What to give to your nephew. An original gift for a boy when he comes of age. Original and interesting things that friends can give - gallery

The long-awaited, wonderful New Year holidays are approaching, when good mood, joy and smiles fill the entire space and accompany all events in the world!

Of course, we are preparing for the New Year's celebration by drawing up a menu, thinking through a possible scenario, selecting toasts and congratulations, choosing gifts for loved ones and solving various work issues, which at the end of the year, as a rule, accumulate, become aggravated and become more complicated.

We, adults, busy people, are trying before the New Year not to miss all sorts of chances in our professional activities and at the same time we are solving surprise gift issues regarding our friends, relatives, acquaintances and, most importantly and most difficultly, their children. In such a situation, it is natural to be interested in such useful and sometimes irreplaceable structures and services as, for example, a wholesale warehouse of toys, souvenirs and other New Year's products from the SIMA-LAND company.

If in an ordinary store or supermarket you get lost from the abundance of flashy visual information and, perhaps, are inclined to make the wrong decision, then here, in the virtual space of the online market in a calm atmosphere, you can slowly analyze the entire presented assortment, try on the intended gift according to your interests and capabilities of the child for whom it is intended and make the right choice of New Year's surprise for the little man.At the same time, you will have the opportunity to study the entire range of discounts, bonuses and bestsellers, and compare your financial capabilities with the prices of the proposed gifts.

If we talk about children, then, of course, for children this holiday is shrouded in special magic, and each of us strives to support and enhance the fairy tale in which children are immersed in these winter days. Sometimes an insoluble problem arises before us, at first glance: “What to give to a small child - a nephew, godfather or friend of your own children.” There are too many far-fetched and justified requirements for children's New Year's gifts, which are not entirely possible to comply with. These include traditional environmental friendliness, safety, durability, aesthetics, functionality, and such desirable characteristics as magic and fabulousness, as well as taking into account the interests and inclinations of the child..

Yes, it is difficult to make a decision, but there are more or less universal gifts and surprises for children that are not difficult to find in stores.

  • Quite popular and symbolic for the New Year are the mesmerizing “magic balls” filled with snow, which, if you shake the ball, falls on the houses or little people enclosed in this sphere.
  • "Hurray" is where the symbols of the year are donated, especially if they are associated with any functionality. A New Year's horse can additionally turn out to be a pen, wallet, bracelet, backpack, pillow, etc.
  • It’s a good idea to give a homemade set that will keep the child busy while adults are actively preparing for the holiday or are already celebrating it. It would be great if the resulting work also turns out to be useful to the child as a toy, decoration, or gift for someone.
  • Almost all children love to transform, so masks, New Year's costumes and attributes of any characters will be appropriate and relevant as a gift.
  • If you know that several children will be present at the time of donation, then it is logical to opt for collective board games that will captivate children for an indefinite period of time.
  • Children love to transform reality, to feel grown-up and important, so safe New Year's toys-decorations for the Christmas tree, soap bubbles, and firecrackers will delight them and will be put to use right away.
  • Knowing the inclinations of children and the positive attitude of parents towards this type of gift, you can present the girl with a children's set of cosmetics and jewelry, and the boy with a new type of construction set that he has not yet encountered or an addition to existing parts.
  • Also, gifts that will interest many children for a long time include DWD discs with cartoons, educational or educational games, or special books, for example, with reusable stickers, which also attract and occupy children for a long time.
  • A sports gift is also a good idea - ice cubes, sleds, shovels, etc. They are in high demand on New Year's Eve (if it is held outside) by both adults and children!

I suggest once again skimming the list of possible gifts and noting in your mind those gifts that require the presence of an adult at the time of their acquisition. That is, so that the New Year's celebration is not spoiled by the tears, screams and whims of children, you should be prepared for the fact that after giving the gift it will take about 30-60 minutes to master it together with the child. Be prepared for this and the New Year will be joyful for everyone.

So, gift ideas for children have been proposed, the choice is yours! Go for it and I think that you will be able to choose exactly the gift that the little person for whom it was intended will really like!

