observation needs to be developed, this will help to establish a connection with the outside world;

When absent-mindedness and poor memory appear, you need to consciously calm your mind, stopping the growing fuss and panic. Everything will work out! It won’t hurt, and is even recommended by doctors – a brain activity enhancer.

Keep everything under control

If you cannot control absent-mindedness on your own, you will need the help of a specialist for individual treatment. Each person is responsible for his own lifestyle; you need to be able to rest, train your attention and memory, and learn self-control.

To get an effective result, you need to understand the cause of absent-mindedness, only then begin to fight it. You should not fight the consequences of absent-mindedness and memory loss, as there will be no result.

gastroguru 2017