New Year is probably the most favorite holiday for both adults and children. We are all excitedly and impatiently preparing for his arrival in anticipation of some miracle. New Year's gifts need to be prepared in advance and carefully thought through for each recipient, because family and friends want to receive not an ordinary present, but something unusual, pleasant, and individual. As a rule, gifts for children cause difficulties. In this article we will tell you what to give your nephew for the New Year 2020 to please your beloved relative. There are a lot of options, and if you show imagination and creativity, you can make a surprise that he will remember for a very long time.

Of course, you need to take into account age, tastes, and hobbies. Many children have a certain hobby from an early age. If your relative is already an adult and independent man, he most likely also has certain preferences. When choosing a gift for your nephew, it is best to focus on this; such a gift will definitely please you and will not turn into useless trash in the closet.

Great ideas for New Year's gifts for children and adults

To please your beloved nephew, carefully choose a gift for him. Don’t buy an ordinary gift, think about what your relative will like and will cause delight and emotions. So, what can you give your nephew for the New Year 2020?

Gifts for the little ones

Of course, you can give toys to your 1-2 year old nephew; at such a young age they will not appreciate things or shoes. Choose bright, colorful models that do not contain small parts; children of this age may use them for other purposes. All kinds of gurneys, bathing sets, multi-colored pyramids, pianos, telephones and similar options that have buttons, wheels, and make sounds are suitable. While playing, the baby will learn something new and develop.

Don't buy too expensive toys. As practice shows, they do not live long, since at this age children do not know how to treat things with care. In addition, after a while the baby may simply lose interest in the gift. Give your nephew something more solid and substantial when he becomes older.

Presents and souvenirs for older children

If your little relative belongs to the preschool age group, the choice of gifts for him expands somewhat. During this period, children begin to actively explore the world and acquire certain skills. For a boy 3-6 years old, you can buy a construction set for the New Year (see what age it is designed for), educational sets such as “I am a master”, “Young chemist”, “Little artist”, and a children’s laptop. Interactive toys, radio-controlled models, and books are also popular with children of this age. In any case, it is necessary to take into account his tastes and hobbies. If your nephew is interested in cars, he will be very happy to add to his collection. Can he spend hours assembling different designs? - Present a new construction set, but only radically different from those that he already has.

Options for Primary School Return Children

Here, of course, you will have much more room for imagination and gift options. At 7-10 years old, your nephew can choose a new toy, but, as a rule, guys are not too interested in them at this age. Since modern children develop very quickly, it is better for him to look for a 3D pen, a projector for drawing, a set for creative work or modeling, an exciting board game like “Battleship” or “Angry Birds”, chess, checkers, backgammon, puzzles, a set magician, educational science kit, microscope, excavation kit and much more.

If he is seriously interested in sports or tourism, he will be happy with a new football uniform, tennis racket, ball, camping kit for a young tourist, and a backpack. If your nephew visits the pool, you can purchase swimming accessories: mask, snorkel, fins, cap. Winter equipment is excellent: skates, skis, ice pads, hockey sets.

If possible, you can give tickets to a circus, a movie theater, a quest, or a similar event - the child will be very interested, he will receive a lot of impressions and emotions. Your gift for this New Year 2020 will be remembered for a long time.

Gifts for Teens

For this age category, choosing a gift is quite difficult. At this age, children will, of course, be happy with a new gadget. But not everyone has the opportunity to give such an expensive New Year’s gift to a teenager 11-14 years old as a smartphone or tablet. Therefore, you will have to choose alternative, less expensive options. For example, a new case for your phone or tablet, a stylish backpack for walking or school. If he is interested in collecting, purchase a new item for the collection: stamps, coins, a magazine, a model of a car or an airplane - depending on the boy’s hobby.

You can also give tickets to a movie or to an quest room, or a certificate for attending a master class. At this age, children already appreciate clothes and shoes; they will love a stylish jumper or a pair of branded sneakers. Consult with the boy’s parents; they know his desires and dreams best of all.

How to please your nephew who is 15-18 years old

As a gift for older guys, you can choose something more serious. Gift ideas for a 15-18 year old nephew: options for replenishing collections, gadgets, sports equipment, new clothes, a trip or a trip to an interesting place, a gym membership, a trip to a water park, etc. You can also present a cooling pad for a laptop, new headphones, a web camera, computer speakers, a gaming mat, a keyboard or a mouse - if the nephew is interested in computer games. He will also be happy with a new perfume or grooming kit and will feel completely grown up.

Even if your nephew is already a big and independent man, he will rejoice at the New Year’s gift no less than a child. Don’t forget to pamper your loved ones at any age; be careful when choosing a gift, because giving gifts is no less pleasant than receiving them.

What to give an adult man for the New Year

There are always many gift options for men, the main thing is to take into account his interests and tastes. For New Year 2020 you can give your adult nephew:

  • Car accessories. If he has a car and takes good care of it, he will be pleased with all kinds of car accessories and devices: sponges, rags, cleaners, scrapers, interior freshener, anti-slip mat for the dashboard, FM transmitter, smartphone stand, etc.
  • Clothes, shoes, equipment for sports. A man who is actively involved in sports will always have time for a new training suit, a pair of dumbbells, a branded T-shirt and similar things. For an avid hiker, you can buy a tent, a picnic set, camping supplies, safety glasses, etc.
  • Wrist watch. Despite the fact that today every person is accompanied by a mobile phone, true connoisseurs prefer to find out the time using a wristwatch; moreover, it is a beautiful and stylish accessory. If your nephew is one of these types of people, give him a new watch, either classic or sporty, depending on his style.
  • Stationery, organizers, decorations for the office. If your relative works in an office or holds a leadership position, business accessories will be relevant: a wooden desk organizer, an anti-stress toy, a stylish diary with a pen, an unusual flash drive. These fairly common items can be made personal and original with a print.

New Year is a great occasion to show your loved ones love and attention. So don’t buy a gift on the run. Let it be an inexpensive, but heartily chosen gift, and then it will definitely bring joy and pleasure!

To give your nephew something really useful and interesting for his birthday, you need to take the choice seriously. Be sure to take into account the age, interests and hobbies of the child. The cost of the gift does not have to be high, the main thing is that it is unexpected and pleases the hero of the occasion.

What to give your teenage nephew for his birthday?

At the age of 11-12 years, the child becomes very active and mobile. He is less and less interested in children's toys, and new hobbies appear. Even the most loving and caring aunt does not always know what is the best gift to give her nephew for his birthday. The following tips will help you make the process of choosing the right gift easier.

Give your nephew a not too expensive, but welcome gift for his birthday.

  • In adolescence, children have their own secrets and secrets, which they carefully hide from adults. To please your nephew, give him a book or notebook with a hiding place or lock. He will definitely be delighted with such a surprise.
  • A mug with funny inscriptions and wishes is a great gift. But it must be unusual. You can order the production of such a souvenir according to an individual project, for example, order an image that appears when heated. When getting ready for school, your nephew will drink tea and read your congratulations - this will definitely cheer him up.
  • Give your child an interesting board game. With such a gift, your nephew’s holiday with his peers will become even more interesting.

Any teenager will appreciate something original and unusual; it would be a good idea to take an interest in the fashionable hobbies of teenagers, which are changing quickly.

What to give your little nephew for his birthday?

A gift for a child should not only be interesting, but also educational. At this age, the child begins to gradually learn new skills and strives to do everything independently. Ideal gifts for a little nephew could be:

  • toys that imitate adult things. This could be toy dishes, a set of construction tools, items for cleaning a doll’s house;
  • complex sets for playing out different situations from life: a railway, a trip to the store, a hairdresser, a doctor’s set. When choosing such toys, you need to take into account the interests of the child;
  • simple puzzles or sets of fairy-tale figures;
  • educational constructors, mosaics.

When choosing a toy as a gift, be sure to read the instructions: it must be made of non-toxic materials and be appropriate for the baby’s age.

It's no secret that there are successful gifts, but there are those that are thrown by their recipients onto the farthest shelf immediately after the special event, and no one ever remembers them again. Unless, during general cleaning or another renovation, someone accidentally stumbles upon something dusty, hardly remembering that it was once given to him. When choosing a gift for our nephew, none of us wants a similar fate, so it is so important to choose a present that is truly worthy in every sense.

First of all, we recommend that you focus your attention on such a group of products as gift rewards. This is a universal option that will please absolutely everyone. The Order you presented to *The Best Nephew* will tell the hero of the occasion about how much he is loved and how much he is valued, what could be more gratifying and joyful for someone who celebrates his holiday? In addition, when it comes to gift rewards, there is always room not only for choice, but also for imagination. By choosing, for example, a Medal with an individual design for a beloved relative, you have every chance to make not only an original, but also an exclusive gift for your nephew, since this award will be inscribed according to your wishes. This could be a humorous phrase, or simply the name of the recipient; in any case, such a solution gives the product a very special character.

When thinking about what to choose for such a close relative, you should not limit yourself to just one thing. It's good if you give several gifts at once. One of the most successful options is a table punching bag. This is a unique anti-stress that will help its owner to discharge, releasing accumulated aggression, without causing the slightest harm to anyone. Such a gift can be placed on a desktop in the office, or on a computer desk at home, and in cases where tension requires an outlet, resort to it as a modern lightning rod. Doctors have long proven that stress leads to illness, so this gift to your nephew is a thing presented with care.

However, young people today, fortunately, not only sit in offices, experiencing regular stress, but also actively relax, playing various sports games. Pétanque (boccia) has become a fashionable entertainment at present; this is an excellent gift for a nephew who loves to relax in the fresh air in the company of friends.

So, there will definitely be successful options, the main thing is, when choosing this or that gift for your nephew, think about how to please the person, remember the tastes, hobbies, and habits of the hero of the occasion, and then the ideal gift will not keep you waiting long.

Such wonderful, long-awaited New Year holidays are approaching us, when joy, good mood and smiles fill our lives.

Naturally, in preparation for the New Year's celebration, we draw up a holiday menu, think through an interesting scenario, select congratulations and toasts, choose gifts for our family and friends, and resolve some work issues that usually accumulate and become more complicated by the end of the year.

Before the New Year, adults try not to neglect their work and at the same time resolve gift issues regarding their acquaintances, relatives and friends, and most importantly, their children.

If in a supermarket or in a regular store you are lost from the abundance of gifts and information, then perhaps it makes sense to look for gifts on the Internet, where you can analyze the entire assortment, taking into account the interests of the child to whom you are going to give a gift.

If you need to choose a gift for your beloved nephew for the New Year, you will have to try. You want to increase the fairy tale in which children are immersed in winter. Please note that there are a lot of requirements for children's New Year's gifts, which few people are able to fully comply with.

These include traditional safety, environmental friendliness, aesthetics, durability, functionality, and such desirable characteristics as fabulousness and magic, as well as taking into account the inclinations and interests of the child.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to make a decision, but there are universal children's gifts and surprises on sale that any child will love.

  • Quite popular and symbolic gifts are mesmerizing “magic balls” filled with snow. If you shake them, then this snow falls on the little men or houses enclosed in this sphere.
  • It would be nice to give the symbol of the year. Which may turn out to be a bracelet, pen, wallet, backpack, bracelet, pillow, etc.
  • The nephew will also really like the homemade set, which will keep him busy while the adults are preparing for the holiday. It’s good if homemade products can be used as decoration, a toy, or a gift.
  • Almost all kids love to transform, so New Year's costumes and masks of some characters will be relevant and appropriate as a gift.
  • If at the time of donation there will be other children with your nephew, then it is best to opt for exciting board games that the kids will like.
  • Children love to feel important and grown-up, so safe toys for the Christmas tree, crackers, and soap bubbles will certainly delight them.
  • Also, for the New Year, you can give your nephew DVDs with cartoons, educational or educational games, or special books that keep children occupied for a long time.
  • A sports gift would also be appropriate: sleds, ice skates, shovels, etc. On New Year's Eve they are in special demand.

Review the list of possible gifts again and highlight those that require the presence of an adult at the time of meeting them. That is, so that New Year's Eve is not spoiled by screams, tears and whims, you need to be prepared for the fact that after giving a gift it may take about 30 minutes to master it with your baby. If you want the New Year to be joyful for everyone, take this moment into account.

So you've seen some gift ideas for your nephew. Having thought carefully, you can choose exactly the gift that will make the child happy.

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